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3 Dvar Malchus
23 Moshiach & Geula
29 Moshiach & Geula
30 Parsha Thought
34 Tzivos Hashem

Menachem Ziegelboim

Nosson Avraham|


24 THE
Menachem Ziegelboim

Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272

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M.M. Hendel
Rabbi S.Y. Chazan

Boruch Merkur

2015-07-21 11:38:57 AM


He is referred to as Arizal HaChai the
Living Arizal, an epithet that is not used for
other great Jews, even those who only died
on account of the serpents bite, and even
those of whom it is said that they did not die
at all. * Source materials compiled by Rabbi
Shloma Majeski. Underlining is the authors
Presented and translated by Boruch Merkur

On the 4th of Menachem-Av

5749, the eve of the hilula of the
Arizal HaChai, the Rebbe MHM
spoke about the 16th century master
kabbalists unique association with
the eternal life of the Future Era. In
this sense, the Rebbe says, the Arizal
surpasses even the tzaddikim who
only died on account of the sin of
the Tree of Knowledge, tzaddikim
who, on account of their profound
righteousness, would have otherwise
lived forever. In fact, in this respect,
the Arizal even outshines Yaakov
Avinu and Moshe Rabbeinu, regarding whom our Sages teach in the
Talmud that they never actually died.
The Rebbes sicha follows.
The revelation of Shabbos Chazon foreshadows the revelation of
the Future Era. This year, Shabbos
Chazon occurs on the 5th of Menachem-Av, the hilula of the Arizal.
As stated in Igeres HaKodesh siman
28, on the day of a hilula of a tzaddik, all the service he performed
throughout all the days of his life is
revealed and brings about salvation

in the midst of the land.

The Arizal is synonymous with
the inner dimension of the Torah.
(Indeed, the Arizal is an embodiment
of toameha chayim zachu those
who savor it merit life,* the revelation of the inner dimension of the
Torah of the Future Era,** bread
from Heaven, as discussed earlier.)
In fact, it is the Arizal who said that
specifically in recent generations
has it become permitted verily,
a Mitzva to reveal this wisdom
(Igeres HaKodesh siman 26, 142b).
Later on, the banner of promoting
the study of the inner dimension of
the Torah was upheld by the Baal
Shem Tov, as well as the Rebbes,
our leaders, following the directive and instruction of spread your
wellsprings outward, which brings
about asi Mar the approach of the
master, Malka Meshicha, the Messianic King.
As a direct result in addition to
an increase in mishpat [i.e., Torah,
intellect] and tzdaka [Mitzvos associated with refining and purifying
physical things, as well as the mid-

dos, ones character traits], both of

which are especially emphasized in
the Arizal*** this should inspire
us to increase in all activities associated with spreading the wellsprings
of Chassidus outward, this wisdom
zos hachochma, especially as it
is expressed and richly elucidated in
the teachings of Chabad Chassidus,
which emphasize the three aspects of
the mind: Chochma, Bina, and Daas.
The concept of spreading the
wellsprings outward likewise applies
to oneself: The general concept of
the study of Chabad Chassidus with
understanding and comprehension
is expressed through the dissemination of the wellsprings of Chochma,
Wisdom, into Bina and Daas, reaching as far as the middos, which are
considered outward with respect
to the mind. This Chochma must
even extend to [the three garments
of the soul] thought, speech, and action. Indeed, action is the most pertinent.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas
Dvarim, Shabbos Chazon, 4 Menachem-Av;
Seifer HaSichos 5749, pg. 619)

*Footnote 83: See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 15, pg. 282, where it is discussed.
**Footnote 84: To note that the
concept of redemption is alluded to
Continued on page 22
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Nearly 67 years of outreach activity and activism. That was the life
of the mashgiach-mashpia in 770, R Yekusiel (Kuti) Menachem Rapp
ah, who was killed in a car accident. * His entire life was devoted
to carrying out the Rebbes wishes. * He carried out many missions
of the Rebbe at the El-Al terminal in New York as well as with other
organizations that he started, like the Vaad HaMechanchim, Matteh
Shira VZimra and the Matteh HaOlami LHatzolas HaAm VHaAretz.
By Menachem Ziegelboim

The Chabad world was

shocked by the news of the sudden tragic passing of R Kuti
Rapp ah in a car accident. R
Rapp was well known among
Anash and bachurim around

the world, especially in Crown

R Rapp served as mashgiach-mashpia in Tomchei
Tmimim 770, while also be-

ing involved in many mivtzaim

related projects. He radiated
warmth and simplicity to everyone and was known by all as R

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I remember that when we
came to the Rebbe on Kvutza,
we felt that this year is a Shabbos Shabbason, a year entirely
devoted to the Rebbe. We felt we
were taking a loyalty oath for an
entire year, a year that we would
study Nigleh and Chassidus diligently, a year that we would devote ourselves to the Rebbe with
all our might, a year that would
be consecrated to the Rebbe.


R Rapp with the Rebbes shipment of matza


R Kuti Rapp was born in
Yishuv Yesodot on Tisha BAv
1948 to his parents, R Shraga
and Tzipora Rapp. He learned in
the Litvishe yeshiva Kol Torah in
Yerushalayim where he became
interested in Chassidus through
the Tanya classes given by R
Yosef Tzvi Segal, Rosh Kollel
Tzemach Tzedek.
He switched to Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Kfar Chabad
and became one of the mushpaim
of R Shlomo Chaim Kesselman.
When he came to learn in Kfar
Chabad he was already devoted
to mivtzaim and for a while he
was in charge of mivtza tfillin in
the Gush Dan area.
He went on Kvutza to
770 and arrived Erev Pesach
5728/1968 (back then, Kvutza
started on Erev Pesach, unlike today). Those days were etched in
his memory, as he once told Beis
The Rebbe greeted us when
we arrived. The Rebbe stood in
the entrance of 770, looked at
us, smiled and said, A freilichin

Pesach un freiliche hachanos.

The second night of Pesach I attended my first farbrengen with
the Rebbe. I can testify that only
then, when I came to the Rebbe,
did I begin to understand what it
means to live with the Rebbe, to
live with the Rebbes sichos.
Before we went to the Rebbe
we also learned the sichos, but it
was something we did by rote.
We lacked the koch and chayus.
Once we came to the Rebbe, we
began to realize how we were
supposed to learn the sichos,
with chayus, enthusiasm. Then
we started learning the sichos as
something about which we say
for they are our life.

R Rapp remained in the US

and did mivtzaim with Israelis
throughout the New York metropolitan area. Sometimes, he
would do mivtzaim at Kennedy
Airport and he slowly began to
get to know the place and the
people who worked there.
When the Yom Kippur War
began in 5734/1973, he thought
it was proper to go to the airport every day for mitzva tfillin
in order to fulfill the promise of
Chazal, so that they fear you.
He was given permission by the
hanhala of the yeshiva and arranged shifts of bachurim who
went every day to the airport. He
even wrote a report to the Rebbe
and noted, This is my report to
the Rebbe of mivtza tfillin at the
El-Al terminal at Kennedy Airport in the last week of the last
war in Eretz Yisroel. The willingness to put on tfillin grew
tremendously since the start of
the war and continues till today.
Many of the guards and those in
charge of them also put on tfillin
when in the past they refused.
He also sent a report of the
outreach done on Chol HaMoed
Sukkos at the airport:
About 150 people said the
bracha on the dalet minim including the guards, and they
were given the booklet which explains the mitzva which was published by Machne Yisroel. Then

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we danced and included some

passengers and their escorts.
Then Avrohom Slavin put me
up on his shoulders and I spoke
about the mitzva of dalet minim
and what the Rebbe says about
the war, about simcha and mivtza
tfillin. As part of the campaign,
people are told what the Rebbe
said about the war, miracles, simcha, and the mitzva of tfillin, and
material is given out about tfillin
and the parsha.
R Kuti was surprised to receive a special response from
the Rebbe: Received and many
thanks, I will mention it at the
tziyun for continued success in
this. This was something special
because the Rebbe did not generally respond to bachurim about
mivtzaim except through the offices of Tzach.
This answer gave me a strong
push to continue with added
strength, R Kuti said. On another occasion he received this
response from the Rebbe, Yehi
ratzon that it be fulfilled he
who has 100 wants 200, etc.
The Rebbe later spoke to him
about this outreach and in yechidus told him to work in the yeshiva.
The way the Rebbe related
to me in regards to the outreach
at the airport was always special.
Whenever I passed by for kos
shel bracha, the Rebbe gave me
a bottle of mashke without my
asking for it. He would say, For
the airport. The first times it was
when I had already passed by and
the Rebbe called me back. Later
on, the Rebbe changed the wording and would say it in Hebrew
instead of Yiddish.
R Kuti felt there was an advantage to mivtzaim done at the
airport. Since many Jews travel
to Eretz Yisroel and they are feeling inspired, it is easier to get

them to do a mitzva.
He became friendly with the
El-Al staff and other Jews who
work at the airport. His relationship with the El-Al administration, security people, and El-Al
passengers deepened and they
trusted him. They opened their
offices to him as well as areas
where non-employees are not allowed entry. R Kuti was a person
they could turn to about anything
Jewish and he did everything graciously and happily.
Over the years, he brought
many El-Al people, including top

executives, for dollars on Sunday,

and the Rebbe always blessed
them, May it be el-al (heavenward) materially and spiritually,
as he pointed upward.
He once brought a group
of El-Al administrators for yechidus. They asked the Rebbe
whether it was true that he said
to fly with El-Al. The Rebbe said,
I dont give orders; I only say
what it says in the Torah.
One of them asked, The
poor of your city and the poor of
another city the poor of your
city take precedence.

At the airport in London, one of the security

men noticed an Arab giving an envelope to
his wife who was supposed to board that flight. This
immediately aroused his suspicion and it turned out to
contain explosives. If she would have boarded the plane,
it would have exploded mid-flight.

