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Energy, creativity, growth, and passionate intensity. One should explore and embrace opportunity with a
sense of optimism and determination, for success comes easily to those who commit their life's work with
enthusiasm and confidence. All of the imaginings, ideas, and possibilities constructed in the human mind are
realized in the Suit of Wands as thoughts that may and can be transformed into actions, requiring initiative
and drive to shape potential into something fit for reality.
It symbolizes long and short-term goals, as well as the mundane tasks that we aspire to complete effectively
and with the sincerest of efforts on a daily basis. These tasks that occupy the mind and the body, including
the motivations driving them, represent a state of self-improvement and discovery, as well as personal
development and forward thinking. Thus the Suit of Wands could be the application of our abilities driven to
completion, all of the ideas running through our heads, and the conscious planning of present and future
Ace: The start of a new project, social activity or enterprise. There is an abundance of creativity,
resourcefulness and ambition; however, hard work and perseverance are required to make it a success.
Reversed: Frustrating circumstances surrounding a new project or social activity. Mix-ups and delays are
likely at this time.
Two: A new career/business contact or personal friendship is indicated.
Reversed: Problems and misunderstandings with professional and personal partnerships.
Three: An excellent opportunity is fast approaching. Good news and/or financial rewards are favored.
Reversed: A refusal to commit or lack of confidence reveals a lost opportunity.
Four: Celebrating at a social gathering with family and friends or simply enjoying the company of others.
Reversed: A short rest period or declining social activity is indicated.
Five: Conflict with coworkers or family members creates a chaotic environment. Stay calm and deal with it.
Reversed: Theft of property is a strong possibility. Take the necessary precautions and be vigilant when
around untrustworthy people.
Six: Success and recognition after overcoming many obstacles.
Reversed: There will be disappointment and setbacks in your work environment.
Seven: Don't give up! Believe in yourself and in due course victory will be yours.
Reversed: Pointless conflict will get you nowhere. Know when to walk away.
Eight: Good news brings sudden changes.
Reversed: Hasty decisions are ill advised. Plan ahead.
Nine: There will be extra demands placed upon you but nothing you can't handle.
Reversed: Too much stress and overwork has led to health issues. Recoup your energy.
Ten: Shouldering a tremendous amount of responsibility.
Reversed: A chance to relax after a great deal of hard work.
Page: A dark haired child or young adolescent and/or an important message is on the way and you will need
to act quickly in order to reap its benefit.
Reversed: Misinformation or a lack of communication creates a problem.
Knight: A young, charismatic, dark haired and often spontaneous individual.
Reversed: A young and deceitful individual who would con you out of your last cent.
Queen: A strong, independant woman who enjoys the company of others.
Reversed: A conniving woman prone to gossip and drama.
King: A friendly, responsible man with a good reputation.
Reversed: An antisocial, self-centered man with a questionable reputation.

It is the basin of the mind, embodying all conscious thought and inner mental workings. Practical, rational,
logical, and analytical, the Suit of Swords cuts through the fancy trimmings of the imagination and strips the
world and all affairs occurring there within it of all but the naked truth. It shares the same emphasis on
cognitive processes, as well as a type of problem solving directed towards realistic, attainable resolutions.

