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A Non-Politically Correct Response to:

Are the Jews God’s Chosen People?

[The following interview, undertaken in late December 2008, was extracted from Thus Speaks Qadosh
Erectus: Political Thoughts For a Sane Society and distributed as a separate publication.]


Interviewer: Your revelations in regards to slavery are quite enlightening. You have
mentioned much that I never knew. But that aside…we live in an age where
any criticising of Jews brings the big stick called anti-Semitism down on the
head of the criticiser. Aren’t you worried at all that you may be labelled as

QE: Oh please give me a break here. Look I’m no New Age sensitive bloke…I
really not give a toss if some narrow minded idiotic bigot who has trouble
dealing with facts calls me names.

In fact there is evidence from a number of leading anti-Zionist Jews such as

Benjamin H. Freedman and Arthur Koestler, to name a few, that indicate that
that the majority of Jews are in fact not of the Semitic race.


Interviewer: Not of the Semitic race? You have lost me here…please explain.

QE: It has been claim by a number of Jews that Ashkenazim Jews, who make up
approximately 80% of Jews worldwide, are in fact descendents of the

Interviewer: Ashkenazim Jews? How many different types of Jews are there?

QE: There are Sephardic Jews. Sephardic Jews are often subdivided into
Sephardim - from Spain and Portugal - and Mizrachim - from the Northern
Africa and the Middle East - though there is much overlap between those
groups. Until the 1400’s, the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle
East were all controlled by Muslims, who generally allowed Jews to move
freely throughout the region. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in
1492, many of them were absorbed into existing Mizrachi communities in
Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Then there are some Jews who do not fit into this Ashkenazic/Sephardic
distinction. There are Yemenite Jews, these are Jews who live, or whose
recent ancestors lived, in Yemen. Most of these Yemenite Jews emigrated
from Yemen between June 1949 and September 1950 in what was deemed
Operation Magic Carpet. Most now live in Israel, with some others in the
United States, and fewer elsewhere. Only a handful remains in Yemen,
mostly elderly. There are also Ethiopian Jews - also known as Beta Israel
and sometimes called Falashas.

Interviewer: So what exactly is a Jew?

QE: Now defining "Jew" has never been simple. While some people classify a
person who practises Judaism as a Jew other individuals classify a person as
being Jewish by their ancestry. Many Jews themselves take for granted that
their community is much more ethnic-national than it is religious. Benjamin
Netanyahu who was Prime Minister of Israel from June 1996 to July 1999
frankly regards Jews as members of a racial group. On the other hand other
people who would be classified as Jews under the preceding definition have
in fact attacked the belief that Jews are a racial group as being a myth.

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization, published a series of booklets entitled, The Race Question in
Modern Science, in which one of the authors, Harry Lionel Shapiro, whose
parents were both Polish Jews, states:

"The wide range of variation between Jewish populations in their physical

characteristics and the diversity of the gene frequencies of their blood groups
render any unified racial classification for them a contradiction in terms. For
although modern racial theory admits some degree of polymorphism or
variation within a racial group, it does not permit distinctly different groups,
measured by its own criteria of race, to be identified as one. To do so would
make the biological purposes of racial classification futile and the whole
procedure arbitrary and meaningless. ...despite the evidence efforts continue
to be made to somehow segregate the Jews as a distinct racial entity."

Interviewer: So there are individuals who are called Jews who believe that Jews are not a
racial entity in the true sense of the word?

QE: That would be correct.

Interviewer: Now you stated that Ashkenazim Jews who make up approximately 80% of
Jews worldwide are in fact descendents of the Khazars. Who or what exactly
are the Khazars?

QE: The Khazars originated in Asia and were a very warlike people and
apparently were driven out of Asia finally by the nations in Asia with who they
were continually at war. The Khazars invaded Eastern Europe to escape
further defeats in Asia and did not find it difficult to subdue and conquer the
25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying approximately 1,000,000 square
miles in Eastern Europe located between the Caspian and Black Seas in
what is now southern Russia. In a comparatively short period the Khazars
established the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe during this time
and probably the wealthiest also. The empire flourished from about the 6th to
the 10th centuries.

Originally the Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded Eastern
Europe. Their religious worship was a mixture of phallic worship and other
forms of idolatrous worship.
Around the 8 century A.D. the Khazars converted to Judaism en masse.
The Khazar Kingdom became a virtual theocracy. The religious leaders were
the civil administrators also. The religious leaders imposed the teachings of
the Talmud upon the population as their guide to living. The ideologies of the
Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes
and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom. The Talmud provided civil and
religious law.

