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1. Choose words from this list to complete the sentences below.

decomposition fermentation microbes plants purification sewage

Waste from human bodies is treated at a ................................................………...... works.

It is broken down into simpler substances by .............................................………..............

This process is called .............................................................................………....................

(Total 3 marks)

2. Describe what happens to chromosomes when a normal body cell divides.



(Total 2 marks)

3. (a) A gardener was told to let more air into his heap of garden waste.

Explain why this would help decay.



(b) Write down two further conditions which speed up the decay of garden waste in a
compost heap.

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................
(Total 3 marks)

4. Cystic fibrosis is a disease which affects 1 in 1600 babies.

(a) What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?







(b) Two parents with normal characteristics have a child who was born with cystic fibrosis.

Explain, as fully as you can, how this can happen.

You may use a genetic diagram if you wish.








(Total 7 marks)

5. The figures below show how the yield of a wheat crop is affected by adding nitrogen fertiliser.

N itr o g e n fe r tilis e r Y ie ld
a d d e d (k g /h e c ta r e ) (to n n e s/h e c ta r e )

0 2 6
50 2 8
75 3 1
100 3 4
125 4 0
150 4 3
175 4 4
200 4 4

(a) Display these results on the graph paper in the most suitable way.


(b) What conclusions can you draw from the graph?





(Total 7 marks)

6. Cows convert some of the food they eat into milk.

Bovine somatrophin (BST) is a chemical used in the dairy industry.

The figures show the food intake for a cow and its milk yield per day before and after treatment
with BST.

B e fo re B S T tre a tm e n t

T o ta l
fo o d 35 kg 28 kg
e a te n m ilk

A fte r B S T tre a tm e n t

T o ta l
fo o d 40 kg 35 kg
e a te n m ilk

(a) What is the effect of BST on the performance of the cow?




(b) What factors should the farmer consider before using BST?






(Total 6 marks)

7. On a hot day, a student has an iced drink.

Graphs I and II show some of the changes to the student’s body produced by the iced drink.

I Tem p
(ºC )

3 7 .7 B ra in
te m p e ra tu re
3 7 .5

3 7 .3

3 7 .1 S k in
te m p e ra tu re
3 6 .9

3 6 .7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T im e (m in u te s )
Ic e
d r in k
ta k e n

II R a te o f
e v a p o ra tio n o f
s w e a t fro m s k in
R a te o f b lo o d
flo w to sk in
R a te
(a rb ita ry
u n its)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T im e (m in u te s )
Ic e
d r in k
ta k e n

Use the information from the graphs to explain, as fully as you can, why the temperature of the
student’s skin rises after she has taken the iced drink.






(Total 4 marks)

8. The graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by different conditions.

4% C O 2 a t 2 5 ºC

R a te o f 4% C O 2
a t 1 5 ºC
p h o to s y n th e s is

0 .0 3 % C O 2 a t 2 5 ºC
0 .0 3 % C O 2 a t 1 5 ºC
L i g h t i n t e n s i t y

(a) What patterns can you find from this graph?






(b) How useful could this information be to a grower using glasshouses? Give reasons for
your answer.



(Total 7 marks)

9. Mushrooms can be grown on compost. The compost is made by mixing straw and manure
which rot down.

(a) Write down three things which are needed for the straw and manure to rot.

1. ...........................................................................................................................

2. ...........................................................................................................................

3. ...........................................................................................................................

(b) Some substances, like plastic, are not biodegradable.

What does this mean?


(Total 4 marks)

10. In some developing countries woodland is cut down and burned. The ash acts as fertiliser. Crops
are grown for three years. The land is then left as it is too poor to grow any more crops.

woodland grass cleared land where wood

crops were grown

(a) In the original woodland trees and plants died and grew for hundreds of years.
When cleared the land grew crops for only three years. Explain this difference in as
much detail as you can.





(b) What could farmers do to make crops grow on the cleared land for more than three years?


(Total 5 marks)


h o r m og nl u e c o i ns es o l u b l e g l y c o g e n
i n s u l i n
T o o m u c h
g l u c o s e
i n b l o o d
n o r m a l n o r m a l
b l o o d s u g a r b l o o d s u g a r
l e v e l l e v e l
n o t e n o u g h
g l u c o s e i n b l o o d
h o r m o n e
g l u c a g o n L I V E R
P A N C R E A S g l y c o g g e l nu c o s e

The diagram shows how the blood sugar level is controlled in the body.

Explain fully what would happen if somebody ate some glucose tablets.






(Total 4 marks)

12. Huntington’s chorea is a disease found in 5 out of every 100 000 people.

(a) Describe, as fully as you can, how the disease is likely to affect these people.






(b) Some members of the Smith family suffer from Huntington’s chorea. The family tree
gives details.

M a r y 's m o t h e r M a r y 's f a t h e r J o h n 's m o th e r J o h n 's f a t h e r

(N O R M A L ) (N O R M A L ) (N O R M A L ) ( H U N T I N G T O N 'S
C H O R EA )

M a ry Jo n e s J o h n S m ith
(N O R M A L ) ( H U N T I N G T O N 'S
C H O R EA )

C h ild r e n

(i) Are Mary and John Smith’s children likely to have Huntington’s chorea?

Explain your answer as fully as you can. Use a diagram if it will help.








(ii) Suppose Mary and John both carry one gene for Huntington’s chorea.

How likely are their children to have Huntington’s chorea?

Explain your answer as fully as you can. Use a diagram if it will help.






(Total 9 marks)

13. Plants produce glucose by a process called photosynthesis.

carbon dioxide + water oxygen + glucose

The plant uses glucose to grow.

(a) The graph shows the change in concentration of carbon dioxide in a glasshouse full of
plants over 24 hours.

in c re a s in g
c o n c e n tra tio n
of gas

0 6 12 18 24
m id daw n m id d a y dusk m id
n ig h t n ig h t

Draw a line on the graph to show how the concentration of oxygen changes in the




Some plants have variegated leaves with white parts which contain no chlorophyll.

How do you think a variegated geranium would grow compared to a similar sized
geranium with all green leaves?

Explain your answer....................................................................................................


(Total 5 marks)

14. (a) 1m² of a field gets about 1050MJ of light energy per year.

Only 21 500kJ of energy is stored in the new grass.

(i) How is the energy stored in the new grass?


(ii) What is the % of light energy stored in the grass?





1020 kJ
for energy

125 kJ
new growth
1905 kJ
3050 kJ in faeces

The diagram shows what happens to the energy from grass in part of a field which is
grazed by a bullock.

Using information in the diagram suggest why food chains are usually short.






(c) Many of the animals which from part of our diet are herbivores rather than carnivores.
Explain why as fully as you can.






(Total 8 marks)


A farmer had too much manure to spread on his fields. He thought he would turn it into compost
which had no smell.

(a) What makes the manure decay?


(b) Write down two conditions which will help the manure to decay faster.

1. ...........................................................................................................................

2. ...........................................................................................................................
(Total 3 marks)

16. Plants are grown in glasshouses to protect them from the weather or extend the growing season.

Plants make food by photosynthesis.

energy from
6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O    → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2
light glucose

In winter, when days are shorter, glasshouses are heated to keep the enzyme reactions in plants
at optimum rates.

What else should a grower do to make sure that the plants are photosynthesising at the optimum
rate? Give a reason for your answer.






(Total 3 marks)

17. Cepaea nemoralis is a snail which is found on sand dunes. It may have a plain or banded shell.
The snails are found on grass stalks and leaves.

Plain Banded

A scientist collected young unbanded snails and kept them until they were fully grown and
mated them.

The eggs laid produced 35 unbanded and 12 banded snails.

(a) Explain these figures as fully as you can. You may use a genetic diagram if you wish to
make your answer clearer.













Variation in colour Variation in banding

(b) The snail shells show a lot of variation in colour. They are yellowy/green, brown, pink or
cream. The banding varies from a single wide band to a mixture of thick and thin bands.

Describe briefly the factors which have produced this variation and explain how these
factors may themselves have arisen.





(Total 11 marks)

18. Food decays more slowly if it is kept dry or cool.

Explain why.




(Total 3 marks)

19. The family trees below show the inheritance of hair colour in two families.

P e o p le w ith b la c k h a ir a re s h o w n a s :

P e o p le w ith re d h a ir a re s h o w n a s :

B ill S m a rt A n n S m a rt Tom Jones Jo y Jo n es

Jo h n S m a rt M a ry Jo n e s

(a) The allele for black hair is dominant over the allele for red hair.
Use the letter B as the allele for black hair.
Use the letter b as the allele for red hair.
Complete the diagram below to show the chances of Mary Jones inheriting red hair.

Tom Jones Joy Jones

h a ir c o lo u r b la c k b la c k

a lle le s in p a re n ts

a lle le s in sp e rm s a n d e g g s

a lle le s in c h ild r e n

h a ir c o lo u r re d
(M a ry Jo n e s)

(b) John Smart and Mary Jones grew up, got married and had a child.
What would the chances be that the child had red hair?


Explain your answer. Use a genetic diagram if it makes your answer clearer.




(Total 8 marks)

20. The diagram shows three types of cells in a life history of a simple animal.

(a) How do the chromosomes of the body cells compare with the chromosomes in the
fertilised egg from which they came?



(b) Describe what happens to chromosomes in the nucleus of a body cell when it forms
reproductive cells.





(Total 5 marks)

21. Spiders produce a protein thread which is extremely strong compared to man-made fibres of
the same diameter.

Explain how genes control the way the protein is made in the spider’s body.





(Total 4 marks)

22. The table below shows a wheat farmer’s calendar.

O c to b e r W in te r W h e a t is s o w n a n d g e rm in a te s .
P h o s p h a te /p o ta s h f e r tilis e r is a p p lie d .

M a rc h W h e a t p la n ts re s u m e g ro w th .
N itr a te f e r tilis e r is a p p lie d .
A p ril A m m o n iu m n itr a te , th e m a in f e r tilis e r, is a p p lie d .
F u n g ic id e m a y b e s p r a y e d to c o n tr o l m ild e w o r r u s ts o n w h e a t.
M ay E x tr a a m m o n iu m n itr a te f e r tilis e r m a y b e a p p lie d .
A s e c o n d s p r a y in g o f f u n g ic id e m a y b e n e e d e d .
D w a rfin g h o r m o n e s p ra y e d to k e e p w h e a t s tra w (s ta lk s ) s h o r t.
Ju n e In se c tic id e sp ra y a g a in st a p h id s m a y b e n e e d e d .
E x tr a s p r a y in g o f f u n g ic id e m a y b e n e e d e d .

A u gu st W h e a t is h a rv e s te d .

A u g u s t/ G r o u n d s p r a y e d w ith w e e d k ille r.
S e p te m b e r S tu b b le (re m a in s o f w h e a t p la n ts ) is p lo u g h e d in re a d y fo r th e n e x t c ro p .

This process uses expensive fertilisers and pesticides to grow pest free crops which may be
produced in excess.

What are the reasons for and against growing wheat in this way?

For ........................................................................................................................................



Against .................................................................................................................................


(Total 7 marks)

23. Choose words from this list to complete the sentences below.

carbon dioxide insects microbes nitrogen oxygen

cool dry moist warm

Food decays because it is broken down by ............................................................

Food decays faster in conditions which are ........................... and .........................

It will also decay faster if the air around it contains plenty of gas.
(Total 4 marks)

24. Scientists have found the following food web in the Antarctic Ocean.

p e n g u in

tin y g r e e n p la n ts s h r im p cod seal

( p h y to p la n k to n )

s q u id

(a) (i) Write down the name of the producer in this web.


(ii) Write down the names of two organisms which are prey in this web.



(b) Humans are removing large numbers of the cod.

Some scientists argue that this could lead to a decrease in the numbers of squid and
Others argue that the numbers of squid and penguins will stay the same.

Carefully explain each argument.

Why they might decrease.




Why they might stay the same.




(c) The following information is about the biomass of the organisms in one of the food
chains in the web.

tin y g re e n p la n ts s h rim p cod seal

1 0 0 0 to n n e s 1 0 0 to n n e s 1 0 to n n e s 0 .5 to n n e

Draw and label a pyramid of biomass for this chain.

(Total 7 marks)

25. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle.

c a r b o n d io x id e
in th e a ir p ro c e ss A

(c o n ta in s c a r b o h y d r a te s ,
fo x fa ts a n d p r o te in s )

ra b b it

(a) Write down the name given to process A.


(b) Explain, as fully as you can, how some of the carbon in the grass becomes part of the
fox’s body.





(Total 4 marks)

26. For many years scientists studied the organisms in an area of grassland.

One of the animals was a species of black fly. In this population only one allele B existed for
colour. All the flies were homozygous BB.

A mutation occurred which produced a new recessive allele b which could produce a green

(a) Draw two genetic diagrams to show how the single b allele in just one fly was able to
produce homozygous bb green flies in two generations.

First generation

Second generation


(b) Although this new allele was recessive and the mutation only occurred once, a large
proportion of the fly population was soon green.

Suggest in terms of natural selection why the recessive b allele was able to spread
through the population.






(Total 7 marks)

27. Scientists have found the following food web in the cold Antarctic Ocean.

p e n g u in

tin y g r e e n p la n ts s h r im p cod seal

(p h y to p la n k to n )

s q u id

(a) Humans are removing large numbers of the cod.

Some scientists argue that this could lead to a decrease in the numbers of squid and

Others argue that the numbers of squid and penguins will stay the same.

Carefully explain each argument.

Why they might decrease.




Why they might stay the same.




(b) The following information is about the biomass of the organisms in one of the food
chains in the web.

tin y g re e n p la n ts s h rim p cod seal

1 0 0 0 to n n e s 1 0 0 to n n e s 1 0 to n n e s 0 .5 to n n e

Draw and label a pyramid of biomass for this chain.


(c) Explain, as fully as you can, why the conversion of shrimp biomass into cod biomass is
more efficient than that of cod biomass into seal biomass in the cold Antarctic Ocean.





(d) Boats from many countries fish the Antarctic Ocean. The cod are being overfished. If the
numbers of cod are to increase, the population must be carefully managed.

(i) Suggest two control measures which would prevent a further drop in numbers,



(ii) Suggest why one of your control measures would be difficult to put into practice.


(Total 11 marks)

28. The bean aphid is a type of black-fly which lives on broad bean plants in summer.
In the autumn, males and females mate and produce eggs.

(a) Name the type of reproduction which produces the eggs.


(b) In spring these eggs hatch. The young aphids are all female.
Explain why they are all similar but not identical to each other.


(c) These females are then able to produce offspring without needing any males.

(i) Name the type of reproduction where females do not need males to produce


(ii) How will the offspring from one of these females:

A compare with each other


B compare with the offspring from other females?


(d) Some scientists investigated mutations in these aphids. They exposed the aphids to
They plotted their results.


P e rc e n ta g e
m u ta tio n s

In c re a s in g d o s e o f ra d ia tio n

(i) What was the connection between the dose of X-rays and the percentage of


(ii) Name one other possible cause of mutations.

(Total 7 marks)

29. In compost heaps, dead plants are broken down by microbes.

This breakdown is much slower:

• when the weather is cold

• when the weather is dry

• when the heap is squashed down so that no air can circulate.

(a) What three conditions inside compost heaps are needed for microbes to work quickly?

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

3 ..................................................................................................................................

(b) Why is the breakdown of dead plants important for living plants?


(Total 4 marks)

30. Copepods are tiny animals which live in the sea.

During the day they live deep down near the sea bed.
At night they move up to the surface where they feed on tiny plants.
When the sun rises they move down to the bottom again.

(a) Suggest why the tiny plants live near the surface of the sea.



(b) Herring feed on copepods.

Where will herring be found during the day? Give a reason for your answer.



(Total 4 marks)

31. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease which causes the tubes in the lungs to be blocked with
sticky mucus. Two parents who do not have the disease can still produce children who do have
the disease.

(a) Explain how children can inherit this disease from parents who do not have it (use a
genetic diagram in your answer if you want to).






(b) Mucus contains protein. The information for the production of this protein is stored
in a gene.

Explain how a change in a gene causes a different protein to be produced.




(Total 7 marks)

32. To produce cheap meat, animals must be grown (reared) efficiently. When pigs are reared
intensively they are kept indoors. Their surroundings are closely monitored to make sure they
have even ventilation and the correct temperature. The risk of infection is high but is reduced
by feeding them antibiotics and removing their faeces. The pigs live in cages and cannot move
around much.

(a) Explain why farmers control the temperature.




(b) Explain why farmers want to stop the pigs moving about.




(c) Give two arguments against rearing pigs indoors instead of rearing them outdoors.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

(d) Sometimes sewage escapes from pig farms into nearby streams and rivers. This causes a
large increase in the amount of nitrates in the water.

Use your understanding of the nitrogen cycle to explain how nitrates are produced from
the sewage.





