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Your Brain on Adaptogens

April 24, 2015

Adaptogens work like a stress vaccine for your brain

How we react to mental stress is controlled by a complex interaction

between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands.
These three structures form the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis and help control mood, energy levels, body temperature,
and immunity.
The hypothalamus secretes hormones that act on the pituitary gland
that can cause or stop the release of pituitary hormones. The adrenal
glands release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. The role
of the HPA axis is expansive yet its primary function relates to how
we respond to stress. In the first stage of the stress response the
hypothalamus releases a hormone that signals the pituitary to
activate the adrenal gland to release cortisol. Cortisol is a
classical stress hormone that is increased during times of stress.
Cortisol release is a normal and healthy response to normal levels of
stress. This is certainly true for acute stress. However, chronic

exposure to stress, like job pressures or family demands, can add on

heavy doses of mental stress. Chronic stress seems to be a hallmark
of modern life and can cause dysfunction in both the HPA axis and
cortisol secretion patterns. A prolonged stress response can
negatively affect one of the most important organs in your body,
your brain-as a result, the individual may experience decreased
cognition, anxiety and poor mental performance.
However, bioactive substances from Adaptogens can help by
functioning like stress vaccines by reducing the over-exaggerated
response to a stressor and by helping maintain healthy levels of
cortisol. This effect has been noted in a randomized double-blind,
placebo-controlled study using ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
supplements in adults experiencing high levels of stress (1). Not
only did researchers find decreased levels of perceived stress in
subjects taking ashwagandha, but cortisol was also decreased. The
researchers suggested that the supplements therapeutic activity
may be attributed, at least in part, to its effect on the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis, which regulates serum cortisol
The idea of a stress vaccine was coined by Adaptogen expert
Alexander Panossian, who explained that adpatogens mimic stress
itself and create an adaptive response to stress (2). This translates
into increasing the work capacity of the brain by being stressprotective or restorative. Dr. Panossian reasons that the chemical
structures of Adaptogens are similar to hormones like adrenaline (2).
Components of the herbs may also resemble corticosteroids, which
help to inactive a stress response (3).
Adaptogens, being restorative or stress protective, improve attention
and focus while reducing risk of mental fatigue. In this regard,
Adaptogens are markedly different from stimulants. Adaptogenic
effects have been noted to occur after only one single dose (4). In
this double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized study
investigators used a single dose of a combination of rhodiola

(Rhodiola rosea), schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) and eleuthero

(Eleutherococcus senticosus). Mental performance, such as
attention, speed and accuracy, was assessed in tired individuals
performing stressful cognitive tasks. The subjects in Adaptogen
group exhibited improved attention and increased speed and
accuracy during stressful cognitive tasks. There was also a tendency
to reduce percentage of errors, which meant better accuracy, quality
of the work, and degree of care.
Other plants like wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and bacopa (Bacopa
monnieri) also increase resistance to psychological stress by acting
as powerful antioxidants to support brain health (5-9). This is
particularly true for older individuals where decreased mental
performance is more apparent. For example, in a study investigating
the effects of bacopa in memory improvement in older people over a
12-week period, bacopa significantly improved memory acquisition
and retention (which reference?).
Unfortunately, in todays modern lifestyles, too many people are
succumbing to chronic stress-with poor health outcomes as a result.
While exercise and good nutrition is always advised, Adaptogens
offer a further stress management option to maintain brain health.
Strong evidence ties the use of Adaptogens to improved memory,
focus, attention and mental performance. Truly something that every
brain could use.

1. Auddy B, Hazra PJ, Mitra PA. A standardized Withania somnifera extract
significantly reduces stress-related parameters in chronically stressed humans: a
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. JANA. 2008; 11:50-56.
2. Panossian A, Wikman G. Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and
molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity. Current clinical
pharmacology 2009;4:198-219.
3. Panossian A, Wikman G. Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and
the molecular mechanisms associated with their stressGprotective activity.
Pharmaceuticals 2010;3:188-224.
4. Aslanyan G, Amroyan E, Gabrielyan E, Nylander M, Wikman G, Panossian A.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised study of single dose effects of
ADAPT-232 on cognitive functions. Phytomedicine 2010;17:494-9.
5. Amagase H, Sun B, Borek C. Lycium barbarum (goji) juice improves in vivo
antioxidant biomarkers in serum of healthy adults. Nutrition Research 2009;29:1925.
6. Jayaprakasam B, Padmanabhan K, Nair MG. Withanamides in Withania somnifera
fruit protect PCG12 cells from +Gamyloid responsible for Alzheimers
disease. Phytotherapy Research 2010;24:859-63.
7. Morgan A, Stevens J. Does Bacopa monnieri improve memory performance in
older persons? Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. The
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2010;16:753-9.
8. Roodenrys S, Booth D, Bulzomi S, Phipps A, Micallef C, Smoker J. Chronic effects
of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) on human memory. Neuropsychopharmacology
9. Ziauddin M, Phansalkar N, Patki P, Diwanay S, Patwardhan B. Studies on the
immunomodulatory effects of Ashwagandha. Journal of Ethnopharmacology

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Care and tagged adaptogens, adrenal, brain health by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences.
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