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First Names: Alejandro Enrique
Nationality: Venezuelan
Birthdate : 29/10/1968
E-mail :

Primary: Connected Histories, Histoires Croisées, and Social History in the
Caribbean, Spanish America and the Atlantic World in the Colonial Period and
the Age of Revolution.
Secondary: History of the Present in contemporary Venezuela/Latin America.

2004- École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France)
DOCTOR CANDIDATE at the doctoral school of History and Civilizations.
Dissertation subject: “The Syndrome of Saint-Domingue: Perceptions and
representations of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1790-1886”.
Dissertation supervisor: Dr. Frédérique Langue (CNRS-EHESS/CERMA).
2002-2004 Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela)
MAGISTER in Political Science. Thesis: “¿Citizens of Colour?: From the ‘Mulatto
Affaire’ in France to the ‘Pardo Question’ in Venezuela, 1789-1812.”
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Carole Leal Curiel.
Referees: Dr. Germán Carrera Damas, Dr. Aníbal Romero
1997-2002 Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela)
LICENCIADO (B.A.) in History; area of concentration: History of the Americas.
Honors: Magna Cum Laude. Thesis: “The Revolution in the French Antilles from
the perspective of some royalist officers who migrated to the Coast of Caracas,
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Ramón Aizpurua.
Referees: Dr. María Elena González de Luca, Dr. Luís Felipe Pellicer
1992-1995 Instituto Universitario de Nuevas Profesiones (Caracas, Venezuela)
TÉCNICO SUPERIOR (3-year degree) in Business Administration.


2007 Research Fellowship in New York City, granted by the Gilder Lehrman Institute
of American History (New York, United States).
Research Fellowship in Richmond, granted by the Virginia Historical Society
(Richmond, VA, United States).
2006 Research bursary in Oxford, given by the David Nichols Memorial Trust (Oxford,

Accomodation grant in Seville, given by the Instituto de Estudios Hispano-
Americanos (Seville, Spain).
2005 Scholarship to pursue doctoral studies in France, given by EduFrance (France)
and Fundayacucho (Venezuela).
2004 Travel and research grant in France, given by the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (France).
2003 Prize to the Caribbean [Historical] Thought (20.000 US$), awarded by UNESCO
and the government of the State of Quintana Roo (Cancún, Mexico).
Composition of jury: Lancelot Cowie (University of the West Indies), Silvio Torres
Saillant (Syracuse University) and Germán Carrera Damas (Universidad Central
de Venezuela).
2002 Travel and research grant in France given by the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (France).

Book / Monograph
2004 “Fidelidad bajo el viento: Revolución y contrarrevolución en las Antillas
francesas, a través de la experiencia de algunos oficiales realistas emigrados a
la Tierra Firme hispana, 1790-1795”. Mexico: Siglo XXI Editores, 2004, 194p.

Chapters in collective works

2009 “El ‘mal ejemplo’ haitiano. La revolución de Saint-Domingue en la ‘memoria
histórica’ de los virginianos 1831-1865”, in Clément Thibaud, Federica Morelli
and Geneviève Verdo (Eds.), Les Empires atlantiques: des Lumières au
libéralisme (1763-1865), Nantes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009, pp.83-
2007 “Malas y peores noticias en la Capitanía General de Venezuela en tiempos de
la Revolución Haitiana”, in Frédérique Langue and Sandra Jatahy Pesavento
(Coords.), Sensibilidades na história: memórias, singulares et identidades sociais.
Porto Alegre (Brazil): Editora da UFRGS, 2007, pp.205-238.
2006 “Del ‘affaire’ de los mulatos, al asunto de los pardos”, in María Teresa Calderón
et al. (Eds.), Las Revoluciones en el mundo Atlántico: una perspectiva
comparada. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia-Taurus, 2006, pp.301-
“Haïti entre la peur et le besoin. Royalistes et républicains vénézuéliens:
relations et repères avec Saint-Domingue et les « Îles du Vent », 1790-1830”,
in G. Bonnaci et al. (Dirs.), La Révolution haïtienne au delà de ses frontières.
Paris: Karthala (France), 2006, pp.141-166.
2005 “La reliquia más preciada de la Revolución bolivariana”, in Domingo Irwin and
Fréderique Langue (Eds.), Militares y poder en Venezuela (Ensayos históricos
vinculados con las relaciones civiles y militares venezolanas). Caracas:
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela), 2005, pp.179-204.

