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August 2015

Dear Parents,
Enclosed you will find information about your childs second grade year. I
hope you will take the time to read over the information to learn about our exciting
topics and all that is expected during this school year.
In addition, I have enclosed a questionnaire that I hope you will take the time
to fill out. The information is important for me to know and I will be using it to
help guide me as I work with your child. I ask for your help with this because YOU
know your child best and I value your input as I work to make this year a fun and
successful one for your child. Please send this survey back to school soon as you
can ! If you would like me to email you a document copy and then you can email it
back, I would be happy to do that.
I love communication! Some ways that you can reach me are by email, you can also look for our class Facebook page and friend
me. MrsLisa Robtoy. I will be updating the site every few days once school
begins. You can also call the school and leave me a voice mail message. I do not
always get a chance to check voice mail quickly, but I will be checking messages
beginning August 17th
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to write those on
those forms, or contact me by email, Facebook message, or a phone call.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Lisa Robtoy

Welcome to Mrs. Robtoys

Second Grade

What Do Students Need to Have?

I hand out everything that your son or

daughter will need for the school year.
Students will receive pencil boxes, glue
sticks, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, pencils, erasers, journals, and folders. I know that a lot
of parents buy their child these school supplies. That is fine with me. Students will be able to
use them in the classroom. If your child wants to use items that you buy, encourage them to
choose a pencil box, pencils, and two pocket folders. Those will be the most useful. Please dont
waste your money on big trapper-keeper type folders or large notebooks. Those will not be

Homework: Will there be homework? This question is often asked by many students and
parents right away. There WILL be homework sent home on a weekly basis. That homework is
our weekly reading log.
Students are expected to read 3 times per week for 20 minutes each reading session. Of course
it is beneficial that students read more than that, but the homework expectation is 3 times per
In addition to the weekly reading log, students will receive weekly spelling words on Fridays for a
test on the following Friday. Those words are also worked on in the classroom during the week,
as they go along with our schools reading program.
If you are interested in receiving some extra homework for your child, I will be sending home
optional homework packets on a weekly basis to those parents who would like to receive them.
In order to cut down on photocopies, I would ask that you work hard to complete them if you do
in fact request them.
Along with this homework program, it is important that parents play a role by setting up regular
reading times for their child. You can also help by reviewing spelling words, checking to make
sure the reading log gets filled out, and helping them to organize their backpack, folder, etc.

Basic Curriculum: I thought I would let you know the main focus of this year in each
subject area. Please keep in mind that the topics listed are not the only things that will be
studied this year, there are many things that are not listed. Consider this a basic list.

Math: This will be our school/districts third year implementing the common core. I use a
combination of lessons from Engage NY and a Bridges Math program. Both programs facilitate

the development of students mathematical thinking and reasoning abilities by providing ageappropriate problems and investigations in areas such as number, geometry, operations, data
analysis, patterning, and measurement.
For more information on the common core, this might be a helpful link.

Reading: Our school continues to use the Macmillan-McGraw Hill reading program. We have
worked in past summers to align this program with the common core in our everyday teaching,
this is a work in progress as we are always evolving our methods, as we get deeper into the core.
This program offers learning at a variety of different reading abilities. Students work at their
own reading level in weekly, guided reading books. In addition, students work together on
reading concepts (story elements, predicting, fact/opinion, fluency, etc.) while they read or listen
to a weekly story. This program introduces, and students practice, a new phonics concept, a new
spelling pattern, and a grammar lesson per week. As a part of homework, students will receive a
weekly spelling list that also includes their weekly vocabulary words. Students will be taking
spelling tests on Fridays. Also included within our reading block, students will be working on
many different writing pieces throughout the year.
This link may give you more information on the English Language Arts Standards.

Science: This years science topics include, Animals and Habitats, Magnets, and Changes in
States of Matter, (liquid, solid, gas) As stated before there will be other things that we will
study as extra exploration throughout the school year. Students will not be graded in these

Social Studies: This years topics include, mapping, community, and a study of some
historical periods in time.

Behavior: I expect all children to behave in ways that are respectful and safe towards
others in the classroom. I spend the first six weeks of school with children specifically on
building a classroom community. Students will learn what is expected when working together and
how to take care of our classroom. I use this Responsive Classroom approach on a daily basis to
help create this classroom together. I feel the best work comes from all of us working together
to provide the best environment for all children. I hope you will help us work towards a terrific
classroom community.

About Mrs. Robtoy: I am 45 years old and am a graduate of Johnson State College. In
1999 I graduated with my Masters Degree in Education from Trinity College. I have been living
and working in Enosburg for 23 years now. I hold two certifications, one in Special Education and
the other in Elementary Education. I was hired as a special educator at this school in 1993. I
worked in that position for three years. I then taught fifth grade for a few years, fourth grade
for one year, and for the last 15 years I have been teaching second and third grade. I am
excited about being with second graders again this year!
Outside of school I have many interests that include outside activities (walking, running, biking,
swimming, gardening) I love knitting, being with friends, volunteering, weaving, stamping, and of
course, reading.

Parent Questionnaire
My childs name:
1. What are your childs strengths? (As a learner and at home)

2. What are some areas of weakness? (As a learner and at home)

3. How do you feel your child learns best?

4. What are some suggestions that you have for me as I work with your

5. What are the ways that I can communicate with you about your child?
(Note home, email, phone call)

6. What are some academic goals that you have for your child this year?

7. What are other things that you want to tell me about your child?

8. Do you have any questions for me?

9. Would you be interested in helping out with classroom parties?

10. Would you like me to photocopy a weekly OPTIONAL homework packet

for your child?

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