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Title of the Study:

The Earth has Life

We, the Humans, are Parasites on Earth

Researched by
Dr. Uttam Kumar Datta
Senior Management Counselor
Cell: 01715782054

Date: 21-07-2011
Copyright No. 12391-COPR

Government of the Peoples Republic of


Bangladesh Institute of Management

4 Sobhanbag, Dhaka-1207


-by Dr. Uttam Kumar Datta

The attempt of this article is to prove that the Earth has Life and we the humans are parasites on Earth. It is
generalized scientific truth that all living matter has six common characteristics that a living matter takes food
and attains nutrition as well as growth thereby. It can move. Through the reproductive system, it attains hereditary
propagation. It performs the respiratory functions. It has irritability and it has death. This research has identified
and proved through collecting primary data by conducting six experiments that the above-mentioned
characteristics of living matter are available in the Earth. So, the Earth has life like other living matter. But the
reproductive system is different. The Earth is moving round the Sun to receive heat and light as semen to continue
her reproductive system in support of super natural power, we called God. In fact, the earth is directly created us
and supplying foods as mother by the almighty. In this connection, we are quietly depended on good health of the
Key words: Earth, Life, Respiratory, Nutrition, Irritability, Sunlight, Reproduction, Death, Movement, Parasites.

The earths responses against harmful indiscriminant natural resources collection call for
a new concept: The Earth has Life. But the humans still now believe that the earth is a
lifeless material. It is a crucial time to rethink about what is earth and how to keep the
earth healthy for our existence. If it is proved that the earth has a life, the humans then
would hesitate to occur any harmful activity and they will be more dutiful to ensure the
sound health of the earth. Now the humans are very cautious to protect the plants
kingdom because they have invented the life of plants. Similarly, if it is invented that the
earth has a life, the humans will be more cautious against the earth to ensure the
favorable environment for all living matters of the world. The earth is living and we; the
humans are the parasites of the globe. In general science any substance containing some

common characteristics is a living matter. It is assumed that all the characteristics of a

living matter are contained in the earth, the earth has life, and we, like the creepers, are
the parasites of the earth because we take food from the earth and live thereby. So, good
human health depends on good global health. Once upon a time, the mystery of the
existence of lives plants was unknown to humans. But in course of time, this idea is now
a globally established truth. Similarly, the earth too has life. A scientific truth originates
from an assumption in deed. It seems that the earth contains life. In the literature review,
Life is the existence forms of protect structures, and this existence form consists
essentially in the constant self-renewal of the chemical components of these structures.
-- (ENGELS 1894). Another description of life based on six properties. They are:
Capability of growth; Capability of movement; Capability of self-reproduction; of being
excited; Capability of materials with the surrounding medium; Capability of population
growth. - (A.I OPARIN, 1961). There are seven characteristics of life. They are:
Movement-Animals and single cell; Excretion; Reproduction, Respiration; Irritability;
Nutrition-(including photosynthesis); growth.-(MAYR 1997) By the analyzing of
different definitions, let the main characteristics that have been generalized in general
science of a living matter examined by conducting six separate experiments in
chronological order to prove how much these characteristics are contained in the Earth.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this research is to prove that the Earth has Life. We the
Humans are Parasites on Earth by conducting six experiments. There are six specific
objectives of this research to prove the earth is a living matter by conducting six separate
experiments. They are; Experiment 1. A living matter takes food and attains nutrition.
Experiment 2. The living matter can move. Experiment.3: Through reproductive

system, the earth attains heredity propagation. Experiment 4: The earth has respiratory
function. Experiment 5: the Earth has Irritabilities. Experiment 6: The Earth has Death.

