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Darlington Morti

Period 5

911 essay
On September 11, 2001, a group of terrorist
attacked the World Trade Center. As a result of this,
many lives were lost and many people were injured.
This was an unexpected event, the terrorist hi-jacked
two commercial planes and directly flew the planes
into the World Trade Center not only did the people in
the buildings get hurt or die bystanders were affected
too even the first responders were either killed or hurt
or got sick because of the smoke from the planes an
burning buildings, The federal government should
have compensate the victims of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center. The leader of the
terrorist group Al Qaeda
Was Osama Bin Laden, he was the one that gave
orders, he believed that Iraq and the United States
was at war and he took it upon himself to end the war,
he had issued two documents declaring war on the
United States, one in 1996 and another in 1998. Non of
the earlier acts of

Terrorism was in the United States. Although

the U.S had hints of Al Qaeda's interest in
using aircraft as a weapon in the mid-1990s,
they never acted on it. At 7 p.m., President
George W. Bush who had spent the day
moving around the country because of
security concerns, had returned to the White
House. At 9 p.m., he delivered a televised an
address from the Oval Office, declaring,
Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations
of our biggest buildings, but they cannot
touch the foundation of America. These acts
shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel
of American resolve. In a reference to the
eventual U.S. military response he declared,
We will make no distinction between the
terrorists who committed these acts and
those who harbor them. After all this had
occurred the government and U.S security
were very alert and ready for anything. But
then the recovery process for the citizen of
the united states was not easy, I would say it
took a very long time for people to be at
peace or have sound sleep or even for them
to know that they could go to sleep and
without another terrorist attack. Amateur
radio played a role in the rescue and clean-up

efforts on 9/11/01, an immediate aftermath

at the World Trade Center site involved
ironworkers, structural engineers, heavy
machinery operators, asbestos workers,
boilermakers, carpenters, cement masons,
construction managers, electricians,
insulation workers, machinists, plumbers and
pipefitters, riggers, sheet metal workers,
steelworkers, truckers and teamsters,
American Red Cross volunteers, and many
others. There concerns about the hazards
and stuff the major hazard was the diesel
fuel tank that was buried seven stories
below. Around 2,000 automobiles that had
been in the parking garage also presented a
risk, with each containing, on average, at
least five gallons of gasoline. George W. Bush
had important business to attend to on
September 11th, reading a book, The Pet
Goat, with second-graders in Emma T. Booker
Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida.
Before he entered the classroom around
9:02 AM he was aware of the crash of Flight
11 into the North Tower. Later he said And I
was sitting outside the classroom waiting to
go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly

myself, and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot.'

And I said, 'It must have been a horrible
accident.' But I was whisked off there -- I
didn't have much time to think about it."
Later at 9:06, as Bush sat in front of the class
getting ready to read, one of his men
approached him whispered something into
his ear, he told Bush that a second plane had
hit the towers. The Al Qaeda leader was not
heard from for a while he was hiding in a
cave and he had his army of loyal solders
protect him. He had hidden for about a
couple of years until President Obama came
into power and sent a military group to find
the Al Qaeda group and locate Osama bin
laden and kill him. Which was very successful
they were able to find him and locate him
and kill him.

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