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Header==SKF Oil Injection Method

Chapter==Supergrip bolt
Section==Fitting and removal of the compact SKF Supergrip Bolt
Contents==<h1>Fitting and removal of the compact SKF Supergrip Bolt</h1>
Compact SKF Supergrip Bolts are fitted and removed in a similar manner to the st
andard SKF Supergrip Bolts.<br>
See also section section <a href="{LINK}11_020000.html">Fitting and removal of s
tandard SKF Supergrip Bolts.</a><br>
The main difference is .... <font color="red">MRK: please finnish ...</font>
<oiminlineimg img="11_010003_1.gif" text="Figure a: The sleeve is expanded until
a <br>radial interference fit has been achieved <br>in the hole<br>1. tensioner
<br>2. mounting collar<br>3. adapter<br>4. bolt shank<br>5. sleeve" /oiminlineim
<oiminlineimg img="11_010003_2.gif" text="Figure a: The bolt shank is tensioned
to <br>a high axial preload<br>6. tommy bar<br>7. distance collar<br>8. nut driv
er<br>9. nut" /oiminlineimg>
As can be seen from figure (a) and figure (b) the sleeve is fitted to the bolt s
hank and the resulting assembly then inserted by hand into the coupling hole. Th
e tapered adapter is then firmly screwed into the end of the bolt shank and then
the mounting collar passed over the bolt shank and adapter in order to axially
locate the position of the sleeve. The tensioner is then fitted to the adapter a
nd connected to an SKF pressure pump, type <a href="{LINK_POPUP}18_010600.html">
728619 E</a>. The sleeve is expanded in a controlled manner by application of a
prescribed oil pressure in the tensioner, so that the bolt shank is drawn throug
h the sleeve. This produces a radial interference fit between the bolting assemb
ly and the hole. This radial fit results in an even stress distribtition between
the bolts and the coupling, which enables all bolts to share in transmitting th
e torque.
The next stage of the fitting procedure is to axially preload the bolt. The tens
ioner, adapter and mounting collar are removed and the two nuts screwed on to th
e ends of the bolt shank. A distance collar is fitted over one of the nuts and t
he adpter firmly screwed on to the end of the bolt shank. The tensioner is then
fitted to the adapter and connected to the pump. The bolt is then tensioned agai
nst the nut at the opposite end to which the tensioner is fitted by application
of prescribed oil pressure to the tensioner. The nut at the tensioner end is fin
ally tightened using, the tommy bar on the nut driver, and the pressure in the t
ensioner is then released. The axial preload locks the nut positively and ensure
s that the flange faces are in contact. The adapter, nut driver, tommy bar, dist
ance collar and tensioner are then removed.
Whilst, because of its mechanics, the Supergrip bolt is more tolerant of hole su
rface finish, it is nevertheless recommended by SKF that the high standard of ho
le preparation required for conventional bolts is maintained for the initial ins
tallation. Thereafter it remains in the same condition, without deterioration.
The natural catenaries of two rotor shafts to be bolted together cause a varying
gap between the coupling faces, the gap being larger at the top. Although coupl
ings have been successfully closed with the direct use of the Supergrip bolt wit

h no apparent damage to the sleeve outer surface, it is feared scuffing could ta

ke place during closure. The use of undersize slave bolts (usually four) is ther
efore recommended. When the slave bolts are in place, the holes are aligned to a
llow the Supergrip bolts to be used. As soon as four evenly spaced bolt sleeves
have been expanded all other holes are automatically aligned by virtue of the do
welling effect of the Supergrip bolts. The dowelling effect has been found to be
so accurate that some power stations have adopted the practice of not carrying
out concentricity checks on bolting up. This practice is not to be recommended u
ntil a coupling has been bolted up and checked on several occasions and confiden
ce has been obtained by the installer.

<oiminlineimg img="11_010004_1.gif" text="Figure a: The bolt preload is released
" /oiminlineimg>
<oiminlineimg img="11_010004_2.gif" text="Figure b: The sleeve expansion is <br>
removed by injecting" /oiminlineimg>
See also section section <a href="{LINK}11_020000.html">Fitting and removal ...<
The removal of the bolt commences with the reversal of the axial preloading oper
ation, figure (a) and figure (b). After the preload is removed the nut at the te
nsioner end is slackened, by about 10 mm, but left in position to act as a stop
for the bolt shank as it will be ejected with great force from the sleeve. The t
ensioner, nut driver, distance collar, tommy bar and adapter are removed and an
oil injection extension pipe screwed into the cylindrical tapping at the base of
the tapered thread in the bolt shank. The hose from the SKF high pressure oil p
ump is connected to the extension pipe and oil pumped at high pressure between t
he tapered bolt shank and the sleeve. This causes the bolt shank to be ejected f
rom the sleeve so that the radial interference between the bolt assembly and the
hole is eliminated.
Alternatively, the bolt may be released from the sleeve by applying the adapter,
tensioner and a dismounting collar to the opposite end of the bolt after the nu
t has been slackened at the bolt tensioning end. By pressurising the tensioner,
the bolt shank is pulled out of the sleeve and the radial interference fit is re
The tools used in mounting and dismounting the Supergrip bolt are generally more
compact than those used by other bolting methods and are portable. They are sup
plied with a comprehensive instruction manual describing the step-by-step operat
ions.ndreds of thousands of pounds.

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