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Design Rules for Aperiodic Boost Converters

Oliver Woywode, Henry Güldner, Alexander L. Baranovski*, Wolfgang Schwarz*

Elektrotechnisches Institut
Institut für Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik*
Technische Universität Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Phone: ++49351463 4087; E-Mail:

Abstract of these systems may be investigated by using their

embedded discrete return maps. These maps may
The paper deals with a current programmed boost possess an invariant density. This density is crucial
converter. The PWM boost converter may oper- for the dynamics of the converter and may be cal-
ate aperiodically (chaotically) while maintaining culated by means of a statistical analysis [1, 2, 6].
continuous-conduction mode. Simple analytical ex- Statistical analysis has been regarded as a feasi-
pressions for the inductor current ripple and the ble tool in Power Electronics [1, 5, 6, 7]. This paper
capacitor voltage ripple are presented. The expres- derives design rules based on statistical analysis for
sions are valid for both periodic and aperiodic oper- a chaotic boost converter. The expressions may be
ation mode. Conservation of the inductor's stored used for selecting appropriate capacitor and induc-
energy in both type of operations is compared. tor values for a desired ripple. Trade-os between
A trade-o between periodic and aperiodic opera- periodic and aperiodic behavior of a DC-DC con-
tion is proposed. Impacts on semiconductor device verter are suggested.
stress and on meeting electromagnetic interference The paper is organized as follows: In Section II
issues are suggested. the boost converter used throughout this paper is
introduced and its embedded return map is de-
I Introduction rived. Section III and Section IV analyze the induc-
tor current and the capacitor voltage ripple, respec-
Aperiodic operation of DC-DC converters has re- tively. Section V deals with the energy conservation
cently attracted some attention [2, 4, 8]. Random- of the inductor.
ized or chaotic modulation schemes that cause this
type of operation are able to reduce the peaks of
the switching harmonics. This is important since II Boost Converter
all electrical and electronic devices in the Euro-
pean Community have to meet strong electromag- Fig. 1 shows the current programmed PWM boost
netic interference (EMI) requirements. The spec- converter used to verify the analytical results. The
ied EMI regulations actually favour broadband primary control variable is the reference current
spectra over sequences of peak harmonics. The Ir . By changing this parameter while keeping the
idea of operating DC-DC converters chaotically load resistance constant i. e., changing the conver-
was proposed since spectral spreading comes nat- sion voltage ratio, the converter may operate chaot-
urally with chaos [3]. Lower spectral peaks reduce ically. Chaotic behavior is typical for DC-DC con-
lter eorts. No additional circuitry is needed. The verters under current-mode control for a duty cycle
advantage with respect to size and cost is evident. larger than one half. Traditionally, this behavior
The control implementation is at least as simple as has been regarded as unstable. It was consequently
in the periodic case. Actually, in the case of a cur- prevented by a stabilizing ramp in the inner current
rent programmed boost converter it is even simpler loop. This paper omits the ramp in the analysis and
as the stabilizing ramp does not need to be imple- in the practical design.
mented. Practically, the reference variable is adjusted by
DC-DC converters belong to the class of contin- a voltage feedback loop. As the dynamic of this
uous systems with discrete control. The dynamics feedback is slow compared to the frequency of
L D i(t)

S C Vo R Ir

In In+1
Ir , R S clock

Figure 1: Boost converter. [R] = 92

, [Vi ] = 10 V, tn tn

[T ] = 100 s, [L] = 1 mH, [C ] = 0:32 mF. t

the switching process, Ir will be assumed constant 2n 2n+1 2(n+1)