(Total 10 marks)

33. (a) In sexual reproduction a sperm cell joins with an egg cell.

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box.

bladder kidney liver lung ovary testis

(i) The organ in which a sperm cell is made is the ............................................


(ii) The organ in which an egg cell is made is the ...............................................


(b) What name is given to the process in which sperm cells and eggs cells join together?


(c) Two new cells are formed from one cell by asexual reproduction.

O rig in a l c e ll A N e w c e ll B and N e w c e ll C

How, genetically, does the nucleus of new cell C compare with:

(i) the nucleus of the other new cell B;


(ii) the nucleus of the original cell A?

(Total 5 marks)

34. (a) This student is examining plant cells.

This shows the student’s labelled diagram of one of the plant cells.

V a c u o le
C y to p la s m

N u c le u s
C h lo ro p la s ts
C e ll m e m b ra n e

C e ll w a ll

Complete each, of the following sentences.

(i) The cell wall is made of ..................................................................... .

(ii) The function of the cell wall is to ........................................... the cell.

(iii) Chloroplasts contain ........................................... which is needed for

...................................... .

(iv) The vacuole contains ....................................... which is mostly water.


(b) This student is investigating enzymes.

(i) What is the temperature of the water in the beaker?

................................... °C

(ii) What does an enzyme do?





(iii) Enzymes have many uses. For example they are used in some washing powders.
Give two examples of other uses for which enzymes, or products containing
enzymes, are sold.

1. .....................................................................................................................

2. ....................................................................................................................

(c) An enzyme is used in a chemical reaction. The graph shows the speed of the reaction at
different temperatures.

F ast

re a c tio n

S lo w
37 °C T e m p e ra tu re

(i) Complete the following sentence in your own words.

At 37 °C the reaction ........................................................................................


(ii) What makes you think that this enzyme could work well in the human body.?


(Total 12 marks)

35. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle.

in th e A T M O S P H E R E

P ro c e ss B P ro c e ss C

C H A L K and O IL a n d
P ro cess A

in P L A N T S in A N I M A L S

P ro c e ss D

What are the processes shown as A, B, C and D?

(i) Process A is ................................................................................................................

(ii) Process B is ................................................................................................................

(iii) Process C is ................................................................................................................

(iv) Process D is ................................................................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

36. (i) What is the name of the process which takes place in living cells in your body and
which releases energy from oxygen and glucose?


(ii) Name the two products of the process in part (i).

............................................................... and ..............................................................

(Total 2 marks)

37. (a) Starch and protein are foods which have to be digested before they can be
absorbed. For each, state the enzyme involved in the digestion process, where it occurs in
the digestive system and what is formed and absorbed.

Food Enzyme Where digestion occurs What is formed and absorbed

Starch ............... ...................................... ..................................................

Protein ............... ...................................... ..................................................


The diagram shows part of the lining of the small intestine. Digestion involves the
breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones which are absorbed into the blood stream
through the microvilli of the epithelial cells.

M ic ro v illi

E p ith e lia l c e ll

P a rt o f a
v illu s
lin in g th e
s m a ll
in te s tin e

C a p illa r y

(b) Why are epithelial cells, which form the lining of the small intestine, adapted to be the
shape shown?


(Total 5 marks)

38. (a) (i) Complete the genetic diagram to show the possible combinations of
gametes for the four children and state the sex of the child for each combination.

P a re n ts X X X Y

P o s s ib le
c o m b in a tio n s

Sex of child .................... .................... ......................


(ii) What name is given to the process when a cell divides to produce gametes?


(iii) How many pairs of chromosomes are there in each human body cell?


(iv) How many chromosomes are present in a human ovum?


(b) (i) Give two advantages to living things of reproducing sexually rather
than asexually.




(ii) The genetic diagram shows two parents and three children.

K ey

U n a ffe c te d m a le

A ffe c te d m a le

U n a ffe c te d f e m a le

Only the son has cystic fibrosis, which is caused by a recessive allele. What
conclusion may be made about the parents’ genes?


(Total 7 marks)

39. (a) Balance the following equation for photosynthesis.

............. CO2 + ............. H2O → C6HI2O6 + ............. O2


(b) Give two conditions necessary for photosynthesis apart from a suitable temperature range
and the availability of water and carbon dioxide.

1. .................................................................................................................................

2. .................................................................................................................................

(a) Plants have leaves which contain guard cells and palisade cells. Explain how each of
these kinds of cell assists photosynthesis.

Guard cells ...............................................................................................................




Palisade cells ............................................................................................................




(d) Glucose is a product of photosynthesis. Give three uses which green plants make of

1. .................................................................................................................................

2. ................................................................................................................................

3. .................................................................................................................................
(Total 10 marks)

40. The diagrams show a cheek cell from a human and a leaf cell from a plant.

C h e e k c e ll L e a f c e ll

(a) The two cells have a number of parts in common.

(i) On the cheek cell, label three of these parts which both cells have.

(ii) In the table, write the names of the three parts you have labelled above and
describe the main function of each part.

Part Function




(b) Blood contains white cells and red cells. State the function of each type of cell in the

White cells .................................................................................................................


Red cells ....................................................................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

41. (a) (i) Complete the word equation for the process of aerobic respiration.

Glucose + ........................... → carbon dioxide +


(ii) Which organ removes carbon dioxide from your body?


(b) Use names from the box to complete the two spaces in the passage.

carbon dioxide lactic acid nitrogen oxygen water

Anaerobic respiration can occur when an athlete does vigorous exercise.

This is because there is not enough ....................................................... in the body.

The product of anaerobic respiration is ................................................................. .

(Total 4 marks)

42. In the cell shown in the diagram as a box, one chromosome pair has alleles Aa. The other
chromosome pair has alleles Bb. The cell undergoes meiosis.

(a) Complete the diagram of the four gametes to show the independent assortment, or
reassortment, of genetic material during meiosis.



(b) If the cell undergoes mitosis instead of meiosis, draw the two daughter cells which result
to show the chromosomes in each.



(c) State the number of chromosomes in:

(i) a normal human cell;


(ii) a human gamete;


(iii) the daughter cell from mitosis of a human cell.

(Total 7 marks)

43. Two heterozygous parents, with alleles Rr, produce offspring.

(i) Draw a genetic diagram to show all the possible arrangements of alleles in their offspring.


(ii) One of the offspring is dominant homozygous. What is the chance of this occurring?

(Total 3 marks)

44. Oxygen from our lungs is carried, by our blood, to cells in our body where aerobic respiration
takes place.

(i) Complete the two spaces to balance the chemical reaction for aerobic respiration.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → ....... CO2 + ...... H2O


(ii) Name the substance with the formula C6H12O6.


(iii) Name the structures in the cytoplasm of our cells where aerobic respiration takes place.

(Total 3 marks)

45. The information in the table compares two farms. Both are the same size, on similar land, close
to one another and both are equally well managed.

Name of farm Activity Energy value of Number of people whose

food for humans energy requirements
produced in can be met by
one year this food
Greenbank Farm Grows food for 3285 million kJ

Oaktree Farm Grows food for 365 million kJ 80

animals on the
farm which become
food for humans

(a) Use this information to work out the average daily human energy requirement in
kilojoules (kJ) per day.



Energy requirement = ................................. kJ/day


(b) The figures show that farms like Greenbank Farm can be nine times more efficient at
meeting human food energy requirements than farms such as Oaktree Farm.

(i) The food chain for Greenbank Farm is:

vegetation → humans

What is the food chain for Oaktree Farm?


(ii) Explain why Greenbank Farm is much more efficient at meeting human food
energy requirements.






(c) The human population has been increasing rapidly throughout this century. It is now
about 6 billion and is still growing. What does the information in this question suggest
about likely changes in the human diet which may need to occur during the coming
century? Explain your answer.






(Total 10 marks)

46. (a) The air you breathe in and the air you breathe out are different.

Use the names of gases from this box to complete the three spaces.

argon carbon dioxide nitrogen oxygen water vapour

Compared to the air you breathe in, the air you breathe out contains:

• more .....................................................................................................................

• more .....................................................................................................................

• less ........................................................................................................................

(b) The process of aerobic respiration takes place in your cells.

(i) Complete the space in the word equation for this process.

........................ + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water


(ii) Complete the space to give the main energy transfer which takes place in this

chemical energy → ............................... energy


(iii) What is the name of the organ where oxygen from the air passes to your blood?


(c) The athlete is taking part in vigorous exercise.

Complete the two spaces in the passage.

The cells in our muscles respire anaerobically during vigorous exercise. This results

in ........................................debt and the production of ....................................... acid.

(Total 8 marks)

47. The diagram shows the digestive system.

(a) Complete the following sentences about digestive enzymes.

(i) Amylase works in the ........................................... where it is involved in the

digestion of ................................................... to ............................................. .


(ii) Lipase works in the ............................................... where it is involved in the

digestion of ................................................... to ............................................. .


(b) Which gland produces:

(i) amylase;


(ii) lipase?

(Total 8 marks)

48. (a) The diagram shows a typical plant cell.

Complete the three spaces.

C e l l w a l l m a d e o f ........................................

........................................ c o n ta in i n g c e ll s a p

N u c le u s

........................................ c o n ta in i n g c h lo r o p h y ll


(b) Organisms have cells which produce enzymes.

(i) Name the single-celled organisms which produce the enzymes for bread making.


(ii) On the axes sketch a graph to show how the speed of an enzyme reaction changes
with temperature.

Mark, with an X on the temperature axis, the optimum temperature for the action
of the enzyme.

F ast

Speed of
re a c tio n

S lo w

Low H ig h
T e m p e ra tu re

(iii) In the box, ring the temperature which is the optimum temperature for an enzyme
which acts inside the human body.

23 °C 29 °C 31 °C 37 °C 41 °C 43 °C 47 °C 53 °C


(iv) Complete the sentence.

At temperatures much higher than its optimum temperature an enzyme is

........................................................ .

(c) Enzymes affect certain chemical reactions in living things.

(i) What effect do enzymes have on these reactions?



(ii) Complete the sentence.

When an enzyme affects a chemical reaction it is acting as a biological

.......................................................... .
(Total 10 marks)

49. One of Mendel’s original experiments was to cross pure-breeding, red-flowering pea plants with
pure-breeding white-flowering pea plants. The next year he grew the seed he had collected. This
first generation, F1, of pea plants all had red flowers. Mendel then made each flower on these
plants self-pollinate. He collected the seed from these flowers and grew them. The second
generation, F2, gave the following result:

705 red-flowering plants and 224 white-flowering plants.

(a) Which flower colour is due to the recessive allele?


(b) Draw a genetic diagram to show the inheritance of flower colour in the first generation
(F1) of plants.

Use the letters r and R to represent the alleles for flower colour.


(c) Explain why Mendel made the first generation of plants self-pollinate.




(d) If Mendel had taken any two of his white-flowering peas and crossed them, what would
have been the colour of the flowers of the next generation of plants?


(e) It is very difficult to get red-flowering pea plants that breed true. Explain why you cannot
guarantee to breed, by self-pollination, pea plants that only have red flowers.




(Total 9 marks)

50. The genetic diagram shows how the chromosomes divide and combine in human reproduction.




(a) Draw circles around the symbols for the two male gametes.

(b) State the chance of a child being a girl.


(c) (i) How many pairs of chromosomes are there in a human body cell?


(ii) How many chromosomes are there in a human egg cell?


(d) Chromosomes contain genes. From what substance are genes made?


(e) In the process of mitosis, how do the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells
compare to that in the original cell?

(Total 7 marks)

51. (a) The diagrams show what happens to the shape of a plant cell placed in distilled

T h e c e ll s w e lls

P la n t c e ll T h e c e ll b e c o m e s tu rg id

(i) Explain why the cell swells and becomes turgid. Name the process involved.




(ii) Give one feature of the cell wall which allows the cell to become turgid.


(b) Describe the change which will occur if a piece of peeled potato is placed in a
concentrated sugar solution and explain why this change occurs.






(Total 6 marks)

52. During the last hundred years many species of whales have been over-hunted. This has led to a
dramatic decrease in their numbers. The graph shows the catches of two of these species, Fin
whales and Sei whales, between 1956 and 1970.

35 000
F in w h a le
30 000

25 000
S e i w h a le
20 000
C a tc h o f
w h a le s 1 5 0 0 0

10 000

5 000
S e i w h a le F in w h a le
0 19









Y ear

(a) When did over-hunting begin to affect the Fin whale population?


(b) Complete the sentence.

When a species is over-hunted many adults are killed. The population numbers fall
dramatically because the death rate is far greater than the


(c) (i) In what year were the catches of Fin whales and Sei whales the same?


(ii) Between 1963 and 1964 how did the catches of Fin whales and Sei whales alter?

Fin whales ........................................................................................................

Sei whales ........................................................................................................


(d) Suggest why the catches of Sei whales increased between 1956 and 1964.


(Total 5 marks)

53. Information is passed to target organs in the body by hormones.

(a) (i) How do hormones travel around the body?


(ii) What name is given to the organs that secrete hormones?


(b) Explain the cause of diabetes and how it is controlled.




(Total 5 marks)

54. (a) Use words from the box to complete the sentences about the water cycle.

boils condenses evaporates freezes

melts rain sea Sun wind

Water .............................. from the surface of the ............................ . Heat from the

................................. speeds up this process and so does the .................................. .

Water vapour in the atmosphere cools down and ........................ to form billions of

tiny water droplets. Some of the droplets join together and fall as ........................ .

(b) The diagram shows some processes in the carbon cycle.

S u b s ta n c e X
in th e a tm o sp h e re

R e s p ira tio n , b u rn in g
P h o to sy n th e s is B u rn in g
and decay
(P ro c e ss A ) (P ro c e ss E )
(P ro c ess C )

F o rm a tio n o f
o il
(P ro c e ss D )

F o rm a tio n o f o th e r
carb o n co m p o u n d s
in p la n ts (P ro c e s s B )

(i) What is the name of substance X?


(ii) Which process, A, B, C, D or E, takes the longest and approximately how long
does it take?

(Total 9 marks)

55. A food chain in the North Atlantic Ocean is:

diatoms → small fish → large fish

The graphs show how over a year:

• the population size of diatoms in the North Atlantic varies;

• the light intensity alters;
• the concentration of nitrate and phosphate minerals alters.

C o n c e n tra tio n
o f n itra te s a n d
p h o s p h a te s

D ia to m p o p u la tio n s iz e A L ig h t in te n s ity







(a) Explain why the light intensity is a major factor in controlling the numbers of




(b) (i) Suggest two reasons why the population of diatoms decreases
between spring and summer.

1. ......................................................................................................................


2. ......................................................................................................................


(ii) Give two reasons why the population of diatoms decreases in autumn.

1. .....................................................................................................................


2. ......................................................................................................................


(c) Use the information on the graph to suggest what change causes the number of diatoms to
increase in the late summer. Give a reason for the change.



(Total 8 marks)

56. (a) How many pairs of chromosomes are there in a body cell of a human baby?


(b) Place the following in order of size, starting with the smallest, by writing
numbers 1 – 4 in the boxes underneath the words.

ch ro m o so m e n u c le u s gene c e ll


(c) For a baby to grow, its cells must develop in a number of ways.

Explain how each of the following is part of the growth process of a baby.

(i) Cell enlargement


(ii) The process of cell division by mitosis







(d) Why is cell specialisation (differentiation) important for the development and growth of a
healthy baby from a fertilised egg?


(Total 8 marks)

57. Compare the efficiency of these two food chains.

Food chain A grain → humans

Food chain B grain → bullocks → humans

In your answer, make full use of the following data.

Food Consumer Percentage of available energy

transferred as useful energy
Grain Human

Grain Bullock 12%

Bullock Human 10%

One kilogram of grain has 80 000 kJ of available energy.










(Total 4 marks)

58. The diagram shows one pair of chromosomes from the fruit fly.

P a rt w h ic h
d e te rm in e s
b o d y c o lo u r

N o rm a l w in g s P a rt w h ic h C u r ly w in g s
d e te rm in e s
w in g s h a p e

(a) What name is given to a part of a chromosome that determines a single characteristic
such as wing shape?


(b) Explain how a fruit fly with curly wings could occur.





(Total 3 marks)

59. The diagrams show one of the experiments performed by a scientist called Mendel.

He bred sweet pea plants.

R e d -flo w e re d p la n t b re d
w ith w h ite -flo w e re d p la n t

F ir s t g e n e ra tio n o ffs p rin g ,

a ll re d -flo w e re d

R e d -flo w e re d o ffs p rin g

b re d to g e th e r

S e c o n d g e n e ra tio n
o ffs p rin g , a m ix tu re
o f re d -flo w e re d
p la n ts a n d
w h ite - flo w e re d
p la n ts

In the sentences below, cross out the two lines which are wrong in each box.