R Rapp at the airport in the early days

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One of the mivtzaim that R
Rapp did at the airport was arranging siyumim during the
Nine Days. People were waiting for their flight and in the
meantime, they got to hear a
siyum. One of the years, the
well-known rav R Pinchas Teitz
ah was traveling on an urgent
matter on Tisha BAv. When R
Rapp saw him in the airport, he
asked him to make a siyum and
he did.
R Rapp related:
After R Teitz concluded the
siyum on Moed Katan which
ends with, Torah scholars have
no rest, not in this world nor
in the world to come, he exclaimed, Thats Lubavitch!
Even on Tisha BAv and even in
the airport, they find a way to
learn Gemara in a permissible
When I returned to 770, I
told Leibel Groner and he must
have told the Rebbe who told it
to R Chadakov. The next day,
R Chadakov called me in and
said, I hear that youve been
doing miracles in the airport,
and he told me to call R Aharon
Dov Halperin of Kfar Chabad
magazine, tell him to locate R
Teitz, and write up an article
about Lubavitch, because now
he was all enthusiastic and it
would be to his advantage that
he give an interview before others cooled him off.
I asked R Chadakov, Now,
when its in the middle of the
night in Eretz Yisroel? He said,
Yes, and said that right after I
speak to him, he should call the
secretariat. It was clear that this
was an instruction coming from
the Rebbe himself, as well as
the phrase, miracles at the airport.

The Rebbe said, Thats not

what I meant. Its not about
poverty or support or tzdaka.
I meant what it says, or purchased from your fellow. That
if it is possible to give the business to a Jew, this is preferable.
A particularly unusual interaction took place when R Kuti
brought the CEO of El-Al in
America, David Shain, with his
assistants and other staff members for dollars. The CEO said
to the Rebbe about R Rapp,
while pointing at him, that he
was Chabads representative at
El-Al. The Rebbe said he did not
accept this designation, because
a representative or ambassador
refers only to two separate, foreign entities or two distant nations, where one sends a representative or ambassador to the
other entity or distant country.
But we are one entity whose
goal is to help Jews. The center
of this body is in Eretz Yisroel
and there are branches in New
York, London, Melbourne, and
all over.

R Kuti had a special zchus
to deliver shmura matza from
the Rebbe to Chassidim who
lived in Eretz Yisroel. At first it
was one small box which was
designated for certain people
on a list that the Rebbe provided. After the delivery was arranged with El-Al by R Kuti, the
amount grew to five huge boxes
that were designated for Anash
and mekuravim and Israeli soldiers in Eretz Yisroel. After the
Rebbe separated the challa
from the matza, helpers closed,
sealed and wrapped the boxes
for the flight to protect them
from moisture on the trip.
In the early years, the Rebbe
asked that the boxes of matza

not be placed with the rest of

the luggage in the cargo section
of the plane but placed with the
passengers. Every year, this had
to be arranged with the El-Al
company. Later on, R Rapp arranged for a special container in
the cargo hold for the matzos.
He later told Beis Moshiach
about the special zchus he had
to arrange the Rebbes delivery
of matzos to Eretz Yisroel:
Since 5734, I have had the
zchus to help send the Rebbes
matzos every year for Anash in
Eretz Yisroel. The matzos were
sent in a special container on an
El-Al flight. Thanks to my warm
relationships with people in the
company through my work as a
shliach of the Rebbe at the airport and doing mivtzaim with
them, I was able to get their
consent to set aside a special
container for the matzos.
I also merited to be directly
involved in the actual transport.
We would clean the container
of dirt and chametz and cover
the floor of the container with
paper. We put in the boxes of
matza which were well packed,
and the shliachs luggage separately, so he would not be delayed waiting for his luggage
after he landed. On the lock of
the container I would stick the
symbol of the Chabad House at
the airport and on the outside
there was a big sign which said,
The matzos of the Lubavitcher
Rebbe sent to residents of the
Holy Land and IDF soldiers.
I remember an interesting
episode. The first year that a
big delivery was arranged with
El-Al, R Binyamin Klein, the
Rebbes secretary, went with me
in order to see that everything
was being executed in the way
the Rebbe wanted (all the years
prior to that he was in charge
of sending the matzos that were

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R Rapp with Israeli Chief Rabbis, R Mordechai Eliyahu and R Avrohom Shapiro

the size of a hatbox). The year

after that, the Rebbe asked me,
Who is going with you? I did
not know what to say since it was
no longer necessary for someone
else to come when I already had
the connections at El-Al. The
Rebbe sensed this and responded, You are the entire balabus
(one in charge) there!
The Rebbe wanted the matzos to be sent by El-Al since it
is a Jewish company and he also
wanted someone on that flight
who would be the shliach to deliver them. Usually, the Rebbe
gave all those who helped with
the packing and the sending of
the matzos, including the shliach who flew with the matzos
and me, a copy of the letter that
he wrote for Rosh Chodesh Nissan of that year and a dollar for
tzdaka. The Rebbe also always
asked me, Is everything sealed?


In 5740 when they started
printing Tanyas everywhere, R
Rapp arranged for the Tanya to
be printed at Kennedy Airport. At
that time, approval was not given
to print Tanyas everywhere; only
in cities and yishuvim. However,
R Chadakov gave him permis-

The Rebbe said not to fight with the pilot,

because even if we forced him through the CEO,
he would be more likely to undermine other religious
matters or other religious people.

sion to print it at the airport and

said it was an international
The binding of the sfarim
was finished shortly before the
matzos were being shipped, and
R Kuti brought two Tanyas with
him in order to give them to the
Rebbe during the waiting period
until they finished packing up the
boxes of matzos. When he gave
them to the Rebbe, the Rebbe
asked him, Did you get the
participation? (Everyone who
printed a Tanya received $20
from the Rebbe through the secretaries as his participation). R
Kuti said not yet and the Rebbe
said he should ask the secretaries
for it later. Since you gave me
two sfarim, get two ($20) bills.
He called the office to report
to R Leibel Groner about the
matza delivery and to give him
the number of the container so it
would be easy to locate in Eretz
Yisroel. The Rebbe had said to
him each time to report to the
secretaries about how the de-

livery went and what the number was. R Groner asked him,
Where will you be tomorrow at
the Torah reading?
R Kuti said, Near the Rebbe,
in the beis midrash.
R Leibel said, The Rebbe
wants to personally give you the
money for the printing of the
Tanya and to hear for himself
how the matza delivery went. Tomorrow morning, after the reading, stand near the doorway of
the Rebbes room.
The next day, he waited at
Gan Eden HaTachton. The Rebbe came after the Torah reading, took out two bills and gave
them to him, asked how the delivery went and then spoke to him
about a few other matters.

Through his communal work
and thanks to his many connections, R Rapp got to know rab-

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In the matzos delivered for Pesach one of the
years, there were a number of changes in the Rebbes way of doing things, as R Kuti Rapp told Beis
That year, the Rebbe gave me two letters addressed to the general community and two dollars,
instead of one letter and one dollar as he always
did. Instead of asking me, Is everything closed and
sealed? the Rebbe asked me, Did you arrange everything with the plane? I did not know what to answer because I did not know what the Rebbe meant.
The Rebbe immediately went on to say, It should
work out in the best possible way!
There was also a change with the shliach, Rabbi
Kanelsky, who was supposed to fly with the matzos.
The Rebbe did not give him a dollar during the matzo
distribution, like every year, but gave him only the
letter and said, The money for tzdaka for you is in
an envelope that you received and will receive from
rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel. In addition, the Rebbe
looked particularly serious.
All these changes were astonishing to me but
I couldnt give them too much thought since I was
busy arranging the shipment. I went to the airport
and they let me clean the container. We placed the
matzos inside and as I was getting to ready to lock
the container the pilot walked by. His name was Tzuk
and he saw what was going on and noticed that the
boxes did not have the tag indicating that they had
been checked by security (because El-Al trusted us
and they did not need a security check).
He said, I am not willing to take boxes that
have not undergone a security check with me on the
plane. Of course, I told him that I would arrange
permission, but he insisted and said, No! Its either
me or the matzos. I am not taking them with me.
It was fifteen minutes before the flight and I stood
there wondering what to do. On the one hand, I
could have challenged him and forced him, through
the CEO of El-Al in America with whom I had a good
relationship, to take the matzos. On the other hand,
employees of the company who were present felt
very uncomfortable with the situation. They said that
this flight would have a stopover in London and two
hours later there would be a direct flight and we could
put the matzos on that one.
The direct flight seemed the better choice, but the

main problem with that was the matzos would be flying without a shliach, something the Rebbe was particular about.
As I stood there deliberating, the shliach had already boarded the plane with only the envelope with
dollars from the Rebbe in his pocket. He had no idea
that the matzos had not been put on the plane he was
sitting on and might not make it on.
I tried to call the Rebbes office in order to ask the
Rebbe what to do, but as expected the line was busy. I
didnt know what to do. Meanwhile, time was passing
and I had to make a decision. I finally came up with
an idea. Since I worked at the yeshiva, I had the office number of R Dovid Raskin. I called him and told
him the situation. He immediately ran to R Binyamin
Klein and told him to leave a line free so I could call
and talk to him. Then I called the Rebbes office again
and told R Binyamin what was going on and asked
him to ask the Rebbe what I should do.
This was about 7:15, a quarter hour after Maariv.
R Leibel was in the room at the time and R Binyamin
immediately went to the Rebbes room and asked him
what I should do. The Rebbe said not to fight with
the pilot, because even if we forced him through the
CEO, he would be more likely to undermine other religious matters or other religious people. This time,
the Rebbe said it was okay to send it with the other
plane even though it meant going without a shliach
accompanying it.
I told El-Al that I would accept their suggestion
and send the matzos with the next flight. They immediately brought another container that was meant for
the next flight. We started cleaning once again, took
the matzos out of the container for the first flight and
put them in the other container. As we did this, I understood why the Rebbe had given me two letters and
two dollars. This time, everything was in twos!
The direct flight with the matzos arrived safely
while the first flight that stopped in London that had
the shliach with the envelope with dollars had not yet
What happened? At the airport in London, one
of the security men noticed an Arab giving an envelope to his wife who was supposed to board that
flight. This immediately aroused his suspicion and it
turned out to contain explosives. If she would have
boarded the plane, it would have exploded mid-flight.

