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3 Day Organization of the Human Body Lesson Plans


Science Literacy Benchmark:

Organs and organ systems are composed of cells and help to provide all cells with basic

needs. 6C/M1

HSCE: (provided by district)

L2.p1D - Explain how the systems in a multi-cellular organism work together to support

the organism (This HSCE will be built upon through out the entire unit on the human

body. My lesson will just be laying the foundation of how everything is connected and

therefore supports each other. So my unpacking will not address this standard but it will

be “covered” by the end of the unit)

Essential Questions:

Unit: How does my Body system work?

Lesson: What are the levels of organization in my body?


Selected Response:

Rank the levels of organization from smallest to largest.

___4__ 1. tissues

___1__ 2. organ system

___3__ 3. organs

___2__ 4. cells
Which of the following is NOT true about cells?

A. All cells in the body are exactly the same.

B. You can see your cells with the naked eye.

C. There are 100 trillion cells in your body.

D. Cells are the basic unit of your body.

Performance Assessment:

Relate levels of organization of the body to levels of organization of a book. Look at

table of contents… what are some of the different ways the Units are broken up? Relate

that to human body. Give an example of each level of organization. Make a concept map

of the organization of a book and a concept map of the organization of the body. Show

the connections you are making by connecting the parts with lines.

Rubric –

Student Name: ________________________________________

Concept Mapping Student relates all topics to Students relate some Student does not
the appropriate parts of a levels of the relate appropriate
book... ex) sentences-cells, hierarchy to correct pieces.
subsections-tissues, levels in a book.
sections-organs, chapters-
organ system

Examples Student gives an example Students gives an Student doesn't

for each level of example for most give any examples
organization and an levels of organization or explanations
explanation for each and give some
choice explanations
Spelling, One or fewer errors in Two or three errors More than 4 errors
Punctuation and spelling, punctuation and in spelling, in spelling,
Grammar grammar in the report. punctuation and punctuation and
grammar in the grammar in the
report. report.

Informal Assessment:

1. Day 3 Do Now: List the four levels of organization in the human body from smallest

to largest. Give an example of each level.

Cells – A cell in your heart

Tissue – Muscle tissue

Organs – Heart

Organ System – Circulatory system

2. Day 2 Do Now:

What are the 4 types of tissue is the human body? What are their basic functions?

Muscle Tissue – makes your body move

Nervous Tissue – carries electrical messages in the body

Connective Tissue – provides support for your body and it connects all the parts

Epithelial Tissue – covers the surfaces of your body inside and out

Lesson Plan

Day 1 (50 min):

Hmwk: Read pages 6-8 and do questions 1a and 1b

Date: November 10, 2009

Do Now: Vocabulary Journals – Cells and tissues

(Vocab Journals are often used in this class. Students use their books to find the definition which

they write in their journal. Then they use the word in a sentence and draw a picture of it)
Aim: To learn the levels of organization of the body

Are we ready to go over the do now?

OK. Can someone raise their hand and tell me the definition of cells? Do people agree? Does

anyone have a different answer?

Alright and your sentence? Any other sentences?

What are some pictures you guys drew?

And the definition of tissues?

What was your sentence?

And pictures?

So today we are starting a new unit on the human body. If everyone can look at the board in the

nack you can see what our driving questions are for the unit. We are going to try and figure out

what systems are at work in our bodies. Today we are going to begin to answer the other

question on the board – What are the levels of organization in my body?

Alright, can everyone get out a sheet of paper? We are going to be watching a video of the

human body. While we watch it I want you guys to write down any questions you have about the

human body. Anything you see in the video that you don’t understand or anything that you see

that you would like to learn more about. You can also write down things you think are interesting

about the human body or that you don’t know about the human body. I am then going to collect

these questions and post some of them on the board in the back. Then hopefully through out this

unit we will be able to answer your questions.

