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Alexis Manning
243 N Whitewater Park Blvd
Apt N201
Boise, Idaho 83702


COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : July 10, 2015
PROGRAMS : Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
DESCRIPTION : This is a brochure created by using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
OBJECTIVES : The objective of the brochure project was to bring together all of the design

principles and knowledge of Adobe design softwares that have been taught throughout this
semester into one project to demonstrate the students abilities.

PROCESS : When I read the instructions for this brochure project, my mind immediately thought
of the experience I had living on the tundra with my husband, JP. I began scrolling through my
images and found a few that I thought would be great for the brochure. I pulled the images
up in Photoshop and edited them. I then went to Pinterest for some outdoor travel inspiration.
Thats when I decided that I wanted to use an offset where I could place words that would be
read vertically. I sketched out the layout for both the inside and outside of the design. I used the
inspiration of glass floats (balls from Japan that were used in fishing nets) for my design. We
found these floats all over the beaches after big storms. It was quite magical, and I wanted to
create that same feeling on the brochure.




COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : June 14, 2015
PROGRAMS : Illustrator, InDesign
DESCRIPTION : This is a stationary project where a business card is design for a
specific company.

OBJECTIVES : The objective of this project was to learn how to create a logo and design a
business card for a specific company and the companys brand.

PROCESS : I really wanted to use a cute fruit for this project. I decided on a strawberry because
I have been absolutely craving them as of late. I used a clip-art to trace with the pen tool in
Illustrator. After designing my brand-mark, I played around with a few fonts. With the help of
others, I was able to find two playful fonts that went perfectly with my strawberry. I chose a
pale pink background to really give the strawberry a youthful feel.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : June 14, 2015
PROGRAMS : Illustrator, InDesign
DESCRIPTION : This is a stationary project that focuses on creating a letterhead to go along
with a matching business card.

OBJECTIVES : Create a logo that applies to a letterhead and business card. The business
card and letterhead should have unity.

PROCESS : I used the design of my business card to inspire my design for the

letterhead portion of the stationary. The biggest challenge was the strawberry.
At first, I was unsure where to place the strawberry. After much critique, I placed
the strawberry on the right portion of the letterhead. I also incorporated the vine,
like design found on the business card on the letterhead design. I used the same
fonts and font colors on both the letter head and business cards to create unity.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : May 23, 2015
PROGRAMS : Photoshop
DESCRIPTION : This is a photo design project that shows a skill set using Photoshop and
choosing color schemes.

OBJECTIVES : The objective for the imaging project was to create a design using an

image that used a specific color scheme that would be used throughout the rest of the

PROCESS : I searched the house for objects that I found interesting. I loved the color of

the teal sand in my sisters hourglass. I brought it to the window to use a lot of natural
indoor light. In order to create an analogous color scheme, I put the hourglass in front of a
group of trees that sat outside of the window. The trees gave nice green and lime hues to
the image helping me to create my desired color scheme. After I had shot what I felt was
a good photo, I edited and designed the project using Adobe Photoshop. I used the one
third rule to divide the image and design elements in order to create a visual hierarchy
and visual appeal. I used an Old Style Serif for my quote to create a timeless feel, since I
used a quote talking about time. I then contrasted that font with a sans serif to describe
the color scheme. I used right alignment for the quote and left alignment for my color
scheme words to help create a balance.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : June 6, 2015
PROGRAMS : Illustrator

DESCRIPTION : This is a logo project designed in Illustrator.

OBJECTIVES : The objective of the logo project was to learn how to use Illustrators
tools to design a logo for a specific company.

PROCESS : I originally started with three logos. This one was inspired by using the

actual shape of a camera. I wasnt sure where to place the camera body, and then I
decided the o could be a camera lens. I continued to build the body around the lens.
I played around with different fonts until I found the typeface that I felt portrayed the
message the best. I created three different logos: the logo with my color scheme, logo
with gray scale color scheme, and a logo using white with a colored background.





COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : June 26, 2015
PROGRAMS : Text Wrangler, Illustrator
DESCRIPTION : This is a web page project that was created using HTML and CSS
stylesheets as well as logo designs created in Adobe Illustrator.