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Therefore, they held

up the flight and conducted a search of all
the belongings of the
passengers and the
luggage, which took a
Perhaps this was
the reason that the
Rebbe told the shliach
that his tzdaka was
in the envelope he received, which apparently was protection
for the passengers
on the plane. Now
we could also understand what the Rebbe
meant when he said to
me, Did you arrange
everything with the
plane? It should work
out in the best possible way.
would have gone on
the first flight, they
would certainly have
opened them in London and would have
seen that they did not
have a security tag.
Even if they had ended up arriving in Eretz
Yisroel, it would have
been after they were
opened and searched
through and would no
longer be shmuros.
So it was all in
the the best possible
way. The matzos arrived safely and on
time, and the flight
with the shliach was
saved from a terrorist attack thanks to
the envelope of bills
which the Rebbe gave
for shlichus mitzva

With a Kassam missile in the Chabad school in Atzmona, together with the principal

R Rapp talking to R Yigal Kaminetzky in the period prior to the expulsion from Gush Katif

banim and public figures and he

connected them to the Rebbe. He
brought Israeli public figures who
had landed at the airport to visit
the Rebbe, whether by arranging
a yechidus for them, or in later
years for the distribution of dollars for tzdaka as can be seen
in numerous pictures and video

clips. He also kept in touch with

many of the rabbanim, askanim,
public figures, and politicians
whom he brought to the Rebbe.
In 5750, he became close
with the chairman of the Likud
movement in the US, Yehoram
Ben-Sholom, who made sure to
bring all the leaders of the LiIssue 982

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R Rapp pouring lchaim during dancing to hasten the Geula

The matzos arrived safely and on time, and the

flight with the shliach was saved from a terrorist
attack thanks to the envelope of bills which the Rebbe
gave for shlichus mitzva money.
kud movement who came to the
US to the dollars distribution. R
Rapp became the contact man
between the Likud leadership and
the Rebbe. He would speak with
the secretaries and make sure the
ministers and Knesset members
would not have to wait on a long
line, but would enter via the side
door that was reserved for VIPs.
When they came to the Rebbe,

he introduced them. Since many

of them were emotionally overwhelmed by talking to the Rebbe,
to the point that afterward they
found it hard to remember details
of the conversation, he listened
closely and tried to remember the
details. Then he would sit with
them after the meeting and repeat what the Rebbe said.

Even before he married, when

he was still a bachur, he was appointed by the mashpia R Dovid
Raskin and R Mordechai Mentlick, the rosh yeshiva, as the
mashgiach to take attendance of
the bachurim at the sdarim.
In 5744, he was asked by R
Chadakov to form a Vaad HaMechanchim whose role would be
to convene the mechanchim and
mashpiim when they came to 770
for Tishrei. He was told that at
every such gathering there should
be good resolutions made regarding the chinuch of the bachurim,
which would be submitted to the
At the vaads initiative, every
year in Tishrei a kinus is held for
bachurim in 770, at which they
are addressed by rabbanim and
mashpiim. The bachurim are told
how to behave as Tmimim who
are learning in the Rebbes yeshiva. This kinus is called Kinus
HaTmimim HaOlami. When
he was still personally involved,
R Rapp would give out mashke
at the conclusion to the participants, as the Rebbe said to do.
R Rapp was a familiar person
to residents of Crown Heights
and to those who visited 770.
He was the mashgiach who kept
track of those bachurim who
were late for the sdarim. But unlike others in that role, he loved
the bachurim and looked out for
them. Over the years, he devoted himself fully to their welfare,
making sure they had a pleasant
stay when they were in 770 on
Kvutza, and he listened to every
complaint and problem. He knew
how to relate to each one and to
speak well of them to the hanhala.
R Rapp also ran the Mat-

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teh Shira VZimra LKabbalas

Pnei Moshiach, which organized
dancing on every special date and
during the month of Adar, accompanied by live music. This
was in light of the Rebbes sichos
and answers about pure joy to
welcome Moshiach.
He had a special chayus in
everything having to do with
Moshiach and Geula, whether learning Inyanei Geula or
HaGeula. He put an emphasis
on publicizing the identity of the
Rebbe as Moshiach and spoke to
bachurim and Anash about the
importance of proclaiming Yechi.
R Rapp was one of the regular participants at the Siyumei
HaRambam in 770 that are arranged by R Menachem Gerlitzky, and he received much encouragement from the Rebbe for this.
R Rapp adopted the practice of,
at every siyum, connecting the

halachos in the Rambam to the

weekly portions of Chitas and
the time of the year as well as to
inyanei Moshiach and Geula. He
asked the Rebbe, who told him to
print these things he said at the
siyumim. So every week, he published a pamphlet before Shabbos
called Tikvas Menachem. Much
of the content of these pamphlets
were printed in his sfarim Tikvas
When the Jews were expelled
from Gush Katif, he and R Sholom Dovber Wolpo started the
Matteh HaOlami LHatzolas
HaAm VHaAretz to wage war
against giving away parts of Eretz
Yisroel. R Rapp worked to raise
large sums of money for this.
R Kuti had a special warmth
and sincerity that were expressed
primarily in his pure faith and
hiskashrus to the Rebbe and in
his joy and energy in doing mivtzaim. He worked to instill these
traits in his talmidim and mush-

paim in a pleasant way and in his

unique style.
He was constantly involved in
the Rebbes mivtzaim, not only at
the airport and at El-Al, but also
by initiating and taking an active
part in other projects with the desire to do what the Rebbe wants.

On Monday, 12 Tammuz, on
Empire Boulevard, a car ran him
over near his home. Attempts
were made to revive him but,
tragically, he passed away. Thousands of Chabad Chassidim,
alumnae of 770, feel a deep, personal sense of loss for this wonderful Chassid, mashgiach-mashpia, who looked out for them like
a father when they learned in the
He is survived by his father,
his wife Fayge, his daughter Chaya Mushka Moskowitz, Chana,
Yosef Yitzchok, and Shneur Zalman.
Check it out!! Educational and Fun!!

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Rabbi Shmuel Machputz, his wife Noa, and their children are the shluchim
in south Tel Avivs Neve Ofer neighborhood. The local residents, many
of whom have known their fair share of distress and poverty, enjoy the
Chabad outreach activities, done with great love and a full heart. Anyone
acquainted with Rabbi Machputz is familiar with his ever-present smile and
cheerful demeanor. A fascinating account of this most successful shlichus.
By Nosson Avraham|
Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry

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Rabbi Shmuel Machputz at

Kiddush Levana with local
community members

neighborhood in south
Tel Aviv, adjacent to
the city of Cholon.
Established back in the sixties, it
was originally given the name Tel
Kabir, but in 5737 its name was
changed to Neve Ofer. The central
nucleus of neighborhood residents
are the senior citizens living off of
their National Insurance Institute
pensions, together with immigrants
from the former Soviet Union
mainly Bukharians. In recent years,
many young couples joined the
Situated in the local commercial center alongside a bank, post
office, health clinics, events hall,

and grocery stores, there is also

a Chabad House now commemorating six years since its
inception. The Rebbes shluchim
Rabbi Shmuel Machputz, his
wife Noa, and their children
quickly became well recognized
figures throughout the neighborhood.
The challenge in operating within this community is far
greater than in any other neighborhood in the region. The success in meeting this challenge has
been in no small measure due to
the pleasant personality and dignified manner of the shluchim,
who managed to break through
and develop a warm relationship with all sectors of the local
population. The diversity here is
a microcosm of the amazing diversity characterizing the Jewish
People living in Eretz Yisroel as
a whole, said Rabbi Machputz
with a smile. For those who know
him, that smile never leaves his
In this community, immigrants from Morocco live side
by side with immigrants from
Bukharia, young and old, religious Zionists and ultra-Orthodox, people detached from all
observance of Torah and mitzvos,
and others who fulfill only scant
traditions retained from their
parents homes. Many outreach
organizations operate in the
neighborhood, including those
representing Sephardic Jewry
and Breslover Chassidism. Yet,
they all happily host farbrengens
in their synagogues and battei midrash, providing financial
and any other form of assistance
for the neighborhoods vibrant
Chabad activities.
The fact that immigrants
from both Bukharia and Morocco are familiar with Lubavitch
from their home countries, some
of whom even had a connection

with the Rebbe, has created an

atmosphere of tremendous love
towards Chabad, Rabbi Machputz noted.
The activities in the community operate at two levels: First,
a one-on-one style, making
house calls, arranging Torah
study by chavrusa, visits to the
nearby Abu Kabir prison four
times a week, hostels, geriatric
centers, and welcoming people
who want to write to the Rebbe.
Secondly, on a far wider scale,
there are farbrengens, Torah
classes, mitzvah campaign activities (tfillin, mezuzah, Chanukah,
Purim, Pesach), and summer
camps. Everything is run by Rabbi Machputz, who most gratefully receives help from numerous Tmimim from the Chabad
yeshivos in Ohr Yehuda, Rishon
LTziyon, and even as far as Tzfas.


How did Rabbi Machputz,
born and raised in the heart of
the Torah and Chassidic city of
Bnei Brak, come to the southern
Tel Aviv neighborhood of Neve
The answer lies with his wife,
Mrs. Noa Machputz (nee Tanji),
raised in this neighborhood and
whose parents live there to this
day. During the first year after
our wedding, we established our
residence in Bnei Braks Pardes
Katz neighborhood while I
worked in the local branch of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim, Rabbi
Machputz recalled. It was clear
to us that we wanted to live our
first year together near a Chabad
By the same token, it was also
clear to the young couple that
their purpose in life was to prepare another place somewhere
in the world to greet Moshiach
Tzidkeinu. Mrs. Machputz was
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After another few days, she came to see my wife

again in a state of tremendous excitement and
emotion. I want to be sure: Didnt the Rebbe write five
thousand? Just today, I received five thousand shekels
from the Income Tax Authority
employed then as a teacher in a
government-sponsored religious
school in the HaTikva neighborhood, and the traveling between
home and work was rather difficult, especially after the birth of
their first child.
My wife suggested that we
live in the neighborhood. This
way, we could get help from her
parents while also working as the
local shluchim. We wrote about
this to the Rebbe via Igros Kodesh
and we received an answer about
todays youth and how the best
way to work with them is to provide the unvarnished truth. Once
we realized that the Rebbe had
given us a positive answer, we left
Bnei Brak and made our way to
Neve Ofer. We started our local
neighborhood activities primarily on evenings and holidays, as

our mornings and afternoons

were devoted to my wifes work
as a schoolteacher and mine as a
mashgiach at the Chabad yeshiva
in Kfar Saba.
With the passage of time, as
the activities grew with greater
intensity, they made the decision
to invest all their efforts into their
shlichus. Anyone acquainted with
Rabbi Machputz knows that hes
not the type to sit on his laurels.
Before finishing one activity, hes
already planning out the next
one. He operated the neighborhood tfillin stands, and he went
out on house visits to put up mezuzos during the evenings. Within a short period of time, all local
residents had come to know him
and became aware of his outreach work.
Among the first activities we

made in the neighborhood were

farbrengens on auspicious Chassidic dates and Shabbos groups
with children from the public
kindergartens. At one of the local
Bukharian synagogues, the gabbaim offered us the use of their
building for our youth activities.
Each Shabbos, we would
organize a short class there on
the weekly Torah portion, recite
Thillim and other Torah passages. The number of children
participating grew each week and
the shuls gabbaim were most
pleased by the activities on the
premises. During this time, we
still had no regular location, and
our own shul operated only on
Shabbasos. Since the Bukharian shul had a large empty room,
I suggested to the gabbaim that
they clear the room of all unnecessary items and we would turn
it into a Chabad House branch.
They gave their enthusiastic consent, and we were on our way.
One of the gabbaim, who
felt a deep affection for Chabad,
had his own amazing story. Once
during a business trip to New
York, he decided that he wanted
to meet the Rebbe. He took a
cab to Crown Heights, and as
he was coming down Eastern
Parkway, the Jewish driver suddenly pointed to the Lubavitcher
Rebbe walking down the street
by himself. He immediately told
the driver to stop, and he got
out of the cab and ran towards
the Rebbe. He said that he shook
the Rebbes hand and the Rebbe
gave him a penetrating look and
a broad smile that he has never
forgotten. As the Rebbe continued on his way to 770, several
bachurim and avreichim came up
to him and asked who he was and
what the Rebbe had said to him.
For me, Rabbi Machputz
concluded, this was a most fascinating lesson. Quite often, we

