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America's Real War

By: Elysse R. Barrett


Note: The following oration was delivered by Miss Barrett (17) to the Worldview
Alliance conference held in Colorado Springs, CO, October 18, 2002.

America is at War. This war is more deadly than any war she has ever been in; there
are more lives at stake now than in all the wars ever fought on American soil. In
fact, there are more soldiers enlisted to serve in this war than has ever been
enlisted before. In this war there are no cannons, guns, or bullets, but the weapons
of this war are of the most fatal design and the issue of the war has eternal
ramifications. The enemy in this war does not even have a front line, but they are
unified under one banner. This war is not fought on foreign soil but on the college
campuses, in the statehouses and courtrooms, out in the communities, and right in
the hearts and homes of every American. This war is a battle for her mind and soul.
America's real war is a culture war. It is a war over whether America will have a
godless or a God-honoring society. With this war we are answering the question of
whom we will serve: God or man.

Many Christians either do not believe or will not admit that we are in a war.
However, the reality of this war is seen at all points of the American culture. The
fierceness of this war is being waged in the battles of right vs. wrong, Christianity
vs. atheism, creation vs. evolution, belief in absolutes vs. relativism, Christian vs.
secular education, home or private vs. public social education, courtship vs. dating,
obedience to parents vs. disobedience and rebellion, and the myth of the separation
of Christianity from the state vs. the duty of the state to be Christian. These battles
must first be resolved in the Church, for the Church is to be the leader in Society. It
is the Church who should be providing answers to these issues, training its
members, equipping its parents, and presenting a clearly defined worldview. Yet, a
serious look at the generation being raised up in the Church today provides
conclusive evidence that the future of the Church is rapidly being taken captive by
the enemies of Christ.

Recently released statistics from the Nehemiah Institute PEERS tests demonstrates
that in just one generation, most Christian students will graduate from high school
and begin their lives operating from a pagan worldview. These results are further
confirmed by other research conducted by the Barna Research Group which found
that only 9 percent of professing Christian teenagers believe in moral absolutes.

Throughout the founding era of America, the Church fulfilled her God-given role as
society's leader. Yet the realities of today's culture stare us in the face. How is it
that we have come to this point, and where is it that we are going? The answers to
these questions, are more obvious than we wish to admit and more painful than we
are willing to bear. In a word, we have sinned; we have turned our back on God in
every sphere of our culture. America, a nation founded in Covenant with God, has
broken that Covenant and the results have been devastating. Nationally, America
was founded a Christian Constitutional Federated Republic. Today she is a
socialistic, democratic tyranny with only the trappings of a representative

The Church, having rejected her duty of the administration and application of God's
Word, has apostatized and chosen gods of gold and pleasure. In families, parents
having faltered in their duty to "train up their children in the way they should go"
have allowed their Children, now America's youth and young adults, to be taught by
the Philistines, associate with the Philistines, and even marry the Philistines. Today
we reap the consequences of our idolatry and adultery. This Covenant was not
broken because of the non-Christian's influence on our culture; it was broken
because of the slow but sure compromises of the Christians. God will not suffer long
those who break Covenant with Him.

It is time to renew this Covenant; and it is to the Christian youth, the future bearers
of this Covenant, and those in Godly authority over them, that I must now address.
The youth of America, in a very unique sense, now face the question "choose you
this day whom you will serve?", for they are at the front lines of this culture war. In
the answer to this question,- the resulting beliefs, decisions and actions of
America's youth- lies the answer to where we are going.

The renewal of this covenant as it relates to youth, of necessity involves the

reclaiming of the Biblical vision for youth. It is not by accident that youth are the
recipients of some of the heaviest persecution from the enemy. For youth, from the
Biblical perspective are to be prime weapons of warfare for the Kingdom of God.
Psalm 127 tells us "Lo, Children are a heritage of the LORD'as arrows are in the
hands of a mighty man so are children of the youth..." It is no wonder that the
enemy is so intent upon attacking the youth. In his attack he has been successful in
distorting the vision and thwarting the hope of Christian young people. Psalms 127,
in reference to youth as weapons in warfare, continues, "they shall not be ashamed,
they shall subdue the enemies in the gate." This is the vision, purpose, and hope for
the American Christian youth, and it must be restored in the hearts and minds of
the people of God.

How can we establish anew this dynamic, Biblical understanding of youth? First, we
must recognize God has called each of us to stand in the gap and to fulfill the role
He has given us in this culture war. In order to do this, we each must surrender our
lives to Jesus Christ, not just as our Savior nor as a Lord of our life but as THE ONE
AND ONLY LORD OF OUR LIFE. A LORD demands obedience, and in warfare a LORD
directs and commands actions.
The Biblical view of youth is far different from that offered by the world. Instead of
an awkward, unproductive time, it is to be viewed as a time of diligent preparation
and initial productivity. Youth should be a time of active preparation for your soon
active participation in life as a responsible adult. The preparation must include
training in the articulation and defense of their Christian faith, as well as its
application to the whole of life. We must learn that the Bible is the authority in
every area it addresses and it addresses every area of life. Logic, Apologetics, and
Biblical Worldview Thinking are necessary ingredients in a young person's
education. It is through courses such as these that young people learn to captivate
their thinking, bringing their thoughts in to the Obedience of Christ, thus
acknowledging Him as LORD.

Secondly, young people must be taught to use their talents for God. Most
importantly, they need to cultivate them in a manner that advances Christ's
Kingdom and rebuilds our country. God commands each of us to use our talents
faithfully, no matter how large or small they seem. It is not often those who have
many talents or the most important talents that change the world, but rather those
who use the talents they have to the greatest effect. Lastly, we must realize that
God calls us to have a multi-generational vision, training our children and young
people to be mighty warriors for God or else when the baton we carry is passed to
the next generation, all our work will be for no gain. Reflect back to Psalms 127,
verse 4 which states, "As arrows are in the hands of a mighty man, so are children
of the youth". This clearly shows the requirement for youth to be under the
authority of those placed over them in order to be fashioned into sharp and straight
weapons of war.

We are now faced with a choice and a challenge. The choice is whom you will serve,
the challenge is taking your place in returning our country to a Christian nation and
culture. Will you stand with Moses and declare to Kings that the LORD is your God?
Will you put before Christian youth, the question of Joshua to choose the LORD as
their God? Will you present them as a vision the model of Nehemiah, ready to fight
against the evil doctrines of our day while rebuilding the fortresses of truth and
righteousness? Or will you leave them without direction, subjecting them to the
apathetic and pessimistic worldview of their contemporaries and surrendering the
future of your country and your culture to Satan. The challenge has now been laid
before you. You know what is expected of you and what is required of you. I have
made the choice and accepted the challenge. Will you not do the same? It is your
choice, your responsibility, your duty. The course of our nation, the rebuilding of our
country is up to you!

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