Mendel proposed that flower colour was controlled by inherited factors.

d o m in a n t
e n v ir o n m e n ta l
re c e s siv e
The first generation plants show that the red factor is

d o m in a n t
e n v ir o n m e n ta l
re c e s siv e
The second generation plants show that the white factor is

c h ro m o so m e s
g a m e te s
We now call inherited factors

g a m e te s
g la n d s
o rg a n s
These factors are passed from generation to generation in

The red-flowered sweet pea plants did not all grow to the same height.

d o m in a n t
e n v ir o n m e n ta l
re c e s siv e
This was due to factors.
(Total 5 marks)

60. Compost heaps are used to recycle waste plant materials.

W a s te p la n t m a te r ia ls

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box.

cool decay d ry g ro w

m o is t r e s p ir e w a rm

The waste plant materials ............................. because they are broken down by


The waste plant materials are broken down faster when the conditions

are ................................ and ............................... .

This process releases substances that can be used by other plants to .................................. .
(Total 4 marks)

61. The black pigment in human skin and eyes is called melanin.

A single gene controls the production of melanin.

A person who is homozygous for the recessive allele of the gene has no melanin and is said to
be albino.

The diagram shows the inheritance of albinism in a family.

K ey
a ff e c te d m a le

u n a ffe c te d m a le

a ff e c te d f e m a le

R S u n a ffe c te d fe m a le

(a) Use a genetic diagram to explain the inheritance of the albino allele by children of parents
P and Q.


(b) R and S decide to have a child.

What is the chance that this child will be an albino? ...............................................

Use a genetic diagram to explain your answer.

(Total 6 marks)

62. (a) Explain how sweating helps to keep our body temperature relatively constant.





(b) In an experiment, a student swallowed some iced water. The graph shows how this
affected the student’s skin temperature and brain temperature.

3 7 .7

Ic e d w a te r
3 7 .6
s w a llo w e d

3 7 .5 K ey
B ra in
3 7 .4 te m p e ra tu re

3 7 .3 T e m p e ra tu re
T e m p e ra tu re o f su rfa c e
in ºC la y e r o f s k in
3 7 .2

3 7 .1

3 7 .0

3 6 .9

3 6 .8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
T im e in m in u te s

(i) Explain why the temperature of the brain changed after the student swallowed the
iced water.





(ii) This change in brain temperature led to a change in the temperature of the surface
layer of the skin.

Explain how this happened.






(Total 7 marks)

63. Low light intensity is one factor that limits the yield of a crop.

In Britain, many tomato growers use artificial lights to increase the yield of tomato crops.

The table shows the amount of natural daylight and artificial lamplight received by a tomato
crop grown in a greenhouse.

Natural daylight received Artificial lamplight given

Total light Percentage
by tomato plant to tomato plant
energy increase in
received growth
Month Light Light energy by plant resulting
energy Hours of received per day from
2 artificial
Day length received light given by plant in J/cm
in hours by plant per day per day light
per day 2
in J/cm
in J/cm
January 8.1 239 18 492 731 206
February 9.9 492 18 492 984 100
March 11.9 848 12 328 1176 39
April 13.9 1401 2 55 1456 4
May 15.5 1786 0 0 1786 0
June 16.6 1960 0 0 1960 0
July 16.2 1849 0 0 1849 0
August 14.7 1561 0 0 1561 0
September 12.8 1064 2 55 1119 5
October 10.6 614 11 301 915 49
November 8.8 288 18 492 780 171
December 7.6 183 18 492 675 269

(a) Describe the pattern for the amount of light energy received from natural daylight by a
tomato plant during the day.







(b) A tomato plant needs 600 J of light energy per cm each day to grow and produce

Use this information and data from the table to suggest an explanation for the pattern of
the artificial light given to the tomato plants.






(Total 5 marks)

64. Battery Pigs!
Some countries have battery pigs! Large numbers of pigs are
kept indoors and have limited living space which restricts their
movement. The temperature of their environment is carefully

This is a way of producing food efficiently.

These pigs have their movement restricted. Explain why.




(Total 2 marks)

65. The diagram shows the amounts of energy that are transferred, over a period of time, through
some living things in a grassland habitat.

S u n lig h t
500 000 kJ T h e rm a l e n e rg y

1020 kJ

130 kJ
G ra ss C ow s H um ans

15 000 kJ 4000 kJ 1910 kJ

M ic ro o rg a n is m s R a b b its
a n d d e tr itu s a n d o th e r Y
fe e d e rs a n im a ls

(a) Calculate the amount of energy transferred from the grass to the cows.



Amount of energy = ..................................................... kJ


(b) X is a process in plants.

(i) Calculate the amount of energy usefully transferred by process X.




Amount of energy = ..................................................... kJ


(ii) Name process X.


(c) Give two ways in which energy is ‘lost’ from the cows at Y.

1 .................................................................................................................................


2 .................................................................................................................................


(d) Describe how hormones can be used to improve the efficiency of producing food from




(Total 7 marks)

66. Some disorders in humans are inherited. The sentences below are about some of these disorders.

In the sentences below, cross out the two lines which are wrong in each box.

cell membranes
Cystic fibrosis affects the cytoplasm

a carrier
The allele that causes cystic fibrosis is dominant

digestive system
Huntington’s disease affects the nervous system
reproductive system

a carrier
The allele that causes Huntington’s disease is dominant
(Total 4 marks)

67. In humans, one of the pairs of chromosomes in each cell carries the genes which determine sex.

What is the difference between the sex chromosomes of a man and a woman?




(Total 2 marks)

68. Energy for living organisms comes from the Sun.

Complete the sentences by using the correct words from the box.

animals carbohydrates carbon dioxide oxygen plants water

Light energy is captured by green ........................................ .

They use this energy to make ........................................ .

To do this, they also use ........................................ .

(Total 3 marks)

69. In a sewage works, human waste is broken down by microorganisms.
Air is blown through this sewage.

C a r b o n d i o x i d e
W a t e r a n d
h u m a n w a s t e
S e w a g e a n d
m i c r o o r g a n i s m s

A i r

To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them into a
sensible order and use the correct scientific words.

Carbon dioxide is formed from the mixture of sewage, microorganisms and air. Explain how.






(Total 3 marks)

70. Huntington’s disease is a rare inherited disorder of the nervous system.

It is caused by a dominant allele H. The recessive allele of this gene is represented by h.

The diagram shows the inheritance of Huntington’s disease in a family.

K e y
A f f e c t e d m a l e

R S U n a f f e c t e d m a l e

A f f e c t e d f e m a l e

U n a f f e c t e d f e m a l e

(a) Use a genetic diagram to show the inheritance of the Huntington’s disease allele by the
children of parents P and Q.


(b) Explain why none of the children of R and S inherited Huntington’s disease.




(Total 5 marks)

71. (a) Sex cells are produced by meiosis.

Describe what happens to the chromosomes when a cell divides by meiosis.





(b) Darwin’s theory of natural selection depends on the fact that individual organisms within
a species may show a wide range of variation.

Explain how meiosis and sexual reproduction give rise to variation.





(c) Mutation may also give rise to variation.

(i) What is meant by mutation?



(ii) Are all mutations harmful? Explain the reason for your answer.




(Total 7 marks)

72. The diagram shows some plants growing in a greenhouse on a hot summer’s day.

Which one of the following factors is most likely to limit the rate of photosynthesis at this time?

• carbon dioxide concentration

• light intensity

• temperature

Factor ............................................................................................

Explain the reason for your answer.






(Total 4 marks)

73. A food chain has four organisms, A, B, C and D.

A → B → C → D

The table shows the amount of energy transferred by each organism in one year.

Organism Energy transferred in kJ per year

A 87 000
B 14 000
C 1600
D 70

Explain, as fully as you can, why organism D would transfer much less energy than organism A.












(Total 5 marks)

74. We use enzymes in industry. These are some of the properties of enzymes:

• they work at low temperatures and this can save energy

• they work at atmospheric pressures and therefore use less expensive equipment

• they are easily broken down by high temperature or the wrong pH

• they are soluble in water, so it is difficult to separate them from water-soluble products

• they are very expensive to buy.

(a) Use the information above to answer this question.

(i) Give two advantages of using enzymes in industry.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................


(ii) Give two disadvantages of using enzymes in industry.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................


(b) Different enzymes have different jobs:

• protease enzymes break down proteins so that they are easier to digest

• lipase enzymes break down fats

• carbohydrase enzymes break down starch into sugar for energy drinks

• isomerase enzymes break down glucose into fructose which is much sweeter.

Which enzyme is used:

(i) to help to get greasy stains out of clothes? ................................................................

(ii) in making slimming foods? ........................................................................................

(iii) in making baby foods? ...............................................................................................

(Total 7 marks)

75. The diagram shows one of the experiments performed by a scientist called Mendel in the 1850s.
He bred pea plants which had different coloured pea seeds.

K e y
G r e e n
Y e l l o w

G r e e n - s e e d e d p e a p l a n t b r e d w i t h y

F i r s t g e n e r a t i o n o f f s p r i n g a r e a l l

Y e l l o w - s e e d e d o f f s p r i n g b r e d t o g e t h

S e c o n d g e n e r a t i o n o f f s p r i n g
y e l l o w - s e e d e d a n d g r e e n - s e e

(a) Use words from the box to help you to explain the results of this experiment.

dominant factor recessive







(b) Mendel explained these results in terms of inherited factors.

(i) What do we now call inherited factors?


(ii) Where, in a cell, are these inherited factors found?

(Total 5 marks)

76. Energy is stored in the materials that make up organisms. These materials are called biomass.

in food Blackbird
Rose plant → Greenfly → Ladybird →
Biomass in
g/m 600 50 10 1

(a) Complete the pyramid of biomass for this food chain. The rose plant has been done for
you. You should draw the rest of the pyramid to the same scale. (5 small squares =
50 g/m .)

R o s e p l a n t

B i o m a 2s s i n g / m

(b) What proportion of the energy in a rose plant is transferred to greenfly?




Proportion = ......................................
(Total 5 marks)

77. In a stable community, the processes which remove materials are balanced by processes which
return materials. These materials are constantly cycled within the community.

(a) Name:

(i) process X ..........................................................................................................


(ii) process Y ..........................................................................................................


(iii) the group of organisms Z which bring about decay.


(b) Many of the plants that we eat as fruits and vegetables in the UK are imported. The
transport used to import foods accounts for about 2.5% of the UK’s carbon dioxide
emissions. During winter, it is necessary to import foods because most of the UK’s fresh
vegetables have to be grown in greenhouses. Energy is needed to heat and light these

Give one argument for and one against growing all of our vegetables in the UK. These
arguments should consider the environmental effect of carbon dioxide emissions.

Argument for:





Argument against:




(Total 6 marks)

78. The temperature at the surface of the skin can be measured by using a technique called

In this technique, areas with higher temperature appear as a different colour on the

The drawings below show the results of an investigation in which thermographs were taken
from a person before and after exercise.

B e f o r e A f t e r
e x c e r c i s e e x c e r c i s e

K e y
H i g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e a r e a s
N o r m a l t e m p e r a t u r e a r e a s

Describe and explain, as fully as you can, the effects of exercise on skin temperature.








(Total 3 marks)

79. The graph shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air in a greenhouse full of tomato
plants, measured over a period of 24 hours.

I n c r e a s e d
c o n c e n t r a t i o n
o f c a r b o n
d i o x i d e

0 6 1 2 1 8 2 4
m i d d a w n m i d d a y d u s k m i d
n i g h t n i g h t
T i m e i n h o u r s

(a) Explain why the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air in the greenhouse increased
between X and Y.





(b) Explain why the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air in the greenhouse decreased
between Y and Z.




(Total 4 marks)

80. Chickens are kept as farm animals to produce food. Free-range chickens are allowed to feed in a
large space outside. The diagram shows how energy supplied in food to a free-range chicken is

(a) Calculate the amount of energy “lost” in faeces.



Energy “lost” = ............................ kJ


(b) Some farmers use the battery method. They keep large numbers of chickens in a small
indoor space. The food yield from these chickens is higher than that from free-range
chickens. Explain why, as fully as you can.








(Total 5 marks)

81. (a) One food chain in the wood is:

Hazel tree nuts → squirrels → owls

(i) What does this food chain tell us?



(ii) Which one of the organisms in the food chain is a producer?


(iii) This year the hazel bushes have produced very few nuts.

Explain, as fully as you can, how this might affect the populations of:

1. squirrels;





2. owls.





(b) An area of the floor of the wood 1 m² was fenced off so that animals could not reach it.
The graph below shows the depth of leaf litter (dead leaves) inside the fence over the next
few months.

1 0

D e p t 6h o f
l e a f l i t t e r
( c m )4

1 3 1 1 3 11 2 81 3 1
D e c J a n F e b M a r

Explain, as fully as you can,

(i) why the depth of the leaf litter decreased;




(ii) how this decrease happened.




(iii) In which month does leaf litter disappear fastest? Explain why.




(Total 11 marks)

82. The passage below is an extract from an article in The Independent newspaper.

This Mouthwash could mean

a lot to your Children
It is not every week that a university professor tells you to spit in front of him. But Bob
Williamson, professor of biochemistry and molecular genetics asked me to do just

In future, some people may choose their marriage partners on the basis of the
contents of their spit.

The professor handed me a sample bottle containing sterile salt solution.

I rinsed my mouth out and spat back into the tube. Incredible though it may sound,
the mouthwash now contained enough cells from the inner lining of my cheek for an
assistant to dissect my DNA and check whether I carry any of the mutations
responsible for cystic fibrosis.

Professor Williamson’s team can locate genetic markers, distinctive segments of

DNA, that are inherited along with the mutant genes in people affected with cistic

About 16 000 people who bought The Independent this morning unwittingly carry a
cystic fibrosis gene. The statistics indicate that 23 of the staff of this newspaper are
unknowing carriers. Carriers are normal healthy individuals who do not have the

(a) Describe, as fully as you can, where genes are located inside cheek cells.



(b) The gene for cystic fibrosis has two forms called alleles. Only the recessive allele causes
cystic fibrosis.

Explain how two healthy carriers of the cystic fibrosis allele could produce a child with
the disease. Use the symbol A for the normal allele of the gene and a for the allele which
produces the disease. You may use a diagram if you wish.






(c) Explain, as fully as you can, how the inheritance of cystic fibrosis differs from the
inheritance of haemophilia.







(d) In the test used to identify the ‘genetic markers’, DNA is extracted from the cheek cells.
The DNA molecules are then made to produce hundreds of millions of copies of

(i) Explain, as fully as you can, how the structure of DNA molecules allows them to
replicate themselves.











(ii) Explain how DNA controls the structure of proteins.




(Total 18 marks)

83. The graphs show the results of an investigation into the control of sweating in humans. The
subject was placed in a chamber where the temperature was maintained at 45ºC. The subject
swallowed ice at the times indicated on the graphs.

ic e ic e

3 7 .7
3 7 .6
S k in t e m p e r a t u r e ( º C )

3 7 .5
3 7 .4 S k in
3 7 .3 T e m p e ra tu re
3 7 .2
3 7 .1
3 7 .0
3 6 .9
3 6 .8
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
T im e ( m in u te s )

ic e ic e

3 7 .7
B r a in te m p e r a tu r e ( º C )

3 7 .6
3 7 .5
3 7 .4 B r a in
3 7 .3 T e m p e ra tu re
3 7 .2
3 7 .1
3 7 .0
3 6 .9
3 6 .8
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
T im e ( m in u te s )

ic e ic e

22 0
b y s w e a tin g ( J / s )
R a t e o f h e a t lo s s

20 0
18 0 R a te o f H e a t L o s s
16 0 b y S w e a tin g
14 0
12 0
10 0
8 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
T im e ( m in u te s )

(a) What was the relationship between swallowing ice and the subject’s

(i) skin temperature?



(ii) brain temperature?



(iii) rate of heat loss by sweating?



(b) Explain, as fully as you can, why the subject’s brain temperature, skin temperature and
rate of heat loss by sweating were affected by swallowing ice in the way shown by
the graphs.















(Total 11 marks)

84. The diagram below shows a food web for a wood.

o w ls w e a se ls sh rew s

v o le s s m a ll b ird s b e e tle s

in s e c ts m o th s o th e r le a f e a rth w o rm s
e a te rs

h erb s tre e s a n d b u s h e s o a k tre e s le a f litte r

(a) The diagrams below show a pyramid of the numbers and a pyramid of the biomass for 0.1
hectare of this wood.

P y r a m id o f N u m b e r s P y r a m id o f B io m a s s
n u m b e r s /0 .1 h e c ta r e b io m a s s (g ra m s p e r s q u a re m e tre )

1 2 0 0 0 0 X 1

1 5 0 0 0 0 2

2 0 0 5 1 3 9

(i) Name one organism from the level labelled X.


