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Daniel Cushman

COMM 100 Weekly Class Review

April 23 Introduction of Class
We focused on reviewing the materials and subject matter of the semester,
the importance of working with faculty mentor and planning out our grad plans now
so that we have a clear and fool proof goal to work towards. A principle goal of the
communication department is to develop applicable skills so that we can leave the
university not just with an education, but with a job as well.
April 30 I-COMM Introduction / John Thompson
Brother Thompson reviewed several of the resources that we as Comm
students have to develop hands-on skills. Internship opportunities and things we
can do in practicums to leave college prepared for a variety of positions we may
need to fill, whether in front of the camera presenting or behind it editing and
making every else work.
May 7

Our Blog / Journalism / News / Lane Williams

Brother Williams explored the ideas of how journalism is not a dying but a
transforming profession. He talked about how everyone, no matter what
major/emphasis we are in we need to develop an understanding of current events
and gain a better ability to write to express educated information to those we are
working with and helping.
May 14 Video Production / Brian Howard / Christian Mawlam
He focused on different platforms that we can express creative ideas and how
concepts of design, video editing, storyboard, and location scoping can all play a
critical role and that we dont all have to be pure video experts to work in video
production. There are several opportunities for job application.
May 21 Visual Communication Emphasis / Caryn Esplin
Sister Esplin discussed design principles and what we can do to make our
visual project more appealing. Everything from using contrasting fonts to effective
colors and themes to make our message speak for itself. She discussed several
principles of photography and how visual media will be used in all industries. As a
result visual communication can act as an excellent module for any emphasis
because it will always be needed in any communication work field.
May 28 Public Relations/PRSSA Ward Hicks / Michael Cannon
Brother Hicks shared the experiences he has had working in PR and how you
can have a passion for any industry you work in with PR because you have
opportunities to help people by teaching and educating them about business
processes and actions. He described PR as a planned process of influencing public
opinion. It is also an opportunity to help businesses become better at meeting

needs of their consumers and dependents. Effective PR is something that we all and
it is a skill that we can apply in almost every aspect of our life.

June 4

Advertising / Jeff Hochstrasser

Brother Hochstrasser discussed the idea of how advertising is not just tricking
people into buying products, or annoying people enough until they buy your
products. In advertising we are trying to genuinely interest people in things that will
benefit them as well as benefit organizations and businesses. Principles of good
presentation and professionalism are critical in advertising because you need to be
able to catch attention and keep it. But advertising is not all creativity and sales,
quite a bit of research has to first go into an advertisement to make it effective.
June 11 Organizational Communication & Advocacy / Andra Hansen
Sister Hansen discussed the potential of using communication to explore
analytical social problems and how communication breakdowns lead to issues in
society. By studying these principle we will be better prepared to work in a variety of
field from marketing, to Law, to advertising in order to help people understand each
other and resolve conflicts.
June 18 Understanding GRAD Plans / Tyler Christensen
Brother Christensen overviewed the basic requirements of what we need to
do to not only have a good grad plan, but how we can get the most out of our time
here at BYUI. He discussed some common problems people have with graduation,
and provided good resources for people to use in order to succeed at what they are
wanting to do academically.

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