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Cellular Rejuvenation Reprogramming

Cellular Rejuvenation is a Natural Process that is constantly occurring throughout your Body
Life. Also you are knowingly or unknowingly directing this Process for better or worse with your
Positive and Negative Thoughts and Actions.

(See the Robot Data) Every Cell that makes up your body has a library that contains its Genetic
Codes or Programs and a Cellular Brain to access and utilize this Library. As each Body and Its
Cells is following a Time Line, Cellular Data is filed according to Time.

This means that it is Possible to Direct the Body and Cellular Brains to Access the Records of
Ones Body Cell Make-Up from a chosen Younger perhaps more Healthier Age, and have your
Mind/Brain/and Cells Rebuild your Body to those Younger Healthier Plans.

This Process is of course Highly Experimental and Results take Time to Show. However one
Can, and Does, control Cells and Body with Mind and obviously can successfully Damage and
Destroy them so why not use Reprogramming Technologies to Heal, De-Age, and Prolong
Cellular and Body Life.

(See Directed Life Reprogramming)





MANS Mind creates with the energies of the universe, his birthright:

The Universe is energy in motion. This Energy, responding to the thoughts of the mind of man,
forms itself into patterns, vibrating at many different levels, and rates called frequency. What is
termed matter is energy vibrating at a relatively slow, or gross frequency.

Electromagnetic frequencies display themselves as light, as x/rays. as cosmic rays etc. These are
energy vibrating more rapidly than energy we perceive as matter. There are variations as to the
degree of fineness of energy, but all energy is one.

Sound is energy. Thought, and the units of consciousness it directs, is also energy at still finer

All physical, and psychic phenomena are the result of energy patterns formed from the mind of
man, utilizing his god given heritage, his creative right, directed by Whether he is conscious of
it or not. His free will.

Mans right to create, always extend to himself first. He is always his first field of operation,
negative or positive, although because creativity means survival, he is always slightly positively

This also means that his second field of Operation, the universe is relatively safe, as what he
creates with the universes energy, reflects back on his first field of operation, Himself.

NOTE The above statement will apply, as long as the race as a whole, needs a physical body to
experience its creativity rights.

Because of energies place as the medium of creativity, energy behaves the same way whether it is
operating at cellular level, or at the level of solar systems or planets. (Mind Energy Directs and
Controls Cell Energy) Cells can do three things with energy: They can Store it. They Can
Transmit it. and they can can reproduce themselves to do it again, just as man whose physical
body, is composed of millions and millions of cells does. Planets and galaxies follow the same
three energy patterns.

Energy is stored, transmitted, and reproduced, all according to the same basic laws. This noted
in the ancient hermetic quote As Within so Without. The Mind of man exercising its creative
right, through free will, is the source of all health, wealth, happiness, success, etc, and again
because of free will acting on belief systems, illness, poverty, unhappiness, etc.

ONE of the pathways to regain conscious control, over your desired direction is the process
called CELLULAR HYPNOSIS. This process, by removing the self created stresses, that oppose
your desire at mind and body levels, allows the mind and body cell structure to harmonize.

Thus insuring a positive, unopposed, creative desire, to be activated.

Life Reprogramming Is the No 1. Process that in various ways supports all of the Therapies and
Techniques listed on this Web Site.

This Brilliant Mind Reprogramming Technology has the Clients Unconscious Mind travel back
in Time to just before the Original Cause of any Problem and Neutralize All Negative Results
from the Original Cause of the Problem or Problems right up to the Present Time of the Therapy.

In most cases this will involve the Unconscious Mindpossibly Neutralizing Trillions, if not Even
More Files, and Bits of Data through Time that resulted in their Problems. The Time Path of the
Client is then Reseeded to Produce and Maintain their Desired New Outcome Results.

The Clients Unconscious will also give them the Age they were, when they first loaded the
Original Cause of their Problem or Problems in Their Brain. Interestingly often the Age Given is
Zero signifying that their future Limiting Programs were Loaded in their Brain before Birth:


Re-engineering your life for an ongoing successful future

The Most SUCCESSFUL PROCESS for any problems

Self Esteem

Public Speaking
Personal / Emotional Pain
HYPNOTIC LIFE REPROGRAMMING uses a specific user friendly altered state to gain access
to the clients Unconscious Mind, and within this state, Design Human Engineering technologys
to alter, erase, and or replace, the existing Unconscious Programming that produce the clients
experienced, unwanted results, with new Programs that can produce desired results.

