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First Initial is A

Your First Initial is A.

Impulsive, enthusiastic, dynamic and courageous, you dive head first int
o new ventures without a great deal of careful consideration or forethought.
You have an abundance of energy, you live in the present, and you love a
ction. It is difficult for you to wait for anything.
You take initiative, are independent in your thinking, and are more of a
leader than a follower. You are able to stand alone.
You need to develop patience, a cooperative spirit, and the persistence
to complete a project before moving on.
First Initial is B
Your First Initial is B.
You have a soft, gracious, hospitable manner and are easily influenced b
y kindness, consideration, and emotional appeals. Though you appear stable and c
alm, both praise and blame from others affects you strongly and you are sensitiv
e to criticism. You are diplomatic and you strive to please.
You prefer to work in cooperation with others rather than on your own, a
nd have a strong desire for marriage and partnerships. Close family ties give yo
u a sense of security. Your home is very, very important to you.
You love material comfort and have a talent for accumulating money. You
can save and squirrel away your earnings and do not easily let go of anything on
ce it is in your possession. You can be a hoarder who never throws anything away
You are more instinctive and emotional than intellectual. Negatively, yo
u can be stubbornly opinionated and overly simplistic in your thinking.
First Initial is C
Your First Initial is C.
Friendly, gregarious, sociable, and communicative, you bring a cheerful
attitude and a light touch to whatever you do. You are gifted with the ability t
o express yourself clearly, openly and easily, and you love to exchange ideas an
d impressions with others. You could be an excellent teacher or salesperson; neg
atively, your "gift for gab" could make you a tattle-tale and a gossip. It is ha
rd for you to keep things to yourself!
You have numerous interests and tend to scatter your
n into too many directions at once. You may need to overcome
arn to use your time and energy efficiently. You have a gift
xpression and speaking, singing, writing , or the performing
f tea.@

energy and attentio

carelessness and le
for creative self-e
arts are your cup o

* First Initial is D (62)

Your First Initial is D.
Determined, stubborn, and persistent, you are able to withstand hardship
and overcome obstacles by your steady, concentrated efforts. You are extremely

practical, capable in organizing and managing material affairs, and basically co

nservative in your approach to life. You dislike taking risks where your future
security is at stake.
You are a hard worker, solid and reliable, perhaps something of a workho
rse. Others depend upon your stable strength.
Though strong-willed, you nevertheless have a rather soft exterior, rare
ly initiating conflict or controversy. You are slow to change, and somewhat pass
ive, at least outwardly. You also enjoy a relaxed pace, preferring the country o
r a smaller town to an urban lifestyle. There is a simplicity about you, possibl
y a certain bluntness and lack of subtlety as well.@
* First Initital is E (63)
Your First Initial is E.
You are an effective communicator and the masterful use of words, whethe
r written or spoken, is one of your gifts. You may have a powerful voice, litera
lly, or be a teacher, writer, spokesperson, or someone who interfaces with the p
ublic. Because you voice your opinions so clearly and positively, you can be ver
y persuasive. Getting ideas across, facilitating communication, promoting discus
sion, making connections between people: this is where you excel.
You grasp new concepts quickly and are able to size up a situation and r
espond to it rapidly. You love ideas and have an inquisitive mind. Education is
an ongoing adventure for you, and you seek new experiences, travel, and a mental
ly stimulating, challenging environment.
If your first initial is the long "E" sound, as in Eva or Ethan, you are
outgoing and very expressive. The short "E" sound, as in Eric or Emily, is less
extroverted, but still active mentally and needs much interchange with others.@
* First Initial is F (64)
Your First Initial is F.
You have a refined sense of beauty and a strong desire to be in beautifu
l, harmonious surroundings. You are careful and discriminating, fastidious, and
particular, with a love of order and perfection that verges on being obsessive a
t times. You can be irritated by "little" things. You are known for your polish
and finesse, either in your work or your personal appearance, and have an eye fo
r fine detail.
Love, family, and friendship mean everything to you. You give freely and
lovingly and are happiest when you are making others happy. You also enjoy soci
alizing and can be a very gracious, accommodating host or hostess, sensitive and
responsive to the needs of all.@
* First Initial is G (65)
Your First Initial is G.
Thoughtful, deep, and analytical, you have a strong desire to understand
the inner workings and underlying causes of any situation. You often appear res
erved and may make others uncomfortable, for you seem to be able to see past sup
erficial appearances into their deeper motivations and feelings, while keeping y
our own something of a mystery.
You are introspective and inclined to intellectual pursuits, and the stu

