Sie sind auf Seite 1von 7

what are you looking for

in a quality self - h e lp book

fo r c reative people ?


what about insig htfu l qu estions

to h e lp you find out

what you want from you r life?

dave eggers?
marian bantjes?
tim carvell?

doug chiang?

w hat youd like to let g O ?

ze frank?

who youd like to be?

jiL greenberg?
peter hannan?

what else do you want?

martha rich?
you rea lize that I want you to
w rite a ll ove r this book, right?
w hos publish ing th is

you also realize that you ll h ave to

buy th e book f i rst, rig ht?

are you more one for reading books online?

Maybe a book with

a c atc hy tit le s u c h as

armin vit?

lynda weinman ?

doyald young?
and w hat about th ese people , w hose names
are smalle r only because its a pocket book

and th e res rea lly not th at m u c h ro o m

to wo rk w ith ?

Debbie Millm an?

sean adams?

ric k Mo r ris?

j ed a lge r?

Seth Morris?

Ken Carb on e ?
Deann e C h e u k?
russell M . davies?

karen fow le r?
j ona F rank?

US $14.99 Canada $15.99

ISBN-13: 978-0-321-73300-9

w w w . 3 44 qu estion s . com

and how to g et it?

j.j. sedelmaier?

David No rl an d?
m e redith s cardino?
Lara Tom lin ?
Jako b Trollbc k?
Ric k Va lic enti?
Esth e r pearl Watson ?
Jan Wilke r?
pretty good line -up, right?

book s h e lf category: g ra p hic design

W hat abo ut a b o o k o f
qu e stio n s to h e lp yo u f i n d o u t
w h at yo u r e a l ly w a n t ?

stefan sagmeister?

stanley hainsworth ?

w w w .n e w ride rs .c0 m

o f b oo ks that o ffe r
c o m p l i c at e d a n s w e r s ?


Arem D up lessis?

oh, you d like to know

book, wou ld you now?

are yo u even mo re ti red

780321 733009

Can you believe th at price?

5 1 4 9 9

th e c reative pe rson s d o - it - you rse lf g uide

to insig ht, s u rviva l, and a rtistic fu lfillm ent

christoph niemann?

are you ti red

o f books that o ffe r
e a sy a n s w e r s ?

in th e book sto re ?

o r s i m p ly wo n d e ri n g
i f yo u c o u ld b e d oi n g
s o m e th i n g d i f f e re nt ?

are you ready to be dazzled by celebrity?

dave stewart?

i n l i fe ?

s u rfing t h e w e b ?

expe rt ly u se d
n e g ativ e spac e ?

what youd like to ac hi ev e ?

and h ow you can m ake that happen?

are you searching?

wh at about smart, funny, and

personal questions by brilliant
w rite rs , a rtists , a nd m u sici ans?

the warm glow of cama rade rie ?

are you a c re ati v e p e rs o n ?

wh at about smart, funny, and personal questions

courtesy of designer and daily MOnster creator

ste fan g. b u ch e r?

what i f it was w ritte n an d i llu str at e d by

what i f we added excellent

questions by some

a m az ing c reativ e g e n i us e s

wo uld yo u enj oy th at?

to s w eeten th e dea l?


w hat i f w e a d de d

judd apatow?
paTon oswalt?

1,828 op po rtun ities tota l

to gain p e rs o n a l i n si ght?

would you prefer one of th e se co lo rs for th e cover?

Or how about

wayne coyne?
W hy not lo o k i n s ide ?

an d easily

3O m0 re?

344 Questions: The Creative Persons Do-It-Yourself Guide

to Insight, Survival, and Artistic Fulfillment

Stefan G. Bucher

New Riders Find us on the Web at:
1249 Eighth Street
B erkeley, CA 94710 To report errors, please

send a note to
5 10/524-2221 (fax)
errata @
New Riders is an imprint of Peachpit,

a division of Pearson Education.


2012 by Stefan G. Bucher

Acquisitions Editor Nikki Echler McDonald

Production Editor Tracey Croom

Stefan G. Bucher for
Timothy Moraitis for
Notice of Rights

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. For information on getting permission
for reprints and excerpts, contact permissions @

Notice of Liability The information in this book is distributed on an As Is basis without

warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation

of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit shall have any liability

to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused

or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions

contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware

products described in it.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers

to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks.

Where those designations appear in this book, and Peachpit

was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear

as requested by the owner of the trademark. All other product

names and services identified throughout this book are used

in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies

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or other affiliation with this book.

ISBN 13 978-0-321-73300-9
ISBN 10 0-321-73300-2


Printed and bound in China.

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Just write whatever comes to your mind.

Or draw it, if you like.

Im asking about your life goals and such, but if you

crave a sandwich, certainly jot that down, too.
Its your book, and you can use it any way you like.

what do

you want?
Go ahead! I wont judge. Nor will the book.
Its printed on judgement-free paper.

Do you have secret desires you dont want

anybody to know about? Why dont
you write them here, really small, and then
black them out with a Sh arpie later on?
(Itll still help to write this stuff down.)

OK. The really, really TOP SECRET DESIRE?.

Wanna write that one here? If blacking it out.
isnt safe enough, you can just tear off this corner
of the page and eat it when youre done.

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