Please Note: Hypnotic Reprogramming is individually tailored to eachs clients unique needs.


Re-engineering your life for an ongoing successful future

HYPNOTIC LIFE REPROGRAMMING uses a specific user friendly altered state to gain access
to the clients Unconscious Mind, and within this state, Design Human Engineering technologys
to alter, erase, and or replace, the existing Unconscious Programming that produce the clients
experienced, unwanted results, with new programs that can produce desired results.

Please Note: Hypnotic Reprogramming is individually tailored to eachs clients unique needs.

Because Hypnotic Programming can change the Clients Unconscious Mind Recorded history, as
far as negative or unwanted present time habits or problems, the results can remain highly
successful. The Reprogramming enables Past Time manipulation to change Present Time
unwanted results.

And example of this would be like a Time Traveler traveling back in time and accidentally
standing on an ant thus causing future changes in the Ant population.

Life Hypnotic Reprogramming is extremely cost effective because it can be aimed at one
specific problem or a variety of problems, and can also change the supporting or associated
negative programs. This Produces even More positive support for the desired change or changes,
and can benefit the client in various other life areas.

EG: A person lacks confidence. this lack can be in specific life areas such as speaking in front of
an audience, or in many other life areas. Supporting the lacks of confidence can be other
negative programs, such as failing to speak up when necessary, vitimizing programs, lacks of self
esteem, programs to feel bad, worry programs that produce anxiety and panic attacks, and all
these programs with their causes and results can be altered. These alterations can go right back
in time in the clients history to the first time their brain recorded an event to produce their
future unwanted results. Only when this event and its subsequent unwanted results are
canceled through time, can the new positive programs be seeded through the clients history in
their place, so that they can produce ongoing desired results.

In essence every Mind/Body problem, from physical health problems to habits such as
overeating or smoking can require various degrees of Life Reprogramming to produce
successful results.

Hypnotic Programming takes four sessions and requires that a personally tailored program be
written. At the first session the problem histories are gathered from all of the clients life areas.
EG: Using lacks of confidence. Lacks of Confidence from childhood, including the initial start
and its cause or causes. (Note: your Unconscious has every event filed and coded in linear time
in your brain, and can easily find long Conscious Mind forgotten events, it can give you the age
you were and the circumstances when you first recorded any program.) lacks of confidence from
Pre School and school, from other learning areas, lacks of confidence in social life, sports,
relationships,work, etc. This first session lays out the life time line to be changed, then new
replacement programs are constructed that can be seeded throughout the clients past to replace
the unwanted programs when they are cancelled and can thus produce ongoing successful
results. The new programs will also include technology and instructions so that the clients
Unconscious can keep the new positive programming. So the new programs can in effect self
correct. A program is also constructed to release stress if the client experiences future situations
that once would have produced the old reactions. The personal constructions of the
deprogramming and reprogramming changes takes approx 1 hour.

The second session which usually follows a few days later, installs the programming which can
change the clients past promote their desired future. This also takes approx 1 hour. NOTE: the
changes can start at the 1st session but more obviously from the 2nd. After testing the changes
the client is instructed to spend about two weeks continuing to test and experience the various
differences that can appear in their life.

The third session which is approx half an hour checks on the results from the 2nd session, and
then refreshers or makes any desired alterations to the programming. The client continues to
experience and test the desired changes for about another 3 weeks or so as to be sure they are
getting what they want.

At the fourth session which is also about half an hour any other changes or adjustments can be
made and their new Programming can seeded and locked into their future so they continue to
experience ongoing successful results.

No one wants to be Overweight, No One Wants their children to be Overweight, it costs in

health, quality of life, & money terms. No One is safe at any age from becoming and remaining

The good news is that No one child or adult need become or remain overweight with Mind
Deprogramming & Reprogramming therapy now available from Hypnotherapist John

The Foundation of all overweight or underweight states is contained in the Emotionally Toned
Inner Image for Body weight & shape that each Person knowingly or Unknowingly achieves
throughout life.

Bad eating habits, food addictions, lacks of exercise motivation, etc are not the main cause of
being overweight, they are secondary programmes necessary to achieve becoming & remaining

This is why Diets, Exercises, or other methods, can be so frustrating, with results from no weight
loss at all, to initially successful loss followed by a return to previous, or even greater overweight

The answer to all weight problems is to locate the Inner Overweight Image & its roots which can
go right back to birth, & replace it with a genetically possible desired Weight/Shape, while at the
same time canceling the usually Hidden Inner Programmes that were the Basis of the
Overweight state.