throughout this paper. As long as the switch is Figure 2: Waveform of boost's input current in
closed the inductor current i(t) increases linearly continuous-conduction mode.
until it reaches Ir . All clock pulses are ignored dur-
ing this time. The switch opens and the current de-
creases until the next clock pulse causes the switch
to close. The Rényi Map has an invariant density which may
Assuming a constant output voltage the input be calculated using the Frobenius-Perron-Operator
current is given by [1]. This density is crucial as it determines the evo-
( lution of the inductor current samples In via the
I n + c1 (t , 2n ) 2n < t < 2n+1 ; map. All relevant properties of the current may
i(t) =
Ir + c2 (t , 2n+1 ) 2n+1 < t < 2(n+1) ; be expressed with respect to the embedded return
(1) map. The boost converter operates chaotically for
all larger than one [1].
where the slopes c1 and c2 are
c1 = VLi ; c2 = Vi ,L Vo : (2) III Inductor Current Ripple
The current waveform is depicted in Fig. 2 indicat- According to Fig. 2 and (3) the peak-to-peak in-
ing continuous-conduction mode. Using the follow- ductor current ripple for the aperiodic case may be
ing relations illustrated in Fig. 2 dened during any on-interval tn as
tn = Txn; In = Ir , c1 tn ; (3) in = Ir , In = c1 tn = c1 Txn: (7)
tn = T (1 , xn mod 1) ; In+1 = Ir + c2 tn ; (4)
0 0

Obviosly, the current ripple changes chaotically

the one-dimensional discrete return map embedded with In and therefore with xn as well. In order
in the dynamical system may be derived as to select an appropriate inductor value the math-
xn+1 = g (xn ) = (1 , xn mod 1) : (5) ematical expectation E () of in is used to obtain
the mean ripple ic
The map approximates the dynamics of the con-
verter suciently. This result has already been re- ic = E (in ) = c1 T E (xn ) = c1 Tm1( )
ported in [1, 2]. g(xn ) is the Rényi Map. is the (8)
bifurcation parameter. It denes the input-output  21 c1 T :
voltage ratio
The statistics of xn are known [1]. m1 ( ) is the
= VVo , 1: (6) rst moment of the map (5). As shown in [1], the
i moments of the map may be calculated analytically
for integer The peak-to-peak inductor current ripple for the
periodic case may be expressed using the duty cycle
mk ( ) = E xkn = k + 1 ; k = 1; 2 : : : : (9) d
,  k

Accordingly, the rst moment is: m1 ( ) = =2. As ip = c1 Td = c1 T 1 + : (12)

illustrated in Fig. 3, (9) yields also a good approx- The duty cycle has been written in terms of in the
imation for all larger than the golden mean 0 last term of the right hand side in order to ease the
p comparison with (8). Substituting =2 for m1 ( )
0 = 2 5  1:618:
1 + (10) in (8) and comparing with (12), it is apparent that
Fig. 3 compares the exact numerical computation 8 > 1 : ic > ip as 2 > 1 + : (13)
Therefore the current ripple in the chaotic case is
m1 ( ) larger than in the periodic case. In fact, the upper
=2 limit Ir in the chaotic case is permanently larger
1.5 than Ir from the periodic case. While the expecta-
tion of the lower limit E (In ) is smaller than its peri-
m1 ( )

odic counterpart. Fig. 4 compares the ripple values


=(1 + )
1.5 peri
1 2 3 4


Figure 3: Comparison of m1 ( ) and =2. 1

of m1 ( ) and the integer solution of (9). For  0

all points within the interval (0; ) of the bifurca- 0.5
tion diagram are visited upon iteration [1]. This is 1 2

3 4

the underlying reason that (9) provides a good ap-

proximation for arbitrary larger than the golden
mean. Figure 4: Comparison of calculated (dashed and
According to Fig. 2 the peak-to-peak inductor dotted line) and measured (plus and star) peak-
current ripple may also be dened for any o- to-peak current ripple for aperiodic and periodic
interval tn as 0 operation.

in = Ir , In+1 = ,c2 tn = ,c2 T E (xn+1 )


