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As alumni and friends, you will have traveled or

will travel many of lifes pathways. You will encounter numerous experiences you will wish to relive. There are countless footsteps you would like
to retrace.
Your days spent a t t h e Northwest School will
always be among your most cherished memories.
Through t h e pages of this 1895-1968 Aggie,
we have tried to capture moments you will want
to remember. O u r desire is t h a t a s you leaf
through this book, you will have J u n e roses in

God gave His children

That in lifes garden
there might be
June roses in December.
Studdert Kennedy
Roses in


The Early years


way into every corner of the state, frankly creating

new needs a n d resourcefully meeting t h e consequent demands.

The University sees as its members not only the

students who resort to the main campus, but the
other thousands - on farms, in factories, in offices,
in shops, in school rooms, a n d in homes - who
look to it for guidance and encouragement. It is
fascinating to picture the possibilities of this widening sphere of higher education as it makes its

-George E. Vincent
President, University of Minnesota 1911

I n t h e early 1890s W i l l e t M. Hays, w h o h a d

come to the University of Minnesota in 1888 as an
Assistant Professor in Agriculture under Dr. Edward D. Porter, Professor of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station, became more

Superintendent Hoverstad watches as W. L. Carlyle

instructs a pupil.

convinced that it would be beneficial to spread the

University to parts of the state than obtaining very
little benefit from its courses in education and research. Prior to his position with the University,
Professor Hays had taught at the Agricultural College at Fargo, North Dakota. Perhaps it was a t this
time that he began to see the need for a School of
Agriculture and an Experiment Station to be located in the Red River Valley as well as elsewhere in
the state.
The Red River Valley was identified as an area
t h a t n e e d e d a n a g r i c u l t u r a l experiment station
because the soils and climate were different from
the rest of the state. On a trip to the Valley, Professor H a y s met J a m e s J. H i l l - a builder of railroads. A f r i e n d s h i p developed a n d i n 1895, Mr.

Hill gave the state of Minnesota 476 acres

of land for t h e purpose of founding a n
Agricultural Experiment Station. While
Mr. Hill gave strong support to locating an
Experiment Station in t h e Valley, to
learn how t o farm t h e prairie, he expressed interest in establishing a school to
spread o r extend t h e knowledge, which
was developed at the Experiment Station
to young men and women of the Valley as
well as to farmers who were already producing crops.

Jim and Mack were well known to every student since they
provided transportation back and forth into Crookston.

Selvig Hall.

became a dominating force in t h e direction of

leadership for the citizens of this area.
Early research work in seed crops began with
the introduction, production, and distribution of
such seed varieties as alfalfa and sweet clover-both
of which were tested at the station prior to their
release to valley farmers. The Northwest Experiment Station became the first major distributor of
Grimm alfalfa. Sugar beets were being tested in
1911 and they were the first to be grown in this section of the Red River Valley. Thus it was that the
research that had its beginnings during this early
period was to continue for the next fifty years.
The new Central School of Agriculture which
had been established at St. Paul had been gaining a
lot of fame since its conception. Senator Andrew
Stephens from Crookston, who was chairman of the
Finance Committee for the State Legislature, led
citizen-leader forces to establish a school on the
site of t h e Northwest Experiment Station a t
Crookston on.

William Robertson, Superintendent of the Northwest

School and Experiment Station 1905 1910.

Leading farmers of the day also saw the need to

train young men and women in agriculture, but
they needed the support of the legislators as well
as men in industry. Such an expenditure of public
funds to launch this venture met with much vocal
opposition and required the strong leadership of
such citizen-leaders as James J . Hill, Willet M .
Hays, a n d Senator Andrew Stephens before this
project was to become a reality. Thus, the ideas of
an Experiment Station and a School of Agriculture
developed concurrently as a result of their efforts.
The first decade at the Experiment Station was
filled with many discouraging problems, chiefly
with water management. There were times when it
didnt seem possible that the station would be able
to be launched on its mission of service. However,
Superintendent Torger A. Hoverstad refused to
give up, and continued to convince people in St.
Paul t h a t success could be achieved. O n c e t h e
problem of water management was solved, experimental projects with crop culture and livestock
Tile Trenching at the Northwest Experiment Farm
1907 to help solve the problem of water.


T h e Northwest School of Agriculture began

classes in t h e fall of 1905 w i t h a n e n r o l l m e n t of
t h i r t y - o n e s t u d e n t s , o n e classroom-dormitory,
B e d e H a l l ( n a m e d in h o n o r of Miss Retta Bede,
pioneer Domestic Science instructor), a barn, and
a farm house that had been built in 1896. Female
s t u d e n t s h a d dormitory q u a r t e r s on t h e second
floor of the farmhouse while the boys were housed
on the third floor of Bede Hall, which also served
as the classroom building.
In 1911 an architectural firm was employed to design a new campus for the Northwest School. The
architects plans stressed the need for relocating
t h e f a r m buildings t h a t a t t h a t t i m e stood i n t h e
area which presently contains Selvig Hall, McCall
Hall, and the new Hill building. By 1912 all of the
farm buildings had been moved and the campus
was laid out with a large center mall and a circular
drive about which more new class buildings began
to rise.

Floods were an annual problem.


Northwest School Football Team 1916

STANDING: Peterson, Flaat, sirjord, Gigstad, McMillan, Coach Bahner. SITTING: Scherfenberg, Lee,
Tunheirm, Garceau, Isaacson, spjut,, Heiberg.
~- SQUATTING: Tunheim, Hammer, Bjorsness. ABSENT: Sheridan, Ness.

Organized football first became a reality at the

Northwest School in the fall of 1916 when Coach
Bahner and Captain Lester Garceau tried to teach
the game to a group of unseasoned students. Many
of these boys had never seen the game played before.
The first game of the season was played at Moorhead, O c t o b e r 14, 1916. T h e Moorhead H i g h
Spuds demonstrated the results of long and hard
practice by winning the game by many points.
On October 25, t h e t e a m a n d a f e w faculty
members motored to Red Lake Falls to engage the
Eagles in combat. Quarterback Walter Sheridan
broke his a n k l e d u r i n g t h e first f e w minutes of
playing time. As a result, the Aggies lost to the
Red Lake Falls Eagles 38 to 6. Undaunted by
their defeats, the Aggies showed their power in
their last game with Crookston Central and proved
that practice makes perfect. It was an easy victory for the Aggies - the final score was 25 to 7.

Mr. Schwartz had charge of the basketball teams in

1911. T h e gymnasium in t h e Kiehle Building was
completed by Thanksgiving time and was equipped
with Indian clubs, dumbbells, parallel bars, dressing
rooms and lockers.


Senior boys playing croquet between Kiehle Hall and Robertson Hall.

Classwork in horticulture.

In a period of eight years (1906-1914) several

new buildings had to be built to accomodate the
rapidly growing student body that had grown from
thirty-one students in 1905 to over two hundred students in 1914. The first of these permanent buildings to be built of yellow brick began with Bede
Hall, built in 1906 at a cost of $15,000. In 1908 Stephens Hall, a boys dormitory, and Owen Hall, a
classroom and shop building, were added to the
rapidly expanding school. By 1910 a school librarygymnasium (Kiehle Hall) and Robertson Hall appeared on the scene followed in 1912 by the Hill
classroom building. The increased
number of buildings made it necessary to improve
the heating facilities; thus, in 1913, a modern central heating plant was erected. The last building to
be built during these early years was Selvig Hall.

The school greenhouse.


Work had to be done before lights out.

Pictured ABOVE is Professor Selvig and his

Franklin touring car.
First Aid in the 1920's.

The instructors used practical experience methods in bringing the students o u t into t h e flocks,
fields, and herds to study. Many students remained
at the station after school was out in the spring to
work with the instructors who were conducting
summer research with crops and animals. This arrangement was highly successful and beneficial to
both the students and faculty since the school term
began early in October a n d extended through
March to coincide with the crop cycle on the farm.
In addition to having students work on the farm
during the summer, t h e school offered short
courses and pioneered in offering a preparatory
course for teachers who could be trained to teach
in country schools.



University Board of Regents 1912.

Olive Larness and Paul

Engelstad 1916.

The Short Course was part of the early school.

J. P. Bengtson, Preceptor

A lot of snow in winter

meant floods in spring.
A. M. Larson, Registrar served as medic.


Be honest with yourself, be open-minded to accept demonstrated principles, and be progressive
enough to carry out practical ideas! This will help
you in your work. Read good books, associate with
m e n and women of highest ideals, k e e p a b r e a s t
with the activities of the country, work unselfishly,
and you will reveal your fullest self both to them
and to yourself.
W i t h these ideals w e c a n confidently expect

great results from your f u t u r e work. May your

influence permeate Northwestern Minnesota and
result in increased prosperity and a larger measure
of happiness to all.
-Supt. C. G. Selvig
Northwest School
of Agriculture.


New barns were built on the new campus site.

The period of World War I ushered in a new

era in agriculture. Graduates began to assume positions of leadership up and down the Red River
Basin, as the Northwest School and Experiment Station became a center for the major thrust in agricultural change, development, and education. T h e
heavy emphasis on w h e a t f a r m i n g was shifting
over to a new idea known as diversified farming.
Forages small grains, sugar beets, potatoes, and
flax were being encouraged and heavy emphasis

was placed on development of livestock enterprises.

A full set of barns was developed on the campus
While the campus master plan was designed and
placed into operation in 1911, there were several
years of adjustment w h e r e t h e farmstead was
moved over t o t h e e a s t side of t h e campus a r e a
while certain major tree plantings were made in
the second decade. The campus square and surrounding area was planted in the 1920s. The sunken garden was designed to become a focal point for
horticultural interests.
T h e Red River Valley W i n t e r Shows h a d become a major influence in agricultural industry
and attracted more people each year. Outstanding
speakers were brought in from all over the nation
to challenge valley residents with their ideas. Agriculture in the area was influenced by the crops and
livestock exposition. Staff members gave major
leadership to founding a number of organizations:
The Red River Valley Dairymens Association, the
Crops and Soils Association, the Northern Minnesota Poultry Association, t h e Red River Valley
Development Association, and the Red River Valley Livestock Association. All of these organizations
were founded in t h e first two decades, but really

The Campus Sunken Garden as it appeared in 1926 was the main focal point of the entire campus.





The first Winter Shows buildings were located in downtown Crookston.

The location at downtown Crookston was used until the new Winter Shows buiiding was completed in the

A meeting of the Red River Valley Sweet Clover Seed Growers Exchange at Grand Forks
County Court House, October 9, 1920, sponsored by the Northwest Experiment Station.

The 1920s saw a shift in emphasis in education

at the School of Agriculture and in practices on the
Experiment Station where the power requirements
for tillage began to move sharply from horse power
to the internal combustion engine. The first of these
engines to be used were gasoline because kerosene
tractors were clumsy, unwieldy pieces of equipment
cantankerous to operate.

reached their flower of influence in the twenties,

thirties, and forties. A special short course for
women began in the early twenties and brought to
the campus two hundred women for a full week of
recreation a n d study e a c h J u n e . A j u n i o r short
course, which later became a 4-H Camp, began in
t h e second decade in about World War I and
brought onto the campus full-time regional leadership
a district 4 - H C l u b l e a d e r , which was t o
last for nearly twenty years. A. J. Kittleton and H.
A . Pflughoeft w e r e a m o n g t h e l e a d e r s for rural
youth. Mildred Schenck brought the lessons of the
classroom into t h e farm home from t h e School of
Agriculture. Each student was required to carry a
home project which applied t h e lessons of the
classroom to the home situation, and, in the case of
t h e boys, t o t h e f a r m situation. This home-andfarm related study continued up until the phasing
out of the School of Agriculture. There was a heavy
need for teachers for country schools in the second
and third decades of this century. A special normal
teacher training department produced dozens of
teachers for the country school of Northwestern

A group of early Junior Short Course students. Later

this group became known as the 4-H.

Students arrived at the Northwest School in September with their suitcases, boxes, and trunks of
personal belongings to last them for three to six
months. Some of t h e m could not m a k e a n y trips
home, except for the Christmas holiday, during the
entire six-month school year; consequently, student activities involving sports for both boys and
girls were of major importance early in the school
Wrestling, football, and basketball in the 1920s
and 1930s produced teams that were feared in the
entire region.Early in the second decade, the Kiehle gymnasium was one of the very finest of its day.
Sporting and shower rooms for boys and girls, the
very finest basketball floor, the best equipment of
the day
including specialized physical education equipment, and a running track at the second
level in the gymnasium provided an excellent exercise area as well as a place for the public to view the
games. Girls in t h e inter-scholastic basketball
teams were prominent and won tournaments on
two occasions in the 1920s and 1930s.
Even t h e fine n e w gymnasium in t h e Kiehle
building was outmoded within a few decades. In
1930, a new physical education building was built
which also included a swimming pool, greatly expanded locker room space, and office space for the
men and women physical education instructors.
Again, the Northwest School of Agriculture led
the entire Red River Basin in facilities for interscholastic sports and physical education. A leading
athlete was Ed Widseth, an All American for three
years as he played for the University of Minnesota,
and also a winner of many national football trophies.

Inspection of the station plots gave many helpful tips

to area farmers.

Horticulture classes were held outside of the classroom to study actual problems presented in class.

It was a common sight to see students at work in the

research plots.

Mr. Christgau supplemented his classes in animal husbandry with practice in judging livestock, killing and
cutting meat animals.

R. S. Dunham and E. R. Clark taught classes in agronomy and cereal crops. Mr. Clark is pictured with his
interschool crops judging team.

Poultry killing classes were held in the newly built animal products building.

In the early 1930s, the second level of the old

Kiehle Building gymnasium was converted to a
fine auditorium; the lower part was refurnished
into a center for the administration and library facilities. The lack of hospital facilities prompted the
building of a twenty-one bed Health Service and
hospital building on the campus in 1924.
Later, the Animal Science building was built to
provide laboratories, a judging ring, and a killing
floor for livestock. Animals w e r e judged o n t h e
hoof, were slaughtered, a n d studied right on
through to the serving of meat products in the dining hall.
The Class of 1932 sponsored a very special memorial, among the many class memorials that were
given to the School of Agriculture, as they raised
funds and made arrangements for the painting of
the murals which yet exist on the auditorium walls,
These murals depict the landing of the Norsemen
on the North American continent, as well as the
signing of t h e O l d Crossing Tree Treaty, a t
which time t h e w h i t e men purchased t h e lands
from the Chippewa Indians.

Meat cutting class.

Students and an early tractor.

Students studying gasoline engines.


The Senior Class play Only 38, under the direction of Miss Ann Simley was presented January 28-29,


The domestic science and the shop courses were

especially popular in the school curricula. Area
pastors conducted church services every Sunday
evening in the auditorium. A student-faculty committee arranged for music and special meditations.

T h e Hayshakers Trio of 1925-26 f e a t u r e d Ben

Hurner, Einar Loven, and Walt Turgeon.

The Northwest School was one of few schools at this time to have an orchestra.

The 1924 Aggie Football Squad coached by D. H. LaVoi.

Aggie Athletic Policy Through 2-he years.

sports also help the student in his academic work.
O u r policy d e m a n d s t h e a t t a i n m e n t of a high
scholastic standing. Members of our school team
must be above the average in scholarship. They also
must obey strict training rules and conduct themselves as examples in their school. These things
bring about better sportsmanship and fair play.
Good sportsmanship is just another way of expressing the Golden Rule.
Sports may not be a complete representation of the
individual a n d social life, b u t t h e m a n who looks
upon life as a game and plays it according to the best
code of sportsmanship and fair play, will probably
get as much out of life and give as much to society at
the same time as one who accepts a different philosophy of life. I t is for this reason more t h a n any
other that we believe we are justified in establishing and promoting our present athletic system and

I n our a t h l e t i c program we use athletics as a

means to an end not as an end in itself. We do not
believe it should be taught and be forgotten, but
should be of use to a person during his entire lifetime..
Because of the individual value of athletics, we
have included them as a part of our school curriculum. To meet the adverse comments on athletics
that they reach just a few students, we have organized o u r program in such a way t h a t everyone in
school has a m p l e o p p o r t u n i t y t o partake in some
part of it.
The American youth of today has super abund a n t p e p a n d t h e r e is n o b e t t e r or more useful
place for the release of this than through athletics.
While on the athletic field or in the class-room he
is experimenting with himself. He is learning to
discipline himself. H e comes in contact with other
youths, mentally, emotionally, and physically, in
which ways he will learn lessons that cannot be
taught in the class room. We stress our academic
work first but we find t h a t clean well organized

D. H. LaVoi, Coach


Pictured ABOVE is a early scene in the Home Economics Building showing Miss Bede with her home cooking class. Miss Kingston is shown below with her class in woolens.


Miss Fae Hughbanks' courses in typewriting and Office Training.

The classes of 1933 made good use of the school library.


Junior girls basketball team 1925-26. FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Strickler, V. Olson, Huartson.
BACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Radniecki, Vreiland, Miss Gerber, Blair, Holub, Ness.

A view of the gymnasium located on second floor-of the Kiehle building. Girls Physical Education 1927-27.

Sink or swim, were going to town.

What do you suppose happened to the car?

On account of the fact that campus roads were

almost perfectly level, there was much difficulty in
keeping them passable. While no rain had fallen
during the spring of 1921 roads were still in a very
unsatisfactory condition during the period of several
weeks in March and April at the time of the winter
Aabi a n d Maturi, Chisholm, w e r e t h e lowest
bidders for paving t h e campus roadway. Their
unprecedented low bid was $2.12 per square yard.
Work began in August of 1925, and was scheduled
to be completed in four weeks.


1921 Football Team. TOP ROW: Henry Ferguson, Martin Anderson, Mr. Foker, Anton Johnson, Elmer
Skime. MIDDLE ROW: George Norquist, Norman Friday, Clementson, Fraser, Jay Moses, Tarvas. BOTTOM ROW: John Forder, Ness, Veral Gibbons, William Johnson, Lavern Peterson.

As soon as the duties of registration procedures

were taken care of, there appeared on the football
field a husky bunch of candidates to begin practice
and form the nucleus of the 1921-22 Aggie gridders.
T h e fall was a n exceptionally w a r m o n e e n abling t h e t e a m t o get enough practice t o work
into a fair machine by the time they were to play
the seasoned Crookston Central boys. In this practice game with Central, the Aggies gave some excellent competition which made the town team
really work to stop Aggie passes and runs.
Everyone will recall t h e g a m e with W a r r e n
which ended in an Aggie victory of 12 to 6. Highlights of the game were the long runs of Ness and
Northwest Aggies take pride in their lovely campus.
Pictured above is an early football team having a scrimage on t h e mall located in t h e c e n t e r of t h e school


Honored guests at the 40th Anniversary of the Northwest School and Experiment Station. FRONT ROW
LEFT T O RIGHT: Supt. T. A. Hoverstad, Supt. S. G. Selvig, Senator Stephens. BACK ROW: Dean Coffee
and Supt. Dowell.

While the first two decades of the School of Agriculture saw the older student, the high school age
s t u d e n t began t o c o m e on t h e scene in t h e l a t e
1920s. By the 1930s a complete shift was made to
the high school age student. The student body continued t o grow in s p i t e of t h e heavy depression
years and moved forward rapidly in the late 30s to
where the enrollment reached above the four hundred mark and remained about that high until the
mid 50s.
T h e r e was also a change in curriculum which
came to the forefront in the 1940s when the curriculum was supplemented by vocational experience and
studies in agriculture, business, and home making.
Thus the student body grew by a little more than
one hundred percent from 1920 to 1940.
The mid years of the School of Agriculture saw

the height of agricultural Extension work by the

resident staff. Very few farm meetings took place in
Northwestern Minnesota without some member of
the staff of the Northwest School present. The staff
was busy for nearly a m o n t h a n d one-half e a c h
summer, every day, j u d g i n g a t county fairs. A
number of informal short courses gradually increased, which took place on the campus proper.
T h e County Agricultural agent system known as
Agricultural Extension Service, came into its own
during this period a n d t h e a m o u n t of Extension
work on the part of the Experiment Station staff
began to decrease during the 1930s in that it was
being assumed by c a p a b l e county agricultural
agents and specialists from the St. Paul campus of
the University.


On October 5 , 1920, thousands of friends from

all over t h e Red River Valley g a t h e r e d w i t h t h e
school faculty and students to help dedicate the
Soldiers Memorial that today stands at the main
entrance to the campus. Not only did they dedicate
the memorial that day, but they also dedicated the
new dining hall, and the stretch of paved highway
between Crookston and the university school
first of its kind in the Valley.
Touching off this eventful day was a three and
one-half mile parade, speeches made by prominent county leaders, and a noon luncheon served
by a committee of Crookston business men. Mr.
Ole Flaat, 1916, president of the Northwest School
Alumni Association unveiled the lovely war memorial monument that stands clear and white in
the morning sun.
The main speaker at the dedication ceremony was L. D. Coffman, president of
the University of Minnesota. Needless to say, it
was a r e a l Red River Valley d a y
a day t h a t
helped to bring people closer together.

Superintendent S. G. Selvig formally presented

the Soldiers Memorial to the Board of Regents.

The newly dedicated war memorial.

Chief Mays-Ko-Gwan helped c e l e b r a t e Polk

countys first stretch of pavement.

A parade celebrated the paving of the highway.

O n e nation u n d e r God,
indivisible, with L i b e r t y
and Justice for all.

If we have faith in the American nation we must

have faith in agriculture. You who graduate from
the Northwest School of Agriculture are to be congratulated for the faith that is in you. You will see
prosperity r e t u r n t o a g r i c u l t u r e , a n d w h e n t h e
brighter day dawns you will be grateful that you
p r e p a r e d for your life work in a n hour t h a t was
dark and uninviting.
Dean Walter C. Coffey


The Final years

1944 1965

The educational process at the Northwest School of

Agriculture changed in the early 40s. More concern
was given to top-level general education in sciences,
Mathematics, Humanities, and Communications. The
skill courses and know-how courses became secondary to that of getting a strong general education. The
1940s also saw t h e zenith of e n r o l l m e n t r e a c h i n g
upward to 479 students enrolled in the school of agriculture alone. Enrollment continued well over 400
into the 1950s with the age of the students decreasing
from what it had been in the early years of the school
to what could be classed as the normal high school
The program of student summer home project work
was carried on as early as the 1920s and this continued
through t h e phase-out. T h e p u r p o s e of t h e p r o j e c t
work was to provide summertime on-the-job training activity in the home and on the farm. This was
supervised by instructors from the School of Agriculture for full grade and credit. It was a requirement
for graduation.

Thomas M. McCall, a staff member and researcher at the experiment station replaced Superintendent Dowell as superintendent in 1937. Mr.
McCall served as field manager from 1919-1926.
H e was responsible for landscaping the campus
and was widely known for his interest in Valley

Guests .at the Honors A Banquet T. M. McCall, Regent

Skyberg, and Mr. Foker, long-time instructor.

Superintendent McCall and Principal

Reiersgord presenting diplomas.

The Northwest School of Agriculture was one of

118 such schools t h a t once existed in t h e United
States. Actually, these schools reached their height
of influence in the second decade of this century
and the trend in the direction of providing county
schools of agriculture (or regional schools of agriculture) was reversed only after the onset of the
Agricultural Extension Service a n d Vocational
Agriculture instruction under the Smith-Hughes
Act providing federal aid for the establishment of
Vocational Agriculture in community high schools.
Most of these original Schools of Agriculture in the
nation shifted into two-year colleges and four-year
colleges or became absorbed by the local high school
program. A few scattered schools around the country remained. These schools of agriculture in the
state of Minnesota were part of the University of
Minnesota a n d w e r e l o c a t e d o n a n a g r i c u l t u r a l
experiment station and the technical staff taught as
well as researched. I n t e r e s t i n g l y e n o u g h , t h e y
remained strong as educational institutions u p until the 1950s. Efforts on the part of citizen-leaders

English class in t h e old H i l l building d u r i n g final


Interest in music d u r i n g t h e e a r l y p a r t of t h e final

years was widespread.

Student assemblies provided various programs of


Many alumni can remember the long lunch lines

and lectures on pushing while they stood in line.

second and third generation student whose parents

attended the school of agriculture. The parentalumnus like what was here and sent their children
to the school at some considerable financial sacrifice.
An in-depth study of the schools of agriculture
was completed in the early 1950s with a doctoral
thesis compiled and published by Dr. B. E.
Youngquist. In part, the thesis triggered other studies by the University, by governmental, and by citizen-leader groups. T h e s e studies p r o m p t e d t h e
schools of agriculture in the state to trend toward
moving out of the secondary-level service. After
several such studies, the Minnesota State Legislature provided that schools should begin to phase out
and plans should be developed to replace the educational role with appropriate educational service.

Senior class play 1949. T h e l e a d i n g c h a r a c t e r s in

Tish were from left to right; James Sutherland,
Audrey Torbenson, P e t e r F e h r , E u n i c e P e t e r s o n ,
Kathryn Kowaliuk, Elaine Kopecky, George Huard,
JoAnn Lerud, Alice Joy Christenson, Betty Lou Hoff,
Howard Thompson, Harriet Balstad, Howard Halvorson.

to change them came along as early as the 1930s

when a similar group of schools in the state of New
York changed to two-year technical colleges
they a r e today as p a r t of t h e S t a t e University of
New York higher education system. They are today strong Agricultural and Technical colleges
offering an associate degree.
The major contributions of the 1940s and 1950s
in Minnesotas schools of agriculture were that they
provided an above-average technical high school
education built around the technology of agriculture, business, and home economics
and they
provided an educational opportunity for high school
age youngsters who were needed at home during the
six-month heavy crop season. Also, they provided
a n opportunity for many a f a r m boy or girl w h o
would attend the local high school at some considerable hardship. Too, there was the influence of a

A scene from t h e 1951 class play, M e e t M e in St.

Louis, Louis.


Dr. B. E. Youngquist became superintendent of

t h e Northwest School of Agriculture in 1956 a n d
provided leadership for the staff during the transition years from a secondary-level public boarding
school to a two-year technical institute.
And so an institution comes and goes in the Red
River Basin. The men and women who pioneered
this institution literally developed a rich agricultural
technology out of a stubborn prairie. This was done
in the first three decades of this country without
benefit of a modern county agricultural agent System, vocational agricultural system, industrial agricultural agents, special farm loan agents, and all
of the other USDA agencies which exist today to
service a highly complex and interrelated agricultural economy. The experiences of Dr. Youngquist
transcends t h r e e schools of agriculture, Morris,
Waseca, a n d Crookston, of which h e finds t h e
Northwest School of Agriculture at Crookston having made the greatest impact on the population it
served. Citizen-leaders, who are graduates of the
Northwest School, are found among nearly all private enterprise, governmental, and community
leadership groups throughout the fertile Red River

Students h a r d a t work in Mr. Bill Barons e n g i n e s



B. E. Youngquist and T. M. McCall

T h e foresight a n d inspirational leadership of
C o n r a d G. Selvig, along with a g r o u p of citizenleaders of the Red River Basin, was responsible for
the organization of the Crops Show and Farmers
Short Course at the Northwest School
in 1910.
This force for the good in agriculture combined with a week of concentrated continuing
education activities for those who farm and for
those who service farmers. Attendance now exceeds 30,000 people for the week-long exposition.
Members of the Experiment Station staff con-

Robertson Hall was better known as Senior Hall to

senior boys.

Students and faculty team up for fun.


A first Valley-wide organization to affiliate with the

Winter Shows was the Red River Valley Development Association in 1914. This organization in 1915
raised a sum of money to finance the premiums for
t h e C r o p s Show. I n 1916 t h e y s e c u r e d a i d from
fourteen Red River Valley counties to finance this
p a r t of t h e show a n d this s u p p o r t has c o n t i n u e d
through today. Other Valley-wide organizations of
livestock breeders, dairymen, poultrymen, and
those affiliated w i t h field c r o p organizations,
F a r m e r s Union a n d t h e F a r m Bureau j o i n e d in
supporting the show as it built its own set of buildings adjoining the Armory in downtown Crookston
during the World War I period. People came by
t h e t r a i n l o a d from all sections of t h e Valley f o r
fun, fellowship, and some learning. The greatest
educational impact of this exposition probably came
in the period 1920-1950.
In 1957, responsible citizens of the Valley recognized again the usefulness of continuing this force
and launched a fund drive to re-locate and rebuild.
The move resulted in procuring a prime 20-acre
site and constructing buildings with a current value of $440,000.
By this time, all major farm organizations in the
Red River Valley had associated themselves into a
non-profit corporation known as the Red River Valley Winter Shows Board of Managers, Incorporated.
Each major farm organization has membership in
this corporation, and in that way contributes t o the
broad operational policies of this corporation. The

Variety night was held once a year.

A view of the old greenhouse.

The banquet was held in the Aggie Inn.

Prom night 1949-1950.


corporation is legally established under the laws of

Minnesota, a n d t h e m e m b e r s h i p consists of responsible l e a d e r s f r o m various p a r t s of t h e Red
River Valley.
T h e Red River Valley Winter Shows has lived
through two major wars, a major national depression, and a fire
yet, it has never defaulted on any
of its fiscal obligations in over half a century.
Again, this re-muscled force now moves forward
a n d must m e e t t h e p r o b l e m of re-financing t h e
remaining capital debt on the new facilities. This
is, as it was in 1921, a matter for those citizens who
live in the Red River Valley. Recent experience
with this venture indicates we can expect to make
a yearly payment on principal and interest plus
operate the facilities usefully.

One of Mr. Reiersgords favorite pastimes is

playing golf on the local course.

A familiar sight at registration time.


For several years Mr. Reiersgord taught first

and second year German.

During the heavy fund-raising, building construction, and new operations era, the Board engaged a full-time executive-director. The Board
now feels we are in a position where the activities
utilizing these new facilities can go forward without the expense of a full-time executive-director.
The office operates with a part-time girl most of
the year. A full-time man is utilized for about four
to five months of the year to organize and conduct
t h e Red River Valley W i n t e r exposition. Local
committees assume responsibility for interim uses of
the building and take full responsibility for all expenses incident to interim use.
By 1967, all major farm organizations have associated themselves in the useful force known as the
Red River Valley W i n t e r Shows. T h e staff of t h e
Northwest School a n d Experiment Station has
provided some of t h e l e a d e r s h i p for this useful
force over a period of nearly sixty years. The Superintendent of the Northwest School and Experiment Station has been president of the Board since
the show was founded, yet elected each year. Dr.
Olaf Soine has served over 20 years on the Board
as did other staff members in earlier years. Looki n g a h e a d t o t h e f u t u r e , t h e Board of M a n a g e r s

D r . Youngquist w a s called upon t o s p e a k t o m a n y

groups at different times.

Visitors t o Dr. Youngquists office could expect a friendly smile.


is hopeful that the facilities which have just been

r e b u i l t c a n c o n t i n u e t o b e a useful f o r c e in t h e
good management of the soil, water, and human
resources in this great agricultural region. They
are hopeful that the activities of the show will inspire a few of the top-quality farm youth to be farm
operators in the Valley or live here and service the
fast-changing needs of producing food and fiber by

The exposition is governed by a Board of Managers representing fifteen different regional organizations related to agriculture. The layman-citizen of
the Valley expresses interest in the government of
the exposition through the organizations represented on the Winter Shows Board of Managers.
This Board of Managers (18 men) make up the corporation which sets policy and manages the exposition. The corporation owns assets in the nature of a
T h e c o r p o r a t i o n owns assets in t h e n a t u r e of a
twenty-acre tract of land located on the north edge
of the city of Crookston along Highway 75-including a major show arena together with barns and
facilities valued in excess of $425,000.

Girls physical education class.


Cheerleaders 1964-1965

The show as it is known up and down the fourteen-county area in North western Minnesota is a
purebred live-stock show and sale, and includes a
poultry show. Also, it includes a Crops Show.
The state of Minnesota appropriates a sum of
money to pay cash prizes on the best livestock. The
Red River Valley Development Association expends funds for the general operation of the shows
and is appropriated by each county board in the
area. Each county board, by state law, can approp r i a t e u p t o o n e - q u a r t e r of a mill t o s u p p o r t t h e
activities of the Red River Valley Winter Shows.
The Crops Show is an outstanding crops exposition
surpassing t h e Minnesota State Fair in some respects.

Mrs. Reynolds and G.A.A. girls.


Another major show in the exposition is the Industrial Show where those who sell machinery and services and equipment to the farmer purchase space to
demonstrate and show their merchandise and services to the agricultural public. The exposition currently closes with a top winter season Horse Show.
This is a Class-A Show d r a w i n g nearly four
hundred horses from five states and two provinces
of Canada.



One of the characteristics that is different

about this agricultural exposition is the indepth educational seminars which are arranged by committees headed by University personnel of the Northwest School and
Experiment Station and the Agricultural
Extension Service. In 1968, nearly t h r e e
thousand people attended the seminars on
topics such as t h e Souris-Red-Rainy River
Basins Commission, Wheat Breeding, A Day
of Fashion in t h e Red River Valley, etc.
There were nine of these educational seminars
most of which took place out at the
c a m p u s of t h e University of Minnesota.
Additionally, twenty-one luncheons, banquets, a n d d i n n e r meetings w e r e held
where commodity groups and other groups
of citizen-leaders from the fourteen-county
area met together to have fun, talk business,
and to learn.

One of the highlights of the Winter Shows is the coronation

of King Agassiz.

An aerial view of the Winter Shows building and its

surrounding parking area.

An interior view shows commercial displays within

the Winter Shows building.

E. Youngquist, Northwest School

and Experiment Station, and Presi- In 1957 a fund drive was launched to relocate and build the new Wind e n t of t h e Board of Managers of ter Shows building pictured above.
t h e Red River Valley W i n t e r
Shows, this annual exposition continues to be a useful force to agriculture.

A very special objective of the Board of Managers
at the exposition is to provide meaningful experiences for youth which are pointed toward encouraging young men a n d women t o find a vocation
somewhere in the broad field of agriculture. The
first day of Winter Shows is a Saturday and over one
thousand rural youth gather at the Winter Shows
Arena, in the barns, and at the Northwest Experiment Station to compete in livestock judging contests, crop judging contests, potato judging contests, public s p e a k i n g contests, demonstration
competition, and a Futurity livestock show-where
the youth learn to show livestock and to become
established in the livestock breeding industry. The
youth also have their own Crops Show.
Farm youth activities reflect back into every county and community through the county agricultural
agents, 4-H club leaders, and Vo-Ag instructors as
they work w i t h r u r a l y o u t h in e d u c a t i o n a l programs.

The front of the new Winter Shows building.


William Barron

Clinton Bergman

Instructors Lysaker and Whiting.

Alvey Pilkey

Through the years, the Board of Managers and

sponsoring organizations which support the Winter Shows such as the Red River Valley Development Association have provided for activities
which a r e designed t o h e l p b u i l d t h e h u m a n
resources of the Red River Basin. For instance:
for nearly thirty years, consecutively, a group of
sixteen couples from as many counties in Northwestern Minnesota have been honored as Valley
Farmers and Homemakers. These couples are
selected in each county by their peers as being
outstanding contributors to community, state,
a n d n a t i o n a l life. T h e s e c o u p l e s a r e b r o u g h t
t o g e t h e r a t a b a n q u e t d u r i n g W i n t e r Shows
week, presented with a beautiful plaque, and in
general are honored by citizens up and down
the Valley. This banquet has been addressed by
governors, senators, University presidents, and
by a vice president of the United States.
The Board of Managers also likes to recognize
young agricultural couples or young men e n gaged in service industry to agriculture as they
are coming u p the ladder. Each year, each country selects a young man who has shown a particu l a r i n t e r e s t i n his c o m m u n i t y in t h e field of
Agriculture particularly he is named as a King
Agassiz for his county. These candidates then

Fae Hughbanks Business

and Typing

Mrs. Myrtle Brown has been the dining hall matron as

well as girls Counselor over the years.

Mr. Soderburg and his welding class. Taken in 1963

come to the Red River Valley Winter Shows and

one of them is selected as King Agassiz and this
person is t h e official ambassador for t h e Red
River Valley Winter Shows during a one-year
period. H e appears at the State Fair and other
organizations to tell the story of the Red River
Valley a g r i c u l t u r e a n d t h e Red River Valley
Winter Shows. Here, again, this is a situation
w h e r e t h e p e o p l e in t h e Valley point o u t upand-coming young couples as the kind of people
that they think will be the builders of the Valley in the upcoming generation.
Another h u m a n resource program is o n e
which honors these who have made their major
contribution to leadership here in the Red River
Valley Hall of Fame. Men and women who are
usually retired are honored. The objective here
is to honor the kind of people who have made
major contributions to the economy here in this
section of the upper Midwest.
The Red River Valley Winter Shows today continues t o be a useful force encouraging young
men to remain in the broad field of agriculture,
providing in service education for those who
f a r m on t h e l a n d a n d those w h o service t h e
farmer. It provides a force for encouraging continued development of human resources and an
impetus to conserve the water and soil resources
in the Red River Basin.

Dr. Reimer and his students examine fetal specimens.

The National Honor Society.

Mr. T. W. Thorson and his chorus making last minute preparations

before assembly.

Junior-Senior Banquet 1961-1962.

The prom was received with enthusi-

Miss Berneil Nelson, Librarian, conducts registration.


Arthur Vraa taught drivers training and Biology before

becoming principal at Fisher.

A school is measured by its faculty and the quality of graduates it produces. Throughout the years
the Northwest School has produced citizens who
have made outstanding accomplishments both on
t h e local level as well as o n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l
scene. Such names as Oscar Knutson
Supreme Court Justice, General Clayton Isaacson
f a m o us for his air-lift of American r es i dent s
during the Congo Crisis, Ed Widseth
All-American football player, Herman Skyberg
University Board of Regents, a n d a m u l t i t u d e of o t h e r s
both on the farm or in local politics. These are just
a f e w n a m e s of a host w h o have s u p p o r t e d t h e
theory of a schools worth.
The years have seen many a dedicated young man
and woman fresh from area colleges enter upon a
teaching career at the Northwest School. For many,
their interest in young people and the purpose of
the school lead them to devote their entire life to
service here.
If there could be a Hall of Fame listing those
who made teaching a career at the Northwest
School, the names heading the list would be: 0. M.
While some became famous others died.

Kiser, Alvey Pilkey, E. N. Reiersgord, Retta Bede,

T. M. McCall, Fae Hughbanks, A. M. Foker, Myrtle
Brown, H. H. Lysaker, Olaf Soine, Raymond Dunham, Miss Kingston, Grace (Warne) Flom, Margaret
Larson, E l m er R. Cl ark, William M . Barron, a n d
Harry Soderburg. The contributions made by these
p e o p l e s p e a k f o r themselves in t h e success t h a t
s t u d e n t s have h a d upon leaving t h e N o r t h w e s t
School to enter upon various careers. A gigantic
well-done is certainly in order for those citizenleaders, m e m b e r s of t h e final t eachi ng staff, s t u dents, and administrative officers of the University
of Minnesota who have been part of the Northwest
School and Experiment Station for the past seventy-three years.
Those who were privileged to be a member of the
administrative and teaching staff during the final
year, look forward to further service, though in a
small part, to the new University of Minnesota,
Crookston, as it assumes t h e role so w e l l - p e r formed by the Northwest School of Agriculture.
A classroom in the new Hill building.

The 1964 basketball team in action.

Cross-country team 1963-1964.

Lysaker and Mazzitellis football team 1964.


The class of 1963 in carpentry.

Do you suppose someone is dancing too close?


Aggies w h o have a t t e n d e d L e a d e r s h i p C a m p
over the years are thankful to the late Dean T. H.
Fenske, Doctor B. E. Youngquist, and others who
were instrumental in organizing this camp which
was held each year at Itasca State Park.
The purpose of this camp was to give honor students from all the schools of agriculture a chance
to get together for fun and fellowship.


' ,

. *

Pictured above is a meeting of t h e men responsible for

the operations of the camp.

Students can be seen planning their discussion groups.

Everyone enjoyed climbing the ranger's tower

with Ranger Lewis.

Faculty enjoyed sitting in on student group discussions and


The guided tour and lectures were interesting and informative.

Students walk across the Mississippi Headwaters.

The cabins were cozy and it was fun to build fires in

the stoves.

Everyone a t t e n d e d the c h u r c h of his choice on


A highlight of leadership camp was the softball


It was a must to have a drink from the Fountain of


Mr. Heckmans dishwashing crew did a top-notch


Edward C. Frederichs taught Animal Husbandry

before he left to become superintendent at \Vaseca.

Conrad H. Kvamme taught Journalism until he joined

college staff in 1966.

Donald Bergquist has taught English since 1963.

Roger Diehl came to the Northwest School in 1963

and has taught Field Machinery, Engines, and Farm

Eugene Miller taught electronics.

Lynn Tharaldson, Math 1963-65.


Mr. Kvammes Boys Chorus 1962-63.

Mr. T. W. Thorson and his band.

Soloists at many school events 1963 were: Duane Dahl,

Felton, Minnesota, and Marcia Heglie, Moorhead, Minnesota.

Mixed chorus 1963-1964.


The entire state has been the benefactor from

the many years of service rendered by the Northwest School of Agriculture. It is most appropriate
-that we should commemorate the occasion of its
closing and recognize the thousands of graduates
who have completed their studies here. As the nature of our society changes, it is essential that our
institutions change to meet those needs.
T h e development of college programs on t h e
campus of the Northwest School within the framework of the Technical Institute is an example of
this change. We of the college recognize the heritage that has led to college programs, and want to
welcome all of the alumni of the Northwest School
into the ranks of our alumni as well. It is hoped the
support and encouragement you have given to the
school and its programs will now be given to the
new college.

The first major building project was the addition to

Kiehle Hall.



Life of farm families in Minnesota is that much

better because of the existence of the Northwest
School these past sixty-three years. We of the College look forward to being of equal service to the
students of the future.
Dr. Stanley D. Sahlstrom
Director, Minnesota Tech.


New Mission

Dr. Stanley Sahlstrom arrived on campus during the

1966 school term to begin making plans for the
college he was going to open in the fall of 1966.