Appropriate Lower Weight Support Programmes are also seeded throughout the persons past in
replacement of the cancelled Overweight Programming to provide a support history for the New
Weight / Shape.

The Inner Mind will then allow suitable Diet & Exercise to operate without Interference to
achieve the desired new Weight / Shape.

Clinical Hypnotherapist John Moynihan use 4 Dimensional Hypnosis a type of Hypnosis

specifically developed to accomplish the necessary Inner / Outer Mind changes for achievement
of permanent Lower Weight.

The Hypnosis is User Friendly & successful with all types of Person.

permanent weight loss information article click here

JOHN MOYNIHAN: An Internationally Certified Hypnotherapist, is a Specialist in the field of

Deprogramming and Reprogramming the Mind/Body. He runs a Daily Clinical Practice in
Upper Hutt New Zealand.

Since 1967 John has engaged in extensive ongoing research into all aspects of Mind/Brain,
Mind/Body Operation, and during this time has trained in, and lectured on, a large variety of
Mind Related Subjects in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States.

John is the author of various articles on Stress, Subliminal Programming, and altered states,
and as a Hypnotherapy Instructor and Mind Trainer, has presented seminars in Advanced
Hypnotic Techniques, Self Hypnosis, and on Controlling Subliminal Mind States, both in New
Zealand and Internationally.

From his researches, training, and experience John has developed many successful therapies to
speedily, satisfactorily, resolve, a fair proportion of his clients problems.

Recently John has achieved a breakthrough with a NEW TYPE OF THERAPY which combined
with a specific altered state, and Mind training, produces even greater degrees of satisfactory
results, particularly in the areas of SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS.

The NEW THERAPY, also PROMOTES BODY RESHAPING (within genetic limits) and allows

Their are 5 commonly experienced problems, and 4 necessary criteria for weight loss. The
problems are:

The loss / Gain Cycle.

The cant lose enough.
The Lose with constant regain fears.
The Lose in the wrong places
The gain instead of lose
The 4 necessary criteria are:

Knowledge of how Mind/Body works as to Weight/Shape.

Removal of the Process that Mind/Body is using to deviate from genetic Weight/Shape
Installation of a Process to reduce Weight and Reshape the Body to genetic potential
Training in Running and Maintain Weight Reduction, and achieved Body Reshape.

either : At a series of One to One, compacted Therapy sessions

Or: At Comprehensive, fully supportive, Mind/Body Weight Loss Group Training Sessions,
which Include the teaching and Use of altered states.

The ability to use altered states is an extremely valuable resource that gives you the means to
achieve other desired Mind/Body changes such as increased confidence, Motivation, Freedom
from stress, prevention of aging, and assistance with healing illness.

The Process is also vital for those persons who have been Overweight, or Fear Weight.



Mind Data & Training

Learning & Using Altered States

Installing a Weight Loss Formula


Working with Body Systems

Genetic Repatriating
Brain Diversion

Giving Subconscious Instructions

Removing Overweight Programmes
Reprogramming Shape & Weight

Testing Weight / Shape Changes

Time Line Search & Cancel
Maintaining Weight & Shape

Time Distortion is a natural but generally Unknown function of all Minds. A common example
of Time Distortion occurs each night in Dream States. Every person, whether they are aware of
dreaming or not, dreams in sleep states. Indeed dreaming is an essential function for ones
mental health. When you are dreaming you are not in conscious mind linear time. This allows
the Mind to process vast amounts of daily information in Timeless states.

An Example of Dream Time Distortion would be where a sleeping person travels to another
country and meets up with friends at a party, has a great time, flys back home and then wakes
up and looks at their bedside clock and realizes only five minute have passed since they fell
asleep. Yet in their dream it felt like they did all of the dream events in real time which would
have taken at least a week of real time allowing for Flights, Parties. Etc.

This is a natural and common example of Time Distortion.