The Suit of Swords exerts a masculine force that at times can be overly-aggressive and domineering;
however, since this energy stems from the calculative mind, most often it is balanced and reasonable like the
image of the scales associated with the air sign, Libra. It deals with the psychological realm in the way of
thoughts, ideas, conversations, and even arguments. Another meaning in the Suit of Swords relates to other
features in life that are void of real substance or tangibility. The Experience and occurrence of intense crisis
in the form of declining health, a violent encounter, or death can all be represented under the Suit of Swords,
for although they have a physical consequence, the emotional component is subject to analysis and
internalization under the mind.
The Suit of Swords is involved in communication and understanding, working to uncover the bare facts to a
situation that at times can be buried beneath illusions, emotions, and unrealistic expectations. The cold
reason of the Suit of Swords can be interpreted negatively if the truth that is found is undesirable, but overall
it is the act of viewing situations objectively and with fair judgment that the Suit of Swords represents.
Ace: The card of DESTINY. There will be great success regarding clever intellectual ideas and projects.
Reversed: Frustration and anxiety over project changes and/or delays.
Two: Negotiations will have a fair and just outcome or at the very least a neutral stalemate.
Reversed: Refusal to face or work on a problem. Deception and clouded thinking may also be an issue.
Three: Relationship failure and separation. Conflict and heartache will ensue.
Reversed: Emotional pain from loss and enforced separation. Be ready for the inevitable tears.
Four: You've been burning the candle at both ends for far too long. It's now time to rest.
Reversed: Time is needed to recoup from an illness.
Five: Unnecessary arguments and inconsiderate actions will eventually lead to a loss of friendship. A change
in attitude is seriously needed.
Reversed: It's a loosing battle and no matter what you say or do you won't don't even try. It's
simply not worth it.
Six: A short trip is indicated. There is a desire to escape and get away from it all.
Reversed: Don't give up! Things may seem difficult right now but will improve over time.
Seven: Be cautious for deception surrounds you. Fight for what is rightfully yours.
Reversed: Gossip and everyday worries are weighing you down. Don't let it get to you.
Eight: You need help finding a way out of an unsafe or unhealthy situation.
Reversed: Regret is a complete waste of time and energy. Learn from your mistakes and move forward.
Nine: A dark period filled with mental anguish.
Reversed: A crisis has you feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Seek professional help.
Ten: Someone you know will betray your confidence. Watch your back.
Reversed: You are your own worst enemy. Negative thinking has created negative events. It's time to
change your thought patterns.
Page: An intelligent youth brimming with innovative ideas.
Reversed: Your reputation is in jeopardy. Someone wants to deliberately destroy your good name through
gossip and lies.
Knight: A young person involved with the Military or Emergency Services.
Reversed: A young person connected with criminal activity.
Queen: A widow or a very strong and independent woman.
Reversed: A cold, manipulative woman. She makes a dangerous rival.
King: An intelligent, competitive man. It's very possible he has a professional career in medicine, law or
Reversed: A destructive and possibly dangerous man. His devious nature will only cause you problems.
Associated with the emotional depths of the human soul, characterized by passion, intensity, creativity,
sexuality, and romance. Cups retain a feminine energy that promotes sensitivity, heightened self-awareness,
and compassionate understanding. It symbolizes the imagination, illusions and fantasies, dreams and
desires, everything that exists in the subconscious and is not always expressed in real time.
There is an air of mystery and unpredictability in the Suit of Cups, as it well known that emotions are not
always obvious or simple, but can often be complex and convoluted, stretching much deeper than what body
language or spoken words can emit. This Suit embodies this mysterious depth of human feeling, also
mingling in the spiritual and psychic qualities of experience embedded deep within us all.

The intense nature of this Suit may also pose potential issues if the negative extremities of human emotion
are evoked; these emotions arise in the form of jealousy, rage, hatred, as well as any other emotion that is
filled with ill-spent passion and self-destructiveness. However, if the power of Cups is applied responsibly and
creatively there are many wonderful things that can be born of the heart. This is why love and romance are
often linked to Cups, representing the bizarre, thrilling experience that is the love and lust connecting two
individuals. Alongside love and romance, marriage and birth are also associated with the Suit of Cups.
Ace: The start of a new relationship or artistic project.
Reversed: A new relationship or project will end in disappointment.
Two: Sincere commitment to a relationship or partnership is indicated.
Reversed: A lack of commitment within a relationship or partnership. Going separate ways is a strong
Three: A happy celebration is in the works.
Reversed: Overindulgence connected with a celebration is shown. Careful not to eat, drink or spend too
Four: A relationship or partnership has become stagnant and utterly boring. It's time to liven things up!
Reversed: Disappointment and unhappiness regarding a relationship. Loneliness or rejection may also be an
Five: The loss of a relationship has led to despair.
Reversed: A reconciling of differences or a second chance at making a relationship work.
Six: Reminiscing about the past. There's also a possibility of reuniting with an ex-lover or an old friend from
years gone by.
Reversed: Feeling emotionally trapped by constantly living in the past. There is an inability to let go and
move forward.
Seven: Too much is happening all at once. Time is needed before making any decisions.
Reversed: Avoid being too subjective. Don't delude yourself into seeing something that isn't there or vice
Eight: Searching for something new and better.
Reversed: Shutting yourself off from others to avoid being hurt. Seek professional assistance.
Nine: A wish or dream come true.
Reversed: Taking for granted all that is good in your life.
Ten: Much love, joy and good tidings.
Reversed: A trivial comment or event creates disharmony between family and/or friends. Don't worry it will
soon pass.
Page: A kind, caring and often very sensitive child or young person.
Reversed: A child or young person plagued with emotional insecurities.
Knight: A new romantic partner may soon gallop into your life; alternatively, it may portray an artistic ideal
worth striving for.
Reversed: A superficial and/or unmotivated teenager or young adult.
Queen: A very loving, protective and possibly psychic woman.
Reversed: An unbalanced and emotionally exhausting woman.
King: A confident, intuitive and extremely creative man.
Reversed: An emotionally insecure and self-destructive man.