The fall of 1966 and the winter of 1967 began to

provide evidence that the phase-out of the school of
Agriculture was beginning to take its toll of the student enrollment. Only the junior and senior classes
remained to finish out the last two years of a long
history of freshmen through senior classes that had
preceded since 1906. Perhaps what made this most
noticeable was the closing of two of the four dormitories that had previously housed the bulk of the
student body. Change was also noted when Bede
H a l l , t h e oldest building o n c a m p u s was d e m o lished to make way for a future college classroom
building. The old familiar sign at the entrance to the
campus took on a new look also. I t n o w r e a d t h a t
this was the new home of the University of Minnesota Technical Institute instead of the never-to-beforgotten Northwest School and Experiment Station Welcome. Dr. Stanley D. Sahlstrom, the recently appointed director for the college, arrived on
the campus and became a familiar sight at the dini n g hall a n d a t school functions w h e r e h e spoke
about the new college that was to be born.

The first college presidents office was located in the

counselors conference room in the Hill building.
High school students soon realized the presence of a
developing college by the signs and activity.


The gravity of his presence and the depth of

his messages left no doubt that the old order
was changing and that what was thought of as
a phase-out for the high school was actually a
phase-in of the new college.
After a n extensive publicity program t o
acquaint the public with the type of collegiate
work to t a k e place a t Minnesota Tech., Dr.
Sahlstrom hired Dr. David Stoppel a n d Mr.
Wayne Little to aid him with the establishment
of a curriculum and in heading the departments
of general education and business, while Dr.
Youngquist became the department head for
the division of Agriculture. Mr. Richard Christenson was employed as the new Director of
Admissions and began immediately to meet
with the newly appointed department heads
and Dr. Sahlstrom to develop a student.

t h e transition from a high school to a college. H e

also served as chairman of the division of agriculture.

A familiar sight on campus in 1966

1967, was Superintendent Youngquist, Dr. Sahlstrom, and Principal

catalogue listing class offerings and credits.

Mr. Karl Bornhoft a former instructor with t h e
Agricultural high school at Morris and business
manager for the University of Minnesota Morris was employed to be
business manager for
Minnesota T e c h . Mr. H a r l a n d H a s s l e n became the first coordinator of student affairs,
which meant that he had to work directly with
the new student body in planning and organizing the Student Senate and all the major student activities.

In 1966
1967 Dr. Stanley Sahlstrom, director of the
new technical college spoke many times to the students at assembly.
Regent Skyberg and Mr. Montague examine
books in the newly redecorated Kiehle library.

One of the events of the first week at Minnesota Tech was the Welcome Week picnic.

In 1967, Bede Hall, a landmark of the old Northwest

School, was razed to make room for a new college classroom building.

The first class of the new college arrived on

the campus for Welcome Week on September 21, 1966. Convocation was held that day in
the lecture room of the Animal Science building where Dr. Sahlstrom talked on the importance of receiving an education and the responsibilities students owe to their colleges. Welc o m e W e e k w a s filled w i t h activities t h a t
would help orientate students to campus living
through social activities.

The special speaker at the dedication of the new technical college was the president of the University of Minnesota.
An academic procession began the dedication
ceremony. P i c t u r e d a b o v e l e a d i n g a r e Mr.
Reiersgord and university president, Wilson.

Central High School chorus sang for the dedication ceremony. Dr. Youngquist was one of the honored speakers
representing our high school.

Dedication exercises for the new University of

Minnesota Technical Institute were held November
30, 1966, in the Kiehle Auditorium on the Northwest School and college campus. This observance
marked the completion of the first remodeling and
building program and the establishment of a twoyear collegiate technical branch of the University
of Minnesota.
Dr. Stanley Sahlstrom, director of the University
of Minnesota Technical Institute introduced the
honored guests
President Wilson, Dr. Keith
McFarland, assistant dean of the college of Agriculture and Crookston Mayor Lloyd Hughes to an exceptionally fine audience made up of college presidents, promoters of the college and friends of the
old Northwest School. G e r a l d Moritz, s t u d e n t
body president, gave a brief welcoming address
followed by a short talk given by Dr. Bernard E.
Youngquist who summed up the history and objectives of the School of Agriculture throughout the
years. Musical selection w e r e provided by t h e
Crookston Central High School Choir under the
direction of Mr. Garfield Reichert and Rev. Eyrich
E. H a n s e n , pastor of O u r Saviors L u t h e r a n
Church in Crookston delivered the invocation.
The following abstract is taken from the dedication address of Dr. 0. Meredith Wilson, president of
the University of Minnesota: In the early history of

the Red River Valley, transportation was difficult,

populations were thin, and there was no guarantee
t h a t t h e r e would be secondary schools for t h e
children of the Valley. Recognizing the problem,
the University of Minnesota created an educational system designed to achieve two ends: To make
sure that the people of the land could have formal
education for their children, and to make sure that
t h e education t h e i r c h i l d r e n h a d would m a k e it
more possible for t h e m t o succeed on t h e land.
Thus, the University of Minnesotas Northwest
School of Agriculture at Crookston was launched.
For sixty years, that system contributed to better
cultivation and better citizenship.
The transition now made does not suggest lack
of value for t h e old system, b u t r a t h e r t h a t n e w
possibilities a r e p r e s e n t e d t o us by a c h a n g i n g
world. Our move to a professional technical program on a collegiate level is an endorsement of the
quality and value of public and private secondary
education in the state of Minnesota. The University of Minnesota Technical Institute, Crookston, is
a recognition that the citizens of the Valley have
provided sound secondary education that operates
successfully, independent of the Universitys help.
Building upon the sound secondary education
which exists, we can tap more directly the specialized technical a n d professional u n d e r s t a n d i n g

Represenatives of area colleges were guests of Minnesota Tech. at a noon luncheon on Dedication Day.

which was developed by the Institute of Agricult u r e in St. P a u l a n d by e x p e r i m e n t stations

throughout Minnesota. We believe that we can do
more in two years of post-high school programs in
the Technical Institute than we could do now in
f o u r years of six-month r e s i d e n c e s e c o n d a r y
W e a r e not moving i n t o a n u n k n o w n world
when w e move toward this Technical Institute.
This program has been aided by the experience of
the agricultural colleges both here in the United
States and abroad. Technical education particularly aimed at agriculture and business has had fruitful life elsewhere, and we believe, with our understanding of land-grant institutions, that such a plan
can be improved here in Minnesota.
Launching something new is both exciting and
potentially of great profit. Not often in the records
of e d u c a t i o n a l life is s o m e t h i n g n e w in mission
a d d e d , s o m e t h i n g which will s e r v e t h e vast requirements of education and the great increase in
population. I am persuaded that those who engage
in such a new mission have an exciting and important future.
The new University of Minnesota Technical Institute is a school dedicated to the creation of better citizens in the city and in the country, better
technicians on the land and in business, and better
m e n a n d w o m e n in t h e home. The University is
proud of this further extension of its activities. It
will watch with care and solicitude every new step
as the faculty provides for change as the needs of
the state require such change.
The Technical Institute, now in its second year
has been designed to provide college-level education in the Upper Midwest for the student interest-

The Trojan Inn formerly known as the Aggie Inn is

the college student union.

ed in two-year higher education in technical areas.

Opportunities for young people with this type of
education are increasing in todays complex and
rapidly changing society.
The Institute has been established with these specific objectives in mind: Professional occupational
competency, responsible citizenship, and personal
growth. The college is student-oriented toward the
total development of the individual; therefore, the
school offers a required academic program as well
as depth courses in Technical subjects.
The Associate Degree in Agriculture is granted to
those who complete their studies in Agricultural
Operations, Agricultural Technologies, Agri-Business, and Agri-Finance.
An Associate Degree in Business is given to those
who complete the requirements in Accounting,
Marketing, and Merchandising, Small Business
Administration. and Executive Secretarial work.



ual addition of trained technicians to extend the

capability of highly-trained research men.
During the season of 1967, there were over forty
thousand s e p a r a t e plots, r o u n d rows, a n d hills of
crop materials in the research process on the Experim e n t Station
plus over o n e t h o u s a n d n i n e
hundred head of livestock (including swine, sheep,
dairy cattle, and beef cattle). The Experiment Station grows alfalfa and small grains for use by the
flocks and herds. It raises fields of sunflowers and
sugarbeets. Research data is collected on all operations. A certain amount of income is generated by
the sale of livestock and some crops after research
data has been collected. This income is reverted to
support the research.
The work with soils involves the use of fertilizers t o grow t h e various crops a n d study many
methods of rotations, and to study the increased
mechanized handling of soils t o grow food a n d
The study of water management is fast coming
into the picture where land has been formed in various ways, so t h a t t h e soil holds back a maximum
amount of water for crop production and yet is able
to get rid of excess water to prevent damage to an
existing crop. Additionally, the pilot work is now
being planned for irrigation of high return crops.
Research studies with s h e e p involves t h r e e
breeds of sheep which are on a five-year heterosis
study. This project is b e i n g s u p p o r t e d by a fifty
thousand dollar five-year Grant from the Hill Foundation. The maximum utilization of high quality

The new institution that evolved in 1966 may well

be known as the University of Minnesota, Crookston, with the same mission as previously
education, research, and service, but probably more specialized in its operations. The two missions of the
University of Minnesota, Crookston will be more
visible as two separate missions. The demands on
agricultural research are greater and must be more
timely and precise
requiring a greater degree of
specialization a n d a t t e n t i o n to t h e problems of
carrying on research for a fast-moving, fastchanging agricultural scene. As conceived at this
time, the staff of the Agricultural Experiment Station and its Superintendent are charged with this
faster-moving mission of research. Additionally,
they serve as an educational arm of the University
by teaching in the college.
Today, the North west Agricultural Experiment
Station comprises one thousand two hundred ninety-five acres of land. Thirty-eight acres of this provides space for the campus of the new Technical
College. The research staff is made up of a superintendent, an agronomist, a soils specialist, a dairy
science specialist, an assistant scientist in dairy, an
animal science specialist, a horticultural specialist,
and a part-time agricultural engineer. All of these
men, except three, have training through the Ph.D.
level, two have a Masters degree, and one a Bachelors degree. Currently, the Experiment Station is
extending the capability for research by the grad-

A view of the Experiment farm.


forage in the form of haylage is used in managing

the nutrition of the sheep flocks. The studies with
the dairy enterprise involves the breeding of Holsteins involving t h e maximum use of forage for
milk a n d dairy production. T h e work with beef
cattle again involves maximum utilization of high
quality forages for beef
bringing in feeders as
calves and feeding them through to market weight.
The research with swine is part of the North Central Regional Project in swine breeding and will be
t e r m i n a t e d in a y e a r o r two. I t is q u e s t i o n a b l e
whether further swine research will be carried on
a t t h e Northwest Experiment Station a f t e r t h e
termination of the North Central Project. Emphasis on animal research will be placed on studies
with sheep, beef cattle, and dairy cattle.
The leading crops grown in the region get the
major attention in research
wheat breeding, barley breeding, potato breeding, cultural and management studies with sugar-beets and sunflowers, cultural explorations with specialty crops, and management studies with forages.
Horticultural research involves variety testing
of vegetables. New varieties are checked out under
Red River VaIley conditions. Small fruits and orc h a r d m a n a g e m e n t systems have b e e n studies.
Adaptability of various species of grass for turf is
being studied. The North Central Regional Nursery
for woody ornamentals is researched on the plots at
the Northwest Experiment Station. Many are discarded. Some are found to be useful to Red River
Valley conditions.
Extensive plantings of one-row shelterbelts exist
over the entire Agricultural Experiment Station.
Precise ecological studies are possible for this practice for its economic usefulness to crop production
and to the prevention of undue wind erosion of top
soil under open field conditions.
A recent forward-looking piece of research was
done with sunflowers when the world collection of

sunflowers was brought to the Northwest Experiment Station in 1962. Cultural studies of sunflowers were engaged with a near crash program. This
encouraged Cargill, Inc., and others to launch out
into a processing industry providing rather substantial future markets for oil-type sunflower production.
Agricultural research must be a continuous, uninterrupted process and goes forward best in a rather
quiet atmosphere over long periods of time. Legislators have supported the Northwest Experiment
Station strongly throughout its history. The Northwest Agricultural Experiment Station has been engaged in research since 1905
the longest of any
branch stations in t h e s t a t e of Minnesota. T h e
b r a n c h station system is stronger in the s t a t e of
Minnesota than in many states of the nation. Agricultural research in Minnesota is t h e r e b y more
responsive to regional needs of the state because
this permanent system exists. A sampling of major
research and extension contributions during the
past seventy-three years include:
Set pattern for land drainage systems for the flat,
heavy soils.
Introduced alfalfa.
Developed the sweet clover fallow for sugar
Introduced livestock and poultry husbandry to
the Valley.
Pioneered the application of science to farming.
Grew the first sugarbeets in the region.
Developed early selections of open pollinated
Researched tree and shrubbery for Valley
First work with high moisture grain in Minnesota.
Introduced world collection of sunflowers to
Northwestern Minnesota.


Bruce Nelson receives the tip-off and passes to Larry

Adams who went in for the score.


handicapped by a shortage of players. In the phaseo u t years, only a f e w games could be scheduled
with local teams because the Aggies had to share
facilities with the college and because there werent enough boys interested in going out for the



LEFT TO RIGHT: Larry Adams, Glenn Struthers, Larry Rivard, Ted

Paul, Neil Lambert, Robert Fehr, Larry Wetzel, Earl Redman, Robert
Weng, Bill Weber, Roger Thompson, Lloyd Petri, Dave Bohnsack, Earl
Germolus, Bruce Nelson, Coach Joe Mazzitelli.
Bruce Nelson tips the ball to Lloyd Petri.

Earl Germolous gets a foul.


FRONT ROW: Ted Paul, Pete

Novotany, D a n n y N e p h e w ,
H a r v e y Christianson, P a u l
Shelstad, Royal Rivard, Jerry
H e r t w i g , William Neisen,
B r u c e Nelson. MIDDLE
ROW: Richard Battles, Robert Fehr, Robert Weng, Orrin
Osowski, L y l e O d e g a a r d ,
Lyle Lubinski, Richard Stengel, Ronald Marquardt, Francis Dolan. BACK ROW: Gerald Nordick, Paul Pederson,
Robert Kotrba, Larry Rivard,
Paul Swanson, Gary Webster,
Dwight Rindal, Richard Martell, David Bohnsack, Coach
Joe Mazzitelli.

matched up against Glyndon, Fisher, Cass Lake,

and Cathedral High School of Crookston. All of
these games were interesting and several had near
victories, but lack of experience on the part of the
players and injuries such as the neck injury suffered by Paul Pederson early in the season, worked
as a handicap for Coach Mazzitelli and his boys.

Football has played a major part in t h e lives of

both participants and spectators since the early days
of the Northwest School. The enthusiasm and interest of the players didnt seem to die even though
the student population had decreased as the high
school began its last two years of phasing out.
T h e final year of football saw t h e Aggies

Co-captains Paul Shelstad and Royal Rivard are pictured above with Coach Joe Mazzitelli.

Bruce Nelson, Quarterback.

Robert Kotrbra

Jerome Hertwig

Francis Dolan

A fine crowd attended the last game the A.C. played with Fisher.

Dwight Rindahl

Robert Fehr

Harvey Christianson

Peter Novotny

Theodore Paul

Richard Battles

Richard Stengl

Paul Pederson
Injured opening game.

William Neisen

Robert Marquart

Lyle Odegaard

Lyle Lubinski

Aggie Cheerleaders 1966


T h r o u g h o u t t h e years it h a s
b e e n a custom a t t h e N o r t h w e s t
School to select cheerleaders from
t h e j u n i o r a n d senior classes.
H o w e v e r , since t h e school w a s
being phased-out, cheerleaders for
the 1966
1967 school year were
selected from the remaining classes. T h e r e w e r e t i m e s w h e n t h e
basketball team played away from
campus and only the cheerleaders
were there to cheer for the school
team. I t c a n b e said t h a t m a n y
times they provided school spirit
when it was needed the most.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Karen Sikorski, Karen Good, Dorothy Miller, Sylvia Medrano.

Students eagerly awaiting the entry of the Homecoming candidates.

T h e talk all week seemed t o concern

w h o would become
Everyone assembled in the Animal Science lecture hall and eagerly waited until
music began the entrance processional.
Once the candidates and their escorts
were in front on review, the football cocaptains Royal Rivard and Paul Shelstad
selected D a r l e n e Olek t o reign over
Homecoming 66.

The assembly began with the entrance of the Royalty.

Each girls wonders who has been selected as they await the
Crowning Moment.

D a r l e n e Olek, Felton, Minnesota, expresses h e r delight a t being chosen

Queen for 1966-67.

From the sideline the Queen and her attendants watched the game.

After the football game, the queen and

her attendants had a sitting with the photographer.
At 6:30 a buffet supper was served by
Mrs. Brown to our students, their parents
and all visiting alumni.
Following the homecoming supper a
dance was held in the gymnasium.

From the grand march to the twist.


We live in a fascinating era today,

a n d since I c a m e t o t h e Northwest
School t w e n t y - f o u r years a g o many
changes in the curriculum have taken
place. Progress is t h e k e y n o t e a n d
those t h a t d o n o t k e e p u p w i t h t h e
times are left behind to struggle the
best they can. Progress in the field of
Education has been tremendous.
The trend of the times after World
m a d e it necessary t o m a k e
c h a n g e s in t h e Academic courses,
m o r e so t h a n in t h e field of Agriculture. The biggest change in the latter
was automation. This meant that fewe r boys w e r e n e e d e d o n t h e f a r m .
Therefore, it was more or less mandatory t h a t w e e n r i c h o u r c u r r i c u l u m .
This gave the boys and girls that came
to our school an opportunity to better
prepare themselves for institutions of
higher learning. Courses in Social
Studies, Science, a n d M a t h e m a t i c s
were enriched. Where Blacksmithing
and Gas Engines had been the highlights of t h e e n g i n e e r i n g courses,
courses in Gas and Arc Welding, Electricity, Engines and Aeronautics were
Since 1950 close t o 50 p e r c e n t of
our students have gone on to institutions of h i g h e r learning. Some have
M D or P h D degrees; others are lawyers, members of the clergy, or teachers in high school and college; many
a r e in business, o n e is a Brigadier
General in the Air Force, and this year
o n e of o u r g r a d u a t e s is in t h e t o p 10
p e r c e n t of t h e g r a d u a t i n g class a t
Annapolis. Besides t h e s e , w e have
many successful farmers of whom we
a r e most proud. W e a r e especially
happy for the fine affection our graduates have for our school.
We have always had a teaching staff
of good quality. I t has certainly been a
pleasure for m e to have been associated with the Northwest School.
Erwin N. Reiersgord,
Principal Northwest School

Dr. Bernard E. Youngquist, a native of Finlayson, Minnesota, received his B.S. degree in agriculture from the University of Minnesota as well
as his M.A. degree in education. In 1958, he completed work on his Ph.D. degree, majoring in education.
H e began his duties as superintendent at t h e
Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crookston, on July 1956.
In addition to his duties as superintendent of the
Northwest School of Agriculture and Agriculture
Experiment Station, Dr. Bernard E. Youngquist is
president of t h e Red River Valley Winter Shows
Board of Managers, Inc. which several years ago
constructed a large new exhibition hall at Crookston
now called the Winter Shows Arena.

During World War

he served with the U.S.
Army Air Corps and the Navy. H e has taught vocational agriculture in the high school at Starbuck,
Minnesota, and he has also been on the staff of the
former Universitys West Central School and Experiment Station at Morris. From 1952 to 1956 he
was principal at the Southern School of Agriculture,
Dr. Youngquist has received a number of honorary awards, including t h e following: H o n o r a r y
State Farmer Award presented by the Minnesota
Future Farmers of America organization; Agricultural Leadership Award, presented by AID, Inc:
50th Anniversary Medal, presented by the Federal
Land Bank Association for outstanding leadership
in agriculture.

Mr. and Mrs. Youngquist helped celebrate with

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Thorson at Mr. Thorsons retirement party.

Superintendent B. E. Youngquist.


Mr. Reiersgord, b e t t e r known as R i e t o his

multitude of friends, has been active in the field of
education ever since his graduation from Concord i a College, w h e r e h e received his Bachelor of
Arts degree. Throughout the years as a loyal and
faithful administrator and friend, Professor Reiersgord has given a helping hand to many in times of
need. With the closing of the Northwest School, Rie
will retire from active school work. May his retirement be filled with t h e thoughts of all alumni

Principal E. N. Reiersgord began his long career

as the first registrar at the Northwest School to become officially known by the title, principal. Up
t o that time he had either taught or had been an
a d m i n i s t r a t o r a t Fosston, M i n n e s o t a a n d a t St.
Hilaire, Minnesota.


Donald Bergquist
Ph.B. University of North Dakota,
English, American History, American Government, Counselor, Stephens Hall.

Mrs. Myrtle Brown

Teacher Certificate Bemidji State
Teachers College, High School Orientation, class advisor.

Barron retired in 1963.

Mr. Roger Diehl

B.S. North Dakota State University,
Field Machinery, Engines, Farm

Mr. Robert Heckman

B.A. Concordia College, English,
American History, World History,


Donald Bergquist
Ph.B. University of North Dakota,
English, American History, American Government, Counselor, Stephens Hall.

Mrs. Myrtle Brown

Teacher Certificate Bemidji State
Teachers College, High School Orientation, class advisor.

Barron retired in 1963.

Mr. Roger Diehl

B.S. North Dakota State University,
Field Machinery, Engines, Farm

Mr. Robert Heckman

B.A. Concordia College, English,
American History, World History,




Dr. Olaf Soine

B.S. St. Olaf College, M . S . P h . D .
University of M i n n e so t a , Grain
Crops and Soils, Coach: Crop judging team, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Red River Valley Winter Shows.


Graduation procession 1967- 1968.

You have received your training in this school.
You are now out in active work meeting the real
tests of life. One of the hardest tasks you will have
is to judge wisely and justly your fellow men. Not
to be misled by superficial thinkers, not to crucify
Your real friends because of false witness borne
against them, not to lose your faith in God and in
His goodness, but to cherish the finest ideals and to
give of your income, your energy and enthusiasm
to a noble cause
these are the thoughts I wish to
leave with you.

Seniors 1967
May each one of you live long, happy and useful
lives, cherishing the friendships you have formed
and meeting, sincerely, earnestly and with a smile,
to you!
the call life



Reynolds, North Dakota

Erskine, Minnesota

Seniors 1967

Appleton, Minnesota

ria style, and were told about their itinery for the
rest of the trip.

During the 1966-1967 school year, the faculty

had promised the last two classes a joint class trip.
After much anticipation, the day finally arrived.
Five Oclock in the morning of March 18, 1967, fifty-six students wiped the sleep from their eyes and
got aboard t h e buses furnished by t h e F a r m e r s
Union and began the journey to the southern part
of the state.

That afternoon the tour consisted of stops at the

International Airport, Farmers Union Warehouse
Depot and Brookdale Shopping Center where everyone could shop and relax. After about an hour
the group was taken to the Maryland Hotel where
they were to spend the night. Here they were given the liberty of having a free night.

After the arrival at the Farmers Union Central

Exchange, the classes were served a lunch cafete-

The trip ended the next day with a visit to Como

Park and the Ford assembly plant.

Warroad, Minnesota

Ada, Minnesota

Lake Bronson, Minnesota

A highlight of the fall term was the homecoming festivities of 1967.

Euclid, Minnesota

Casselberry, Florida
Halstad, Minnesota
Warren, Minnesota

Mrs. Brown and her staff provided a lovely smorgasbord supper to

students and alumni after the homecoming football game.


Mail call for Juniors.

Borup, Minnesota

Ogema, Minnesota

During the year high school students had the opportunity to attend convocations with the college students.

Everyone enjoyed Mr. Kvammes talk

You Need Cake to Grow.

Joliette, North Dakota

Doran, Minnesota

Grafton, North Dakota

East Grand Forks, North Dakota

East Grand Forks, North Dakota

Hancock, Minnesota

Grygla, Minnesota

Breckenridge, Minnesota

Foxhome, Minnesota

Business boomed in the new Inn.

For once w e caught the girls!


Gentilly, Minnesota

Bede Hall named in honor of Miss Retta Bede, and the first campus
building became a victim of time in 1967.

Borup, Minnesota
Trail, Minnesota
Euclid, Minnesota

In our hearts there will always be a special spot for the school w e
cherish so dearly.


Dr. Youngquist, Superintendent of the Northwest School chats with

parents on Parents Day 1967.

Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Angus, Minnesota
Ada, Minnesota
Blanchard, North Dakota

A noon luncheon was served on Parents Day to the students and their
mothers and fathers.


The Prom was held on St. Patricks Day, and highlighted by the theme
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.

Jerry Dahlsad could have danced all


Hallock, Minnesota

Angus, Minnesota

McIntosh, Minnesota

Perley, Minnesota

Hendrum, Minnesota

Euclid, Minnesota

Ada, Minnesota

Rothsay, Minnesota

Crookston, Minnesota

David Bohnsack M.C., Junior-Senior Banquet.

Dr. Youngquist was featured speaker.


Guatemala City, Guatemala S.A.

Leslie Myrold and the Blue Boys furnished dance music for the
Junior-Senior Prom.

Leonard, Minnesota
Ada, Minnesota

Hillsboro, North Dakota

With the tables gayly decorated to a St. Patricks theme, the Banquet
made a hit with all.


Honored guests at the head table. Pictured above are Dr. and Mrs.
Youngquist, Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson and Diana Lund.

Mahnomen, Minnesota

Goodridge, Minnesota
Callaway, Minnesota
Rothsay, Minnesota

Taste in dance music comes and goes. The latest craze among teens is
the Twist.


Taking a breather, a number of Juniors enjoy a friendly visit as they

watch other dancers.

Arlo and Roger Thompson entertained at the Banquet.

St. Cloud, Minnesota

Crookston, Minnesota

Felton, Minnesota

Goodridge, Minnesota

Stephen, Minnesota

Crookston, Minnesota

Mahnomen, Minnesota

Niagara, North Dakota

Nekoma, North Dakota

Featured speaker at the honors banquet was Mr. Lynn Tharaldson.


Grandin, North Dakota

Everyone listened closely as former staff member Tharaldson spoke at

the Awards Banquet.

Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Graceton, Minnesota
Graceton, Minnesota

Letters were awarded to students with high achievements in grades

and in sports.


Mr. Reiersgord gave last instructions as to what was to happen at Baccalaureate.

Crookston, Minnesota

Felton, Minnesota
Morris, Minnesota
Appleton, Minnesota

The speaker at the Baccalaureate Service Sunday evening was Rev.

Julian Erickson.


The beginning of the end.

Barnesville, Minnesota

Argyle, Minnesota

Everyone will remember Mr. Reiersgords comment that successful

people do what is expected of them and then some.

Reynolds, North Dakota

Euclid, Minnesota

Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Doran, Minnesota

Lancaster, Minnesota

Roseau, Minnesota

Angus, Minnesota

Grygla, Minnesota

Red Lake Falls, Minnesota

Kensington, Minnesota

Address given by Dr. Matalamaki.

Awarding of the diplomas.


Euclid. Minnesota
Grygla, Minnesota

Happy seniors leave the auditorium with their diplomas and congratulations given to them by their friends.

Pastor Erickson gives the Benediction.

Reynolds, North Dakota

East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Euclid, Minnesota

Students at work in the Kiehle library.

Events of great portent in world affairs occupy

o u r a t t e n t i o n in a d e g r e e not e q u a l e d since t h e
Civil War. In this crisis character is made. I n this
crisis we must examine ourselves to see if we are fit
to meet new duties and responsibilities which will
be ours. I t is t r u e w e live in a f a r off c o r n e r of a
Middle West state. Our tasks are none the less vital, our aspirations must be none the less lofty. To
love beauty, and hate ugliness in all its forms; to
exalt strength, and to despise weakness; to cultivate breadth, a n d fight against i n t o l e r a n c e ; to

Seniors 1968
search for truth, and avoid prejudice
these be
our tasks. May we approach them all with manliness and womanliness, with clean thoughts, and
firm devotion to Him who rules wisely in His mysterious ways.



After attending the Northwest School for four

years, most seniors, agree that it has been a unique
and rewarding experience. Adjusting to dormitory
living has helped many to accept the responsibilities
of following directions and to living and working
harmoniously with other students.
Perhaps Aggies have had a wider range of subjects and activities than those who attend public
school. T h e r e has been t h e close contract with
teachers whose helpful advice has made our education richer and our social development more effective.

Our school term has aided us to exercise greater

ambition toward school studies, helped t o make
bonds of lasting friendships and most of all, it has
prepared us for college and for a rewarding and
worthwhile future.
Looking a h e a d t o our f u t u r e as w e leave our
high school days behind, we, the class of 1968, shall
always strive to uphold the principles taught to us by
our instructors and forge onward to be of service tc
God and our country.

Hillsboro, North Dakota

Crookston, Minnesota


Hillsboro, North Dakota

Twin Valley, Minnesota

Ulen, Minnesota

Grand Forks, North Dakota




Warren, Minnesota

Roseau, Minnesota


Ada, Minnesota

Humboldt, Minnesota



DENNIS A.Minnesota


Fergus Falls, Minnesota



Bowesmont, North Dakota


Crosby, North Dakota

Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Crookston, Minnesota

Waskish, Minnesota



Crookston, Minnesota

Warren, Minnesota

E Grand Forks, Minnesota

Graceton, Minnesota




Oklee, Minnesota

Rothsay, Minnesota


M Moorhead Minnesota

Grygla, Minnesota

Grafton, North Dakota

Crookston, Minnesota


Oslo, Minnesota

Crookston, Minnesota


Oslo, Minnesota

Crystal, North Dakota


Foxhome, Minnesota

Euclid, Minnesota

Lancaster, Minnesota

Foxhome, Minnesota


Euclid, Minnesota

St. Vincent, Minnesota

Hillsboro, North Dakota

Callaway, Minnesota


Callaway, Minnesota

DIANA L. L U N D EX. '68

Grand Forks, North Dakota

EX '68
Grand Forks, North Dakota


Kensington, Minnesota


Having a Lauau is the most fun.



Elaine Kovar, DeAnn Lalli and Pat Miller chat at the


The last faculty of the Northwest School eat to-

Maurice Finney and h i 5 group known as the

"Charms" provided music for the dance.

All right, this is it Seniors!

A smorgasbord luncheon was held prior to graduation.

The procession started


the end is near.

Gary Webster, honor student of the Class of 1968 Representing the University in the absence of Dean
Berg, who could not be present, was D e a n Mcgave greetings.

Ole A. Flaat, a graduate of the Class of 1913,

brought greetings t o t h e class a n d welcomed
them into the Alumni Association. H e then con-

Speaking as a representative of the Board of Regents,

was Herman Skyberg a graduate of the school.

Former Superintendent, Austin A. Dowell spoke of

the school as he knew it.

A touching moment was when David Bohnsack passed the torch of education to Ron Tobkin of Minn.

tinued to present a bronze plaque which was a

tribute to the Northwest School. Upon the plaque
w e read: University of Minnesota Northwest
School of Agriculture 1906
in education, research, and service for farmers in
t h e Red River Valley. Introduced science t o
farming. Developed useful farm organizations.
Gave birth t o t h e Red River Valley W i n t e r
Five thousand four hundred thirty-three graduates have gone forth as citizen leaders. Over five
h u n d r e d school teachers w e r e trained h e r e t o
serve country schools. Tens of thousands, both
young and old, have been touched through the
teaching of a dedicated and skilled faculty
short courses, county fairs, at meetings, through
the news media, and at field days.
Life in the Valley is richer, but, more important is the high precept and example and the firm
guidance of t h e campus community through
which developed a strong social and spiritual
fiber among students.
The Northwest Agricultural Experiment Station continues
preparing to meet the challenge
of research for a rapidly changing world. A chapter has closed
another unfolds. The challenge
is now in the hands of Minnesota Tech.



Hail! Minnesota
Minnesota, hail to thee!
Hail to thee, our college dear!
Thy light shall ever be
A beacon bright and clear.
Thy sons and daughters true
Will proclaim thee near and far.
They will guard thy fame
And adore thy name;
Thou shalt be their Northern Star.
Truman Rickard


Anderson, Alice M.
(Mrs. Ed Ittner)
Cass Lake, Minn.
Anderson, David J.
Starkweather, N. D.
Anderson, Donald W.
Crookston, Minn.
Anderson, Evelyn
(Mrs. Aasboe)
Anderson, Marjorie D.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Anderson, Seigel A.
St. Paul, Minn.
Anderson, Thomas D.
Arrivee, Agnes E.
Aune, Julia
(Mrs. Lars Haug)
Takoma, Md.
Avery, E. W.


Bakkegaard, Benjamin
Baldwin, Arlo K.
Ball, Cassie
(Mrs. H. I. Egdahl)
Barron, William M.
Crookston, Minn.
Bartlett, Lois
Basso, Alex B.
Baxter, R. B.
Bede, Retta
Duluth, Minn.
Bennett, E. F.
Bengtson, J. P.
Beresford, B. C.
N. W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Berg, Carl A.
Bergh, Barbara J.
(Mrs. Carlin Berg)
Bergh, Beverly A.
(Mrs. Lowell Bremseth)
Wayzata, Minn.
Bergh, Otto I.
Bergman, Clinton B.
Maple Plain, Minn.
Bergquist, Donald 0.
Adams, N. Dak.
Bierbauer, Elvira
Billsborrow, J. D.
Blatchford, Clarence E.
Crookston, Minn.
Bothne, Agnes M.
Braaten, Gretchen
Waubun, Minn.
Brown, C. E.
Brown, Faith S.
Brown, Helen
(Mrs. Myron Perry)
Brown, Myrtle
N. W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Bruem, Eleanor
Budrow, Neal K.
Park Rapids, Minn.
Buhr, Oscar L.
Burns, Margaret
(Mrs. C. J Peyton)


Campbell, John A.
Casselman, Lulu
(Mrs. R. W. MachMurchy)
Catlin, Pearl
Cenfield, DeEtte
(Mrs. Harry Genung)
Minneapolis, Minn.
Chapman, Lyman
Christensen A. M.



Christgau, Rufus J.
Oakland, Calif.
Clark, Elmer
Minneapolis, Minn.
Clark, Violet
(Mrs. Robert Clark)
Connery, Robert H.
Constans, Philip H.
Crawford, Kirk A.
Croal, Mary


Dahl, Donald
Rushford, Minn.
Dahlen, Lydia
Thief River Falls, Minn.
Dalager, Shirley Ann
(Mrs. Robert Westacott)
Danielson, G. A.
Danielson, H. R.
Dickenson, W. A.
Diehl, Roger E.
Hillsboro, N. D.
Dietrich, William
Dokken, Lucille
(Mrs. Elmer Uggen)
Minneapolis, Minn.
Dornquast, Robert H.
Dowell, Austin A.
Nevada, Iowa
Dunham, Raymond
St. Paul, Minn.


Emerson, Ruth
Enerson, A. E.
Erickson, Winnifred
(Mrs. M. D. Anderson)
Evans, 0. C.
Evenson, Clara




Hage, Lila
(Mrs. Harry Hage)
Haig, Anna
Halvorson Reuben J.
Roseau, Minn.
Hamlette, Marjorie
(Mrs. B. M. Bakkegaard)
Hanson, Georgine
(Mrs. Peltier)
Hanson, Olga
Hanssen, Nels S.
Harman, Patricia
Harrington, L.P.
Acting Supt.
Harris, Jack
Hartney, James L.
Heckman, Robert
Fertile, Minn.
Heilig, Bernice
(Mrs. P. H. Constans)
Hennig, Katherine
Hesch, Dolores
Hines, Leona
(Mrs. Chambelin)
Hinrichs, Herbert
Hoberg, Harvey
Holliday, Lucille
(Mrs. E. E. Swain)
Holm, Phyllis
Hoverstad, T. A.
Supt. (Deceased)
Hovey, Francis
(Mrs. Otto I. Bergh)
Hughbanks, Fae E.
Spencer, Iowa
Hullinger, Robert
Husby, John





Fast, Marie R.
(Mrs. Gavlord Wall)
Fausch, Homer D.
Calif. State Polytechnic College
Pomona, Calif.
Ferris, Walton C.
Field, LeRoy M.
Finney, Darlene
Flancher, Leon E.
Crookston, Minn.
Foker, Arnold M.
Folson, Jolanda
(Mrs. Glenn Gumlia)
Crookston, Minn.
Fossbakken, Lewis
Franklyn, Laura
(Mrs. Nels Johnson)
Frederick, Edward C.
Southern School & Experiment
Station, Waseca, Minn.
Froneich. Bernice
(Mrs. F. J. Bauer)
Frykman, Marian I.
Galle, Lois
(Mrs. W. C. Whitney)
Gerher, Laura
(Mrs. Donald Lyford)
Gibb G E.
Gibertson Esther
(Mrs. Henshaw)
Glise, Alice
Goldsberry Marcille
Gousseff, W. V.
Graff, Joan Marie
Gregoire, Avonelle

Grotte, Philip
Gunderson, Grace
Gurley, Ruth
(Mrs. Barnard Hutchinson)


Indihar, Betty
Iverson, Vincent


Jackson, Richard
Jeffrey, Paul
Jesness, Carl F.
Johnson, Alma
Johnson, Betty
(Mrs. Richard Johnson)
Crookston, Minn.
Johnson, Darlene
Johnson, Freeman
Glyndon, Minn.
Johnson, Rose Marie
(Mrs. Rollis Balke)
Joiner, Leighton


Kalec, Esther
(Mrs. H. E. Bailey)
Kallal, Victor
Kana, LoAnn
Kennard, F. L.
Kimberly, Mae
1943-1944 Kingston, Elsie
1925-1929 Kiser, Orville
Crookston, Minn.
1915-1916 Kissel, Donna
Kittleson, A. J.
Kittleson, H. D.
1915-1920 Kjorlie, Jean
(Mrs. Arland Miller)
Williston, N. D.
Kneeshaw, Katherine
1918-1920 Knutson, A. R.
1955-1966 Kruta, Jaroslav
Warren, Minn.


Kvamme, Conrad
Ada, Minn.

1961- 1966

Lane, Constance
Larsen, Margaret
Teachers College
Valley City, N . D.
Larson, Arthur H.
Larson, Phillip
Larson, Ralph
LaVoi, Delmar
Brooklyn, Mich.
Lee, Larry
Linde, Audrey
(Mrs. Melvin Lepisto)
Lippitt, Fanny
Lofgren, James
Lohi, Viola
Lohn, Lois
(Mrs. Howard Myster)
Bismarck, N. D.
Lysaker, Herschel H.
Crookston, Minn.


MacRae, Margaret
Maher, Sally
Manning, Martha
(Mrs. L. M. Madsen)
Marquette, Diane
Marx, George D.
Mattson, Wanda
Maxwell, Myrdylene
(Mrs. Madson)
Mazzitelli, Joseph
Crookston, Minn.
McCall, Marian
McCall, Thomas M.
Supt. (Deceased)
McGenty, Denis C.
McLaren, Rita
(Mrs. R. B. Baxter)
McVetty, Raymond
Meade, Mary
Mehl, Lola
(Mrs. Carl Thiede)
Meisenholder, Robert
Menzhuber, William
N. W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Metcalf, Katherine
Meyer, Caryl
Miller, Eugene
N. W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Miller, John A.
Milligan, Dave A.
Mills, Elsie
Mlinar, John W.
Registrar (Deceased)
Mosher, Rodney
Beltrami, Minn.
Mueller, R. H.
Murphy, Marie
Myren, Thea
(Mrs Andrew Nielsen)
Myster, Howard


Naplin, Alvin 0.
Nelson, Anna M.
Nelson, Hazel
Nelson, Lu
(Mrs. Dean Nelson)
Crookston, Minn.
Nelson, Marian
(Mrs. Robert Nelson)



Nelson, Ruth Ann

(Mrs. Jaroslav Kruta)
Warren, Minn.
Newhall, Virginia
Nolan, Bernice
(Mrs. Alfred Lindelien)
Norvold, Alvin
Noyes, Mary
(Mrs. J. E. Williams)
Nylund, Robert
Nystrom, Lloyd


Ocock, Elwyn L.
Olson, Anna
Olson, Mabel
(Mrs. T. R. Sewall)
Overgaard, Harlene
(Mrs. Donald Overgaard)
St. Paul, Minn.