Materials and Methods of the Study

Experiment 1. A living matter takes food and attains nutrition. There is a flower
garden in front of Bangladesh Institute of Management. To conduct the experiment no-1,
a plot measuring 8 feet long and 3 feet wide selected in this flower garden. Twenty
kilogram of cow-dung and two kilogram of fallen leaves were taken as the food materials
for the earth. On 01-02-2013, the selected plot in the flower garden divided into two parts
equally. I kept twenty kilogram cow dung and two kilo fallen leaves and died grass under
thirty cm deep soil by digging and shifting the upper soil from the plot no.1(fig-1), After
keeping the given food materials, the plot was covered by the upper soil that had been
shifted earlier. But the plot no.-2 was remaining natural (fig-1). This plot had been dug
only for plantation. On 21-04-2013, it is found that all the food materials had converted
into soil. Then the soil sample of two plots was collected to examine the changing soil of
the plot no.-1. These samples had been tested in the laboratory at Bangladesh Soil
Developing Institute at Firmgate, Dhaka. Both plots were prepared for plantation to
examine the impact of the new and increasing percentage of nutrients after having food
materials in the plot no.-1 and compare the fertility of the controlled plot no.-2 which was
without any additional food material. (Fig-1) After preparing the two plots, twenty five
gram of seeds of cosmos flower were sown on both plots to prove the impact of the given
food materials while getting absorbed and its nutrition attained by the earth using her






Fig 1: Earth is taking Food and Attaining Nutrition by using her


According to the laboratory test from Bangladesh Soil Resource Development Institute,
Farm Gate, Dhaka, it has been found that the nutrients of the plot no.1 had been increased
than the nutrients of the plot no.2. The results of the laboratory test of the two samples
are given in the following table.
Table 1. Result of the Earths Nutrition after having Foods on the Plot-1
Results of two Samples from the two Selected Plots of the Experiment


















Microgram/ Gram Soil




100 Gram
Very high



















Very high


V. hi

V. hi.

Discussion. The table no.-1 shown that the major nutrients percentages like organic
matter, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, Sulfur, borne and Zinc have increased than the
controlled plot no.2. This experiment has concluded that the plot no.1 as the geo-surface
of the earth has taken food and attained nutrients. It is also found that growth rate of the

plants have been higher than the growth rate of the plot no.2 because of attaining
nutrition as living matter. In this context, many experiments have been conducted by
distinguished scientists of the world. The findings of one experiment concluded that
composting converts waste, leaves, kitchen scraps and garden wastes, into a valuable
product which, when used in the garden, results in healthier plant growth when added to
garden or agricultures on the Earth. - (Richard, Lowski, and Kline. 1989)

Materials and Methods of the Study

Experiment 2. The living matter can move
There is a 12 inches diametric telescope at National Scientific Museum of Bangladesh at
Agargoan, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka. To conduct this experiment I took the telescope
and placed it on the roof of the National Scientific Museum at 5.30 PM on 09-11-2013
with the help of the assigned guide of the Museum. (Fig-2) The sky was cloud free to
locate the Vega to compare the Earths movement with her. First of all it was selected
the star Vega in the sky because she is fixed in the sky. Then the 12 inches telescope reset to target the star Vega as it reflects in the

Fig 2. The fixed star Vega in the sky for examining the movement of the Earth
telescope. I also took a notebook to keep the result of the experiment. The telescope was
set in such a way so that the Vega reflects on the slide at the right side of the diameter. I
observed the Vega through the telescope. My hypothesis was if the fixed star Vega

moves from the reflected point on the slide in the telescope, it is proved that the earth is
moving. Because Vega is fixed in the sky and the earth is moving around the Sun.

Result of the Study:

By using the telescope, it was found that the reflected Vega was gradually moving on
the slide of the telescope from the right side to left side. When the star Vega was on the
slide at the right side at 5.50 PM, then the first shot of the star was recorded at 57 degree
angle from the horizontal axis of the earth. Then I was observing the Vega was gradually
moving on the slide in the telescope. Second shot was recorded at 6.14 PM; it was
observed that the Vega has moved at 51 degree angle. It was found that the Vega had
moved on the slide of the telescope in (57-51) = 6 degree angle within 24 minutes. The
reflected Vega had moved 1 degree by 4 minutes.