Multiple Replication is Our main method of learning is Rote or Repetitive Learning so that the
more often we study pages of notes or repeat Information the more likely it will stay prominent
in our brain for easy recall or to instruct Mind/Brain/Body to carry out some desired
instructions. It is therefore extremely useful to program a Brain to utilize its natural ability of
Time Distortion to virtually install thousands of repetitive positive suggestions to produce fast
and permanent desired results.
Self Reprogramming Technologies, Mind Manifestation Beads, and Other listed Therapies on
this site can use Self Replicating Time Distortion Programming to Insure their success.
Hypnosis Weight Loss Program: Eating & Metabolism

Clear the Metabolic Programming that Prevents Weight Loss

By David Quigley

Woman happy about losing weight

If you are overweight you may be tired of everyone telling you that losing weight is just about
eating less food and or consuming fewer calories. You may have tried every diet old and new.
But, sometimes it seems that our bodies have found a way to turn a plate of lettuce into a pound
of fat! Many people who attempt weight loss discover sooner or later their efforts are
complicated by metabolic programming that keeps weight on the body regardless of how one
changes their eating habits.

If you or your friend or client is overweight and youd like to see if such programming is
affecting weight loss efforts take the following questionnaire:
Do you find that no matter how much you starve yourself the weight just doesnt fall off as
quickly as it should?
Do you find yourself eating less than your more slender friends and still dont lose weight?
Do you find your food cravings going way up even as the pounds begin to fall off? As if you were
starving instead of dieting?
Do you become tired and lethargic when dieting?
Do you gain back all the weight youve lost from a diet with alarming speed?

Rabia Erduman


"I work very successfully with weight loss, sexual abuse and psychosomatic illness. I am
constantly amazed at Alchemy's power to transform the old patterns and wounds we carry."

"Since the age of 14, I have struggled with overeating, sugar addiction, excess weight, feeling fat
and ugly. Tired of all the diets, I just couldn't imagine counting calories for the rest of my life."

"Eight years ago I met David Quigley and did the Alchemical training. I soon started becoming
thinner. I didn't eat less or exercise more. It seems as if the extra weight simply melted away just
because my inner world was healed. My new body was simply a natural by-product of my
coming into balance. When I look at my body in the mirror, I feel light and beautiful. Now I take
pleasure in helping so many others achieve similar goals in my busy practice, which integrates
bodywork and hypnosis."

Rabia Erduman
Carmel, CA

If you answered yes to any of these questions you probably have some subconscious metabolic
programming to hold weight on your body instead of burning it up for energy as it should.

Now heres the good news! There are many ways we can deal with this programming through
hypnosis so you dont have to fight your body as well as your food cravings to lose weight!

First, we must look at the likely causes of this programming. The metabolism of food is the
intricate process by which nutrients from food are consumed and utilized by the body. It is a
complex process in which several factors are involved. One is the function of the thyroid gland,
the master switch which regulates the rate of cellular metabolism. Through hypnotic imagery
we can turn up the production of thyroxin, the primary metabolic hormone produced by the
thyroid gland. More thyroxin means more fat burned more weight loss and more energy for you.
There may be medical reasons for thyroid dysfunction, which is why we suggest a full physical
examination and possible testing of your thyroid function before proceeding with a course of

Another key element to the bodys metabolic processes is the activity of two key pancreatic
hormones: insulin and glucagons. These key metabolic hormones cause our body to store or
burn fat. The types of food you eat directly affect the activities of these hormones. In general, it
seems that most carbohydrates, including sugars, cause the secretion of insulin, which increases
sugar metabolism and storage. Glucagons, secreted after a low carb meal, help the body burn
protein and fat, including the bodys own fat reserves. This is part of the reason low carb diets
are becoming popular.

So how does hypnosis help you change your eating choices? Because all eating habits become
rooted in the subconscious mind, simply deciding to eat differently rarely is sufficient to create
long term changes in our eating habits. The imagery of hypnosis targets these subconscious
programs and changes them in a way that is both permanent and nearly effortless. Personal
hypnotic scripts which can be recorded on a self hypnosis tape and listened to every night in bed
can be created by working with a Hypnotherapist. In addition, it is of critical importance to
address emotional eating habits, a process I outline in my three part article True Secrets of
Permanent Weight Loss.

Exercise is also a key component in the activation of the metabolism. Researchers have
discovered that regular exercise, even as little as thirty minutes a day, speeds up metabolism not
only during exercise but also for many hours afterwards, even when you are resting. Of course,
many of us have a hard time with exercise. Enter again the power of hypnosis. Hypnotic
suggestion can be used to increase ones motivation toward physical activity as well as increase
strength and endurance. But often it takes much more than direct hypnotic suggestion to get
more involved with exercise again. One of the innovative processes we use can take you back to
what you enjoyed doing physically as a child. You can pick one or two of these activities that you
will again enjoy! We use the power of hypnosis to bring back the excitement you experienced as
a child at play. We can also return to those traumatic experiences that caused us to turn
ourselves off to the joys of physical activity, and rescue the past self from these traumas. An
experience of being rejected, humiliated or injured on the playground in a team sport, for
example, can lead one to shut down the desire to play outside. Our rescue mission allows the
child to receive comfort and a promise of safety from the adult self along with an invitation to
play outside in a new way with the adult.

