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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street

Gainesville, Florida 32606
Tel: (352) 332-9144
Fax: (352) 332-9144
Monday, June 22, 2015
Representative Ted Yoho
511 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Representative Yoho
Senator Rubio and 59 other like-minded useful idiots accepted the Houses version of Fast Track Authority1 without
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). In so doing, they refused to consider or acknowledge that on October 20, 2014,
the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled the Country of Origin (COOL Act enacted by Congress and ruled
Constitutional by U.S. Courts is illegal. COOL as written requires imported items carry labels naming the country of
origin, which upholds the American consumers right to make an informed decision.
NAFTA partners, Mexico and
discriminatory, The US Court of
ruled against Canada and Mexico
the U.S. Constitution and
law.2 Losing the appeal, they took
ruled in their favor. Similarly,
action if we impose more stringent
Vietnamese Catfish, which like the
with harmful contaminants.

Canada, challenged this law as

appeals for the District of Columbia
by concluding COOL complies with
Congresses authority to enact the
the issue to the WTO. The WTO
Vietnam is threatening similar
inspection standards on
Chinese counter parts are loaded

The NAFTA experience provides insight into what TTIP, TTTP, and Fast track authority is all about. NAFTAs passage
created different international tribunals in which all sorts of lawsuits were fi3led. Supporters and promoters feigned
surprise when the highest court in Taxachusetts ruled against a Canadian Real Estate Company. The company
appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. It declined to hear their appeal so the Canadian company took the case to a
NAFTA court which in 2004, ruled in favor of the Canadians. Secretary of State Kerry, who is pushing TTIP, TIP and
FTA lied when he said, We didnt know. TTIP, TTP and other treaties will create more of the same. Tying this
country up in supranational institutions and trashing our constitution is the name of the game.

1 Fast Track was an extreme and rarely-used procedure initially created by President Richard Nixon to get around
public debate and congressional oversight
2 Of the three person World Trade Court that ruled against the United States, one of the Judges was Mexican- a
blatant conflict of interest.
3 Senator John Kerry said, Not a word was uttered about Chapter 11 because we didnt know how this provision
would play out.
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The background behind FTA, TTIP, TIP, the fact that approval is an up or down vote without amendment or time to
read the bill, plus the cast of characters promoting
The new world order (the Bush family)
Black robed perverts, Marxist jurists4 and like-minded politicians who deign to replace the rule of law (the
Constitution) with the rule of man by finding rights not found in the constitution.
Like minded politicians who use tragedies like Charleston to remove symbols like the Confederate battle
flag5 and other symbols of American history and heritage from the public square,
Adding TAA to a trade bill speaks to the fact politicians pushing the bill know the bill is another instance of
wealth transfer/redistribution to other nations and loss of American jobs.
provides stark contrast to the ongoing battle for the hearts and minds and the future of t future generations of
I accept your word you pushed the wrong button when the house voted to approve Fast Track Authority (FTA) leaving
the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) behind. TAA by any standard, is betrayal of ones constituents and treason
against the constitution each of you takes and oath to protect and defend
Similarly, I understand the confusion regarding HR 214 Defending Pubic Safety Employees Retirement Act that led
to confusion on the house floor; I believe Boehner orchestrated the confusion.
The aforementioned treaties are
political and economic system. So too
generations of Americans by teaching
Bushs communist core, and removing
public education and the public

subversive attacks on every aspect of our

is the ongoing effort to dumb down future
multiculturalism, implementing Jeb
symbols of American Heritage from

The aforementioned history is

pertinent to the present. Contrary to
popular opinion the confederate battle
flag is a symbol of states rights and the
American right to stand tall against
federal tyranny. I support and will protect
this symbol. Banishing this flag from the public square and relegating it to a museum as a relic is psychological
warfare by the political class to dumb down Americans, deny our history, and impose ignorance of our heritage on
future generation. I did not fight for nor did my fellow Marines die for other peoples freedom to come back to this.
This garbage has to stop.
Yours in the Bill of Rights,

Roy G. Callahan
Cuban Missile Crisis/Vietnam Veteran
4 The war on religion is alive and well. Marxism and religion do not mix. Six black robe Marxist deigned a wall exists
between church and state. They banned religion from the public square. This tore at the heart atone of the pillars this
constitutional representative republic stands on giving this country the anarchy it sees today.
5 The civil war was not about slavery. It was about economics and money. It was also about states rights. The child
was usurping the parent then as it is now. (The states created the federal government not the other way around)
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Retired Investigator, Public Defenders Office, 8th Judicial Circuit

Life-long oath keeper.

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