Paddock, Medora
Parbst, Marion
(Mrs. Albert Sarver)
Ada, Minn.
Paul, Mary Ann
(Mrs. Langness)
Peck, Millard
Pederson, Louise
(Mrs. Harry Hedin)
Peterson, Evelyn
(Mrs. G. Milford Peterson)
Crookston, Minn.
Peterson, Hildur
(Mrs. Roy Hollander)
Wayzata, Minn.
Peterson, Jeanette
(Mrs. J. R. Lane)
Excelsior, Minn.
Peterson, Kenneth
Peterson, Mary
Peterson, Shirley
Peterson, Walter
Pfitzner, Ingwelde
Pflock, Charles
Pflughoeft, H A .
Pierce, A. K.
Hales Corners, Wisc.
Pilkey, Alvey M.
Polski, Rosalia
(Mrs. Siegel Anderson)
Pond, William
Grand Forks, N.D.
Powers, H. H.
Promersberger, William
Fargo, N.D.
Pulkrabek, Theodore




1921 1924

Qualee, Jeanette


Ramstad, Ellen
Records, H. S.
Reiersgord, Erwin N.
Crookston, Minn.
Reimer, Diedrich
University of Hawaii
Hilo, Hawaii
Reynolds, Joyce
(Mrs. W. D. Reynolds)
Crookston, Minn.
Riggs, G. 0.
Rishovd, Severin
Ritzman, Carl
Robert, Bruce
Robertson, William
Supt. (Deceased)




Rockwood, Hazel
(Mrs. Clifford Lee)
Roemer, May
(Mrs. Kimbel Pofahl)
Roese, Harry
Rowe, Bess
Rupert, Helen
(Mrs. J. D. Pitcher)
Rusk, William
Rutt, Howard
Wheaton, Illinois
Ryden, Earl


Sanderson, Otto
Sargent, F. H.
Sargent, Lois
(Mrs. Ray Smith)
Baudette, Minn.
Schanke, Jean
Scheidler, Ona
Schenck, Mildred
Schwartz, N. E.
Seebart, Marjorie
(Mrs. Mauland)
Selvig, Conrad C.
Supt. (Deceased)
Sewall, T. R.
Shea, Julia
Sheldon, Ruth
Sherwood, Alva
Sherwood, Grace
Simley, Anne
Madison, Wisc.
Simonson, Elesa
Faribault, Minn.
Singelstad, R. L.
Skorpen, Borgni
(Mrs. Chas. Edin)
Jamestown, N. D.
Slade, Musa
(Mrs. H. 0. Tellier)
Smith, Bernice
Smith, Dorothy
Boulder, Colorado
Smith, R. R.
Snyder, Charles
Soderburg, Harry W.
Crookston, Minn.
Soine, Olaf C.
N.W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Stenseth, Martinus
Washington, D.C.
Stokke, Verna
Stolen, Rudolph
Stout, John
Strand, Ella
(Mrs. Robert Strand)
Crookston, Minn.
Streeter, Donald
Strobel, Marcella
(Mrs. Duane Lemmon)
Sumption, Lavon
Sumption, Jacquelin
(Mrs. Lavon Sumption)
Sundberg, William
Minneapolis, Minn.
Swan, Bryan


Tharldson, Lynn
Thiel, Ann
Thompson, Geneva
(Mrs. Arthur Thompson)
Crookston, Minn.
Thompson, Mary
Thorbeck Ann
Thorson, Theodore
Crookston, Minn.
Titus, Ralph
Stewartville, Minn.



Tohms, Emma
Tordoff, Reffa
Torkelson, Marie
Trengove, Martha
Tunheim, Selma
(Mrs. J. M. Johnson)
Turnquist, Orrin
U of M, St. Paul Campus
St. Paul, Minn.
Twedten, Ida


Uggen, Elmer

1921 1927

Vaaler, C. L.
Victor, Sturges
Vogele, Alfred


CLASS O F 1909
Fossbakken, Christopher
Fosston, Minnesota
Fossbakken, Lewis
Fosston, Minnesota
Fossbakken, Mollie
Fosston, Minnesota
Nelson, Olaf Freithof
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Nelson, Olivia Mary
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Opdahl, Lena
Alden, Minnesota
Petterson, Albert
Crookston, Minnesota
Regeimbal, Louis Odilon
Crookston Minnesota
CLASS O F 1910
Erlandson, Robert
Kennedy, Minnesota
Graves, Charley
Crookston, Minnesota
Hendrickson, Hilda
Warren, Minnesota
Monson, Mons
Drayton, North Dakota
MacLaren, Marguerita
Crookston, Minnesota
Pederson, Emma
Flaming, Minnesota
Paulsrud, Julius
Nielsville, Minnesota
Skaar, Ole
Crookston, Minnesota
Wilkinson, Hazel Dell
Chance, Montana
CLASS O F 1911
Barrett, Elsie May
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Bruun, Julia
Climax, Minnesota
Coulter, Helen Harriet
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Erlandson, Hildur Louise
Kennedy, Minnesota
Eklund, Carl Gustaf
Great Falls, Montana
Gunness, Mae
Euclid, Minnesota
Hedin, Harry
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Johnson, Victor Eugene
Hallock, Minnesota


Vraa, Arthur
Climax, Minn.


Wampole, John
Ward, John
Ward, Lottie
(Mrs. Cyril Wengert)
Warne, Grace
(Mrs. Kenneth Flom)
St. Paul, Minn.
Webster, Dolores
Wegener, E. P.
Weinberger, Cynthia
(Mrs. H. Haugland)
Minneapolis, Minn.
Werson, Vincent
Westley, R. 0.
Whiting, Charles


Lindfors, Olga Claudia

Fosston, Minnesota
McDonald, Winnifred Cecil
Davidson, Minnesota
Misner, Vesta Louise
Euclid, Minnesota
Mueller, Angeline
Gary, Minnesota
Nelson, Peter
Grygla, Minnesota
Senum, Nottof
Fosston, Minnesota
Thorkelson, John
Fosston, Minnesota
Torvend, Silas Benjamin
Fosston, Minnesota
Anderson, Selma
McIntosh, Minnesota
Berg, Carl A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bjoin, Bertha
Crookston, Minnesota
Burkhardt, Elizabeth
Fosston, Minnesota
Casselman, Lulu M.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Cumming, William J.
Mallory, Minnesota
Gulseth, Hannah S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Edward N.
Strandquist, Minnesota
Landby, Lenus M.
Swift, Minnesota
Lindberg, William A.
Roda, Minnesota
Lindberg, Melvin J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lindfors, Helga M.
Fosston, Minnesota
Malm, Minnie E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Miller, Harry L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Alfred J.
Gary, Minnesota
Osterloh, Emma E.
Angus, Minnesota
Osterloh, Edward C.
Angus, Minnesota
Rud, Edward W.
Viking, Minnesota
Saterstrom, Elmer R.
Lengby, Minnesota
Swanson, Grace J.
Argyle, Minnesota


Crookston, Minn.
Wight, George
Williams, Laura
(Mrs. Solmonson)
Windels, Harvey F.
N.W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Woodruff, Theresa
(Mrs. H. H. Powers)
Ames, Iowa
Woolery, Herbert M.
Youngquist, Bernard
N.W. Experiment Station
Crookston, Minn.
Younggren, Joyce

Torvend, Ole
Fosston, Minnesota
Wilder, Jay E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Wurden, Dora C.
Fisher, Minnesota
Berg, David
Fosston, Minnesota
Brown, Charles
Fisher, Minnesota
Dahl, Sivert
Bagley, Minnesota
Erlandson, Albert
Kennedy, Minnesota
Erlandson, Teckla
Kennedy, Minnesota
Fredrickson, Fred
Pelan, Minnesota
Harrington, Orville
Orleans, Minnesota
Landby, Martin
Swift, Minnesota
Lee, Herman
Erskine, Minnesota
Lee, Oscar
Hendrum, Minnesota
Lieberg, Fred
Haug, Minnesota
Lindquist, Walter
Viking, Minnesota
Mueller, Henry
Gary Minnesota
Nelson, Richard
Gatzke, Minnesota
Pederson, Nels
Bejou, Minnesota
Rud, John
Radium, Minnesota
Skibness, Lionel
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Solberg, Melkar
Bagley ley, Minnesota
Thorfelson, William
Fosston, Minnesota
Westad, Iver
Flaming, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1914
Christiansen, Ida
Len by, Minnesota
Clarence J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahl, Albert
Fertile, Minnesota




Evenson, Anna L.
Climax, Minnesota
Ferris, Walton C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Funseth, Carl A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Geddes, Darragh
Mallory, Minnesota
Gordon, Amanda
Crookston, Minnesota
Hannah, Alfred E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Hanson, Esther H.
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Hedin, Hannah P.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hendrickson, Frieda
Warren, Minnesota
Hilden, Thos. H.
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Huot, Gilbert
Wylie, Minnesota
Hvidsten, Alfred
Stephen, Minnesota
Jacobson, John A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnston, William A.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Johnson, Norris M.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Latta, Elmer W.
Crookston, Minnesota
McDonald, Minnie B.
Fisher, Minnesota
Mariner, Marie M.
Eldred, Minnesota
Ofstedal, Mathilda C.
Fertile, Minnesota
Palm, Nels
Alvarado, Minnesota
Rutherford, Robert J.
Euclid, Minnesota
Sandem, Thorina J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Story, Leonard S.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Sandberg, Roy A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Vog, John L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Wurden, Anchor, S. V.
Fisher, Minnesota
Enge, Nora E.
Elmore, Minnesota
James, Mary A.
Eyota, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1915
Billings, Richard A.
Audubon, Minnesota
Billings, Robert M.
Audubon, Minnesota
Cannon, Cyril P.
Northcote, Minnesota
Clementson, Conrad
Erskine, Minnesota
Dunton, Harold H.
Bagley, Minnesota
Floan, Lawrence H.
Melvin, Minnesota
Grandy, Harold H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hagen, Christian
Hendrum, Minnesota
Johnston, J. Willard
Fargo, North Dakota
Jones, Newton 0.
Felton, Minnesota
Lindberg, Carl A.
Roland, Minnesota
Lovas, 0scar.B.
Plummer, Minnesota
Mills, Earl C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Monson, Sophie
Drayton, North Dakota
Nyquist, Selma E.
Mentor, Minnesota
Osterloh, Gertrude
Angus, Minnesota
Hanson, Amanda K.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Harris, Charles F.
McHugh, Minnesota
Hest, John H.
Perley, Minnesota
Huot, Helen M.
Wylie, Minnesota
Pederson, Ole
Fertile, Minnesota
Strandness, Elizabeth
Glenwood, Minnesota
Walker, Grace A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Wilson, 0. Chester
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Engen, Nels M.
Warren, Minnesota
Fosshakken, Mollie H.
Fosston, Minnesota
Garceau, Lenora M.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Gulseth, Hannah S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gordon, Amanda H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hanson, Esther H.
Ortonville, Minnesota
Nyen, Johanne
Fertile, Minnesota
Schuck, Harold B.
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1916
Ash, William S.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Bagaas, Gertrude Elizabeth
Stephen, Minnesota
Berland, David M. A.
Fisher, Minnesota
Boisner, Anna Jane
Humboldt, Minnesota
Brunelle, Wilfred
Crookston, Minnesota
Camrud, Richard B.
Buxton, North Dakota
Corell, Ross F.
Big Falls, Minnesota

Wilson, 0. Chester
Engelstad, Paul Martin
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Gertrude Elizabeth
Engelbraksen, Ruth
Stephen, Minnesota
Drayton, North Dakota
Huot, Helen M.
Erfjord Selmer
Wylie, Minnesota
Buxton, North Dakota
Bloomquist, Ellen J.
Imsdahl, Hannah 0.
Espe, William
Middle River
Oslo, Minnesota
Crookston, Minnesota
Ferris, Doritha
Pearson, Esther Elizabeth
Flaat, Ole A.
Fremont, Nebraska
Argyle, Minnesota
Fisher, Minnesota
Hanson, Amanda K.
Fosston, Minnesota
Almira C.
Garceau, Lester R.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Monson, Sophie
Torgerson, Josephine
Hales, Murray
Drayton, North Dakota
Fosston, Minnesota
Hallock, Minnesota
Nyquist, Selma E.
Hammer, Edwin
Mentor, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1918
Heiberg, Minnesota
Torgerson, Almira
Imsdahl, Hannah 0.
Abbott, Thomas E.
Fosston. Minnesota
Oslo, Minnesota
Mentor, Minnesota
Kirkeby, James C.
Arneson, William Stanley
Fox, Minnesota
Shelly, Minnesota
Landby, Andrew
Cawelti, Arthur William
Swift, Minnesota
Anderson, Herbert V.
Crookston, Minnesota
Larness, Olive M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Hallgren, Emil
Park River, North Dakota
Anderson, Nellie A.
Bronson, Minnesota
Laughlin, Lorin James
Ortonville, Minnesota
Isaacson, Carl Dedrick
Ada, Minnesota
Anderson, Raymond G.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lindfors, Clara Margreta
Hitterdal, Minnesota
Johnson, Anna
Fosston, Minnesota
Anderson, Sam C.
Fisher, Minnesota
Lindfors, Hildur Josephine
Alvarado, Minnesota
Johnston, Earl W.
Fosston, Minnesota
Auburg, Charles
Angus, Minnesota
Lund, Oscar
Bagley, Minnesota
Jones, Frank H.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bjorsness, Albert S.
Clearwater, Minnesota
McDonald, Ruby Ellen
Newfolden, Minnesota
Lanager, Ida Christina
Fisher, Minnesota
Davids, George A.
Plummer, Minnesota
Morrison, Blanche Lamonte
Bagley, Minnesota
Lee, Clarence Amos
Northcote, Minnesota
Gigstad, Oscar A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Nettum, Alma Josephine
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Lee, Newell 0.
Crookston, Minnesota
Haenke, Florence C.
Halma, Minnesota
Olson, Carl E.
Eveleth, Minnesota
Lindfors, Beda Florence
Felton, Minnesota
Hagglund, Birger E.
Fosston, Minnesota
Pearson, Esther E.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Lindors, Cora Theresia
Argyle, Minnesota
Heiberg, Rasmus A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Pearson, Peter
Heiberg, Minnesota
Morris, Harold Paul
Warroad, Minnesota
Imsdahl, Josie A.
Middle River, Minnesota
Peterson, Cora G.
Oslo, Minnesota
Moses, Bernard Earl
Grygla, Minnesota
Johnson, Fred H.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Rud, Henry
Argyle, Minnesota
Pederson, Emma
Viking, Minnesota
Johnson, Marion
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Rud, Wilhelm
Felton, Minnesota
Rubert, Fred Peter
Viking, Minnesota
Monson, Johanna
Orleans, Minnesota
Sather, Julius
Drayton, North Dakota
Samuelson, Oscar Elwood
Halstad, Minnesota
Ness, Peter
Crookston, Minnesota
Saugstad, Randolf Claudinius
Cass Lake, Minnesota
Saugen, Martin
Crookston, Minnesota
Ovnan, Carrie
Newfolden, Minnesota
Sontag, Helen A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Skonovd, Arthur William
Borup, Minnesota
Petersen, Maja
Viking, Minnesota
Skyberg, Herman F.
Mentor, Minnesota
Spokely, Guy Gregor
Fisher, Minnesota
Peterson, Walter
Nielsville, Minnesota
Starr, Chloe P.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Wiger, Alfred
Naytahwaush, Minnesota
Porten, James H.
Ulen, Minnesota
Starr, Claude B.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Naytahwaush, Minnesota
Scherfenberg, King H.
Stenseth, Martinus
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Heiberg, Minnesota
Sheridan, Walter H.
Auburg, Charles
Stewart, Lloyd W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bagley, Minnesota
Hallock, Minnesota
Soberg, Martin
Haenke, Florence Clara
Stow, Ray
Fertile, Minnesota
Eveleth, Minnesota
Cumberland, Wisconsin
Spjut, Magnus
Peterson, Walter A.
Tunheim, Thorval
Karlstad, Minnesota
Lancaster, Minnesota
Newfolden, Minnesota
Tunheim, Oscar
Sheridan, Walter H.
Younggren, Victor 0.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Northcote, Minnesota
Westherg, Ethel
Cottonwood Lake, North Dakota Tunheim, Oscar
Newfolden, Minnesota
Billings, Robert M.
Audubon, Minnesota
Clementson, Conrad
Erskine, Minnesota
Grandy, Harold H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnston, J. Willard
Fargo, North Dakota
Krogseng, Helge
Saum, Minnesota
Pederson, Ole
Fertile, Minnesota



Erickson, Palmer
Goodhue, Minnesota
Flaat, Ole A.
Fisher, Minnesota
Garceau, Lester R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hammer, Edwin
Heiberg, Minnesota
Tunheim, Thorval
Newfolden, Minnesota

Ecklund, Amanda
Hallock, Minnesota
Imsdahl, Josie A.
Oslo, Minnesota
Malokowski Amy Alice
Lockhart, Minnesota
Malakowski, Esther M.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Monson, Johanna
Drayton, North Dakota

Temple, Dora B.
Roseau, Minnesota
Ulvin, Rachel
Wannaska, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1919
Edman, Lena
Alvarado, Minnesota
Fossbakken, Ella
Fosston, Minnesota
Holland, Elmer Olaus
Shelly, Minnesota
Imsdahl, Verna S.
Oslo, Minnesota
Johnson, Albin J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Knutson, Oscar R.
Warren, Minnesota
Mellum, Clayton 0.
Ulen, Minnesota
Nabben, Henry
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Peterson, Theodore
Fisher, Minnesota
Rutherford, Raymond Herbert
Euclid, Minnesota
Sput, Olga R.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Steenerson, Tarjie
Climax, Minnesota
Bauer, Martha L.
Ada, Minnesota
Buhn, Elba W.
Mentor, Minnesota
Erlandson, Teckla
Kennedy, Minnesota
Horn, Louise M.
Ada, Minnesota
Kinnan, Velura
Crookston, Minnesota
Kulle, Gerda Elvira
Alvarado, Minnesota
Lindfors, Cora Theresia
Fosston, Minnesota
Lindfors, Beda Florence
Fosston, Minnesota
Stewart, Leah B.
Luck, Wisconsin
Torske, Luella A.
Borup, Minnesota
Tunheim, Olga E.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Westphalen, Adele W.
Laurel, Nebraska
CLASS O F 1920
Aakre, Einar G.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Ahlm, Ellen D.
Argyle, Minnesota
Andresen, Arthur
St. Paul, Minnesota
Bagge, Henry J.
Cummings, North Dakota
Bengtson, Melvin
Wannaska, Minnesota
Burnell, Joseph
Crookston, Minnesota
Campion, Morrill W.
Angus, Minnesota
Edman, Louise I.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Felber, James H.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Flikke, Johan
Shelly, Minnesota
Gaass, Wanda L.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Gronner, Agnes C.
Underwood, Minnesota

Jensen, Laura Johanna

Drayton, North Dakota
Johnston, Herbert E.
Angus, Minnesota
Knudson, Ruby R.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Lovaas, Olga T.
Plummer, Minnesota
Lundberg, Vivian Irene
Kennedy, Minnesota
Morris, Lucile
Middle River, Minnesota
Narveson, Carl Robert
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Rud, Martin
Viking, Minnesota
Sprung, Walter V.
Ada, Minnesota
Swiers, John Herman
Bejou, Minnesota
Thorkilson, Joseph T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Tollefson, Ella C.
Hatton, North Dakota
Tucker, Clarence K.
Euclid, Minnesota
Tunheim, Willard T.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Warner, Milton 0.
Warren, Minnesota
Wiberg, Leonard
Lancaster, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1921
Anderson, Martin 0.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Austin, Marie A.
Malung, Minnesota
Bursheim, Maurice C.
Winger, Minnesota
Bredlie, Elmer
Eldred, Minnesota
Erickson, Gladys 0.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Erickson, Myrtle R.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Ferguson, Henry C.
Clearwater, Minnesota
Flikke, Bena
Shelly, Minnesota
Forder, John R.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Gibbons, Veral
Crookston, Minnesota
Gullingsrud, Carl
Kratka, Minnesota
Gilbertson, Clara M.
Hendrum, Minnesota
Green, Clyde
Plummer, Minnesota
Hallstrom, Harold L.
Wylie, Minnesota
Hansen, Luella B.
Shelly, Minnesota
Hanson, Percy A.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Jensen, Earl L.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Johnson, Joseph
Kratka, Minnesota
Johnston, Wilbur
Angus, Minnesota
Jorgenson, George H.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Kappes, John L.
Badger, Minnesota
Kasberg, Amos
Eldred, Minnesota
Kjallberg, Laura
Wannaska, Minnesota
Knutson, Ray
Gully, Minnesota
Krbechek, Sophie H.
Erie, Minnesota
Landby, Esther
Swift, Minnesota

Landby, John
Swift, Minnesota
Larson, Marie
Argyle, Minnesota
Lee, Gilmar
Hendrum, Minnesota
Lincoln, Leland
Stephen, Minnesota
Lindahl, Eldred
Hallock, Minnesota
Lindgren, Alma
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Logan, Rufus
Ada, Minnesota
Marmorine, Milton R.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Melick, Harry C.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Melick, Roy H.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Monson, Kenneth
Orleans, Minnesota
Moses, Jay L.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Negaard, Ole
Gonvick, Minnesota
Nelson, Egon H.
Hallock, Minnesota
Norquist, George H.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Norquist, Victor E.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Nowak, Joseph
Zipple, Minnesota
Remick, Herbert E.
Mentor, Minnesota
Reske, Laudy
Oslo, Minnesota
Sather, Edwin J.
Halstad, Minnesota
Shosten, Edith I.
Erie, Minnesota
Skime, Elmer
Gonvick, Minnesota
Stennes, Charlotte M.
Hendrum, Minnesota
Swedin, Martin L.
Grygla, Minnesota
Torgerson, Agnes 0.
Stephen, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Mable
Erskine, Minnesota
Wheeler, Loring C.
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1922
Aakre, Richard B.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Anderson, Arthur J.
Jelle, Minnesota
Anderson, Walter R.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Bolstad, Lloyd M.
Floodwood, Minnesota
Briden, Roger H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Briden, Una Vivian
Crookston, Minnesota
Dobbdal, Iva Constance
Guthrie, Minnesota
Emerson, Louis H.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Erickson, Harold J.
Duluth, Minnesota
Folvick, Inga 0.
Oslo, Minnesota
Gronner, John A.
Underwood, Minnesota
Gordon, Raymond Gehard
Rhoda, Minnesota
Gibbons, Neva L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Homme, James Towler
Highlanding, Minnesota
Hegstad, Norval Justin
Haug, Minnesota

Representing the class

of 1909 at the reunion
held in June, 1967: Mrs.
Oline Olson ( n e e Lena
Hanson, Olga G .
Gary, Minnesota
Jensen, Osmond John
Rhoda, Minnesota
Johnson, William E.
Duluth, Minnesota
Kassa, Louis G.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Lindfors, Carl E.
Fosston, Minnesota
Martinson, Hannah Elizabeth
Kennedy, Minnesota
Marmorine, Myrtle Laurel
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nansom, Naime A. M.
Erskine, Minnesota
Nelson, Emil
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Ness, Lloyd 0.
Ada, Minnesota
Nornes, Halvor B.
Winger, Minnesota
Olson, Marie
Nielsville, Minnesota
Olson, George E.
Middle River, Minnesota
Peterson, Oscar A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Peterson, Lavern F.
Brooks, Minnesota
Peterson, Jennie Sophia
Stephen, Minnesota
Smith, Charles A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Stephens, Gerald H.
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Solberg, Edward
Fertile, Minnesota

Stageherg, Clayton 0. R.
Floodwood, Minnesota
Slyter, Ila Mae
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sandem, Esther N.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Torpet, Minnie 0.
Fertile, Minnesota
Torkelson, A. Thelma
Stephen, Minnesota
Tarvas, Ole Everet
Iron, Minnesota
Tammy, Gust A.
Iron, Minnesota
Voaklander, Ivy A.
Warroad, Minnesota
Walters, Lawrence C.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Welte, Walter W.
Bagley, Minnesota
Wold, Milo B.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Aakre, Einar
Goodridge, Minnesota
Anderson, Walter
Gonvick, Minnesota
Bredlie, Elmer
Eldred, Minnesota
Husting, Truman
Bagley, Minnesota
Kasberg, Amos
Eldred, Minnesota
Kassa, Louis
Goodridge, Minnesota
Marrs, Clayton
Bemidji, Minnesota
Monson, Kenneth
Orleans, Minnesota
Nabben, Henry
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Peterson, Harold
Bagley, Minnesota
Selvig, Helen
Crookston, Minnesota

Anderson, Earl R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Jesse Orlando
Erie, Minnesota
Anderson, Selmer Arthur
Erie, Minnesota
Burk, Walter Edmond
Brooks, Minnesota
Christopherson, Gladyce Sylvia
Oklee, Minnesota
Drotts, David August
Viking, Minnesota
Edgar, Klaire J.
Bagley, Minnesota
Engelbrakson, Alma
Drayton, North Dakota
Friday, Clarissa A.
Hawley, Minnesota
Halvorson, Claire Percis
Fosston, Minnesota
Halvorson, Julian Otto
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Harstad, Eva Marie
Fertile, Minnesota
Hoper, William Henry
Stephen, Minnesota
Ingvalson, Arthur William
Beltrami, Minnesota
Johnson, Iver J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Kopecky, Albert
Angus, Minnesota
Lee, Archie Raymond
Pencer, Minnesota
Lundin, Joseph 0.
Bagley, Minnesota
McCrum, Donald Hugh
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Meyer, Clarence Walter
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Murray, Laura I.
Northcote, Minnesota
Nabben, Johanna A.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Nakken, John Selvin
Rosewood, Minnesota

Nelson, Alma M.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Nyberg, Della Gladyce
Gully, Minnesota
Peterson, Harold Jennings
Bagley, Minnesota
Raymond, Adele M.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Synnes, Lorentz Arthur
Bagley, Minnesota
Briden, Roger H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gronner, John A.
Underwood, Minnesota
Homme, James Towler
Highlanding, Minnesota
Johnson, William E.
Duluth, Minnesota
Peterson, Harold Jennings
Bagley, Minnesota
Peterson, Lavern F.
Brooks, Minnesota
Wold, Milo B.
Beltrami, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1924
Aakre, Theresa
Goodridge, Minnesota
Adamski, Sylvester P.
Oslo, Minnesota
Balk, Howard E.
Guthrie, Minnesota
Davids, Robert H.
Bagley, Minnesota
Eidsmoe, Melvin C.
Nielsville, Minnesota
Ellingson, Mabel H.
Waukon, Iowa
Engelstad, Alice Josephine
Nielsville, Minnesota
Ganrud, Allen Kenneth
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gandrud, Ebenhard Stewart
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Gibbons, Helen Dorothy

Crookston, Minnesota
Groven, Ole A.
Bagley, Minnesota
Gunufson, Gladyce Inga
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamrick, Marie Virginia
Angus, Minnesota
Hanson, Hector A.
Fertile, Minnesota
Hanson, James
Cass Lake, Minnesota
Harstad, Martin T.
Fertile, Minnesota
Henderson, Harry Everett
Halstad, Minnesota
Hermanson, Ruth Maybelle
Fertile, Minnesota
Hofdahl, Orlie R.
Hazel, Minnesota
Hogenson, Raymond B.
Winger, Minnesota
Howard, Oliver H.
Highlanding, Minnesota
Johnson, Bert K.
Kratka, Minnesota
Larson, Carl L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Lofthus, Edwin 0.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Luchau, Walter W.
Gary, Minnesota
Lundin, Inger C.
Erskine, Minnesota
Mansfield, John E.
Swift, Minnesota
Miller, Lydia M.
Roseau, Minnesota
Miller, Wallace W.
Roseau, Minnesota
Nelson, Emma M.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Oswald, Mildred Agatha
Fertile, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Gertrude Helen
Angus, Minnesota
Peloski, Anna Cecelia
Greenbush, Minnesota

Representing the class of 1913 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Herman Lee, Erskine;
Oscar M. Lee, Cambridge; Mrs. Nils Pederson (Teckla Erlandson), Bejou; Nils Pederson, Bejou; and William Thorkelson, Fertile.

Representing the classes of 1914-1925 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Ella (Fossbakken) Geddes, '19, East Grand Forks; Martin Harstad, '24, Fertile; William Hoper, '23, Stephen; G. Emil
Nelson, '22, Clearbrook; Alfred E. Hannah, '14, East Grand Forks; Cora (Thompson) Grove, '25, McIntosh;
and Elmer 0. Anderson, '25, Clearbrook.
Reski, Adolph L.
Oslo, Minnesota
Rice, Gladys Evangeline
Lake Bronson, Minnesota
Solem, Arnie
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Sorenson, Stella Magdelina
Plummer, Minnesota
Strickler, Effie Marie
Euclid, Minnesota
Swanson, Arnold C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Turgeon, Walter w.
Brooks, Minnesota
Udstrand, Jalma Emily
Hok, Minnesota
Voxland, Alfred
McIntosh, Minnesota
Wardeberg, Andrew J.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Adamski, Sylvester P.
Oslo, Minnesota
Anderson, Jesse 0.
Erie, Minnesota
Anderson, Selmer
Erie, Minnesota
Johnson, Iver J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Kopecky, Albert
Angus, Minnesota
Mansfield, John E.
Swift, Minnesota
Reski, Adolph L.
Oslo, Minnesota
Amundson, Alice A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Amundson, Harold
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Anderson, Elmer Oswald
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Bergh, Cecil Raymond
Halstad, Minnesota

Carlson, Stella Matilda

Hallock, Minnesota
Dunn, Mildred Estelle
Northcote, Minnesota
Eilertson, Einar
Drayton, North Dakota
Flekke, Helen
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Forseth, Oscar A.
Halstad, Minnesota
Forsness, Agnes
Greenbush, Minnesota
Gordon, Erling
Shevlin, Minnesota
Groves, Frank T.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Gunderson, Lois Anetta
Gary, Minnesota
Halvorson, Kenneth LeRoy
Gary, Minnesota
Hamre, Selma Viola
McIntosh, Minnesota
Hanisch, Violette Beatrice
Stephen, Minnesota
Hoper, Anna M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Jacobson, Ross Weldon
Johnson, Chester C.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Jones, Margaret Elizabeth
Lancaster, Minnesota
Krogstad, Elmer Oliver
Fertile, Minnesota
Lindahl, Frances M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Loven, Einar A.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Miller, Elmer Severn
Erie, Minnesota
Nelson, Ferdinand Lenerd
Hallock, Minnesota
Nelson, Julius T.
Radium, Minnesota
Nelson, Robert F.
Radium, Minnesota
Neske, Theodore F.
Princeton, Minnesota
Ofstedal, Clarence Stanley
Fertile, Minnesota
Onneland, Amy Claire
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Parks, Joseph Henry

Borup, Minnesota
Quesnell, Lorena E.
Mentor, Minnesota
Satre, Emma T.
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Sharpe, Jacob
Shelly, Minnesota
Sharpe, Benneth
Shelly, Minnesota
Silnes, Theodore G.
Halma, Minnesota
Skaurud, James A.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Sorenson, Cora
Plummer, Minnesota
Sorenson, Helga J.
Plummer, Minnesota
Strickler, Esther May
Euclid, Minnesota
Strommer, Della Alice
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Thompson, Cora Mae
McIntosh, Minnesota
Vigstol, Christine
Donaldson, Minnesota
Walters, Cora Margaret
Beltrami, Minnesota
Woods, Margaret M.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Aakre, Theresa Dorothy
Goodridge, Minnesota
Balk, Howard E.
Guthrie, Minnesota
Davids, Robert H.
Bagley, Minnesota
Erickson, Myrtle
Goodridge, Minnesota
Gandrud, Allen Kenneth
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gibbons, Helen Dorothy
Crookston, Minnesota
Gunderson, Lois Anetta
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, James
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hogenson, Raymond B.
Winger, Minnesota

Howard, Oliver H.
Highlanding, Minnesota
Jacobson, Ross Weldon
Clitheral, Minnesota
Luchau, Walter W.
Gary, Minnesota
Miller, Lydia M.
Roseau, Minnesota
Miller, Wallace W.
Roseau, Minnesota
Nelson, Emma M.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Parks, Joseph Henry
Borup, Minnesota
Sorenson, Cora
Plummer, Minnesota
Sorenson, Helga J.
Plummer, Minnesota
Sorenson, Stella Magdelina
Plummer, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1926
Christianson, Ella A.
Mentor, Minnesota
Covlin, John
Erskine, Minnesota
Dale, Gertie Jorgine
Fertile, Minnesota
Dale, Hilda Marie
Fertile, Minnesota
Flekke, Anne
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Forder, Naomi R.
Middle River, Minnesota
Gandrud, Karrol I.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Homme, Frances Luella
Highlanding, Minnesota
Hruska, Caroline
Lock hart, Minnesota
Hurner, Benjamin L.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Johnson, Elmer A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Kozojed, Rose Victoria
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Kotrba, Matilda
Erie, Minnesota
KenKnight, Lester 0.
Clearbrook, Minnesota

Representing the classes of 1927 and 1928 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Rudie G.
Johnstad, '28, Grand Forks, N.D.; Loren W. Parkin, '27, Euclid; Adeline (Buness) Lindquist, '27, Crookston; Sophie (Breiland) Burstad, ' 2 7 , Thief River Falls; Selmer Harstad, '27, Fertile; and George Lee, '28,
Larter, Mabel Mae
Lancaster, Minnesota
Letnes, Lawrence A.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lewis, Harry Albert
Warroad, Minnesota
Lewis, Victoria E.
Warroad, Minnesota
Luchau, Earl E.
Gary, Minnesota
Lundberg, Violet Ann
Kennedy, Minnesota
Mackowiak, Henry H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Magneson, Ray Walter
Grygla, Minnesota
Koerner, Hazel
Euclid, Minnesota
Minske, Clarence H.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Minske, Melvin A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Nelson, Clarence
Gary, Minnesota
Odegard, Alma Olive
Hibbing, Minnesota
Olson, Doris Evelyn
Fertile, Minnesota
Olson, Violet Esther
Williams, Minnesota
Parnow, Alice Mae
Erie, Minnesota
Pederson, Arthur L.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Person, Melvin P.
Ulen, Minnesota
Peterson, Edna
Grygla, Minnesota
Quesnel, Wallace J.
Mentor, Minnesota
Ramse, Arthur M.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Sheldrew, Wesley Butel
Grygla, Minnesota
Skatvold, Joseph L.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Stenborg, Phinny H.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Thompson, Ernest B.
Fosston, Minnesota
Thorson, Jerdis Mae
Kratka, Minnesota

Vomacka, Henry J.
0 ema, Minnesota
Waltaug, Lilliam Mary Ann
Oklee, Minnesota
Walters, Harold 0.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Wilkins, Eunice
Euclid, Minnesota
Ystenes, Theodore Oliver
Bejou, Minnesota
Aakre, Richard
Goodridge, Minnesota
Amundson, Harold
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Bergh, Cecil
Halstad, Minnesota
Flekke, Helen
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Forseth, Oscar
Halstad, Minnesota
Forsness, A nes
Gandrud, Ebenhard
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
KenKnight, Lester
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Krogstad, Elmer
Fertile, Minnesota
Lindahl, Francis
Hallock, Minnesota
Loven, Einar
Gatzke, Minnesota
Luchau, Walter
Gary, Minnesota
Miller, Elmer
Erie, Minnesota
Nelson, Julius
Crookston, Minnesota
Ofstedal, Clarence
Winger, Minnesota
Thompson, Cora
McIntosh, Minnesota
Turgeon, Walter
Brooks, Minnesota
Wilkins, Eunice
Euclid, Minnesota
Woods, Margaret
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


CLASS O F 1927
Aakre, Arnold G.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Anderson, Rolf
Fisher, Minnesota
Breiland, Sophie 0.
Hazel, Minnesota
Breivold, Ole
Wanke, Minnesota
Brown, James
Warroad, Minnesota
Buness, Adeline Luella
Eldred, Minnesota
Clark, G. Douglas
Williams, Minnesota
Conner, Harwood E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Danielson, Alfred Norman
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Degerness, Hannah
Gary, Minnesota
Dowers, Elsworth
Hiwood, Minnesota
Dunbar, Annie Catherine
Lancaster, Minnesota
Engman, Chester J.
Hallock, Minnesota
Erickson, Alfred Mariam
Lengby, Minnesota
Erickson, Ralph 0.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Flaskerud, Melvin
Fosston, Minnesota
Gullingsrud, Gunda Helen
Nielsville, Minnesota
Gunufson, Clara B.
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamrick, Ralph L.
Angus, Minnesota
Hanson, Ruby E.
Eldred, Minnesota
Harstad, Selmer Oliver
Fertile, Minnesota
Hedstrand, Elmer
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hetland, Myrtle Clara
Shelly, Minnesota
Hole, Melvin T.
Dalton, Minnesota
Huartson, Gladys Geraldine
Gatzke, Minnesota

Johnson, Arthur W.
Callaway, Minnesota
Koznek, Clarence N.
Warroad, Minnesota
Krogstad, Clarence R.
Fertile, Minnesota
Lillo, Maurice 0.
Oklee, Minnesota
Mortensen, Morriel 0.
Pencer, Minnesota
Nicholson, Harold N.
Orleans, Minnesota
Olson, Vivian Maebelle
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Ostlie, Randolph
Montevideo, Minnesota
Parduhn, Kenneth F.
Cedar Bend, Minnesota
Parkin, Loren W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Pederson, Eldor R.
Angus, Minnesota
Radneicki, Ann Louise
Wanke, Minnesota
Rudser, Orlando J.
Leonard, Minnesota
Rudser, Stanton C.
Leonard, Minnesota
Rynning, Ishmael C.E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Saugen, Otto
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Smith, Glen Newell
Bluffton, Minnesota
Soltis, Ruth
Tabor, Minnesota
Spears, A. Lawrence
Shooks, Minnesota
Spong, Donald C.
Oklee, Minnesota
Stenborg, Olaf N.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Stordahl, Arthur V.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Story, Edna May
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Strickler, Benjamin F.
Euclid, Minnesota
Strickler, Nellie A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Suchomel, Ivan M.
Ogema, Minnesota

Representing the classes of 1932-1936 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Robert F. Coulter, '32, Riverside, Calif.; Richard Holmgren, '33, '34, Baudette; Roy L. Boman, '31, '32, Twin Valley; Gilman A. Hanson, '36, Crookston; Mavis (Glass) Freije, '36, '37, Detroit Lakes; and Chan C. Freije, '37, Detroit Lakes.
CLASS O F 1927
Swenson, Bessie G.
Crookston, Minnesota
Thorssen, Ruth I.
Gully, Minnesota
Widseth, Carl G.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Younggren, Russell
Northcote, Minnesota

Peterson, Edna
Grygla, Minnesota
Rudser, Stanton C.
Leonard, Minnesota
Rudser, Orlando J.
Leonard, Minnesota
Sheldrew, Wesley Butel
Oregon City, Oregon
Skatvold, Joseph L.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Stenborg, Phinney H.
Clearbrook, Minnesota

Anderson, Elmer Oswald
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Buness, Adeline Luella
Eldred, Minnesota
Forder, Naomi R.
Middle River, Minnesota
Gandrud, Karrol I.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Hanson, Ruby E.
Eldred, Minnesota
Hruska, Caroline
Lockhart, Minnesota
Johnson, Arthur W.
Callaway, Minnesota
Kozojed, Rose Victoria
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Kotrba, Mathilda Rose
Erie, Minnesota
Lewis, Harry Albert
Warroad, Minnesota
Lewis, Victoria E.
Warroad, Minnesota
Lillo, Maurice 0.
Oklee, Minnesota
Luchau, Earl E.
Gary, Minnesota
Lundin, Inger C.
Winger, Minnesota
Mackowiak, Henry H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Clarence
Gary, Minnesota
Olson, Doris Esther
Fertile, Minnesota
Olson, Vivian Maebelle
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Parduhn, Kenneth F.
Cedar Bend, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1928
Bakken, C. Lillian
Erskine, Minnesota
Bakken, Wilfred E. 0.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Beiswenger, Selma C.
Kratka, Minnesota
Berggren, George Henry
Greenbush, Minnesota
Bernath, Marie Elizabeth
Pembina, North Dakota
Blair, Mary Esther
Bagley, Minnesota
Bryngelson, Elon R.
Callaway, Minnesota
Buck, Carrie Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Buck, Laura Hilda
Crookston, Minnesota
Buck, Melvin H.
Brooks, Minnesota
Carlson, Theodore M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Confer, Carroll Harry
Angus, Minnesota
Dobias, Isabelle R.
Angus, Minnesota
Dobias, Paul S.
Angus, Minnesota,
Engbretson, L. Esther
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Erickson, A. Elida
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Flynn, Irvin F.
Leonard, Minnesota
Gunderson, Gladys Marion
Gary, Minnesota

Halvorson, Manford R.
Gary, Minnesota
Hamre, Ruth Evangeline
Gary, Minnesota
Harris, Ethel Margaret
Crookston, Minnesota
Hendricks, Arnold Leland
Fertile, Minnesota
Hogenson, Carl Selmer
Winger, Minnesota
Hornseth, Palma Nora
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hovland, Helen Theodora
Crookston, Minnesota
Hunt, Gordon S.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Johnstad, Rudie G.
Beltrami, Minnesota
KenKnight, Glenn E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Larson, Lewis Benjamin
Hazel, Minnesota
Larson, Manley E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lee, George M.
Hendrum, Minnesota
Lindquist, Glenn Minton
Wylie, Minnesota
Logelin, Edward E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Lundin, Esther
Stephen, Minnesota
Martinson, Edythe Evelyn
Kennedy, Minnesota
Maruska, Vickie W.
Angus, Minnesota
Miller, Julia Alvilda
Goodridge, Minnesota
Mylerberg, Lloyd
McIntosh, Minnesota
Nelson, Erwin A.
Grygla, Minnesota
Ness, Clara A.
Wanke, Minnesota
Newhouse, Ernest Jebe
Crookston, Minnesota
Norseth, Harold E.
Wanke, Minnesota
Olson, Telmer R.
Waubun, Minnesota
Osmundson, Anna Gertrude
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Parduhn, Viola Margaret

Cedar Bend, Minnesota
Philipp, Lawrence H.
Germantown, Minnesota
Roadfeldt, Harold Emanuel
Salol, Minnesota
Roisum, George E.
Bagley, Minnesota
Ross, Erma Pauline
Crookston, Minnesota
Sandal, Arthur G.
Syre, Minnesota
Shaack, Gertrude Elisabeth
Plummer, Minnesota
Schell, Irene Marie
Pencer, Minnesota
Seaberg, Roy
Audubon, Minnesota
Skjerva, Harriet
Hawley, Minnesota
Stordahl, Clayton L.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Strom, Pearl Adelle
Gary, Minnesota
Thorkelson, August Robert
Gatzke, Minnesota
Torgerson, Chester R.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Trandem, Edwin P.
Mentor, Minnesota
Veker, J. Esther
Fertile, Minnesota
Wardeberg, Elmer M.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Anderson, Rolf
Fisher, Minnesota
Bakken, C. Lillian
Erskine, Minnesota
Breiland, Sophie 0.
Hazel, Minnesota
Degerness, Hannah
Gary, Minnesota
Dunbar, Anne C.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Engbretson, L. Esther
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Engman, Chester J.
Hallock, Minnesota