Moving Satellite is matching

always with the motion of the

Moving Earth with the motion of the Satellite

Fig 3. Moving Earth with the moving satellite

We know the earth is moving round the Sun in 24 hours and her orbit is 360 degree. So,
the earth is moving 360 degree in 24 hours and she moves 15 degree in 1 hours (360/24 =
15 minutes). According to this calculation, she is moving 1 degree in every 4 minutes (60
minutes/15 = 4 minutes). The experimental result show that the Vega has shifted on the
slide in the telescope by1 degree in 4 minutes. Originally, the star Vega is fixed in the

sky, but the earth is moving. So it is proved that the earth is moving round the Sun and
she has movement as any living matter.
At another extreme, all the satellites in the sky of the world are moving round at a parallel
distance matching with the moving earth. As a result we are being able to communicate
through Internet. The above picture shows the Indian satellite is moving round remaining
at the same position and at a parallel distance. We are communicating with the rest of the
world by using this satellite. (Fig-3) So, the earth is moving as any living matter. A large
number of studies have been conducted in the world on the movement of the earth. The
pioneer researcher in this context, (Stanford. edu/Galileo.1632) Galileo angered the
Pope when he published a book in which he openly stated that the Earth was moving
around the Sun. In 1609 Galileo built his first telescope and he discovered the phases of
Venus and sunspots, thereby confirming that the Sun rotates, and that the planets orbit
around the sun, not around the Earth.

Materials and Methods of the Study:

Experiment.3: Through reproductive system, the earth attains heredity propagation
To prove the distinctive nature of reproductive system of the earth, another experiment
was conducted in front of the Bangladesh Institute of Management. I selected the same
plot prepared for the experiment no.-1. As the above showing picture, I took twenty five
grams of seeds of cosmos flowers and sowed the seeds on the bed. I took a mud-made
flower tub to cover the sowed cosmos flowers seeds. (Fig-4) Before covering the seeds, I
colored the outside of the tub with white color and inside of the tub with black color to
protect sunlight and heat (affinity relationship between sun and earth). After sowing
seeds I covered the seeds with the colored tub. I made a very small hole at the top of the
tub as it where, the geo-surface generated gases come out from the inside of the tub. To

fertilize the seeds under experiment all the elements of the air and necessary ingredients
of the soil were available inside of the tub except sunlight. (Fig-4)

Fig- 4: Unfertile Cosmos Seeds without Sunlight.

Results of the Experiment:

After fifteen days, the tub covering the sowed seeds

was removed but it was found that no seeds under the sunlight protecting tub were
fertilized. On the other hand, the seeds which are sown around the tub have been
fertilized as the above mentioned picture of the experiment. (Fig-4) After two months, the
grown up cosmos plants bloomed flowers to continue its reproductive system. Another

experiment was conducted on the same bed instead of cosmos seeds by using jackfruits.
In this experiment, it was found that under the sunlight protected tub, the seeds were
fertilized but all the plants were white after fifteen days. All these trees were died after
three months without sunlight. On the other hand, all plants outside the tub were alive for
sunlight and they were growing up for reproduction.

The two experiments had examined that no plant continue their reproductive and living
system without sunlight and heat. All kind of trees have lives and their own reproductive
system. Similarly, all living matter including humans, insects, beasts, and worms cannot
live without sun-light and heat and dead living matters cant continue their re-production
system. In this connection, the earth is female in sex and the Sun is male in sex. The
reproductive systems of all living matter of the world are depended on the affinity
relationship between the Earth and the Sun. The earth is moving round the Sun to absorb
heat and light as semen to continue her reproductive system. So, the earth has a different
nature of reproductive system. Hodges agreed with this experiment he said, Without the
Sun, life would not have evolved. It gives us energy and heats our world by using the
effects of thermal energy. The sun gives us light and thus in turn we are able to see the
beautiful colors in our world. - (STEVEN.C HODGES. 2008)

Materials and Methods of the Experiment

Experiment 4: The earth has respiratory function
To conduct this experiment, I made a water color plastic fiber-made box. This box was
three feet long and one and a half feet wide and one and half feet high. The lower side of
the box was open to content water vapor from the earth. At one extreme of this box, there
was a one inch diametric and four feet high pipe with a funnel at the top of the pipe to

receive water for the earth and at another extreme, there was a half inch diametric and
four feet high pipe to leave away the water vapor or other gases. (Fig-5) I took a balloon
to collect the geo-surface generated water vapor. The balloon was placed at the top of the
half inch pipe and tied to it with a piece of thread so that no water vapor could fly away
from the top of the pipe. This box had been set on the geo-surface in the flower garden in
front of Bangladesh Institute of Management in such a way that the water vapor would
not come out from the bottom edge of the box. The box was set three inches deep into
the soil as the given picture shown to control the outside air. (Fig-5) I supplied water
through the funnel to convert this water into water vapor to prove the respiratory function
of the earth.