(11) from the analytical expressions and from measure-

= c1 Tm1( ): ments for the periodic and the aperiodic case. The
agreement between the theoretical expressions in
This coincides with (8). The input-output voltage (8) and (12) and measurements for each case is
ratio for a certain application denes , thus m1 ( ) satisfactory. The only remarkable discrepancy oc-
is xed. From (8) or (11) the inductance L may curs for small . This is because for smaller than
then be chosen to meet a desired mean ripple. the golden mean the approximation m1 ( )  =2
In order to compare (8) with the periodic ripple is rather crude.
a signal generator was directly connected to the A practical note regarding the measurements: It
active switch. Thus, there is no feedback and hence is dicult to measure the expectation value of In
no chaos. The duty cycle has been adjusted such precisely. The digital oscilloscope used 30 samples
as to produce the same output voltage as in the of In to compute E (In ). This procedure showed
aperiodic case. good agreement with the approximate theoretical
value Ir , c1 T =2 except for small where the 0.4

same argument as above applies. The measured rip-

ple indicated by a plus sign in Fig. 4 is the dier- (1 + ) =2

ence between the measured Ir and the 30-sample- 0.3
average of In . peri
A larger current ripple may not be desirable at

rst sight. There are advantages, however. Our 0.2

measurements indicate that the lower value of

E (In ) causes a signicant reduction of the diode's
maximum repetitive reverse current. This in turn 0.1

eases the stress on the active switch during com-

mutation. It further improves the electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) as the voltage peak caused 0
1 2 3 4

by the reverse recovery process of the diode is re-

duced. This comes as an additional benet to the
already improved EMC of chaotic converters due Figure 5: Comparison of calculated (dashed and
to the reduced spectral peaks [1, 3]. dotted line) and measured (plus and star) peak-
Due to the larger chaotic ripple the active switch to-peak voltage ripple for aperiodic and periodic
has to turn o higher currents. This may be accept- operation.
able as the converter runs slower and switching oc-
curs less frequently. On the other hand the current
ripple in (8) can be reduced by increasing the clock The same discussion as for the current ripple ap-
frequency, thereby reducing T . This may not im- plies here as well. The voltage ripple in the chaotic
pose signicantly more stress on the active switch case is larger than in the periodic one. This may be
as the chaotic mode slows down the converter any- an intuitive result as well. Aperiodic operation in-
way. troduces all frequency components. Specically the
low frequency components will not be removed by
IV Capacitor Voltage Ripple the capacitor to a certain extent. They show up at
the output and increase the ripple. Increasing the
In analogy to the current ripple the capacitor peak- capacitance reduces the voltage ripple easily. As for
to-peak voltage ripple for the chaotic case may be the current ripple increasing the clock frequency is
expressed during any on-interval tn by another viable option.
Vo E (t ) = Vo Tm ( ): (14)
vc = E (vn ) = CR n
CR 1 V Inductor Energy Balance
Substituting (6) for Vo and =2 for m1 ( ) in (14) The energy stored in the inductor during any on-
leads to interval is
vc  CR (1 + ) 2 : (15) Ztn
Wn = Vi (In + c1 t) dt

For the periodic case the capacitor voltage ripple 0 (17)

may be dened as 1
= Vi T Ir xn , 2 c1 Tx2n :
V V oT V
vp = CR Td = CR 1 + = CR : (16)
o iT

The expectation of Wn+ matters

In the aperiodic case the voltage ripple depends
quadratically on while there is a linear depen- Wc = E (Wn+ )
dence in the periodic case. Fig. 5 compares the 1 m2 ( ) c T
= Vi Tm1 ( ) Ir , (18)
measured chaotic voltage ripple with (15). The de- 2 m1 ( ) 1

viation, most notably in the aperiodic case, is due = Vi Tm1( )E [i(t)] :

to neglecting of all parasitic eects (such as copper
losses of the inductance) in the statistical analysis. The right-hand equality in (18) has been shown in
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VI Conclusion [6] J. L. Rodríguez Marrero, J. M. Font, and G. C.
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Contrary to a widespread belief the analysis em-
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that design criteria can rely on. The analytical ex- [8] G. Yuan, S. Banerjee, E. Ott, and J. A.
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As it ought to be: energy conservation applies tems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,
as well. The chaotic operation needs more energy, 45(7):707715, July 1998.
however. This may compromise possible cost re-
duction due to less lter eorts.

The authors gratefully acknowledge Hajo Sgam-
lin's assistance with experimental setup and mea-

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