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7 Octot er 2008 0800 hr - ll00 hr

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS : List of Formulae (MFl5)

Write your name and class on all the u,ork you hand in.
wrile in dark blue or black pen or both sides offhe papcr-
You may usc a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not usc staples, pape. clips, highlighters, gluc o. concction fluid.

Ansrver AII lhe questions.

Give non-exacf nume.ical answers corr€ct 10 I significant figures, or I decimal place in the case
of anglcs in degr€es, unless a diflerent levcl ofaccuracy is spccificd in the questioo

You a.e expected to usc a graphic calculator

Unsuppoded arswers lrom a graphic calculator arc aLlowed unless a question specifically statos
otherwise. Wherc unsuppoded answeN fro,r a gmphic calculator are nol allowed ir a qur\ti,rn,
you are required to prescnt thc mathcmatical steps usiog orathematical notations ard not
calculalor coftmands
You arc rerninded olthe need for clear presentation in your a swers.

At the end of the exard[ation, arrange your answ€rs iu NUMERICAI, ORDER. Attach
this covcr shcet to the fro t ofyour atrswer scrhf.


Can do the 11hole question. ,/

Can do part of ques tion only. ./.

This quertrun papcr consi"ts of 5 pnnted pages

1 CilcnZrl=:( +I)l2n+I), evaluate I(r-3rxr+l) lvhere,' is a constart, leaving
your answer in tenlrs of n. t3l

Th.rumol fust ,r remrr of x \erie: is S, 4'r -n t ln-1.

Find an expression, in thc simplest tbrm, fbr the ,?th term and hence show that the serLes rs
the sum ofan arithm€tic progression and a geometric progression- I4l

3- A certain thrce digit numberMexcceds fourteel times th€ sum ofits digits by 6. The digit
in the tens placc is two more than thc sum ofthe other hvo digits. If its digits are rcvcrscd,
the resulting numbcr exceeds Mby 297. Find M. tsl

4 til Frpand
un ru anJ in'luJinf llre lcnn rn \ . srrrin! fhe range ofvalues ofr for
,.r' _^
which this expansion is valid- t4l
(ii) Hence, by subsiituting r = 1, shorv that = t2)
'5 #
5. (D Sketch the curvc defincd parametrically by the equations
x=tt+t, y=2t I, l<l<1.
In your sketch, indicat€ clearly the axial intercepts and the end-points of this cun e [3]
0r) Find the coordinates ofthe point on the curve at which the tangent is palallel to they

Using a graphical mcthod, solvc thc ancquality l2-r1 -{'fi-' Hcnce, solvc thc

lz16 --rrl > 4 - 3-tr, r + 0. t6l

7. Two lunctions fand g arc defined as follows:

f: r r+ Lr(z r) -t<u,
g:,-1, .*fr ' ro.
(i) Show that
f I
cxists and deftnc f in a similar fomr t3l
(ii) Show thal the composite tunction fg does not exist. t2l

A function h is dcfined as follows:

h: rt--.I , r {, wherd 0.
(iii) Find the lcast valuc ofl such that the composite function flr exists. Define Ih in a
similar fonn. t2l
I In this question, learc yolc answen in thcir simplestlotm
(a) Diffcrertiatc each ofthe following u,ith respect 10 r:
(i) ;r'rr(sc'cz:r) l2l
(ii) tan ''f- l, r>o t2l
1b) Frnd ,n term. ol , and, if ry ',.{(r)ir. 13t
4r +R
9 The curvr a has equatLon I I 'r x+q - - lt is given that Chas a verlica{ as}mptote at

(i) D€te.mine the value of4. ttl
(ii) Find thc equation ofthe other zrslrDptol€ ofC. trl
(iii) Draw a sketch ofC,labelling clearly any axial intercepts, aslmptotes and stationary
points. tll
(iv) Dcduce the nuube.ofreal roots ofthe equation r.r -4Jrl8=2x) -7r+(t. t2l