Results of the Experiment As it is shown in the given pictures of the experiment,

(Fig-5) the supplied water in the funnel gradually entered into the earth through the one
inch pipe. After sometimes the given water was absorbed by the earth.


Converted Water
Vapor into
dropped waters

Respiratory function of the

earth (upstream and down
stream of water cycle)

Water is
going in
the earth

Picture No. 5: Respiratory Function of the Earth

It was found that the earth was receiving water and reached by every cell of the earth to
be alive. On the other hand, it was found that in the experimental box, the Earth was
leaving water vapor which was concentrated as drops of water under the upper side of the
box, but no gases were coming out through the half inch pipe to enlarge the balloon as the
result is shown in the given picture. (Fig-5) These drops of water were again dropping

down and were absorbed by the geo-surface of the earth which was captured by the
experimental box.

This experiment proved that the earth is receiving water and leaving water vapor as the
respiratory function of a living matter. So, the earth has respiratory function. Without this
respiratory process the earth would be dead planet like other dead planets in the sky. In
literature view, it is found that The water cycle refers to the continuous exchange of
water within the hydrosphere between the atmosphere, soil water surface water, ground
water and plants. - (GRALD PALLACK, 2011)

Materials and Methods of the Experiment

Experiment 5: the Earth has Irritabilities
To prove the irritable attitude of the earth, I selected four square feet plot in the flower
garden in front of the Bangladesh Institute of Management, Dhaka. By using a spade the
grass of the selected plot was uncovered. All grasses were uprooted by three inch deep
soil from the plot. All sides of the selected plot were fenced by bricks as it where, the
carpeting grass does not cover the selected area of the plot.

Results of this Experiment:

Fig-6: The Irritable Reactive Attitude of the Earth.

After two months, it was found that the experimental plot had become covered again with
grasses automatically by the earth. (Fig-6) In this experiment, I had uncovered the
grasses from the selected plot of the geo-surface. In response to this action on the geosurface of the earth, she had covered her body again by herself. The experiment also
found the sweating attitude of the earth to control her temperature by emitting grasses and
other plants. (Fig-6)

The earth is trying to control her temperature by creating carpeting grass and other plants
around her geo-surface. Without any plantation, earth is covering her geo-surface by selfmade grass and trees. When we uncovered her geo-surface, she is responding and
showing attitude of irritation by recovering or refilling her geo-surface with grasses and
trees. In this way, the earth is trying to control her temperature by covering her geosurface by self-made plantation. It is the sweating attitude of the earth. So, the earth has
attitude of irritation. This is the first experiment of the world. No research findings are
found on the sweating attitude of the earth. On the other hand, green-house effect is
another proven experiment of the earths irritable attitude. Tsunami, Typhoon and earth
quacks are remarkable evidences of irritation of the earth proved by distinguished
scientists of the world. The CO rise from 280 to 400 ppm results in a sensitivity of 1.6 C,
the Earth System Sensitivity is 2.3 C, about 50% greater- (D, LUNT and HAYWOOD,

Materials and Method of the Experiment:

Experiment 6: The Earth has Death

The hypothesis of this experiment is that the waterless earth is a death earth. To conduct
this experiment, I took two similar mud-made tubs with full of same soil in a same
weight at the north faced balcony of my residence at Bangladesh Institute of
Management, Dhaka. Two healthy jackfruit seeds were taken to prove the fertility of the
soil without water and waterless earth is a dead earth. The sunlight was available in the
balcony for the normal growth of the unfertilized jackfruit seeds. On 20 th July2012, the
mentioned jackfruit seeds were sown in the given tub. (Fig-7) Both tubs were under same
treatment and watering. I supplied water in the two tubs at the same time and at same
quantity continuously for three days

Fig 7. Waterless Earth is a Dead Earth

Results of the Experiment:

After one week, the given two jackfruit seeds were fertilized. The plants had grown up to
one and a half month and the routine watering was stopped for tub no. 2. But watering in
the tub no.1 was continued as earlier. This treatment was started on 01-09-2012 and at
that point images had been taken of both plants. On 13-09-2012, it was found that the
plant of the tub no.1 was growing with continuous watering. But the plant growth of the
tub no.2 had stopped. On 03-10-2013, another image has been taken and it was found that
the plant of the tub no. 2 was going to die. On 13-10-2013 the last image had been taken
as the final result, it was found that the plant of the tub no. 2 had died.