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think that were revealing the

Rebbe to Jews somewhere in the
world. In fact, our sole job is to
know that we only have to harvest the crops that the Rebbe has
already planted and cultivated
long ago.

Rabbi Machputz maintains
good relations with all sectors
of the neighborhoods divergent
population, and he has a number
of interesting stories as evidence.
The neighborhood has a Judaica store run by a baal tshuva
whose journey back to Jewish
tradition began in Sephardic
and Breslover circles. One day,
he had an idea about starting
a synagogue for young people.
This young man was educated in
the Chabad school in Yafo, and
he has tremendous gratitude for
Chabad and love for the Rebbe.
When he saw that there were delays and obstacles in obtaining
the necessary building permits,
he asked if he could write to the
Rebbe in request of a bracha.
I made it clear to him that
writing to the Rebbe required
earnestness and solemnity
making a good spiritual resolution, giving tzdaka, washing
ones hands, etc. In fact, he was
merely expressing a desire, but
he didnt actually seem keen on
following through with writing
to the Rebbe. This continued for
some time, and whenever he told
me about the numerous difficulties he had encountered in founding the synagogue, he added how
much he still wanted to write to
the Rebbe. However, he wasnt
exactly in a rush to do it.
One day, by Divine Providence, I met him in the elevator
at the local commercial center.
Things by this time had reached

the limit of human endurance,

and he finally agreed to write to
the Rebbe and ask for a bracha
that all the obstacles be removed.
He received an amazing answer
(Vol. 5, pg. 269), addressed to
Chabad askanim in Tel Aviv:
In response to their letters
from the 13th and the 28th of
Shvat, in which they notify that
they have already purchased
and set up the shed, and they request an opinion on what name
to call this educational institution.
In my opinion, this pertains
in part to the learning program.
For if students are also accepted
there from groups not so close
to Chabad, it will be impossible
to be stringent that the program
be in accordance with Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. Thus, it
would be appropriate that you
go in to Reshet Oholei Yosef
Yitzchak Lubavitch, and if they
can arrange a program that it
will be like Yeshivas Tomchei
Tmimim, then it can be called
by the name Achei Tmimim
or Tomchei Tmimim. Further-

more, this depends upon whether there will also be classes for
older children. It would seem
that the first argument of going
to Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchak
Lubavitch is more suitable
then they could also accept as
students those who initially
wouldnt agree to the Chabad
learning program in full. In this
manner, they will slowly continue in the spirit of Lubavitch.
In any case, the learning should
be arranged in such a manner
that with the conclusion of studies at the institution in Rishon
LTziyon, they can enter one of
our yeshivos in Eretz HaKodesh
in Lod or in Yerushalayim,
may they be rebuilt and re-established.
May it be G-ds Will that the
Shchina will dwell within the
work of their hands, and their
work should be successful to
produce pious, Chassidic, and
learned students.
We read the letter, and we
realized that we couldnt have
hoped for a more precise reply.
He had already lost hope due to

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the bureaucratic red tape that

was holding up the municipal
building permits and keeping the
synagogue project in limbo, and
here the Rebbe is giving a bracha
for receiving the shed. Miraculously, just a few days later, all
the permits arrived and the synagogue opened its doors.
The Rebbe had written about
a yeshiva, and in fact, a yeshiva
had recently opened nearby a
branch of the Bnei Brak Kisse
Rachamim yeshiva, headed by
Rabbi Adir Amrusi. Rabbi Amrusi is a true friend of Chabad
and has great affection for the
Rebbe. I often hear him declare
his tremendous appreciation of
the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach
and the amazing way of receiving
his bracha today by writing a letter via Igros Kodesh, said Rabbi
This synagogue hosts numerous farbrengens as do other shuls
in the neighborhood. When
I moved into the community,
people still didnt know us well
enough. As a result, I placed a
great emphasis upon farbrengens
and other activities that would

reach the hearts of as many people as possible as a means of

becoming better known among
neighborhood residents. This is
how we operated: We would join
an existing Torah class, bring the
refreshments, start farbrenging
before the arrival of the class
teacher. We would then continue
the farbrengen after he left.
We made our first Gimmel Tammuz farbrengen at one
of the local shuls. Rabbi Chaim
Rabi of Cholon, a prominent and
highly respected rabbinical figure, had been invited that day to
give a lecture. For our part, we
had brought the mashpia, Rabbi
Avraham Kali. Rabbi Rabi walked
in as Rabbi Kali was speaking,
and he was simply captivated.
He immediately decided to cancel the class, asked for a LChaim,
and sat down to farbreng with
everyone else.
During the farbrengen, we
held a raffle for a dollar from
the Rebbe. The lucky winner announced that he is giving the dollar as a segula for his grandson,
who was already three years old,
yet he hadnt begun to speak. A

few weeks later I met this man

again, and he looked positively overjoyed. He told me that
his son and daughter-in-law
had placed the dollar under the
childs pillow and incredibly,
the child started talking! At first,
he spoke only a word at a time,
but his vocabulary grew with time
to the amazement of his doctors and the medical staff.

Neve Ofer is host to a wide
range of activities geared for local youth. Many of them have
decided to return to their roots
and become stronger in their observance of Torah and mitzvos as
a result of the work by the neighborhood shluchim, especially the
activities on Friday night, such
as opening a Shabbos table in
the middle of the neighborhood.
Each Erev Shabbos, we open
a table in the heart of the local
commercial center, make Kiddush for the young people gathering
there, and speak to them about
One Shabbos, I decided to
take a volume of Igros Kodesh

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with me and tell them how its

possible to write to the Rebbe and
receive his bracha. I wasnt planning that someone would ask for
a bracha on that occasion. Generally speaking, I dont like when
people casually open up Igros
Kodesh; I believe in preparing for
this in an appropriate manner.
However, when I finished talking
about Igros, two young men with
whom I was already acquainted
came up to me. They had been
raised in ultra-Orthodox homes
but had eventually abandoned the
Torah lifestyle. One of them convinced me that he had an urgent
question to ask the Rebbe. At
first, I tried to dissuade him, asking him to come to the Chabad
House on Sunday. However, he
was determined and I eventually
When I looked at the answer
he received in Igros, I noticed
that it was written entirely in Yiddish. The Rebbe was writing to a
young Jewish man who wanted to
marry a Gentile, stating that by
doing so he was helping to carry
out the plans of Hitler, may his
name be erased.

We read the letter and we realized that we

couldnt have hoped for a more precise reply.
He had already lost hope due to the bureaucratic red
tape that was holding up the municipal building permits
and keeping the synagogue project in limbo, and here
the Rebbe is giving a bracha for obtaining the structure.
Miraculously, just a few days later, all the permits arrived
and the synagogue finally opened its doors.

It was a very harsh letter

and I wondered whether I should
read it to him. I eventually decided that everything comes
from G-d and I would translate the text, word for word. As
I translated the letter, I noticed
that the young mans face went
totally pale. Afterwards, he told
me that he was in contact with
a young woman whom he suspected might be a Gentile. At this
point, he called over his friend
and asked him if this woman was
actually Jewish. His friend looked
at him in astonishment: She already told you that she believes
in [J].... The young man decided

then and there to break off all

connection with her.
Any discussion of the local
activities with young people must
include the summer camp run by
the shluchim each year. During
the first year of our shlichus, we
decided to make a Chabad summer camp. In order to draw more
children, we scheduled the camp
during days and hours when
there were no other camp programs. This helped to achieve far
greater success.


