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August 29, 2014

Loving involves different kinds of acts and one of them is a kind of dying.
Its very possible for you to live a life of non-commitment. But once you enter
some type of commitment, the perspective you have has been changed
The moment you tag on the idea of permanence or forever, you start to
describe an aspiration for permanence.
Even if things change, I will not change my mind.

Challenges to Permanence

False Images (Forever is against freedom)

Social Conditions (non-commitment is fashionable)
Ambiguity of Our heritage (permanence has been passed on but we are
not catching it)

The fundamental human project is balanced by understanding what it really

means to be human. Part of being human is communion. You shouldnt avoid
experiences where in you should connect to people because it is only that realm
that you can exercise freedom.
In order to pursue a fulfilled life, we need to balance it with the idea that
communion is part of the human project. When you are confronted with a choice
of leaving your commitment, be careful because you may be pulling yourself
away from the place where you are experiencing growth.
Permanence has not been found to be alien to love relationships but internal to
September 1, 2014

How can permanent commitment account for the fact that everything
Can you not see the value of permanence- the value of people fighting for
the relationship? Isnt it possible for us to see that this is something worth

Back to C.S. Lewis

Three Parts of Morality

o Communal,
Christian Behavior= Christian Commitment
Cardinal Virtues
o Prudence, Temperance, Justice (Just) , Fortitude
When you begin doing good, you would experience failing or others failing.
You get hurt or hurt people so one of the most important things you can

learn is to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. Never fall into the trap of
pride. The greatest sin for C.S. Lewis is pride because that is the only sin
that would ultimately separate you from God. Life is also about hopehoping for the good.
Why is it important to discuss the virtues? Because unless people choose
to be good, it would be useless. And a very important component to being
good is knowing why we should be good.

September 3, 2014
When were describing the different aspects of being good, its not similar to a
menu. Its actually a description of a person who chooses to be good and live a
good life.
Prudence- practical commonsense , taking the trouble to think out what you are
doing and what is most likely to come out of it ; a bit synonymous to wisdom but its
something very practical
Temperance- the ability not to abstain from pleasure but the ability to have just
Justice-honesty, fidelity
Doing VS Being
September 5, 2014
The Church should lead?

The moment you decide to be good, you will start to see that other people
are not so good. And you have to learn to relate to people who hurt you.
Second, we also find ourselves failing in being good which is why we need to
learn to forgive ourselves or ask others forgiveness.
Why is forgiveness difficult?
o The test of forgiveness is if its time to forgive.
Some people complain that forgiveness
o Will we forgive the Nazis for killing so many people?
o But whats even more important is to learn forgiveness in the small
things first. Dont think about the big things first.

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