One of the more common sources of metabolic programming is genetic. Some human genetic
lines (South Pacific Islander and Eskimos provide just two extreme examples) preserve fat on
their bodies more readily because these traits served their ancestors well for thousands of years,
especially in times of famine. Changing these genetic codes within our DNA may be difficult for
even the most skilled practitioners. However, with hypnosis we can persuade the metabolism to
override these DNA programs and help us let go of fat. Many times my clients have said to me
My whole family is overweight! This is the time to utilize specific hypnotic suggestions geared
to override DNA programming.

Another common theme among those who struggle with weight loss is that the subconscious
mind may be afraid to lose weight because if ones weight problems disappear than one might
actually have to face other scarier issues. One client told me in trance that if she lost that weight
over which she was obsessing she would have to Do something with my life, and I dont know
what to do! At the Institute we can test for these issues and offer a plan of healing. One valuable
technique that can be used here is a journey to the future self to discover how to successfully
fulfill ones life purpose.


Another common theme I have discovered among women clients with metabolic programming
to stay fat is the bodys need to insulate itself with fat in order to protect itself from unwanted
sexual advances. A large number of my obese clients are victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Many others have gained weight to silence their own unmet sexual needs within an unfulfilling
marriage. Others use weight as an excuse not to meet men and thus risk rejection or betrayal. If
you are not aware of such subconscious programming it could be deeply buried in the
subconscious mind, and still be affecting your metabolism. Your hypnotherapist can help you
discover and heal these problems. I have personally experienced great success in rescuing clients
from early sexual abuse trauma, which has often resulted in rapid weight loss without any
apparent dietary change.

DNA Theta Healing

Our DNA, the building blocks of life, carries the blueprint to our physical and psychological
makeup, storing memory of our genetic characteristics straight down the ancestral line. Living
cells containing DNA produce their own electromagnetic activity. It is believed that emotional
and behavioral patterns are also inherited through DNA. As you have your DNA activated, any
harmful or dysfunctional traits can be re-coded to clear the negative genetic patterning.
Benefits of DNA activation can range from allergy relief and increased energy to better
relationships and renewed life purpose. Since DNA regulates all physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual aspects of our being, the possibilities are endless!
What is DNA?
DNA is a large molecule, shaped like a double helix and found primarily in the chromosomes of
the cell nucleus. The DNA contains the genetic information of the cell.
The sections of DNA called genes instruct our cells to make proteins, which perform all of the
body's essential tasks, like breathing, and determine physical features, such as hair color.
However, it is not restricted only to your physical features, but also determine your attitudes,
DNA tells our cells what they have been, what they will continue to be, and what they will
The DNA is the blueprint for our life processes. Each cell of our bodies contains the complete
genetic code for the whole body. Human DNA is generally divided into 46 chromosomes (in
pairs), each one containing characteristic genes that distinguish one chromosome from another.
Derived from the Greek words "Chromo" for color and "Soma" for body, they are intensely
colored bodies in our cells. One member of each pair comes from the mother through the egg
and one member of each pair comes from the father through the sperm.
What Is Theta?
Theta Healing is essentially applied quantum physics. Using a theta brain wave, which until now
was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able
to connect with the energy of Universal Divine Energy of the Creator of All That Is, to identify
issues with and witness healings on the physical body, and to identify and change limiting


Theta Healing is an extraordinary new technique that allows for immediate physical and
emotional transformations and healings.

Allows you to quickly find out what sickness or disease you have and why you have it.

Allows you to quickly identify deeply held blocks that are preventing you from moving
forward in your life.

Allows you to quickly reprogram your unconscious mind to get rid of any sickness and

Allows you to make the immediate changes needed in your life to create the life that you
would like to have.

Theta Healing is about Creating your own Reality, the Reality of the Life that You Want,
Creating the Life and Career that You Want now with Immediate Lasting Results.

What is DNA Theta Healing?

