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Write short notes on: a) Water cement ratio b) Consistency & workability of
2. N/A
3. The following is the page of a level book. Calculate missing data and apply
boundary checks.
4. Why COD is greater than BOD.
5. What is sewer? Why is circular sewer section preferable?
6. Draw a flow chart of different treatment units to treat a water source having
the following impurities.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
1200 mg/L
Iron (Fc)
5 mg/L
Arsenic (As)
.06 mg/L
30 TCU
7. Explain the reasons for the following:
a) Design period for water supply project shall normally not exceed 30 years
b) In recent years, the coverage of water supply using groundwater source has
been reduced from 95% to 80% in Bangladesh
8. What points are to be kept in view in the design of distribution system?
9. Calculate total vertical stress, water pressure and effective vertical stress at
the depth of 8m below the ground surface. Assume unit weight of water
w 9.81KN / m 3

10. Sketch the typical moisture density relation for a cohesive soil under two
different levels of compaction effort and show the related forces (OMC,
MDD, Zero Air, Void line). What is the use of Standard Proctor Test?
11. What is N Value as applied to soil testing? What corrections are required to
the N values obtained from field test?
12. A Ditch of 600 m 3 volume has to be filled using native soil with a relative
compaction of 95% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. Maximum
Standard Proctor Dry Density of the native soil is 17.6 KN/ m 3 . Calculate
the amount of native soil (by weight) required to fill the ditch.
13. A pipe is to be laid in a purely cohesive soil having undrained cohesion,
C u 30KPa. Calculate the maximum depth up to which a vertical trench
can be excavated in the soil without providing any lateral support. Assume
w 20 KN / m 3
h z tan 2 ( 45 / 2) 2c tan(45 / 2)

for passive condition

h z tan (45 / 2) 2c tan(45 / 2) for active condition


14. What are the difference between compaction and consolidation?

15. A sphere weighting 5 kips rests on a smooth plane inclined at an angle 45
with the horizontal and against a smooth vertical wall. What is the reactions at the
contact surface A & B.

16. Determine the centroid of the area shown below:

17. A Portal frame fixed at the base is subjected to lateral load of 30 kips at the
top. Using an approximate approach determine the maximum column

18. A column with the cross section shown below with f c 4ksi and

f y 60ksi

is subjected to a concentric axial load. The column section is reinforced with 8#8
bars. Calculate the ultimate axial load capacity of the column.

19. Calculate the FM value

Sieve Size, mm
4.75 mm (No 4)
2.36 mm (No 8)
1.18 mm (No 16)
0.60 mm (No 30)
0.50 mm (No 50)
0.15 mm (No 100)

Amount of material
Retained, gm

20. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the following

21. Draw a transverse vertical cross section of a typical national highway

mentioning the materials in different layers
22. Name 5 different types of partiotion walls depending on the construction
23. Name 5 different procedures for the site soil exploration.
24. Show the typical reinforcements in the following RC structures
a) a continuous beam b) two way slab c) stair
25. Name two properties of the following materials used in civil engineering
constructions: Brick, Sand, Water, Cement, Aggregates
26. Write down two characteristics for the following:
a) Railway sleeper, b) Sewer pipes c) Well irrigation d) varnishing e)
seasoned timber.
27. Write down in a single line, the purpose of the following works.
a) River training b) canal lining c) piles d) damp proofing e) sewerage
28. What is creep & what is its effect?
29. What are the causes of failure of foundations and what are their remedial
30. What do you mean by bearing capacity of soil? How can you improve the
bearing capacity of soil and make foundation on weak soil?
31. What is reinforced concrete? Explain the parts played by steel in reinforced
concrete. State merits and demerits of reinforcement concrete over ordinary
plain concrete.
32. What is difference between one way slabs & two way slabs? In our country,
what basis or formula is followed in order to determine minimum thickness
of two way slab? Why corner reinforcement is felt essential in case of two
way slab?
33. Define bending moment & shear force

