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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder popular para la Educacin Universitaria

Colegio Universitario de Caracas
Trayecto I
Trimestre 2 Seccin 1


Doris Agro
C.I 22916419
Caracas, 25 de Junio de 2015

Activos Fijos -fixed assets : A fixed asset is an asset of a company,

whether tangible or intangible, which can not become liquid short-term and are
usually necessary for the operation of the business and not intended for sale.
Balance de Comprobacion- Trial Balance: It is a document by which it is
found that Daybook seats are correctly passed to the Ledger.
Balance General- balance Sheet: is a financial accounting report reflecting
the economic and financial situation of a company at a given time.
Caja- cash: account where tickets cash or by check or cash as representative
values are recorded, and also outflows of cash or checks. It aims to sort the
entries and exits of money
Capital: The equity is the right of owners on net assets arising from
contributions from the owners, from transactions and other events or
circumstances that affect an entity, which is exercised through redemption or
Compras purchase: (Asset) is the acquisition of a fixed asset for which a
payment obligation arises. Purchases of fixed assets are made using the
procedure laid down with regard to the Investment Authorization Requests
Costo de ventas - Cost of sales: is the cost incurred to sell an asset, or to
provide a service. It is the value that has been incurred to produce or
purchase an asset that is sold.
Cuentas por cobrar- Accounts receivable: An asset, a promise to receive
cash from customers to whom the business has sold them goods or service
provided, documented in writing by an outgoing invoice.

Cuentas por pagar- Debts to pay: is any contribution of a debtor, which

appears as a result of a purchase of goods or services on credit terms, to a
creditor party.
Descuento en compras - Discount Shopping: The reduction in the cost of
inventories provided by the vendor and the customer incentive to pay quickly.
It is against shopping account.
Devolucion en ventas- Back in sales. Decrease in the debt of the buyer to
return goods to the seller or to receive a discount of the same amount you
owe. It is against shopping account.
Edificio- building: It is an account that represents an asset for the company
Efectos por pagar- Notes payable: The rights of the entity as a result of
obligations by third parties for purchases, services, estate sales, rental
property, granting operating licenses or goods of any nature or similar
activities. It also includes payments or in excess of taxes and contributions.
They are generated at the time that the facts that originate and are canceled
when the payment according to the agreed contract terms occurs are made.

Ganancias y perdidas - Gains and losses: A temporary account "storage" in

which revenues and expenses before final transfer to the capital account is
Gastos de impuestos - tax expenses: are expenses that the company has in
tax matters
Gastos por depreciacin- depreciation expense:
Gastos prepagados- prepaid expenses: depreciation expenses are periodic
savings that a company is doing so at the end of life of an asset, the company
has a savings to renew the asset (buy one later)
Gastos por sueldo - Salary expenses: It represents the payment of wages

Hipoteca por pagar-Mortgage payable: The long-term liabilities is

represented by the debts due to expire after one year (1), or normal cycle of
operations is the greater.
Inventario de mercanca final- End inventory of merchandise: is the ratio
of stocks at the end of an accounting period.
Inventario de mercanca inicial- initial inventory of goods: It is the most
detailed and comprehensive account of stocks of goods have a company to
start up, after making a physical count.
Maquinaria y equipos- machinery and equipment: Are all furniture and
equipment belonging to the company; including: furniture, desks, files,
shelves, cabinets, desks, chairs, tables, overhead projectors,
photocopiers, etc.
Pasivos- liabilities: It represents the duties and obligations of the company
Presupuesto- budget: Is a forecast of future economic activities that the
company will regularly
Perdida neta- net loss: Accounting procedure used when an asset is
determined as uncollectible and therefore is regarded as a loss.
Retiro personal- personal retreat: It represents the money that a business
owner is taken from the company for personal use
Rebajas en compras- Discounts on purchases: This account records the
increases and decreases arising from the bonuses on the cost price of goods
purchased grant suppliers to the company.
Rebajas en ventas- Reductions in sales : reductions, rebates or discounts
applied on prices.
Terreno- ground :They are all land or lots available to the company and that
you own.
Utiidades no distribuidas - Utiidades undistributed: Retained earnings refer
to the portion of dividends not distributed among partners or shareholders.

Ventas sales: Delivery is an asset to another entity creating a receivable

and consequently change of ownership. In such cases the pattern of movement
must be supported by an invoice, with permission of the authorizing official
for it at the top level match, where conditions and payment are specified.

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