Theta Healing - DNA Theta Core Belief Reprogramming is about immediately reprogramming
your beliefs on every level, your DNA, your Cells, your Molecules which in turn affects you
Emotionally, Mentally, Physiologically, Hormonally, Physically, Psychologically and Spiritually.
Thought Patterns, or Beliefs, affect our DNA and manifest in the physical body as Disease or
Through Theta Healing the practitioner is able to remove your limiting beliefs, and replace them
with more positive and supportive beliefs for your healing, and, also for you to achieve what you
want to achieve in your life. As these beliefs are changed there is an instant physiological healing
done to your Cells and DNA in the body, this enables you for health and mind improvement and
Theta Healing - DNA Theta Belief Reprogramming is about detecting and finding the core truths
of your body and mind. For example "Are you hiding behind a Sickness or Disease that prevents
you from getting What You Want?" or "How are you getting in your own way and preventing
yourself of Achieving what you Want?" or "Why did you choose to get sick?" or "How is your
Theta Healing - DNA/Theta Belief Reprogramming is done by using a Theta Brainwave. A Theta
Healing Practitioner is able to go directly into Theta Brainwave state and take their clients into
Theta Brainwave state thereby facilitating a healing for the majority of clients and
reprogramming the majority of a Client's Beliefs.
There are four levels at which these beliefs can reside
Core : Core Level are what we are taught and accept from Childhood in this life. It's what we
usually learn from our parents. It's what we usually see a therapist for. It resides in our mental emotional body.

Genetic : Genetic Level are carried over from our Ancestors or are being added to our genes in
this life. They are held in the morphogenetic field and the physical DNA.
History : History Level are carried with memories from past-life or deep genetic memory. They
are also carried over from the history of your race or as collective consciousness that we carry
into our present life. These experiences are real. Where they come from is not the issue. It is
vital to resolve the issues on the history level. Usually they are held in all the other levels. These
memories are held in the aura field of a person.
Soul : Soul Level is all that a person "is". It's who we are. What we are. Our souls are still
learning and can be redirected. If a person holds programs on more than one level, the soul may
be affected. For example grief and sorrow can be carried to the soul. Not only does this end up
affecting a particular part of your body, e.g. Lungs. But you are making choices from that place
of grief and sorrow, not from a healthy neutral place. When removing programs from a Soul
Level you begin from the heart area first.
DNA Activation
DNA is the molecular basis of heredity of many organisms, and is constructed of a double helix.
DNA holds the keys to your physical form, hereditary maladies, mental capabilities, emotional
behavior patterns, and spiritual gifts. In an Activation of the DNA, the practitioner moves into a
Theta brainwave consciousness state and asks the Universal Divine Energy of the Creator of All
That Is to activate the strands. Through the use of the Theta Healing technique, the DNA in the
master cell of the pineal gland is activated. This activation is done on what is observed as junk
DNA in the cells. The activation technique activates all chromosomes that are receptive to the
activation. Once this is done it can take a period of time to replicate through the body. This
activation is typically done in the initial session of the DNA work. As part of the process, the Youth and
Vitality Chromosome and the ten additional strands of DNA are activated. The affects seen at
this point are different foreach person. Some people report a reduction in facial wrinkling, the
re-growth of hair, energy increases, immune systems become stronger, the body may experience
detoxification symptoms, healthy relationships will strengthen, relationships in your life that
need to end will fall away, you may want a more wholesome diet and psychic abilities may
Empowering The Self
Benefits of DNA activation can range from allergy relief and increased energy to better
relationships and renewed life purpose. Since DNA regulates all physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual aspects of our being, the possibilities are endless!
Physical Benefits

Activation quickens subsequent DNA healings.

DNA Activation raises your vibrational frequency.

Raises cellular vibration.


Strengthens your immune system and your health.

Detoxification at physical and emotional levels.

Receive and hold more light in your physical body.

Releases unconscious patterns stored within the physical body.

Greater efficiency of your nerves, skin, blood, respiratory system and muscles.

Increases utilization of your inherent brain power.

Enables you to have more energy.

Increase desire for pure water intake.

Body detoxifies and purifies.

Better nutrition/ less food.

Increased hair and nail growth.

Frequent lucid dreaming.

Body feels and looks younger.

Quickened capacity for self healing.

Improved eyesight.

Increased energy level.

Psychological Benefits

More awareness and expanded consciousness.

Sharper sense of inner knowing.

Enhanced and Increased self trust and awareness.

Sharpened intuition.

Improved memory.

Peace and calmness within.


Replacing "seeking" with "resolving".

Precise use of language ("Conscious Languaging").

Enhanced discernment.

Brings more clarity into your life.

Discovery of new talents and abilities.

