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Hierarchy and Lay Catholics Around the World Support Father

Gruner and Our Lady of Fatima

Father Gruner has been flooded with letters and telephone calls of
support from around the world, from members of the Hierarchy,
Catholics, even non-Catholics beseeching him to continue, not to give
up, even under the heavy persecution. Sadly the persecution comes not
just from Communistic regimes, not just from secular organizations, but
from within the Church itself.
Laypeople call us in tears. "Thank God" they say. "Finally a Priest willing to
stand up for the truth, you are a light shining in the darkness".
These same people suffer their own persecutions from parish priests who refuse
them Communion on their knees, insist on Communion in their hand, force
them to stand for the Consecration, lock them out of their own Churches for the
crime of reciting the Rosary together, "an archaic old fashioned cult
that disturbs the other 'Faithful'". Many have been told Confession is only
needed once a year and then, only for "enlightening."
Various persecuted priests have contacted us, also living under threats of
ecclesiastical penalty for daring to preach the true Catholic faith.
That is why it is so important for you, the faithful, to continue to support Father
Gruner both with your prayers and your alms. Your sacrificial offerings are
needed to pay the exorbitant prices of radio and television broadcasting and
printing and distributing The Fatima Crusader. Without this Apostolate, who will
support you in your persecutions, where will you hear the truth, who is going to
stand up for Jesus and Mary and the Catholic faith? And who will be the good
watchman to warn you and point out the dangers that today threaten your very
own salvation and your freedom?
We reprint here a letter to the Holy Father written by one of the Faithful, it is
only one of the many supportive responses we have received from our readers
and other members of the Hierarchy.

His Holiness Pope John Paul II

Apostolic Palace,
00120 Vatican City

August 29, 1989

Most Holy Father,
You already know of Our Lady's urgent requests made known to Sister Lucia at
Fatima. You also already know that in order to avoid the loss of many souls and
the annihilation of several nations, you must command all the Catholic Bishops
to publicly and solemnly on the exact same day, consecrate Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Perhaps you feel that some will not obey you in this command and would even
oppose you in making it. Please take courage in Our Blessed Mother's promise
and do as She asks even in the face of opposition, She will be with you!
And please, Holy Father, do not allow Father Gruner to be silenced as he
courageously makes the true message of Fatima known.
Recently I was blessed in being able to be in Fatima for the August pilgrimage.
How wonderful to be among the thousands of pilgrims praying the Rosary and
assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Our Blessed Mother's Shrine.
But Holy Father, I must tell you of my extreme sadness when the Shrine priests
refused to give Holy Communion to me because I was kneeling. They kept going
back and forth past me, ignoring my desire to receive my Lord and God in the
Blessed Sacrament.
This happened because of the modernism that has crept into the Church, I
know. Today, many priests and bishops make it very difficult for us to truly
practice our Faith.
Were it not for having found Father Nicholas Gruner's magazine The Fatima
Crusader and radio program encouraging souls to be faithful to the truths of Our
Holy Catholic Faith, I would have been at the brink of despair many times.
Now there are those who want to silence him. Please, Holy Father, see that
Father Gruner is allowed to continue his important work. Please ... do not allow
him to be silenced!
It is because of his courage in speaking out about the true message of Our Lady
of Fatima and about our Holy Catholic Faith that I and many other family
members and friends have found hope and have been able to hang on to our
true Faith in these troubled times.
It is well known, Holy Father, that some people and even some in the hierarchy
would silence Father Gruner. Please do not allow this to happen! Please protect
your good and faithful priest.

I write begging you to protect Father Gruner and not allow him to be silenced.
Just now I listened to his radio program on which he encouraged the Faithful to
read your encyclicals and be informed on what you teach and to obey your
Some priests and bishops are leading many souls away from you and Christ's
One True Church. I'm certain that you already know this painful fact and surely
it must comfort you when you hear of good priests such as Father Gruner who
spend all their time teaching Truth and encouraging faithfulness to you, Christ's
Vicar on Earth and spreading devotion to Our Blessed Mother and Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament.
Please, Holy Father, make sure that Father Gruner is allowed to continue his
work of saving many souls and spreading the true Message of Fatima.
I offer my first Rosary of every day for you and you are constantly in my
In Jesus and Mary
Dolores Butterman
EDITOR'S NOTE: This letter to the Holy Father was accompanied by a petition
with many signatures asking him to not allow Father Gruner to be silenced.

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