(This video is supposed to be a hook for the unit. I am trying to get them to think about what they

want to learn in this unit. It gives a brief introduction to each body system and shows some really

cool videos which should generate some questions in students minds)


So I am going to show this video twice. The first time just watch it. The second time, watch it

and think about some questions you have about the video, or about your body in general.


Can any one raise their hands and tell me something they saw in the video that was interesting to

them? What do you have questions about? (if no one volunteers call on a few students)

Alright if guys can pass those forward. I am going to post these on the board and Ms.Case and I

will try and answer these questions through out the next unit!

Ok so before we can begin to learn the details of the human body we must understand how the

body is organized and how it works together to keep us alive and allow us to do things.

Everybody stand up and I want you to find your heart beat. Show them how Count the number of

beats for thirty seconds. Now let’s do 10 jumping jacks.


Ok find your heart rate again and let’s take our heart rate. Alright now you can sit down…. Write

Jumping Jacks on board Ok so when you did those jumping jacks what moved? (arms, legs)

Write responses on Board What made your arms and legs move? (muscles, bones)… How do

you know? What made them move? How did they know to move? What told them to go up and

down? (I did, my brain) So, so far we have decided that for you to do 10 jumping jacks you use
your muscles, bones and brain… Was anything else used? What else happened to your body after

you did the jumping jacks? Did you feel anything different? Ok so when you exercise and you

breathe harder does anything else change? (my heart beats faster, blood pumps harder)Write

responses on board Alright so we have determined that in doing jumping jacks we use our lungs,

heart, muscles, bones and brain. So now we have identified some of the things in the body that

are involved in allowing us to do jumping jacks. Lets thing about the body parts involved in

another activity.

Let’s think about eating a sandwich… Write eating sandwich on board and write down students

responses What parts of your body do you use when you eat a sandwich? (Your mouth, your

stomach, your teeth) – Lead the same type of discussion

*At end – Again we see that a lot of different body parts are involved in just the simple act of

eating a sandwich.

So what happens in your muscles aren’t working, could you eat a sandwich? What about if your

brain wasn’t working, could you do jumping jacks? So we can see that everything is


So we can see that in all sorts of things that we do, we use all different parts of our body. All

parts of our body work together to help us live. We need each part to be able to survive.

Powerpoint (4 Slides: Each has a picture of a cell, tissue, organ and organ system so we have an

example to reference in our discussion):

Ok so our body is made up of all different systems which are called organ systems. Has anyone

ever heard of an organ system? Can you name one? So an example of an organ system is the

skeletal system. The skeletal systems job is to support the body. That’s what makes it an organ
system… all the parts are working together to do perform a major function for your body. Organ

systems are made up of organs. An organ performs one specific job. So in the skeletal system

what is an example of an organ? What is its job? If students struggle use this example: your

skeletal system an example of an organ is your humerus bone… which is the bone which runs

down the top part of your arm. Its job is to hold the shape of your upper arm. The next level of

organization is tissues. Does anyone remember the definition of tissues that you got earlier? Ok

so tissues are groups of the same cells which work together. Raise your hand if you think that

you bones are made of tissues? How many of you don’t think so? Why? Explain? Actually your

bones are made up of on kind of tissue called connective tissue. Finally tissues are made up of

cells which are the most basic unit of life. What have you guys learned about cells before? What

so they do? Do you think you can see a single cell with just your eye?

Ok so you guys are probably wondering why we should care about this stuff? Why do we care

that cells make tissues which make organs and they make organ systems? Well watch this little

video about infection to see why. We are going ot watch the video twice. The first time just

watch it. The second time I want you to think about what it is telling us about the levels of

organization in your body. - Click on 3D

Medical Animations and then Influenze – play until 1:05

(This video is a hook of sorts – it shows how a virus enters the body and it shows it working

through each level of organization)

Ok so what did this video tell us? Where does the flu first attack? What is affected next? Then

what happens? We can see that when cells are infected the sickness works up through the levels
of the body until the whole body feels sick. So we can see that if something goes wrong with one

level of our body organization, it eventually will affect others. **Discussion???

