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Healthy Living: How To Always Look Fresh

Have you ever heard of a saying that: "you are what you eat"? If yes, fine. But
if not, please note it now: whatever "bodily shape or figure" that you have beco
me now is largely as a result of what you have chosen your mouth to feed-on over
the years up till this moment. Period.
For instance:-
1. If you have been feeding on 'cooked foods' all your life, then, your bod
y will present a "cooked look and shape" - with wrinkled skin round your body an
d grey hairs scattered all over your head; even, when you are not yet aged enoug
h to grow such grey hairs, etc.
2. If you often wake up early in the mornings feeling tired or weak, then,
or you find it difficult defecating well in the toilets early in the mornings, y
ou should check what you always eat and when you eat whatever you eat in order f
or you to make necessary amends.
3. If you often have worrying (or terrifying) dreams in your night sleep (u
sually referred to as "nightmares"), then, you should watch how late you eat you
r last meal for the day, and how heavy that meal is, before you start blaming su
ch dreams on some imaginary and non-existent "satanic attacks"; which may lead y
ou to seeking for so-called "deliverance" from "commercial 'spiritual' healers"
at some avoidable costs to you.
4. On the other hand, if you have been feeding on 'fresh foods - fruits and
vegetables' very regularly in your normal diets, then, your body will present a
"fresh look and shape" - with fresh skin round your body, dark shiny hairs grow
n all over your head, even when you are old enough to have started growing grey
Having regard to the few points above, if you like your present shape, I say "co
ngratulations". But if, on the contrary, you think that you should look a little
bit different from the way you look now, then, you need to pay attention now: c
hange your attitude to your diet and exercises.
So, if you have tried every diet on the planet, every exercise program from the
latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you
probably need a "check-up from the neck up". Successful weight loss doesn't jus
t happen. Remember, it took you more than a few
years to reach the point where you are right now. So, give yourself a break and
expect it to take a while before you see measurable results. Take a leap of fai
th and follow some basic principles.
For instance, the very first fact to know about dieting is the appropriate time
to eat. Our body composition is tuned around the 24-hour daily routine. And this
is divided into 3 major equal segments of eight (8) hours each, e.g.:-
A: Period: 4.01am - 12 noon (This is the period of Detoxification Process):
During this period, the internal body systems are being emptied of wastes throug
h urine and excreta mainly + some sweats if you engage in some physical work fun
Eat water-soluble foods only. You can concentrate on raw foods more (e.g. fibre-
rich fresh fruits, fruit juices, fresh vegetables, salads, etc) for your breakfa
st meals.
B: Period: 12.01pm - 8.00pm (This is a Very Active Period):
During this period, the internal body systems need to be filled up now to feed t
he cells, organs and enzymes. You need to eat meals within this period. And beca
use this is an active period, you can always walk up and down to places of busin
ess interests or other private interests. With that, you are exercising your bod
y after eating - which is very good for you!
Eat Solid Meals; (like rice, beans, potatoes, yam, etc); but your soup should be
rich in green vegetables; and your choice of meat should be the "white" meat in
stead of "red" meat. Then, you can complement these with some fresh fruits or fr
uit salad. Please ensure to drink plenty water. It helps digestion.
C: Period: 8.01pm - 4.00am (This is the period of Rest/Repair Works):
This is the period when some routine digestion of food is taking place in the in
ternal body systems. It is strongly advised that No real food intakes should be
allowed into the internal body organs during this period (no matter how light).
However, you may feed on fresh fruits/vegetables and drink plenty water prior to
going to bed.
As much as humanly possible, in this 3rd period, please avoid eating meals becau
se the body system is involved in "rest/repair" works. Try to abide by this rule
if you really want to live a healthy life and look younger day-in, day-out. But
if, as a result of your work, you did not eat any meal during the 2nd period ab
ove, then, you could eat lightly on your return from work. And immediately after
eating the meal, please, take a walk out of your house to exercise the body sys
tems somehow before coming back to sleep.
However, if you throw this advice away and always indulge to eat within this per
iod, you are causing "dangers" to your body's internal working systems! Please,
consult your Doctor for more professional counsel/advice if you don't believe me
It is believed that you have caught the idea now, and you can fix-in your eating
programs well. Don't eat in-between meals, please. If you have been doing it be
fore now, please, STOP IT.
And You will start living well (and looking much younger than your real age) fro
m now henceforth.

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