34. Classify steel used in reinforced concrete in respect of carbon contents.

Mention where t different steels are used. Give properties of high tensile
steel? Why mild steel is not preferred generally in RCC Work now-a-days.
35. Define with illustrations and examples: a) poissons ratio b) effective span
c) porosity of soil d) loamy soil e) Moment of inertia
36. What is meant by ultimate strength of concrete, Mild steel rod, deformed
bar and tor steel.
37. What are the factor of safety taken in designing of RC structures such as
slab, bridge, beam, culvert etc.
38. What do you mean by expansion joint? What are the steps taken in
expansion joint? What are the steps taken in expansion joint for water
prevention and also for transfer of load.
39. Draw cross sections of different types of earthen dam with property.
40. What is rigid pavement & flexible pavement? Which one do you think is
suitable in the context of Bangladesh? Justify your opinion with examples.
41. Explain the functions of joints in rigid pavement. Show different types of
reinforcement used in rigid pavements.
42. What is bond stress? Explain what will happen if bond stress exceeds the
allowable limit. What are the steps taken to keep the bond stress within
allowable limit? If the beam in simply supported at what section bond stress
is maximum?
43. Find the depth of foundation D using Rankines formula for sand wet soil.
Assume bearing capacity of soil = 1 ton/ft2, wt of soil = 110 lb/ft3. Angle
of response of sand wet soil = 15 degree.
44. What are the objectives of seasoning of timber? Explain one method of
seasoning for timber which is commonly used in Bangladesh.
45. L = 10, D = 12, what is the value of Nc for circular rectangular footing?
46. What is liquid limit? Show relationship with PL.
47. What is the difference between modified & standard proctor test.
48. Where is shupfoot rollers used for compacting soil?
49. What is fully compensated raft foundation?
50. Draw center for: pool, valley, slope.
51. Deflection angle of circular curve = 60 degree, r = 1200 pc at station 238
22 . Calculate length & station point at PT.
52. Write down steps in planning & design of a small new water supply project.
53. What are the causes of taste and odor in water?
54. Write down hydraulic formula: Chezy, Kutter-Ganguillet, Manning, Crimp
and burges, Hazen cuilliam formula.
55. An 18 sewer with n=0.013 is laid on a grade of 0.015. a) capacity when
flowing held full. b) velocity when depth of flow = 4.5
56. 5 day 20 0 C BOD of sewerage is 200 mg/l. K 1 = 0.17 /d. BODult ?
57. BOD5 276 mg/L. BODult 380 mg/L. BOD reaction rate constant?

58. What are the significance or importance of pore water pressure during
construction (compaction) of an earthen dam?
59. Determine the following structure stable/unstable, determinate or

60. The population of a town was 180000 in 1900 & 220000 in 1990. What will
be the population be in 2005?
61. Convert the following whole circle bearings to quadrantal bearing.
1) 22 0 30 ' 2) 170 012 ' 3) 2110 54 ' 4) 327 0 24 '
62. Convert the following whole quadrantal bearing to circle bearings.
1) N 12 0 24 ' E 2) S 310 36 ' E 3) S 68 0 6 ' W 4) N 5 0 42 ' W
63. The following are observed fore bearings of the line.
1) AB 12 0 24 ' 2) BC 119 0 48 ' 3) CD 266 0 30 ' 4) DE 354 018 ' 5) PQ N
18 0 0 ' E 6) QR S 12 0 24 ' E 7) RS S 59 018 ' W 8) ST N 86 012 ' W. Find
their back bearing.
64. Write down the Bowditchs rule.
65. State Trapezoidal & Simpsons one-third Rule.
66. Determine the spacing of the drain from the following given data:
Annual rainfall = 100 cm
Drainage coefficient = 1% to be drained in 34 hrs.
Depth of impervious layer from land surface = 10 m
Depth of highest position of water table below land surface = 1.5
Depth of drain below land surface = 2m
Permeability of soil = 10 4 m/s

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