Why they decided to convert to Judaism appears to be a bit of a mystery but

it has been suggested part of the reason for the conversion was political
expediency to maintain a degree of neutrality as they were surrounded by the
Islamic Eastern Caliphate of Persia and the Christian Byzantine Empire. thus
by choosing Judaism as their state religion they avoid being religiously and
hence politically dominated by either empire as both the Christian and
Muslims religions recognized Judaism as a forebear and worthy of some
respect . By the start of the 10th century, Judaism had gained a stronghold
among the common Khazar people, and the Hebrew script came into use in
Khazaria. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal
names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and
rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud. After the fall of Khazaria it appears
that these people then spread out to become the "Jewish" populations of
Eastern Europe.

The book The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler is available as a free PDF
download and is a worthwhile read for those wishing a more detailed
explanation on this subject. [Copy and paste the following URL into you

The website Radio Islam has interesting article entitled “Medieval Quotes
About Khazar Judaism” [LINK] which has a sampling of numerous
contemporary references to the practice of rabbinical Judaism among the

Also an article by Kevin Alan Brook, entitled “Are Russian Jews Descended
from the Khazars?” appears on [LINK] and contains many
interesting quotes, references and links. Brook is the founder and owner of, the largest repository of information about the Khazars
available on the Internet. He is also the author of The Jews of Khazaria.

Some interesting quotes taken from The Jewish Encyclopaedia, The

Encyclopaedia Judaica, The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia and a number
of other sources that touch on the subject of the Khazar connection are
available on the website called THE FRENCH CONNECTION. [LINK]

Then there is Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, an anti-Zionist Jew, author of several

acclaimed books on the Middle East, including The Zionist Connection also
points out in his book, What Price 'Israel'?, the Jewish racial myth and the
Khazar/Ashkenazic connection.

Interviewer: So there appears to be considerable evidence questioning the alleged

Semitic origins of most people who are referred to as Jews?

QE: That would be correct. An article in the October 29, 1996 issue of the New
York Times entitled, “Scholars Debate Origins of Yiddish and the Migrations
of Jews” touches on the mystery of just where the Jews of Eastern Europe
came from and hints that the Eastern European Jews were not really Semitic
and that they were largely descended from the Khazars, who converted en
masse to Judaism in medieval times. The article states in part: "More
recently, Koestler's controversial thesis has been revived and expanded in a
1993 book, The Ashkenazic 'Jews': A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a
Jewish Identity (Slavica Publishers), by Dr. Paul Wexler, a Tel Aviv University

Another New York Times article published on September 27, 2003 entitled
“Geneticists Report Finding Central Asian Link to Levites” stated:

“A team of geneticists studying the ancestry of Jewish communities has

found an unusual genetic signature that occurs in more than half the Levites
of Ashkenazi descent. The signature is thought to have originated in Central
Asia, not the Near East, which is the ancestral home of Jews. The finding
raises the question of how the signature became so widespread among the
Levites, an ancient caste of hereditary Jewish priests.”

The article went on to say:

“They say that 52 percent of Levites of Ashkenazi origin has a particular
genetic signature that originated in Central Asia, although it is also found less
frequently in the Middle East. The ancestor who introduced it into the
Ashkenazi Levites could perhaps have been from the Khazars, a Turkic tribe
whose king converted to Judaism in the eighth or ninth century, the
researchers suggest.”

Also the historian Professor Shlomo Zand, who teaches at Tel Aviv University
in Israel recently published in Israel a most interesting book entitled When
and How Was the Jewish People Invented? which claims there never was a
Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened -
hence there was no return. Zand rejects most of the stories of national-
identity formation in the Bible, including the exodus from Egypt and, most
satisfactorily, the horrors of the conquest under Joshua. He claims it is all
fiction and myth that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State
of Israel.

According to Zand, the Romans did not generally exile whole nations, and
most of the Jews were permitted to remain in the country. The number of
those exiled was at most tens of thousands. When the country was
conquered by the Arabs, many of the Jews converted to Islam and were
assimilated among the conquerors. It follows that the progenitors of the
Palestinian Arabs were Jews. Zand did not invent this thesis; 30 years before
Israel's Declaration of Independence, it was espoused by David Ben-Gurion,
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and others.

Interviewer: If the majority of the Jews were not exiled, how is it that so many of them
reached almost every country on earth?

