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Below are the detail steps to setup IP communicators and A-Link Plus with Solution

It includes instructions for defaulting the communications modules so it may appear
complicated. These instructions can be skipped if a new module is being used.
A-Link plus Communicates with B426/B450

These configuration steps take an example of using B426 as network module 1 and
B450 as network module 2. The wiring diagram is shown in the above picture.
There are nine steps to enable the communication of A-Link, B426, B450 and
Solution 2000/3000 panel from factory default values.
The steps:
1. Install A-Link Plus and Tera Term in your PC, and also install the B450s driver
software. A-Link Plus is used to configure panel and network module. Tera Term
is used to access the USB menu of B450.
2. Configure Solution 2000/3000 panel with codepad:
Enter Installer Code (the default is 1234) and press [#] to enter Installers
Programming Mode. Then press [81] to access the Address Program menu.
In order to set the parameters to default values, press [961#] and [960#]. After
returning to the main interface, the panel restores all the parameters to its
factory default values.
Enter Installer Code (the default is 1234) and press [#] to enter Installers
Programming Mode. Access menu 721: Network Module to set both of the
two modules to 1 Used, Not Config, continue to press [-] till the interface
returns to the menu of Confirm to Save Parameter Changes? then press [#]
to save the changed parameters.
3. Configure B426 network module
Power off the panel.
Set the rotary address switch of B426 to 9, unplug the jumper of Tamper
and plug the jumper of Mode.

Modify your PC network address to Connect B426 to PC with a

network cable.
Power on the panel.
Access in your PC Internet Explorer. The B426 Login interface
is shown in your PC, and input password B42V2 to access the B426
configuration web interface.
Click Factory Default and OK to confirm, Click Encryption and Security
Settings, modify Web and Automation Security to Enable, click OK to
confirm. Then click Maintenance, modify Web Access Enable to Yes,
modify Panel Programming Enable to Enable, click OK to confirm, and
click Save and Execute and OK to save the changes, at last click Logout
to log out the web configuration interface.
Power off the panel.
Modify your PC network address to its previous value. Remove the cable from
B426 to PC, and restore the connection of above picture.
Unplug the jumper of Mode, plug the jumper of Tamper, and turn the rotary
address switch to 1.
4. Configure B450 network module
Power off the panel
Set the rotary address switch of B450 to 9, unplug the jumper of Tamper
and plug the jumper of Mode.
Connect B450 to PC with a male to male USB cable.
Power on the panel.
After the startup process is completed, double click Tera Term software in
your PC, and select the serial port named B450 Config Interface. Now, you
can enter the B450 USB menu interface. Press Enter key in your PC keypad,
and enter passcode B450. Now, you can see the main menu. Input 5 to
select 5- Reset To Factory Default, the USB interface shows Are you sure(Y
to default, N to exit), input Y to confirm, then the interface return to main
menu, input 8 to confirm 8=Save And Exit. At last turn off the Tera term.
Power off the panel.
Unplug the jumper of Mode, plug the jumper of Tamper, and turn the rotary
address switch to 2.
5. Configure A-Link Plus
Power on the panel.
Access your Routers web interface, and find the IP address of B426, e.g. You can input the B426 IP address in
your PC IE to check some B426 parameters, notice the protocol is https not
Double click A-Link Plus, input admin as operator, ADMIN as password.
Click File menu, and select Local IP Address same as your PC, input your
Local Port number, e.g. 12345.
Add a new customer, now enter the customer interface, input the customer
information, and Control Panel IP Address you just found, e.g., input 7700 as Control Panel Port.
Click left menu Control Panel Configuration, select Solution 2000 or
Solution 3000 according to your panel type.





Click left menu Link, select Network Connect (TCP/IP SSL) and click
Connect. Now Alink tries to connect to the panel via B426.
Connect A-Link Plus to panel via B426
Click Upload from Control Panel. A-Link reads parameters from the panel.
After completing the read process, it popups a dialog to show the different
values between A-Link database and the panel. Now it lists two different
parameters Network Module 1 and Network Module 2 Click Yes to replace
the database with panel.
Click left menu Control Panel Configuration and access the Solution
2000/3000 configuration interface. Select Network module programming
Module 1# Basic Network Settings, input B426s IP address, e.g.
Select Module 1# Mail Information, modify the sending mailbox
parameters if you set Email receiver.
Select Module 1# Maintenance, modify Web Access Enable to Enable.
Select Module 2# mail information, modify the sending mailbox
parameters if you set Email receiver.
Select Module 2# Primary Network Information, modify Primary Network
Access Point Name to your GPRS server, e.g. CMNET delegates China
Select Module 2# Maintenance, modify Web Access Enable to Enable.
Return to the left menu Link interface, and reconnect the panel, then click
Download to Control Panel. The modified parameters transmit to the panel.
You can reconnect the panel and upload parameters from the panel to check
whether the parameters set to the panel successfully or not.
Configure Solution 2000/3000 panel with codepad:
Press Installer Code (the default is 1234) and press [#] to enter Installers
Programming Mode. Access menu 721: Network Module to set both the two
modules to 2 Used, Config, continue to press [-] till return to the menu of
Confirm to Save Parameter Changes? and press [#] to save the changed
parameters. Now the modified B426 and B450 parameters all set to the
Power off the panel, then power on.
Return to the menu 721: Network Module to set both the two modules to 1
Used, Not Config, continue to press [-] till return to the menu of Confirm to
Save Parameter Changes? and press [#] to save the changed parameters.
The effect of this step is protecting the B426 and B450 parameters.
Modify Panel Programming Enable of B426 to Disable
Input the B426 IP address in your PC IE, e.g. . Access the
web interface of B426, input B42V2 as Password.
Click left menu Maintenance, modify Panel Programming Enable to
Disable, click OK to confirm, and click Save and Execute and OK to
save the changes, at last click Logout to log out the web configuration
Modify Panel Programming Enable of B450 to Disable
Power off the panel.
Set the rotary address switch of B450 to 0.

Power on the panel.

Double click Tera Term software in your PC, and select the serial Port
named B450 Config Interface. Now, you enter the B450 USB menu interface.
Press Enter key in your PC keypad, and enter passcode B450. Now, you
can see the main menu. Input 3 to select 3-Basic Configuration, the USB
interface shows Basic Configuration menu, input 4 to select 4=Panel
Programming, then the interface shows Panel Programming(Enabled)? Enter
Y to enable, or N to disable, input N to confirm disable. The interface
return to Basic Configuration menu, input 0 to select 0=Main Menu, the
interface shows Settings have changed. Save now(Y or N), input Y to save,
then the interface return to main menu, input 9 to select 9=Exit to exit the
USB menu. At last turn off Tera term.
Power off the panel.
Set the rotary address switch of B450 to 2.
Power on the panel.

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