Gunderson, Gladys Marion

Gary, Minnesota
Halvorson, Manford R.
Gary Minnesota
Dalton Minnesota
KenKnight, Glenn E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Logelin Edward E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Mortensen, Morriel 0.
Pencer Minnesota
Mylerberg Lloyd C.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Ostlie, Randolph
Montevideo, Minnesota
Parkin, Loren W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Roisum, George E.
Bagley, Minnesota
Ross, Erma Pauline
Crookston, Minnesota
Shaack, Gertrude Elisabeth
Plummer, Minnesota
Seaberg, Roy
Audubon, Minnesota
Sharpe, Benneth
Shelly, Minnesota
Smith, Glenn Newell
Bluffton, Minnesota
Soltis, Ruth
Tabor, Minnesota
Spears, A. Lawrence
Shooks, Minnesota
Stenborg, Olaf N.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Swenson, Bessie G.
Crookston, Minnesota
Thorssen, Ruth I.
Gully, Minnesota
Younggren, Russell A.
Northcote, Minnesota
Widseth, Carl G.
Gonvick, Minnesota


CLASS O F 1929
Ahlm, Hilma Sophia
Argyle, Minnesota
Bain, Evelyn Louise
Baudette, Minnesota
Bierbaum, Evelyn Margaret
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Billberg, John A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Boehmer, Neil B.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Cenfield, Williamine Isabel
Clinton, Minnesota
Christianson, 0. Meldor
Fertile, Minnesota
Cordes, Harold D.
Henning, Minnesota
Dale, Julia Helga
Fertile, Minnesota
Dexheimer, John Paul
Gary, Minnesota
Ellinger, Earl H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ellinger, Gordon T.
Crookston, Minnesota
Elton, Lawrence
Hawley, Minnesota
Filipi, Estelle G.
Angus, Minnesota
Gandrud, Stanton Dallen
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gorden, Rudy M.
Badger, Minnesota
Gullekson, Jetle M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hanson, Florence M.
Mentor, Minnesota
Hanson, Sanna
Wanke, Minnesota
Hoper, Sophia Elizabeth
Stephen, Minnesota

Hough, Mervin B.
Bagley, Minnesota
Jacobson, Augusta A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Johnson, Agnes
Fisher, Minnesota
Johnson, Elmer Conrad
Erskine, Minnesota
Johnson, Harvey H.
Rollag, Minnesota
Johnson, Olga
Pummer Minnesota
Johnson, Walter H.
Bantry, North Dakota
Knutson, Wilfred E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Knutson. Winton Reynold
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Krogstad, Alma Muriel
Fertile, Minnesota
Larson, Fordyce A.
Ulen, Minnesota
Larson, Robert William
Crookston, Minnesota
Lofgren, Ronald Emanuel
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Logelin, James A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Lohn, Willie J.
Winger, Minnesota
Lorentzen, Norman E.
Fosston, Minnesota
Mikkelson, Lauritz B.
Hawley, Minnesota
Naplin, Alice I.
Wylie, Minnesota
Nelson, Claire Celeste
Crookston, Minnesota
Norbom, Oscar W.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nornes, Esther Julia
Beltrami, Minnesota
Nyberg, Carl Roy
Kennedy, Minnesota
Odland, Martin L.
Wadena, Minnesota
Peet, Theodore Fredrick
Wolverton, Minnesota
Rice, Kenneth W.
Bronson, Minnesota
Ross, Edna Marie
Crookston, Minnesota
Ryden, Lowell M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Schlauderaff, Raymond B.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Sevald, Perry S.
Winger, Minnesota
Shawsted, Norma F.
Gary, Minnesota
Stedronsky, Paul F.
Gary, Minnesota
Stephenson, Hazel E.
Gary, Minnesota
Torgerson, T. Gundreus
Roseau, Minnesota
Torkelson, Emmet 0.
Crookston, Minnesota
Weaver, Leslie Lloyd
Williams, Minnesota
Wedul, Oscar M.
Hazel, Minnesota
Wold, Karen Josephine
McIntosh. Minnesota
Berggren, George Henry
Greenbush, Minnesota
Boehmer, Neil B.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Bryngelson, Elon R.
Callaway, Minnesota
Burk, Melvin H.
Brooks, Minnesota
Confer, Carroll Harry
Angus, Minnesota

Colvin, John
Erskine, Minnesota
Dobias, Isabelle R.
Angus, Minnesota
Erickson, A. Elida
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Flynn, Irvin F.
Leonard, Minnesota
Gullingsrud, Gunda Helen
Nielsville, Minnesota
Hamre, Ruth Evangeline
Jacobson, Augusta A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Larson, Manly E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lofgren, Ronald Emannuel
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Logelin, James A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Roadfeldt, Harold E.
Salol, Minnesota
Shawsted, Norma F.
Gary, Minnesota
Spong, Donald C.
Oklee, Minnesota
Stedronsky, Paul F.
Gary, Minnesota
Thorkelson, August Robert
Gatzke, Minnesota
Torgerson, Chester R.
Fergus Falls Minnesota
Trandem, Edwin P.
Mentor, Minnesota
Wold, Karen Josephine
Anderson, Ivan Jennings
Greenbush, Minnesota
Bakke, Irene M.
Gary, Minnesota
Banks, Harold J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Bendix, Harold W.
Henning, Minnesota
Bitzer, Willard E.
Williams, Minnesota
Bryngelson, Vernon W.
Callaway, Minnesota
Cain, Thomas A.
Ponemah, Minnesota
Carlson, Clarence D.
Stephen, Minnesota
Carroll, Harold T.
Mentor, Minnesota
Caudle, Johanna M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Dale, Melvin George
Fertile, Minnesota
Degerness, Alvin M.
Gary, Minnesota
Erickson, Alice 0.
Pencer, Minnesota
Ferry, Ruby M.
Hendrurn, Minnesota
Flom, Kenneth V.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Gleason, Robert Laurence
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Grendahl, Edgar L.
Gary, Minnesota
Gustafson, Linden 0.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Hamre, Norah Marie
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, Arnold L.
Osseo, Wisconsin
Hetland, M. McLean
Halstad, Minnesota
Holm, Arthur I.
Winger, Minnesota
Ingebretson, Orville C.
Ulen, Minnesota
Jensen, Gladys Mable
Underwood, Minnesota
Johnson, Halbert V.
Underwood, Minnesota

Johnson, Harold Leonard

Radium, Minnesota
Johnstad, Kenneth 0.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Josephson, Alice T.
Gully, Minnesota
Juelson, Harmen J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Koppang, Evinda Marie
Climax, Minnesota
Krogstad, Emma F.
Fertile, Minnesota
Letnes, Daniel S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Letnes, Isabelle T.
Crookston, Minnesota
Lindquist, Clifford 0.
Wylie, Minnesota
McDonald, Eugene M.
Underwood, Minnesota
Moe, Helga A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Mortensen, Elmer K.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Nelson, Johnnie Marvin
Winger, Minnesota
Newhouse, Lawrence L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nisbet, Herbert J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Omundson, Lawrence 0.
Radium, Minnesota
Paquin, Abraham, Jr.
Oklee, Minnesota
Pederson, Effie Elida
Clitherall, Minnesota

Edwin C . Widseth, class

of 1933, four times AllAmerican.

Representing the classes of 1941 and 1942 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Front row
Alton T. Knutson, '41, '42, Forest Lake; Maxine (Glass) Hanson, '41, Crookston; Helen (Rasmusson)
Tangen, '41, '42, Grand Forks, N.D.; Margaret ( Forfang) Cameron, '41, '42, Hallock; Elvira Bierbauer,
Minneapolis (faculty adviser to 1942 class); Alice (Pagnac) Johnson, '41, '42, Grand Forks, N.D.; Lorraine
(Capistran) Johnson, '41, '42, Minneapolis; Joe C. Jansen, '41, '42, Hallock. Second row
Theodore Kroulik, '42, Stephen; Einar Scholin, '41, '42, Crookston; Jay Bergh, '41, '42, Hallock; Robert Boucher, '41,
Crookston; Marlow Moe, '41, Lancaster; Harlan Beuchler, '41, '42, Omaha, Neb.; Allan Gustafson, '41, '42,
Lancaster; Palmer R. Pederson, '42, Mahnomen; T. Melford Rokke, '41, Newfolden; Marcel Novak, '41,
HerAngus; Robert W. Halliday, '41, Beloit, Wis.; John W. Magnusson, '41, Langdon, N.D. Third row
bert A. Johnson, '41, Stephen; Melvin Melin, '41, Red Lake Falls; Irwin R. Johnson, '41, '42, Thief River
Falls; James Wodahl, '41, Grand Rapids; Arthur W. Lee, 41, Erskine; Ralph Anderson, '41, Argyle; Harry
Christiansen, '41, '42, Crookston; Harold Lambert, '41, '42, Thief River Falls; Orlo Lintvet, '41, '42, Oklee.
CLASS O F 1930
Peterson, Arthur F.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Peterson, Lawrence 0.
Gary, Minnesota
Radniecki, Stanley
Trail, Minnesota
Rots, Annette Vivian
Clitherall, Minnesota
Satre, Aslaug
Grygla, Minnesota
Soderherg, Melvin Palmer
Kennedy, Minnesota
Stein, Audrey Georgeen
Warroad, Minnesota
Strickler, William H.
Euclid, Minnesota
Sulerud, Earl S.
Gary, Minnesota
Swenson, Earl C.
Fosston, Minnesota
Tangjerd, Lester H.
Bagley, Minnesota
Tastad, Marie
Gary, Minnesota
Thompson, Annette Gertrude
Blackduck, Minnesota
Vik, Carl J.
Halma, Minnesota
Waldal, Selma Josephine
Plummer, Minnesota
Walters, Vera Luella
Crookston, Minnesota
Wardner, Marvin C.
Fisher, Minnesota
Bain, Evelyn Louise
Baudette, Minnesota

Bakke, Irene M.
Gary, Minnesota
Bierbaum, Evelyn M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Cenfield, Williamine I.
Clinton, Minnesota
Cordes, Harold
Henning, Minnesota
Dale, Julia H.
Fertile, Minnesota
Filipi, Estelle G.
An us, Minnesota
Stanton D.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gleason, Robert Laurence
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gullekson, Jetle M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hanson, Florence M.
Mentor, Minnesota
Johnson, Elmer Conrad
Erskine, Minnesota
Johnson, Harvey H.
Hawley, Minnesota
Knutson, Winton Reynold
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Larson, Fordyce A.
Ulen, Minnesota
Larson, Robert W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Naplin, Alice I.
Wylie, Minnesota
Newhouse, Ernest J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Odland, Martin L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Paquin, Abraham, Jr.
Oklee. Minnesota
Ross, Edna M.
Crookston, Minnesota


Stephenson, Hazel E.
Gary, Minnesota
Sulerud, Earl S.
Gary, Minnesota
Thompson, Annette G.
Blackduck, Minnesota
Weaver, Leslie Lloyd
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1931
Anderson, Ingvald
Fisher, Minnesota
Anderson, John H.
Hallock, Minnesota
Avery, Kenneth
Hallock, Minnesota
Barry, Garrett W.
Bejou, Minnesota
Beatty, George
Euclid, Minnesota
Bedard, C. Rishton
Northcote, Minnesota
Berger, Rudolph
Greenbush, Minnesota
Bjerken, Marie
Goodridge, Minnesota
Bloomquist, Glenn H.
Drayton, North Dakota
Boman, Roy Lewis
Syre, Minnesota
Brandli, Ann Louise
Warroad, Minnesota
Bruun, Alpha
Climax, Minnesota
Burk, Arthur W.
Brooks, Minnesota
Canedy, Hazel M.
LaPorte, Minnesota
Chelstrom, Ernest H.
Perley, Minnesota

Dahlgren, Hazel R. M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Degerness, Helen Lenora
Gary, Minnesota
DeMaster, Antoinette E.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Donley, Clinton F.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Eggen, Gladys Jeanette
Fertile, Minnesota
Erickson, Selvin M.
Ross, Minnesota
Erickson, Vernon 0.
Badger, Minnesota
Filipi, Angela 0.
Angus, Minnesota
Filipi, Jesse J.
Angus, Minnesota
Glass, Dorothy
Mentor, Minnesota
Grove, Arthur M.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Haugen, Glenn Alfred
Gary, Minnesota
Haugen, Harry A.
Plummer, Minnesota
Hedstrand, Selma Marie
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hendrickson, Arthur J.
Fosston, Minnesota
Hill, Arlene Luella
Brooks, Minnesota
Hoff, Allan M.
Dalton, Minnesota
Holmes, Donald Delos
Strathcona, Minnesota
Hviding, Silas B.
Hendrum, Minnesota
Karlin, Verner A.
Hawley, Minnesota

Representing the classes of 1941 1949 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Front row
Alfred Hebert, '42, Argyle; Jean (Halliday) Johnson, '40, '41, Stephen; Betty (Thompson) Lind, '47, BisGlen V. Tormarck, N.D.; Conrad Zak, '47, Angus; Jean (Johnson)Hoppe, Sp. '41, Crookston. Back row
kelson, '48, Crookston; Vernon Hoppe, '42, '43, Minneapolis; Robert Sorvig, '47, Red Lake Falls; Warren
Mosbeck, '46, Red Lake Falls; Harris Peterson, '43, Drayton, N.D.; Veral Mosbeck, '44, Red Lake Falls:
Henry Boeddeker, '49, Henning; Kenneth R. Johnson, '47, Stephen; Raymond Hoppe, '40, Crookston.
KenKnight, Emory L.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Kroulik, Clifford P.
Donaldson, Minnesota
Lee, Russell E.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Lee, P. Weldon
Lockhart, Minnesota
Leitch, Beatrice Kpsjome
Underwood, Minnesota
Lundin, Agnes M.
Stephen, Minnesota
McCall, Donald T.
Crookston, Minnesota
Maattala, Leon
Oklee, Minnesota
Malme, Mildred
Nielsville, Minnesota
Moen, Martin B.
Dalton, Minnesota
Mortenson, Carter
Underwood, Minnesota
Naplin, Helen E.
Wylie, Minnesota
Negaard, Emma S.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Nornes, Bjarne
Winger, Minnesota
Nornes, Helmer B. J.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Noyes, Hazel M.
Brooks, Minnesota
Noyes, Marvel E.
Erskine, Minnesota
Olson, Harold W.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Parduhn, Eva Lucille
Warroad, Minnesota
Paulson, Arthur L.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Pearson, John 0. S.
Middle River, Minnesota
Peterson, Clarence L.
Hawley, Minnesota
Peterson, Raymond J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesotaa
Phillipp, Estelle Lucille
Mavie, Minnesota

Poetschat, Bertha
Bird Island, Minnesota
Prenevost, Clarence Ernie
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Radway, Richard F.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Ross, Lloyd A.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Sandal, Albert J.
Syre, Minnesota
Schroeder, Herbert W.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Schulz, George H.
Fer us Falls, Minnesota
Agnes Caroline
Winger, Minnesota
Slette, Tumina Lydia
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Smolak, Vernon M.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Sorenson, Paul M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Stenborg, Nils R.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Stenborg, Ruth
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Sundrud, Arthur L.
Fosston, Minnesota
Swanson, Hulda
Kennedy, Minnesota
Swanson, Ingolf C.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Thoreson, Ann
Little Fork, Minnesota
Valor, C. Marion
Climax, Minnesota
Weckworth, Alta Loretta
Hazel, Minnesota
Wolden, Arnold
Saum, Minnesota
Wollin, Luella Mae
Eldred, Minnesota
Woods, Dora Patricia
Radville, Sask., Canada
Yergens, Chester M.
McIntosh, Minnesota



Anderson, Ivan Jennings

Greenbush, Minnesota
Barry, Garrett W.
Bejou, Minnesota
Bjerken, Marie
Goodridge, Minnesota
Bryngelson, Vernon
Callaway, Minnesota
Cain, Thomas A.
Ponemah, Minnesota
Carroll, Harold T.
Mentor, Minnesota
Caudle, Johanna M.
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
Chelstrom, Ernest H.
Perley, Minnesota
Degerness, Alvin Martin
Gary, Minnesota
Elton, Lawrence
Hawley, Minnesota
Ferry, Ruby Margaret
Hendrum, Minnesota
Flom, Kenneth V.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Grove, Arthur M.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Hamre, Norah Marie
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, Arnold L.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Harris, Ethel Margaret
Crookston, Minnesota
Haugen, Glenn Alfred
Gary, Minnesota
Hetland, McLean
Halstad, Minnesota
Holmes, Donald Delos
Strathcona, Minnesota
Knutson, Wilfred E.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Koppang, Evinda Marie
Climax, Minnesota
Krogstad, Emma F.
Fertile, Minnesota
Letnes, Daniel S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Letnes, Isabelle T.
Crookston, Minnesota

Lindquist, Clifford 0.
Wylie, Minnesota
McDonald, Eugene M.
Underwood, Minnesota
Newhouse, Lawrence L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Omundson, Lawrence 0.
Radium, Minnesota
Parduhn, Viola M.
Warroad, Minnesota
Pederson, Effie Elida
Peterson, Lawrence 0.
Gary, Minnesota
Poetschat, Bertha
Bird Island, Minnesota
Soderberg, Melvin Palmer
Kennedy, Minnesota
Tangjerd, Lester H.
Bagley, Minnesota
Torkelson, Emmet 0.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vik, Carl J.
Halma, Minnesota
Wollin, Luella Mae
Eldred, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1932
Abbott, Emerald V.
Mentor, Minnesota
Abbott, Wallace M.
Mentor, Minnesota
Anderson, Donald E.
Perley, Minnesota
Anderson, Edna S.
Grygla, Minnesota
Ardell, William F.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Benson, Alfred Martin
Bemidji, Minnesota
Brekke, Hazel H. C.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Chapman, Lloyd Roy
Crookston, Minnesota
Coulter, Robert F.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Dorseth, Walter E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota

Representing the class of 1957 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Front row
Wiertzema, Milwaukee, Wis.; Elwood Gormsen, Grand Forks, N.D.; Jerome Novak, Grand Forks, N.D.;
Anton Filipi, Angus; Arden Hoff, Oslo; Roger Tollefson, Crookston; Charles Gatheridge, Hallock; Donald
W. Audette, Red Lake Falls; Keith Anderson, Buxton, N.D.; David Manger, Hillsboro, N.D. Second row
Gerald FOSS,Harwood, N.D.; Dale Johnson, Moorhead; Bonnie (Zipoy) Johnson, Grand Forks, N.D.; Jean
(McWilliam) Hagen, Greeley, Colo.; Elaine (Wold) Anderson, East Grand Forks; Jeanette (Love) Filipi,
Angus; Toni (Hedstrand) Couch, East Grand Forks; Judy (Piker) Smart, Wichita, Kansas; Lynn Porter,
Hillsboro, N.D.; Robert Hance, Jr., Cook; Terrance Hovet, Renton, Wash.; Allan Dragseth, Eldred. Third
Allan Ziegler, Georgetown; Michael Vanek, Fargo, N.D.; LeRoy Grove, Northridge, Calif.; Clarrow
ence Gruhot, Argyle; Eugene Pietruszewski, Argyle; Tom Houska, Mahnomen; Keith Bjerke, Northwood,
N.D.; Glen Hanson, Highmore, S. Dak.; Allen Steinhauer, Minneapolis; and Duane Kuzel, Grand Forks,
CLASS O F 1932 2
Edeen, Ruby Rosella
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Eggen, Agnes Hilma
Fertile, Minnesota
Erickson, Elizabeth Florence
Marine-on-St. Croix, Minnesota
Gault, Margaret M.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Gorden, Arvin I.
Bad er, Minnesota
Kermit L.
Viking, Minnesota
Gronner, Alvin C.
Underwood, Minnesota
Hagen, Mervin J.
Underwood, Minnesota
Halvorson, Harold M.
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, Herbert Manfred
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Heegard, Olive E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Henry, Pearl Coryl
Kirriemuir, Canada
Holte, Christian L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Hoppe, Emil Robert
Warren, Minnesota
Johnson, Elmer 0.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Johnson, Orpha Vendla
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Reynold E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Knudtson, Russell Stanley
Crookston, Minnesota
Kramer, Glenn W.
Fargo, North Dakota
LeMasurier, Phil Cameron
Crookston, Minnesota.
Lundin, Ruby A.
Stephen, Minnesota


Lunsetter, Walter L.
Gatzke, Minnesota
McKibbin, Frances M.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Mandt, Peter 0.
Oklee, Minnesota
Melin, Carl Leonard
Wylie, Minnesota
Molldrem, Oscar B.
Gary, Minnesota
Muller, Clarence D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Myers, Edwin L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Nelson, Searle L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Pearson, Irene E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Radniecki, Stanley 0.
Trail, Minnesota
Raymond, Howard
Crookston, Minnesota
Refling, Orin P.
Fertile, Minnesota
Simonson, Herman Ernest
McIntosh, Minnesota
Smith, Francis W.
Vergas, Minnesota
Solmonson, Violet
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stenerson, Vernon C.
Dalton, Minnesota
Strand, Arnold T.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Strand, Erling K.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Sullivan, Vivian I.
Crookston, Minnesota
Tangen, Harry
Menahga, Minnesota
Thorp, Robert Hunt
Crookston, Minnesota
Tonsfeldt, Hazel Pauline
Sabin, Minnesota
Toomey, Donald
Thief River Falls, Minnesota

Torgeron, Esther A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Torkelson, Alfred T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Torkelson, Eleanor A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Lucille A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Volker, William F.
Crookston, Minnesota
Washburn, Grant E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Washburn, W. Hugh
Rugby, North Dakota
Widseth, Edwin C.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Worman, Dorothy Ida
Crookston, Minnesota
Abbott, Emerald V.
Mentor, Minnesota
Anderson, Donald E.
Perley, Minnesota
Avery, 0. Kenneth
Hallock, Minnesota
Beatty, George W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Benson, Alfred Martin
Bemidji, Minnesota
Berger, Rudolph
Greenbush, Minnesota
Boman, Roy L.
Syre, Minnesota
Brandli, Ann Louise
Warroad, Minnesota
Brunn, Alpha
Climax, Minnesota
Buck, Carrie Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Burk, Arthur W.
Brooks, Minnesota
Carlson, Clarence D.
Stephen, Minnesota

Donley, Clinton F.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Halvorson, Harold M.
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, Sanna
Trail, Minnesota
Hendrickson, Arthur J.
Fosston, Minnesota
Hill, Arlene LuElla
Brooks, Minnesota
Hoff, Allan M.
Dalton, Minnesota
Hoppe, Emil Robert
Warren, Minnesota
Johnson, Halbert V.
Underwood, Minnesota
Knudtson, Russell Stanley
Crookston, Minnesota
Lee, Russell E.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Lee, Paul Weldon
Lockhart, Minnesota
LeMasurier, Phil Cameron
Crookston, Minnesota
McCall, Donald T.
Crookston, Minnesota
Maattala, Leo
Oklee, Minnesota
Naplin, Helen E.
Wylie, Minnesota
Nernes, Helmer B. J.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Paulson, Arthur L.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Pearson, John 0.
Middle River, Minnesota
Peterson, Clarence L.
Hawley, Minnesota
Philipp, Estelle Lucille
Mavie Minnesota
Radniecki, Stanley 0.
Trail, Minnesota
Ross, Lloyd A.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Ryden, Lowell M.
Hallock, Minnesota

Representing classes 1951 through 1961 at the reunion held in June, 1967: LEFT TO RIGHT: Jerry
Domres, '61, Wales, N.D.; Donald Hettervig, '54, Hillsboro, N.D.; Norman Landby, '55, Crookston; Arthur
N. Grove, '53, McIntosh; Patricia (Erickson) Carpenter, '52, Thief River Falls; V. Dennis Carpenter, '51,
Thief River Falls; Marilyn (Jahnke) Boeddeker, '59, Henning; and Roy W. Anderson, '58, Grand Forks,
Slette, Tumina Lydia
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Sorenson, Paul M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Stenborg, Ruth M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Sullivan, Vivian I.
Crookston, Minnesota
Swanson, Ingolf C.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Thorp, Robert Hunt
Crookston, Minnesota
Washburn, Grant E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Washburn, W. Hugh
Rugby, North Dakota
Wolden, Arnold
Saum, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1933
Bakke, Garfield Eugene
Gary, Minnesota
Dalager, Esther Theoline
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Dokken, Alfred M.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Eeg, Carman Jerome
Gary, Minnesota
Eggum, Beatrice Evangeline
Dalton, Minnesota
Ericksen, Evelyn Louise
Perley, Minnesota
Erickson, Orville Nordahl
Hawley, Minnesota
Fargo, Gilbert Charles
Crookston, Minnesota
Grabowenski, Raymond J.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Gustafson, Delbert H.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Hansen, Helen
Crookston, Minnesota
Hansen, Paul M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Harris, Beulah Belle
Crookston, Minnesota
Hesby, Orris Everett
Halstad, Minnesota

Holmgren, Richard Melven

Carp, Minnesota
Holvelson, Orville T.
Gary, Minnesota
Howard, May Nora E.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Jacobson, Dorothy Elizabeth
Perley, Minnesota
Johnson, Alyce Josephine
Newfolden, Minnesota
Larson, Oscar Stephen
Crookston, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Rodney Vincent
Lake Park, Minnesota
Martinson, Elmer C.
Gary, Minnesota
McVeety, Erdman A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Mjelde, Nelda Maybelle
Beltrami, Minnesota
Naplin, Rose Evangeline
Wylie, Minnesota
Nelson, Clarence B.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Nelson, Harvey
Orleans, Minnesota
Nisbet, Jean Isabell
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Northup, Archie Nathaniel
Hawley, Minnesota
Oistad, Cyrus S.
Shelly, Minnesota
Reese, A. G. Llewellyn
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Rynning, James Andreas
Kennedy, Minnesota
Sanden, Thomas Arthur
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Sargent, James Edward
Crookston, Minnesota
Severson, Harriet Cornelia
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Sitko, William Albert
Ada, Minnesota
Stave, Russell W.
Bagley, Minnesota
Stromstad, John Christian
Beltrami, Minnesota
Thieling, Norman W.
Grygla, Minnesota

Torkelson, Ethel A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vangsness, Harold E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Vilven, Stephen E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Weckwerth, Emil Clarence
Hazel, Minnesota
Ardell, William Frank
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bakke, Garfield Eugene
Gary, Minnesota
Bedard, C. Rishton
Northcote, Minnesota
Chapman, Lloyd Roy
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahlgren, Hazel R. M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dokken, Alfred M.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Dorseth, Walter E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Edeen, Ruby Rosella
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Ericksen, Evelyn Louise
Perley, Minnesota
Erickson, Elizabeth Florence
Marine-on-St. Croix, Minnesota
Gault, Margaret M.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Greenley, Kermit Lowell
Viking, Minnesota
Gronner, Alvin C.
Underwood, Minnesota
Hagen, Mervin J.
Underwood, Minnesota
Hedstrand, Selma Marie
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Heegard, Olive E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Henry, Pearl C.
Kirriemuir, Canada
Hovelson, Orville T.
Gary, Minnesota
KenKnight, Emory L.
Clearbrook, Minnesota

Lunsetter, Walter Leroy

Gatzke, Minnesota
McKibbin, Frances M.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Molldrem, Oscar B.
Gary, Minnesota
Muller, Clarence D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Myers, Edwin L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Northup, Archie Nathaniel
Hawley, Minnesota
Pearson, Irene E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Refling, Orin P.
Fertile, Minnesota
Simonson, Herman E.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Smolak, Vernon W.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Stenborg, Nils R.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Strand, Arnold T.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Strand, Erling K.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Torgerson, Esther Almira
Fosston, Minnesota
Torkelson, Eleanor A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Volker, William F.
Crookston, Minnesota
Widseth, Edwin C.
McIntosh, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1934
Amundson, Henry Roald
Erskine, Minnesota
Anderson, Stilaf A.
Holt, Minnesota
Bakke, Russel L.
Gary, Minnesota
Boe, Torleif
McIntosh, Minnesota
Borton, Carl A.
Gary, Minnesota
Carlson, Helen Irene
Halstad, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1934
Clementson, Clarence J.
Erskine, Minnesota
Clow, Harold W.
Orleans, Minnesota
Droppo, Ernest E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Egeland, J. Frederick
Fisher, Minnesota
Ellinger, Glenn E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gaare, Kenneth Lee
Perley, Minnesota
Gunderson, Gilbert 0.
Dalton, Minnesota
Halvorson, Bud
Crookston, Minnesota
Hansen, Pearl Blanche
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Dayton R.
Fertile, Minnesota
Harris, Lucy May
Crookston, Minnesota
Haugo, Esther T.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Iversen, Arnold Wilhelm
Bagley, Minnesota
Jechort, Treola Wahneta
Crookston, Minnesota
Jenkins, Merl Romine
Crookston, Minnesota
Johansen, John Richard
Pitt, Minnesota
Johnson, Selma H.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Johnson, Selmer L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnston, William Ernest
Kennedy, Minnesota
Kimmel, Willard Arthur
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Krogstad, Helen Margaret
Fertile, Minnesota
Lerud, Lester A.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lerud, Margaret Marie
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Moen, Norman Arthur
Gary, Minnesota
Molacek, Jerome Joseph
Ulen, Minnesota
Nelson, Earl G.
Perley, Minnesota
Nelson, Francis Remington
Hendrum, Minnesota
Olson, Agatha Carrol
Beltrami, Minnesota
Olson, Eleanor Marie
Hawley, Minnesota
Olson, Erling F.
Fertile, Minnesota
Opdahl, Karine Irene
Beltrami, Minnesota
Peterson, Luella Marie
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Quantock, Gladys Melvin
Ar yle, Minnesota
Gail W.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Rybak, Yarmila Millie
Blackduck, Minnesota
Sargent, Lois Ethel
Crookston, Minnesota
Sheldon, Ralph
Bagley, Minnesota
Skaren, Clarence William
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Smeby, Sydney Tilford
Winger, Minnesota
Tack, Floyd V.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tandberg, Peter
Newfolden, Minnesota
Vilven, Evelyn G.
Crookston, Minnesota


Washburn, Edson Dean

Crookston, Minnesota
Wermerger, Jerome Russell
Crookston, Minnesota
Widner, Clarence Edward
Argyle, Minnesota
Abbott, Wallace Marvin
Mentor, Minnesota
Amundson, Henry Roald
Erskine, Minnesota
Anderson, Stilaf A.
Holt, Minnesota
Bakke, Russel L.
Gary, Minnesota
Borton, Carl A.
Gary, Minnesota
Clow, Harold W.
Orleans, Minnesota
Dalager, Esther T.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Eeg, Carman J.
Gary, Minnesota
Erickson, Orville Nordahl
Hawley, Minnesota
Grabowenski, Raymond J.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Halvorsen, Bud
Crookston, Minnesota
Hansen, Helen
Crookston, Minnesota
Hansen, Paul M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hanson, Dayton R.
Fertile, Minnesota
Harris, Lucy May
Crookston, Minnesota
Hesby, Orris Everett
Halstad, Minnesota
Holmgren, Richard Melven
Carp, Minnesota
Jacobson, Dorothy Elizabeth
Perley, Minnesota
Jechort, Treola Wahneta
Crookston, Minnesota
Jenkins, Merl Romine
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Alyce Josephine
Newfolden, Minnesota
Johnson, Elmer Orlando
Newfolden, Minnesota
Kimmel, Willard Arthur
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Larson, Oscar Stephen
Crookston, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Rodney Vincent
Lake Park, Minnesota
Martinson, Elmer C.
Gary, Minnesota
Mjelde, Nelda Maybelle
Beltrami, Minnesota
Moen, Norman Arthur
Gary, Minnesota
Naplin, Rose Evangeline
Wylie, Minnesota
Nelson, Earl G.
Perley, Minnesota
Nisbet, Jean Isabell
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Oistad, Cyrus S.
Shelly, Minnesota
Olson, Eleanor Marie
Hawley, Minnesota
Reese, A. G. Llewellyn
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Rynning, James Andreas
Kennedy, Minnesota
Sanden, Thomas Arthur
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Severson, Harriet C.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Smeby, Sydney Tilford
Carp, Minnesota
Stromstad, John Christian
Beltrami, Minnesota

Torkelson, Ethel A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vangsness, Harold E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Vilven, Stephen E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Weckwerth, E. Clarence
Hazel. Minnesota
CLASS O F 1935

Albertson, Kenneth S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Alseth, Stanley S.
Fox, Minnesota
Anderson, A. Donald
Climax, Minnesota
Bellamy, Wayne
Drayton, North Dakota
Bergeson, Burnett J.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bergh, Arlo Orsen
Hallock, Minnesota
Billberg, Paul J.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Brouillard, Edward J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Burns, James Chapin
Crookston, Minnesota
Cumming, Russell J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Degerness, Henning 0.
Gary, Minnesota
Engelstad, Morris V.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Field, Fern D.
Stephen, Minnesota
Fink, Harry R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gandrud, Donald E.
Callaway, Minnesota
Grove, Carlos L.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Hanson, Laura M.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Noel S.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Hendricks, Henry N.
Fertile, Minnesota
Holland, Willis L.
Shelly, Minnesota
Holst, Irene K.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Homstad, Clifford F.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hovelson, Lloyd S.
Gary, Minnesota
Johansen, E. Marie
Pitt, Minnesota
Johnson, Bertrum H.
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Donald E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Lindherg, Earl L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
MacGregor, Lester W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Maattala, Ebba D.
Oklee, Minnesota
Moore, Boyd M.
Northcote, Minnesota
Morgan, Genevieve L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Munby, William A.
Breckenridge, Minnesota
Mykleby, Raymond W.
Climax, Minnesota
Myrold, Joseph B.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nesland, Omer J.
Oklee, Minnesota
Odegard, Clifford A.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Pearson, A. Melvin
Hallock, Minnesota
Pester, Harlan H.
Crookston, Minnesota

Peterson, S. Wilbur
Eldred, Minnesota
Rindahl, Gladyce
Trail, Minnesota
Ross, Elmer F.
Fisher, Minnesota
Sanden, Harold T.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Sauer, Clifford T.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Sewill, Kenneth C.
Angus, Minnesota
Skeim, Manda
Bad er, Minnesota
George E.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Spence, Bert R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Stamnes, Joyce G.
Halma, Minnesota
Steen, Olive L.
Halstad, Minnesota
Stone, Berlyn E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Stromberg, Clarence I.
Rosewood, Minnesota
Tasa, Glenn L.
Trail, Minnesota
Thompson, Orhin H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Alvina M.
Ar yle, Minnesota
Marcus L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota



Alseth, Stanley
Fox, Minnesota
Anderson, A. Donald
Climax, Minnesota
Billberg, Paul J.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Boe, Torleif
McIntosh, Minnesota
Carlson, Helen Irene
Halstad, Minnesota
Degerness, Henning 0.
Gary, Minnesota
Ellinger, Glenn E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Fargo, Gilbert C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Field, Fern D.
Stephen, Minnesota
Gaare, Kenneth Lee
Perley, Minnesota
Gunderson, Gilbert 0.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Haugo, Esther T.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Johansen, J. Richard
Pitt, Minnesota
Johnson, Bertrum H.
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Selmer L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Lerud, A. Lester
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lerud, Margaret Marie
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Molacek, Jerome J.
Ulen, Minnesota
Mykleby, Raymond W.
Climax, Minnesota
Nelson, Francis R.
Hendrum, Minnesota
Olson, Agatha Carroll
Beltrami, Minnesota
Peterson, Luella Marie
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Peterson, S. Wilbur
Eldred, Minnesota
Quantock, Gladys Melvin
Argyle, Minnesota
Sargent, J. Edward
Crookston, Minnesota

Sargent, Lois Ethel

Crookston, Minnesota
Sheldon, Ralph W.
Bagley, Minnesota
Sitko, William Albert
Ada, Minnesota
Swanson, Hulda C.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Tangen, Harry
Menahga, Minnesota
Thieling, Norman W.
Grygla, Minnesota
Vilven, Evelyn E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Washburn, Edson D., Jr.
Crookston, Minnesota
Worman, Dorothy I.
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1936
Anderson, David Wm.
Crookston, Minnesota
Austin, W. Wallace
Barnesville, Minnesota
Bergeron, Philip P.
Argyle, Minnesota
Billberg, Ellwood T.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Bloomquist, Dale L.
Drayton, North Dakota
Bruss, Anetia Mathilda
Roseau, Minnesota
Carlson, Erling H.
Halstad, Minnesota
Chilson, Martin A.
Dalton, Minnesota
Christianson, Velma E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Cook, Fred W.
Faunce, Minnesota
Coulter, Harry H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Dahlen, Olaf A.
Erie, Minnesota
Ecklund, Marvin L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Ecklund, Rosella E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Flaa, Inez LuVerne
Gary, Minnesota
Glass, Mavis LaVerne
Mentor, Minnesota
Gustafson, Gladyce
Trail, Minnesota
Hamre, Marian Genevieve
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hanson, Byron G.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hanson, Gilman A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hanson, Leland 0.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hanson, Marlys Maranda
Silver Creek
Hanson, Martin 0.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Morris E.
Trail, Minnesota
Harleman, Edith M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hartman, Lola M.
Mentor, Minnesota
Haugen, Clarence S.
Oslo, Minnesota
Hegreberg, Philip M.
Ada, Minnesota
Hendricks, Henry
Fertile, Minnesota
Henre, Phyllis June
Crookston, Minnesota
Hodgson, Victor F.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hofstad, Anne
Oklee, Minnesota
Holm, Belva Harriet
Climax, Minnesota

Ingebretson, Chester M.
Ulen, Minnesota
Johansen, Helen Christine
Duluth, Minnesota
LaRiviere, Evelyn Agnes
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Lewellyn M.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lerud, Ruth E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
McVeety, Betty I.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Moe, Margaret J.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Moe, Solveig
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Morberg, Marshall A.
Oslo, Minnesota
Myrum, Arnold S.
Oklee, Minnesota
Nabben, Harold
Goodridge, Minnesota
Nelson, Milford A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Newhouse, Earl A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Olson, Alfred L., Jr.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Olson, Alvina Clarice
Gully, Minnesota
Omundson, Stella 0.
Hazel, Minnesota
Ose, Gladyce K.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Parduhn, Gladys
Crookston, Minnesota
Peterson, Leroy E.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Prestegaard, Orissa Ione
Erie, Minnesota
Ramberg, Edgar E.
Pitt, Minnesota
Rasmussen, Martha H.
Ada, Minnesota
Ross, Harold H.
Fisher, Minnesota
Rynning, Axel G.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Stanko, John S.
Blackduck, Minnesota
Steffen, Glenna A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Strand, Tilford M.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Tasa, Irene K.
Trail, Minnesota
Thompson, Hilbert L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Thompson, Pearl Agnes
Hawley, Minnesota
Torkelson, Alta R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Vanderveen, Ann Henrietta
Crookston, Minnesota
Weckwerth, Francis James
Hazel, Minnesota
Wentzel, Roland F.
Fisher, Minnesota
Albertson, Kenneth S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, David Wm.
Crookston, Minnesota
Bellamy, Wayne
Drayton, North Dakota
Bergeron, Philip P.
Argyle, Minnesota
Bergeson, Burnett J.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bergh, Arlo
Hallock, Minnesota
Billberg, Ellwood T.
Wannaska, Minnesota

Brouillard, Edward Jerome

Crookston, Minnesota
Bruss, Anetia Mathilda
Roseau, Minnesota
Burns, James Chapin
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahlen, Olaf A.
Erie, Minnesota
Fink, Harry R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Flaa, Inez LuVerne
Gary, Minnesota
Gandrud, Donald E.
Callaway, Minnesota
Grove, Carlos L.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Hamre, Marian Genevieve
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hanson, Laura Marie
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Noel S.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Lindberg, Earl L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lundberg, Violet Anna
Kennedy, Minnesota
MacGregor, Lester W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nesland, Omer J.
Oklee, Minnesota
Pearson, A. Melvin
Hallock, Minnesota
Pester, Harlan H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Prestegaard, Orissa Ione
Erie, Minnesota
Ross, Elmer F.
Fisher, Minnesota
Sauer, Clifford T.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Spence, Bert R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Steen, Olive L.
Halstad, Minnesota
Stromberg, Clarence I.
Rosewood, Minnesota
Tasa, Glenn L.
Trail, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1937
Abbott, Dorothy M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Arness, Alton Lowell
Fisher, Minnesota
Augustine, Marlan J.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Barrett, Jean E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Bengston, Arthur L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Carlson, Eileen D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Raymond E.
Middle River, Minnesota
Carlson, Roy Samuel
Middle River, Minnesota
Dahl, Morris R.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dahlgren, Verne A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dalager, Cora M.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Durbahn, Patricia L.
Angus, Minnesota
Evans, Doroty Eleanor
Middle River, Minnesota
Evans, Marshall P.
Middle River, Minnesota
Evans, Woodrow W.
Gully, Minnesota
Fitzsimmons, Rita Marie
Euclid, Minnesota
Freiji, Chan C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Halverson, Merle Vernon
Hallock, Minnesota