(ii) Explain, as fully as you can, why the level labelled Y is such a different width in
the two pyramids.





(b) Explain, as fully as you can, what eventually happens to energy from the sun which is
captured by the plants in the wood.















(Total 14 marks)

85. A plant with variegated (two-coloured) leaves was left in sunlight for several hours. Pieces of
one of its leaves were then detached (removed) and tested for sugar. The diagram below shows
the results.

a p ie c e fr o m th is
y e llo w r e g io n w a s fo u n d t o
c o n t a in n o s u g a r

a p ie c e fr o m th is
g re e n r e g io n w a s fo u n d t o
c o n t a in s u g a r

Explain, as fully as you can, why the yellow region of the leaf had not produced sugar.






(Total 2 marks)

86. The diagram below shows how Huntington’s chorea was inherited in a family.



K e y
F e m a l e w U i nt h a f f e c tM e d a l e w i t Uh n a f f e c t e d
H u n t i n g t fo e n m ’ s a l e H u n t i n ng ' s t mo n a ’ l s e
c h o r e a c h o r e a

(a) Explain, as fully as you can, why child C inherited Huntington’s chorea but child D did
not. You may use a genetic diagram if you wish.















(b) Explain, as fully as you can, how the pattern of inheritance of haemophilia differs from
that of Huntington’s chorea.








(Total 9 marks)

87. The temperature at the surface of the skin can be measured by using a technique called
thermography. Areas with higher temperature appear as a light shade on the thermographs. The
drawings below show the results of an investigation in which thermographs were taken before
and after exercise.

B e fo re A fte r
e x e r c is e e x e r c is e

h ig h e r te m p e r a tu r e a r e a s

n o r m a l te m p e r a tu r e a re a s

Explain, as fully as you can, the body mechanisms which affected the skin temperature to give
the results shown in the drawings.

(Allow one lined page).

(Total 8 marks)

88. (a) Put a tick ( ) in the correct boxes in the table below to show which of the parts
given are present in the cells and organisms listed.


L e a f m e s o p h y ll c e ll

S p erm


(b) (i) What is the main job of a leaf mesophyll cell?



(ii) Explain one way in which the structure of the leaf mesophyll cell helps it to carry
out its job.




(Total 5 marks)

89. (a) Put a tick ( ) in the correct boxes in the table below to show which of the parts
given are present in the cells and organisms listed.


L e a f m e s o p h y ll c e ll

S p erm


(b) (i) What is the main job of a leaf mesophyll cell?



(ii) Explain one way in which the structure of the leaf mesophyll cell helps it to carry
out its job.




(Total 5 marks)

90. (a) Complete the diagram below to show how the sex of a child depends on the
chromosomes the child inherits.

C h ro m o so m e s C h rom o so m es
in m o th e r XX in fa th e r

C h ro m o so m e s C h ro m o so m es
in e g g s in s p e rm s

C h ro m o so m e s C h ro m o so m e s
in d a u g h te r in s o n


(b) The diagram below shows the inheritance of Huntington’s chorea in a family.

F i r s t g e n e r a t i o n
( a l l o v e r 4 0 y e a r
o l d )

C D E F S e c o n d g e n e r a t i
( a l l o v e r 4 0 y e a r
o l d )

G H T h i r d g e n e r a t i o n
( a l l u n d e r 3 0 y e a
o l d )

K ey
M a l e s h o w i n g s y m p t o m s o f H u n t i n g t
M a l e w i t h o u t s y m p t o m s o f H u n t i n g t o
F e m a l e s h o w i n g s y m p t o m s o f H u n t i n
F e m a l e w i t h o u t s y m p t o m s o f H u n t i n

Symptoms of Huntington’s chorea usually develop between the ages of 35 and 40.

What is the chance that the following will develop Huntington’s chorea?

G .....................................................................................................................

H .....................................................................................................................

Explain the reasons for your answers as fully as you can. You may use genetic diagrams
if you wish.














(Total 9 marks)

91. The diagram below shows a food web for some of the organisms which live in a pond.

m ite s lo a c h d iv in g b e e t le s

m u s s e ls c a d d is la r v a e

w a te r b o a tm e n
w a te r fle a s s n a ils
h o g lic e

p la n t d e b r is
a lg a e pondw eed

(a) (i) Name one secondary consumer in this food web.


(ii) The algae are small green plants.

Give three conditions needed by green plants to produce sugars.

1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................

(b) This is a pyramid of biomass for the organisms in the aquarium.

Tertiary consumers

Secondary consumers

Primary consumers


Some of the biomass of the producers is not transferred to the tertiary consumers.

Explain, as fully as you can, what happens to this biomass.

(Allow one lined page)

(Total 10 marks)

92. The diagram below shows the mass of carbon involved each year in some of the processes in the
carbon cycle.

F o s s il fu e ls L a n d p la n t L a n d p la n t D e f o re s ta tio n D e c o m p o s i ti o n
5 b illio n re s p ir a tio n p h o to s y n th e s is b y b u r n in g of dead
to n n e s 5 0 b illio n 1 0 0 b illio n 2 b illio n to n n e s o rg a n ism s
to n n e s to n n e s 5 0 b illio n
to n n e s B io lo g i c a l B io lo g ic a l
and and
c h e m ic a l c h e m ic a l
a b s o rp tio n e m is s io n s
1 0 4 b illio n 1 0 0 b illio n
to n n e s to n n e s

O ceans

(a) Complete the equation for plant respiration.

+ o x y g e nc a r b o n +d i o x i d e + e n e r g y

(b) (i) Calculate the mass of carbon removed from the atmosphere each year.
(Show your working.)

Answer .......................... billion tonnes


(ii) Calculate the percentage of this total which is removed by the photosynthesis of
land plants. (Show your working.)

Answer ...................................... %

(iii) Calculate the net gain of carbon by the atmosphere in one year. (Show your

Answer ........................... billion tonnes

(Total 7 marks)

93. (a) Complete the equation for photosynthesis.

+ w a t +e r l i g h t e n e r gs uy g + a r

(b) The diagram below is printed in a plant care manual.

G iv e th e m th e lig h t th e y n e e d !
A m o u n t o f lig h t e s s e n tia l fo r s a tis fa c to ry d e v e lo p m e n t

D a rk D eep shade Shade L ig h t S o m e d ire c t F u ll s u n lig h t

s u n lig h t

n o g reen ru b b er p o t p la n ts m ost pot p la n ts w ith c a c ti a n d

p la n ts p la n ts , w ith d e e p p la n ts v a rie g a te d s u c c u le n ts
w ill g ro w fern s g re e n le a v e s le a v e s

Use information from the diagram to answer the following questions.

(i) Name one type of plant which could live on the floor of a dense forest in the
middle of summer.


(ii) Explain the reason for your answer to (i) above.



(iii) The drawing shows one type of plant with variegated leaves.

The manual says that these plants need direct sunlight.

Suggest and explain why this plant needs ‘some direct sunlight’ in order to develop



(iv) The drawing shows a cactus.

Suggest and explain why cacti can only develop satisfactorily if they receive
full sunlight.




(Total 8 marks)

94. A student’s hobby was breeding pet mice. Three of the pet mice were called Stan, Tom and
Sharon. Stan and Tom had black fur. Sharon had white fur.

The colour of the fur is controlled by a single gene which has two alleles B and b.

(a) The student first crossed Stan with Sharon. The results are shown on the diagram.

Stan Sharon


Baby Mice

Explain why the baby mice produced by crossing Stan and Sharon all had black fur. You
may use a genetic diagram if you wish.


(b) The student then crossed Tom with Sharon. The results are shown on the diagram.

Tom Sharon


Baby Mice

When Tom was crossed with Sharon, some of the baby mice had black fur and
some white.

Explain why. You may use a genetic diagram if you wish.

(Total 6 marks)

95. A gardener pulled up weeds and used them to start a compost heap. The compost heap soon
became colonised by large numbers of earthworms and slugs. The gardener then noticed a
hedgehog rooting through the compost heap, eating the earthworms and slugs. Every so often
the hedgehog stopped to scratch itself. This was because it had large numbers of fleas which fed
by sucking the hedgehog’s blood.

(a) Use only information from the passage to answer the following.

Construct and label a pyramid of biomass for your food chain.


(b) Gardeners put plant material onto compost heaps so that it will decay. They then put the
decayed compost onto soil where they are growing their plants.

Give three conditions which are needed for plant material to decay rapidly.

1 .....................................................................

2 .....................................................................

3 .....................................................................
(Total 5 marks)

96. The drawing shows a section through a well-designed compost heap.



(a) Suggest why soil is put in with the dead plant material.




(b) Explain why the compost heap is designed with holes in the sides.



(Total 4 marks)

97. The graph shows the mean light intensity at different times of the year in an oak wood.

m e a n t o t a l l i g h t
l i g h t
i n t e n s i t y

l i g h t r e a c h i n g g r o u n d
i n w o o d

J a nF e Mb aA r p M r aJ yu nJ u Al u S g e pO cNt o Dv e c

(a) (i) In which month would you expect the rate of photosynthesis in the
oak trees to be greatest?


(ii) There are plants living on the ground in the wood. In which month would you
expect their rate of growth to be fastest?


Explain your answer.





(b) Name two factors, other than light intensity, that would affect the rate of photosynthesis
in the oak trees.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

(c) An oak wood contained the following:

200 oak trees

150 000 primary consumers

120 000 secondary consumers

Draw and label the following a pyramid of biomass for this wood. (Your pyramid does
not have to be drawn to scale).

(Total 8 marks)

98. Wild turkeys have black feathers. Until about 30 years ago turkeys reared for meat also had
black feathers like this.

However, a recessive gene which produced entirely white feathers appeared, and turkey farmers
changed to breeding white-feathered birds.

Supermarkets preferred white-feathered birds, because small pieces of feather left in the skin
after plucking were not visible as dark patches. Customers wanted unblemished oven-ready
birds. Now, however, there is a demand again for birds with black feathers which can be
marketed as ‘traditional’ farm-produced turkeys.

(a) Feather colour is controlled by one pair of genes.

(i) Suggest suitable symbols for each of the two alleles of this pair of genes.

Black feathers ........................ White feathers ..................................


(ii) What alleles for feather colour would a white turkey have? ..........................

(b) Explain carefully why ‘traditional’ black-feathered turkeys could not be bred from a flock
of white-feathered birds.




(Total 4 marks)

99. Read the following passage (from an article in Woman’s Own).

One day I’ll have to tell you ... but not now
Sally has Huntington’s chorea and knows she may have passed the deadly disease on to
her son Peter.
You’re seven now, and a beautiful little boy, but you know there’s something wrong
with me. I only hope that you won’t suffer the same fate.
My nightmare began nine years ago, on the day I announced to Nanny and Grandad -
my mum and dad - that I was getting married. After I told them my happy news, they
looked at each other and said there was something important I should know. They told
me that your Grandad had Huntington’s chorea and there was a risk that I could have
it as well.

(a) Describe the symptoms of Huntington’s chorea.





(b) There is no history of Huntington’s chorea in the family of Peter’s father.

What is the chance that Peter has inherited the disease?


Explain why. You may use a genetic diagram if you wish.








(Total 6 marks)

100. Read the following passage which is from an advice book for diabetics.

Insulin Reactions
Hypoglycaemia or ‘hypo’ for short, occurs when there is too little sugar in the blood.
It is important always to carry some form of sugar with you and take it immediately
you feel a ‘hypo’ start. A hypo may start because:

• you have taken too much insulin, or

• you are late for a meal, have missed a meal altogether, have eaten too little at a
meal, or
• you have taken a lot more exercise than usual.

The remedy is to take some sugar.

An insulin reaction usually happens quickly and the symptoms vary – sweating,
trembling, tingling of the lips, palpitations, hunger, pallor, blurring of the vision,
slurring of speech, irritability, difficulty in concentration.

Do not wait to see if it will pass off, as an untreated ‘hypo’ could lead to

(a) Many diabetics need to take insulin.

(i) Explain why.





(ii) Explain why there is too little sugar in the blood if too much insulin is taken.





(iii) Explain why there is too little sugar in the blood if the person exercises more
than usual.





(b) Suggest why sugar is recommended for a ‘hypo’, rather than a starchy food.





(c) Explain how the body of a healthy person restores blood sugar level if the level drops
too low.





(d) Explain, using insulin as an example, what is meant by negative feedback.




(Total 17 marks)

101. An oak wood contained the following:

200 oak trees

150 000 primary consumers

120 000 secondary consumers

(a) Draw and label a pyramid of biomass for this wood. (Your pyramid does not have to be
drawn to scale.)

(b) A scientist estimated the total amount of energy flow through each level of the pyramid
per year.

The results were:

Energy absorbed by oak trees 4 600 000 kJ per m per
Energy in sugar produced by trees 44 000 kJ per m per

Energy transferred to primary consumers 2 920 kJ per m per
Energy transferred to secondary consumers 700 kJ per m per year

(i) Calculate the percentage of the energy absorbed by the trees that is transferred to
sugar by photosynthesis. Show your working.

Answer ................................. %

(ii) Suggest two reasons why a large proportion of the energy is not transferred
to sugar.

1 ........................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................


(iii) Give three reasons why some of the energy in the primary consumers is not passed
on to the secondary consumers.

1 ........................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................


3 ........................................................................................................................


(c) Conditions may change considerably during the course of a summer’s day.

Explain how different factors may determine the rate of photosynthesis at different times
of the day.





(d) In autumn, the leaves fall from the oak trees. The leaves contain some proteins.

Explain how the nitrogen in these proteins is made available for the oak trees to
use again.






(Total 16 marks)

102. Coat colour in rabbits is controlled by one pair of genes. The allele for black coat (N) is
dominant to the allele for brown coat (n). The drawing shows the result of crossing a black-
coated rabbit with a brown-coated rabbit.

Complete the genetic diagram to show how the young rabbits inherited their coat colour. Use
the symbols N and n for the alleles. The alleles of the brown parent have been inserted for you.

P a r e n t A – b l a c k P c a o r ae t n t B – b r o w n c o

A l l e l e s i n b o d y
c e l l s o f p a r e n t s n n

A l l e l e s i n
r e p r o d u c t i v e c e l l s
o f p a r e n t s

A l l e l e s i n b o d y
c e l l s o f y o u n g
r a b b i t s

C o a t c o l o u r o f
y o u n g r a b b i t s
(Total 3 marks)

103. (a) Explain, as fully as you can, why respiration has to take place more rapidly during




(b) During exercise the process of respiration produces excess heat. Explain how the body
prevents this heat from causing a rise in the core (deep) body temperature.








(Total 6 marks)

104. Plant plankton are aquatic microscopic organisms that photosynthesise. The graph shows the
numbers of plant plankton in the North Sea at different times of the year.

I n c r e a s e
N u t r i e n t c o n t e n t o f

N u m b e r o f p l a n t p l a

M e a n w a t e r t e m p e r a

W i n t Se r p r i nS g u m mA eu rt u m n

Use the data and your knowledge of photosynthesis and growth to explain:

(a) why numbers of plant plankton were low in winter but increased rapidly during the







(b) the reduction in numbers of plant plankton in the early summer.




(Total 4 marks)

105. The diagram shows the flow of energy through 1 m of an ecosystem.
Unit in each case is kJ per m per year

1 2 0
2 4
1 5 0 0
3 8 0
2 0 0 0

E 8 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

1 5 0 0 0

2 3 0 0 0
5 2 0 0 0

A producers
B primary consumers
C secondary consumers
D tertiary consumers
E heat transfer to environment
F detritus feeders and decomposers

(a) (i) Name the process in which green plants transfer solar energy into
chemical compounds.


(ii) Name the process in living organisms which results in the transfer of heat to
the environment.


(b) Tertiary consumers receive energy from secondary consumers.

(i) Calculate the amount of heat energy which tertiary consumers transfer to the
environment as a percentage of the energy received from secondary consumers.
Show your working.

Energy transferred ............................... %


(ii) Primary consumers transfer a low percentage of their energy intake to the
environment as heat. Tertiary consumers transfer a much higher percentage of their
energy intake to the environment as heat.
The tertiary consumers are mainly mammals and birds.
The primary consumers are mainly insects and molluscs.

Explain why mammals and birds lose a greater percentage of their energy intake to
the environment as heat than do insects and molluscs.







(Total 6 marks)

106. The drawing shows a white blood cell ingesting a bacterium.

b a c te r iu m

(i) Use words from the list to label the parts of the white blood cell.

cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm nucleus vacuole


(ii) The scale shows that the white blood cell is 10 micrometres long.

How long is the bacterium? Show your working.