10. By considcring &,, r/, r , where ,,,, -

I . 6r,1

in tcnns of a and Ir,

rvhere a is a positive constant alrd .; + 1. t4l

Dcducc trrxr
In-. ilrrf . i
civcnrhar v c 5,n, ih.\'*'H-{: : ')
By difl€rentiating fhis rcsult further, find the Maclaurin's series for y in ascending powers
of r up to and including the tenn in rr-
Verify the coffectness ofth€ series found by using the standard scrics cxpansion fb. s' and
sin.r. t71

2. ' bl' r,
2 r
1 thc r lcrm ofc scqucnce rs tsir en .
^ -- IX]" + l)
lor 1. 2, 1. ...

(i) Write down the first thrce tenns ofthe sequence, and helce shte fhe values of
Lu, tot n = l, : and J. t2l

{ir) Vat e n conte. tur< lbr a l"nnuld lbr ll, inrhefornroll-fr/r).\thcrc /tnl rs a

function in terms ofr. Prove the cory''elnre by induction. t6l

l1 Thegnrhof y' /[1), ri."r,o*nurou.lrhasarnrnirnurrrp.rnrdr,4.cutslhe/,rxrsar
B, and three aslmptotes Jr : 4,1 = 0 and y = -1.

(i) sketch the s€ph ot y=,fG) tll

lrr Givcn g{r, r]/.\^ ltl.sle'chthe 'raph.,f '

;. l5l
\2 / srlrl)
For each skclch, show clearly all asymptote(s), coordinal6 ofany poinls of interseotron
with the axes and coordinates ofpoints,4 and B whenever possible.

,/, ,o ,, rir r'(p,css

in pdn,al lmcr,ons l4l

- ,r_Jr_/
(r) Hence
find lf(rld.r. where tixl =jr,

(b) By substituting r, = J:"' * s, nna,n" ;,leg,al l3,tv6x' +;,1'. trl


10 cm

A closed container is constructed using a sheet of metalwith area 100 z cm2. The container
comprises 2 shapes, a cone and a cylinder. The slant height, 1, ofthe cone is l0 cm_ Given
that the cone and the cylindcr share the same height r, and radius r.

{a) \ho$ lhar /r - 100 /'? r0/ ltl

(b) find the exact radil8 when the volumc of the conlainea is maximum. t6]
lVolumeofr-one-lrr'lr r urve.lSurtn.cAr.eol ( one ?]"/l
(c) The diagram below shows the graph of I = 1(r) with stationary pornt (0, ll) and three
asJirnptotes andf=r,wherea>0andb>0.

Sketch the graph ofy = /'(r). tabelting ctearly all as],rnptote(s) and axial inrercept(s)

*- End of Paper *-
Qn/No foDic Set Answers
Sigma Notation
r' = +"lfl*;, r
3 System of Linear r=1, y='t, z-4
4 3inomial Series
lri r
:=-l t( l+-^ +-3r')+-5rrl
| 4 r2

J2 -.,, J2 128./

5 rarametric Equations (') (0, -l), (0, -l). (3/1.0),(2. t)

iio (;,,
6 nequalities
Hence, Jr < -1 ori> I
7 Functions (i) a':rrJ2 c', .'e(--,-)
iio r=1. o','-!'[, l).
B lifferentiation GXJ) 2-r(rta 2ri+ln{sedr))
J"' t

9 3.aphing Techniques i) q='2 (;t ,=\ 2
iv) 2 real rcots
10 \4eihod of Difference

Vlaclaurin's Series
ii-d;-=;, I +dN 2
12 \,4athematical lnduction

"ur +'1 ,','f'1i'if'

i, =t- I
)n +l
14 lntegration
1u11;1 l*-L1',y "1,;,""(;).'.
I L 4+t- ',1'
o, {1,' * s}- *a-

15 Application of
lifferentiation :b) r = l!"*

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