Hanson, Wendell W.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Haug, H. Lois
Oslo, Minnesota
Haugen, Otto T.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Hedlund, Lucille I.
Gully, Minnesota
Hegreberg, A. Delene
Ada, Minnesota
Hemmestvedt, Truman A.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Hess, Elmer J.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Higgin, Raymond James
Bronson, Minnesota
Hoard, Hugh M.
Graceton, Minnesota
Hoiseth, Myra Gertrude
Crookston, Minnesota
Iverson, Glennie J.
Erie, Minnesota
Jeffrey, Bernadette V.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Jenkins, Vivian DeLoris
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Clinton H.
Viking, Minnesota
Johnson, Phyllis M.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnston, Elaine V.
Angus, Minnesota
Kellerman, Helen
Roseau, Minnesota
Kellerman, Leona
Roseau, Minnesota
Klemetson, Clinton E.
Ulen, Minnesota
Korstad, Dorothy Ellen
Goodridge, Minnesota
Krogstad, Janet
Fertile, Minnesota
Landsverk, Oliver A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Lantz, Kenneth D.
Lengby, Minnesota
LaPlante, Francis Andrew
Crookston, Minnesota
Lee, Arthur R.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Lindamood, Ruthellen
Warroad, Minnesota
Lokken, Lynn Carlyle
Shelly, Minnesota
McVeety, Ivy E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Madden, Dorothy Marie
Crookston, Minnesota
Magnusson, Udell E.
Badger, Minnesota
Magnusson, Yvonne B.
Badger, Minnesota
Mellesmoen, Glenn
Fosston, Minnesota
Merdink, Bert A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Moen, B. Duane
Gary, Minnesota
Nabben, Marvin
Crookston, Minnesota
Nisbet, Myrtle c.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Oistad, Noel
Shelly, Minnesota
Olson, Grace R.
Halstad, Minnesota
Patenaude, John, Jr.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Prestegaard, S. Eugene
Erie, Minnesota
Rader, John Wm.
Warroad, Minnesota
Slettvedt, Orda Hilda
Oklee, Minnesota
Soderberg, Maynard Willus
Baudette, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1937
Solberg, Harry Leonard
Erie, Minnesota
Stolan, Clifford M.
Fosston, Minnesota
Stoneouse, Effie Vi Anne
Oklee, Minnesota
Swenson, Alta I.
Fertile, Minnesota
Swenson, Stanley W.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Tangen, Gladys M.
Menahga, Minnesota
Trangsrud, Clifford H.
Badger, Minnesota
Tveiten, Geline Alvhild
Trail, Minnesota
Wardell, Warren J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Watt, Virginia E.
Bagley, Minnesota
Weindorf, Werner E.
Jordan, Minnesota
Widseth, Joseph H.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Bloomquist, Dale L.
Drayton, North Dakota
Cook, Fred W.
Faunce, Minnesota
Coulter, Harry H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Ecklund, Rosella E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Freiji, Chan C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Glass, Mavis Laverne
Mentor, Minnesota
Hanson, Byron G.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hanson, Leland O.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hanson, Morris E.
Trail, Minnesota
Hanson, Wendell W.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Haugen, Clarence S.
Oslo, Minnesota
Hegreberg, Philip M.
Ada, Minnesota
Henre, Phyllis J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hess, Elmer James
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hodgson, Victor F.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ingebretson, Chester M.
Ulen, Minnesota
Jenkins, Vivian Deloris
Crookston, Minnesota
Korstad, Dorothy Ellen
Goodridge, Minnesota
LaRiviere, Evelyn Agnes
Crookston, Minnesota
Lerud, Ruth Eleanore
Twin Valley, Minnesota
McVeety, Betty I.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Madden, Doroty Marie
Crookston, Minnesota
Mellesmoen, Glenn H.
Fosston, Minnesota
Merdink, Berta
Stephen, Minnesota
Nabben, Harold
Goodridge, Minnesota
Nelson, Milford A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Newhouse, Earl A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Olson, Alfred L., Jr.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Olson, Alvina Clarice
Gully, Minnesota

Ose, Konstance Gladyce

Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Radway, Richard F.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Ramberg, Edgard E.
Pitt, Minnesota
Rynning, Axel G.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Sanden, Harold T.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Tasa, Irene K.
Trail, Minnesota
Thompson, Hilbert L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Torkelson, Alta R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vanderveen, Ann
Crookston, Minnesota
Weckwerth, F. James
Hazel, Minnesota
Wentzel, Roland F.
Fisher. Minnesota
CLASS O F 1938
Adler, Albert J.
Waubun, Minnesota
Anderson, Harold Wayne
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Anda, Leonard V.
Perley, Minnesota
Anderson, Lawrence A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Aschback, Wallace H.
Ada, Minnesota
Becker, Henry
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Becker, Lila V.
Crookston, Minnesota
Berg, Henry V.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bergh, Elmore
Hallock, Minnesota
Blakely, N. Marie
Baudette, Minnesota
Boyd, Gloria Jean
Warren, Minnesota
Brandt, Glenn R.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Brastad, Melvin G.
Roseau, Minnesota
Broker, Shirley M.
Ponsford, Minnesota
Claney, Barbara Corrine
Stephen, Minnesota
Craigmile, Delia N.
Hallock, Minnesota
Dahlgren, Glenn L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dufault, Kenneth L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Edgar, James Dana
Warren, Minnesota
Eiken, Erving V.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Fairbanks, Ernest B.
Red Lake, Minnesota
Filipi, Delsie E.
Angus, Minnesota
Filipi, Dennis W.
Angus, Minnesota
Floan, Harris A.
Melvin, Minnesota
Ford, Charles H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Forseth, Arley C.
Climax, Minnesota
Gordon, Arthur L.
Oklee, Minnesota
Grove, Arnold
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Hamre, Adelle J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Handegaard, Donald W.
Dale, Minnesota
Hanson, Myrtle E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota

Harris, Lloyal E.
Wadena, Minnesota
Hemmestvedt, Helen A.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Hess, Alice Florence
Bemidji, Minnesota
Hess, Byron W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Horntvedt, Marcus B.
Baudette, Minnesota
Hoppe, Edna A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Isaacson, Clayton M.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Johnson, Emily B.
Milaca, Minnesota
Johnson, Grace Ulrika
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Johnson, Herzele D.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Vera E.
Milaca, Minnesota
Johnson, Richard W.
Milaca, Minnesota
Klemetson, Harold L.
Ulen, Minnesota
Klug, Clarence H.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Knutson, Lester S.
Ashby, Minnesota
Labine, Oliver P.
Argyle, Minnesota
Landsverk, Obert J.
Fosston, Minnesota
Landsverk, Gudrun Victoria
Fosston, Minnesota
Larson, Arnold A.
Oslo, Minnesota
Larson, Ivan E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Lenes, James C.
Fosston, Minnesota
Lindberg, Lowell V.
Warren, Minnesota
Magnuson, Morris W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Malmskog, Ernest C.
Ulen, Minnesota
Moe, Elmer P.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Moe, Gunder
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Molacek, Katherine Eloise
Bemidji, Minnesota
Morgan, Norma Frances
Crookston, Minnesota
Mortensen, Edwin J.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Mykleby, E. Mildred
Climax, Minnesota
Nelson, Norman G.
Bagley Minnesota
Nelson, Robert A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Olson, Clifford O.
Halstad, Minnesota
Parnow, Robert O.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Pearson, Ferdie E.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Peltier, William J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Peterson, Willard D.
Bronson, Minnesota
Radway, Wilson O.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Riopelle, Wallace L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Rivard, Earl M.
Baudette, Minnesota
Roe, Vernon S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ross, Eileen M.
Fisher, Minnesota
Rydeen, Edmund D.
Clearbook, Minnesota
Schipper, Harvey H.
Euclid, Minnesota

Scholin, Vernon E.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Setterholm, Dorothy Lucille
Baudette, Minnesota
Soltvedt, Marvel K.
Oslo, Minnesota
Sorrels, Cyrill P.
Williams, Minnesota
Sorvig, Raymond E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Steiner, Fern I.
Fisher, Minnesota
Stengle, Elsie R.
Angus, Minnesota
Stromstad, Walter T.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Sudet, John P.
Gary, Minnesota
Swanson, Bernard T.
Oslo, Minnesota
Tandberg, O. Chester
Newfolden, Minnesota
Tangen, Oray C.
Menahga, Minnesota
Thieling, Faith E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Thompson, J. Reuben
Underwood, Minnesota
Torfin, Ivan N.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Trangsrud, Kermit B.
Badger, Minnesota
Vonasek, Joe L.
Angus, Minnesota
Ward, Harry B.
Duluth, Minnesota
Wavra, Daniel W.
Tabor, Minnesota
Weber, Eleanore Rose
Crookston, Minnesota
Wollin, Lucille E.
Eldred, Minnesota
Worman, Esther May
Crookston, Minnesota
Worman, Gladys Evelyn
Crookston, Minnesota
Abbott, Dorothy Mae
Mentor, Minnesota
Bloomquist, Glenn H.
Drayton, North Dakota
Carlson, Eileen D.
Crookson, Minnesota
Carlson, Raymond E.
Middle River, Minnesota
Carlson, Roy S.
Middle River, Minnesota
Claney, Barbara Corrine
Stephen, Minnesota
Dahl, Morris Richard
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dahlgren, Verne A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dalager, Cora M.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Durbahn, Patricia
Angus, Minnesota
Evans, Dorothy Eleanor
Middle River, Minnesota
Evans, Marshall P.
Middle River, Minnesota
Evans, Woodrow W.
Gully, Minnesota
Fitzsimmons, Rita Marie
Euclid, Minnesota
Halverson, Merle Vernon
Hallock, Minnesota
Haug, H. Lois
Oslo, Minnesota
Hedlund, Lucille I.
Gully, Minnesota
Hegreberg, A. Delene
Ada, Minnesota
Higgin, Raymond James
Cross Lake. Minnesota

Hoard, Hugh M.
Graceton, Minnesota
Hoiseth, Myra Gertrude
Crookston, Minnesota
Jeffrey, Bernadette V.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Johnson, Phyllis M.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnston, Elaine V.
Angus, Minnesota
LaPlante, Francis A.
Fisher, Minnesota
Lindamood, Ruthellen
Warroad, Minnesota
McVeety, Ivy Ethel
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Magnusson, Yvonne V.
Badger, Minnesota
Moen, B. Duane
Gary, Minnesota
Morberg, Marshall A.
Oslo, Minnesota
Nabben, Marvin
Crookston, Minnesota
Prestegaard, S. Eugne
Goodridge, Minnesota
Rader, John Wm.
Warroad, Minnesota
Rasmussen, Martha H.
Ada, Minnesota
Slettvedt, Orda H.
Oklee, Minnesota
Soltvedt, Marvel K.
Oslo, Minnesota
Strand, Tilford M.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Swenson, Alta J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Wardell, Warren J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Weindorf, Werner E.
Jordan, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1939
Altepeter, Florence Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Audrey Leatrice
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Chester A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Anderson, George A.
Shelly, Minnesota
Anderson, Inez V.
Holt, Minnesota
Barnes, Vernon
Lockhart, Minnesota
Barry, Glenn
Downer, Minnesota
Bergh, Gale M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Bergquist, Henry W.
Baudette, Minnesota
Bettels, Wilbur E.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Bierbaum, Valiere A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Bostad, Leonard O.
Drayton, North Dakota
Brandli, Mabel L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Brandt, Alvera Evelyn
Gonvick, Minnesota
Breiland, Ruby Helene
Hazel, Minnesota
Bucholz, Nalton H.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Burhans, Ledyard Newhouse
Stephen, Minnesota
Burnett, Hazel A.
Bagley, Minnesota
Caldwell, David E.
Lengby, Minnesota
Carlson, Donald Randolph
Kennedy, Minnesota
Carter, Eva A.
Mentor. Minnesota

Chandler, Edward Robert

Euclid, Minnesota
Chappuis, E. Lorraine
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahl, Agnes Katherine
Bejou, Minnesota
Deschene, George
Argyle, Minnesota
Diamond, Harvey E.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Driscoll, Delores M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Durbahn, Dell A.
Angus, Minnesota
Ellinger, Harlan C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Erickson, Marianne K.
Roseau, Minnesota
Erickson, Walter
Bronson, Minnesota
Erlandson, Milfred Julian
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Erlandson, Marion E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Ferrier, Derreld Ellwin
Pitt, Minnesota
Finney, Leyden T.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Finney, Milton O.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Forfang, Donald A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Forseth, Arley C.
Climax, Minnesota
Forseth, Irwin N.
Climax, Minnesota
Fort, Sylvia Maebelle Anne
Goodridge, Minnesota
Gandrud, Gehard G.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gatheridge, William, Jr.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Geddes, Donald Wilbert
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Germunson, Nannie Margaret
Baudette, Minnesota
Gibbons, Melvin Wilber
Crookston, Minnesota
Grout, Marlyce D.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Gustafson, Elwood Beryl
Crookston, Minnesota
Haak, Donavon Leo
Waubun, Minnesota
Hanson, Ardon P.
Underwood, Minnesota
Hanson, Dorothy
Trail, Minnesota
Hanson, Russell A.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hanson, Ruth Marion
Baudette, Minnesota
Hanson, Victor C.
Trail, Minnesota
Hau Bette Joy
Henre, George Bjoin
Crookston, Minnesota
Herbert, Willard C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hermanson, Wallace Henry
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Hildahl, Mildred A.
Mentor, Minnesota
Hildebrand, Donald W.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Hildebrand, Leonard W.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Hopkins, Nancy Jane
Shelly, Minnesota
Hvidsten, Ralph W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Jensen, Anna Alvina
Borup, Minnesota
Johannesen, Myra Eline
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Viola J.
Clearbook, Minnesota


Johnston, Eleanor Jean

Angus, Minnesota
Kliner, Adeline M.
Euclid, Minnesota
Kliner, Dorothy Elsie
Angus, Minnesota
Knoff, Leonard P.
Hoople, North Dakota
Koppang, Talbert Jerome
Climax, Minnesota
Krostue, Glendora C.
Fisher, Minnesota
Kveno, Orville
Gary, Minnesota
Lambert, Philip A.
Hallock, Minnesota
LaPlante, Donald E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Dorothy N.
Ar yle, Minnesota
Andor D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lofstrand, Leorton H.
Lengby, Minnesota
McFarland, Esther Lillian
Oslo, Minnesota
McNelly, Dean R.
Anoka, Minnesota
Magnuson, Loyd W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Magnusson, Vernon Ardell
Roseau, Minnesota
Manning, Clifford W.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Merdink, Joyce Rae
Stephen, Minnesota
Merdink, William H.
Stephen, Minnesota
Moen, Faville N.
Gary, Minnesota
Morrison, Frances Marie
Baudette, Minnesota
Nelson, Amy T. L.
Bagley, Minnesota
Norum, Clarence A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Paulson, Henry
Bronson, Minnesota
Pearson, Frances Viola Josphine
Lancaster, Minnesota
Pearson, Harold S.
Hallock, Minnesota
Petersen, Edith Charlotte
Pitt, Minnesota
Peterson, Doris Elvira
Baudette, Minnesota
Peterson, Ernest
Baudette, Minnesota
Ramberg, Edith L.
Pitt, Minnesota
Riopelle, Wallace L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Rosvold, Kenneth A.
Underwood, Minnesota
Ruebke, Elmer F.
Ada, Minnesota
Ruebke, Esther L.
Ada, Minnesota
Sage, Selma
Crookston, Minnesota
Schulz, Walter W.
Fer us Falls, Minnesota
Eileen Beda
Stephen, Minnesota
Shimek, Leona M.
East Grand Falls, Minnesota
Skaurud, Ferdinand N.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Smith, Leslie V.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sorensen, Victor H.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Strand, Silas R.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Streed, John M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Svedstrom, Joyce Eileen
Roseau. Minnesota



Vasilakes, Argory A.
Lengby, Minnesota
Viker, Katherine Ann
Halstad, Minnesota
Westling, Dora
Roseau, Minnesota
Widseth, Alfred C.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Wilson, Vern D.
Holt, Minnesota
Worman, Edward C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Younggren, Dean L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Adler, Albert Jule
Waubun, Minnesota
Anderson, Inez V.
Holt, Minnesota
Anderson, Lawrence A.
Ar yle, Minnesota
Aschfach, Wallace H.
Ada, Minnesota
Becker, Henry
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Berg, Henry V.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bergh, Elmore
Hallock, Minnesota
Bierbaum, Valiere A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Boyd, Gloria Jean
Warren, Minnesota
Brastad, Melvin G.
Roseau, Minnesota
Dahlgren, Glenn L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Diamond, Harvey E.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Eiken, Erving V.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Filipi, Delsie E.
Angus, Minnesota
Filipi, Dennis W.
Angus, Minnesota
Forfang, Donald A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Gordon, Arthur Leonard
Oklee, Minnesota
Grout, Marlyce D.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Grove, Arnold
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Handegaard, Donald W.
Dale, Minnesota
Hanson, Myrtle E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Harris, Lloyal E.
Wadena, Minnesota
Hess, Byron W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Hopkins, Nancy Jane
Shelly, Minnesota
Hoppe, Edna A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Isaacson, Clayton M.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Johnson, Emily B.
Milaca, Minnesota
Johnson, Herzele D.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Vera E.
Milaca, Minnesota
Johnson, Viola J.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Klug, Clarence H.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Knoff, Leonard P.
Hoople, North Dakota
Larson, A. Arnold
Oslo, Minnesota
Lenes, Clayton James
Fosston, Minnesota
Magnuson, Morris W.
Crookston, Minnesota

Moe, Gunder
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Molacek, Katherine Eloise
Bemidji, Minnesota
Mortensen, Edwin J.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Mykleby, E. Mildred
Climax, Minnesota
Nelson, Robert A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Petersen, Willard D.
Bronson, Minnesota
Radway, Wilson 0.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Roe, Vernon S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ross, Eileen
Fisher, Minnesota
Schipper, Harvey H.
Euclid, Minnesota
Scholin, Vernon E.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Setterholm, Dorothy Lucille
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorvig, Raymond E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Steiner, Fern I.
Fisher, Minnesota
Stromstad, Walter T.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Svedstrom, Joyce Eileen
Roseau, Minnesota
Tangen, Oray C.
Menahga, Minnesota
Thieling, Faith E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Thompson, J. Reuben
Underwood, Minnesota
Torfin, Ivan N.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Trangsrud, Kermit B.
Badger, Minnesota
Wavra, Daniel W.
Tabor, Minnesota
Wilson, Vern D.
Holt, Minnesota
Wollin, Lucille E.
Eldred, Minnesota
Worman, Edward C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Worman, Esther May
Crookston, Minnesota
Worman, Gladys E.
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1940
Aase, Orester R.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Aichele, Erna A.
Williams, Minnesota
Altepeter, Dorothy Ann
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Harold T.
Argyle, Minnesota
Anderson, Violet M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Andree, Robert W.
Puposky, Minnesota
Baird, Jean Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Baird, I. June
Crookston, Minnesota
Battles, Wesley E.
Warroad, Minnesota
Beckwith, Robert H.
Argyle, Minnesota
Berg, Howard A.
Fertile, Minnesota
Bloomquiat, Harvey Arthur
Drayton, North Dakota
Brandt, Howard M.
Gonvick, Minnesota

Brown, John L.
Gary, Minnesota
Bruer, Ida Rose
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Irene Clarice
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Clow, Edith Eleanor
Orleans, Minnesota
Croy, Clayton J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Clifford Millroy
Georgetown, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Vernon Howard
Georgetown, Minnesota
Duenow, Lloyd H.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Ecklund, Camilla L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Edmon, John G.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Egeland, J. Martin
Fisher, Minnesota
Ellinger, Milton Tilford
Crookston, Minnesota
Erickson, Glendora Harriet
Fertile, Minnesota
Espe, Richard H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Evans, Frank Brooks
Ponsford, Minnesota
Fimrite, Myrtle Amanda
Goodridge, Minnesota
Flaat, Odney V.
Fisher, Minnesota
Frigstad, James Ordell
Gully, Minnesota
Gibbons, Wayne J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Giese, Dale C.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hagen, Marion A.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Hagen, Maurice C.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Hagen, Orrin Clifton
Gatzke, Minnesota
Halliday, Jean Margaret
Fosston, Minnesota
Hallstrom, Wilbur A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, LeRoy William
Hallock, Minnesota
Hanson, Roy V.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Hartman, Orpha Elizabeth
Mentor, Minnesota
Heitman, Howard W.
Ada, Minnesota
Hess, Helen Audrey
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hoglin, John L.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Hoppe, Raymond H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hunter, Marjorie H.
Orleans, Minnesota
Jacobson, Dayton E.
Pelican Ra ids, Minnesota
Hallock, Minnesota
Jaranson, Kenneth M.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Jensen, Morris A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Jessen, Tom N.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Howard Leroy
Audubon, Minnesota
Johnson, Orval Phillip
Karlstad, Minnesota
Johnson, Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota


Johnston, Stanley L.
Angus, Minnesota
Jorgenson, Donald W.
Stephen, Minnesota

Kasprick, Harold Richard

Angus, Minnesota
Kliner, Irene R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Klinkhammer, Serena Loretta
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Knutson, Boyd
Fisher, Minnesota
Krogstad, Earl R.
Fertile, Minnesota
Krogstad, Louise Marie
Fertile, Minnesota
Lamberson, John L.
Warren, Minnesota
Larson, Lillian Myra
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Milton J.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Lehnherr, Mary Kathryn
Ponsford, Minnesota
Lerud, Roy Kenneth
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lund, Lloyd O.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Maidment, Leroy
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Mandt, Ferdinand H.
Oklee, Minnesota
McKibbin, Beverly Jane
Hallock, Minnesota
McMillan, Edward L.
MMahnomen Minnesota
Meyer, Johanna Henrietta
Crookston, Minnesota
Moe, H. Josephine
Lancaster, Minnesota
Mostad, Newell A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Murray, Leo Henry
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Musselman, Gerald Eugene
Crookston, Minnesota
Mykleby, Opal M.
Climax, Minnesota
Myrold, Edwin George
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Donald M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Nelson, Verner C.
Euclid, Minnesota
Norum, Esther Evelyn
Hallock, Minnesota
Okeson, Duane R.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Olson, Eleanor Wilma
Halstad, Minnesota
Ose, Kenneth K.
Pencer, Minnesota
Pederson, Harvey Norwood
Kennedy, Minnesota
Peltier, Carol Elaine
Crookston, Minnesota
Petersen, Amy Bernell
Pitt, Minnesota
Peterson, Dawn A.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Phillips, Franklin John
Noyes, Minnesota
Qualley, Harold L.
Mentor, Minnesota
Ristad, Margaret B.
Hallock, Minnesota
Rustvold, Robert H.
Puposky, Minnesota
Rydeen, Ernest A.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Ste. Marie, Donald Louis
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Schuldt, Roy I.
Dorothy, Minnesota
Seegar, Clara A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Skaar, Andrew O.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Slettvedt, Telfred
Oklee, Minnesota

Sorensen, Anne
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorensen, Mary E.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Sorvig Evelyn A.
Lake Falls, Minnesota
Steen, Lynn J.
Halstad, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Evelyn Marcella
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Strom, Lester Morris
McIntosh, Minnesota
Swenson, LaVonne F.
Roseau, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Gladys Opan
Winger, Minnesota
Wavra, Robert C.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Weckwerth, Owen A.
Hazel, Minnesota
Welsh, William T.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Wettestad, Emma M.
Middle River, Minnesota


Altepeter, Florence Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Audrey L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Bettels, Wilbur E.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Brandli, Mabel L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Brandt, Alvera Evelyn
Gonvick, Minnesota
Breiland, Ruby H.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Burhans, Ledyard N.
Stephen, Minnesota
Chandler, E. Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Chappuis, E.Lorraine
Crookston, Minnesota
Durbahn, Dell A.
Angus, Minnesota
Ellinger, Harlan C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Erickson, Marianne
Roseau, Minnesota
Erlandson, Milfred Julian
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Evans, Frank Brooks
Ponsford, Minnesota
Ferrier, Derreld Ellwin
Pitt, Minnesota
Finney, Leyden T.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Floan, Harris Alden
Melvin, Minnesota
Gandrud, Gehard G.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Gatheridge, William, Jr.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Geddes, Donald Wilbert
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Germunson, Nannie Margaret
Baudette, Minnesota
Gibbons, Melvin W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gustafson, Elwood B.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hanson, Dorothy
Trail, Minnesota
Hanson, Russell Alden
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hanson, Ruth Marion
Baudette, Minnesota
Hau Bette Joy
Henre, George Bjoin
Crookston, Minnesota
Hvidsten, Ralph W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Jessen, Tom N.
Crookston, Minnesota


Johnannesen, Myra Eline

Baudette, Minnesota
Johnston, Eleanor Jean
Angus, Minnesota
Kliner, Dorothy Elsie
Angus, Minnesota
Lambert, Philip A.
Hallock, Minnesota
LaPlante, Donald E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Dorothy N.
Ar Argyle Minnesota
Mary Katheryn
Ponsford, Minnesota
Lindberg, Andor D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lofstrand, Leorton Hilder
Lengby, Minnesota
Magnuson, Lloyd W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Magnusson, Udell Ellsworth
Roseau, Minnesota
McFarland, Esther Lillian
Oslo, Minnesota
Merdink, Joyce Rae
Stephen, Minnesota
Merdink, William H.
Stephen, Minnesota
Nelson, Amy T.
Bagley, Minnesota
Nelson, Helen Mary
Stephen, Minnesota
Norum, Clarence A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Paulson, Henry
Lake Bronson, Minnesota
Pearson, Frances Viola
Lancaster, Minnesota
Pearson, Harold S.
Hallock, Minnesota
Peterson, Doris Elvira
Baudette, Minnesota
Peterson, Ernest W.
Baudette, Minnesota
Ramberg, Edith
Pitt, Minnesota
Rosvold, Kenneth A.
Underwood, Minnesota
Setterholm, Eileen Beda
Stephen, Minnesota
Strand, Silas R.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Viker, Katherine Ann
Halstad, Minnesota
Weber, Eleanore Rose
Crookston, Minnesota
Westling, Dora C. M.
Roseau, Minnesota
Youngren, Dean L.
Hallock, Minnesota


CLASS O F 1941
Amundson, Surges A.
Whitefish, Montana
Anderson, Betty G.
Drayton, North Dakota
Anderson, Ralph F.
Argyle, Minnesota
Auer, Paul W.
Waubun, Minnesota
Baird, Helen J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Balstad, Edna G.
Fosston, Minnesota
Beiswenger, Eldin E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Berge, Elaine A.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Bergh, Jay C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Beucler, Harlan L.
Audubon, Minnesota
Boucher, Robert J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Brandli, Kathryn J.
Warroad, Minnesota

Brostrom, Morris S.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Brown, David E.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Brown, Kathrine
Warroad, Minnesota
Capistran, Lorraine A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Capistran, Virgil J. R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Carter, Paulene
Inger, Minnesota
Christiansen, Harry W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Conover, Hazel L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Cowlthorp, Irwin L.
Bagley, Minnesota
Dahl, Floyd V.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dahl, Harold Alfred
Gonvick, Minnesota
Deschene, Lawrence
Argyle, Minnesota
Dufault, Maurice J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Erickson, Elmer A.
Ross, Minnesota
Fairbanks, Viola
Red Lake, Minnesota
Forfang, Margaret Delphine
Hallock, Minnesota
Giese, Conrad F.
Euclid, Minnesota
Glass, V. Maxine
Crookston, Minnesota
Green, Verne P.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Grenier, John R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Grout, Neil Galen
Bemidji, Minnesota
Grove, Ila Mae
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Gunderson, Arvid H.
Fer us Falls, Minnesota
Gustafson, Allan Ray
Lancaster, Minnesota
Halliday, Betty Lou
Fosston, Minnesota
Halliday, Robert W.
Fosston, Minnesota
Halverson, Dale H.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hasty, Paul E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hinkley, Wilbur A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hoadley, Harold Edward
Bagley, Minnesota
Hveem, Norman Jay
Goodridge, Minnesota
Hvidsten, Earl N.
Stephen, Minnesota
Jansen, Joe
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, Agnes H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Johnson, Alfred L.
Leonard, Minnesota
Johnson, Dora T.
Grygla, Minnesota
Johnson, Herbert A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Irwin R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Knutson, Alton
Ashby, Minnesota
Koznek, Ione Phyllis
Warroad, Minnesota
Bernard Berton
Lambert, Harold A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Lantz, Wayne D.
Bagley, Minnesota
Larson, Arthur L.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota


Larson, LeRoy M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Lee, Arthur W.
Erskine, Minnesota
Lintvet, Orlo G.
Oklee, Minnesota
Loyd, Harold A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Magnusson, Iden James
Roseau, Minnesota
Magnusson, John W.
Milton, North Dakota
McVeety, Amy Marian
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Melin, Melvin L.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Mindermann, Anita
Crookston, Minnesota
Moe, Marlowe H.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Naplin, June E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Marion J.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Nisbet, Helen E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Nordling, C. Leslie
Hallock, Minnesota
Novak, Marcel M.
Angus, Minnesota
Nybo, Clifford J.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Ofstedahl, John T.
Plummer, Minnesota
Oslund, Eleanor E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Pagnac, Alice Adaline
Argyle, Minnesota
Pastuck, Steffie M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pastuck, William P.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pederson, Palmer Robert
Bejou, Minnesota
Phillips, M. Claudia Joan
Noyes, Minnesota
Pomerenke, Eli G.
Mavie, Minnesota
Rapacz, Irene T.
Argyle, Minnesota
Rasmussen, Helen Genevieve
Grygla, Minnesota
Reese, Gilbert J.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Risbrudt, Ervin O.
Dalton, Minnesota
Rokke, Theodore Melford
Newfolden, Minnesota
Sargent, Clarence H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Schmidt, Gladys L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Scholin, Einar Milton
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Sjostrand, Doris Lillian
Hallock, Minnesota
Swanson, Heimer, W.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Swanson, Wilbert R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Tiegland, Ardith
Grygla, Minnesota
Utech, Harold B.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Vasilakes, William S.
Lengby, Minnesota
Walters, Dale M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Waters, William J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Wodahl, James O.
Erskine, Minnesota
Wurden, Robert D.
Fisher, Minnesota
Zutz, Ellsworth G.
Radium, Minnesota

Aase, Orester R.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Aichele, Erna A.
Williams, Minnesota
Altepeter, Dorothy Ann
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Harold T.
Argyle, Minnesota
Anderson, Violet M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Baird, Jean Elizabeth
Crookston, Minnesota
Beckwith, Robert H.
Argyle, Minnesota
Berge, Elaine A.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Bergh, Gale M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Bloomquist, Harvey A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Brandt, Howard M.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Bruer, Ida Rose
Plummer, Minnesota
Cowlthorp, Irwin L.
Bagley, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Clifford M.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Vernon H.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Ecklund, Camilla L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Egeland, J. Martin
Fisher, Minnesota
Ellinger, Milton T.
Crookston, Minnesota
Fimrite, Myrtle Amanda
Goodridge, Minnesota
Flaat, Odney V.
Fisher, Minnesota
Gibbons, Wayne
Crookston, Minnesota
Giese, Dale
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Halliday, Jean M.
Fosston, Minnesota
Hallstrom, Wiblur A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, LeRoy W.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hartman, Orpha E.
Mentor, Minnesota
Heitman, Howard W.
Ada, Minnesota
Henre, George
Crookston, Minnesota
Hess, Helen A.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hinkley, Wilbur A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hveem, Norman Jay
Goodridge, Minnesota
Jacobson, Dayton E.
Pelican Rapids ids, Minnesota
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnston, Stanley L.
Angus, Minnesota
Lantz, Wayne D.
Bagley, Minnesota
Larson, Arthur L.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Larson, Lillian M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Lerud, Roy K.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lund, lloyd O.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Mandt, Ferdinand Albert
Oklee, Minnesota
McKibbin, Beverly Jane
Hallock, Minnesota
McMillan, Edward L.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Musselman, G. Eugene
Crookston, Minnesota


Mykleby, Opal M.
Climax, Minnesota
Myrold, Edwin George
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Donald M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Nelson, Verner C.
Euclid, Minnesota
Norum, Esther E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Peltier, Carol Elaine
Crookston, Minnesota
Phillips, Franklin John
Noyes, Minnesota
Qualley, Harold L.
Mentor, Minnesota
Ristad, Margaret B.
Hallock, Minnesota
Rosholt, Karlton Jerome
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Rustvold, Robert H.
Puposky, Minnesota
Seegar, Clara A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Skaar, Andrew O.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Slettvedt, Telfred O.
Oklee, Minnesota
Sorvig Evelyn A.
Lake Falls, Minnesota
Steen, Lynn
Halstad, Minnesota
Swenson, LaVonne F.
Roseau, Minnesota
Tiegland, Ardith
Grygla la, Minnesota
Thompson, North Dakota
Vesledahl, Gladys O.
Winger, Minnesota
Welsh, William T.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota



CLASS O F 1942
Anderson, George K.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Harold W.
Argyle, Minnesota
Anderson, Herbert, Jr.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Anderson, Howard P.
Fisher, Minnesota
Anderson, Merton E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Norman
Middle River, Minnesota
Anderson, Robert C.
M Mahnomen Minnesota
Baird, Evelyn Mary
Crookston, Minnesota
Balstad, Garnet Rebecca
Fosston, Minnesota
Barron, William E.
Pembina, North Dakota
Barry, Dale G.
Baker, Minnesota
Baumgartner, Clarice Marie
Roseau, Minnesota
Berg, Myra Rosa Belle
Gary, Minnesota
Bowe, Kenneth S.
Kelliher, Minnesota
Bratvold, Kenneth J.
Ashby, Minnesota
Bushee, Howard J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Christensen, V. Jack
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Orville E.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Danielson, Helen
Euclid, Minnesota
DeHaan, Martin
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota

Duffy, Donald J.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Erickson, Donald LeRoy
Kennedy, Minnesota
Erickson, James
Fertile, Minnesota
Ferden, Maurice R.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Fimrite, Ethel A. M.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Forfang, Floyd
Hallock, Minnesota
Glaholt, Beverly J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Glennen, Ray A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Hagen, Grace Viola
Middle River, Minnesota
Hemmes, LuVerne Gwen
Humboldt, Minnesota
Hess, Florence E.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hoff, Henry Maxwell
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Hoppe, Vernon Theodore
Crookston, Minnesota
Grothe, Gaylord
Oklee, Minnesota
Jacobson, Allen C.
Perley, Minnesota
Jeffrey, Annabelle
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Jensen, Lillian M.
Borup, Minnesota
Knutson, Arlene J.
Ashby, Minnesota
Knutson, Carlton E.
Ashby, Minnesota
Kobetsky, Bernard
Angus, Minnesota
Kotchan, George
South Junction, Manitoba
Kroulik, Theodore William
Donaldson, Minnesota
Lerud, Lucille Minerva
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lindberg, Floyd Winton
Gully, Minnesota
Madson, Milton A.
Dalton, Minnesota
Maurstad, Earl H. D.
Drayton, North Dakota
Meyer, Harriet
Crookston, Minnesota
Milner, Donald Gorden
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Moran, Gladys Mae
Crookston, Minnesota
Morrison, Roland E.
Dalton, Minnesota
Naplin, Axel E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Berneil
Hallock, Minnesota
Nelson, Ernest A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Nelson, William O.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Olson, Irene V.
Halstad, Minnesota
Parduhn, Cleon D.
Warroad, Minnesota
Pastuck, Mary J.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pearson, Oscar I.
Hallock, Minnesota
Peterson, Harris A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Philipp, Vernon W.
Mavie, Minnesota
Polaschek, Agnes R.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Alice L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Irene L.
Fisher, Minnesota

Schafer, Raymond P.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sczepanski, Delphine B.
Stephen, Minnesota
Seaton, Maude Ethel
Crookston, Minnesota
Sorenson, Orel A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Stucy, Ruth A.
Oklee, Minnesota
Storla, Eugene Victor
Baudette, Minnesota
Swanson, Lois I.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Swenson, Orvin E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Sylvester, Madrienne F.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Syverson, Clara M.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Tiedemann, Donald G.
Euclid, Minnesota
Tofsly, Bonnie M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Tollefson, Bert H.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Torkelson, Berget
Thompson, North Dakota
Vennas, Gloria
Pinecreek, Minnesota
Widseth, Robert C.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Wold, Wilfred S.
Starbuck, Manitoba
Wopschall, Lawrence W.
Drayton, North Dakota
Yutrzenka, Leonard J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Amundson, Surges A.
Whitfish, Montana
Anderson, Herbert, Jr.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Auer, Paul William
Waubun, Minnesota
Balstad, Edna G.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bergh, Jay G.
Hallock, Minnesota
Beucler, Harlan Lawrence
Audubon, Minnesota
Brandli, Kathryn June
Warroad, Minnesota
Capistran, Lorraine Agnes
Stephen, Minnesota
Christiansen, Harry W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Clow, Doris A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Dahl, Floyd Vincent
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dahl, Harold Alfred
Gonvick, Minnesota
Erickson, Elmer
Ross, Minnesota
Forfang, Margaret Delphine
Hallock, Minnesota
Giese, Conrad F.
Euclid, Minnesota
Glennen, Ray A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Grenier, Robert
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Grove, Ila Mae
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Gunderson, Arvid H.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Gustafson, Allan Ray
Lancaster, Minnesota
Halliday, Betty Lou
Fosston, Minnesota
Hoglin, John L.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Hvidsten, Earl Norris
Stephen, Minnesota

Jansen, Joe C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, Irwin R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Jorgenson, Donald W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Knutson, Alton T.
Ashby, Minnesota
Koznek, Ione Phyllis
Warroad, Minnesota
Krogstad, Earl Richard
Fertile, Minnesota
Kroulik, Theodore William
Donaldson, Minnesota
Lambert, Harold A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Lintvet, Orlo Gerhard
Oklee, Minnesota
Loyd, Harold Albert
Argyle, Minnesota
Magnusson, Iden James
Roseau, Minnesota
McVeety, Amy M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Mindermann, Anita
Crookston, Minnesota
Murray, Leo H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Naplin, June E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Clarence Aderon
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Marion John
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Nisbet, Helen E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Nordling, C. Leslie
Hallock, Minnesota
Pagnac, Alice Adaline
Argyle, Minnesota
Pastuck, Steffie Mary
Hallock, Minnesota
Pastuck, William Peter
Hallock, Minnesota
Pederson, Palmer Robert
Bejou, Minnesota
Phillips, M. Claudia Joan
Noyes, Minnesota
Rapacz, Irene T.
Argyle, Minnesota
Rasmussen, Helen G.
Grygla, Minnesota
Reese, Gilbert J.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Rustad, Alfred H.
Oklee, Minnesota
Rustan, Elmer W.
Oklee, Minnesota
Sargent, Clarence H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Scholin, Einar Milton
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Storla, Eugene Victor
Baudette, Minnesota
Swanson, Heimer William
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Vasilakes, William Steve
Lengby, Minnesota
Walters, Dale M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Wurden, Robert David
Fisher, Minnesota
Zutz, Ellsworth G .
Radium, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1943
Aasland, Harold
Roseau, Minnesota
Aune, Emma O.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Bach, John
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Barrett, Della M.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Battles, Violet E.
Warroad. Minnesota

Bjella, Lowell E.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Boutain, Donald J.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Carlson, Sylvia L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Clow, Lyle G.
Hallock, Minnesota
Deschene, Clement F.
Argyle, Minnesota
Engelstad, Cleo
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Erickson, Clayton G.
Roseau, Minnesota
Ferrier, Darwin L.
Pitt, Minnesota
Franze, John R.
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Gadberry, Duane F.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Gadberry, Juanita
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Gilbertson, Phyllis J.
Hawley, Minnesota
Hallstrom, Earl
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hapka, Leonard J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Hylland, Audrey Grace
Grygla, Minnesota
Johnson, Elenora
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Violet E.
Euclid, Minnesota
Johnston, Gene E.
Angus, Minnesota
Johnston, Willard J., Jr.
Nisswa, Minnesota
Kjelgren, Bernice O.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kobetsky, Donald
Angus, Minnesota
Kolling, Omer H.
Gully, Minnesota
Kruta, Jaroslav I.
Gatzke, Minnesota
LaCoursiere, Melvina
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
LaPlante, Robert R.
Fisher, Minnesota
Larson, Dolores V.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Larson, Donald L.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lee, Joseph H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Lindholm, Violet M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Machal, Albert Floyd
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Mattson, Robert
Warroad, Minnesota
Miller, Dayle
Bagley, Minnesota
Moen, Anita Burdette
Winger, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Veral
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Earl N.
Lake Bronson, Minnesota
Nesland, Gunhild
Grygla, Minnesota
Nornes, Ernest B.
Winger, Minnesota
Ofstedahl, Marjorie
Plummer, Minnesota
Olson, Doris Kathlene
Beltrami, Minnesota
Orpen, Leo B.
Middle River, Minnesota
Ostlund, Edna
Grygla, Minnesota
Pearson, Edwin A.
Warroad, Minnesota
Pearson, Orville
Hallock, Minnesota

Peterson, Carl E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Phillips, Robert D.
Noyes, Minnesota
Qualley, Omar
Gully, Minnesota
Quantock, Angeline
Argyle, Minnesota
Radniecki, Richard O.
Trail, Minnesota
Raymond, William A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Roberts, John H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Roi, Leland B.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Salentine, John P.
Euclid, Minnesota
Salentiny, Sophia W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Samuelson, Charles R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Sczepanski, Edmund
Stephen, Minnesota
Simmons, Roger W.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Skeie, Maynard O.
Winger, Minnesota
Smith, Myrtle E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Sylvester, Hazel
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Tester, Barbara
Marble, Minnesota
Thureen, Allen G.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Useldinger, Mary Ann
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Walters, Charlene
Beltrami, Minnesota
Winkler, Shirley R.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Aasland, Harold
Roseau, Minnesota
Anderson, George K.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Howard P.
Fisher, Minnesota
Anderson, Robert C.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Balstad, Garnet Rebecca
Fosston, Minnesota
Barron, William E.
Pembina, North Dakota
Brown, David E.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Christensen, Jack
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Orville Earl
Georgetown, Minnesota
Danielson, Helen
Euclid, Minnesota
Ferrier, Darwin L.
Pitt, Minnesota
Hagen, Grace Viola
Middle River, Minnesota
Hannah, Leslie E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Hemmes, LuVerne Gwen
Humboldt, Minnesota
Hess, Florence E.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hoff, Henry M.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Hoppe, Vernon Theodore
Crookston, Minnesota
Knutson, Arlene Jeanette
Ashby, Minnesota
Knutson, Carlton E.
Ashby, Minnesota
Kranz, Gilbert N.
Hazelton, North Dakota