................... micrometres
(Total 5 marks)

107. The diagrams show four ways in which human twins may be formed.

S p e rm c a rry in g Egg F e rtilis e d e g g (s )

sex c h ro m o so m e

A Y +

Y +

B X +

X +

X +

Y +

Which diagram, A, B, C or D, shows the process which will produce genetically identical
twin boys?


Explain the reason for your choice.






(Total 3 marks)

108. The table shows the amounts of carbohydrate, fat and protein in 100 g portions of five foods,
A – E.



A 0 1

B 50 2 8

C 0 82 0

D 12 0 1

E 20 0 2

(a) A person eats 50 g of food E.

How much carbohydrate would the person eat?

................ g

(b) Describe, in as much detail as you can, what happens to the protein after food A is







(Total 5 marks)

109. Green plants make food in their leaves.

(a) From where do the leaves get the energy that they need to make food?


(b) The graph shows the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.



R a te o f
p h o to s y n th e s is 20
(a rb itra ry
u n its ) 15


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
T e m p e ra tu re (ºC )

(i) Between which temperatures is the rate of photosynthesis fastest?

.............................. and .............................. °C


(ii) Suggest why the rate of photosynthesis stays the same between these two





(iii) A greenhouse owner wants to grow lettuces as quickly and cheaply as possible in

At what temperature should he keep his greenhouse in order to grow the lettuces as
quickly and cheaply as possible?

.............................. °C

Explain your answer.




(Total 7 marks)

110. The drawing shows a white blood cell ingesting a bacterium.

Label the parts of the white blood cell.

(Total 3 marks)

111. The graph shows the effect of temperature on photosynthesis.



R a te o f
p h o to s y n th e s is 20
(a rb itra ry
u n its ) 15


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
T e m p e ra tu re (ºC )

(a) Between which temperatures is the rate of photosynthesis fastest?

............................... and .......................... °C


(b) Suggest why the rate of photosynthesis stays the same between these two temperatures.





(c) A greenhouse owner wants to grow lettuces as quickly and cheaply as possible in winter.

At what temperature should he keep his greenhouse in order to grow the lettuces as
quickly and cheaply as possible?

.......................... °C

Explain your answer.




(Total 6 marks)

112. (a) A food contains protein. Describe, in as much detail as you can, what happens to
this protein after the food is swallowed.









(b) The table shows the activity of lipase on fat in three different conditions.


Lipase + acid solution 3.3
Lipase + weak alkaline solution 15.3
Lipase + bile 14.5

Explain, as fully as you can, the results shown in the table.






(Total 7 marks)

113. The gemsbok is a large herbivore that lives in herds in desert areas of South Africa. Gemsboks

feed on plants that are adapted to living in dry conditions. There are not many rivers, lakes or
ponds that can provide drinking water for the animals. The desert areas are hot during the day
but cool at night. As the air cools at night it becomes moist, and the plants absorb the moisture.

Although the gemsbok lives in hot conditions, it does not sweat. During the day its body
temperature can rise, but it is important that blood reaching the brain does not rise above 40°C.
The drawing shows how the blood system is adapted to cool the blood which flows to the brain.

(i) Suggest an advantage to the gemsbok of not sweating.



(ii) Explain how the blood is cooled in the cavities of the nose.





(iii) How does the structure of the rete help in keeping the brain cool?




(Total 5 marks)

114. A cook prepares a fresh fruit salad by cutting up a variety of fruits and placing them in a bowl
with layers of sugar in between. After two hours the fruit is surrounded by syrup (concentrated
sugar solution).

Explain, as fully as you can, why syrup (concentrated sugar solution) was produced after
two hours.







(Total 4 marks)

115. The black pigment in human skin and eyes is called melanin. Production of melanin is
controlled by a single pair of genes. A person who is homozygous for a recessive allele of the
gene has no melanin and is said to be albino.

(a) A man is albino. His wife is heterozygous for the melanin-producing allele.

(i) The fertilised egg cell produced by the couple divides to form two cells.

Name the process of cell division involved.


(ii) How many albino genes would there be in each of these two cells?


Explain you answer.




(b) (i) Albino people are more likely than people with melanin to suffer
mutations that cause cancer in their skin. Suggest why albino people have an
increased chance of mutation in their skin cells.



(ii) Sometimes, mutation in skin cells leads to cancers in other organs, such as
the liver.

Explain how.




(Total 7 marks)

116. (a) The diagram shows what happens to each 1000 kJ of light energy absorbed by
plants growing in a meadow.

1 0 0 0 k J lig h t e n e rg y a b s o rb e d
d u rin g p h o to s y n th e s is

re s p ira tio n 2 0 0 k J

d e a th a n d d e c o m p o s e rs 6 0 0 k J

tra n s f e rre d to h e r b iv o r e s

r e s p ir a tio n
a n d fa e c e s

tra n sfe rre d to c a rn iv o re s 2 0 k J

Use the information from the diagram to calculate:

(i) how much energy was transferred to herbivores;

............................ kJ

(ii) the percentage of the energy absorbed during photosynthesis that was eventually
transferred to carnivores. Show your working.

............................ %

(b) The table gives the energy output from some agricultural food chains.



cereal crop ⇒ humans 800 000

cereal crop ⇒ pigs ⇒ humans 90 000

cereal crop ⇒ cattle ⇒ humans 30 000

Explain why the food chain cereal crop ⇒ humans gives far more energy than the other
two food chains.









(c) The amounts of energy available to humans from the food chain cereal crop ⇒ pigs ⇒
humans can be increased by changing the conditions in which the pigs are kept.

Give two changes in conditions which would increase the amount of energy available. In
each case explain why changing the condition would increase the available energy.

Change of condition 1 ..............................................................................................

Explanation ...............................................................................................................



Change of condition 2 ..............................................................................................

Explanation ...............................................................................................................


(Total 10 marks)

117. The diagram shows some of the stages by which materials are cycled in living organisms.

p ro d u c e rs c o n su m e rs

d e a th d e a th
A and re s p ir a tio n re s p ira tio n and
decay decay

c h e m ic a l s u b s ta n c e s in
e n v iro n m e n t, u s e d fo r g ro w th

(a) In which of the stages, A, B, C or D:

(i) are substances broken down by microbes; ....................

(ii) is carbon dioxide made into sugar; ....................

(iii) are plants eaten by animals? ....................


(b) In an experiment, samples of soil were put into four beakers. A dead leaf was put onto the
soil in each beaker. The soil was kept in the conditions shown.

In which beaker, W, X, Y or Z, would the dead leaf decay quickest? ...................

(Total 4 marks)

118. (a) Use words from the list to complete the sentences.

alleles chromosomes gametes genes mutations

The nucleus of a cell contains thread-like structures called ..................................... .

The characteristics of a person are controlled by .....................................

which may exist in different forms called ..................................... .


(b) The drawing shows some of the stages of reproduction in horses.

e m b ry o

fo a l

(i) Name this type of reproduction .......................................................................

(ii) Name the type of cell labelled A .....................................................................

(c) When the foal grows up it will look similar to its parents but it will not be identical to
either parent.

(i) Explain why it will look similar to its parents.



(ii) Explain why it will not be identical to either of its parents.




(Total 8 marks)

119. The drawing shows part of a root hair cell.

(a) Use words from the list to label the parts of the root hair cell.

cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm nucleus vacuole


(b) The diagram shows four ways in which molecules may move into and out of a cell. The
dots show the concentration of molecules.

The cell is respiring aerobically.

Which arrow, A, B, C or D represents:

(i) movement of oxygen molecules; ....................

(ii) movement of carbon dioxide molecules? ....................


(c) Name the process by which these gases move into and out of the cell.

(Total 7 marks)

120. This couple has just found out that the woman is pregnant. They wonder whether the child will
be a boy or a girl.

S e x c h r o m o s o m e s ............. S e x c h r o m o s o m e s .............

(a) Fill in the boxes to show the sex chromosomes of the woman and the man.

(b) The couple already has one girl. What is the chance that the new baby will be another


Explain the reason for your answer. You may use a genetic diagram if you wish.






(Total 5 marks)

121. The diagram shows a plant leaf during photosynthesis.

(a) Name:

(i) gas X; ..............................

(ii) gas Y. ..............................


(b) Why is sunlight necessary for photosynthesis?


(Total 3 marks)

122. The drawing shows some of the stages of reproduction in horses.

C e m b ry o

fo a l

(a) (i) Name this type of

reproduction .......................................................................
(ii) Name the type of cell labelled A .....................................................................

(b) Name the type of cell division taking place at the stage labelled:

(i) B ......................................................................................................................

(ii) C ......................................................................................................................

(c) How does the number of chromosomes in each cell of the embryo compare with the
number of chromosomes in cell A?


(d) When the foal grows up it will look similar to its parents but it will not be identical to
either parent.

(i) Explain why it will look similar to its parents.



(ii) Explain why it will not be identical to either of its parents.



(Total 8 marks)

123. Describe the roles of the liver and the pancreas in the digestion of fats.








(Total 5 marks)

124. The diagram shows a plant leaf during photosynthesis.

(a) Name:

(i) gas X; ..............................

(ii) gas Y. ..............................


(b) Why is sunlight necessary for photosynthesis?



(c) Some of the sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored as starch in the roots.
Explain, as fully as you can, why it is an advantage to the plant to store carbohydrate as
starch rather than as sugar.






(Total 6 marks)

125. A potted plant was left in a hot, brightly lit room for ten hours. The plant was not watered
during this period. The drawings show how the mean width of stomata changed over the ten
hour period.

(a) Why do plants need stomata?


(b) Name the cells labelled X on the drawing.


(c) The width of the stomata changed over the ten hour period.
Explain the advantage to the plant of this change.




(Total 4 marks)

126. Read the passage.

Glutton up a gum tree

Along the banks of the Cygnet River on Kangaroo Island, the branches of the dying gum trees
stretch out like accusing fingers. They have no leaves. Birds search in vain for nectar-bearing

The scene, repeated mile upon mile, is an ecological nightmare. But, for once, the culprit is not
human. Instead, it is one of the most appealing mammals on the planet – the koala. If the trees are
to survive and provide a food source for the wildlife such as koalas that depend on them, more
than 2000 koalas must die. If they are not removed the island’s entire koala population will vanish.

Illegal killing has already started. Worried about soil erosion on the island, some farmers have
gone for their guns. Why not catch 2000 koalas and take them to the mainland? “Almost
impossible,” says farmer Andrew Kelly. “Four rangers tried to catch some and in two days they
got just six, and these fought, bit and scratched like fury.”

Use the information from the passage and your own knowledge and understanding to give the
arguments for and against killing koalas to reduce the koala population on Kangaroo Island.







(Total 4 marks)

127. The drawings show bolls on cotton plants. Cotton thread is made from these bolls.

The size of the bolls is controlled by a single gene. This gene has two alleles. The dominant
allele B is the allele for large bolls. The recessive allele b is the allele for small bolls.

Use a genetic diagram to show how two cotton plants with large bolls may produce a cotton
plant with small bolls.

(Total 4 marks)

128. Photosynthesis takes place in green plants.

(a) Name the substance that combines with water in photosynthesis.


(b) Where does water enter the plant?


(c) Name two products of photosynthesis.


(d) Variegated leaves have areas that are green and areas that are white. Some students used
variegated leaves to investigate photosynthesis.

• They covered a variegated leaf with a black paper shape.

• The leaf was left in a sunny place.
• They tested the leaf for starch.
• The results were compared with a leaf that was not covered.

V a r ie g a te d le a f

G re e n a re a

W h ite a re a
B la c k p a p e r

S ta r c h p re se n t a fte r te st
A r e a o f th e le a f te ste d
covered u n co v ered

G re e n a re a no yes

W h ite a re a no no

Explain why starch was present in only one of the tests.







(Total 8 marks)

129. (a) Complete the following passage

Chromosomes carry genetic information. Chromosomes are made up of

......................................... . Human body cells contain 46 chromosomes. There are

twenty-two matching pairs but the final pair does not always match. It is these two

that determine the gender, or sex, of the human. If you are a ........................................

the final pair of chromosomes matches. If you are a ........................................

the final pair of chromosomes does not match.


(b) Draw a labelled diagram to show that there is an equal chance of parents producing a
baby boy or girl. Use the symbols X and Y for the chromosomes.

(Total 6 marks)

130. The diagram shows an animal cell.

(a) Name each labelled part and give its function.

A Name ...............................................................................................................

Function ..........................................................................................................


B Name ..............................................................................................................

Function .........................................................................................................


C Name ..............................................................................................................

Function .........................................................................................................


(b) (i) This plant cell also contains chloroplasts, a cell wall and a vacuole.
Label each of these parts on the diagram.

v a c u o le

c h lo ro p la s t

c e l w a ll


(ii) Give the function of these parts of a plant cell.

Chloroplast function .........................................................................................


Cell wall function .............................................................................................


Vacuole function ..............................................................................................

(Total 12 marks)

131. (a) Mice with black fur can have the genotype BB or Bb, whilst mice with brown fur
have the genotype bb.

(i) Use a genetic diagram to show what fur colours you would predict in the F1
offspring produced by two mice who are both Bb.


(ii) Why might your prediction of fur colour in the F1 generation not be proved right?



(b) Using the example in part (a) to help:

(i) describe the difference between dominant and recessive alleles;





(ii) describe the difference between alleles and genes;





(iii) describe the difference between homozygous and heterozygous chromosomes.




(Total 10 marks)

132. The pictures show three mammals and their average body temperature in C.


Describe three different ways by which most mammals are able to maintain a constant body
temperature when the temperature of the environment falls.







(Total 6 marks)

133. (a) Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps in the diagram. You may use each word
once or not at all.

carb o n b u r n in g decay e a te n
n itr o g e n oxygen p o llu tio n re s p ira tio n

C a rb o n d io x id e
in th e a ir

p ro d u c e s c a rb o n d io x id e a s P h o to s y n th e s is
it re le a s e s e n e rg y fro m fo o d m a k e s fo o d
in p la n ts


b y a n im a ls
B a c te ria r e s p ir e

W o o d , c o a l, g a s a n d p e tr o l a r e u s e d
o f d e a d p la n ts a n d a n im a ls in th is p r o c e s s . F o s s il f u e ls a r e th e
r e m a in s o f p la n ts a n d a n im a ls w h ic h
liv e d m illio n s o f y e a r s a g o .


(b) (i) Why are fungi called decomposers?


(ii) Give one other type of decomposer.

(Total 6 marks)

134. The diagram shows the human skin.

(a) (i) In hot weather the diameters of the capillaries in the skin change.
Explain how this change keeps us cool.





(ii) Give one other way that the skin can keep us cool.


(b) Give one other function of the skin.


(Total 5 marks)

135. (a) Complete the following sentences.

Green plants produce their own food by a process called photosynthesis. In this

process the raw materials are ...................................................... and carbon

dioxide. Glucose and ............................................................... are produced.

.................................................... energy is absorbed by the green substance

called .................................................... .

(b) Name two things that can happen in the plant to the glucose produced in photosynthesis.

1. ..............................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................

(c) Plants need mineral salts.

(i) Through which part do mineral salts get into the plant?


(ii) Explain why water is important in this process.





Some students set up water cultures to find out how plants use nitrates.
They had two sets of nutrient solutions.
A full solution provided the plant with all the required nutrients.
The results table shows the average mass of the seedlings after 28 days of growth.

S e e d lin g

C o tto n w o o l A v e r a g e m a s s o f s e e d lin g
C u ltu r e so lu tio n in g

d is tille d w a te r 0 .1 4

f u ll s o lu tio n w ith
C u ltu re s o lu tio n 0 .2 9
n o n itra te s

f u ll s o lu tio n 0 .4 3

T e s t tu b e

(d) (i) Give a conclusion you could make from these results.



(ii) Calculate the difference in average mass caused by the addition of nitrates to the
culture solution.


(iii) What are nitrates used for in the seedling?


(iv) Some factors need to be controlled to keep this test fair. Name two of them.

1. .....................................................................................................................

2. ....................................................................................................................

(v) Suggest one way you could improve the experiment.

(Total 15 marks)

136. Some students set up the equipment below to investigate osmosis.

C a p illa ry tu b e

L e v e l o f s o lu tio n a t th e
s ta r t o f th e in v e s tig a tio n

B eaker

V is k in g tu b in g c o n ta in in g
c o n c e n tr a te d s a lt s o lu tio n
W a te r

(a) What is osmosis?




(b) (i) What will happen to the water level in the capillary tube during the
investigation because of osmosis?


(ii) Use your knowledge of osmosis to explain why this happens.

(Total 6 marks)

137. In the 1850s an Austrian monk, called Gregor Mendel, carried out a series of investigations on

(a) (i) What plants did he use for his investigations?


(ii) In his work he assumed that one gene controlled one characteristic. He started his
investigations with pure breeding parents. Use a genetic diagram to show how he
explained the following result.