In Rabbi Machputzs carry-

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case, youll always find, in addition to the standard pair of tfillin
and informational brochures, a
volume of Igros Kodesh. The
amazing stories in the community making the rounds from
requesting the Rebbes bracha
number in the hundreds.
One of the neighbors in our
building worked in one of the local kindergartens. After the birth
of her son, she was dismissed
from her job and spent the next
ten months unsuccessfully looking for another source of employment. My wife suggested that she
write to the Rebbe and ask for his
bracha, and the woman gladly
agreed. The answer appeared in
Vol. 3, pg. 81. The message was
quite clear:
As per his telephone conversation, enclosed herein is
a check in the amount of five
thousand dollars ($5,000) as
an act of kindness. At the end
of your conversation last night,
my holy and revered teacher
and father-in-law, the Rebbe
[Rayatz] shlita wished him
that he should be a Graf, acronym for Gut, Reich, Frum [
= good, rich, pious] (Graf is a
title of honor, meaning Earl in
English). Since I am not certain whether he understood the
aforementioned words, I am
copying them here and he will
surely try to be a vessel for a
I explained to her that she
mustnt think about the difficulties and the poverty, and everything begins and ends in thoughts
and actions. She was very encouraged by the clear answer.
Just a few days later, she
told my wife that she had already
found a new job. After another
few days, she came to see my
wife again in a state of tremendous excitement and emotion. I
want to be sure: Didnt the Rebbe

write five thousand? Just today,

I received five thousand shekels
from the Income Tax Authority
due to a mistake in their collection department...
Naturally, the Chabad House
has a full set of Igros Kodesh,
and Rabbi Machputz shared the
story of Divine Providence that
brought him this set.
Theres another Chabad
chassid in our neighborhood,
Gavriel Alentanov. Each year, on
the night of Hoshana Rabba, he
customarily goes around to the
neighborhood synagogues and
tells stories about the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and other great
chassidic figures. He received an
offer from Mr. Leviev of Bnei
Brak to move there and serve as
the rav of the citys Bukharian
shul. However, he wrote to the
Rebbe and received an answer to
remain in the neighborhood. He
brings many Jews closer to their
roots through his unique ability
for telling stories.
One Hoshana Rabba night
I was accompanying him when
a Jew approached me in one of
the local shuls. He asked if it was
true that one could write a letter to the Rebbe and place it in a
volume of Igros Kodesh. When
I told him that this was correct,
he said that he was planning on
buying the whole set for his synagogue, giving people the opportunity to use it whenever they
wished. Since I was in the middle of saying Thillim, I couldnt
speak with him at length. However, I wanted to explain to him
that if hes planning to buy a set
of Igros, it would be preferable to
donate it to the Chabad House,
thereby ensuring its access to as
many people as possible.
After the holiday, I received a
phone call from this Jew. He informed me that he had decided to
buy the set of Igros Kodesh and

donate it to the Chabad House,

where people can use it in the
proper manner


After several years of continual activities, Rabbi Machputz
decided to expand his outreach
programs. I was looking for a
central location to achieve this
purpose. I wanted to rent a place
in the neighborhood shopping
center, where numerous people
visit regularly all hours of the
day. I started inquiring about vacant storefronts available for rent,
but I simply didnt have the courage to close a deal on a rental
Last year, I went with my
family to the Shabbos Achdus to
get a spiritual boost. During the
farbrengens, several people told
amazing stories of things that
occurred during their outreach
activities. They strengthened me
very much, as my main concern
had been over the need for far
greater involvement in fundraising to cover our rental expenses.
I had decided to rent a storefront
in the commercial center, and
with G-ds help, I would succeed in acquiring the necessary
One day, I approached the
manager in charge of numerous
stores at the commercial center.
I suggested that since there are
vacant storefronts, and he is currently paying municipal taxes on
them, he could permit us to enter
these storefronts without paying
rent while we would pay the municipal taxes.
I didnt know how he would
react. Were talking about a
shrewd businessman. I worked
in a manner of Lchatchilla Aribber and I was surprised to receive
his consent. He later told me that

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he owns a factory producing alcoholic beverages and he wanted

to bring his merchandise into the
ultra-Orthodox market. I suggested that he obtain a kashrus
certificate from the chief rabbi
of Bnei Brak, Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa. He followed
this advice, and this past Tishrei,
many Chabad Houses, Chabad
institutions, and yeshivos drank
LChaim from beverages produced by his factory.
Just prior to the recent Knesset election campaign, one of the
political parties asked if it could
rent the site we were occupying. As a result, we had to vacate
the premises, but the owner with
whom we had already established
friendly contact gave us another
place. While this new setting was
somewhat smaller, it was located
at the entrance to the commercial
center. As a result, anyone coming to the center had to pass by
our storefront, and the number of
Chabad House visitors increased
In the meantime, the Rebbe
had not only made certain to
arrange a new location for the
Chabad House, there would also
be a car for the shliach to use for
his activities. One of my sons

learns at the Chabad kindergarten in Bat Yam, and I would

travel by bus to bring him there
and back. This took up valuable
time from my shlichus work. I
had thought about getting a drivers license for a long time, but it
was constantly postponed for one
reason or another.
Within the commercial center, there is an office belonging
to a prominent attorney. His sonin-law had previously worked
with him and had recently moved
out of the neighborhood, leaving
his car with the office. The attorney invited me to speak with him,
and he told me that after seeing
my very difficult work, he wanted
to give me the car. I listened to
his words in disbelief. I quickly
got my drivers license, and the
Chabad House now has a car as
This attorney has become
quite friendly with us and supports our activities. He eventually gave us permission to use his
son-in-laws office for making
copies and other office needs.
Anyone familiar with
you knows that you are a shliach who lives with Moshiach.
It cries out from all the activi-

ties you do with your community. In your opinion, what is

the best way to achieve this on
a level of lights of Tohu in vessels of Tikkun?
From my personal experience, I have seen that there are
people who really want to know
and others who arent interested
in hearing anything on the subject. We go with our message of
truth, but this doesnt contradict
the fact that we have to explain
and clarify the issue. However, if
we see that we are facing someone who wants to taunt us and
not listen, it would be preferable
to focus on the do good aspect
and not get into any arguments
In our community, people
accept the whole subject quite
well not just the non-observant,
but also those who received their
education in yeshiva programs.
There are also regular lecturers in the community who were
educated according to a different
Torah approach, yet they periodically write to the Rebbe via Igros
Kodesh. They even recommend
the idea to those close to them.

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Rabbi Machputzs mind is
filled with a variety of program
ideas he wants to implement. He
is already beginning to see the
first buds of a Chabad community in the neighborhood, in no
small measure due to the prayer
services held at the Chabad

Continued from page 3

in his name: Yitzchok for in
the Future Era we shall say of
Yitzchok, for you are our father (Shabbos 89b); ben Shlomo for in the time of Shlomo
HaMelech there was perfect
peace and tranquility, resembling the peace of the Future Era

House on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Numerous friends and supporters have already adopted the path
of Chassidus. He also wants to
extend the level of material assistance to elderly and needy people
living in the neighborhood. We
dont forget those of limited
means in our community, and
we make certain to tend to their
physical needs prior to each holi-

day to the best of our ability. This

comes in the form of food packages and purchase vouchers, but
often it isnt enough. My heart
breaks each time I am compelled
to turn people away. G-d willing,
we will also increase, develop,
and intensify our activities in this
area and more. He is quite optimistic.

(Shaarei Tshuva of the Mitteler

Rebbe, words beginning with
Pada VShalom Ch. 11).
And also to point out that
in several places he is referred
to as Arizal HaChai the Living Arizal (an epithet that is not
used for other great Jews, even
those who only died on account
of the serpents bite, and even

those of whom it is said that they

did not die at all see Shabbos 55b, Bava Basra 17a; and see
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24, pg. 132
ff.) a state that resembles the
revelation of the eternal life of the
future Era.
***See Footnote 87 in the
original for sources.


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Imagining how Rabbeinu HaNasi would
visit his home every Shabbos, I thought at
the time that surely the Rebbe Maharash
visits his study every Shabbos or even
every day. * From Chapter 8 of Rabbi
Shloma Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros.
(Underlined text is the compilers

The walls of the large room

[the study] of my revered
Maharash, were adorned with tall
bookshelves. Two of the cabinets
were full with handwritten
manuscripts. There were also
two broad, plush chairs in the
room, upholstered with silk. In
the center of the room there
stood a round table over which
there hung from a beam a
crystal chandelier with thirteen
branches. On each branch there
was a kerosene lamp. In the
northeast corner of the room
there was a bureau, upon which
the Rebbe Maharash would write.
In my youth, when the school
day was over, I loved to lounge
on those comfortable chairs and
think about the stories I had
heard long ago from my teacher
Reb Yekusiel, as well as the more

recent stories I had heard on

other occasions from the Chassid
Reb Chanoch Hendel, nishmaso
One day in those years
it was in the month of Sivan
5647 while sitting on one
of the tall, wide chairs in the
Rebbe Maharashs study, I
contemplated the story I had
heard from the Chassid Reb
Chanoch Hendel, the story told
in the Gemara about how after
his passing from this world,
Rebbi Yehuda HaNasi, compiler
of the Mishna, would come every
Shabbos to visit his house.
Hearing stories on a regular
basis, coupled with my love to
review them at every opportunity,
developed in me the ability to
visualize these stories in a very
tangible way. Imagining how
Rabbeinu HaNasi would visit his

home every Shabbos, I thought

at the time that surely the Rebbe
Maharash visits his study every
Shabbos or even every day.
One time, sitting in the large,
broad chairs in the study of
the Rebbe Maharash, absorbed
in thought about the souls of
tzaddikim living in Gan Eden
and what they must experience
there, I recalled what the Chassid
Reb Chanoch Hendel had said in
the beis midrash to Reb Moshe
Zarchin and Reb Pinchas the
Shopkeeper. Reb Chanoch told
them that the Gemara says that
tzaddikim are elevated after
their passing to the extent of
the greatness they had achieved
when they were alive in the
physical world. Reflecting on this
teaching, I imagined how great
my grandfather is and reveled in
my childhood fantasy.
In this state, I heard a voice
speaking very softly and weeping.
Opening my eyes I saw my
father, the holy Rebbe, dressed
in his sirtuk and Shabbosdige
shtraimel, wearing his gartel as
he would for davening. He was
standing beside the [bureau, the
writing] table of my grandfather,
the Rebbe Maharash, in the
corner of the room, holding a
paper in his hand, reading [from
it] and weeping. I was extremely
frightened and quietly left the
In those days, my teacher was
Reb Shimshon, but since he was
such a severe person, I would
ask my previous teacher, Reb
Yekusiel, all [my questions], and
he helped me further develop my
thoughts. At the time, awakening
within me was the feeling that I
should devote myself to the holy
Rebbe not only as a child to a
father, but also as a Chassid to a
(Seifer HaSichos 5704, pg. 6-7)

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The tzaddik, R Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz, known as the Chozeh of Lublin,
passed away on Tisha BAv after a protracted battle to hasten the Geula.
* It was a heavenly battle in which the tzaddikim of that generation were
involved and the Satan himself was the adversary.
By Menachem Ziegelboim

All his life, the Chozeh of Lublin (1745-1815) burned with
anticipation of the redemption
of the Jewish people. Chassidim
relate that every night, before the
Chozeh went to sleep, he would
ask his shamash (aide) to wake
him up immediately if Moshiach
However, the Chozeh did not
suffice with just waiting for the
Geula. He made many attempts
to hasten Moshiachs coming,
even to the point of mesirus
One year, the Chozeh was engaged in his prayers and supernal
unifications until he was sure that
the hour for the Geula was nigh.
He revealed to his great disciple,
the Yid HaKadosh, R Yaakov

Yitzchok of Peshischa, that as

far as the simple Jews were concerned, the Geula would have already come. It was the men of
deeds who were delaying it because of their arrogance.
The Chozeh made another attempt to hasten the Geula, this
time together with other tzaddikim so that with their joint efforts
they would succeed. He called to
Lublin his good friend, R Mendel
of Rimanov. The Chozeh hoped
that the tzaddik from Rimanov
would spend five Shabbasos in a
row with him and they would be
able to achieve all the necessary
spiritual unifications.
However, the Satan intervened. Friday night, the Chassidim at the Chozehs table were
used to speaking to one another,
while at R Mendels table the

Chassidim sat in awe. When R

Mendel saw the conduct of the
Chassidim, he was annoyed and
rebuked them, Yidden, derech
eretz! At once, there was silence
and fear.
The Chozeh, who was wont
to act in a pleasant and welcoming manner to everyone, tried to
calm them down. How can you
frighten such Jews? he asked R
On the second Shabbos, R
Mendel became sick and did not
come to the table. The plan to
join forces in lofty intentions and
unifications for five Shabbasos in
a row was thwarted. The next day
R Mendel left for home.
But the Chozeh remained undeterred. He continued with his
attempts to hasten the Geula.