Lecy, Everett
Winger, Minnesota
Lerud, Lucille Minerva
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lundgren, Jeanne
Vining, Minnesota
Nansen, Glenn
Winger, Minnesota
Naplin, Axel E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Berneil C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Ottem, Harold E.
Pembina, North Dakota
Parduhn, Cleon D.
Warroad, Minnesota
Pastuck, Mary J.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pearson, Edwin A.
Warroad, Minnesota
Pearson, Oscar I.
Hallock, Minnesota
Peterson, Harris A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Reimann, Dennis K.
Melvin, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Alice L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Irene L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Schafer, Raymond P.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sorensen, Fred
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorenson, Orel A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Swanson, Lois
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sylvester, Madrienne F.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Tinkham, Alton W.
Fisher, Minnesota
Tollefson, Bert H.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Torkelson, Berget
Thompson, North Dakota
Wiseth, Robert
Goodridge, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1944
Altepeter, Rosemary E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Clifford E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, LaMar A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Anderson, Lionel A.
Fisher, Minnesota
Anderson, Margaret, A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Vernon E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Auer, Helen Mary
Waubun, Minnesota
Barrett, Frances A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Bergerson, Mabel Alta
Strathcona, Minnesota
Bjella, Audrey, M.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Bjella, Cheryl T.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Bjorgo, William
Crookston, Minnesota
Bonner, Richard J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Brandli, Evelyn
Warroad, Minnesota
Brandt, Curtis
Roseau, Minnesota
Breen, Lawrence
Argyle, Minnesota
Burke, Gerald
Crookston, Minnesota
Casavan, Lester
Dorothy, Minnesota

Casavan, Stella
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Davis, Lester
Crookston, Minnesota
Dufault, Eleanor A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Eggebraaten, Martha Bernice
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Engelstad, James
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Engelstad, Maurice J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Engelstad, Orvis P.
Fertile, Minnesota
Filipi, Donald D.
Angus, Minnesota
Filipi, Donna J.
Angus, Minnesota
Geddes, William Darragh
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Geving, Alice M.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Gruhot, Irene E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Gullekson, Roland J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamre, Shirley Ann
Gary, Minnesota
Hansen, Sarah Christine
Stephen, Minnesota
Hanson, D. Gordon
Baudette, Minnesota
Hanson, Kent O.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hardrath, Agnes Mae
Crookston, Minnesota
Heagy, Crystal F.
Euclid, Minnesota
Holmquist, Glen V.
Hallock, Minnesota
Jobe, Lloyd
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Calmer
Alvarado, Minnesota
Johnson, Vivian
Kennedy, Minnesota
Johnston, Robert W.
Nisswa, Minnesota
Kasprick, Lloyd J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kaste, Alton Orlin
Fertile, Minnesota
Krueger, Donald P.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Krueger, Leon R.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kuchling, Nellie L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Myrna A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Leshar, Alva Karol
Grygla, Minnesota
Lindholm, Marian G.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Madson, Orrin T.
Dalton, Minnesota
Magnusson, Marvin Einar
Milton, North Dakota
Magnusson, Marville V.
Warren, Minnesota
Marmorine, Laverl B.
Gonvick, Minnesota
McBride, James M.
Wadena, Minnesota
McGovern, Raymond D.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
McKibbin, Adeline Mae
Lancaster, Minnesota
Meyer, Lewis W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Milner, Helen Irene
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Muzzy, N. Erwin
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Mykleby, Forrest
Eldred, Minnesota
Nelson, Donald M.
Stephen, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1944
Nelson, Geraldine M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Louise A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Nesland, Bernadine A.
Oklee, Minnesota
Olson, Glenn M.
Mavie, Minnesota
Oswald, C. Vernon
Fertile, Minnesota
Paulsrud, Edna A.
Nielsville, Minnesota
Pederson, Edmond T.
Bejou, Minnesota
Peterson, Geraldine
Hallock, Minnesota
Peterson, Grant E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Peterson, Ione A.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Price, Kenneth S.
Stephen, Minnesota
Przekwas, Lucy Irene
Standquist, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Dale E.
Angus, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Irene Mae
Angus, Minnesota
Qualley, Lillian D.
Mentor, Minnesota
Salentiny, Sophia W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Sargent, Marian A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Satnik, Ernest F.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Schalz, Virgil C.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Scholin, Arlo A.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Scholin, Vivian J.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Schwenzfeier, Calvin C.
Orleans, Minnesota
Senger, Leo M.
Fisher, Minnesota
Solberg, Mildred Orella
Gully, Minnesota
Sondreal, Gene V. S.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Sorenson, Oliver I.
Fisher, Minnesota
Srnsky, Rosalie M.
Euclid, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Clifford W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stromstad, Clara Jean
Lockhart, Minnesota
Swanson, Charles
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Tiegland, Phyllis M.
Grygla, Minnesota
Thormodson, Nelvin Gerald
Dalton, Minnesota
Tollefson, Russell E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Florence Ann
Argyle, Minnesota
Vasilakes, George Snidau
Lengby, Minnesota
Vasilakes, Jean Marie
Lengby, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Alden S.
Winger, Minnesota
Wahlstrom, Richard L.
Salol, Minnesota
Wallenberg, Vincent R.
Orleans, Minnesota
Zutz, Lloyd
Radium, Minnesota
Aandal, Leroy K.
Goodridge, Minnesota

Barrett, Della M.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Bjella, Lowell E.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Boutain, Donald J.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Carlson, Sylvia L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Caskey, John C.
Bagley ley, Minnesota
Clement F.
Argyle, Minnesota
Hellum, Darrell A.
Mentor, Minnesota
Johnson, Elnora B.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnston, Gene E.
Angus, Minnesota
Johnston, Willard J., Jr.
Nisswa, Minnesota
Kjelgren, Bernice O.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Knutson, Lowell LeRoy
Bemidji, Minnesota
Kobetsky, Donald J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kolling, Omer H.
Gully, Minnesota
Kurtz, Paul W.
Hazelton, North Dakota
LaPlante, Robert R.
Fisher, Minnesota
Larson, Donald L.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lee, Joseph H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Machal, Albert Floyd
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Magneson, Glen E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Veral O.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Ofstedahl, Marjorie G.
Plummer, Minnesota
Orpen, Leo B.
Middle River, Minnesota
Orthmeyer, Benajah
Hazelton, North Dakota
Peterson, Carl E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Phillips, Robert D.
Noyes, Minnesota
Quantock, Angeline
Argyle, Minnesota
Radniecki, Richard
Trail, Minnesota
Raymond, William A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Roi, Leland B.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Samuelson, Charles Richard
Crookston, Minnesota
Skeie, Maynard O.
Smith, Myrtle E.
Grygla, Minnesota
Stramer, Neil C.
Hazelton, North Dakota
Sylvester, Hazel
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Useldinger, Mary Ann
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Weaver, Dorothy N.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Weaver, Margaret Lorraine
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Winkler, Shirley R.
Beaulieu, Minnesota



CLASS O F 1945
Anderson, Charles P.
Hallock, Minnesota
Anderson, Corrine L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Anderson, Edward J.
Voss, North Dakota

Andring, Donald M.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Auer, Gladys C.
Waubun, Minnesota
Bjella, Cheryl T.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Blom, Jack A.
Baudette, Minnesota
Brekke, Menford L.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Brokke, Johnnie B.
Thompson, North Dakota
Bulger, William J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Caillier, Stephen R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Cameron, Wayne W.
Hallock, Minnesota
Capistran, Melvin L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Clow, Alla G.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Clow, Wilbert
Humboldt, Minnesota
Davids, Robert H., Jr.
Williams, Minnesota
Davis, Frank
Crookston, Minnesota
Dufault, Donald J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Dufault, Lloyd L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Egtvet, Arnold G.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Eklund, Anna Mae
Lowry, Minnesota
Engelstad, Arnold T.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Evje, Russell F.
Gully, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Pauline K.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gray, Wayne A.
Viking, Minnesota
Gullekson, Eunice C.
Fertile, Minnesota
Halliday, Phillip C.
Fosston, Minnesota
Hamre, Delores L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hoialmen, Gordon V.
Crookston, Minnesota
Holen, Selmer E.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Iverson, Geneva J.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Johnson, Gordon B.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Jennette D.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Margaret Ann
Lenoard, Minnesota
Kochmann, Clarence O.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Kowaliuk, Olga
Lancaster, Minnesota
Krogstad, Doris G .
Fertile, Minnesota
Kurtz, Patricia A.
Hazelton, North Dakota
Labine, Clifford J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lapp, John W.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Langerak, Gordon L.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Larson, Walter E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Lee, George H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Bernice I.
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Lyberg, Gordon
Lancaster, Minnesota
Magnusson, Marville V.
Warren, Minnesota

Matson, Curtiss D.
Fosston, Minnesota
Miller, Kenneth R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Miller, Loren L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Moe, Katherine L.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Moran, Elvin R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Warren E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Moses, Norman Ray
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Myrum, Lorraine B.
Oklee, Minnesota
Nelson, Donald M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Nesland, Allan J.
Thompson, North Dakota
Nielson, Nellie I.
Erskine, Minnesota
Nisbet, Richard J.
Fisher, Minnesota
Norum, Ruth E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Onstad, Elizabeth M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Ophus, Roger H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Parr, Cecil F.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Pearson, Keith H.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pederson, Edmond T.
Bejou, Minnesota
Pederson, Lloyd O.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Quantock, Edith W.
Argyle, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Helen M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Riopelle, Richard A.
Argyle, Minnesota
St. Germain, Ida
Argyle, Minnesota
Salentiny, Margaret H.
Euclid, Minnesota
Schiller, Phillip, Jr.
Argyle, Minnesota
Schirrick, Peter, Jr.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Shetterly, Bennie F.
Oklee, Minnesota
Skeie, Colleen N.
Winger, Minnesota
Smeby, Helen I.
Winger, Minnesota
Strege, Wayne G.
Orleans, Minnesota
Swenson, LaVerne W.
Fertile, Minnesota
Sylvester, Norma E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Tietz, Duane L.
Ulen, Minnesota
Torkelson, Norman A.
Thompson, North Dakota
Trontvet, Pearl G.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Vietor, Keith O.
Leonard, Minnesota
Wagner, Willis W.
Fisher, Minnesota
Webster, Morris W.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Whalen, Daniel J.
Stephen, Minnesota
Wimpfheimer, Clair A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Younggren, E. Harley
Northcote, Minnesota
Younggren, Harold
Hallock, Minnesota
Yutrzenka, Bernard W.
Argyle, Minnesota

Altepeter, Rosemary E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Clifford E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Margaret D.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Vernon E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Bergerson, Mabel A.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Bjella, Audrey M.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Bjella, Cheryle T.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Bonner, Richard J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Brandli, Evelyn N.
Warroad, Minnesota
Brandt, Curtis E.
Roseau, Minnesota
Brandt, Stanley R.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Breen, Lawrence
Argyle, Minnesota
Engelstad, Orvis P.
Fertile, Minnesota
Filipi, Donna J.
Angus, Minnesota
Geddes, William D.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Gullekson, Roland J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamre, Shirley A.
Gary, Minnesota
Hanson, Kent O.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hardrath, Agnes M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, J. Calmer
Alvarado, Minnesota
Johnson, John P.
Strandquist, Minnesota
Johnson, Vivian M.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Kasprick, Lloyd J.
Angus, Minnesota
Keyes, Jerome
Drayton, North Dakota
Johnston, Robert W.
Nisswa, Minnesota
Ladd, Ruth L.
Warroad, Minnesota
Larson, Myrna A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lien, Margrethe A.
Gary, Minnesota
Lindholm, Marian G.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Madson, Orrin T.
Dalton, Minnesota
Magnusson, Marville V.
Warren, Minnesota
McGovern, Raymond D.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
McKibbin, Adeline M.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Moran, Elvin R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Mykleby, Forrest R.
Eldred, Minnesota
Nelson, Geraldine M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Louise A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota'
Nesland, Bernadine A.
Oklee, Minnesota
Oswald, C. Vernon
Fertile, Minnesota
Paulsrud, Edna A.
Nielsville, Minnesota
Pederson, Edmond T.
Bejou, Minnesota
Peterson, R. Geraldine
Hallock, Minnesota

Peterson, Grant E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Price, Kenneth S.
Stephen, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Irene M.
Angus, Minnesota
Sargent, Marian A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Schafer, John
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Scholin, Vivian J.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stromstad, Clara J.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Tollefson, Russell E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Florence A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Vasilakes, Jean M.
Lengby, Minnesota
Wahlstrom, Richard L.
Salol, Minnesota
Wiger, A. Julian
Ulen, Minnesota
Anderberg, Paul J.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Anderson, Donald E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Evangeline L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Lorraine G.
Fisher, Minnesota
Anderson, Wallace L.
Osakis, Minnesota
Ardies, Calvin G.
Pembina, North Dakota
Andree, Earl
Puposky, Minnesota
Balstad, Margaret A.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bedard, Katherine J.
Northcote, Minnesota
Berg, Joyce E.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Bergh, Maurice C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Brandli, Gloria Jean
Warroad, Minnesota
Brandli, Will E.
Warroad, Minnesota
Caillier, Elayne K.
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Allan M.
Erskine, Minnesota
Cerkowniak, Kate
Lancaster, Minnesota
Christenson, Orton H.
Winger, Minnesota
Cumming, John W.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Degerness, Harvey T.
Gary, Minnesota
Duff, Robert H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Egtvet, Doris I. S.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Enge, Elayne
Oslo, Minnesota
Floan, Lillian E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Godtland, Irvin R.
Fosston, Minnesota
Hagen, Charles L. O.
Erskine, Minnesota
Haglund, Perry O.
Roseau, Minnesota
Halstrom, Evangeline E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Reuben S.
Trail, Minnesota
Hapka, Adolph P.
Argyle, Minnesota
Hasbargen, Mavis S.
Baudette, Minnesota

Herfindahl, Harvey A.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Holen, Selmer E.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Holmvik, Arlyne B.
Gary, Minnesota
James, Betty E.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johaneson, Arthur O.
Rosewood, Minnesota
Johnson, Ellen M.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Johnson, Karleen J.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Johnson, Kenneth R.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Marvin E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Raymond K.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Kittelson, Floyd L.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Klein, Frances M.
Warroad, Minnesota
Knutson, Winton R.
Oslo, Minnesota
Kollar, Andrew M.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Kruta, Mildred P.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Lerud, Phyllis E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lie, Lydia I.
Fisher, Minnesota
Lien, Raymond E.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Lusso, Anita J.
Grandin, North Dakota
McGovern, Rodney B.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
McGregor, Clifford F.
Radium, Minnesota
Mireault, Frances A.
Dorothy, Minnesota
Moen, Bennett O.
Fertile, Minnesota
Muzzy, James R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Edward T.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Nelson, Wayne O.
Orleans, Minnesota
Nystrom, Harlan S.
M Mahnomen Minnesota
Olson, E. Allan
Lake Park, Minnesota
Peterson, H. Alden
Hallock, Minnesota
Proulx, Paul M.
Argyle, Minnesota
Przepiora, Frances D.
Argyle, Minnesota
Radi, Dallas C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Rasmussen, Vernon M.
Ulen, Minnesota
Rivard, Duane J.
Oslo, Minnesota
Ross, Armin E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Rossi, Frank R.
Warroad, Minnesota
Samuelson, Lester E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Short, David
Euclid, Minnesota
Simmons, Curtis O.
Crookston, Minnesota
Sinclair, Iris C.
Stephen, Minnesota
Solum, Marvin E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Sondreal, Willis D.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Sorvig, David M.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota

Sorvig, Robert A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Donald R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stubstad, Orvin M.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Swenson, Carroll L.
Fertile, Minnesota
Thompson, Vernice H.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Thorson, Vernon C.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Thureen, Gordon M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tingelstad, Arnold
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Arlene J.
Winger, Minnesota
Whalen, Charles T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Wiger, Conrad N.
Ulen, Minnesota
Zak, Conrad E.
Angus, Minnesota
Zak, Franklin W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Anderson, Edward J.
Voss, North Dakota
Auer, Gladys C.
Waubun, Minnesota
Blom, John A.
Baudette, Minnesota
Cameron, Wayne W.
Hallock, Minnesota
Capistran, Melvin L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Clow, Wilbert G.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Dufault, Donald J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Dufault, Lloyd L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Duff, Robert H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ecklund, Anna Mae M.
Lowry, Minnesota
Evje, Russell F.
Gully, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Pauline K.
Crookston, Minnesota
Franze, John R.
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Hamre, Delores L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hoard, Hugh M.
Graceton, Minnesota
Hunt, Allison L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Iverson, Geneva J.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Johnson, Gordon B.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Jennette D.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Margaret Ann
Leonard, Minnesota
Kowaliuk, Olga
Lancaster, Minnesota
Krogstad, Doris G.
Fertile, Minnesota
Kurtz, Patricia A.
Hazelton, North Dakota
Labine, Oliver J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lapp, John W.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Larson, Walter E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Lee, George Herman
Erskine, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Bernice I.
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Lusso, Mary F.
Hillsboro, North Dakota

Miller, Kenneth R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Moe, Katherine L.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Warren E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Moses, Norman Ray
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Nesland, Allan J.
Thompson, North Dakota
Nisbet, James R.
Fisher, Minnesota
Nornes, Ernest B.
Winger, Minnesota
Norum, Ruth E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Ophus, Roger H.
Erskine, Minnesota
Qualley, Lillian D.
Mentor, Minnesota
Quantock, Edith W.
Argyle, Minnesota
Reitmeier, Helen M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ross, Gerhard A.
Fisher, Minnesota
Schirrick, Peter, Jr.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Skeie, Colleen N.
Winger, Minnesota
Smeby, Helen I.
Winger, Minnesota
Swanson, Charles O.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Thureen, Allan G.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Torkelson, Norman A.
Thompson, North Dakota
Wagner, Willis W.
Fisher, Minnesota
Walsberg, Duane A.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Whalen, Daniel J.
Stephen, Minnesota
Younggren, Edward H.
Northcote, Minnesota
Yutrzenka, Bernard W.
Argyle, Minnesota
Anderson, Avis G.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Chester A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Floyd L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Lloyd W.
Hawley, Minnesota
Anderson, Maynard E.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Anderson, Phyllis
Caledonia, North Dakota
Ash, William H.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Baird, Ruth K.
Crookston, Minnesota
Balstad, Marjorie M.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bangen, Orlean S.
Climax, Minnesota
Berg, Milton E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Bergh, Jeanette M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Bonnette, Betty L.
Angus, Minnesota
Casavan, Laverne J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Craigmile, Neil V.
Hallock, Minnesota
Dahle, Simend E.
Goodridge, Minnesota

Dahlsad, Herbert E.
Georgetown, Minnesota
DeHaan, Joseph N.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Deschene, Daniel J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Deschene, Richard I.
Argyle, Minnesota
Dexter, Garnet E.
Orleans, Minnesota
Dyrud, LeRoy M.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Egtvet, Joyce O
Pinewood, Minnesota
Engelstad, Clayton
Fertile, Minnesota
Erickson, Betty Lou
Fertile, Minnesota
Evanson, James T.
Ulen, Minnesota
Grembowski, Isabel F. A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Grenier, Donavan E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Halverson, John M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hamre, David
Gary, Minnesota
Hansel, Jack P.
Roseau, Minnesota
Hardy, Phyllis
Warroad, Minnesota
Hennum, Merle E.
Donaldson, Minnesota
Henry, Wyllis
Council Grove, Kansas
Hoeft, Melbern
Euclid, Minnesota
Hunstad, Joyce M.
Argyle, Minnesota
Imsdahl, Owen J.
Baudette, Minnesota
Jauhola, Robert E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, Donald V.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Johnson, Ellery S.
Viking, Minnesota
Johnson, Kenneth R.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Ralph A.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Kallock, Erliss
Oslo, Minnesota
Kochmann, Rose Marie
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Kolle, Arthur E.
Borup, Minnesota
Korinta, Charles D.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Kraft, Ordell A.
Erskine, Minnesota
Krogstad, Russell E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Kroulik, Donald A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Kurtz, Beverly J.
Hazelton, North Dakota
LaBine, Emma E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lapp, Richmond H.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Larson, James L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lee, Harris W.
Fosston, Minnesota
Lien, Eileen M.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Marian E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lundberg, David
Kennedy, Minnesota
Lundell, Milo W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lundgren, Leroy
Kennedy, Minnesota

Madson, Wesley A.
Dalton, Minnesota
Magnusson, Phyllis J.
Roseau, Minnesota
Matter, Aileen R.
Callaway, Minnesota
Matter, Cleo Ann
Callaway, Minnesota
Mjelde, Ira T.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Mykleby, Donald B.
Eldred, Minnesota
Nelson, William
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nielson, Lee W.
Erskine, Minnesota
Olson, Arvid
Lengby, Minnesota
Olson, Joyce
Argyle, Minnesota
Parr, E. Jacquelyn
Strathcona, Minnesota
Pearson, Arnold L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Pederson, Norris A.
Bejou, Minnesota
Pederson, Vernie J.
Gary, Minnesota
Proulx Earl J .
Argyle, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Harvey
Angus, Minnesota
Quigley, JoAnne V.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Reese, Bernard A.
Hallock, Minnesota
Rivard, Darlene M.
Oslo, Minnesota
Rud, Carlos H.
Fosston, Minnesota
Slick, Joyce C.
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorencsen, Adelyne L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorensen, James P.
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorensen, Reinholt R.
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorrels, Horace O.
Williams, Minnesota
Stola, Roy S., Jr.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Stromstad, Beulah M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Stromstad, Raymond M.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Thayer, Ellen I.
Bagley, Minnesota
Thibodo, James B.
Stephen, Minnesota
Thoreson, Arlone L.
Climax, Minnesota
Thoreson, Orland E.
Climax, Minnesota
Thormodson, Delores M.
Dalton, Minnesota
Torkelson, Glen V.
Crookston, Minnesota
Troska, Harvey
Warren, Minnesota
Turnmire, Patricia L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Agnes A.
Argyle, Minnesota
Vasilakes, Louise E.
Lengby, Minnesota
Zutz, Dale E.
Radium, Minnesota
Anderson, Donald E.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Evangeline L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Lorraine G.
Fisher, Minnesota

Anderson, Wallace L.
Osakis, Minnesota
Andree, Earl A.
Puposky, Minnesota
Ardies, Calvin G.
Pembina, North Dakota
Balstad, Margaret
Fosston, Minnesota
Bedard, Katherine J .
Northcote, Minnesota
Bergh, Maurice C.
Hallock, Minnesota
Bolme, DeWayne A.
Gully, Minnesota
Boucher, Robert
Crookston, Minnesota
Brandli, Gloria J.
Warroad, Minnesota
Brekke, Menford
Greenbush, Minnesota
Carlson, Allan M.
Erskine, Minnesota
Cerkowniak, Kate
Lancaster, Minnesota
Craigmile, Glenn E.
Hallock. Minnesota
Edwardh, Earl R.
Warren, Minnesota
Egtvet, Doris I. S.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Engelstad, Maurice J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Erickson, Robert W.
Plummer, Minnesota
Flicek, Marcell S.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Floan, Lillian E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Friberg, Helen C.
Roseau, Minnesota
Gadberry, Duane R.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Godtland, Irvin R.
Fosston, Minnesota
Gunderson, Myrtle J.
Gary, Minnesota
Gunderson, Roy
Oklee, Minnesota
Hagen, Charles
Erskine, Minnesota
Haglund, Perry O.
Roseau, Minnesota
Hallstrom, Evangeline E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Donald N.
Trail, Minnesota
Hanson, Reuben S.
Trail, Minnesota
Hapka, Adolph P.
Argyle, Minnesota
Hasbargen, Mavis S.
Baudette, Minnesota
Herfindahl, Harvey A.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Hoeft, Melbern
Euclid, Minnesota
Johnson, Eldred W.
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, John H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Kenneth R.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Marvin E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Raymond K.
Argyle, Minnesota
Johnson, Tosten M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Kochmann, Clarence O
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Larson, LeRoy M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Lerud, Phyllis E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lien, Raymond E.
Pinewood, Minnesota

Lindberg, Glen M.
North Branch, Minnesota
Lusso, Anita June
Grandin, North Dakota
McGovern, Rodney B.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Matson, Curtiss D.
Fosston, Minnesota
Miller, Loren
Warroad, Minnesota
Mireault, Francis
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Muzzy, James R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Edward T.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Pederson, Vernon M.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Peterson, H. Alden
Hallock, Minnesota
Quigley, JoAnne V.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Radi, Dallas C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Rivard, F. Duane J.
Oslo, Minnesota
Ross, Armin E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Rossi, Frank R.
Warroad, Minnesota
Samuelson, Lester E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Schwenzfeier, Calvin C.
Orleans, Minnesota
Short, David W.
Galesburg, Illinois
Simmons, Curtis O.
Garrison, North Dakota
Simmons, Robert T.
Garrison, North Dakota
Sorvig, David M.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sorvig, Robert A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Sprague, Richard A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Donald R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Thompson, Elizabeth D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Thureen, Gordon M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Arlene J.
Winger, Minnesota
Wallenberg, Vincent A.
Orleans, Minnesota
Whalen, Charles T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Younggren, Harold S.
Hallock, Minnesota
Zak, Conrad E.
Angus, Minnesota
Zak, Franklin W.
Euclid, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1948
Auer, Donna May
Waubun, Minnesota
Bagstad, Patricia
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Battles, James
Warroad, Minnesota
Bergh, Larry
Hallock, Minnesota
Boeddeker, Henry
Halstad, Minnesota
Bolme, Donald
Gully, Minnesota
Bratvold, Vernon
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Brunelle, Willard
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Clarence
Grygla, Minnesota
Chruszch, Alice
Angus, Minnesota

Covlin, Lorraine
Erskine, Minnesota
Dahlin, Earl
Euclid Minnesota
Dostal, Wilfred
Angus, Minnesota
Duray, Phyllis
Greenbush, Minnesota
Dybedahl, Milo
Roseau, Minnesota
Eisert, Gaylan
Euclid, Minnesota
Erickson, Dale
Malung, Minnesota
Evanson, Ralph
Ulen, Minnesota
Filipi, Gloria Ann
Angus, Minnesota
Fimrite, Mae
Goodridge, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Dorothy
Crookston, Minnesota
Frislie, David
Greenbush, Minnesota
Giese, Ruth
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Godtland, Dean
Fosston, Minnesota
Green, Manvel
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Gregoire, Keith
Thompson, North Dakota
Halstensgaard, Orville
Gary, Minnesota
Hamrick, Warren
Angus, Minnesota
Hanson, Harris
Hallock, Minnesota
Harty, Michael
Skime, Minnesota
Haugen, Helen
Middle River, Minnesota
Hedlund, Delphine
Gully, Minnesota
Hetteen, Stanley
Malung, Minnesota
Jensen, Lauritz
Drayton, North Dakota
Jensen, Mavis
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Glenn
Strathcona, Minnesota
Johnson, Lorraine
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Ralph
Lancaster, Minnesota
Johnson, Theodore,
Strathcona, Minnesota
Karevold, Gilmore
Gully, Minnesota
Kiesow, Arlyne
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kjolhaug, Clarice
Fosston, Minnesota
Kolling, Dorothy
Gully, Minnesota
Kopecky, Esther
Angus, Minnesota
Lapp, Elizabeth
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Laymon, Larry
Radium, Minnesota
Lund, Royal
Crookston, Minnesota
Lunning, Harvey
Gonvick, Minnesota
Magnusson, Allan
Roseau, Minnesota
Mandt, Arvin
McIntosh, Minnesota
Matson, Quentin
Trail, Minnesota
Matson, Verne
Fosston, Minnesota
McMillan, Florence
Mahnomen, Minnesota


Miller, Donald
Crookston, Minnesota
Mosher, Forrest
Beltrami, Minnesota
Nelson, David
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nelson, Duane
Barnesville, Minnesota
Nordquist, Vernie
Hawley, Minnesota
Ophus, Marjorie
Erskine, Minnesota
Palm, DeForest
Nielsville, Minnesota
Perkins, Mary
Bagley, Minnesota
Peterson, Clarence
Badger, Minnesota
Peterson, Stanley
Angus, Minnesota
Pokrwinski, Arlene
Oslo, Minnesota
Poole, Kenneth
Kennedy, Minnesota
Raymond, Joseph
Crookston, Minnesota
Rikhus, Ila
Ulen, Minnesota
Rioux, Dawn
Baudette, Minnesota
Roland, Dwaine
Stephen, Minnesota
Roley, Dagney
Warren, Minnesota
Roningen, Glenn
Nielsville, Minnesota
Ruich, Jerome
Reynolds, North Dakota
Rustad, Sherman
McIntosh, Minnesota
Salentine, Francis
Euclid, Minnesota
Sargent, Marlys
Crookston, Minnesota
Schei, Mary Ann
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Schindler, Raymond
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Simmons, Donald
Crookston, Minnesota
Spina, Jeanette
Malung, Minnesota
Suppes, Garnet
Orleans, Minnesota
Swanson, Leroy
Wannaska, Minnesota
Swensen, Diane
Dale, Minnesota
Swensen, Duane
Dale, Minnesota
Swenson, Lundell
Lake Park, Minnesota
Taus, Wilfred
Strathcona, Minnesota
Thibodo, Carol
Stephen, Minnesota
Thoreson, Lavonne
Climax, Minnesota
Thureen, Clarice
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Torgerson, Ada
Underwood, Minnesota
Truhn, Duane
Warren, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Marvelyn
Winger, Minnesota
Vind, Charles
Crookston, Minnesota
Vind, Gordon
Crookston, Minnesota
Vonasek, Vernon
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Wagner, Gerald
Fisher, Minnesota
Webster, Rodney
St. Vincent, Minnesota

Widseth, Richard
Gonvick, Minnesota
Williams, Willard
Hallock, Minnesota
Anderson, Avis
Kennedy, Minnesota
Anderson, Floyd
Stephen, Minnesota
Anderson, Maynard
Newfolden, Minnesota
Anderson, Phyllis
Caledonia, North Dakota
Anderson, Wilma
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Ash, William
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Balstad, Marjorie
Fosston, Minnesota
Berg, Milton
Fertile, Minnesota
Bergh, Jeanette
Hallock, Minnesota
Bonnette, Betty
Angus, Minnesota
Craigmile, Neil
Hallock, Minnesota
Dahle, Simend
Goodridge, Minnesota
Dahlin, Earl
Euclid, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Herbert
Georgetown, Minnesota
Deschene, Daniel
Argyle, Minnesota
Engelstad, Clayton
Fertile, Minnesota
Groth, Dennis
Ogema, Minnesota
Hamre, David
Gary, Minnesota
Henderson, Cameron
Warroad, Minnesota
Hennum, Merle
Donaldson, Minnesota
Henry, Wyllis
Council Grove, Kansas
Hunstad, Joyce
Argyle, Minnesota
Hughes, Thomas
Strathcona, Minnesota
Jauhola, Robert E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Johnson, Donald
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Johnson, Ralph
Lancaster, Minnesota
Korinta, Charles
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Kroulik, Donald
Stephen, Minnesota
Kurtz, Beverly
Hazelton, North Dakota
LaBine, Emma
Argyle, Minnesota
Lapp, Richmond
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Larson, James
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lien, Eileen
Pinewood, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Marian
Argyle, Minnesota
Lundberg, David
Kennedy, Minnesota
Madson, Wesley
Dalton, Minnesota
Magnusson, Phyllis
Roseau, Minnesota
Martinson, Irene
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Matter, Aileen
Callaway, Minnesota


Matter, Cleo
Callaway, Minnesota
Mjelde, Ira
Beltrami, Minnesota
Mykleby, Donald
Eldred, Minnesota
Nielson, Lee
Erskine, Minnesota
Olson, Arvid
Lengby, Minnesota
Olson, Joyce
Argyle, Minnesota
Parr, Jacquelyn
Strathcona, Minnesota
Pavek, Edward
Waubun, Minnesota
Pederson, Norris
Bejou, Minnesota
Pederson, Verdie
Gary, Minnesota
Proulx, Earl
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, Harvey
Angus, Minnesota
Rivard, Darlene
Oslo, Minnesota
Slick, Joyce
Baudette, Minnesota
Solum, Marvin
Argyle, Minnesota
Sorensen, Adelyne
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorensen, Reinholt
Baudette, Minnesota
Sorrels, Horace
Williams, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Clifford
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stola, Roy, Jr.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Stromstad, Beulah
Beltrami, Minnesota
Stromstad, Raymond
Lockhart, Minnesota
Swenson, Duane
Dale, Minnesota
Thibodo, James
Stephen, Minnesota
Thoreson, Arlone
Climax, Minnesota
Thoreson, Orland
Climax, Minnesota
Thormodson, Delores
Dalton, Minnesota
Torkelson, Glen
Crookston, Minnesota
Trelstad, Maynard
Fertile, Minnesota
Troska, Harvey
Warren, Minnesota
Turnmire, Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota
Urbaniak, Agnes
Argyle, Minnesota
Vasilakes, Louise
Lengby, Minnesota
Wambach, Andrew
Waubun, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1949
Anderson, Joyce
Caledonia, North Dakota
Anderson, Lowell K.
Oklee, Minnesota
Anderson, Rudee I.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Baird, Matilda I.
Crookston, Minnesota
Balstad, Harriet O.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bangen, Erwin D.
Climax, Minnesota
Bergeson, Duane W.
Clearbrook, Minnesota

Bernstrom, Edsel R.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Blawat, Floyd
Greenbush, Minnesota
Brandt, Clayton A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Brantner, Charles U., Jr.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Brekke, LuEIla J. E.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Christenson, Alice Joy
Pinewood, Minnesota
Colson, Robert L.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Dalager, Eunice S.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Danielson, Donna J.
Middle River, Minnesota
Drees, Marlene V.
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Driscoll, Dennis R.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Erickson, Penelope L.
Leonard, Minnesota
Fehr, Peter E., Jr.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Filipi, Arne E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Fjeld, Irene L.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Fortin, Darrell
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Gregoire, Lee B.
Thompson, North Dakota
Halvorson, Howard A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hamre, Phillip D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hamrick, Marwood L.
Angus, Minnesota
Helgeson, Arthur L.
Bejou, Minnesota
Higgins, Peter F. M.
Bagley, Minnesota
Hofacre, Frances
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Hoff, Betty Lou
Lake Hubert, Minnesota
Holm, James M.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Huard, George P.
Grand Forks, Minnesota
Jackson, Deloris M.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Johnson, LeRoy M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Merlynn A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Kasprick, Lyle C.
Angus, Minnesota
Kjelgren, Orville D.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kopecky, Elaine J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kosmatka, William S.
Minto, North Dakota
Kowaliuk, Kathryn
Lancaster, Minnesota
Kowalski, Clarion L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Lange, Vernice I.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Langemo, Marlane J.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Lapp, Thomas R.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Larson, Miles
Bagley, Minnesota
Laymon, Maynard B.
Radium, Minnesota
Lee, Russell C.
Fosston, Minnesota
LeMasurier, Stanley
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Lerud, JoAnne M.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Carroll J.
Argyle, Minnesota

Mesheske, Evelyn R.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Melin, Marian R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Meyer, Donald C.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Miller, Walter J.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Moe, Duaine L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Mondor, Charles R.
Hallock, Minnesota
Munson, Marlys Joy
Aitken, Minnesota
Munter, Earl F.
Fosston, Minnesota
Nielson, Andrew A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Novacek, Georgine A.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Pauluk, Steve
Lancaster, Minnesota
Peck, Millicent A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Peterson, Earle G.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Peterson, Eunice A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Peterson, Eunice H.
Badger, Minnesota
Pollock, James W.
Ulen, Minnesota
Purrington, Wayne D.
Ada, Minnesota
Randall, Mary E.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Ricard, Clement L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Rioux, Donald L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Roberts, George P.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Roehl, Willis D.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Rokke, Orvald E.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Schuster, Evalenor A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Skeie, LaVonne I.
Winger, Minnesota
Solberg, Arlene J.
Bagley, Minnesota
Solum, Keith E.
Argyle, Minnesota
Sonmor, Allen J.
Dalton, Minnesota
Stai, Marilyn L.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Stone, Floyd
Winger, Minnesota
Sutherland, Harold L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Sutherland, James R.
Hallock, Minnesota
Swenson, Lucille I.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Thompson, Eldon J.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Thompson, Howard R.
Hawley, Minnesota
Thompson, Orland N.
Hawley, Minnesota
Torbenson, Audrey J.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Troska, Adelle A.
Warren, Minnesota
Van Raden, Chester
Fertile, Minnesota
Vatnsdal, Joy D.
Badger, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Joel M.
Winger, Minnesota
Voxland, Harlan M.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Wallenberg, Raymond L.
Orleans, Minnesota
Waterworth, Earl L.
Newfolden, Minnesota

Waterworth, William
Newfolden, Minnesota
Wimpfheimer, Duane A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Younggren, Larry M.
Northcote, Minnesota
Auer, Donna May
Waubun, Minnesota
Bagstad, Patricia Ray
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Battles, James W.
Warroad, Minnesota
Bergh, Larry
Hallock, Minnesota
Boeddeker, Henry F.
Halstad, Minnesota
Brinkman, Irene R.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Brunelle, Willard A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Clarence D.
Grygla, Minnesota
Chruszch, Alice Margaret
Angus, Minnesota
Covlin, Lorraine E.
Erskine, Minnesota
Dostal, Wilford G.
Angus, Minnesota
Eisert, Gaylan C.
Euclid, Minnesota
Erickson, Dale M.
Malung, Minnesota
Filipi, Gloria Ann
Angus, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Dorothy L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Folstrom, Raymond John
Winger, Minnesota
Giese, Ruth Adair
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Godtland, Deane G.
Fosston, Minnesota
Green, Manvel R.
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Gregoire, Keith E.
Thompson, North Dakota
Grenier, Donavan E.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Halstensgaard, Orville T.
Gary, Minnesota
Hamrick, Warren E.
Angus, Minnesota
Hanson, Harris J.
Hallock, Minnesota
Harty, Michael A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Hedlund, Delphine Juanita
Gully, Minnesota
Holm, James M.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Jensen, Mavis Jean
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Glenn E.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Johnson, Lorraine E.
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Theodore, Jr.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Karevold, C. Gilmore
Gully, Minnesota
Kammen, Robert G.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Kiesow, Arlyne Ann
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kjolhaug, Clarice Arlene
Fosston, Minnesota
Kollar, Andrew M.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Kolling, Dorothy Ann
Gully, Minnesota
Kopecky, Esther Mae
Angus, Minnesota
Kruta, Jaroslav Isidor
Gatzke, Minnesota

Lapp, Elizabeth Ellen

St. Vincent, Minnesota
Lunning, Harvey D.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Magnusson, Allan C.
Roseau, Minnesota
Matson, Quentin V.
Trail, Minnesota
Matson, Verne Lenore
Fosston, Minnesota
McMillan, Florence M.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Melin, Marian D.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Miller, Donald N.
Crookston, Minnesota
Mjelde, Marjorie A.
Erskine, Minnesota
Mondor, Charles R.
Hallock, Minnesota
Mosher, Forrest A.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Nelson, David Lee
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nelson, Duane C.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Nordquist, Vernie M.
Hawley, Minnesota
Olson, John B.
Leonard, Minnesota
Pauluk, Steve
Lancaster, Minnesota
Paur John L.
Waubun, Minnesota
Pavek, John J.
Waubun, Minnesota
Perkins, Mary D.
Bagley, Minnesota
Peterson, Clarence J.
Badger, Minnesota
Pokrwinski, Arlene M.
Oslo, Minnesota
Poole, Kenneth L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Raymond, Joseph C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Rioux, Dawn
Baudette, Minnesota
Ronigen, Glenn
Nielsville, Minnesota
Ruich, Jerome J.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Rustad, Sherman R. J.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Sargent, Marlys M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Schei, Mary Ann O.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Spina, Jeanette Lois
Malung, Minnesota
Steichen, Charles R.
Ulen, Minnesota
Stevenson, Hugh E.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Storbeck, Carrol M.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Stubstad, Orvin M.
Barnesville, Minnesota
Swanson, Leroy T.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Swenson, Diane M.
Dale, Minnesota
Swenson, Lundell
Lake Park, Minnesota
Taus, Wilfred W.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Thibodo, Carol J.
Stephen, Minnesota
Thoreson, Lavonne M.
Climax, Minnesota
Thureen, Clarice Mae
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Torgerson, Ada L.
Underwood, Minnesota
Truhn, Duane S.
Warren, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Marvlyn L.
Winger, Minnesota

Vind, Charles J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vind, Gordon G.
Crookston, Minnesota
Wagner, Gerald W.
Fisher, Minnesota
Waterworth, Earl L.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Waterworth, William P.
Newfolden Minnesota
Webster, Rodney W.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Widseth, Richard A.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Williams, Willard Harold
Hallock, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1950
Aas, Anton Theodore
Salol, Minnesota
Anderson, Jean Y.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Beck, Gerald J.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Bergeron, Jerome M.
Bergh, Franklin L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Blair, Kathryn
Lancaster, Minnesota
Braaten, Maynard E.
Ross, Minnesota
Breton, Thomas M.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Christopherson, Lester L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Chruszch, Agnes
Angus, Minnesota
Cihak, John L.
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Dahl, Ronald L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Danielson, John Loren
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Dunham, Emil T.
Hawley, Minnesota
Earle, Marlys H.
Oak Island, Minnesota
Eftefield, Joyce A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Eisert, Estle Marie
Euclid, Minnesota
Eisert, Merlene Evelyn
Euclid, Minnesota
Fagerstrom, William
Radium, Minnesota
Ferden, Hubert L.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Dale R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Finney, Nyla G.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Glass, J. Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Grefthen, Marion M. R.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Grove, Alice Mae
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gruhot, Kenneth S.
Argyle, Minnesota
Handley, Doreen B.
Crookston, Minnesota
Hapka, Conrad
Argyle, Minnesota
Hastings, Mildred Ellen
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Jensen, Patricia Ann
Hawley, Minnesota
Jensrud, Viola J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Jobe, Arlyn L.
Eldred, Minnesota
Johnson, Daniel R.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Johnson, Dennis W.
Leonard, Minnesota