P a re n ta l p h e n o ty p e s

Y e llo w s e e d s G reen seed s

F 2 p h e n o ty p e

6 0 2 2 y e llo w s e e d s 2 0 0 1 g re e n se e d s

(Total 5 marks)


C o o r d in a tio n o f th e b o d y c a n b e a ffe c te d
b y c h e m ic a ls c a lle d h o r m o n e s

(a) (i) Where are hormones produced?


(ii) How do hormones move around the body?


(b) Insulin is a hormone.

(i) Where is insulin produced?


(ii) Explain the role of insulin in controlling blood sugar levels.

(Total 7 marks)

139. Meiosis and mitosis are different types of division in human cells. Compare the two processes
by referring to where each takes place and the kind of products that are made.











(Total 6 marks)

140. (a) Plants make their own food by photosynthesis.

Use the following words to fill in the gaps. You can use each word once or not at all.

carbon chlorophyll cytoplasm light nitrogen

oxygen sound starch water

During photosynthesis .............................................. dioxide and .............................

are converted into glucose and ........................................ . The energy needed to do

this is ......................................... energy which is trapped by a green pigment called

......................................... .

The plant can change the glucose into ..................................... which is insoluble so

it can be stored.

(b) Which part of a plant is adapted for photosynthesis?


(c) How do the two raw materials for photosynthesis get into the plant?

1. ...............................................................................................................................


2. ................................................................................................................................


(d) Describe one way you could speed up photosynthesis.


(Total 10 marks)

141. The chromosomes for determining the gender or sex of a person are labelled X and Y.

X P a re n t 1 X

............................... ...............................
P a re n t 2

............................... ...............................

(a) Complete the Punnett Square to show the genotype of parent 2 and of the four

(b) Which parent is the mother?


(c) What are the chances of getting a baby boy?

(Total 5 marks)

142. (a) Complete the table to give one site where digestive substances are made.

Digestive substance One site of production





(b) Describe two ways that the mouth can break down starchy foods.





(c) Describe how the liver helps to digest fats.



(Total 8 marks)

143. Sickle cell anaemia is an example of a disease caused by a mutation affecting one of the genes
involved in the production of haemoglobin.

• Hb is a gene that determines haemoglobin.

• Hb causes normal haemoglobin and is dominant.
• Hb causes defective haemoglobin and is recessive.
• In the homozygous recessive condition the person suffers acute anaemia and has a low life
• In the heterozygous condition individuals suffer from the sickle cell trait but have
increased resistance to malaria.

(a) What is the role of haemoglobin in the body?


(b) What is a mutation?



(c) Use the information above to explain what is meant by the terms homozygous and





(d) Use the information above to explain what is meant by the terms dominant and recessive.






F a th e r

H b H b

A C h ild 1 C h ild 2
H b H bAH bA H bAH bS
M o th er
S C h ild 3 C h ild 4
H b H bAH bS H bSH bS

(i) Which child will have sickle cell anaemia?

Child .................................

(ii) Which child will have sickle cell trait?

Child .................................

(iii) Which child will not carry any sickle cell genes?

Child .................................

(iv) Which child will be more resistant to malaria?

Child .................................
(Total 10 marks)

144. The diagram shows a human sperm. Inside the tail of the sperm is a filament mechanism that
causes the side to side movement of the tail, which moves the sperm.

N u c le u s

M ito c h o n d ria

F ila m e n t

(a) Describe the function of the mitochondria and suggest a reason why they are arranged
around the filament near the tail of the sperm.





(b) Explain the significance of the nucleus in determining the characteristics of the offspring.



(Total 5 marks)

145. (a) Photosynthesis is a process that takes place in green plants.

(i) What type of energy is needed for this process?


(ii) What substance in the plant absorbs this energy?


(iii) In which part of the plant cell does photosynthesis take place?


(iv) Write a balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis.

......................................................... → ..........................................................

(b) Describe two ways you could speed up photosynthesis.




(c) The diagram shows the outline of a cross-section of a leaf. Name cells 1 and 2 and
describe how they are involved in photosynthesis.


1 ...................................................................................





(Total 12 marks)

146. Some students set up this experiment to investigate osmosis. They filled two pieces of dialysis
[visking] tubing with different liquids and left them both in a beaker of 5% sucrose solution for
an hour.

2 0 % s u c ro s e s o lu tio n D is tille d w a te r

D ia ly s is (v is k in g ) tu b in g 5 % s u c ro s e s o lu tio n

Tube 1 Tube 2

(a) Describe and explain the likely results after one hour.









(b) Describe two examples where osmosis is used in living things.




(Total 8 marks)

147. The diagram shows how a leaf of a green plant makes glucose.

(a) Use words from the box to complete the labels on the diagram. You may use each word
once or not at all.

carbon dioxide chlorophyll glucose heat

light oxygen water

c o m e s o u t o f th e le a f in to th e a ir.

e n e rg y fro m th e s u n .

ab so rb s e n e rg y.

g o e s in to th e le a f f r o m th e a ir.

is ta k e n u p b y th e ro o ts a n d tra n s p o rte d
to th e le a f.

(b) (i) Compete the following sentence.

Glucose in food is a type of ................... . When we eat it, it gives us energy.


(ii) The plant turns some of the glucose into starch. Why is starch useful to the plant?



(iii) What does the plant do with the rest of the glucose?


(c) (i) What is the name of the process outlined in the diagram?


(ii) Give one way that leaves are adapted to do this process.

(Total 10 marks)

148. These are all dogs. They are in the same species.

(a) What does it mean to be in the same species?



(b) Complete the following sentences.

• When dogs reproduce the .................................................. produces sperm in the

..................................... and the female produces eggs in the ....................................

• Sperm and eggs are also called ....................................

• During mating, the sperm and eggs fuse together. This is known as


• Once this has happened the .................................... starts to develop in the uterus
of the mother.

(c) Explain why puppies have some of the characteristics of both parents.



(Total 10 marks)

149. The diagram shows part of the human digestive system.

(i) Name part B.


(ii) Describe the role of B and D in reducing blood sugar levels.





(Total 3 marks)

150. (a) The diagram shows a normal body cell which has six chromosomes.

N u c le a r
m e m b ra n e

C e ll
m e m b ra n e

(i) Complete the diagram below to show one cell produced from this cell by mitosis.

C e ll
m e m b ran e

(ii) Complete the diagram below to show one cell produced from the original cell by

C e ll
m e m b ran e

(b) Thalassaemia is a blood disease. It is determined by a single recessive allele. A person

with one recessive allele does not get the disease but does act as a carrier. People with
this pair of recessive alleles can become ill.

(i) Draw a genetic diagram to show the inheritance of' this disease if both parents are

[Use the symbols T = dominant allele and t = recessive allele]


(ii) What are the chances of a baby inheriting the disease?


(iii) What are the chances of a baby being a carrier if both parents are heterozygous?

(Total 10 marks)

151. Photosynthesis takes place the leaves of green plants.

(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the formation of glucose by photosynthesis.


(b) Describe two ways that the rate of photosynthesis can be decreased without lowering the






(c) Some students decided to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of
photosynthesis in pond weed. They set up the apparatus and altered the temperature using
ice and hot water. The counted the number of bubbles given off in a minute at different
temperatures. They obtained the following results.

A p p a r a tu s R e s u lts
T h e rm o m e te r
T em p era tu re N u m b e r o f b u b b le s
D e liv e ry tu b e in ° C p e r m in u t e

B ung 10 6

20 15

W a te r
30 21

P ondw eed
40 23
W a te r b a th

50 19

(i) Plot the points on the graph.

N um ber of
b u b b le s
p e r m in u te

T e m p e ra tu re in ° C

(ii) Use your graph to predict the number of bubbles per minute at 25 °C.


(iii) Suggest a reason why the rate of photosynthesis seems to decrease in this
pondweed after 40 °C.


(Total 10 marks)

152. The drawing shows an animal cell, seen at a very high magnification using an electron

(a) (i) Label a mitochondrion [plural = mitochondria].


(ii) What happens in the mitochondria?


(b) (i) Name and label the structure where you would find chromosomes.

(ii) What are chromosomes made of?


(c) What controls the rate of chemical reactions in the cytoplasm?

(Total 5 marks)

153. In humans, the sex chromosomes X and Y determine whether the baby will be male or female
(its gender).

(a) (i) Draw a genetic diagram to show how gender is inherited. The male
has XY chromosomes and the female has XX.


(ii) What is the likelihood of obtaining a male child?


(b) In the 16th century Henry VIII was the King of England. He blamed some of his wives
for giving birth to daughters instead of sons. With our present day knowledge of genetics
this mistake could not be made today. Explain why Henry VIII was wrong.



(Total 5 marks)

154. Some students set up an experiment using osmosis to find the concentration of sucrose solution
in potato cell sap. They used discs of potato cut to the same size and weighing approximately 10
gms. The discs were put into each of five beakers.

B eaker 1 B eaker 2 B eaker 3 B eaker 4 B eaker 5

D is tille d 10% 20% 30% 40%

w a te r su c ro se su cro se su c ro se su c ro se
s o lu tio n s o lu tio n s o lu tio n s o lu tio n

(a) (i) After two hours they reweighed the discs after carefully blotting them
first. Why did the students blot the potato before weighing it?



(ii) Their results are shown in the table below.

Beaker 1 Beaker 2 Beaker 3 Beaker 4 Beaker 5

Final mass in g 13.0 12.2 9.0 7.9

Initial mass in g 10.0 10.6 10.0 10.1 10.4

The students calculated the % gain or loss in mass of potato. Complete this table of
results for Beakers 2, 4 and 5.

Beaker 1 Beaker 2 Beaker 3 Beaker 4 Beaker 5

13 – 10.0 9.0 – 10.0

= 3.0 = –1.0

3.0 – 1. 0
× 100% × 100%
10.0 10.0

= 30% = –10%

Gain in mass Loss in mass

= 30% = 10%

(b) (i) Draw a graph of % Gain or Loss in mass against sucrose

P e rc e n ta g e
g a in
in m a s s

P e rc e n ta g e s u c ro s e c o n c e n tr a tio n

P e rc e n ta g e
lo s s
in m a s s


(ii) Use the graph to find the concentration of potato cell sap.

Concentration of cell sap = ........................................... % sucrose solution


(iii) Explain in terms of osmosis how you chose this value.



(Total 10 marks)

155. The diagram shows a cell from a blade of grass.

A ....................
B ....................

C ....................

D ....................

(a) On the diagram, use words from the list to name the parts labelled A-D.

cell membrane cell wall chloroplast

cytoplasm nucleus vacuole


(b) Name two parts of the grass cell which are not found in any of the cells in an animal.

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................
(Total 6 marks)

156. The diagram shows some of the stages by which materials are cycled in living organisms.

P ro d u c e rs C o n su m ers

R e s p ira tio n R e s p ir a tio n

D e a th D e a th
and decay and decay

C h e m ic a l su b s ta n c e s in
e n v iro n m e n t, u s e d fo r g ro w th

(a) In which of the stages, A, B, C or D:

(i) are substances broken down by microbes; .......................................................

(ii) is carbon dioxide made into sugar; ..................................................................

(iii) are plants eaten by animals? .............................................................................


(b) In an experiment, samples of soil were put into four beakers. A dead leaf was put onto the
soil in each beaker. The soil was kept in the conditions shown.

D e a d le a f

S o il

W arm an d w e t C o ld a n d w e t C o ld a n d d ry W a rm a n d d ry

In which beaker, W, X, V or Z, would the dead leaf decay quickest? ......................

(Total 4 marks)

157. Photosynthesis takes place in green plants.

Variegated leaves have areas that are green and areas that are white. Some students used
variegated leaves to investigate photosynthesis.

• They covered part of a variegated leaf with a black paper shape.

• The leaf was left in a sunny place.
• They tested the leaf for starch.

V a rie g a te d le a f

G re e n a re a

W h ite a re a B la c k p a p e r

S ta r c h p re se n t a fte r te st
A r e a o f th e le a f te s t e d
covered un covered

G re e n no yes

W h ite a r e a no no

Explain why starch was not produced;

(a) in the covered green areas of the leaf.




(b) in the uncovered white areas of the leaf.



(Total 4 marks)

158. (a) Use words from the list to complete the sentences.

alleles chromosomes gametes genes mutations

The nucleus of a cell contains thread-like structures called .......................................

The characteristics of a person are controlled by .......................................................

which may exist in different forms called ..................................................................


(b) The drawing shows some of the stages of reproduction in horses.

(i) Name this type of reproduction ........................................................................


(ii) Name the type of cell labelled A ......................................................................


(c) When the foal grows up it will look similar to its parents but it will not be identical to
either parent.

Explain why it will not be identical to either of its parents.




(Total 7 marks)

159. Polar bears live in areas close to the North Pole where it can be very cold. The diagram shows
some of the blood vessels and the flow of blood through a polar bear’s foot in cold conditions.
The blood vessels are not drawn to the same scale.

D ire c tio n o f
b lo o d f lo w

V e in

Y A rte ry

C a p illa r y
. .
. . . . . ..
.. . . .
. . .
. .. .. .
. .. .. . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . . S n .o w . .
. .
X – B lo o d v e ss e l . . .
. . ..
s u p p ly in g c a p illa r ie s . . .
. . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . .
. . .. . . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . .

(a) Explain how the diameters of vessel X and Y help the polar bear to survive in cold





(b) Describe one way in which the blood flow through the foot would change in warmer





(c) It takes several months for young polar bears to grow fur. During this time:

they keep still;

they move only to feed off the mother’s fat-rich milk;
they can be found huddling together.

Choose two of these three points and explain how each helps a young polar bear to
survive cold conditions.

1 ..................................................................................................................................



2 ..................................................................................................................................


(Total 9 marks)

160. A child suffers from cystic fibrosis. Neither parent has cystic fibrosis.

Explain how it is possible for a child to be born with cystic fibrosis, even though neither parent
has the disorder. Use a genetic diagram to help explain your answer.






(Total 3 marks)

161. (a) Name two things that can happen in the plant to the glucose produced in

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................

(b) Plants need mineral ions.

(i) Through which part are mineral ions absorbed into the plant?


(ii) Explain why water is important in the absorption of mineral ions.





(c) Some students set up water cultures to find out if plants need nitrates.
They had two sets of nutrient solutions.
A full solution provided the plant with all the required ions.
The results table shows the average mass of the seedlings after 28 days of growth.

Culture solution Average mass of seedling

in g
distilled water 0.14
full solution with no nitrates 0.29
full solution 0.43

(i) Give a conclusion from these results.



(ii) What are nitrates used for in the seedling?


(iii) How can you tell from its leaves that a plant is suffering from nitrate deficiency?



(iv) Some factors need to be controlled to keep this test fair.
Name two of them.

1 .......................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................
(Total 10 marks)

162. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct terms from the box.

23 46 A D H D N A X X X Y Y Y

d o m in a n t fe m a le m a le r e c e s s iv e stro n g w eak

A gene is made up of a substance called ............................. . Genes are found on chromosomes

and most human cells contain ................................. pairs of chromosomes. In females the two

sex chromosomes are ........................, but in males the two sex chromosomes are .................... .

Alleles are alternative forms of a gene. Two healthy parents can sometimes have a child with a

genetic disorder such as cystic fibrosis. This is because cystic fibrosis is caused by a

..................................... allele. The two parents are healthy because they also have the

..................................... allele.
(Total 6 marks)

163. Bread contains starch, protein and fat.

(a) Complete each sentence by choosing the correct words from the box.

amino acids protein

fat starch
fatty acids sugar

Amylase speeds up the digestion of .................................... . The product of this digestion

is ............................. . Protease speeds up the digestion of ............................. .

The product of this digestion is .............................................. .


(b) Why do molecules of starch, protein and fat need to be digested?



(c) In which part of the digestive system does the digestion of starch begin?
Draw a ring around your answer.

large intestine mouth small intestine stomach


(d) What do we call substances like amylase and protease which speed up chemical

(Total 8 marks)

164. (a) The equation describes the process of photosynthesis.

carbon dioxide + .................. + light energy 

→ glucose + ..................

(i) Write in the names of the two missing substances.


(ii) Name the green substance which absorbs the light energy.


(b) (i) In bright sunlight, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air can
limit the rate of photosynthesis. Explain what this means.




(ii) Give one environmental factor, other than light intensity and carbon dioxide
concentration, which can limit the rate of photosynthesis.

(Total 6 marks)

165. The graph shows the concentration of glucose in the blood of two people. Person A is a non-
diabetic. Person B has diabetes. Each person ate 75 grams of glucose at 1.0 hours.






10 P e rso n B

C o n c e n tr a tio n o f 9
g lu c o s e in
th e b lo o d 8
in m m o l p e r d m 3

P e rso n A

0 .0 1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 6 .0
T im e in h o u r s

(a) (i) What was the maximum concentration of glucose in the blood of
Person A?

