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The sacred sanctuary of Zeus labrys

LABRAUNDA was a sacred precinct, in ancient times connected to Mylasa
(Milas,Turkey) by a pavedSacred Road.The temple of Zeus was a prostyle
with antae, the Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus mentions a
temple of Zeus at Labraunda.The first belonging to the cult of Zeus Labraundos
dated in the middle of the seventh century BC at the end of the researches.

In ancient times the people living in south-western Anatolia were known as the karians. They
had their own language, Karian, wich was an Indo-European language. Their coutry Karia
was bordered to the north by the river Macander and in the east by the river Indos. From 546
BC Karia formed part of the Persian empire, and was ruled by satraps appointed by the Great
King at Persepolis in Persia. In the 4th century Karia was ruled by a local dynasty called the
Hekatomnids (descendants of Hekatomnos (377-352 BC). As rulers after Hekatomnos
followed his five sons and daughters, one after the other. After Maussollos (377-352), came
his wife and sister Artemisia (352-351),then Idrieus (351-344), followed by Ada, who was also
his sister and wife (344-341) and after her the youngest Pixodaros (341-336), Alexander the
Great put Ada back in charge in 334 BC. The most important sanctuary in western Karia was
Labraunda, especially in the 4th century BC, since the Kecatomnids favoured it more than any
other shrine in Karia. It was probably an independent place for pilgrimage, ruled by its
priests and belonging to the people of all surrounding villages.

Labraunda the sacred sanctuary of Zeus Labrys

The initiator of the planning of the Labraunda hieron (sacred place) as we know it was
Mausolus of Halicarnassus; many of the structures were completely built or started in his
time, others were accomplished by his brother Idrieus .

Remains of the temple of Zeus Labraundos and below one of three Andron (banquet hall).

Labraunda the sacred sanctuary of Zeus Labrys

The sactuary of Zeus occupied a steep south-facing slope and extended over a sucession of
three terraces, each with a marble-faced andron (banquet hall) at the west end.

In the 4th century BC, once a year, pilgrims walked or rode the 14 kms from Mylasa along a
8m wide sacred way, to spend 5 days sacrificing, feasting, playing sports and celebrating in
honour of Zeus. The name Labranda or Labraunda is thought to come from the word
"Labrys" a double headed axe which was the cult symbol of Zeus Labraundos and originally a
little sanctuary to him was established around 650BC on this mountain top.

Labraunda the sacred sanctuary of Zeus Labrys

Pliny the elder mentions a spring (fons) of Jupiter at Labraunda, where eels ate out of the
hand, and even wore earrings. Plinys account is paralleled in the second century by Aelian,
who mentions a spring with transparent water where fish have golden necklaces and
earrings also of gold. The possibility of an ichthyomancy (a fish oracle) at Labraunda has
been raised and discussed by scholars. This idea is convincing, the fish were attributed sacred
qualities and still today are severals springs in Labraunda.

Idrieus burial.

Labraunda the sacred sanctuary of Zeus Labrys

Ref. Wikipedia/Labraunda.

Text and photos by Gabriel Aranda

Engineer, traveler and student of
mediterranean traditions.

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