Johnson, Elwood C.
Leonard, Minnesota
Johnson, Gilbert E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Johnson, Howard L.
Fosston, Minnesota
Johnson, John A.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Rita A.
Baudette, Minnesota
Johnson, Willard C.
Fosston, Minnesota
Karr, Margery Jean
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Kasprick, Roger John
Angus, Minnesota
Kollar, Marlys Mable
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Kopecky, Adeline L.
Angus, Minnesota
Kopecky, Alice Jane
Angus, Minnesota
Larson, Leonard O.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Lindberg, Allan
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Ivan
Argyle, Minnesota
Love, Allen R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Love, Gordon J.
Euclid, Minnesota
Lundeen, Merle LuVern
Trail, Minnesota
Lusso, Clifford L.
Grandin, North Dakota
Lydick, Harriet S.
Cass Lake, Minnesota
Mandt, Lyle O.
Oklee, Minnesota
Martinson, Joyce Doris
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Matson, Delano R.
Trail, Minnesota
McDonald, Alice Jean
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Moritz, Maxine Mae
Kennedy, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Donald D.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Munter, John O.
Fosston, Minnesota
Nelson, Gerald M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Nelson, Paul M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nelson, Roger Henry
Hawley, Minnesota
Nordgaarden, Alice M.
Winger, Minnesota
Nurmi, Mae M.
Angora, Minnesota
Olson, Franklin James
Beltrami, Minnesota
Olson, Melvin Clifford
Lengby, Minnesota
Osmonson, Ronald Vance
Fosston, Minnesota
Overgaard, Ardis M.
Dalton, Minnesota
Owens, Dale E.
Angus, Minnesota
Paur William N.
Waubun, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, James E.
Euclid, Minnesota
Poppenhagen, Glen D.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Rhude, Jon L.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Risser, Earle E.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Rue, Kenneth H.
Argyle, Minnesota
Rundell, Alice Mae
Lengby, Minnesota
Samuelson, Roger D.
Crookston, Minnesota

Schaefer, Janet
Angus, Minnesota
Sondrol, Arlen O.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Starner, LeRoy D.
Euclid, Minnesota
Swanson, Carol Maxine
Stephen, Minnesota
Symanski, Kenneth F.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Thompson, Gordon E.
Thompson, North Dakota
Thompson, Jerome T.
Hawley, Minnesota
Thompson, Wallace O.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Thormodson, Mavis O.
Dalton, Minnesota
Thureen, Orris D.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tollerud, Lyle I.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Trnka, Lester J.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Troska, Marie M.
Warren, Minnesota
Usher, Frederick C.
Pitt, Minnesota
Van Raden, Milton
Fertile, Minnesota
Vertina, Eleanor B.
Pencer, Minnesota
Voxland, Lou Ellen V.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Wahlstrom, DuWayne
Warroad, Minnesota
Wambach, James F.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Warnes, Dennis
Stephen, Minnesota
Weiland, Beverly
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Whelan, Barbara L.
Puposky, Minnesota
Woinarowicz, Elmer
Stephen, Minnesota
Zumbusch, Theodore
Warren, Minnesota
Anderson, Joyce B.
Caledonia, North Dakota
Anderson, Rudee I.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Balstad, Harriet O.
Fosston, Minnesota
Bergeson, Duane W.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Bernstrom, Edsel R.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Brandt, Clayton A.
Roseau, Minnesota
Brantner, Charles U., Jr.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Brekke, LuElla J. E.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Christenson, Alice Joy
Pinewood, Minnesota
Colson, Robert L.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Dahle, Erwin A.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Driscoll, Dennis R.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Erickson, Penelope L.
Leonard, Minnesota
Fehr, Peter E., Jr.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Filipi, Arne E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flesche, Carrol D.
Finley, North Dakota
Fortin, Darrell
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Goodwin, Murray J.
Angus, Minnesota

Gregoire, Lee B.
Thompson, North Dakota
Halvorson, Howard A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hamre, Phillip D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hamrick, Marwood L.
Angus, Minnesota
Helgeson, Arthur L.
Bejou, Minnesota
Hofacre, Frances
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Hoff, Betty Lou
Lake Hubert, Minnesota
Huard, George P.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Jackson, Deloris M.
Greenbush, Minnesota
Jensen, Lauritz M.
Drayton, North Dakota
Johnson, LeRoy M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Kasprick, Lyle C.
Angus, Minnesota
Kopecky, Elaine J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kosmatka, William S.
Minto, North Dakota
Kowaliuk, Kathryn
Lancaster, Minnesota
Kowalski, Clarion L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Lange, Vernice I.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Langemo, Marlane J.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Lapp, Thomas R.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Larson, Miles
Bagley, Minnesota
Laymon, Maynard B.
Radiourn, Minnesota
LeMasurier, Stanley A.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Lerud, JoAnne M.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lystrom, Walter L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Mery, Sue Carol
Bagley, Minnesota
Mesheske, Evelyn R.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Meyer, Donald C.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Munson, Marlys Joy
Aitkin, Minnesota
Munter, Earl F.
Fosston, Minnesota
Nelson, William K.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nielsen, Andrew A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Peterson, Earle G.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Peterson, Eunice A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Price, Raymond B.
Stephen, Minnesota
Purrington, Wayne D.
Ada, Minnesota
Randall, Mary E.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Ricard, Clement L.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Roberts, George P.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Schierman, Carlyle H.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Schuster, Evalenor A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Skeie, LaVonne I.
Winger, Minnesota
Solberg, Arlene J.
Bagley, Minnesota

Stai, Marilyn L.
Pinewood, Minnesota
Sutherland, Harold L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Sutherland, James R.
Hallock, Minnesota
Swenson, Lucille I.
Lake Park, Minnesota
Thompson, Howard R.
Hawley, Minnesota
Thompson, Orland N.
Hawley, Minnesota
Thureen, Orris D.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Van Raden, Chester
Fertile, Minnesota
Vatnsdal, Joy D.
Badger, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Joel M.
Winger, Minnesota
Voxland, Harlan M.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Wallenberg, Raymond L.
Orleans, Minnesota
Wahlstrom, DuWayne N.
Warroad, Minnesota
Weiland, Beverly A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Wimpfheimer, Duane A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Younggren, Larry M.
Northcote, Minnesota
Lusso, Clifford L.
Grandin, North Dakota
CLASS O F 1951
Ash, Leo
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Auer, Mary Ann
Waubun, Minnesota
Bergeson, Donna
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Bergeson, Edith
Fertile, Minnesota
Bohach, Harland
Stephen, Minnesota
Brantner, Perry
Georgetown, Minnesota
Bring, Lowell
Strandquist, Minnesota
Brule, Roland
Crookston, Minnesota
Carpenter, V. Dennis
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Chisholm, Mark
Gary, Minnesota
Dahl, Carman
Gary, Minnesota
Didrikson, Dorothy
Bad Badger Minnesota
A. Eugene
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Eisert, Arlys
Euclid, Minnesota
Ellingson, Ernest
Reynolds, North Dakota
Engelstad, Peter
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Erickson, Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota
Ewing, Kenneth
Crookston, Minnesota
Flatten, JoAnn
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flatten, Joyce
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Friberg, Lillian
Roseau, Minnesota
Giese, Boyd
Euclid, Minnesota
Green, Carol
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Grove, Marlin
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gruhot, Theresa
Argyle, Minnesota


Gustafson, Charles D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hirsch, Alden
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hoeft, Allen
Euclid, Minnesota
Holien, Dale
Thompson, North Dakota
Holmquist, Charles
Hallock, Minnesota
Huard, T. Keith
Grand Forks, North Dakota
James. Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota
Jamieson, Betty
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Jensen, Kathryn
Underwood, Minnesota
Johnson, Bergit
Fisher, Minnesota
Johnson, Betty Ann
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Dennis L.
Roseau, Minnesota
Johnson, Robert A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Kirchert, Steffi
Mentor, Minnesota
Kopecky, Donald
Angus, Minnesota
Larson, Darlene
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Law, Herbert
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lusso, Ronald
Grandin, North Dakota
Magnusson, Yona
Roseau, Minnesota
Malm, Willis
Argyle, Minnesota
Mesheske, Laverne
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Mosher, Rodney
Beltrami, Minnesota
Mykleby, Laurie
Eldred, Minnesota
Ness, Bloyd
Gonvick, Minnesota
Nielsen, Marjorie
Hackensack, Minnesota
Nikle, June
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Parent, Richard
Argyle, Minnesota
Pelowski, Dora
Greenbush, Minnesota
Peppin, Duane
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Ricard, Robert
Beltrami, Minnesota
Risser, Dorothy
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Rostad, Kenneth
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Rud, Robert
Gully, Minnesota
Rundell, Paul
Lengby, Minnesota
Schleicher, Richard
Frazee, Minnesota
Shimpa, Joe
Brooks, Minnesota
Stolaas, Orlan
Oklee, Minnesota
Torkelson, Myron
Grafton, North Dakota
Tucker, Ralph
Euclid, Minnesota
Veen, Donald
Gary, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Burnette
Winger, Minnesota
Williams, E. Jenell
Hallock, Minnesota
Wiltse, Murle
Clearbrook, Minnesota

Wurzbacher, Beverly
Mentor, Minnesota
Zak, Leroy
Angus, Minnesota
Zak, Vilma
East Grand Forks. Minnesota
Aas, A. Theodore
Salol, Minnesota
Auer, Herbert
Waubun, Minnesota
Beck, Gerald
Pierre, South Dakota
Beltz, Duane
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bergeron, Jerome
Argyle, Minnesota
Blair, Kathryn
Lancaster, Minnesota
Bohnsack, Bruce
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Braaten, Maynard
Ross, Minnesota
Brubakken, James
Crookston, Minnesota
Chruszch, Agnes
Angus, Minnesota
Dahl, Ronald
Kennedy, Minnesota
Danielson, John Loren
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Earle, Marlys
Oak Island, Minnesota
Eftefield, Joyce
Stephen, Minnesota
Eisert, Estle
Euclid, Minnesota
Eisert, Merlene
Euclid, Minnesota
Erickson, Christie Patricia
Baudette, Minnesota
Fagerstrom, William
Radium, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Dale
Crookston, Minnesota
Finney, Nyla
Georgetown, Minnesota
Glass, J. Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Grove, Alice
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gruhot, Kenneth
Argyle, Minnesota
Haglund, Levern
Roseau, Minnesota
Handley, Doreen
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Jensen, Patricia
Hawley, Minnesota
Johnson, Daniel R.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Johnson, Dennis W.
Roseau, Minnesota
Johnson, Howard L.
Fosston, Minnesota
Johnson, John A.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Willard C.
Fosston, Minnesota
Karr, Margery Jean
Warren, Minnesota
Kasprick, Roger
Angus, Minnesota
Kopecky, Adeline
Angus, Minnesota
Kopecky, Alice
Angus, Minnesota
Lindstrom, Ivan
Argyle, Minnesota
Love, Allen
Euclid, Minnesota
Love, Gordon
Euclid, Minnesota
Lundeen, Merle
Trail. Minnesota

Lydick, Harriet
Cass Lake, Minnesota
Mandt, Lyle
Oklee, Minnesota
Matson, Delano
Trail, Minnesota
McDonald, Alice
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Moe, Dwaine
Beltrami, Minnesota
Moritz, Maxine
Kennedy, Minnesota
Mosbeck, Donald
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nagle, Richard
Graceton, Minnesota
Nelson, Deloris
Mekinock, North Dakota
Nelson, Gerald M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Nelson, Paul M.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nelson, Roger H.
Hawley, Minnesota
Norgaarden, Alice
Winger, Minnesota
Overgaard, Ardis
Dalton, Minnesota
Pape, Robert
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Pape, Rodney
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Paur, William
Waubun, Minnesota
Polack, Louis
Waubun, Minnesota
Rhude, Jon
Karlstad, Minnesota
Rue, Kenneth
Argyle, Minnesota
Samuelson, Roger
Crookston, Minnesota
Schaefer, Janet
Angus, Minnesota
Schonhardt, Richard
Waubun, Minnesota
Schumacher, Kenneth
Drayton, North Dakota
Sondrol, Arlen
Reynolds, North Dakota
Starner, LeRoy
Euclid, Minnesota
Swanson, Carol M.
Stephen, Minnesota
Thompson, Gordon E.
Thompson, North Dakota
Thompson, Jerome T.
Hawley, Minnesota
Thompson, Wallace O.
Strathcona, Minnesota
Thormodson, Mavis
Dalton, Minnesota
Voxland, Lou Ellen
McIntosh, Minnesota
Wambach, James
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Warnes, Dennis
Stephen, Minnesota
Zumbusch, Theodore
Warren, Minnesota
Anderson, Curtis A.
Caledonia, North Dakota
Anderson, Everett H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, A. Otto
Newfolden, Minnesota
Baird, Bernice
Crookston, Minnesota
Balstad, Gelene
Winger, Minnesota
Benson, JoAnn
Grygla, Minnesota
Bolstad, Jens
Crookston, Minnesota

Bubb, Thomas
Warren, Minnesota
Chapman, Keith
Crookston, Minnesota
Christopherson, Darrel
Trail, Minnesota
Chruszch, Albert
Angus, Minnesota
Clasen, Geraldine
Salol, Minnesota
Clemenson, Lyle
Gonvick, Minnesota
Dahl, Robert L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dallum, Larry
Oslo, Minnesota
Deschene, Joseph
Argyle, Minnesota
Donahue, Richard
Manvel, North Dakota
Dorseth, Alden
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Driscoll, G. Richard
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Durdahl, Lyle
Crookston, Minnesota
Eftefield, Marlys
Stephen, Minnesota
Finkenhinder, Maxine
Crookston, Minnesota
Flatten, Estelle
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flesche, Dorothy
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gaston, Richard
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Graham, Edward
Petersburg, North Dakota
Greenberg, Arthur, Jr.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Grove, Arthur
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gustafson, Arden
Hallock, Minnesota
Gustafson, Helen G.
Oklee, Minnesota
Halstensgard, Duane
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamrick, Lowell
Angus, Minnesota
Hausmann, Darrell
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Hausmann, Robert
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Helgaas, Maynard
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hoglund, Albert, Jr.
Crookston, Minnesota
Holmgren, Paul
Randall, Minnesota
Huard, Joan
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Jensen, Carroll
Hawley, Minnesota
Jenson, Ralph
Reynolds, North Dakota
Jensrud, Shirley
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Lorne K.
Argyle, Minnesota
Kainz, A. Dayle
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kresl, Robert
Angus, Minnesota
Krogstad, Lois
Fertile, Minnesota
Kuznia, Leonard
Stephen, Minnesota
Laurin, Gene
Argyle, Minnesota
Lavins, Shirley
Crookston, Minnesota
Letnes, James
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Lindemoen, Arden
Warren, Minnesota

McNamee, Robert
Halstad, Minnesota
Moser, Janave
Salol, Minnesota
Nelson, Loren C.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nordine, Clifford
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Nordquist, Evelyn
Hawley, Minnesota
OClaire, Larrel
Oklee, Minnesota
Olson, Ronald P.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Overgaard, Helen
Dalton, Minnesota
Peseka, Gloria
Georgetown, Minnesota
Pederson, Marian G.
Fertile, Minnesota
Peterson, Allan H.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Peterson, Mildred A.
Plummer, Minnesota
Pingree, Donald
Georgetown, Minnesota
Plante, Morris
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Porter, Joanne
Grandin, North Dakota
Rambeck, David
Hensel, North Dakota
Ricard, Lawrence
Behami, Minnesota
Rokke, Dale
Newfolden, Minnesota
Rotvold, Ronald
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Schroeder, Eleanor
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Short, Ralph
Crookston, Minnesota
Sondrol, Elton
Reynolds, North Dakota
Specht, Paul
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Stengl, Darrell
Angus, Minnesota
Stromstad, LaVerne
Beltrami, Minnesota
Swenson, Richard
Angus, Minnesota
Thormodson, Marilyn
Dalton, Minnesota
Thorson, Dennis V.
Flom, Minnesota
Thureen, Elaine
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tollefson, Doris
Beltrami, Minnesota
Troska, Henry
Warren, Minnesota
Turgeon, Francis
Oklee, Minnesota
Urness, Ronald
Crookston, Minnesota
Vanek, Curtis
Angus, Minnesota
Vietor, Ronald
Crookston, Minnesota
Vig, Harold
Fosston, Minnesota
Webster, Virginia
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Weng, Donald
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Whelan, Michael
Puposky, Minnesota
Zak, Mabel
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Anderson, Kenneth R.
Drayton, North Dakota
Ash, Leo A.
St. Vincent, Minnesota

Auer, Mary Ann

Waubun, Minnesota
Bergeson, Edith
Fertile, Minnesota
Bohach, Harland
Stephen, Minnesota
Brantner, Perry
Georgetown, Minnesota
Bring, Lowell
Strandquist, Minnesota
Brosius, Cyril
Drayton, North Dakota
Brule, Roland
Crookston, Minnesota
Didrikson, Dorothy
Badger, Minnesota
Driscoll, A. Eugene
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Eisert, Arlys
Euclid, Minnesota
Ellingson, Ernest
Reynolds, North Dakota
Engelstad, Peter
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Erickson, Patricia L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Ewing, Kenneth
Crookston, Minnesota
Flatten, JoAnn
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flatten, Joyce
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Giese, Boyd
Euclid, Minnesota
Green, Carol
St. Thomas, Minnesota
Greskowiak, Maurice
Crookston, Minnesota
Grivno, Richard
Ada, Minnesota
Grove, Marlin
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gruhot, Theresa
Argyle, Minnesota
Gustafson, Charles D.
Fertile, Minnesota
Haglund, Rubin
Roseau. Minnesota
Hart, Michael
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Haugo, David
Waubun, Minnesota
Hoeft, Allen
Euclid, Minnesota
Holien, Dale
Thompson, North Dakota
Holmquist, Charles
Hallock, Minnesota
Huard, T. Keith
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Jamieson, Betty Mae
Park Rapids, Minnesota
Jensen, Kathryn
Underwood, Minnesota
Johnson, Bergit
Fisher, Minnesota
Johnson, Betty Ann
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Johnson, Dennis L.
Roseau, Minnesota
Johnson, Robert A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Kirchert, Steffi
Mentor, Minnesota
Kopecky, Donald
Angus, Minnesota
Krbechek, Leroy
Goodridge, Minnesota
Larson, Darlene A.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Law, Herbert
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lusso, Ronald
Grandin, North Dakota
Magnusson, Yona
Roseau, Minnesota

Malm, Willis
Argyle, Minnesota
Moser, Doriene
Salol, Minnesota
Mosher, Rodney
Beltrami, Minnesota
Mykleby, Laurie
Eldred, Minnesota
Ness, Bloyd
Gonvick, Minnesota
Nielsen, Majorie
Hackensack, Minnesota
Parent, Richard
Argyle, Minnesota
Pelowski, Dora Ann
Greenbush, Minnesota
Peppin, Duane
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Pulkrabek, James
Euclid, Minnesota
Ricard, Robert
Beltrami, Minnesota
Rundell, Paul
Lengby, Minnesota
Shimpa, Joe
Brooks, Minnesota
Stolaas, Orlan
Oklee, Minnesota
Torkelson, Myron
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Tucker, Ralph
Euclid, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Burnette
Winger, Minnesota
Williams, E. Jenell
Hallock, Minnesota
Zak, Leroy
Angus, Minnesota
Zak, Vilma
East Grand Forks. Minnesota
CLASS O F 1953
Anderson, Everett H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Anderson, Curtis A.
Caledonia, North Dakota
Anderson, A. Otto
Newfolden, Minnesota
Balstad, Gelene E.
Winger, Minnesota
Beck, Jean A.
Sabin, Minnesota
Benson, JoAnn
Grygla, Minnesota
Bergh, Franklin L.
Hallock, Minnesota
Bolstad, Jens, Jr.
Crookston, Minnesota
Brendemuhl, Alden F.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Chapman, Keith C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Chapman, Kenley U.
Crookston, Minnesota
Chilton, DeLano F.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Christopherson, Darrel G.
Trail, Minnesota
Chruszch; Albert R.
Angus, Minnesota
Clasen, Geraldine D.
Salol, Minnesota
Clemenson, Lyle J.
Dutton, Montana
Dahl, Robert L.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Dallum, Larry D.
Oslo, Minnesota
Donahue, Richard M. J.
Manvel, North Dakota
Dorseth, Alden P.
Flom, Minnesota

Driscoll, G. Richard
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Durdahl, Lyle I.
Crookston, Minnesota
Eftefield, Marlys E. F.
Stephen, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Maxine R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Flatten, Estelle C.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flesche, Donald J.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Flesche, Dorothy
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gaston, Richard T.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Graham, Edward G.
Petersburg, North Dakota
Greenberg, Arthur D., Jr.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Gregoire, John D.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Grove, Arthur N.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gustafson, Helen G.
Oklee, Minnesota
Gustafson, Arden N.
Hallock, Minnesota
Halstensgard, Duane J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Hamrick, Lowell L.
Angus, Minnesota
Harty, Patricia K.
Crookston, Minnesota
Haus Hausmann Darrell G.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Hausmann, Robert W.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Helgaas, Maynard D.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Holmgren, Paul A.
Randall, Minnesota
Huard, Joan M.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Jensen, Carroll B.
Hawley, Minnesota
Jenson, Ralph I.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Johnson, Gilbert E.
Fisher, Minnesota
Johnson, John Floyd
Argyle, Minnesota
Johnson, Lorne K.
Argyle, Minnesota
Kainz, A. Dayle
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kresl, Robert W.
Krogstad, Lois T.
Fertile, Minnesota
Kuznia, Leonard P.
Stephen, Minnesota
Laurin, Gene D.
Argyle, Minnesota
Lavins, Shirley L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Law, Elaine E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Lee, Harris W.
Fosston, Minnesota
Letnes, James A.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Lindberg, Albert A.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Lindemoen, Arden R.
Warren, Minnesota
McNamee, Robert G.
Halstad, Minnesota
Mergenthal, Edward W.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Moser, Janave M.
Salol, Minnesota
Nelson, Loren C.
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Nordine, Clifford A.
Roosevelt, Minnesota


Nordquist, Evelyn M.
Hawley, Minnesota
Olson, Ronald P.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Overgaard, Helen M.
Dalton, Minnesota
Paseka, Gloria J.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Pederson, Marian G.
Fertile, Minnesota
Peterson, Mildred A.
Plummer, Minnesota
Pingree, Donald W.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Plante, Morris H.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Porter, Joanne R.
Grandin, North Dakota
Rambeck, David S.
Hensel, North Dakota
Rene, Donald G.
Neche, North Dakota
Ricard, Lawrence J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Rokke, Dale G.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Rotvold, Ronald E.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Rude, Marian
Beltrami, Minnesota
Schroeder, Eleanor G.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Short, Ralph L.
Peoria, Illinois
Skime, Sidney S.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Sondrol, Elton D.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Specht, Paul A.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Storbakken, Curtis G.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Stromstad, Laverne M.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Swenson, Richard C.
Angus, Minnesota
Thormodson, Marilyn Y.
Dalton, Minnesota
Thorson, Dennis V.
Flom, Minnesota
Thureen, Elaine A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tollefson, Doris E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Troska, Henry R.
Warren, Minnesota
Turgeon, Francis R.
Oklee, Minnesota
Urness, Ronald J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vanek, Curtis M.
Angus, Minnesota
Vietor, Ronald H.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vig, Harold D.
Fosston, Minnesota
Webster, Virginia C.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Weng, Donald A.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Whelan, Michael R.
Puposky, Minnesota
Zak, Mabel Lillian
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1954
Anderson, Irene S.
Stephen, Minnesota
Baird, Mary Lou
Crookston, Minnesota
Beck, Raymond E.
Sabin, Minnesota
Bergeson, Paul L.
Fertile, Minnesota
Bjornson, Neal R.
Arvilla, North Dakota

Danks, Keith D.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Driscoll, Larry D.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Eggebraaten, Paul D.
Fisher, Minnesota
Ewing, Carol Jean
Crookston, Minnesota
Fischer, James A.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Gray, David L.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Guntzburger, Marshal H.
Gilby, North Dakota
Halstensgaard, Elmer L.
Bejou, Minnesota
Halstensgaard, Harvey
Gary, Minnesota
Dale D.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Shirley Ann
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gilby, North Dakota
Neil E.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Jean A.
Halstad, Minnesota
George L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Donald E.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Robert R.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hoglund, Albert
Crookston, Minnesota
Holy, Evelyn M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Floyd D.
Warren, Minnesota
Iwen, Arlis E.
Arthur, North Dakota
Jenson, Charles A.
Badger, Minnesota
Johnson, Grant W.
St Hilaire, Minnesota
Kainz, Franklyn L.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kazmierczak, Timothy
Stephen, Minnesota
Kluzak, Richard J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kramer, Bruce E.
Peoria, Illinois
Kuznia, Lawrence T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Larson, Adelle
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lindemoen, Gary L.
Manvel, North Dakota
Magsam, Gerald J.
Euclid, Minnesota
Miller, Harlan A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Miller, Nancy F.
Shelly, Minnesota
Mistic, Helen
Nebish, Minnesota
Mosher, Wayne B.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Nelson, Marlyn H.
Stephen, Minnesota
Nesland, Dale O.
Thompson, North Dakota
Nielsen, Norma J.
Hackensack, Minnesota
Nisbet, Thomas L.
Fisher, Minnesota
Opheim, Divven D.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Owens, Wendell T.
Angus, Minnesota
Peterson, Allen L.
Grandin, North Dakota
Plutowski, James J.
Minto, North Dakota

Ricard, Ronald J.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Risser, Dolores M.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Rude, M. Burdell
Badger, Minnesota
Salisbury, Darryl A.
Johnstown, North Dakota
Satre, Grant M.
Grygla, Minnesota
Schmaltz, Frank
Cummings, North Dakota
Schroeder, Beverly A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Sczepanski, Thomas
Stephen, Minnesota
Shimpa, Frank L.
Brooks, Minnesota
Skaar, Loren T.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Skjerven, Dean E.
Grafton, North Dakota
Skretvedt, Merlin D.
Gary, Minnesota
Swanson, Robert G.
Stephen, Minnesota
Syverson, Gordon L.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Taus, Ernest J.
Angus, Minnesota
Turgeon, Jerome A.
Oklee, Minnesota
Vad, Lester J.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Viker, Dean R.
Halstad, Minnesota
Viker, J. David
Ada, Minnesota
Wichterman, Andrew E.
Crookston, Minnesota
Willett, Shirley J.
Northcote, Minnesota
Winkler, James O.
Neche, North Dakota
Wogsland, Neil L.
Fosston, Minnesota
Wold, Harlan D.
Badger, Minnesota
Zak, Marvin L.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Zipoy, Lorraine D.
Angus, Minnesota
Larson, Lyle R.
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1955
Allrich, Melvin Walter
Gary, Minnesota
Armstrong, Charles F.
Euclid, Minnesota
Arveson, Mary Louise
Goodridge, Minnesota
Ash, Harold T.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Baatz, Raymond V.
Crookston, Minnesota
Bailey, M. Leonard
Halstad, Minnesota
Balstad, Clinton E.
Winger, Minnesota
Balstad, Marilyn Y.
Fosston, Minnesota
Benson, Dorothy O.
Grygla, Minnesota
Boman, David L.
Arvilla, North Dakota
Boyum, Mardell L.
Mentor, Minnesota
Carlson, Russell M.
Roseau, Minnesota
Caylor, Milton A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Chisholm, Keith P.
Gary, Minnesota
Christianson, Ronald R.
Winger, Minnesota

Clasen, Fredrick, A.
Salol, Minnesota
Craigmile, Donald M.
Hallock, Minnesota
Dahl, Marvin E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Deschene, John B.
Argyle, Minnesota
Doyea, Alphie V.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Dragseth, Donald D.
Eldred, Minnesota
Drangstveit, Orvin A.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Dudgeon, James M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Dufault, Richard P.
Crookston, Minnesota
Duncan, Howard L.
Cando, North Dakota
Eastvold, Dickey A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Eaton, Robert L.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Edwards, Donavan N.
Crookston, Minnesota
Eftefield, Wallace A.
Stephen, Minnesota
Eisert, Sheryl J.
Euclid, Minnesota
Engesether, Gerald E.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Engesether, Marvin S.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Erickson, Wayne C.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Filipi, Glenn D.
Angus, Minnesota
Finifrock, Willis
Barnum, Minnesota
Finkenbinder, Glen W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Freeland, Keith W.
Cummings, North Dakota
Friesen, Wilfred H.
Morden, Manitoba, Canada
Fuglseth, Jerome E.
Fertile, Minnesota
Glass, Robert L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Greskowiak, Sylvester L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Grothman, Arthur H.
Blanchard, North Dakota
Grove, H. Edward
McIntosh, Minnesota
Grove, M. Clarence
McIntosh, Minnesota
Hagen, Harlene F.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Halstenson, James A.
Niagara, North Dakota
Hanson, Lowell A.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Hawkins, Charles N.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hettwer, Henry C.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Hoper, John W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Iwen, Margie A.
Arthur, North Dakota
Johnson, Ermil D.
Argyle, Minnesota
Johnson, George A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Johnson, Robert C.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Johnson, Stanley B.
Menahga, Minnesota
Jones, Bernice M.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Kagg, Barbara
Viking, Minnesota
Karlstad, Ronald F.
Grand Forks, North Dakota

Kelm, K. Wendell
Neche, North Dakota
Kowaliuk, Jerry A.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Kramer, Charles M.
Peoria, Illinois
Kuznia, Robert T.
Stephen, Minnesota
Landin, Henry W.
Warroad, Minnesota
Landreville, Roger J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Larson, Melvin M.
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Spencer R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Lisell, Larry J.
Roseau, Minnesota
Loing, Willard D.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Love, John E.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Love, Marlys D.
Euclid, Minnesota
Mickelson, David O.
Menahga, Minnesota
Miller, Donna L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Moser, Wilfred
Salol, Minnesota
Nelson, Wayne N.
Oslo, Minnesota
Norgaard, Shirley J.
Bemidji, Minnesota
Ohnstad, Richard O.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Olson, James O.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Omdahl, Kent W.
Warren, Minnesota
Overgaard, Donald O.
Dalton, Minnesota
Palm, Robert L.
Roseau, Minnesota
Palya, Gene J.
Angus, Minnesota
Paulson, James A.
Trail, Minnesota
Porter, Ronald K.
Grandin, North Dakota
Prudhomme, Hilaire F.
Crookston, Minnesota
Ranstrom, Wayne A.
Warren, Minnesota
Roberts, James W.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Salentiny, Angeline K.
Euclid, Minnesota
Sanders, Kenneth J.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Sherry, Ardell A.
Angus, Minnesota
Skeie, Arnold K.
Winger, Minnesota
Soltis, Carol S.
Angus, Minnesota
Sondrol, LeRoy S.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Strandberg, Robert C.
Argyle, Minnesota
Stromstad, Jean A.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Taus, Donald F.
Angus, Minnesota
Tollefson, Paul L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Torkelson, George L.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Truhn, Kendall M.
Warren, Minnesota
Vanek, Jeanne E.
Angus, Minnesota
Wald, Donald J.
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Wiertzema, Raymond O.
Euclid. Minnesota


Zimny, Robert R.
Glyndon, Minnesota
Glanz, Edward J. (G.I.)
Fisher, Minnesota
Green, Dennis N. (G.I.)
Swift, Minnesota
Wilson, Patrick O. (G.I.)
Lancaster. Minnesota
CLASS O F 1956
Adams, Daniel
Oakes, North Dakota
Anderson, Richard
Cummings, North Dakota
Anderson, Walter
Stephen, Minnesota
Andre, James
Hunter, North Dakota
Audette, Gerald
Crookston, Minnesota
Auer, Rosemary
Waubun, Minnesota
Austin, Eugene
Gilby, North Dakota
Balstad, Arnold
Winger, Minnesota
Beck, Jerald
Grandin, North Dakota
Bettels, Leo, Jr.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Bertsch, Alvin
Halstad, Minnesota
Brule, Roland
Crookston, Minnesota
Carlson, Sadie
Roseau, Minnesota
Christianson, Arlene
Goodridge, Minnesota
Christianson, Dell
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Clasen, Mildred
Salol, Minnesota
Clementson, Kathryn
Erskine, Minnesota
Coulthart, Robert
Grafton, North Dakota
Dahle, Lillian
Goodridge, Minnesota
Decesare, Anthony
Flushing, New York
Derosier, Harold
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Diedrich, Donald
Warren, Minnesota
Donahue, Lawrence
Crookston, Minnesota
Driscoll, Leon
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Dunham, Raymond
Roseau, Minnesota
Dusek, Gregory
Grafton, North Dakota
Eblen, David
Halstad, Minnesota
Eftefield, Larry
Stephen, Minnesota
Enright, Donald
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Estling, Jay, Jr.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Fjeld, Marlys
Goodridge, Minnesota
Flicek, James, Jr.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Freeland, Larry
Cummings, North Dakota
Friesen, Bernhard
Morden, Manitoba, Canada
Goosen, David
Euclid, Minnesota

Gary, Minnesota
Grenier, George
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Grothmann, Warren
Blanchard, North Dakota

CLASS O F 1956
Gunderson, V. James
Buxton, North Dakota
Gunufson, Gerald
Fertile, Minnesota
Hanson, Eldon
Lockhart, Minnesota
Heggestuen, Lloyd
Oslo, Minnesota
Hoekstra, Gerald
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Hovet, Marilyn
Thompson, North Dakota
Hovland, Cathryn
Perley, Minnesota
Hylland, Barbara
Grygla, Minnesota
Iverson, Janice
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Iverson, Ruth
Goodridge, Minnesota
Jaszczak, Joseph
Orleans, Minnesota
Jensen, Sylvia
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Allene
Middle River, Minnesota
Johnson, Dennis
Oslo, Minnesota
Johnson, Lindley
Argyle, Minnesota
Kelm, Dean
Neche, North Dakota
Kirk, Patricia Ann
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kowaliuk, Jean
Lancaster, Minnesota
Ladwig, Russell
Callaway, Minnesota
Larson, Frederick
Euclid, Minnesota
Larson, Theone
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Loven, Roger
Gatzke, Minnesota
Mergenthal, Charles
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Michaelson, Janice
Euclid, Minnesota
Miller, Richard
Crookston, Minnesota
Moe, Roger
Grafton, North Dakota
Molskness, Marlys
Crookston, Minnesota
Moser, William
Erskine, Minnesota
Mosher, Claude
Beltrami, Minnesota
Motschenbacher, Wesley
Sabin, Minnesota
Nelson, Alicia
Grygla, Minnesota
Nelson, Arnold
Roseau, Minnesota
Olson, Clarice
Crookston, Minnesota
Olson, Curtis
Badger, Minnesota
Ophus, Fred
Erskine, Minnesota
Orvis, Verland, Jr.
Pencer, Minnesota
Pechacek, David
Ulen, Minnesota
Peters, John
Winger, Minnesota
Peterson, Curtis
Argyle, Minnesota
Plante, Gerald
Crookston, Minnesota
Rasmussen, William
Drayton, North Dakota
Roberts, Gerald
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

St. Germain, Allen

Argyle, Minnesota
Salisbury, Malcolm
Johnstown, North Dakota
Sczepanski, Frank
Stephen, Minnesota
Setterholm, Muriel
Stephen, Minnesota
Sluka, Ronald
Badger, Minnesota
Solberg, Larry
Winger, Minnesota
Suda, Paul
Grafton, North Dakota
Thompson, Thomas
Baker, Minnesota
Thoreson, Leon
Climax, Minnesota
Thureen, Harley
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Trangsrud, Julian
Badger, Minnesota
Weber, Glenn
Crookston, Minnesota
Welberg, John
Baudette, Minnesota
Wheeler, David
Buxton, North Dakota
Zammert, Charles
Euclid, Minnesota
Zammert, Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Ziegler, Kenneth
Georgetown, Minnesota

Bohach, Donald
Crookston, Minnesota
Dennis, William
Humboldt, Minnesota
Dragseth, Curtis
Eldred, Minnesota
Murphy, Donald
Reynolds, North Dakota
Rostad, Kenneth
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Abentroth, Robert A.
Cummings, North Dakota
Anderson, Dalton H.
Grygla, Minnesota
Anderson, Keith A.
Buxton, North Dakota
Anderson, Rodger S.
Fisher, Minnesota
Armstrong, Joseph G.
Euclid, Minnesota
Arneson, Glen W.
Ross, Minnesota
Askegaard, Robert R.
Comstock, Minnesota
Askegard, Vernon R.
Warren, Minnesota
Audette, Donald W.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bitker, Clayton C.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Bjerke, Keith D.
Northwood, North Dakota
Bjorklund, Donald A.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bushee, Donald A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Brandli, Allan E.
Warroad, Minnesota
Carlson, Wayne W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Carpenter, Randal J.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Chapman, Bruce A.
Baudette, Minnesota
Clausen, Mervyn L.
Grygla, Minnesota

Culver, Athenia B.
Douglas, Minnesota
Dragseth, Allan A.
Eldred, Minnesota
Dubuque, Daniel E.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Dusek, Raymond J.
Grafton, North Dakota
Earle, Georgina M.
Oak Island, Minnesota
Eidem, Leroy D.
Felton, Minnesota
Fehr, Walter R.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Filipi, Anton L.
Angus, Minnesota
Fortin, Gerald R.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Foss, Gerald J.
Cummings, North Dakota
Fryer, Delano S.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gatheridge, Charles W.
Humboldt, Minnesota
Gormsen, Elwood A.
Middle River, Minnesota
Gray, Thomas A.
Viking, Minnesota
Greskowiak, Ardell R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Grove, LeRoy A.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Gruhot, Clarence L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Guttormson, Ronald A.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Hance, Robert E., Jr.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hanson, Glen D.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Hanson, Lester J.
Lancaster, Minnesota
Hedlund, Carl E.
Hallock, Minnesota
Hedstrand, Toni L.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hendrickson, Donald R.
Warren, Minnesota
Hoff, Arden C.
Oslo, Minnesota
Hoselton, George H.
Thompson, North Dakota
Houska, W. James
Grafton, North Dakota
Houska, Thomas S.
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Hovet, Terrance E.
Thompson, North Dakota
Hunstad, Marwood L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Johnson, D. Dale
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, Linden E.
Osnabrook, North Dakota
Kopecky, Geraldine J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kopecky, Philip A.
Angus, Minnesota
Krabbenhoft, Ernest F., Il l
Sabin, Minnesota
Kresl, Larry J.
Angus, Minnesota
Kuzel, Duane C.
Angus, Minnesota
LaCoursiere, Vernon P.
Brooks, Minnesota
Lambertson, Gayle D.
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Larson, Dalmon M.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lee, Orin J.
Badger, Minnesota
Love, Jeanette M.
Euclid, Minnesota
Lundon, Michael T.
Crookston, Minnesota

Magsam, Marvin R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Manger, David G.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
McKenzie, Michael L.
Anchorage, Alaska
McLean, Gerald H.
Gry la, Minnesota
Winger, Minnesota
Menzies, Arnold R.
Hamilton, North Dakota
Mickelson, Ordean J.
Menahga, Minnesota
Moe, Harold E.
Beltrami, Minnesota
Morris, Roy C.
Neche, North Dakota
Moser, James J.
Erskine, Minnesota
Mulcahy, Donald R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Mulcahy, Duane D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Munter, Mavis K.
Buxton, North Dakota
Nelson, Dennis R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Novak, Jerome W.
Brooks, Minnesota
Ohman, Darrell D.
Leonard, Minnesota
Olson, Wayne D.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Olstad, Curtis I.
Grygla, Minnesota
Omdahl, Roger L.
Warren, Minnesota
Orvis, John A.
Pencer, Minnesota
Palya, Roy E.
Angus, Minnesota
Paseka, J . Gary
Georgetown, Minnesota
Pester, Edward A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Peterson, Glenn L.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Pietruszewski, Eugene R.
Argyle, Minnesota
Piker, Judith A.
Angus, Minnesota
Pinta, Raymond H.
Grafton, North Dakota
Porter, Lynn M.
Grandin, North Dakota
Rokke, Kermit L.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Rosenfeldt, L. Gary, Jr.
Sabin, Minnesota
Sanders, J. Richard
Goodridge, Minnesota
Schiller, John G.
Forest River, North Dakota
Setterholm, Duane L.
Stephen, Minnesota
Steinhauer, Allen D.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Swenson, Dennis J.
Fertile, Minnesota
Tollefson, Roger D.
Crookston, Minnesota
Tollerud, Charles I.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Tucker, A. Ronald
An us, Minnesota
Roger C.
Crookston, Minnesota
Vanek, Michael D.
Angus, Minnesota
Van Raden, Fern D.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Vary, Michael S.
Crookston, Minnesota
Volland, Larry J.
Crookston. Minnesota



Volland, Loren B.
Crookston, Minnesota
Wiertzema, James S.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Wold, Elaine C.
Roseau, Minnesota
Wold, Eloise H.
Roseau, Minnesota
Ziegler, Allan W.
Perky, Minnesota
Zipoy, Bonita M.
Angus, Minnesota
Baumgartner, Jack C.
Roseau, Minnesota
Colson, John H.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Miller, John J.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Wold, Allan N.
Roseau, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1958
Abrahamson, Trygve O.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Ackerman, Bernard G.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Anderson, Carol J.
Side Lake, Minnesota
Anderson, Ray W.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Beitz, Eugene L.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bergh, Arlene J.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Bjorklund, David A.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bjornson, Nellie M.
Arvilla, North Dakota
Botko, Jerold T.
Warren, Minnesota
Botko, Jerome T.
Warren, Minnesota
Bowman, Randolph J.
Baudette, Minnesota
Breiland, Dennis L.
Wannaska, Minnesota
Carlson, David C.
Stephen, Minnesota
Carlson, J. Gordon
Roseau, Minnesota
Carlson, Mylo M.
Angus, Minnesota
Cernik, Eugene D.
Grafton, North Dakota
Didrikson, JoAnn E.
Badger, Minnesota
Dillerud, Manley E.
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Eklund, John T., Jr.
Badger, Minnesota
Engelstad, Ronald E.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Filipi, Yvonne M.
Angus, Minnesota
Filipy, Ronald E.
Warren, Minnesota
Flesche, Perdean H.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gunderson, Russell E.
Buxton, North Dakota
Guttormson, Gene A.
Georgetown, Minnesota
Hagen, Larry A.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Hallin, Gerald L.
Alvarado, Minnesota
Hanson, Sharon L.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Haugen, Cheryl F.
Gilby, North Dakota