dy of religion, philosophy, or psychology is particularly interesting to you. Yo

u have high ideals and strong convictions regarding ethical matters You set high
standards and can be intolerant and unforgiving when you or others don't live u
p to them.
Also, you want the very best of everything and have a passion for qualit
* First Initial is H (66)
Your First Initial is H.
Your head, rather than your heart, rules you. You follow a logical, care
fully planned course or action in order to achieve your goals in life. You will
calculate your strategy, then quietly implement it, often surprising others with
your results. Behind your rather mild exterior, there lies much strength of cha
racter, and often great ambitions and aspirations.
You are capable, practical, and rather worldly-minded. You envy others w
ith money and position if you do not possess it yourself, and you are capable of
climbing to the top of the ladder of success even if you start at the bottom.
You love order and generally respect authority. You could attain a place
of authority and position in the world. You are also a watchful person, not eas
ily taken in or fooled.@
* First Initial is I (67)
Your First Initial is I.
Intellect, intuition, and inspiration are your keywords. You tend to liv
e in the world of your mind and may have difficulty making the connection betwee
n your ideas and ideals, and practical realities. You are upright, a person of i
ntegrity and of broad concerns and sympathies. A strong individual, you will sta
nd alone for your convictions when necessary. You are also quite sensitive and m
ay have a delicate nervous system, requiring more "time out" from the usual hust
le and bustle of life than most people. Quiet activities nourish you.
You can use your hands skillfully and artistically (painting, needlework
, writing, etc.).@
* First Initial is J (68)
Your First Initial is J.
Idealistic and high-spirited, you are a natural leader, inspiring others
with your enthusiasm, confidence, and hope for the future. Your sense of humor,
good will, sportsmanship, and fair play make you well-liked and respected among
your peers. Though you enjoy competition and love to win, you are never mean-sp
irited or petty about it. Money, success, and many opportunities for growth and
advancement come your way. You really enjoy money and you value highly the freed
om it allows you. You are also generous and perhaps lax with what you have. You
are pleasure-loving and, even though you are not lazy, you can be self-indulgent
. Over-eating, over-drinking, over-doing, and over-reaching are your weaknesses.
* First Initial is K (69)
Your First Initial is K.

You appear strong and sure and you refuse to allow anyone else to make u
p your mind for you. You resist outside influences and pressures. Once your mind
and heart is set on something, you won't give up until it is yours. Perseveranc
e you possess in abundance.
However, you are prone to emotional extremes and inwardly experience man
y doubts and vacillating moods. you can surprise people with sudden, unexpected
actions, making radical departures from previous involvements or directions. Whe
n you act, you act decisively. You are inspired and creative, with great emotion
al force. You may be a leader or wield a strong influence on others, for good or
* First Initial is L (70)
Your First Initial is L.
You are expressive and affectionate, with a strong need for attention, a
ppreciation, and praise, particularly from the opposite sex.
Friendship is highly important to you and you thrive on good company, go
od conversation, sharing thoughts and experiences with others. You cannot imagin
e going through life alone. You may seem overly talkative or overly eager to dis
cuss personal issues. Sometimes you disclose more than you wish to, and later re
gret it.
You have a lively enthusiasm and vitality, and you project yourself in a
way that charms and appeals to others. You love applause and may secretly wish
to be a performer. In any case, you require a response from other people, their
approval and affirmation, in order to give your best.@
* First Initial is M (71)
Your First Initial is M.
You are a loyal, conscientious, and giving person, who takes your work a
nd personal responsibilities seriously. Others depend upon you, often heavily, a
nd you are willing to take on the troubles and burdens of other people. You have
very strong family ties which may require emotional or financial sacrifices on
your part, and you are often the one to whom others turn in times of need. You m
ay experience many emotional or physical difficulties, or help others to overcom
e such problems. You are compassionate and comforting to people in distress, but
must be wary of becoming immersed and overwhelmed by others' sorrows. Avoid bec
oming a martyr. Marriage is very important to you and the love and security of a
stable home and family are among your most cherished desires.@
* First Initial is N (72)
Your First Initial is N.
Your free, open imagination, and your ability to be fluid and flexible a
nd receptive to the inspiration of the moment make you capable of unusual achiev
ements in the arts or other creative pursuits. Music is your language, and writi
ng may be a very meaningful outlet for you as well. You are changeable, and may
be inconsistent and unstable. You need to guard against becoming negative, selfpitying, and too easily discouraged. You frequently limit yourself due to lack o
f confidence in your talents and strengths, and you need to learn to draw upon y
our inner resources and deeper creative energies in order to help, inspire, and
benefit yourself and others. You are happiest working quietly in the background,
or for a selfless cause.@