This study proved that the earth cannot produce any plant or tree without water. All plants
have lives. So, the earth cannot produce any life without water. Thus, the waterless earth
is a dead earth like other planets in the sky. (Fig-7) The NASA has been invented that the
Planet Mars is waterless but once upon a time, there was water. This waterless planet has
no life. According to the given references below in the literature review, it is predicted
that earth may become waterless and dead planet like the other died planet in the sky as a
result of ecological imbalanced situation for long-run in future. So the earth has death in
the long-run. The world knows it well that the other meaning of life is water. The earth
has water, so that the Earth has Life
The earth is destined to get demolished according to all religions. In addition, it can be
conjectured from earth that it has different vulnerable tendencies which declare that the
earth is sure to get destroyed. The scientists assume that the earth must meet with death as
a result of any great ecological imbalance.

A report by a team of leading astronomers in May 2008 seems to have finally put to rest
an age old question...what is the ultimate fate of planet earth? Traditionally, the prevailing
view has been that billions of years in the future the aging Sun would loosen its
gravitational grip on the planet and allow it to escape a fiery demise. The sobering reality
is quite different and the clock is now ticking for our beloved home planet. Along with a
team of leading scientists carrying out pioneering research in fields of biology,
climatologic, geology and astrology, Naked Science goes on a quest to investigate what
the future holds for planet Earth...and throws up some shocking surprises. Great super
continents will form and fragment with lethal consequences, the oceans will turn red
before floating away into space, plants and animals will be wiped from Earth before
finally, all life will be extinguished forever. Using cutting edge scientific models that can
make predictions not just thousands but million and even billions of years into the future,
we can now more than ever see how the forces of nature will conspire to bring about the





Summery Conclusion of the Six Experiments

Based on the above presented six experiments and analyzing some related experiments, it
is concluded that all general characteristics of living matter are available for the earth.
But her reproductive system is different (Exp.-3). She is creating all living matters and
supplying foods for them as a mother by the affinity relationship with the Sun. In
literature review, it is found that no experimental research has not yet been conducted to
prove the Earth has Life. But the idea that the Earth is alive is found in philosophy
and religion, but the first scientific discussion of it was by the Scottish Scientist James

Hutton. In 1785, he stated that the earth was a superoriganism and that its proper study
should be physiology. Hutton is considered the father of geology, but his idea of living
Earth was forgotten in intense reduction of 19the century. Lovelock, James (1979) The
Gaia hypothesis, proposed in the 1960 by scientist James Lovelock suggested that life on
Earth functions as a single organism that defines and maintains environmental conditions
necessary for its survival- GAIA A new Look at Life on Earth. Oxford University
Press. P.10. ISBN 0-19-286030-5. This research is agreed with the scientist Harold J.
Morowitz 1992, he explains, life is a property of an ecological system rather than a
single organism or species.
At another extreme, our lives or lives of all living matter are fully dependable on living
earth. Dead earth would not be able to supply food for living matters. Without foods and
nutrition all we must die. In this connection, we are the parasites on earth. So, it is proved
that the earth has life through conducting experiments, observations, investigations and
comparative discussions with the characteristics of the earth and those of other living
matters. On the other hand, all living matters are not similar. Every cell, insect and trees
have also lives. But they are different in nature. Similarly, the earth has a life in different
So it can be conceptualized on the basis of the afore-said experimental information that
the earth is living and we the humans are her parasites. We have not fallen on this earth
from firmament or other planets. It is clear to mention that our parents are our creators;
similarly the earth herself is our creator in support of super natural power which is our
immortal God. Moreover, so it can logically be concluded that the Earth has Life We
the Humans are Parasites on Earth.


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2nd Chapter.

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