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Words with 3 letter sounds

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Printing guide
Mona McNee


Words with 3 letter sounds
What do you do? There are 26 letters to learn.
You teach safely so that problems are not created (for dyslexics like everyone else). You teach first how to write and
sound out: c-a-t, d-o-g. Five of these letters begin with the same action as c. Think of a round clock-face, and you
start at 2 on the clock, and go back-up, round to 6 at the bottom then up to 4, leaving a gap on the right. For a you
start with another c and keep going up and down, making the letter sit on the line and fit the space.

To emphasise the right movement, shape, the pupil can write the letter in the air with a large arm movement from
the shoulder, to help get the feel of the shape. The pupil will write the shape and at the same time say the sound and
listen to, hear the sound.

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27/03/2013 07:56

Lesson 01 -

Avoid encouraging the child to use a pen, it is a bad idea. It slows the writing down, and makes correction difficult.
Some strugglers get so frustrated that at the slightest hint that the word is not right, they scribble it out and you end
up with a dozen black splotches on the page horrible!
Keep things positive, so avoid Thats wrong. Say instead, You have 5 letters right and you need just another letter
for another sound. Which sound is missing? or Lets try again. In rare desperation, praise the writing, praise effort,
laugh and say, Tomorrow is another day!
Write the letters down using guide lines.A thick one to write on and an upper one either dots or faint, to control the
height of the small letters. A t has two starts. Begin above the guideline just high enough so that the cross-bar will
go along the top guideline.

You will be playing about with letters. From cat you can make: a at act ! The first contact the pupil has with the
letters is in a word, so that he can see the point of learning letters, and he sees how they work. He is learning to write,
sound and blend, from the start.

All three letters start with the anti-clockwise c movement. d has the same action as a, but goes up tall. The reason for
learning these 5 letters first is to get the movement and recognition of d firmly established and keep b until much
later on. This prevents the common confusion of b/d for dyslexics.
For those who have already mixed up b/d, say: a..b..c..d. Tap on the table 2 taps for a,b.. with the non-writing
hand, then two more taps with the writing hand for c-d; then tap a-b the same with the non-writing hand, but with the
writing hand swing round in the air for c and keep that movement going up, and then while you say d (with emphasis)
bring the pencil down the downstroke, to complete the letter d.

Like a t, the f is tall enough for the crossbar line to be on the guideline. If getting the slope of x is a problem, draw a
square and show how the lines of x go from corner to corner.

r n and m all start the same and sit on the bottom line. Start using nanograms (oxo boxes), 9 squares with a vowel in
the middle. You find words, real words, by taking an, any outside letter, then the middle one, then another outside one,
to make a CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) real word. If some of the outer boxes have 2 letters that would give a 4
or 5-letter word. The middle letter is a vowel or vowel digraph and the outer ones are consonants
How many real words can the pupil make and write?

V is two straight lines down, up. It is the shape of a valley.

z is 3 straight lines. Again, draw a square and show how the z fits into it. Like g, p goes below the line; the bubble fits
the space.
You now have three vowels. How many real words can the pupil make and write?

s starts anti-clockwise like a c, but changes direction half-way through. The top half is slightly smaller than the bottom
half, and s fits the space.

w is four straight lines.

e is a straight line leading to a c shape.

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27/03/2013 07:56

Lesson 01 -

Three letters have a tail: g j and y.

j is i + tail.

u is the 5th vowel. It goes down, Under and Up (and down again).

y is a u + tail (for handwriting).

Y and w are both consonant and vowel. At the beginning of a syllable they are a consonant; at the end or grouped with,
after another vowel they are vowels.

l h k b all begin with a tall down-stroke. The l part is tall, and the rest are small, fit the space.

q starts with the c movement. In English it is always followed by u and there are no 3-letter words starting with qu.
So we must have 4 or 5 letters: quiz quilt.
The words quick quack come to mind. Say: If you have a sound twice, you only say it once. This phrasing covers the
ck- spellings and also ff, ll, ss: cliff, pull, pass and later for any double consonants (e.g. rubbish, better, middle.)
We learn 26 letters, for a lifetime. First we get comfortable with 3-letter words. We understand that changing one letter
changes the word and meaning. Think of: cat cot cut. The sounding out left-right and blending are becoming automatic.
. There is a game, Change a letter which two can play, or it can be a class game:- cat fat fit sit .. with words written
on the blackboard from pupils contributions.

Play Bingo, slides-and-ladders, and Pairs. As you go through the programme, games from earlier levels can be used for
revision, to encourage fluency, or to keep faster pupils usefully occupied while the slower ones complete (say) a
Guide Contributed by Mona McNee - 2010

Keep sounding out and blending!
"u" can make two sounds: "u" as in put and pull, or "u" as in cup and hut
The Irregular words to and the are included in the snakes & ladders games to provide some simple sentence
continuity. They are sight words not to be sounded out. "They just need to be learnt!." "Go" is also sparingly
used. Three words in total - that is all.


Links will take you to a quickview page in Google Docs where you may download the PDF for local printing by clicking
File then Download original. This guide contains download and print tips.

3 letter sounds

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Lesson 01 -

Snakes and ladders - game 1

Snakes and ladders - game 2
Snakes and ladders - game 3
Snakes and ladders - game 4
Word bingo - Game 1
Word bingo - Game 2

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