.................................................................. mmol per dm

(ii) After eating the glucose, how long did it take for the concentration of glucose in
the blood of Person B to return to normal?

................................................................................ hours

(b) A diabetic person does not produce enough insulin.

(i) Which organ produces insulin?


(ii) Write the letter X on the graph to show one time when the blood of Person A
would contain large amounts of insulin.

(c) A high concentration of glucose in the blood can harm body cells as a result of osmosis.
Explain why.







(Total 8 marks)

166. The diagram shows a food chain in a pond. The figures show the amounts of energy in each
type of organism, in kilojoules per m of pond per year.

P la n ts H e r b iv o re s C a rn iv o re s T o p c a r n iv o r e s

88 000 14 000 1600 88

(a) Calculate the percentage of the energy in the plants that is passed to the top carnivores.
Show clearly how you work out your final answer.




Answer ................................. %

(b) In the space below, draw a pyramid of biomass for this food chain. Label your drawing
with the names of the organisms.


(c) If humans ate organisms from this food chain, it would be more efficient to eat plants
than to eat herbivores. Why is this?



(Total 5 marks)

167. The diagram shows two patterns of cell division. Cell division type A is used in gamete
formation. Cell division type B is used in normal growth.

P a ren ts: M a le F e m a le

1 2

C e ll d iv isio n
3 4 5 ty p e A

6 7 8 9 10
S p e rm c e lls Egg
c e ll

S p e rm a n d e g g
jo in to g e th e r

O ffs p rin g : 11

12 13 C e ll d iv isio n
ty p e B
14 15
16 17

(a) Name the two types of cell division, A and B, shown in the diagram.

Type A ........................................................................................................................

Type B ........................................................................................................................

(b) Name the process in which an egg and sperm join together.


(c) Cell 1 contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will there be in:

(i) cell 10; ..............................................................................................................


(ii) cell 14? .............................................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)

168. The diagram shows the apparatus used to investigate the digestion of milk fat by an enzyme.
The reaction mixture contained milk, sodium carbonate solution (an alkali) and the enzyme. In
Experiment 1, bile was also added. In Experiment 2, an equal volume of water replaced the bile.
In each experiment, the pH was recorded at 2-minute intervals.

m e te r

O n O ff

pH R e a c tio n m ix tu r e c o n ta in in g :
e le c tro d e
Either: Experiment 1 or: Experiment 2

milk (contains fat) milk (contains fat)

sodium carbonate solution sodium carbonate solution
bile water
enzyme enzyme

The results of the two experiments are given in the table.

T im e in
m in u te s E x p e r im e n t 1 : w ith b ile E x p e r im e n t 2 : n o b ile

0 9 .0 9 .0

2 8 .8 9 .0

4 8 .7 9 .0

6 8 .1 8 .8

8 7 .7 8 .6

10 7 .6 8 .2

(a) Milk fat is a type of lipid. Give the name of an enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of


(b) What was produced in each experiment to cause the fall in pH?


(c) (i) For Experiment 1, calculate the average rate of fall in pH per minute,
4 minutes and 8 minutes. Show clearly how you work out your final answer.




............................................. pH units per minute


(ii) Why was the fall in pH faster when bile was present?


(Total 5 marks)

169. The diagram shows an animal cell.


(a) (i) Name structures A and B by choosing the correct words from the box.

cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm nucleus vacuole

Structure A .......................................................................................................

Structure B .......................................................................................................

(ii) Which structure named in the box controls the passage of substances in and out of
the cell?


(b) Distance P to Q on the diagram is the diameter of the cell. This distance was measured on
three cells using a microscope. The results were as follows:

cell 1: 63 micrometres
cell 2: 78 micrometres
cell 3: 69 micrometres

Calculate the average diameter of these cells. Show clearly how you work out your final



Average diameter = ................................... micrometres

(Total 5 marks)

170. This is a simple food chain.

Lettuce plant → Slug → Frog → Heron

The diagram shows a pyramid of biomass for this food chain.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Write the names of the organisms in the food chain on the correct lines next to the
pyramid of biomass.

(b) (i) The slug obtains its energy from the lettuce plant. What is the source

of energy for the lettuce plant?


(ii) What is the function of chlorophyll in a lettuce plant?


(iii) The slugs ate some lettuce plants which contained 1620 kJ of energy. Only 10 per
cent of this energy is used by the slugs for growth. Use the formula to calculate
how much energy can be used by the slugs for growth. Show clearly how you work
out your final answer.

(Percentage of energy used by slugs) × (Amount of energy in lettuce)

Amount of energy = 100




Amount of energy = ................................................... kJ

(Total 5 marks)

171. (a) (i) What name is given to an enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of


(ii) What product is formed when protein is broken down by the enzyme?


The table shows the effect of pH on the activity of an enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of

pH 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Rate of formation of product 0.0

10.5 23.0 10.5 2.5
in mmol per minute

(b) Draw a graph of the data in the table.

2 5

2 0

1 5
R a t e o f f o r m a t i o n
o f p r o d u c t i n
m m o l p e r m i n u t e
1 0

1 2 3 4 5 6
p H

(c) The enzyme is produced by the human digestive system.

(i) At what pH does this enzyme work best? ........................................................


(ii) Suggest which part of the digestive system produces this enzyme.


(d) Why is it necessary to break down proteins in the digestive system?






(Total 10 marks)

172. Each autumn, many trees lose their leaves.

(a) Describe how carbon compounds in the leaves can be recycled so that they can be used
again by the trees.

To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them
into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.











(b) Give two environmental conditions which speed up the processes that you have described
in part (a).

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................
(Total 6 marks)

173. (a) Each day, a boy ate food containing 12 000 kilojoules of energy. The boy’s body
used 80 per cent of this energy to maintain his core temperature.

(i) Name the process which releases energy from food.


(ii) Calculate the amount of energy that the boy would use each day to maintain his
core body temperature. Show clearly how you work out your final answer.



Amount of energy used each day = ........................... kJ


(b) The diagram shows a section through human skin.

Explain how structure A helps to cool the body on a hot day.






(c) Body temperature is monitored and controlled by the thermoregulatory centre. Where in
the body is the thermoregulatory centre?

(Total 7 marks)

174. Diagram 1 shows the nucleus of a cell at the start of meiosis.

Diagram 1

(a) Name structure A. ......................................................................................................


(b) During meiosis, the nucleus shown in diagram 1 will divide twice to form four nuclei.

Complete diagram 2 to show the appearance of one of these nuclei.

Diagram 2
(Total 3 marks)

175. Huntington’s disease is an inherited condition which is caused by a dominant allele. The effects
of the disease do not appear until the person with the allele is 30 to 40 years old.

(a) What is meant by each of the following:

(i) allele;.................................................................................................................


(ii) dominant?..........................................................................................................


(b) A man and his wife are both 45 years old. The man is now suffering from Huntington’s
disease, but his wife is not a sufferer. They have one child who is now 14 years old.

(i) What system of the body is affected by Huntington’s disease?


(ii) The man is heterozygous for Huntington’s disease. Draw a genetic diagram and use
it to find the probability that the child will develop Huntington’s disease.

Use the following symbols: H = allele for Huntington’s disease

h = unaffected allele

Probability = ...................................................................
(Total 8 marks)

176. Figure 1 shows a food chain containing three organisms.

A n t e l o p e
G r a s s
L i o n
( n o t t o s c a l e )

Figure 1

(a) (i) In this food chain, name:

the predator; ......................................................................................................

the prey. ............................................................................................................


(ii) What is the source of energy for the grass?

Draw a ring around one answer.

carbon dioxide light nitrates water


(iii) Figure 2 shows a pyramid of biomass for the organisms in Figure 1.

Write the names of the organisms on the correct lines in Figure 2.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure 2

(b) Waste materials, like faeces from the animals, will decay,

(i) What sort of organisms cause decay?


(ii) Three of the following conditions help decay to occur rapidly.

Which conditions do this?

Draw a ring around each of the three answers.

aerobic anaerobic cold dry moist warm


(iii) The list below gives four substances. Two of these substances are produced by
decay and can be used by the grass.

Which two substances are these?

Tick ( ) two boxes.

Carbon dioxide

Mineral salts


(Total 10 marks)

177. (a) Alleles are different forms of the same gene.

Why does a person usually inherit two alleles of each gene?


(b) Some humans are albino (they have white hair and pale skin). This condition is caused by
a recessive allele, n. The other allele, N, causes a coloured pigment to be made.

There are three possible combinations of these alleles:

NN Nn nn

(i) Which one of these combinations will an albino person have?


(ii) Two non-albino parents can sometimes have an albino child.

Which one of the following combinations of alleles must these two parents have?

Tick ( ) the box next to the correct answer.

Tick one box only.

Parent 1 Parent 2



Nn Nn

nn nn
(Total 3 marks)

178. The diagram shows a cell from a plant leaf.

(a) Name structures A and B.

A ..................................................................................................................................

B ..................................................................................................................................

(b) Structure C is a chloroplast. What is the function of a chloroplast?


(c) The table gives one difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.

Complete the table to give two more differences.

Plant cell Animal cell

1. No chloroplasts
1. Has chloroplasts

2. 2.

3. 3.
(Total 5 marks)

179. The diagram gives information about some parts of the human digestive system.

p H o f
O r g a nd i g e s t Ei v n e z y m e s
j u i c e p r o d u c e d

S a l i v a r y7 A m y l a s e
g l a n d

S t o m a c h2 P r o t e a s e

P a n c r e a8 s . 5 A m y l a s e
L i p a s e
P r o t e a s e

S m a l l 8 . 5 A m y l a s e
i n t e s t i n e L i p a s e
P r o t e a s e

(a) (i) Name the organ which makes bile.


(ii) Label this organ with the letter X on the diagram.


Information in the table may help you to answer parts (b) and (c).

(b) Name two parts of the digestive system where protein is digested.

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................

(c) Suggest two reasons why starch is not digested in the stomach.

1 .................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

180. The internal body temperature determines how much a person sweats. The graph shows the
effect of different internal body temperatures on a person’s rate of energy loss by sweating.

4 0 0

3 5 0

3 0 0
A m o u2 n5 t 0 o f
e n e r g y l o s t
i n j o u 2 l 0e s0
p e r s e c o n d
1 5 0

1 0 0

5 0

3 6 . 2 3 6 . 4 3 6 . 6 3 6 . 8 3 7 . 0 3 7 . 2 3 7 . 4 3 7 . 6
I n t e r n a l b o d y t e m p e r a t u r e i n ° C

(a) How much more energy was lost from the body each second by sweating when the body
temperature was 37.6 °C than when it was 36.6 °C? Show clearly how you work out your
final answer.



Amount of energy = ................................ joules per second


(b) Explain why a person would feel more thirsty when the body temperature was 37.6 °C
than when it was 36.6 °C.





(c) Explain how sweating helps to control body temperature.






(Total 7 marks)

181. The diagram shows the flow of energy through a forest. The figures are in kilojoules of energy
per square metre per year.

T r e e s 1 6 0 0 4 0 0
H e r b i v o r e sC a r n i v o r e s
2 4 0 0 0

(a) What percentage of the energy in the trees is passed on as food for the carnivores? Show
clearly how you work out your final answer.



................................... per cent


(b) Give three reasons why so little of the energy in the trees is passed on to the carnivores.

1 ...................................................................................................................................


2 ...................................................................................................................................


3 ...................................................................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)

182. The fruit fly, Drosophila, has either long wings or vestigial wings, as shown in the diagram.

Long-winged fly Vestigial-winged fly

The size of the wings is determined by a pair of alleles: A and a.

Long-winged flies have one of two possible genotypes: AA or Aa.
Vestigial-winged flies have only one genotype: aa.

(a) (i) What is the genotype of a heterozygous fly?


(ii) Why can vestigial-winged flies only have the genotype aa?


(b) A male and a female long-winged fly were crossed. They produced 96 offspring.
72 of the offspring had long wings and 24 had vestigial wings.
Use a genetic diagram to explain this.

(Total 6 marks)

183. (a) What are enzymes?



(b) Explain why enzymes are used in industry.






(Total 4 marks)

184. (a) The graph shows how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction changes with

4 . 0

3 . 0

R a t e o f
r e a c t i o n i n
m g o2 f . 0
p r o d u c t s p e r
u n i t t i m e

1 . 0

0 . 0
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
T e m p e r a t u r e i n ° C

(i) Explain why, in terms of particles, the rate of most reactions increases as the
temperature is increased.







(ii) Suggest a disadvantage of using an enzyme to speed up this reaction.



(b) Read the passage below about one use of enzymes in industry.

Preparation of acrylamide

Acrylamide is an important chemical used in the manufacture of polymers. It is

produced by the addition of water to acrylonitrile.

acrylonitrile + water → acrylamide

The reaction can be catalysed using Cu ions but the yield of acrylamide is low
and a mixture of products is obtained at the relatively high temperature needed
(between 80 °C and 140 °C).

These problems can be overcome by using an immobilised enzyme. The stability

of the enzyme is increased by making it immobilised.

This enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place at 10 °C and produces a high yield of

acrylamide and virtually no other products.

About 4000 tonnes of acrylamide are produced each year using this method.

(i) Give three advantages of using an enzyme catalyst for this reaction.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................


3 ..................................................................................................................................


(ii) Why is it important that the enzyme is stabilised?


(iii) Describe how the enzyme could be immobilised.



(Total 10 marks)

185. The diagram shows some of the organs which help to keep conditions constant inside our

(a) Which of the organs on the diagram:

(i) produces sweat ......................................

(ii) produces urea .........................................

(iii) produces urine .......................................

(iv) stores urine? ...........................................


(b) Explain why we should drink more water on a hot day than on a cold day.


(Total 6 marks)

186. The diagram shows a sperm cell.

(a) Use words from the box to name parts A, B and C.

cell membrane chloroplast cytoplasm nucleus vacuole

A ……………………………………….

B ……………………………………….

C ……………………………………….

(b) The sperm is a male gamete. It swims towards the female gamete.

Write down two ways in which the structure of the sperm helps it to swim.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

(c) (i) What happens when a male gamete meets a female gamete?



(ii) What type of reproduction is this?

(Total 7 marks)

187. Read the paragraph below about organisms in a garden.

A gardener pulled up weeds and used them to start a compost heap. The compost heap
soon became colonised by large numbers of earthworms and slugs. The gardener then
noticed a hedgehog rooting through the compost heap, eating the earthworms and slugs.
Every so often, the hedgehog stopped to scratch itself. This was because it had large
numbers of fleas which fed by sucking the hedgehog’s blood.

(a) The diagram shows a pyramid of biomass for the organisms.

Write the names of the organisms in the garden on the correct lines next to the pyramid of


(b) (i) Gardeners put weeds onto compost heaps so that they will decay.

Describe how the weeds are decayed.





(ii) Gardeners then put the decayed compost onto soil in the garden.

Explain why gardeners do this.




(Total 7 marks)

188. The diagram shows plants growing in a greenhouse. It is noon on a hot, sunny day.

(a) In the sentences below, cross out the two words which are wrong in each box.

carbon dioxide
(i) The plant leaves will be taking in nitrogen .

(ii) The plant leaves will be making nitrate .

(iii) The energy needed for this process comes from fossil fuels .

(b) The diagram shows a computer being used as a data-logger in a photosynthesis

The experiment is to find how the oxygen output of the water plant varies over a 24 hour

Give two advantages of using a data logger in this experiment.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)

189. The diagram below shows the mass of carbon involved each year in some of the processes in the
carbon cycle.

(a) Complete the bar chart using data from the diagram above.

1 1 0

1 0 0

9 0

8 0

7 0

6 0

M a s s5 0o f
c a r b o n d i o x i d e
i n b i l 4l i0o n s
o f t o n n e s
3 0

2 0

1 0


s is




























is s




s it













(b) (i) Calculate the total mass of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere
each year. Show your working.




Mass =...............billion tonnes


(ii) How much greater is this mass than the total mass of carbon dioxide removed from
the atmosphere?


Mass =...............billion tonnes


(c) Describe what happens to sugars during respiration.




(Total 7 marks)

190. (a) Egg white is a protein. Protease enzymes will digest cubes of boiled egg white.

A student investigated the effect of temperature on the digestion of egg white by protease
enzyme solution.

The graph shows the student’s results.

3 5

3 0

2 5
T i m e t a k e n t o
d i g e s t e2 g 0 g w h i t e
c u b e s i n m i n u t e s
1 5

1 0

0 1 0 0 2 3 0 4 0
T e m p e r a t u r e i n º C

(i) Estimate the time it would take to digest the egg white cubes at 8°C.

Time = ................minutes

(ii) At what temperature does this enzyme work best?

Temperature = ............°C

(iii) Why is the time taken to digest the egg white cubes greater at 60°C than at 30°C?