* First Initial is O (73)

Your First Initial is O.
You like to control your surroundings, and you gain strength and a sense
of security from the established, comfortable, and familiar. A home base is ver
y, very important to you, and you are loyal, steadfast, and faithful to your ori
gins. You have a strong sense of family and of community, and will stand by them
in good times and bad.
You have a kind nature and feel and obligation to help the less fortunat
e, but you may limit your aid to those with whom you have personal sympathies, t
hinking it better to take care of your own first.
You tend to be
turning a deaf ear to
ntly held beliefs. You
ly receptive, at least

close-minded, stubbornly holding to your own opinions and

anyone who offers information which challenges your curre
are argumentative or smugly silent but rarely are you tru

Your mind is creative and fertile and you often come up with original or
unusual ideas. You enjoy inventing or making things.@
* First Initial is P (74)
Your First Initial is P.
You possess much intellectual and mental power, and you prefer to use in
telligence rather than force to achieve your ends. You also prefer mental exerci
se to physical; theories and ideas interest you more than actual implementation
of them. Clear, sharp, and analytical, you thoroughly investigate any matter whi
ch arouses your curiosity, and you can easily become an expert or specialist in
your field of interest. You do not accept pat answers or superficial explanation
s, and you often have a skeptical or disbelieving attitude regarding matters you
personally have not delved into. You require proof. Sometimes you depend too mu
ch on your head and not enough on your heart and gut. You may appear unconcerned
and unsympathetic to others at times.@
* First Initial is Q (75)
Your First Initial is Q.
You seem unusual, odd, unique, and intriguing to others; there is nothin
g ordinary or common about you. You may become a leader and attain either distin
guished honors or notoriety for your unorthodox approach and original contributi
ons. You have a strong attunement to spiritual and psychic realms. Your intuitio
n and sense of timing are excellent, which can serve you well in the business wo
rld, enabling you to sense when to forge ahead and when to lie low. You are also
able to see the big picture and consider issues and problems from a broader, mo
re encompassing perspective than others do. You are highly creative and often re
You need to march to the beat of a different drummer, and consequently y
ou frequently feel out of step with those around you.@
* First Initial is R (76)
Your First Initial is R.
Forceful, energetic, and zealous in pursuit of your goals, you dream big
dreams which you seek to realize in some concrete fashion. Your aspirations may

be purely personal, or may be for the betterment of others; either way, you are
able to generate the enthusiasm, motivation, and active support you need to ach
ieve your aims. You have the potential to be a leader. You are usually honorable
and upright, and win the respect of those who know your integrity.
You are dynamic and inclined to hurry and rush. Action without due consi
deration beforehand can lead to trouble. You often try to force movement and pro
gress, even when it would be better to wait or to allow situations to resolve th
* First Initial is S (77)
Your First Initial is S.
You are emotionally intense, often irrational and passionately driven to
achieve your heart's desires. You are not averse to secretive or even devious m
ethods when you cannot get what you want directly. Willful and stubbornly determ
ined, you are able to persist and endure, overcoming obstacles and winning succe
ss after many twists and turns on your path.
You go to extremes in matters of the heart or pocketbook, and you can be
a fanatic regarding your personal beliefs and philosophy of life. No one tells
you what to do!@
* First Initial is T (78)
Your First Initial is T.
You have a clear, sharp mind with a keen eye for fine detail. You are ca
pable of painstaking precision and are particular about small details that other
s may consider minor or inconsequential. Refinement, polish, finesse, and perfec
tion in your work are your trademarks. However, you can also be overly critical
and not easy to satisfy.
Intuitive and sensitive, you are strongly influenced by the emotional to
ne of your surroundings. Discord or tensions in your immediate environment are h
ard for you to tolerate. You seek harmony and are a peacemaker, bringing people
together, fostering cooperation. Sometimes it is difficult for you to make decis
ions or commit yourself in a definite way, as you are able to see the merits in
all sides of an issue.@
* First Initial is U (79)
Your First Initial is U.
You possess an abundance of charm and a gift for making people feel welc
ome, happy, and at ease. Your sense of fun and playfulness are contagious, and y
ou enjoy people, parties, entertainment, and recreation. You have a gracious, ob
liging manner and are generous with your hospitality. Tolerant and accepting of
others, you have many friends and friendly contacts and associations with people
. You could be a talented performer, as you are expressive and love to make peop
le feel good.
Sometimes your good nature is taken advantage of and you don't know when
to stop giving (or partying). You may be too eager to please and lack discrimin
ation and good judgment regarding other people's motives. Wastefulness, careless
ness, lack of discipline, and too much dependence on others' approval are potent
ial problems of yours.@
* First Initial is V (80)

