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Vitamin Chart

Vitamin Chart

Ty pe

Benefit s


Quant it y

Vit amin A

Vitam in A prev ents ey e problem s,

Good sources of v itam in A are m ilk,

Teen guy s need 9 00 m icrogram s of

prom otes a healthy im m une

eggs, liv er, fortified cereals, darkly

v itam in A each day .

sy stem , is essential for the growth

colored orange or green v egetables

Teen girls need 7 00 m icrogram s

and dev elopm ent of cells, and keeps

(such as carrots, sweet potatoes,

each day . It is possible to get too

skin healthy .

pum pkin, and kale), and orange

m uch v itam in A, so be careful with

fruits such as cantaloupe, apricots,

supplem ents. Don't take v itam in A

peaches, papay as, and m angos.

supplem ents If y ou're taking

isotretinoin (such as Accutane) for
acne or other skin problem s.
Oral acne m edicines are v itam in A
supplem ents, and a continued
excess of v itam in A can build up in
the body , causing headaches, skin
changes, or ev en liv er dam age.

Vit amin C

Vitam in C is needed to form

You'll find high lev els of v itam in C in

Teen guy s need 7 5 m g (m illigram s;


collagen, a tissue that helps to hold

citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi,

1 m illigram equals 1 ,000


cells together. It's essential for

guav a, peppers, tom atoes, broccoli,

m icrogram s) and girls need 6 5 m g


healthy bones, teeth, gum s, and

and spinach.

of v itam in C a day .


blood v essels. It helps the body

Vitam in D strengthens bones

This v itam in is unique y our body

Teens need 1 5 m icrogram s (6 00 IU)

because it helps the body absorb

m anufactures it when y ou get

of v itam in D from food or

bone-building calcium .

sunlight on y our skin! You can also

supplem ents ev ery day . Ask y our

get v itam in D from egg y olks, oily

doctor if supplem ents are right for

fish such as salm on, tuna, and

y ou.

absorb iron, aids in wound healing,

and contributes to brain function.
Vit amin D

sardines, and fortified foods like m ilk,

soy m ilk, and orange juice.
Vit amin E

Vitam in E is an antioxidant and

Vitam in E is found in m any foods,

Teen guy s and girls need 1 5 m g of

helps protect cells from dam age. It

such as v egetable oils, nuts, and

v itam in E ev ery day .

is also im portant for the health of

green leafy v egetables. Av ocados,

red blood cells.

wheat germ , and whole grains are

also good sources.

Vit amin

Vitam in B1 2 helps to m ake red

Vitam in B1 2 is found naturally in

Teens should get 2 .4 m icrogram s of


blood cells, and is im portant for

fish, red m eat, poultry , m ilk, cheese,

v itam in B1 2 daily .

nerv e cell function.

and eggs. It's also added to som e

breakfast cereals.

Vit amin

Vitam in B6 is im portant for

A wide v ariety of foods contain

Teen guy s need 1 .3 m g of v itam in


norm al brain and nerv e function.

v itam in B6 , including potatoes,

B6 daily and teen girls need 1 .2

It also helps the body break down

bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red

m g.

proteins and m ake red blood cells.

m eat, poultry , fish, eggs, spinach,

and fortified cereals.


Thiam in helps the body conv ert

People get thiam in from m any

Teen guy s need 1 .2 m g of thiam in


carbohy drates into energy and is

different foods, including fortified

each day ; teen girls need 1 m g.


necessary for the heart, m uscles,

breads, cereals, and pasta; lean

vit amin

and nerv ous sy stem to function

m eats; dried beans, soy foods, and


properly .

peas; and whole grains like wheat

germ .


Niacin helps the body turn food

You'll find niacin in red m eat,

Teen guy s need 1 6 m g of niacin



Vitamin Chart


into energy . It helps m aintain

poultry , fish, fortified hot and cold


healthy skin and is im portant for

cereals, and peanuts.

vit amin

nerv e function.

daily . Teen girls need 1 4 m g a day .


Riboflav in is essential for growth,

Som e of the best sources of riboflav in

Teen guy s need 1 .3 m g of riboflav in


turning carbohy drates into

are m eat, eggs, legum es (like peas

per day and teen girls need 1 m g.


energy , and producing red blood

and lentils), nuts, dairy products,

vit amin


green leafy v egetables, broccoli,


asparagus, and fortified cereals.

Folat e

Folate helps the body m ake red

Liv er, dried beans and other

Teen girls and guy s need 4 00


blood cells. It is also needed to m ake

legum es, green leafy v egetables,

m icrogram s of folate daily .

known as


asparagus, and orange juice are good

vit amin

sources of this v itam in. So are

B9, folic

fortified bread, rice, and cereals.

acid, or

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

Date reviewed: March 2013

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Note : All inform ation on Te e nsHe alth is for e ducational purpose s only. For spe cific m e dical advice ,
diagnose s, and tre atm e nt, consult your doctor.
1995-2014 The Ne m ours Foundation. All rights re se rve d.


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