(b) In 1822, Alexis St. Martin was accidentally shot in the stomach. A doctor called William
Beaumont looked after Alexis as the wound healed. However, the wound did not heal
completely. It left a small hole through his side into his stomach. William realised that he
could use the hole to study what happened to food in the human stomach.

He did many experiments with Alexis’ permission. Here are two of them.

Experiment 1

William tied a piece of boiled beef to a silk thread. He then gently pushed the beef into
Alexis’ stomach. The piece of beef was completely digested in two hours.

Experiment 2

William removed some of Alexis’ stomach juices and placed them in a test tube. The test
tube was kept at 37°C. He placed a piece of raw beef in the test tube. The piece of beef
was completely digested in two hours.

(i) Why did William keep the test tube at 37°C?



(ii) What was the dependent variable in both experiments?


(iii) What control should William have done in Experiment 2?



(iv) What evidence about digestion did William’s two experiments provide?


(Total 7 marks)

191. Read the passage below about pig factories in Poland.

New pig factories like this one are multiplying around Poland as the country tries to bring
cheap food to Europe’s hypermarkets.
The village of Wieckowice has a community which is deeply divided by about pig factories.
Some locals have got new jobs, earning higher incomes, and are driving smarter cars.
Others are feeling angry. They say Polish pig factories are polluting their earth, air and
water, as well as putting their small farms out of business.
Keeping hundreds of pigs inside one building is cost-effective. However, it produces large
amounts of waste. Pig faeces and urine form slurry which can be a dangerous pollutant.
Studies have shown that slurry ponds emit toxic gases such as ammonia and hydrogen
sulfide. These gases can cause headaches, eye irritations, mood alterations and fatigue.

(a) Explain why ‘Keeping hundreds of pigs inside one building is cost-effective’.





(b) Explain why some villagers are in favour of ‘pig factories’.





(c) Explain why some villagers are against ‘pig factories’.




(Total 6 marks)

192. (a) Complete the sentence.

Cystic fibrosis is a disorder of.....................................................................................


(b) Explain, as fully as you can, how a person usually inherits cystic fibrosis.







(c) One effect of cystic fibrosis in some patients is that enzymes from the pancreas do not
reach food in the intestine. Doctors now give capsules containing enzymes to these

(i) Name three digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas.

1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................

(ii) The first attempts at giving pancreatic enzymes involved giving a pill consisting of
powdered pancreatic enzymes to the patient. The treatment failed. When scientists
investigated why this happened, they found the enzymes from the pill in the
stomach of the patient, but not in the intestine.

Suggest two possible reasons why the enzymes in the pill did not reach the small

1 ........................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................

(Total 9 marks)

193. (a) Which organ in the body monitors blood sugar concentration?


(b) How is diabetes detected by doctors?



(c) Describe, in as much detail as you can, how the body responds to an increase in blood
sugar concentration.






(Total 5 marks)

194. A student’s hobby was breeding pet mice.

Three of the pet mice were called Stan, Tom and Sharon.
Stan and Tom had black fur. Sharon had white fur.
The colour of the fur is controlled by a single gene which has two alleles, B and b.

(a) The student first crossed Stan with Sharon.

The results are shown on the diagram.

Give the alleles present in the body cells of:

(i) Stan....................................................................................................................

(ii) Sharon................................................................................................................

(b) The student then crossed Tom with Sharon. The results are shown on the diagram.

Use a genetic diagram to explain why some of the baby mice had white fur.

(Total 4 marks)

195. The diagram shows the flow of energy through 1 m of an ecosystem.
The unit in each case is kJ per m per year.

9 6

1 2 0 2 4

1 5 0 0
3 8 0
2 0 0 0

E 8 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

1 5 0 0 0

2 3 0 0 0
5 2 0 0 0

K e y
A P l a n t s D M a m m a l s a n d b i r
B A n i m a l s E H e a t t r a n s f e r t o e
C A n i m a l s F D e t r i t u s f e e d e r s a

(a) (i) Name the process in which green plants transfer solar energy into
chemical compounds.


(ii) Name the process in living organisms which eventually results in the transfer of
heat to the environment.


(b) Give two ways in which energy is transferred from animals to detritus feeders.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................


(c) (i) Calculate the percentage of the energy intake of mammals and birds
which is transferred to the environment.



Percentage = .......................................

(ii) Explain why mammals and birds lose a greater percentage of their energy intake to
the environment as heat, than other groups of animals.




(Total 8 marks)

196. (a) (i) What is meant by a stem cell?



(ii) Stem cells divide by mitosis.

Explain why cells produced by mitosis have identical genetic information.





(b) Read the passage below about stem cells and genetic screening.

A boy has been born to a British couple who want to use stem cells from his
umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.
The disorder can only be cured by a transplant of stem cells from a sibling with a
perfect tissue match.
Michelle and Jason Whitaker’s baby, Jamie, was genetically selected while he was
still an embryo to be a near perfect match to four year old Charlie. The couple went
to an American clinic for test tube baby treatment because the selection procedure
is not allowed in the UK.
Mr Whitaker told the newspaper: “All we did was change the odds from a one-in-
four chance of a tissue match to almost 100%. There was no selection on the basis
of colour of eyes, hair or sex.”
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority said it was acceptable to test
and select embryos to prevent the birth of a baby with a genetic disease, but not to
select them in order to help another child.
But John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn
Children, said: “Human beings who were not the perfect match were simply
discarded and a child has been created with the primary purpose of benefiting his
elder brother.”

Use information from the passage to evaluate whether genetic screening should be
allowed in cases similar to that of Jamie and Charlie. Explain the reasons for your






(Total 6 marks)

197. The diagram shows a group of muscle cells from the wall of the intestine.

(a) On the diagram, use words from the box to name the structures labelled A, B and C.

cell membrane cell wall chloroplast cytoplasm nucleus


(b) How are these muscle cells adapted to release a lot of energy?



(Total 5 marks)

198. The bar chart shows the amount of water lost from the body of a student on two different days.

The student ate the same amount of food and drank the same amount of liquid on the two days.
The temperature of the surroundings was similar on the two days.

2 0 0 0 K e y
D a y 1
D a y 2

1 5 0 0

V o l u m e o f
w a t e r l o s t
i n 3 c m1 0 0 0

5 0 0

B r e a tS h w e aUt r i n e
W a y i n w h i c h w a t e r w a s l o s t

(a) The total volume of water lost on day 1 was 3250 cm .

How much water was lost on day 2? Show all your working.

........................................ cm

(b) The student did much more exercise on one of the days than on the other.

On which day did he do more exercise? Day .............................................................

Give two reasons for your answer.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................


(c) (i) Which one of these is a chemical reaction that produces water in the

Put a tick ( ) in the box next to your choice.





(ii) How does sweating help the body?



(iii) If the body loses more water than it gains, it becomes dehydrated.
The concentration of the solution surrounding the body cells increases.
This causes the cells to lose water.

By which process do cells lose water?

Put a tick ( ) in the box next to your choice.




(Total 7 marks)

199. The diagram shows a spider plant during one type of reproduction.

Complete the sentences using words from the box.

asexual characteristics chromosomes

gametes genes mitosis sexual

(a) The colour and shape of the leaves of a spider plant are known

as ................................................................................................................................

(b) The shape of the leaves is controlled by ....................................................................


(c) The thread-like structures inside the nucleus of the cells are

called ..........................................................................................................................

(d) The spider plant produces new cells in the runner by a process

called ..........................................................................................................................

(e) This type of reproduction is called ...................................................... reproduction.
(Total 5 marks)

200. The diagram shows bushes in a hedge growing near to a house.

The bushes were the same species and the same age.

L a r g e t r e e

B u s h e s
(a) (i) The student said, “I have noticed that the short bushes grow next to
the house. I think that the more light the bushes get, the faster they will grow.”

Draw lines to match each of the student’s statements to the correct term.

Draw only two lines.

S t a t e m e n t T e r m

A c o n c l u s i o n

T h e s h o r t b u s h e s g r o w n e x t t o
t h e h o u s e .

A p r e d i c t i o n

P l a n t s w i l l g r o w f a s t e r i f t h e y
g e t m o r e l i g h t .

A n o b s e r v a t i o n


(ii) Complete the word equation for photosynthesis.

..................................... + water (+ light energy) → ................................ + oxygen


(b) The student decided to investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of

She used the apparatus shown in the diagram.

B u b b l e o f g a s

P o n d w e e d
L a m p
W a t e r

R u l e r

She measured the rate of photosynthesis by counting the number of gas bubbles given off
each minute.

(i) Suggest how the student varied the intensity of the light received by the pondweed.



(ii) The student’s results are shown on the graph.

4 0

3 0
N u m
e r b
o f b u
l e s b b
p r o d 2u 0c e d
i n o n e
m i n u t e
1 0

0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0
L i g h t i n t e n s i t y i n a r b i t r a r y u n

Describe the pattern shown on the graph.





(iii) This is what the student wrote for her conclusion.

“Increasing the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis of the


Why was her conclusion incomplete?


(Total 8 marks)

201. The diagram shows an industrial process. Containers X and Y contain enzymes.

(a) Starch syrup slowly trickles into container X.

The enzymes in container X convert the starch into glucose (sugar).
The enzymes in container Y convert the glucose into fructose.

The equation shows what happens in containers X and Y.

Enzyme A Enzyme B

starch glucose

Choose words from the box to name enzyme A and enzyme B.

carbohydrase isomerase lipase protease

Enzyme A ................................................

Enzyme B ................................................

(b) Fructose syrup is much sweeter than glucose syrup.

Why do manufacturers of slimming foods use fructose syrup rather than glucose syrup?



(c) Here are some of the properties of enzymes:

• they all work at atmospheric pressures

• they are easily broken down by high temperature or the wrong pH

• they are soluble in water, so it may be difficult to separate them from products

• they are expensive to buy

• they work well at 25 – 45 °C.

Use only the information above to answer these questions.

(i) Give two advantages of using enzymes in industry.

1 .......................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................

(ii) Give two disadvantages of using enzymes in industry.

1 .......................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................
(Total 7 marks)

202. (a) Tuna fish are carnivores. In the wild they feed on smaller fish called herring.
Herring feed on plankton. Tuna can be attacked by parasitic worms which feed on their

(i) In the space below sketch the appearance of a pyramid of biomass for this food

Do not forget to label each section of the pyramid.


(ii) If a tuna eats 1 kg of herring, it gains about 65 g in mass.

Give two reasons why so little of the mass of the herring is converted into mass of
the tuna.

1 ........................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................


(b) Young tuna are caught by fish farmers and reared in large pens in the sea.

The fish are fed more food than they would normally catch themselves so they grow
quickly. When they reach 400 kg they are sold.

The graph below shows the effect of feeding tuna different amounts of protein in their

4 0 0

K e y
3 0 0 H i g h - p r o t e i n
d i e t
A v e r a g e M e d i u m - p r o t
m a 2s s0 0 d i e t
i n k g L o w - p r o t e i n
d i e t
1 0 0

0 1 2 4 3 6 5
T i m e i n m o n t h s a f t e r c a t c h i n g

(i) Calculate the average increase in mass per month of the fish fed on the low-protein
diet over the six months.

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Average increase in mass per month ............................. kg


(ii) There is not enough information in the graph to allow the fish farmer to decide
whether to use the high-protein diet or the medium-protein diet.

Suggest one other piece of information that he needs in order to make this decision.



(c) Some consumers will not buy tuna grown in this way.

Suggest one reason for their decision.


(Total 8 marks)

203. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle.

C a r b o n d i o x i d e i n
t h e a t m o s p h e r e

P l a n t s

D e a d p l a n t s
a n d a n i m a l s

A n i m a l s

M i c r o o r g a n i s m s

(a) Which letter, A, B, C or D, represents:

(i) respiration .........................................


(ii) photosynthesis? .........................................


(b) Local authorities are encouraging people to recycle vegetable waste by converting it into

Compost is made by mixing the vegetable waste with soil in a large container.

(i) Decay occurs more quickly if the container has holes in the sides.

Explain why.





(ii) Spreading compost on the soil between plants leads to better growth of the plants.

Explain why.


(Total 5 marks)

204. In the 1850s, Gregor Mendel carried out breeding experiments using peas.

(a) The importance of Mendel’s work was not recognised until the early 1900s.

Explain why.





(b) A student repeated one of Mendel’s experiments.

The flow chart shows her procedure.

P u r e b r e e d i n g p l a n t s P u r e b r e e d i n g p l a n t s
g r o w n f r o m y e l l o w s g e re o d w s n f r o m g r e e n s e e

C r o s s e d

A l l t h e f i r s t g e n e r a t i o n o f f s p r i n g
p r o d u c e d y e l l o w s e e d s

P l a n t s g r o w n P u r e b r e e d i n g p l a
f r o m o f f s p r i ng gr o w n f r o m g r e e n

C r o s s e d

S e c o n d g e n e r a t i o n o f f s p r i n g
p r o d u c e d y e l l o w a n d g r e e n

The diagram shows a representative sample of seeds produced by second generation


K e y
Y e l l o w s e e d
G r e e n s e e d

(i) Describe how the student could obtain a sample that is representative of seeds
produced by the second generation.



(ii) What was the approximate ratio of yellow seeds to green seeds in the seeds
produced by the second generation?


(iii) Seed colour in peas is controlled by a single gene which has two alleles.

Use a genetic diagram to show why this ratio of yellow seeds to green seeds was
produced by the second generation.
Use the symbol A to represent the dominant allele, and a to represent the recessive
(Total 8 marks)

205. The pancreas is involved in digestion and controlling the internal conditions of the body.

(a) Name two digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

(b) Diabetes may be caused by a lack of insulin.

Part of the treatment for someone with diabetes is to pay careful attention to the diet.

(i) Give one symptom of diabetes.



(ii) Give one way in which a diabetic may be advised to change their diet.



(iii) How does this change in diet help the diabetic?



(iv) State one other way in which the symptoms of diabetes may be treated.


(c) Many of the cells in the pancreas contain large numbers of ribosomes.

What is the function of ribosomes in a cell?


(Total 7 marks)

206. Bile is produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, then released into the small intestine.

(a) Explain how bile affects the digestion of food in the small intestine.





(b) Bile contains bile pigments and cholesterol.

If the diet contains too much cholesterol, some of it may form ‘gallstones’ in the bile.

These gallstones may prevent bile from moving out of the gall bladder into the small

Bilirubin is a yellow-brown bile pigment. This pigment is produced by the liver from
haemoglobin released by broken-down red blood cells.

Suggest how gallstones may produce the following symptoms:

(i) very pale faeces





(ii) jaundice (a yellow tinge to the skin).




(Total 6 marks)

207. The brain and the skin are involved in monitoring and controlling body temperature.

(a) Describe the parts played by the brain and the skin in monitoring body temperature.

(i) The brain





(ii) The skin



(b) The diagram shows a section through part of the skin.

The muscle labelled X controls the flow of blood into the skin capillary. When muscle X
contracts, the flow of blood into the skin capillary is reduced.

H a i r

S k i n c a p i l l a r y S w e a t g l a n d

M u Xs c l e D e e p b l o o d v e

D i r e c t i o n o f
b l o o d f l o w

Explain the role of muscle X in the control of body temperature.







(Total 6 marks)

208. A student investigated the effect of magnesium salts on the production of grain by wheat plants
kept at different light intensities.

He planted 15 wheat seeds in each of 10 pots of similar soil. Each pot contained one of two
different concentrations of magnesium salts. He kept all the pots well watered. Each pot was
kept at a different light intensity.

All the plants were maintained at 20 °C for six months. The grain produced by the plants in each
pot was collected and weighed.

The student’s results are shown on the graph.

6 0 0 . 1 5 g m a g n e s i u m
p e r k g o f s o i l

M a 4s s0
o f
g r a i n 0 . 1 g m a g n e s i u m
pr o d u c e d p e r k g o f s o i l
p e r p o t
i n g r2 a 0 m s

0 1 0 2 0 4 03 0 5
L i g h t i n t e n s i t y i n a r b i t r a r y u n i t s

(a) In the pot supplied with 0.1 g of magnesium per kg of soil and kept at a light intensity of
20 arbitrary units, the yield of grain is 26.5 g.

(i) Name the factor limiting the yield of grain under these conditions.


(ii) Using evidence from the graph, explain why the amount of magnesium is not the
limiting factor under these conditions.



(iii) Explain why the mass of magnesium available to the plants affects the yield of





(b) The average light intensity received by wheat crops in Britain is 30 arbitrary units.

Farmers are advised to add enough magnesium fertiliser to the soil to give a magnesium
concentration of 0.1 g per kg of soil when growing wheat.

Suggest why farmers are advised not to add more magnesium fertiliser than would
produce a concentration of 0.1 g of magnesium per kg of soil.


(Total 5 marks)


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