It represents the tangible, if not hedonistically based achievements that occur in the material plain of human
experience. A symbol of finance and other forms of materialism, Pentacles reflects the physical things we

have earned or acquired in life, as well as the emotional and psychological quality of these possessions to
the owner.
It represents a primal connection between Man and his immediate physical environment. All of the senses,
those inlets of life's various and diverse sensations, are highly important when referring to the Suit of
Pentacles. For it is these sensations and the sources that arouse them into being which rule this Suit, at times
manifesting in overindulgence, or a heavy reliance on external pleasures to obtain self-fulfilment. Positive
connotations with Pentacles can be the sense of stability and order which accompanies financial security,
allowing for the individual to relish in the pride of ownership and live comfortably, all needs beyond satisfied
with a lifestyle verging upon the luxurious.
Abstractly, Pentacles is the material representation of human achievement, symbolizing the physical results
of our hard-work and the determination which propelled us to such ends. Other components of the Suit of
Pentacles include the material symbols of wealth and status which indicate our position in society,
specifically, the items and tools which enhance our quality of life and allow outsiders to observe and endow
us with prestige for working for, and finally possessing such things.
Ace: A new financial opportunity or a sudden and unexpected financial increase.
Reversed: An unexpected financial loss or expense.
Two: Successfully balancing the budget.
Reversed: Excessive spending and poor management will lead to financial difficulties. Borrowing or lending
money is a strong possibility.
Three: Creative endeavors will be financially successful.
Reversed: Personal issues regarding creative endeavors, such as avoidance, fear and a lack of selfconfidence, are delaying progress.
Four: The pressure is off as finances are finally stabilizing.
Reversed: Anxiety over finances weighs heavily on the mind.
Five: There is a serious lack of money and only a tremendous amount of effort will change the situation for
the better.
Reversed: Depression caused by poverty or unemployment. Some form of financial assistance may also be
Six: Sharing the wealth. Giving or receiving gifts, donations or even settlements.
Reversed: Careless mistakes can cost you financially.
Seven: A great deal of hard work now in hope of a future pay-off.
Reversed: Hard work with little or no pay-off. A change in strategy is needed.
Eight: Learning new skills through an apprenticeship or other employment-training program.
Reversed: A lack of training and/or skills limits employment opportunities.
Nine: Financial well being from wise money choices.
Reversed: Quarrels and concerns over money choices and/or irresponsible spending.
Ten: Coming into a large amount of money, possibly from an inheritance or investment of some kind.
Reversed: Burdened with family financial issues.
Page: A hard working, disciplined and very responsible student/trainee; may also indicate a small financial
Reversed: An irresponsible and rather lazy student with no desire to learn or succeed; may also warn of a
small financial loss, theft or expense.
Knight: A solid, practical and very loyal person.
Reversed: A lazy, thieving individual.
Queen: A kindly businesswoman with a taste for the finer things in life.
Reversed: An extremely insecure, self-centered woman who uses money as a weapon.
King: An upstanding businessman; a true pillar of the community.
Reversed: An overly possessive man bent on controlling everything and everyone in his environment.

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