So tomorrow we are going to continue talking about this and we are going to do an activity about

how each level of the body affects the others.

Day 2 (50min):

Date: November 11, 2009

Do Now: What are the 4 types of tissues in your body and what are they used for?

Aim: To explore why each level of organization in the human body is important.

(While students are doing the Do Now go around and stamp homework)

OK can someone give me one type of tissue? (for all 4 call on different students)

Go Over homework

Ok so today we are going to work with the information we learned yesterday. I want you guys to

make advertisements for the levels of organization in the human body. You are going to be split

into groups of 4 and each group will be assigned either cells, tissues, organs or organ systems.

Then as a group I want you to make a poster with your advertisement. You need to talk about

what your level of organization is, what it does and why you think it is the most important part of

your body (Put slide with poster/presentation requirements up). Using your advertisement you

need to try and convince us why your level of organization is the most important. You guys will

then come up and present your ad. Now I want you guys to write up something to present but if
you want to write a song or rap instead of a poster that is okay too. I want you to present the

information in the way that you see best.

Give students time to work on – probably about 20min…. depending on how long the Do Now

and explanation take:

Remaining time – have students present their projects

So which level do you guys think is more important? Why?

Actually we can see from your presentations that all of these levels are interconnected so they are

all equally important… they all work together to carry out the life processes we need to survive.

Day 3 (50 min):

Date: November 12, 2009

Do Now: What are the 4 levels of organization in the human body? Give an example of each.

Aim: To further explore the organization of the human body

Can someone give me the first level of organization? What was your example?

The next? Next? Next?

**If we were unable to finish the presentations yesterday we will wrap those up today and finish

that discussion
First: Can anyone recap what we did yesterday for all those students who were not here? (Made

advertisements for each level of organization)

And what conclusions did we come to about the levels of organization? Is any ONE more

important then the others? How do they work together? Why did we get that? Does everyone

agree? Anyone have other opinions?

Alright so does anyone remember what question we have been trying to answer the past couple

days? (On board in back) Can someone read it to me? Awesome… so can anyone answer that


To reinforce that we are going to work on an activity.

Ok so today we are going to work on understanding the levels of organization even more.

Everyone open up your books to page 7. I want you guys to think about what we have talked

about the past couple of days, the levels of organization in your body. Now I want you to think

about a book. A book is broken down into a lot of pieces which all together make the total book.

Let’s list some of the parts of a book on the board. Ok so using the table of contents in this book

compare the levels of organization in the book to the human body. So here is an example of what

I want you to do, but instead I am going to use a brick house. Example cell-brick, tissue- a bunch

of bricks and mortar, organ – wall, organ system – whole house (Work through example with

them and fill out the chart on the board). I want you to fill out this chart with your answers Write

Chart on Board. Ask students to copy off board. Follow the instructions in the book (Basically

tell students to make a graphic organizer and relate the parts of a book to the levels of
organization in their body). But I want you guys to write an explanation for what you choose.

Write out why you picked what you did to represent each level. (write “write out explanation”

on board) We are going to work on this for 15-20min and then you are going to hand it in.

Example cell-brick, tissue- a bunch of bricks and mortar, organ – wall, organ system – whole

*Have students hand in their sheets.
Alright does anyone want to share what they used? (If no one volunteers call on some people)

So now that we have learned about the different levels of organization in our body and that they

are all interconnected I want you guys to think about that video we watched on the first day

which talked about the flu. Does everyone remember it? Can someone summarize it for those

who don’t remember? So what are some conclusions we can draw from that video now that we

have really learned about the levels of organization? Why do we care? When a virus infects our

cells how does it work its way through our body?

Now that we know this information we have laid the foundation so we can now learn about what

really happens in your body. We can learn about all of the different organ systems in your body

and we can talk about what each system does.

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