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The gravesite of R
Yaakov Yitzchok
Horowitz, the
Chozeh of Lublin

The gravestone on the Chozehs resting place

After a number of further attempts, the Chozehs final effort to hasten the Geula was
scheduled for Rosh HaShana
A few months earlier, he made
all the necessary preparations.
He knew that because of this attempt, a war was being waged in
the lower realms and in the heavenly realms.
Before Rosh HaShana, the
Chozeh asked his great disciples,
Who wants to go with me to
war? His great disciples acceded except for R Naftali of Ropshitz who left the beis midrash,
since he was afraid to join an offensive war against the Satan.
In the end, the Chozeh enlisted these disciples to his aid:

R Klonimus of Neustat, author

of Maor VShemesh, and R Naftali Hertz of Berzhan. Together
with them were the tzaddikim R
Yisroel of Kohznitz and R Mendel of Rimanov. The tzaddik, R
Dovid of Lelov, was the shofar
blower while the Chozeh read the
An urgent letter was also
sent to R Menachem Mendel of
Kosov, author of Ahavas Sholom,
saying he should come to Lublin
and help with the intentions and
The Defender of Israel (R
Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev)
had passed away a few years
earlier, and he had promised he
would not rest in his grave and
would not agree to enter Gan
Eden to sit with the other tzaddikim who basked in the glow

of the Shchina until he brought

Moshiach. Apparently Hashem
Himself had enticed R Levi Yitzchok to enter Gan Eden where
he had forgotten the Jewish people who were suffering in exile.
Therefore, the tzaddikim decided
that they would send an emissary
to remind him of his oath. Surely
he would gird his powers to hasten the Geula.
The tzaddikim then had to
decide who would be the emissary to the heavens above. They
cast a lot among themselves and
it fell to the Chozeh to ascend
above. The tzaddik accepted this
assignment and began preparing
for his passing from this world in
order to meet with R Levi Yitzchok.
When the Yid HaKadosh
heard about this he sent a mesIssue 982

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sage to his master, the Chozeh,
to let him know that he did not
think it was proper that the
Chozeh depart this world. This
would disband the group of tzaddikim who were hastening the
Geula and the threefold strand
(the Chozeh, the Kozhnitzer and
the Rimanover) will not quickly
be broken. He decided that he
himself would be the emissary,
the trusted envoy, to carry out a
mission which was synonymous
with death.
The Chozeh accepted his disciples suggestion, and a short
time later, the Yid HaKadosh
passed away at a young age on
Chol HaMoed Sukkos 5574.
The first glitch occurred even
before Yom Tov began. At the last

his enemies who tried to destroy

Terrifying thoughts filled the
hearts of the many Chassidim
who were present in the Chozehs
beis midrash. The Chozeh knew
that the war was at its height, but
he was confident that he could
overcome the obstacles that stood
in his way and that he could pave
the way for Moshiach.
The Chozeh pulled his tallis
over his head, down to his chest,
as he soared heavenward with his
awesome intentions. Two of his
great disciples stood at his side,
trembling in fear. They understood that during these very moments a powerful war was being
waged on several fronts against
the sitra achra. The Chozeh de-

The Maggid came from the supernal world and

spread his tallis under my head, which is why I
was only injured.
moment, R Chaim of Kosov, son
of R Mendel, arrived in Lublin.
This was because R Mendels
Chassidim did not allow him to
leave them during the days of
judgment and mercy of Tishrei
so he sent his son instead. The
Chozeh was very happy with R
Chaim, but he was not who he
had in mind when he wanted to
enlist other tzaddikim in the battle.
The tzaddikim strained to
confuse the Satan during the
tkios and disrupt his accusations,
thus paving the way to hasten the
end of galus. The one who blew
the shofar was R Dovid of Lelov.
All knew that with this small shofar that he held, R Dovid had to
arouse the Great Shofar, the shofar of Moshiach. They also knew
that the Satan would not sit with
folded arms and that he would
make great efforts to overcome

layed, his holy body trembling,

not in fear of the battle but in fear
of Hashem, of the light of the
It was only after a long wait
that they finally heard the Chozeh
command, Tkia!
R Dovid of Lelov said the
bracha in a broken voice and he
put the shofar to his lips and tried
to blow, but could not make a
sound. R Dovid was known as
an experienced shofar blower,
but this time he could not get
it to make a sound. R Dovid
tried another shofar, cleared his
throat, tried various positions,
but no sound emerged. All knew
that this was the work of Satan.
The Chozehs face was fiery and
he yelled, The Torah says you
shall blow!
Then suddenly, R Dovid was
successful and the tkios emerged
clearly. That was the first

achievement in the war against

Good news also came from
Kozhnitz. They heard that the
Maggid who was sick and weak
had gotten up and with superhuman power had cried out on the
night of Yom Kippur, Master of
the universe, tell us I forgive you
as per your word, and hasten the
Geula. Lest You say there lack
tzaddikim in the world, we have
R Mendel of Rimanov who is a
genuine tzaddik. Do we lack an
Urim VTumim in our generation? We have the holy Chozeh.
Are there no baalei tshuva?
There is me, Yisroel of Kozhnitz,
with my frail body, who is ready
to do tshuva for all the Jewish
Then the Maggid of Kozhnitz cried out jubilantly and told
the congregation to sing, And
Hashem said, I forgive as per
your word. When R Yisroel of
Ruzhin heard about this, he said,
I am convinced that the Maggid heard in heaven, I forgive as
per your word, for otherwise, he
would not have begun praying
When the Chozeh heard of
the Maggids success, he said
joyously, If only we shall hear
good news from Kozhnitz, for
the sick one made a commotion
in all the worlds.

The days of judgment and
awe passed. Now the efforts had
to be continued during the happy
days of Sukkos and the peak day
of joy, Simchas Torah. There are
no loftier days than these, auspicious for bringing Moshiach.
R Mendel of Rimanov sat in his
sukka full of joy and said to his
Chassidim, Pray for me that
the year 5575 pass and then the
Geula will come.
When the Chassidim heard

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this, they remembered that back

on Pesach he had said, If my
colleagues will help me, we will
merit that next year we will be in
the rebuilt Yerushalayim and this
cup of wine will be the cup of salvation. The Chassidim realized
that it would be a year of divine
favor and mercy.
When Satan saw that the
tzaddikim were making every effort, no matter the cost, to bring
Moshiach, he also mustered all
his strength. A terrible thing occurred on Erev Sukkos. The
Kozhnitzer Maggid felt unwell
and his health was extremely
poor. The Chassidim gathered in
the beis midrash to try and avert
the decree.
The Maggid called for his
son, the tzaddik R Moshe Elyakim Bereyo and said, A few
minutes ago, R Levi Yitzchok of
Berditchev appeared to me and I
asked him why he did not keep
his promise to hasten the Geula.
I also asked him whether it is
worthwhile to force the issue and
hasten the end of galus.
He said, In a short while you
will be with us and there, above,
you will see everything clearly.
When your eyes are not limited
as they are in the physical world,
you will see that what seemed like
a calamity in the physical world is
actually quite good in the world
of truth. It is absolutely forbidden
to force the end of time, because
it is quite possible that within this
good thing of wanting to force
it, a great evil will come forth.
Hashem is the source of mercy.
He suffers along with the Jewish
people and tzaddikim also need
to join in and suffer with Him.
Therefore, concluded the
Maggid to his son, immediately
tell my colleague the Chozeh of
Lublin to stop this war and to
cease making a commotion with
this avoda.

Only then did his disciples understand what he

meant when he said, We did not merit a joyous
Simchas Torah and therefore did not merit a joyous Tisha

A short while later, the Maggid of Kozhnitz passed away to

the sorrow of his many followers.
The band of tzaddikim who tried
to hasten the Geula had lost one
of their main warriors.
The Chassidim hid this information from the Chozeh so as not
to cause him sorrow on the eve of
the holiday of rejoicing. Even the
Chozeh, with his wondrous sight,
did not sense it because there was
hester panim (concealment).
He himself felt that the time
was particularly tense and the situation dangerous. I am afraid,
he said to his great disciples, of
the years that even Moshe Rabbeinu was afraid of when he said,
I am fearful of the anger and
Despite the danger involved,
the Chozeh continued his efforts.
It was the night of Simchas
Torah. Masses of Chassidim went
to Lublin to be with their Rebbe
on this exalted day. The joy of the
Chassidim burst forth; joy like
this had never been seen in Lublin. The Chozeh stood in the center of the dancing and encouraged his Chassidim to drink more
and more. He said, If we have
a joyous Simchas Torah, we will
also have a joyous Tisha BAv,
meaning that the Geula will have
One song followed another as
did niggun after niggun. None of
them noticed when the Chozeh
left the dancing for a few minutes
in order to rest in his room so he
could return to the dancing with
renewed strength. All hoped and
prayed that Simchas Torah would

be truly joyous.
But the Satan wasnt sleeping.
He knew that his very existence
was in danger. He had been waiting for this moment.
Since the Chozeh felt that
such an auspicious time was also
a time of danger, he asked his
wife to stay in the room with him
until he got up. He knew that
when two people were present,
the Satan could not do any harm.
The Rebbetzin remained there
until the Satan fooled her. She
suddenly heard the cry of a little
child and she could not help but
go out to calm the child down.
When she left the room
The Chassidim later recounted to one another what happened
but nobody really knows what
truly happened. When the Rebbetzin returned to the room, she
was frightened to see that her
husband was no longer there. All
she could say was that she had
just managed to see a pair of outstretched hands take the Rebbe
from where he was lying and
throw him out the window. The
window was narrow and placed
high in the wall, so nobody could
understand how the Rebbe could
have fallen out. It remained a
The Satan even decided to indulge in a bit of mockery. A large
rock was thrown at the window
of R Klonimus of Cracow who
had been a close supporter of the
Chozeh in his efforts to bring the
Geula. The rock shattered the
window and R Klonimus realized
that something had happened to
the Chozeh and burst into tears,