Empowers you to bring forth talents and abilities as yet unrealized.

Increased sensitivity, perceptions, and telepathy.

Increased inner peace and calmness.

Shifting out of fear and doubt.

Releases unconscious patterns.

Facilitates clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns.

Clears your individual and family karmic patterns.

Creates greater opening for ongoing connection with your Higher Self.

Alignments for you to accomplish your purpose for this lifetime.

Quicker manifestations.

Expanded ability to move into unconditional love.

Improved communication with spirit guides.

More connection to spirit and the spirit realms.

Relationship Benefits

Seeing relationships more clearly.

Seeing people for who they truly are.

Letting go of old stuff, people, places and things.


Releasing old patterns that have kept you in dysfunctional relationships.

Attracting soul mates and soul families.

Inner Awareness and Self Discovery Benefits

Increased ability to face self-truths.

Finding answers that have meaning and clarity.

Transforming uncertainties into truths.

Staying focused in the moment.

Speaking your truth and expressing yourself clearly.

Learning to trust and hear your true self.

DNA Beliefs - We Are What We Believe
Each of us creates everything in our lives. We draw to us people and experiences based on our
belief systems. These beliefs function like computer programs, creating for us wealth or poverty,
sickness or health, success or failure, loneliness or interconnectedness. Everything is our
The beliefs we hold are almost entirely subconscious. Some beliefs are formed based on our
experiences: We touch fire. It burns us. We form the belief that fire burns. And this serves us.
Not all beliefs serve us. Perhaps we grow up in a home with two very successful parents, both of
whom are unhappy. At the age of 4 we decide that success makes people unhappy. Perhaps this
belief does not serve us as we struggle and fail to achieve what we would create for ourselves at
30 or 40. The majority of beliefs formed in this lifetime were created by the age of 4. You can see
In addition, we have beliefs that were passed down to us in our DNA. We are born with beliefs,
held at the level of the soul. And we acquire beliefs from the collective consciousness, the groups
and societies we live in, and from history. The majority of these are subconscious. But they run
like computer programs, dictating our experiences and creating our lives.
With Theta Healing - DNA Theta Belief Reprogramming you can choose your new beliefs and
consciously create your life. You can heal yourself from sicknesses, diseases, viruses, physical
ailments, emotional, mental and psychological ailments and reprogram yourself for abundance,
success, love, happiness and anything else you can imagine. So.what will you create?
Why does Theta Healing work with Theta Brain Wave?

It is during the Theta Brain Wave State that there is a portal or pathway between the conscious
and unconsciousness mind, where deep transformation takes place at the subconscious level. It
is widely known that during a traumatic event a person transitions from the conscious to
unconscious state, and that transition (Theta Brain Wave State) is when traumatic memory
enters and imprints the subconscious mind. So it only makes sense that we exit the traumatic
memory from the same door it entered. Our minds and brains are so powerful and so accessible
if we give ourselves the opportunity and privilege to be reprogrammed for being released from
the negative traumatic impacts that have been thrusted upon us by our own beliefs systems.
When Our Beliefs Become Harmful?
Many times an ailment can be connected to core beliefs and genetic patterns in the cells. Theta
Healing can clear and transform these beliefs. Theta Healing provides powerful tools for
emotional healing as well. It provides a simple way to let go of beliefs that no longer serve you. It
also provides new beliefs that you want that will support you for your highest good.
Quantum Physics And Our Reality
Theta Healing is an amazing new set of techniques that allows you to quickly identify deeply
held blocks and to reprogram the unconscious mind. It allows you to re-create and co-create
your reality and hence choose the world you live in. This is achieved through changing - literally
re-writing - your feelings and beliefs. This new healing paradigm is similar to downloading a
new program on your computer. You can have anything you want. From being healthy, wealthy,
happy, in a committed loving relationship, being 100% in your own power. Great books like
"Conversations with God" teach us that it is our deepest, innermost beliefs that shape our world.
The cutting edge spiritual view that our unconscious beliefs create our reality is now validated by
quantum physics - a concept cleverly portrayed in many films such as "What the Bleep Do We
Know" and "The Secret". It is beliefs, rather than simply luck, that sets apart people with
amazing success, health and happiness. You can break down any successful person in any field
of business, from celebrities, to sports stars, to huge real estate tycoons. The one common
denominator is their belief system. They feel they deserve and are worthy to have what they have
accomplished. They feel it is safe for them to have what they have accomplished. They also have
the DNA blueprint to be able to attract it, hold it and keep it. They always have great passion for
what they do, and therefore they are great at what they do."
What is Muscle Testing?
Our Body's Feedback
There are approximately six-hundred-fifty skeletal muscles within the typical human body. The
exact number is difficult to determine because of the way different muscle groups are defined.
















