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Installation,Configuration & Workflow

Prepared By : Vikas Singh

What is TestLink

1.A test case management and execution tracking system built using PHP, MySQL, and several other open source tools
2.Helps streamline the software development process
3.Enables quality assurance teams to create and manage their test cases and organize them into test plans
4.These test plans allow team members to execute test cases and track test results dynamically

Why TestLink

1.Provides Collaboration with PM, QA, and Dev

PM: Clarifies Spec and requirement to Dev and QA
Dev: Checkin Test and feature readiness
QA: Delivers test coverage and quality report
2.Provides Metrics of a project status
3.Provides the integration with Bug Tracking System(ITS)
Installation & Configuration
1.Install Xampp ( Download from
Or \\Fp-del1-1\software\Free Software\Uncategorized\WAMP)
2.Download Teslink package from
3.Extract the Teslink package folder and copy Teslink folder in xampp\htdocs\testlink
4.Now open the browser and type http://localhost/testlink/install/index.php
5.Configure it by providing require information like user and password
6. MySQL: User=root, Password: (Means no password!)
7.Teslink: User = Admin, Password = admin

Integrating Jira/Bugzilla with Testlink

1. Edit in teslink directory
/** Bug tracking include */
$g_bugInterfaceOn = True;
$g_bugInterface = null;
if ($g_interface_bugs != 'NO')
require_once(TL_ABS_PATH . 'lib/bugtracking/int_bugtracking.php');
2. Edit jira.cfg.php in testlink\cfg
Define ('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', '');
Define ('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', 'jiradb');
Define ('BUG_TRACK_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
Define ('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', 'root');
Define ('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', 'root');
Define ('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "");
3.Edit int_bugtracking.php in testlink\lib\bugtracking\
Add the line $g_bugInterfaceOn = True; on line 339 in if block.

Configuring SMTP for sending Reports

Open and from test link folder
$g_tl_admin_email = ''; # for problem/error notification
$g_from_email = ''; # email sender
$g_return_path_email = 'no_replay@';
// SMTP Configuration
$g_smtp_host = ''; # SMTP server MUST BE configured
The End

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