QE: Professor Zand says they emigrated of their own volition or, if they were
among those exiled to Babylon, remained there because they chose to.
Contrary to conventional belief, the Jewish religion tried to induce members
of other faiths to become Jews, which explains how there came to be millions
of Jews in the world.

Zand quotes from many existing studies, some of which were written in Israel
but shunted out of the central discourse. He also describes at length the
Jewish kingdom of Himyar in the southern Arabian Peninsula and the Jewish
Berbers in North Africa. The community of Jews in Spain sprang from Arabs
who became Jews and arrived with the forces that captured Spain from the
Christians, and from European-born individuals who had also become Jews.

Professor Zand also claims that the Ashkenazi Jews did not come from the
Land of Israel and did not reach Eastern Europe from Germany, but came
from the Khazar Kingdom in the Caucasus. Zand explains the origins of
Yiddish culture: it was not a Jewish import from Germany, but the result of
the connection between the offspring of the Kuzari and Germans who
travelled to the East, some of them as merchants.

According to Professor Zand over a long period of time members of a variety

of peoples and races, white and black, brown and yellow, converted to the
religion of Judaism and hence become known as Jews.

Interviewer: You mention anti-Zionist Jews. Are there many Jews who oppose Zionism?

QE: Regarding the percentage of Jews who support Zionism or the percentage of
Jews who oppose Zionism I have really no idea. But I do know there are
Jews who strongly oppose Zionism. A number of good Jewish websites
which oppose Zionism are NETUREI KARTA INTERNATIONAL [LINK], and
Interviewer: Very basically what is the difference between a pro-Zionist Jew and an anti-
Zionist Jew?

QE: One Jewish anti-Zionist source summed it up as follows: The terms Jews and
Judaism refer respectively to a religious not racial entity, the ideology known
as Zionism consists of an attempt to transform this religious entity known as
the Jews into a racial entity.

Interviewer: So the perception held by many people throughout the Western World in
particular that the Jews are a special people has been based on a
orchestrated literary of lies?

QE: Yes I would say that is a fair appraisal.

Interviewer: So there is nothing special about them?

QE: Will a genetics paper published in the Journal of Biosocial Science in June
2005, entitled “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence” claims that
Ashkenazi European Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group.
The Ashkenazi score 12-15 IQ points above the European average on
intelligence tests, and apparently Ashkenazi intelligence is also unique in its
loading on verbal IQ versus performance IQ. Though Ashkenazi Jews have
an average intelligence of 115, they have verbal skills closer to an average

Interviewer: That is very interesting.

QE: I thought so myself.

Interviewer: Incidentally what happen to the Khazars and their empire?

QE: They eventually succumbed to invasions by the Pechenegs and the Viking
Rus of Kiev and their nation ceased to exist by the late 10 century. Very little
survives of the Khazars and their civilization, and surviving artefacts are few.

Interviewer: From what you have said I can guess the answer to my next question but I
have to ask it to clarify it. From what you have stated it would be a fair
statement to say you are opposed to Zionism?

QE: Yes I am. Zionism is based on a lie; the lie being that Jews are a racial entity.
Zionism is all about Jewish domination and hence has involved into a type of

Interviewer: Where did Zionism originate?

QE: Somewhere in the historical roots of the Ashkenazi Khazars there incubated
a desire to possess a national Jewish homeland. That desire expressed itself
in the form of a Messianic movement in the12th century instigated by a
Khazar Jew named Solomon ben Duji, whose goal was the forcible
subjugation of Palestine. Since its beginnings this desire for a Jewish
homeland has echoed down through the centuries which lead to The Balfour
Declaration during the First World War and to the establishment of Israel after
the Second World War.

Interviewer: So to finish-up this topic are you concerned that you may upset some people
by what you have stated?

QE: To quote Fidel Castro, if I may: “I need not excuse myself, as some choose to
do, for speaking the truth, no matter how ugly it is.”
Now I may ruffle some feathers here so-to-speak by shaking people’s
perceptions of reality but that doesn’t make me a nasty person. The problem
is that people would rather let a lie perpetrate itself then face condemnation
fighting the lie in the defence of the truth.

The truth will survive an unbiased interrogation

but a lie will wither and die.

© Copyright Qadosh Erectus. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-
commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. Reproduction of this
article for the purposes of commercial redistribution is prohibited except with written
permission from Qadosh Erectus. No copyright is claimed on the images used in this
publication or on the material quoted. Contact details: or PO Box
31-175, Lower Hutt 5011, New Zealand.

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