OBJECTIVES : The objective of the webpage project was to learn how to use coding
to build a website and style it using CSS.

PROCESS : This project was definitely more time consuming than any project that I

have created in Comm 130. I had to design the webpage by creating code for html and
css stylesheet pages. I used the monochromatic color scheme from my logo throughout
the website design. I decided to place a patterned effect on the html background and
keep the body background white so that the body copy would be legible. After getting
all of my elements assigned in html, I styled them CSS. After additional critique, I
changed even more of my elements. I styled the listed bullets to squares, changed html
background to a patterned pink (I did this through Illustrator), added more padding
around the words, Your Photographer, and gave my logo more white space through
Adobe Illustrator. This project was fun because I was able to use almost all of the
design principles and software programs that we have learned in this class.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : May 16, 2015
PROGRAMS : Microsoft Word
DESCRIPTION : This is an ad that advertises a charity to help the people of Nepal. It
was created in Word Processor only.

OBJECTIVES : The objective of the ad project was to learn how to use the tools in
Microsoft Word only to create a design for an ad.

PROCESS : I first started this project by searching for images and photos at my

house. I was getting nervous because my mom just d-junked all of the magazines.
However, we had a New Era lying around, and that is where I found my image.
When I saw it, I immediately thought of rebuilding the lives for the people in Nepal
whose homes were torn apart. My next thought was, Who would sponsor this kind
of charity? After looking over the image a bit more, I noticed the giants orange
shirt. Home Depot was the perfect sponsor! I really liked the concept of being a
giant help and the giant man in the photo. I also liked the way he was holding
the roof of the home, and I wanted to emphasize that. I made the image the base of
a house and created a triangle top roof where the message was located. At first, my
triangle was only outlined in orange, but with the help of others and the critique
sessions, I learned that making the triangle a solid orange had more of an impact.
I made a few tweaks with the size of the logos and aligned them to the right edge.
Overall, I am happy with my concept and portrayal of the message.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : May 30, 2015
PROGRAMS : Photoshop
DESCRIPTION : This is a montage project that was created using Adobe Photoshop.
OBJECTIVES : The objective of the montage project was to learn how to use the blending
modes to create a montage as well as how to use text in Adobe Photoshop.

PROCESS : After reading the assigned project for this week, I immediately thought

of using flowers. Flowers have been on my mind because its finally warm outside! I
remembered the song, Consider the Lilies. I looked up the lyrics to the song and loved
the verse that I incorporated into my project. My focus was the lily and eye of Christ.
After deciding on my message, I started looking for images. I used one of the links that
was given to us in our project information. I used Photoshop to build my montage. I first
opened the lily image as my background, and then I applied the image of Christ through a
mask. I blended together the pixels and implemented type and shapes until I achieved the
look that I wanted.

COURSE : Communications 130 Section 15
DATE : May 10, 2015
DESCRIPTION : This flier was produced for a graduate leadership conference held by
Vouant Communications

OBJECTIVES : The objective for the flier project was to learn how to use InDesign to
create a flier by using the shape and text tool.

PROCESS : The first step I took in creating this flier was observing other professional
fliers via Pinterest and Google Images. I paid close attention to shapes, type, white
space, and layout. I then focused on what the message of my flier would be. I decided
that the message should clearly communicate that by attending the leadership
conference, one would gain a competitive edge in business.
After deciding on the message, I started sketching. I used inspiration from the logos,
as well as specific words that were being used within the flier. One word that I really
focused on was edge. I decided to incorporate a dashed line that emphasized the
word edge.
I took my sketch to InDesign and started by creating my layout with rectangle and
square shapes. I used the ruler tool to create alignment. I then added my image and
lastly the type. I used a serif font for my title and the message statement to show
boldness and professionalism. I went with a clean sans-serif for my copy to create a
nice contrast that was easy to read. The hardest part to the design was getting the type
to fit into square boxes that I had created. I ended up left-aligning the type and then
centering it to the box where it was displayed.

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