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Visual perception in man is through his eyes aided by light. The mind is capable of
constructing a picture as to what is seen through the eyes. This process is universal in
humans irrespective of intelligence or the discriminative power in a person.. However
the picture perceived is subject to discrimination which differs in all individuals,
hence the information stored is highly subjective.
Likewise the sense of hearing the ears combined with the organ of speech the mouth
aids to the knowledge learnt and is also subjective. Other sense organs essentially sustain
life and lend quality to it.
I n the early days, perhaps a 700 to 800 years back, the knowledge was transferred
essentially through the word of mouth, more than the visual mode of knowledge transfer.
When one considers the subtlety of these two modes of perception the
understanding of a blind person aided by hearing mode needs more subtle qualities than
that of a dumb person aided by vision, meaning the quality of information increases with
the degree of subtlety or complexity if one calls it so.
Mind with one of its ability to be a transmitter along with the dynamic electro
magnetic waves; can function in any environment. The deciphering organ the ears needs
the air as medium to hear, while the eyes need the visible light medium. Hence the ever
existing electro magnetic waves can be sensed by man only with air and light medium.
Ancient texts make reference to the Cosmic vibrations perennially existing in
the universe in the form of the dynamic electro-magnetic waves and a person deep in
meditation hears the Primeval sound which if written resembles the letter AUM.
Whatever said now is authentic stuff proven beyond doubt by many who meditated. T his
letter AUM is the first letter that the evolving outer space spoke to man (or women),
and is considered the source of creation made visible to man. The texts also refer to the
TRIGUNAS which I think is better not said now,
Hence intelligence gained by humans through the aid of hearing is really a higher
form of intelligence gained than from what he visibly sees. Music alone can be enjoyed
solitarily. While meditating on the Deeper Consciousness the celestial music is heard
which many philosophers would attribute as divine music,
In all these the mind which is the master controller can control all the senses and
override it. But behind this there is a true live consciousness which directs the mind. It is
difficult to grasp has no specific form other than the electro magnetic waves we can
presently think off and we seem to think that it functions in the brain of man. If
humans are remotely controlled by consciousness, it can never be accepted by a
scientific person in genuine pursuit.

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