Helm, Harold A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Himberg, Harold L.
Baudette, Minnesota
Hoeger, Donald L.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Hoselton, Lloyd J.
Thompson, North Dakota
Hughes, Michael L.
Neche, North Dakota
Hutton, Earl J.
Manvel, North Dakota
Irving, James O.
Hallock, Minnesota
James, Richard L.
Cummings, North Dakota
Jelle, Russel L.
Grygla, Minnesota
Kennedy, Larry L.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Kirk, David H.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Krogh, Daryl A.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Larson, Norman S.
Roseau, Minnesota
Larson, Robert A.
Drayton, North Dakota
Lee, Owen F.
Ross, Minnesota
Loven, Duane R.
Gatzke, Minnesota
Maidment, Luke D.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Miller, Keith J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Molskness, Esther A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Motschenbacher, Paul M.
Sabin, Minnesota
Myerchin, Dale L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Nielsen, Lester H.
Gonvick, Minnesota
Olson, Kenneth W.
Grafton, North Dakota
Omlid, H. Charles
Gary, Minnesota
Otness, Duane L.
Lengby, Minnesota
Paschke, Eugene D.
Hamilton, North Dakota
Perreault, Lloyd D.
Brooks, Minnesota
Peterson, James W.
Stephen, Minnesota
Pietruszewski, Roger G.
Argyle, Minnesota
Pigeon, Sheldon H.
Brooks, Minnesota
Qualley, Darrel W.
Argyle, Minnesota
Roberts, Theodore A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Rydland, Myron G.
Hatton, North Dakota
Sallee, DeVonne M.
Shevlin, Minnesota
Schanilec, Francis J.
Conway, North Dakota
Schroder, Robert R.
Mekinock, North Dakota
Schroeder, John O.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Setervang, John M.
Perley, Minnesota
Setterholm, Gary J.
Argyle, Minnesota
Sharp, Ronald L.
Hamilton, North Dakota
Sondrol, Earl C.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Spillum, Earl W.
Buxton, North Dakota
Stanislowski, Robert R.
Crookston, Minnesota

Stenberg, Juel W.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stolaas, Buelah J.
Oklee, Minnesota
Straus, Betty A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Swanson, John K.
Stephen, Minnesota
Szczepanski, Alan S.
Argyle, Minnesota
Thibert, Parnell L.
Brooks, Minnesota
Thompson, Frank R., Jr.
Baker, Minnesota
Thompson, Frederick R.
Baker, Minnesota
Thureen, Barbara J.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Troska, Roger J.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Tucker, Thomas R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Vatnsdal, Orelle J.
Badger, Minnesota
Veen, Theodore G.
Cummings, North Dakota
Wallace, Conrad D.
Euclid, Minnesota
Willison, Cordell S.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Ziegler, William D.
Georgetown, Minnesota

Veen, Donald P.
Gary, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1959
Babler, Jon
Borup, Minnesota
Beauchane, Kenneth
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bjornson, Lyall
Arvilla, North Dakota
Bohnsack, Philip
Hillsboro, NorthDakota
Boucher, Wayne
Crookston, Minnesota
Brandli, Arthur
Warroad, Minnesota
Bruhn, Dennis
Ulen, Minnesota
Brummund, Arnold
Oakes, North Dakota
Buness, Duane
Crookston, Minnesota
Campbell, Bruce
Warroad, Minnesota
Carlson, Curtis
Argyle, Minnesota
Cayler, Roger
Crookston, Minnesota
Dahl, Terrance
Stephen, Minnesota
Dexter, Daniel
Orleans, Minnesota
Diedrich, Harold
Warren, Minnesota
Driscoll, Dale
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Eastman, Robert
Akra, North Dakota
Eidem, Gene
Georgetown, Minnesota
Eisenhardt, Frederick
Kelso, North Dakota
Filipy, Dale
Warren, Minnesota
Goosen, Boyd
Euclid, Minnesota
Grage, Philip
Gardner, North Dakota

Greskowiak, Duane
Crookston, Minnesota
Guttormson, Gary
Georgetown, Minnesota
Guttormson, Roger
Georgetown, Minnesota
Hahedank, Norman
Beltrami, Minnesota
Hanlon, Michael
Northcote, Minnesota
Hanson, C. Gary
Hamilton, North Dakota
Hedstrand, Penelope
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Henke, Clarence
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hiller, Ronald
Perky, Minnesota
Hinkle, Gerald
Cavalier, North Dakota
Hutton, James
Manvel, North Dakota
Jahnke, Marilyn
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Jensen, David
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, A. Ronald
Stephen, Minnesota
Knutson, Loren
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kosmatka, Vicki
Minto, North Dakota
Kramer, Carolyn
Peoria, Illinois
Kritzberger, Darrell
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Larson, Lynn
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Larson, M. Burnett
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Larson, Roger
Beltrami, Minnesota
Laurin, Rolland
Argyle, Minnesota
Lindgren, Gary
Halstad, Minnesota
Magsam, Marlys
Euclid, Minnesota
Maier, Robert
Emerado, North Dakota
McSparron, Daryl
Grandin, North Dakota
Moe, Allan
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Moe, Richard
Beltrami, Minnesota
Monsebroten, Marvin
Grafton, North Dakota
Mosolf, Kenneth
Bowesmont, North Dakota
Nelson, Arlen
Warroad, Minnesota
Novak, Thomas
Angus, Minnesota
OHara, Warren
Bathgate, North Dakota
Ostby, Orlin
Grygla, Minnesota
Paupst, Wayne
Emerado, North Dakota
Peterka, Michael
Grafton, North Dakota
Peterson, Lawrence, Jr.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Pokrzywinski, Aime
Oslo, Minnesota
Radke, E. Deane
Crookston, Minnesota
Reck, Duane
Bathgate, North Dakota
Riendeau, Joel
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Roy, William
Pembina, North Dakota
Saxman, Mary Ruth
Georgetown, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1959
Scharmer, Allen
Drayton, North Dakota
Schol, John
Northwood, North Dakota
Schreiner, David
Reynolds, North Dakota
Schroder, Arthur
Mekinock, North Dakota
Shaide, Barry
Borup, Minnesota
Shanks, Dale
Bathgate, North Dakota
Sharp, Claudia
Hamilton, North Dakota
Sheldon, Norman
Bagley, Minnesota
Sites, Lavern
Lockhart, Minnesota
Skaurud, James, Jr.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Steinke, Kenneth
Hamilton, North Dakota
Stevenson, James
Georgetown, Minnesota
Swanson, George
Cummings, North Dakota
Tangen, Sandra
Motley, Minnesota
Twamley, Rodney
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Vonasek, Eugene
Euclid, Minnesota
Wald, Robert
St. Hilaire, Minnesota
Wall, Jon
Larimore, North Dakota
Weiland, John
Euclid, Minnesota
Wheeler, William
Crookston, Minnesota
Willison, Sharlene
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Wilson, Arliene
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Wolfgram, Ronald
Niagara, North Dakota
Zimny, Joseph
Glyndon, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1960
Abney, Richard A.
Orleans, Minnesota
Ackerman, Francis
Thompson, North Dakota
Anderson, Halward
Warren, Minnesota
Anderson, Ronald
Gary, Minnesota
Axelson, Richard
Crookston, Minnesota
Babinski, Madonna
Minto, North Dakota
Beckman, H. Kenneth
Blanchard, North Dakota
Boelter, Dallas
Crookston, Minnesota
Bohnsack, Roberta
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Brandli, Ethelyn
Warroad, Minnesota
Breidenbach, James
Reynolds, North Dakota
Brown, David
Warroad, Minnesota
Bruhn, Colleen
Ulen, Minnesota
Cole, Belmer
Warroad, Minnesota
Connelly, Gretchen
Sabin, Minnesota
Coulthart, Roger
Grafton, North Dakota

Danielson, Richard
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Diedrich, Roger
Warren, Minnesota
Dufault, Ronald
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Dvorak, Donald
Warren, Minnesota
Eidem, Joyce
Georgetown, Minnesota
Ellingson, Curtis
Reynolds, North Dakota
Gebhardt, Kenneth
Euclid, Minnesota
Gerszewski, Lawrence
Minto, North Dakota
Grabanski, Robert
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Griffin, Larry
Mekinock, North Dakota
Gunderson, M. JoAnn
Buxton, North Dakota
Guttormson, LeRoy
Georgetown, Minnesota
Hanson, Linda L.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hegg, Earl
Reynolds, North Dakota
Hoselton, Leonard
Thompson, North Dakota
Hotvedt, Stanley
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hovet, Bette
Thompson, North Dakota
Huot, Leonard
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Janousek, Jean
Grafton, North Dakota
Jaszczak, Leo
Orleans, Minnesota
Johnson, Alden
Stephen, Minnesota
Johnson, Gregory
Middle River, Minnesota
Kluzak, Rodger
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Knepper, Gary
Badger, Minnesota
Kosmatka, Rodney
Minto, North Dakota
Kresl, Judy Ann
Angus, Minnesota
Larson, Delwood
Oslo, Minnesota
Lerud, Sherman
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Letnes, Jerry
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Lofton, John
Roseau, Minnesota
Loyland, Arthur, Jr.
Thompson, North Dakota
Loyland, Karam
Thompson, North Dakota
Luxenburg, Robert
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Magnusson, Ardell
Roseau, Minnesota
Martinson, LeRoy
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Maruska, Gerald
Angus, Minnesota
Mattison, Alan
Borup, Minnesota
Mattson, Gary
Mayville, North Dakota
McKenzie, Thomas
Pingree, North Dakota
Meyer, Charles
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Moe, Duane
East Grand Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Celeste
Warroad, Minnesota
Nelson, Terrance
Ada, Minnesota

Odegaard, Roger
Crookston, Minnesota
Olson, Charlotte
R Reynolds, North Dakota
Osowski Evelyn
Oslo, Minnesota
Osak, Gary
Euclid, Minnesota
Patenaude, Raymond
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Paulsen, Peter
Greenbush, Minnesota
Peppel, David
Borup, Minnesota
Peterson, Jonathan
Lockhart, Minnesota
Philipp, Wallace
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Piker, Jeanette
Angus, Minnesota
Porter, Glenda
Grandin, North Dakota
Reindeau, Raymond
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Rogers, Dale
Borup, Minnesota
Schultz, Ronald
Reynolds, North Dakota
Schumacher, Russell
Drayton, North Dakota
Smith, Gerald
Shevlin, Minnesota
Smith, Norma
Cummings, North Dakota
Stadstad, George
Manvel, North Dakota
Steffes, Joseph
Glyndon, Minnesota
Steinke, John
Niagara, North Dakota
Straus, Daniel
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Straus, Kenneth
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Stromstad, Jane
Lockhart, Minnesota
Szczesny, Elaine
Oslo, Minnesota
Thompson, David
Blanchard, North Dakota
Thureen, Jeanette
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tjon, Jerome
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Trudel, C. Duane
Pembina, North Dakota
Tvinnereim, Sandra
Manvel, North Dakota
Valley, Duane
Crookston, Minnesota
Verke, Clayton
Hatton, North Dakota
Wall, Martin
Larimore, North Dakota
Wallace, Kenneth
Euclid, Minnesota
Will, Dennis
Williams, Minnesota
Wold, Gary
Roseau, Minnesota
Ystebo, Ina
Twin Valley, Minnesota


CLASS O F 1961
Adams, Douglas
Reynolds, North Dakota
Anderson, Myrna
Mayville, North Dakota
Arnold, Eileen
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Austin, William
Baker, Minnesota
Bitker, Clifton
Lockhart, Minnesota

Boelter, Stuart
Crookston, Minnesota
Britten, James
Kennedy, Minnesota
Carlson, Allard
Stephen, Minnesota
Carlson, Ronald
Stephen, Minnesota
Connelly, Mike
Sabin, Minnesota
Cook, Bradley
Barnesville, Minnesota
Dagen, Gary
Karlstad, Minnesota
Diamond, Nancy
Humboldt, Minnesota
Domres, Jerry
Wales, North Dakota
Dufault, Ernest
Argyle, Minnesota
Dusek, Cecil
Grafton, North Dakota
Erickson, Erling
Badger, Minnesota
Erickson, Ronald
Grafton, North Dakota
Fehr, Eric
East.Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hanson, James L.
Northwood, North Dakota
Hanson, J. Neil
Hamilton, North Dakota
Hanson, Loretta
Reynolds, North Dakota
Haug, Paul
Grafton, North Dakota
Haugen, Stanley
Manvel, North Dakota
Helm, Dale
Drayton, North Dakota
Hoper, Gary
Stephen, Minnesota
Jahnke, Williams
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Jensen, Robert
Stephen, Minnesota
Jenson, James
Badger, Minnesota
Johnson, Allen
Kempton, North Dakota
Johnson, Curtis
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Kaml, Donald
Greenbush, Minnesota
Kemp, James
Hamilton, North Dakota
Kemp, Richard
Hamilton, North Dakota
Kliniske, Eugene
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Kouba, Ernest
Pisek, North Dakota
Krueger, Susan
Niagara, North Dakota
Larson, Donald H.
Thompson, North Dakota
Lindberg, Wendell
Warren, Minnesota
Lommen, Orvin
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Luchau, Byron
Ada, Minnesota
Lundgren, Frederick
Wales, North Dakota
Mayers, Diane
Emerado, North Dakota
McEvers, Allen
Baker, Minnesota
Meyer, Jeffrey
Gardner, North Dakota
Miller, David
Leonard, Minnesota
Molskness, Loren
Crookston, Minnesota
Nelson, Allan
Ulen, Minnesota

Nelson, Odell
Grygla, Minnesota
Neset, Robert
Northome, Minnesota
Nisbet, Roy
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
O'Hara, William
Bathgate, North Dakota
Olofson, Alice
Anoka, Minnesota
Ostrem, Mary
Felton, Minnesota
Ovnan, Dale
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Euclid, Minnesota
Pake, Sharyn Ann
Moorhead, Minnesota
Pederson, James
Kennedy, Minnesota
Peterson, Harvey
Kempton, North Dakota
Quijada, Luis
Caracas, Venezuela, S. A.
Radke, Connie Lou
Crookston, Minnesota
Ramberg, Keith
Mentor, Minnesota
Rettke, Richard
Grand Forks, North Dakota
St. Germain, Paul
Argyle, Minnesota
Sandberg, Allan
Bowesmont, North Dakota
Sanderson, Richard
Cavalier, North Dakota
Scharmer, Deane
Drayton, North Dakota
Schuster, Kenneth
Grafton, North Dakota
Sharp, Darrell
Hamilton, North Dakota
Sheldon, Shirley
Bagley, Minnesota
Sip, Loyal
Ada, Minnesota
Slominski, Harry, Jr.
Ardoch, North Dakota
Sorlien, Maynard
Thompson, North Dakota
Steinhauer, Janice
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Stengl, Gerald
Angus, Minnesota
Straus, JoAnne
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Tillett, Allen
Bathgate, North Dakota
Timmer, Eugene
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Tucker, David
Angus, Minnesota
Tvinnereim, Leeila
Manvel, North Dakota
Van Dellen, Adrian
Crookston, Minnesota
Vander Linden, Clayton
Gary, Minnesota
Vatnsdal, Wayne
Badger, Minnesota
Vatthauer, Donald
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Vonasek, David
Angus, Minnesota
Watkins, Raymond
Drayton, North Dakota
Wilkens, Daniel
Crookston, Minnesota
Woitzel, Allen
Grandin, North Dakota
Woitzel, Henry
Gardner, North Dakota
Woitzel, Ronald
Gardner, North Dakota

Anderson, Jerry A.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Arnold, Larry J. W.
Angus, Minnesota
Bohnsack, Bonita M.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bohnsack, Carole Y.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bornsen, C. James
Inkster, North Dakota
Bothum, Alton H.
Kennedy, Minnesota
Brule, David A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Buzick, Duane E.
Gardner, North Dakota
Charais, Dale M. *Fisher, Minnesota
Dufault, Charles J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Durand, Daniel R.
Argyle, Minnesota
Ebertowski, David T.
Grafton, North Dakota
Engesether, Robert W.
McIntosh, Minnesota
Ferguson, Calvin C.
Drayton, North Dakota
Filipi, Norma I.
Angus, Minnesota
Gatheridge, Richard A:
Humboldt, Minnesota
Gehhardt, Larry E.
Monango, North Dakota
Grefsheim, Harley L.
Northwood, North Dakota
Haugen, Ann Kay
Gilby, North Dakota
Helgeson, Gerald R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Holmes, Linda Ann
Blooming Pairie, Minnesota
Hoper, Mark H.
Steven, Minnesota
Hotvedt, Carol L.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Huot, Edward H.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Hutton, Richard C.
Manvel, North Dakota
Jaenisch, Ruth Ann
Clara City, Minnesota
Janisch, LaVerne J.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Johnson, Arthur N.
Northwood, North Dakota
Johnson, Lyla R.
Blackfoot, Montana
Karr, Richard C.
Warren, Minnesota
Killian, Dennis L.
Fosston, Minnesota
Kopecky, Leonard C.
Euclid, Minnesota
Kortgaard, Sheldon L.
Kempton, North Dakota
Krueger, Elna L.
Niagara, North Dakota
Lindblad, Robert C.
Drayton, North Dakota
Magsam, Sylvia L.
Euclid, Minnesota
McKeever, Patrick J.
Oak Island, Minnesota
Mischel, Roger W.
Angus, Minnesota
Nagle, Russell
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Nasset, Carroll J.
Rochert, Minnesota
Nelson, Gloria J.
Grygla, Minnesota
Olson, Edward Keith
Ada, Minnesota
Olson, Richard W.
Larimore, North Dakota

Olson, Wayne A.
Niagara, North Dakota
Ovsak, Georgia M.
Euclid, Minnesota
Pake, John C.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Pedersen, Daniel
Grandin, North Dakota
Plante, Richard L.
Erskine, Minnesota
Proulx, George D.
Argyle, Minnesota
Risser, Sandra J.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Rivard, Roger L.
Argyle, Minnesota
Sanda, Dennis W.
Northwood, North Dakota
Sannes, John E.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Schol, Robert L.
Northwood, North Dakota
Schultz, Lorraine M.
Reynolds, North Dakota
Skold, Eloise M.
Mekinock, North Dakota
Smith, James E.
Fargo, North Dakota
Srnsky, Kenneth D.
Angus, Minnesota
Strickler, Donald W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Stroklund, Lynn J.
Tioga, North Dakota
Swanson, John C.
Cummings, North Dakota
Swanson, Rodger C.
Arvilla, North Dakota
Swift, Ernest W.
Crookston, Minnesota
Swift, Hugh C., Jr.
Crookston, Minnesota
Tandberg, Ralph P.
Newfolden, Minnesota
Tjon, David E.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Tucker, John E.
Euclid, Minnesota
Vesledahl, Raymond G.
Winger, Minnesota
Walz, David L.
Beaulieu, Minnesota
Ziegler, David L.
Georgetown, Minnesota

Ackerman, Gary
Thompson, North Dakota
Anderson, Suzanne
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Anderson, David R.
Minot, North Dakota
Applequist, Howard
Crookston, Minnesota
Armstrong, Linda
Hallock, Minnesota
Beauchane, Ronald
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bergh, Orlin
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Bitker, Leon
Ada, Minnesota
Bjornson, Philip
Arvilla, North Dakota
Bornsen, Jackie
Inkster, North Dakota
Brendemuhl, L.Charles
Moorhead, Minnesota
Brown, Trish
Cloquet, Minnesota
Bubendorf, Roger
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Burianek, Donna
Gardner, North Dakota
Carlson, Alden M.
Stephen, Minnesota

Christensen, LeRoy
Euclid, Minnesota
Diamond, Dennis
Humboldt, Minnesota
Dufault, Eugene
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Duffy, J. Patrick
Oslo, Minnesota
DuRay, Leroy
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Erickson, Selvin, Jr.
Badger, Minnesota
Fehr, Carol Ann
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Flaten, M. David
Strathcona, Minnesota
Forest, Darrell
Langdon, North Dakota
Gozdal, Andrew
Drayton, North Dakota
Gravdahl, Dennis
Kempton, North Dakota
Hanson, Judy
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Harstad, Kameron
Viking, Minnesota
Hotvedt, Norma Jean
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Huot, Wilfred
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Kasprick, Anton
Grafton, North Dakota
Kayala, Juanita
Pequot Lakes, Minnesota
Klava, Marian
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Knudsvig, Bruce
Buxton, North Dakota
Kroening, Dianne
Fosston, Minnesota
Krueger, Raymond
Niagara, North Dakota
Kulwicki, James
Oslo, Minnesota
Laabs, Jarold
Fertile, Minnesota
Larson, Drew
Crookston, Minnesota
Larson, Judy
Thompson, North Dakota
Lessard, Dennis
Grafton, North Dakota
Lewis, Robert
Wales, North Dakota
Miller, Patricia
Leonard, Minnesota
Crookston, Minnesota
North Dakota
Nelson, Clayton R.
Angus, Minnesota
North Dakota
Oslo, Minnesota
Petersen, Steven R.
Monango, North Dakota
Piker, Shirley
Angus, Minnesota
New Prague, Minnesota
Richards, Charles
Georgetown, Minnesota
Georgetown, Minnesota
Schultz, Diane
Reynolds, North Dakota
Schulz, Joyce
Fergus Falls, Minnesota

CLASS O F 1963
Sem, Neva
Underwood, Minnesota
Shelstad, Beverly
Doran, Minnesota
Sjoblom, Earl
Karlstad, Minnesota
Stahn, Daniel
Donnelly, Minnesota
Steinke, Alfred
Niagara, North Dakota
Stromstad, Allan
Lockhart, Minnesota
Swanson, Betty Jean
Arvilla, North Dakota
Syverson, Darrell
Reynolds, North Dakota
Thorson, Ronald
Fisher, Minnesota
Trydahl, Marcia
Thompson, North Dakota
Tvinnereim, Gary
Manvel, North Dakota
Venem, Larry
Fosston, Minnesota
Warren, Sandra
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Wesolowski, Adrian
Warren, Minnesota
Woitzel, Paul
Gardner, North Dakota
Wolden, Douglas
Saum, Minnesota
Yuergens, Robert
Beltrami, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1964
Altepeter, Darral
Euclid, Minnesota
Anderson, Richard
Grygla, Minnesota
Asplin, G. Roger
Georgetown, Minnesota
Baker, David
Hallock, Minnesota
Beauchane, Richard
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Bellamy, Francis
Drayton, North Dakota
Bellamy, Richard
Drayton, North Dakota
Bergeron, Robert
Argyle, Minnesota
Beyer, Steven
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Boe, Lester
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bohnsack, W. Neal
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Byzewski, Harry
Manvel, North Dakota
Carlson, Byron
Strandquist, Minnesota
Carlson, Sandra
Strandquist, Minnesota
Carpenter, Judith
Longville, Minnesota
Chapman, Marilynn
Orlando, Florida
Cleveland, Vern
Gardner, North Dakota
Combs, Ro Jean
Longville, Minnesota
Dahlman, Van
Warren, Minnesota
Dahnke, Alan
Rothsay, Minnesota
Demers, Dale
Grafton, North Dakota
Demers, Gary
Grafton, North Dakota
Devine, Allen
Manvel, North Dakota

Donahue, Michael
Manvel, North Dakota
Drees, John
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Edgar, Michael
Angus, Minnesota
Ehlers, Roy
Larimore, North Dakota
Eisenhardt, Timothy
Kelso, North Dakota
Erickson, Duane
Ulen, Minnesota
Ferguson, Richard
Drayton, North Dakota
Filipi, Jane
Angus, Minnesota
Fischer, Roger
Georgetown, Minnesota
Friederichs, Paul
Breckenridge, Minnesota
Gabbert, Harvey
Drayton, North Dakota
Gatheridge, William
Humboldt, Minnesota
Goodman, Neil
Grafton, North Dakota
Grega, Gary
Angus, Minnesota
Gunderson, Twyla
Buxton, North Dakota
Hagen, Arlin
Crookston, Minnesota
Hangsleben, Gary
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Hanson, Claudia
Reynolds, North Dakota
Hedstrand, Betty
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Helgeson, Maurice
Crookston, Minnesota
Hjelle, Carter
Stephen, Minnesota
Jirava, Lloyd
Ogema, Minnesota
Johnson, Shirley
Excelsior, Minnesota
Johnston, Linda
Ottertail, Minnesota
Karr, Judy Ann
Warren, Minnesota
Kovar, Richard
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kovar, James
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Krogstad, Donald
Reynolds, North Dakota
Larson, Patrick
Reynolds, North Dakota
Levi, Gary
Manvel, North Dakota
Lund, Gary
Emerado, North Dakota
Lundgren, Thomas
Wales, North Dakota
McElheney, Judy
Rippey, Iowa
McInnes, Thomas
Hillsboro, North Dakota
McKeever, Nancy
Kenora, Manitoba, Canada
Merkins, Harlan
Lockhart, Minnesota
Meyer, Judith
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Morgan, Stuart
Warren, Minnesota
Morken, Lyle
Radium, Minnesota
Murphy, Joseph
Manvel, North Dakota
Nicholson, Gerald
Bowesmont, North Dakota
Obowa, Francis
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Odegaard, Robert
Hickson, North Dakota

Odegaard, Wayne
Crookston, Minnesota
Olson, Sylvia
Euclid, Minnesota
Opdahl, LeRoy
Lockhart, Minnesota
Ostlie, Darryl
Northwood, North Dakota
Overgaard, Paul
Dalton, Minnesota
Pahan, William
Underwood, Minnesota
Paupst, Larry
Emerado, North Dakota
Payne, Phyllis
Dodge Center, Minnesota
Peck, Richard
Euclid, Minnesota
Peck, Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Pedersen, Gary
Grandin, North Dakota
Petersen, Kay
Monango, North Dakota
Peterson, Darryl
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Peterson, Dean
Northwood, North Dakota
Peterson, Douglas
Angle Inlet, Minnesota
Philipp, Ronald
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Rebarchek, Sandra
Graceton, Minnesota
Retzlaff, Roland
Morris, Minnesota
Rice, David
Roseau, Minnesota
Rinerson, Dale
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Rivard, Judy
Argyle, Minnesota
Romfo, Dean
Hannah, North Dakota
Saxman, Jonathan
Georgetown, Minnesota
Saxman, T. Richard
Georgetown, Minnesota
Schneider, Marvin
Wales, North Dakota
Scholl, Dernell
Bagley, Minnesota
Schreiner, John
Reynolds, North Dakota
Sheldon, Richard
Bagley, Minnesota
Shelstad, Harold
Doran, Minnesota
Sikorski, LeRoy
Lancaster, Minnesota
Sivertson, Kenneth
Ulen, Minnesota
Slininger, Dean
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Sondrol, Clifford
Reynolds, North Dakota
Stahn, Dennis
Donnelly, Minnesota
Steer, Charles
Euclid, Minnesota
Stivland, Sidney
Lowry, Minnesota
Swenson, Y. James
Moorhead, Minnesota
Tucker, Larry
Euclid, Minnesota
Vasek, Dennis
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Veitch, Thomas
Gilby, North Dakota
Wagner, Allen
Crookston, Minnesota
Wambach, David
Georgetown, Minnesota
Warren, Charlotte
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Weiland, Ralph Jack

Euclid, Minnesota
Wilkens, Lyle
Crookston, Minnesota
Witzel, Wayne
Langdon, North Dakota
Zurn, Sylvester
Callaway, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1965
Ackerland, Evelyn
Grafton, North Dakota
Anderson, Kenneth L.
Appleton, Minnesota
Arnold, Mary Jean
Angus, Minnesota
Baldwin, Wm. Robert, Jr.
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Banken, Floris, Jr.
Appleton, Minnesota
Banken, Paul, Jr.
Appleton, Minnesota
Barker, Allen
Gardner, North Dakota
Benson, Richard
Moorhead, Minnesota
Berggren, Arden
Hampden, North Dakota
Bienek, Duane
Warren, Minnesota
Bitker, Ernest
Lockhart, Minnesota
Bjerke, Raymond
Ulen, Minnesota
Boucher, Gordon
Crookston, Minnesota
Boushee, Allen
Oslo, Minnesota
Bouton, Curtis
Ulen, Minnesota
Burns, Gary
Grafton, North Dakota
Carlson, Bruce
Lake Lillian, Minnesota
Coauette, Jimmie
Crookston, Minnesota
Deckert, Leslie
Henning, Minnesota
Dewhurst, Rita
Crookston, Minnesota
Dolan, Richard
Grafton, North Dakota
Drees, Kenneth
Reynolds, North Dakota
Edwards, Phyllis
Erskine, Minnesota
Ehlert, Ronald
Foxhome, Minnesota
Erdman, Daniel
Crookston, Minnesota
Evenson, Eldred
Drayton, North Dakota
Felton, David
Longville, Minnesota
Filipi, Aldon
Angus, Minnesota
Grube, Robert
Cavalier, North Dakota
Hermann, Jerome
Georgetown, Minnesota
Hoerner, Robert
Crookston, Minnesota
Isaacson, Marilyn
Tampa, Florida
Johnson, Robert D.
Kempton, North Dakota
Kaml, Anthony
Roseau, Minnesota
Kling, Cheryl Ann
Warroad, Minnesota
Kotrba, Ralph
Angus, Minnesota
Kovar, Darlyne
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Kovar, Edward
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Kramer, Harlyn
Bejou, Minnesota
Kroening, Douglas
Fosston, Minnesota
Lambert, David
Hallock, Minnesota
Larson, Conrad M.
Morris, Minnesota
Larson, Theodore K.
Grafton, North Dakota
Leddige, William
Reynolds, North Dakota
Lee, Carol Diane
Perley, Minnesota
Lee, Dennis
Erskine, Minnesota
Lerud, Lowell
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Lindblad, David
Drayton, North Dakota
Lubinski, Donald
Euclid, Minnesota
Lund, Cheryll
Emerado, North Dakota
McElheney, Janis
Rippey, Iowa
Menke, Ralph
Beltrami, Minnesota
Miller, Eugene M.
McCanna, North Dakota
Minske, Lyndon
Hallock, Minnesota
Mitteness, David Benson, Minnesota
Moe, Mark
Hitterdal, Minnesota
Moe, Matthew
Hitterdal, Minnesota
Moon, Barry
Fairmount, North Dakota
Moyer, Michael
Warroad, Minnesota
Muir, Richard
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Naplin, Wayne
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Nelson, Wayne D.
Grygla, Minnesota
Newton, Rodney
Grygla, Minnesota
Osowki, Ronald
Oslo, Minnesota
Overgaard, Stanley
Dalton, Minnesota
Ovsak, Judy Ann
Euclid, Minnesota
Pahlen, Kenneth
Euclid, Minnesota
Peterson, Allan M.
Niagara, North Dakota
Peterson, Marvin Paul
Lockhart, Minnesota
Rebarchek, Kenneth
Graceton, Minnesota
Roberts, Stephen
Wayzata, Minnesota
Scherzer, Franklin
Callaway, Minnesota
Schouviller, James
Callaway, Minnesota
Sivertson, Lois Mae
Ulen, Minnesota
Sjostrand, Allen
Hallock, Minnesota
Slominski, LeRoy
Minto, North Dakota
Sorenson, Lee A.
Grygla, Minnesota
Steer, Henry R.
Euclid, Minnesota
Tabbut, Wayne
Fer us Falls, Minnesota
Theodore R.
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Torkelson, Ronald L.
Vining, Minnesota
Tweten, Gerald
Reynolds, North Dakota


Vettleson, Ilene
Plummer, Minnesota
Vollmers, Vere D.
Wheaton, Minnesota
Wallace, Daniel A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Weiland, Gregory
Euclid, Minnesota
Wenner, Lyle
Hitterdal, Minnesota
Werk, Donald
Herman, Minnesota
Wilkens, Larry
Crookston, Minnesota
Zins, Ronald
Crookston, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1966
Abel, Courtney
Stephen, Minnesota
Altepeter, Cyrus
Euclid, Minnesota
Altepeter, Gary
Euclid, Minnesota
Amiot, Glenn R.
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Anderson, Carol Ann
Leonard, Minnesota
Arnesen, John L.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Bienek, Dacian
Warren, Minnesota
Bitzer, Ben C.
Williams, Minnesota
Bohnsack, Brian
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Boushee, Terrance
Emerado, North Dakota
Brault, Robert
Crookston, Minnesota
Brogren, Darrell
Ulen, Minnesota
Bye, Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Christensen, Walter N.
Euclid, Minnesota
Christiansen, Steve J.
Williams, Minnesota
Deadrick, Keith
Paynesville, Minnesota
Duden, Kenneth
Euclid, Minnesota
DuRose, W. Edwin
Williston, North Dakota
Evenson, Eugene L.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Field, Gayle Richard
Stephen, Minnesota
Geving, Gerald W.
Ada, Minnesota
Goodyke, Richard N.
Crookston, Minnesota
Gourde, Gene A.
Grafton, North Dakota
Grove, Leon C.
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Harron, James
Crookston, Minnesota
Haverkamp, James
Ogema, Minnesota
Helmstetter, Teresa
Roosevelt, Minnesota
Ingvalson, Jimmy
Crookston, Minnesota
Johnson, DuWayne W.
Foxhome, Minnesota
Johnson, Keith J.
Neche, North Dakota
Kasprick, Daniel
Grafton, North Dakota
Kesler, David
Crookston, Minnesota
Kesler, Dennis
Crookston, Minnesota
Killian, Lawrence
Fosston, Minnesota

King, Walter
Euclid, Minnesota
Klava, Janet
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Kovar, Donald
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Lalli, Gerald
Graceton, Minnesota
Lambert, Stanley
Hallock, Minnesota
Landgraff, David
McIntosh, Minnesota
Lotvola, Elroy
Ogema, Minnesota
Lundberg, Daniel
Kennedy, Minnesota
Lunde, David
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Mikulecky, Todd G.
Ulen, Minnesota
Miller, Earl R.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Miska, DeWayne
Angus, Minnesota
Nelson, Lyle V.
Grygla, Minnesota
Obowa, Anthony
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Odegaard, Gary L.
Hickson, North Dakota
Ollestad Clarence
Clearbrook, Minnesota
Olmstead, Francis
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Pedersen, Wayne L.
Grandin, North Dakota
Peterson, James A.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Petri, Hilary W.
Nekoma, North Dakota
Piker, Richard
Angus, Minnesota
Rebarchek, Kay
Graceton, Minnesota
Rousu, Paul
Callaway, Minnesota
Sanda, Gerald
Northwood, North Dakota
Shaver, Connie
St. Thomas, North Dakota
Sikorski, Marilyn
Lancaster, Minnesota
Smeby, Sanford
Winger, Minnesota
Steer, William C.
Euclid, Minnesota
Stierlen, Judy Ann
Graceton, Minnesota
Strande, Earl W.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Stromstad, Bruce W.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Vettleson, Lawrence
Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Wallace, James
Euclid, Minnesota
Weiland, Henry
Euclid, Minnesota
Weiland, Robert
Euclid, Minnesota
Weiss, Gary
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Winter, Jerome R.
Morris, Minnesota
Landby, Norman G. (In Absentia)
Swift, Minnesota
CLASS O F 1967
Adams, Larry
Reynolds, North Dakota
Amundson, Lowell
Erskine, Minnesota
Banken, Thomas
Appleton, Minnesota
Battles, Richard
Warroad, Minnesota

Bitker, Kelly
Ada, Minnesota
Cerkowniak, Donald
Lake Bronson, Minnesota
Chandler, James
Euclid, Minnesota
Chapman, Mikal
Casselberry, Florida
Christianson, Harvey
Halstad, Minnesota
Dahlman, Dean
Warren, Minnesota
Dahlsad, Geraldine
Borup, Minnesota
Dassinger, Phillip
Ogema, Minnesota
Deal, Lynn
Doran, Minnesota
Degelder, Oscar
Joliette, North Dakota
Dolan, Francis
Grafton, North Dakota
Driscoll, Caroline
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Fehr, Robert
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Fitzgerald, John
Hancock, Minnesota
Foss, Marvin
Grygla, Minnesota
Friederichs, Thomas
Breckenridge, Minnesota
Fuder, Wayne
Foxhome, Minnesota
Fuller, Keith
Gentilly, Minnesota
Germolus, Earl
Borup, Minnesota
Good, Patricia
Trail, Minnesota
Goodyke, Ronald
Euclid, Minnesota
Green, Dennis
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Grega, Thomas
Angus, Minnesota
Habeck, Dennis
Ada, Minnesota
Halgrimson, Marloye
Ada, Minnesota
Hertwig, Jerome
Blanchard, North Dakota
Jallen, Gordon
Trail, Minnesota
King, Ronald
Euclid, Minnesota
Kotrba, Robert
Angus, Minnesota
Lambert, Neil
Hallock, Minnesota
Landgraff, Frederick
McIntosh, Minnesota
Lee, Loren
Perley, Minnesota
Lee, Warren
Hendrum, Minnesota
Lubinski, Lyle
Euclid, Minnesota
Luchau, LeRoy
Ada, Minnesota
Lunning, Michael
Dalton, Minnesota
Marquardt, Robert
Rot Rothsay Minnesota
Medrano, Silvia
Guatemala, Central America
Mendez, Ruben
Crookston, Minnesota
Miller, Dorothy
Leonard, Minnesota
Miller, Robert
Ada, Minnesota
Mooney, John
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Neisen, William
Waubun, Minnesota

Nelson, Bruce Q.
Goodridge, Minnesota
Niemi, Kenneth
Callaway, Minnesota
Nordick, Gerald
Rothsay, Minnesota
Novak, John
Angus, Minnesota
Novotny, Peter
Borup, Minnesota
Odegaard, Lyle
Crookston, Minnesota
OGorman, James
Moorhead, Minnesota
Olek, Darlene
Felton, Minnesota
Olson, Gerald
Goodridge, Minnesota
Overgaard, Earl
Crookston, Minnesota
Overton, Doris
Stephen, Minnesota
Pederson, Paul
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Peterson, Gordon
Niagara, North Dakota
Petri, Lloyd
Nekorna, North Dakota
Porter, Nancy
Grandin, North Dakota
Pretts, Robert
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Rebarchek, Sharon
Graceton, Minnesota
Rebarchek, Terry
Graceton, Minnesota
Renner, James
Felton, Minnesota
Renslen, Kerry
Crookston, Minnesota

Retzlaff, Linda
Morris, Minnesota
Rieppel, Dale
Appleton, Minnesota
Rindahl, Dwight
Barnesville, Minnesota
Rivard, Royal
Oslo, Minnesota
Rocholl, Gary
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Schumacher, Robert
Reynolds, North Dakota
Sewell, Larry
Euclid, Minnesota
Shelstad, Paul
Doran, Minnesota
Sikorski, Karen
Lancaster, Minnesota
Smedsmo, James
Roseau, Minnesota
Stengl, Richard
Angus, Minnesota
Strom, Lavern
Grygla, Minnesota
Struthers, Glenn
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota
Thompson, Roger
Kensington, Minnesota
Tiedeman, Gene
Euclid, Minnesota
Trontvedt, Larry
Grygla, Minnesota
Vasek, Kathryn
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Weber, William
Reynolds, North Dakota
Weiland, Edward
Euclid, Minnesota
Avelsgaard, John
Crookston, Minnesota


Bertsch, Randolph
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Bohnsack, David
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Boman, Steve C.
Twin Valley, Minnesota
Bouton, Steven D.
Ulen, Minnesota
Chisholm, Donald D.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Claerbout, David J.
Warren, Minnesota
Erickson, A. Terry
Roseau, Minnesota
Gabrielson, Julie
Ada, Minnesota
Gatheridge, James
Humboldt, Minnesota
Good, Karen E.
Trail, Minnesota
Goodyke, Dennis A.
Crookston, Minnesota
Haarstad, Duane H.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Hills, Michael D.
Bowesmont, North Dakota
Hingst, Donald F.
Crosby, North Dakota
Ingvalson, Orville L.
Crookston, Minnesota
Jacobson, Keith
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Johnson, Gailan
Waskish, Minnesota
Jung, William
Crookston, Minnesota
Kliner, Robert
Warren, Minnesota
Kovar, Elaine M.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Lalli, DeAnn M.
Graceton. Minnesota

Lewis, Gail
Perham, Minnesota
Malakowski, Paul L.
Lockhart, Minnesota
Marquardt, Ronald L.
Rothsay, Minnesota
Martell, Richard P.
Oklee, Minnesota
Miller, Patricia A.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Nelson, Barbara J.
Grygla, Minnesota
Nelson, Larry John
Grafton, North Dakota
Nephew, Daniel R.
Crookston, Minnesota
Osowski, Orrin T.
Oslo, Minnesota
Paul, Theodore J.
Crookston, Minnesota
Redmann, Earl A.
Crystal, North Dakota
Rivard, Larry J.
Oslo, Minnesota
Schreiber, Lawrence
Foxhome, Minnesota
Shimpa, Allan A.
Euclid, Minnesota
Sikorski, Richard
Lancaster, Minnesota
Steiner, Charles
Foxhome, Minnesota
Swanson, Paul W.
Euclid, Minnesota
Webster, Gary A.
St. Vincent, Minnesota
Weng, Robert J.
Hillsboro, North Dakota
Zurn, Gordon A.
Callaway, Minnesota
Zurn, William L.
Callaway, Minnesota

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