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Who knows whats doing by the
Rebbe in Lublin.
In Lublin there was heartbreak and despair. The singing
and dancing stopped. All went
out to search for the Rebbe who
had disappeared out the window.
Hours of searching commenced
until R Eliezer of Chmelnik, the
son-in-law of R Tzvi Hirsch of
Stoshov, saw in the distance the
figure of a person writhing in the
brush. Since it was dark outside,
it was hard to see who it was. As
R Eliezer advanced, he heard a
groan. He could not identify the
Rebbes voice and called out,
Who are you?
The answer was, Yaakov
Yitzchok ben Mattil.
R Eliezer began to scream
and shout which brought the
rest of the group running. The
great disciple, R Shmuel of Korev, carried the Rebbes head.
On the way, R Shmuel heard
the Rebbe whispering. He leaned
closer and heard the Rebbe say,
Tikkun Leah, from the Tikkun
Chatzos. R Shmuel looked at his
watch and saw that it was 11:30,
the time when the Rebbe would

say Tikkun Chatzos every night.

Even in this state, he did not veer
from this practice.
The disciples heard the Rebbe
sigh, Oy, why didnt you tell me
the Maggid of Kozhnitz passed
away before Sukkos? If I had
known that the band of tzaddikim had disbanded I would
not have continued. You should
know that if not for the Maggid
of Kozhnitz, nothing would have
remained of me from my fall. The
Maggid came from the supernal
world and spread his tallis under
my head, which is why I was only
That is when R Yehuda Leib
of Zaklikov, one of the elders
of the group in Lublin, remembered that the Chozehs master,
R Elimelech of Lizhensk, had
whispered to the Chozeh on his
last trip to Lizhensk, You always
need to pray, do not cast me
aside in my old age.
Oy, sighed the Chozeh, if
the Yid HaKadosh was still alive,
this would not have happened.
As a result of the fall, the
Chozeh was ill and could not
leave his bed. His great disciple,

the baal tshuva, Dr. Chaim Dovid Bernhard, was brought to see
him but he was unable to help.
He tried to diagnose the source
of the problem and asked where
it hurt. The Chozeh said, my left
thigh. Dr. Bernhard tried to heal
him but the Rebbe dismissed his
attempts. All of the sitra achra
united against me, he said. The
generation is not yet worthy.
The Chozeh remained in bed
from Simchas Torah until Tisha
BAv when he passed away. Only
then did his disciples understand
what he meant, We did not merit a joyous Simchas Torah and
therefore did not merit a joyous
Tisha BAv.
The Satans work was easier
in Cracow and Berzhan. We already mentioned the rock shattering the window of R Klonimus. In Berzhan, R Naftali Hertz
was dancing with all his might
when a fire broke out in his home
and burned the woman who
helped in the house. The dancers
fled the house and only R Naftali
Hertz continued to dance, but he
no longer had the power to bring
the Goel.

Continued from page 29

and permeates ones emotions,

and then translates into thought,
speech and action consistent with
this very auspicious period of time
when we stand on the threshold
of Redemption and we are able to
point with our finger Behold he
(he King Moshiach) has come.
This theme is also expressed in
the special Chabad custom during
the nine days (and in 5751, the
Rebbe encouraged it to continue
till 15 Av!) to make a daily Siyum.
While many communities hear Siyumim in the nine days, they do
it to enable them to eat meat. The
Chabad custom is to hear Siyumim and refrain from eating meat
at the same time.

The Rebbe does not want Torah (siyumim) to be a problem

solver for our physical desires of
eating meat in the summer, but
rather, because we want to connect and rejoice with Hashem
through his Torah. Being that we
want to make a siyum end
of Galus, and we want to show
Hashem that we are anticipating the Torah Chadasha of
Moshiach, we continue the Siyumim through 15 Av!

mal life, as Shchinta Bgalusa,

we are away from our natural
home of Yerushalayim, and when
Moshiach comes the truth of creation and the creator will be revealed!
We need to be forward thinking and that comes through living with the future in our actions. In the words of the Rebbe:
We should live with the time
of the Messianic Era. This can
be attained when ones intellect is
filled with the comprehension of
the Torah concepts of Moshiach
and Redemption. This intellectual awareness then extends to

Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of

Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a well
sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings of his in-depth shiurim on Inyanei
Geula uMoshiach can be accessed at

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By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon

Dear Reader shyichyeh,

In the Sicha of Matos-Massei
5751, the Rebbe makes the following statement about Ahavas
The connection between Ahavas Yisroel and the future Redemption can be emphasized
yet again, not only because the
negation of exile comes through
the negation of the cause of exile
(which comes through the opposite of Ahavas Yisroel) The
emphasis on Ahavas Yisroel anticipates the beginning of the true
and complete Redemption, which
is connected with the point of unity above any division.
In other words, there are two
reasons for having Ahavas Yisroel:
Firstly, to rectify the problem that
caused the exile, and second, to
begin adjusting to the life of the
future the life of Moshiach
where there will be no war, jealousy and hatred. The Rebbe wants
us to have Ahavas Yisroel primarily for the second reason.
What is the practical difference between the two motives to
have Ahavas Yisroel?
If the impetus to have ahavas
Yisroel is fixing the reason for
Galus, then in reality it is not true
Ahavas Yisroel. You have a problem (galus) and the panacea to
your problem is Ahavas Yisroel, so
in essence it is all about you. That
kind of Ahavas Yisroel is selfish;

You have a problem (galus) and the panacea to

your problem is Ahavas Yisroel, so in essence its
all about you. That kind of Ahavas Yisroel is selfish; its
not really because you love the other. The second way of
Ahavas Yisroel however when one is living Geula and
sees the Yechida in every Yid the love is unconditional;
its all about the fact that the other person has a Neshama.

its not really because you love the

other. The second way of Ahavas
Yisroel however when one is living Geula and sees the Yechida in
every Yid the love is unconditional; it is all about the fact that
the other person has a Neshama.
The difference is also felt by
the other person. There is a famous story about a bachur who
went on Mivtzaim and asked
someone to put on Tfillin and the
person refused. R Mendel Futerfas then asked the same person
to put on Tfillin and the person
agreed. The first bachur asked
the person why he agreed to put
on Tfillin with R Mendel but not
with him.
The man replied, When you
asked me, I didnt feel that you
really cared if I put on Tfillin,
rather I felt that you were trying to get the biggest number of
people to put on Tfillin. When
R Mendel asked me to put on
Tfillin, I felt that he really cared

that I should put in Tfillin, so I

This echoes a very similar
statement that the Rebbe made a
few weeks earlier (Balak 5751 in
middle of ois 9) in regard to learning about the Beis HaMikdash in
the three weeks: The learning
should not just be because you
feel the feelings of mourning of
the destruction, and therefore the
need to fix the void of, the second
Beis HaMikdash. Rather (even
if the Beis HaMikdash was never
destroyed) because you are anticipating the greatness of the third
Beis HaMikdash!
This is a very important theme
and message about the whole
concept of Geula: Geula is not a
problem solver! The reason we
should want Moshiach is not because we have problems. Even
when we have all that we need,
we know that this is not the optiContinued on page 28
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whom the Baal Shem Tov had
extremely high regard and whose
commentaries are frequently cited in Chassidic thought) explains
that these sin-tainted locations
actually allude to nine different
positive traits for one who follows G-ds Torah and is imbued
with reverence for G-d. Seen in
this positive light, it reinforces
the idea that the Jewish people
were prepared to hear harsh criticism after hearing the loving and
positive message Moshe delivered
before he rebuked them.
Considering the fact that
shortly before the Jewish people
were to cross the Jordan and conquer the Land of Israel, one may
suggest that there is a parallel to
our own day and age. We stand
now poised to enter the Promised
Land with Moshiach at our head.
Accordingly, these nine desirable
traits can also be interpreted as
nine aspects of preparation for
the Final Redemption.

The first is eiver which is cognate to the word Ivri-Hebrew.

Avraham, (and subsequently the
Jewish people), was called a Hebrew because it means that he
came from the other side of the
Or HaChayim does not explain the spiritual significance of
being called an Ivri. Most likely
he is alluding to the Midrashic
interpretation (BReishis Rabba
42:13) of this title: Abraham
stood on one side of the divide
and the entire world was on the
other side.
The first step in spiritual development is to have the courage to stand on the right side,
no matter how many people have
opted for the other side.
Applying this to our efforts
to bring Moshiach, we have to
see ourselves as standing on the
other side of the Galus-Geula divide. Even if we have thousands
of years of Galus behind us and
while the entire world wallows in
a Galus mindset, we have to see
ourselves as part of a new Geula
dynamic, and live that way.



The first location, on the

bank [literally: the other side] of
the Jordan, which comprises two
Hebrew words eiver and Yarden,
alludes to two positive traits.

The second step is YardenJordan. The root of the word Jordan is self-control. This alludes
to the statement in the Talmud
(Brachos 7a): One self-controlling gesture in ones heart is pref-

By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg

The Book of Dvarim begins
with Moshes rebuking the Jewish people, delivered in the last
few weeks of his life. However,
as Rashi points out, his criticism
of them was tempered. Moshe
couched it in coded terms. Instead of referring to their actual sins, he mentions the places
where they sinned.
The question can be asked,
if Moshe was so concerned with
not offending his people, why
then did he rebuke them in unequivocally harsh terms in subsequent chapters of this book?
The answer is simple: by displaying such sensitivity to the
Jewish people, Moshe demonstrated his abiding love for them.
The Jewish nation was able to
realize that his rebuke was motivated by an intense love for them.
Once they grasped that, they
could tolerate even the harshest
criticism and lovingly absorb the
blows, knowing that they came
from someone who truly loved
and cared for them.
While Rashi demonstrates
that Moshes criticism was tempered, the Or HaChayim (Rabbi
Chaim ben Attar, a Sephardic
sage of the 18th century, for

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erable to 100 lashes.

