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Awareness Activities

Noticing and taking advantage of subtle but important (biophoton) energy emitted by
people. ~~ Connecting to and thriving off energetically healthy environments. Giving oneself
permission to enjoy connection.
Walk into a public place (a mall or park)
1. See where your eyes want to go. See what external things your
eyes are drawn to. How do they make you feel?Notice bright or new colors, things, intriguing
shapes. Environments objects and people can effect your heart field.
Allow something in your environment to inspire or remind you of, a
thought, a funny or interesting memory. ex: a good time in your life, a time with friends,
childhood. A funny moment in a show or book. Enjoying pleasant emotions can support a strong
heart field.
Effect of Thoughts
3. While you walk try thinking about / picturing
something enjoyable. A cat. A person.
Thoughts can effect your heart field: fear stressful or
depressing thoughts can diminish your heart field: pleasant or
creative thoughts can support a strong heart field. I prefer to
keep things simple, modern society can involve an over focus
on the mind. Allow yourself to have pleasant thoughts for
about a minute, allow mind drifting, see how it makes you feel.
Then have negative thoughts for a minute and see how that
makes you feel, notice if the negative thoughts effect whats
around you, the people, your perception of things etc. Go back
to positive awareness.
4. See if your eyes are drawn to other people.

Walk by a stranger. Notice if as you walk by there is a wanting to draw inwards, an

uncomfortable feeling, a wanting to look away, fear, in both you and them. Then walk by
someone new and notice if you can enjoy it,
focus on your heart, allow your body to do
what it wants to do, enjoy yourself as if you
were alone. Notice any heart feelings or
feelings of fullness / increased energy just
from looking at or passing by another person.
Sit down at a cafe. Notice if there is
any peripheral eye contact. Notice if you can
feel some small sense of connectedness or
safety with another person, even without
directly looking at them. Peripheral

biophotons from your eyes can build safety even without or preceding direct eye contact. It is
also possible your heart can detect another persons heart field even if the other person is out
side your field of view. Your heart may feel them by the positive mutual boost their
(electromagnetic) heart energy alone gives you.

Heart - Heart Sync

A gentile approach to making the body feel safe. Exercises to recondition the body for
heart-heart / animal connection and unwire the intellectual brain focused validation mode that is
common in most human culture. Creating a sense of self while being with others.

Exercise: Self Grounding: Two people gaze at each other. As you do think about
something enjoyable, a fond memory, that is not related to anything you plan to talk about.
When being with others for many it feels more intuitive to focus all attention on the other; this
exercise is a counterintuitive way to disengage anxious attachment' and create awareness to a
connection that is already there.
Exercise: Heart - Heart Have a conversation with someone about ______ (your favorite:
book game activity show) Have a conversation but instead of focusing on the conversation
make as little effort as possible and keep your awareness on how your heart feels, and your
eyes meeting theirs. Notice things you enjoy about them or your environment. Allow yourself to
have feelings of enjoyment. Think about how you enjoy their face. Smile but dont worry about
explaining to them when you are happy.
Exercise: Free Flow have a conversation. but have very little attachment to the topic,
change topics, only talk about things you enjoy, (dont respond to guilt triggers (i should know
more about that)) listen to the other person, but make little effort to understand or comprehend

(retaining for playful positive heart relation, out of intellect mode). see what pops into your head.
and use that to file conversation. speak because it feels good to speak. think of something that
makes you feel happy. take whats on the surface, dont strain your mind for complicated
Exercise: Belonging: have a conversation about _____ (1 something you enjoy) (2
something you hope to do in the future). Make periodic eye contact, regardless what you are
saying or if you are speaking at all. Visualize what you are talking about, or pleasant things,
enjoy the sound of your own voice, while you speak. Make as little effort and worry as little as
possible. 2. When you listen visualize pleasant things or the other person as though they were
yourself telling that story. When the other person speaks imagine you are watching a movie or
being read a book, visualize and enjoy what they say as though it is a story. Do not think about
your response.
Exercise: Heart Sync. face back to back with someone for 2 minutes and notice if you
can feel their heart field with your heart.
Exercise: Heart Sensing Sit outside in a circle with a group of friends. Take turns having
one person all around with their eyes closed. In addition to what you can see other energies can
be received from your environment, your heart can sense other heart fields and biophotons from
other people. a sixth sense. a lot of energy is sent and received through the eyes but notice
your skin can also receive light from people animals or your environment not unlike to the way a
plant does. (This is not necessarily a spiritual exercise but a way of noticing your hearts ability
to sense and feed off of actual quantum light particles existing in any healthy environment.)
Exercise: Active Meditation - Play frisbee with a group. Make regular eye contact with
everyone. See if a natural magnetic feeling pulls you or holds you in relation to the group even
as you move. Allow your attention to drift to things you enjoy. If you have thoughts allow them to
be pleasant, good memories you are reminded of.

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