The reality is that our subconscious mind is our entire body including every one of those sixhundred-fifty skeletal muscles. All trauma, insult and stress are stored in our muscles. Theta

Healing works by identifying and shifting programs in the subconscious mind that block the
healthy positive life force. When reprogrammed, the positive force works like a fine tuned
engine carrying us through life with a never ending source of positive energy.
Kinesiology is the technique we use to talk to the body and muscles. It works like a complete
mind body connection. Whenever you think or say something that resonates as true in the
subconscious mind, the electrical and magnetic fields around the body and muscles become
stronger. In the same way whatever resonates in the subconscious as false makes the body and
Research scientists, doctors and therapists know the importance of the relationship between
muscles and electrical energy, and they have developed a number of electrical stimulation
devices for the rehabilitation of muscles and bones.
How do I perform muscle testing techniques on myself?
* Drink water first. Do not perform muscle tests dehydrated. There are two ways to do muscle
Method One: Stand erect/upright, feet shoulder width perfectly balanced. Face North. To test
say "YES" you should feel yourself tilting forward. Next rebalance yourself and say "NO" you
should then feel your self tilt backward. Your body is like the hands on a compass pointing
North or South using electromagnetic forces. The body reacts like the compass pointer to the
Method Two: Sit in a comfortable relaxed position. Make a circle with your thumb and one of
your fingers. Make a tight circle and say "YES" as you use the index finger from your other hand
to pull apart the circle in this way the circle should remain intact. Now say "NO" which sets in
motion negative energy and pull at the circle once more. This time the circle should open as the
index finger pulls against it.











You leave your body and are out of your body.

You are Triggered by the Statement you just said.

You get overwhelmed from the question asked and you leave your body.


You have stress that creates a powerful negative emotional trigger that interferes with
getting a clear test.
You are dehydrated and have lowered electrolytes this will not allow you test correctly
You may have a mineral imbalance will affect the accuracy of muscle testing.

Kidneys need a little activation.

Just knowing how to muscle test is a great tool to get information to you. Please know that your
body doesn't lie when it is not affected by the eight factors above.
Some Scientific Experiments
Below are three astonishing experiments with DNA which proves that DNA can
heal itself according to the "feelings" of the individual as reported recently by
Gregg Braden.
In his recent program entitled Healing Hearts/Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the
Power of Prayer, Gregg Braden discussed how in the past we lost huge amounts of information
from ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at Alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000
documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us
understand some of the mysteries of science. To this end he reported on three very interesting
experiments. Gregg Braden started off as a scientist and engineer, before he began pursuing
these larger questions
These were experiments done by the military. Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for
DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could be measure electrical changes. In this
experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to "emotional stimulation"
consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was placed
in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as
the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA
exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no lag time,
no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys
The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still
get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and
The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. What can this mean?
Gregg Braden says it means that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized
form of energy. This energy is not affected by time and distance. This is a non-local form of
energy, an energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.
The second experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was written
about this was titled: Local and Non local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on
This is the experiment that relates directly to the anthrax situation. In this experiment, some
human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which
they could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28
trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings, and


What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of the
researchers: 1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded
by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer. 2. When the
researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It
became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes! If you've ever felt "shut down" by
negative emotions, now you know why your body was equally shut down too. The shut down of
the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love,
This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that
feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had
without those feelings. So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what
dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and
These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electro-magnetics. Individuals trained in
deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Gregg Braden says this illustrates a new
This energy appears to be a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all matter. Essentially we're
Remember that the law of the Universe is that we attract what we focus on. If you are focused on
fearing whatever may come, you are sending a strong message to the Universe to send you
whatever you fear. Instead if you can get yourself into feelings of joy, love, appreciation or
gratitude, and focus on bringing more of that into your life, you are going to avoid the negative
stuff automatically. You will be choosing a different TIMELINE with your feelings.
You can prevent getting anthrax or any other flu, virus, etc, by staying in these positive feelings,
So here's your protection for whatever comes: Find something to be happy about every day, and
every hour if possible, moment-to-moment, even if only for a few minutes. This is the easiest
and best protection you can have. If nothing else, be joyous that the criminals have "already
been caught" by the Universe!


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