Your First Initial is V.

Dynamic, independent, and vitally alive, you like to be at the forefront
of new enterprises, spearheading new movements or implementing the newest, most
innovative concepts in any field you are involved in. You are progressive, crea
tive, and inspired. Forward-looking and positive-minded, you do not like to be r
eminded of past failures or "why it won't work". You are always anticipating bet
ter things.
You tend to scatter your forces and have too many interests, involvement
s, and directions you would like to follow. If you do not have a constructive ou
tlet for your energies, you are a trouble-maker, demanding, impatient, critical,
and possibly violent. When you have a clear vision and a positive goal, your en
thusiasm and energy seem exhaustless, and you are capable of greatness.@
* First Initial is W (81)
Your First Initial is W.
You have a curious, open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. You
ask questions. Adaptable, versatile, and flexible in both mind and body, you th
rive on change, movement, meeting new people, and new situations. You find repet
ition and routine stultifying, preferring an irregular occupation to one that is
secure and relatively unchanging. You are prone to wanderlust and your restless
ness often won't allow you to slow down or rest.
You experience many ups and downs and fluctuations emotionally, in your
finances, or in life circumstances, and are able to respond spontaneously and re
sourcefully to the unexpected. You bend like a willow in the wind when circumsta
nces require it.
Friendly and charming, you are willing to meet others half way and are g
enuinely interested in people. You are fluent and articulate, and have a gift fo
r language. Your "way with words" is often what impresses people most about you.
You may be an eloquent writer or speaker or merely garrulous.@
* First Initial is X (82)
Your First Initial is X.
You are secretive, with a fondness for solitude or unusual, complex, and
mysterious involvements and interests. You are able to go right to the crux of
a matter, penetrating the superficial or obvious appearances to discover the hid
den or underlying aspects. The unknown fascinates you. You seem always to be put
in the role of devil's advocate, as you are able to see both sides -the light a
nd the dark - of anything or anyone. You often go to extremes in your emotional
or sexual life and can see-saw between extreme self denial and overindulgence. A
happy balance may be difficult for you to achieve. You have a strong protective
attitude towards the people you care about and are their staunch defender or fr
iend. Your sense of common humanity or spiritual unity with others may lead you
to work for social improvements.@
* First Initial is Y (83)
Your First Initial is Y.
Quiet, subtle, and sensitive, you see and feel much but reveal little of
what your inner feelings and reactions are. You are introspective and hold much
deep inside. To others you often appear shy, reticent, or unfathomable. You are

tactful, careful, and considerate of the feelings of others, and there is a gen
tleness in your manner which lends a sweet charm to your personality. You are un
derstated and appreciate subtlety, delicacy, and refinement in people and in thi
ngs. You notice details.
You are very intuitive and open psychically, and often experience unusua
l psychic phenomena, ESP, or clairvoyant dreams. You crave solitude and peace, a
nd need frequent quiet times to replenish yourself.@
* First Initial is Z (84)
Your First Initial is Z.
You have a powerful magnetic presence and wield considerable influence o
ver others through the force of your intention and desire. You command respect i
n a subtle way. Others admire your strength, even though you appear different an
d unusual. You do not seem to conform to normal standards, or go through the usu
al channels and routes to attain your position. Inspired and zealous, you tend t
o be fanatical when you are pursuing something that is important to you. Few peo
ple will challenge you.
Your intuition is clear and sharp and you follow your own star. You have
hidden resources and often feel a sense of mission or unmistakable destiny. You
go to extremes and will either be a high achiever or become self-destructive.@

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