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HYDRUS_1D Functions

Simulating soil water movement

Data and Project Management

Data Pre-processing

Imput parameter
Transport domain design
Finite element grid generator
Initial and boundary conditions

Data Post-processing
Graphical output
ASCII output

J. Simunek, M. Sejna and R. van Genuchten
Modeling water flow and
contaminant transport in soils and
groundwater using the HYDRUS
computer software packages

HYDRUS_1D Fortran Application

Water, solute and heat movement
One dimensional porous media

Richards equation for saturated-unsaturated water flow

Porous media:

- unsaturated
- partially saturated
- fully saturated
Sink term water uptake by plant roots
- water stress
- salinity stress

Soil hydraulic properties

van Genuchten (1980)

Brooks and Corey (1964)
Modified van Genuchten type functions (Vogel and Cislerova, 1989)
Hysteresis Scott et al. (1983), Kool and Parker (1988)
Root growth logistic growth function

HYDRUS_1D Fortran Application

Solute Transport

Convection dispersion equation

Liquid, solid and gaseous phase
Nonlinear absortion (Freundlich-Langmuir equation)
Nonequilibrium (two-site sorption model, mobile-immobile water)
Henrys law
Convection and dispersion in liquid phase, diffusion in gaseous phase
Zero-order production in all three phases
First order degradation in all three phases
Chain reactions

Heat transport

Convection-dispersion equation
Heat conduction

Non uniform soils

Scaling procedure for heterogeneous soils

HYDRUS_1D Fortran Application

Three stabilizing options to avoid oscillation in the
numerical solution of the transport equation
Upstream weighting
Artificial dispersion
Performance index

Water flux boundary conditoins

Prescribed head and flux
Seepage face
Deep drainage

Flow and transport

- atmospheric conditions
- free drainage
- horizontal drains

Vertical direction
Horizontal direction
Generally inclined direction

HYDRUS_1D Major Module

1. Main progam unit of
the system
2. Controls execution
of the program
3. Determines which
other optional
modules are
necessery for a
particular application
Pre-processing unit
-Specification of all parameters needed to successfully run HYDRUS
- small catalog of soil hydraulic properties
- Rosetta pedotransfer functions based on Neural Networks
Post-processing unit
- simple x-y graphs for graphical presentation of soil hydraulic properties
and other output results

POSITION Project manager

Manages data of existing projects

Locates, open, copies, deletes, renames

PROFILE - domain design,

mesh generator, domain properties

PROFILE - domain design,

mesh generator, domain properties
Discretization of the soil profile into finite
Initial condition for pressure heads, water
contents, temperatures and concentrations
Root uptake distribution
Material layers
- parameters which describe the properties
of the flow domain
- material distribution
- scaling factors

Observation nodes

HYDRUS_1D Major Module


HYDRUS_1D Major Module





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