Translating this in terms of
Moshiach, the Psalmist (Psalm
82:8) uses a word with the same
root [vyeird] to describe his power to control the world. Our
internal regal spark of Moshiach
empowers us to control our micro worlds.
The common word for king
in Hebrew is melech, an acronym for moach-brain, lev-heart,
kaved-liver. A king is one whose
mind controls his emotions and
physical drives.
Living as we do so close in
time to Moshiach, the ultimate
human monarch, we have the
power to awaken the regal spark
within ourselves.

The third word and prerequisite to spiritual development is
midbar-desert. This alludes to the
Talmudic statement (Eruvin 54),
One should make oneself as
[humble as] the desert.
The Midrash (Yalkut Shimoni Isaiah #499) describes how
Moshiachs announcement, The
time for your Redemption has arrived, is preceded by the words
Humble ones. He chooses this
sobriquet to underscore its relevance to Redemption. Genuine
humility allows us to get along
with one another, which is one of
the primary focuses of these days
of preparation.

The fourth word, arava,
which can also be rendered
sweet, qualifies the preceding
attribute of humility. Maimonides
refers to an undignified and sullied form of humility such as
that flaunted by one who wears
ripped clothing and behaves in a
self-degrading manner. This bitter form of humility should be

We must project a sense of outward calmness

and joy as if to say, I am confident that I am
in the right place, going in the right direction. In our
heart, however, we cannot be complacent. We must
not overestimate our achievements and need always
be mindful that we still have a long way to go to reach
perfection. One simple reason for this dichotomous
behavior is that our face is public property! A Jew
must always project a sense that leading a Jewish life
is edifying, gratifying, a source of pride and joy so that
others are inspired to be happy and pursue a life of
observance. But that attitude should not lead one to
complacency and smugness.

avoided. Humility must be sweet

and pleasant.
One may add that the sweetness mentioned here refers to the
spirit of unity and sweetness we
should feel toward one another.
When our egos dont get in the
way, we have no trouble in relating favorably with others. Achieving unity is one of the primary
ways we can prepare for the Final
Redemption. If, however, our humility is self-demeaning, it is not
true humility and will not lead to


The following location, mol
Suf-opposite the Red Sea,
can also be rendered towards
the end, suggesting that one
should always look to the end.
Or HaChayim applies this notion to the end of life and G-ds
judgment of us thereafter. However, in light of our proximity to
the Final Redemption, we can
reinterpret this to mean that we
should focus on and direct all our
activities towards the ultimate
goal of the Redemption.

As long as we were trekking

on the long and arduous road
towards Redemption in the past,
our focus was on the needs of
each moment. Now, that we have
reached our destination and our
mission is to internalize the Redemption, we must be singularly
preoccupied with that goal in all
of our endeavors.


The next trait is alluded to in
the following words: Between
Paran and Tofel. Paran, the Or
HaChayim explains, is related
to the word peir, which means
beauty, radiance and jubilance.
Conversely, the word tofel implies doubt and agitation. This,
he says, reflects the teaching of
the Chovas HaLevovos that a person should always have a cheerful
countenance. We must project a
sense of outward calmness and
joy as if to say, I am confident
that I am in the right place, going in the right direction. In
our heart, however, we cannot
be complacent. We must not

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overestimate our achievements
and need always be mindful that
we still have a long way to go to
reach perfection.
One simple reason for this dichotomous behavior is that our
face is public property! A Jew
must always project a sense that
leading a Jewish life is edifying,
gratifying, a source of pride and
joy so that others are inspired to
be happy and pursue a life of observance. But that attitude should
not lead one to complacency and
Applying this teaching to our
preparation for the final Redemption, we learn that we must rejoice in the knowledge that collectively we have achieved our
goal; we are ready for Moshiach.
This sense of confidence and
joy notwithstanding must be accompanied by a powerful inner
drive that causes us to strive for
perfection and never rest on our

The next step in our spiritual
development is represented by
the next place-word lavan, which
means white and suggests a
clean and pure heart, devoid of
hatred and jealousy.
Indeed, one of the radical
changes that will mark the Messianic Age, as depicted by Maimonides in the very last paragraph of his Mishneh Torah, is
the absence of hatred and jealousy. The fact that Maimonides
mentions it at the very end of the
laws concerning the Messianic
Era (and the very end of his entire encyclopedic work) conveys
an important message. Not only
will this purity of heart be one of
the final changes in the world,
it is also one of the objectives of
However, as stated in Tanya

and emphasized by the Rebbe,

everything that will occur in the
Messianic Era is generated by
and hinges on our commensurate
actions today. We must strive for
this purity of heart.

The next step is chaztaeiros
which simply means courtyards, and is an allusion to the
Biblical Courtyards of the house
of G-d (Psalms 116:19). Or
HaChayim applies this phrase to
the Houses of Study, but in light
of our proximity to the Redemption, it can also be said to refer
to the need to focus on the Third
Bais HaMikdash. We must direct
our prayers and efforts toward
such time as when the Temple
will be rebuilt. However, so long
as we are incapable of building
the physical Sanctuary, we must
study the laws concerning its
construction. According to Midrash Tanchuma, G-d regards
our study of the construction of
the Temple as though we were
actually building it, fulfilling the
Mitzvah incumbent on every Jew
to participate in its construction.


The final step in this journey
is represented by the words di zahav. Translated literally they mean
enough gold. Or HaChayim
states that it instructs us to put
limits on our pursuit of gold and
riches. Alternatively, he explains
that it teaches us to be satisfied
with our material blessings, echoing our Sages as they ask in Ethics of the Fathers (Chapter 3:1):
Who is rich? One who is content with his lot.
Applying this idea to the Messianic Age, and specifically to
the building of the Temple (alluded to in the preceding step),
it means that our gold should be
reserved primarily for the Bais
HaMikdash. This is consonant
with the Midrashs assertion that
while gold was created specifically for the Bais HaMikdash, G-d
has allowed us to use it for other
purposes as well. There is, however, one proviso: we must never
lose sight of its true purpose and
be prepared to give our best and
richest resources for the construction of a Sanctuary that will
bring about G-ds direct presence
among us, the very purpose for
which He created the world.

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982_bm_eng.indd 33

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By D Chaim

Happy birthday to Zalmy,

happy birthday to you ... The
sounds of singing could be heard
from the living room of the
Abramowitz family that was
celebrating the ninth birthday
of their youngest child.
After giving tzdaka and reciting the 12 Psukim, giving
heartfelt brachos and making
good hachlatos, a special activity and an interesting story, the birthday boy asked his
mother for one more story. He
asked for it so sweetly that his
mother found it hard to refuse.
Okay, but this is the last story.
Its late and we all need to go
to sleep. Zalmy settled into his
chair decorated with balloons
and listened as his mother began her story:
Leib sold wine and other alcoholic drinks. He rented an inn
from the squire for an annual
sum and made a nice living.
The farmers in the area, who
loved to drink, always crowded
the rough, wooden tables and
after drinking away their sorrows they would leave plenty of
money for Leib.
The years passed and hard
times began. The inn, which
had always been busy, emp-

tied. Leib did not know how

he would be able to suppor t his
young children. As though that
wasnt trouble enough, a messenger from the squire knocked
at his door and angrily asked
for Leib the Jew. He had a
message from the squire, You
must pay up the rent today. If
you are late in paying, you will
regret it!
Leib knew there was no fooling around with the squire. If he
did not show up on time, the
squire was likely to throw him
into the dungeon. He hurried to
the castle and as he stood before the squire he tried to justify himself. I dont know the
reason, but the income this year
was meager. I guess the farmers
stopped drinking. Maybe they
dont have the money to pay
for it.
The squire turned red and
shouted, I am not interested
in your pathetic excuses! If you
dont pay the full amount due
by the end of the week, I will
throw you and your family into
the dungeon!
Leib tried getting a large
loan but all his efforts failed
and at the end of the week, he
and his small children were all

thrown into the dungeon (their

mother had died some time
Years passed and Leib was
still in the dungeon. His children had grown in the meantime and were unfamiliar with
life out of the dungeon. Every morning, when the guard
would open the door and throw
in some bread and water, they
innocently thought it was an
angel who was taking care of
them. That is how they lived
in the dark dungeon, with no
memory whatsoever of the
good days when they had lived
near the inn and lived well.
One dreary day, Leib did not
feel well. His whole body ached
and he moaned and groaned.
The guard heard him and called
for a doctor. The doctor examined him and then threw up his
hands and said, His weak body
wont make it.
A few days later, Leib died,
leaving his children alone. The
sad story spread in the area
and the few Jews who lived
nearby were sorry that they
were unable to do anything.
The amount of money that was
owed, in addition to the interest that had accrued over the

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Their mothers surprising

years, was enormous and be- dren got used to the darkne
was, Maybe you can
and the bread and water,
yond their meager means.
not want to go out, we
One fine day, the wealthy did
also get used to galus and think
Shlomo appeared. He heard
Zalmys older sister.
we have it good here, withou
about the orphans in the dundark
was born on Tisha BAv!
feeling that we are in a
geon and decided to have
Thats right, said their
them released immediately. He
r. Tisha BAv is the day
rushed to the castle and gave
ch was born. On a
the squire a purse full of gold be Tisha
persons mazal is
coins. The money loving squire of our
just like Zalmys
put the money in his pocket to beg
today, so too,
and ordered his servant to free the darkne
chs mazal
the Jewish children from the the galus
Shlomo waited a long time joicing
s us
But Ima, asked Yaakov
in the entrance hall but the
I know
servant did not return. He fi- Zalmys older brother,
close to
nally went to the dungeon him- that Zalmy was born
you able time for the Rebbe to be
self and discove
revealed as Moshiach.
is it
sight. The servant was standing choose this parable? How
at the door of the dungeon and connected with a happy
was arguing with
Shlomo went over and asked
the servant what was going on.
The man said, The children
dont want to come out!
Shlomo addressed the children, Dear children, I paid
the squire the money that was
owed. Come out of the dungeon
and I will take you home with
But they said, We dont
want to go. We dont know
what it is like out there. Here
we get bread and water daily.
How will we get bread and water if we go with you?
Zalmys mother finished the
story and Zalmy asked,
Why didnt they want to
go out? Didnt they understand that they were
suffering in the dungeon
and outside they would
live a good life?
said his mother with a
smile, but the story is only
a parable. It describes the galus we are in. Just like the chil-

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