Articles in scientific journals
2008 “La Revolución de Caracas 'desde abajo'. Impensando la primera
independencia de Venezuela desde la perspectiva de los Libres de Color, y de
las pugnas político-bélicas que se dieran en torno a su acceso a la ciudadanía,
1793-1815”, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.8. Paris: CERMA (France), 2008,
2006 “El Síndrome de Saint-Domingue: Percepciones y sensibilidades de la
Revolución Haitiana en el Gran Caribe (1791-1814)”, Caravelle (Cahiers du
Monde hispanique et Luso-brésilien), No.86. Toulouse: Université de Toulouse-
le-Mirail (France), 2006, pp.125-156.
“Entre résistance, piraterie et républicanisme: mouvements insurrectionnels
d’inspiration révolutionnaire franco-antillaise dans la Côte de Caracas, 1794-
1800”, Travaux et Recherches de l’UMLV, No. 11. Marne-la-Vallée: Université de
Marne-la-Vallée (France), 2006, pp.91-120.
“La ley de los franceses: una reinterpretación de las insurrecciones de
inspiración jacobina en la costa de Caracas”, Akademos, Vol. 7, No.1. Caracas:
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación
(Venezuela), 2006, pp. N/d.
“L’épée du Libertador dans l’idéologie des révolutionnaires bolivariens”,
Problèmes d’Amérique Latine, No. 60 (Spring). Paris: Institute Choiseul (France),
2006, pp.95-114
Historiographical Essay with Federica Morelli, “La nueva Historia Atlántica: un
asunto de escalas”, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.6. Paris: CERMA
(France), 2006, []
2005 “¿Ciudadanos de Color? El problema de la ciudadanía de los esclavos y la
Gente de Color durante la revoluciones franco-antillanas, 1788-1804”, Anuario
de Estudios Bolivarianos, XI, No.12. Valle de Sartenejas: Universidad Simón
Bolívar (Venezuela), 2005, pp.117-158.
“La Revolución Haitiana y la Tierra Firme hispana”, Nuevo Mundo Mundos
Nuevos, N. 5. Paris: CERMA (France), 2005,
“El papel de los intelectuales en la Venezuela de Hugo Chávez: los
historiadores a la palestra pública”, L'Ordinaire Latino Américain, No. 207.
Toulouse: IPEALT (France), 2005, pp.83-94.
“El ‘Estigma Africano’ en los Mundos Hispano-Atlánticos, siglos XIV al XIX”,
Revista de Història, No.153 (2nd. Semester), São Paulo, Universidade de São
Paulo (Brazil), 2005, pp.139-180.

Forthcoming publications
Several entries for the encyclopaedias Free Coloureds in the Americas and
Encyclopaedia of the Caribbean, which will be published by Facts on File.
A general text on Social History of the Independence of Venezuela, along with
Adriana Hernández, for a collection on Hispanic American Independences to be
published by MAPFRE (Madrid, Spain).

An article on subaltern sectors during the revolutions in the Caribbean, to be
published at the Rivista Storica Italiana, as part of a dossier dedicated to Latin
American independences.

2009 Paper: “ 'Vivons suivant la loi, restons en paix; faisons du sucre et payons nos
dettes': French royalist officers migrated to the Spanish Caribbean, 1790-
1808”, presented at the French Atlantic and Caribbean Workshop, held at the
University of Warwick (Coventry, Great Britain).
Paper: “Conflictos étnico-estamentales entre aspiraciones tradicionales
modernizadas de Blancos Criollos y Libres de Color. Provincia de Caracas,
1789-1828”, presented at the Maison des langues et des cultures, Université
Stendhal Grenoble 3 (Grenoble, France), February 2009.
Paper: “The Bourbon Monarch’s Most Loyal and Humblest Servants. French
royalist officers in the Hispanic Caribbean in times of revolution, 1790-1795”,
presented at the annual conference of the American Historical Association,
CLAH-AHA, held at the Sheraton Hotel, in New York (NY, United States), January
2007 Paper: “Beyond the 'Haitian Fear'”. Presented at the conference: Atlantic
Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760-1868, held at the University of Leeds
(Leeds, Great Britain), December 2007.
Paper: “My friends Brissot, Raynal and Wilberforce: Francisco de Miranda's
position towards slavery in his emancipation projects for Spanish America,
1788-1811.” Presented at the conference: Abolitions, 1807-2007. Ending the
Slave Trade in the Atlantic World held at the King's Manor (University of York,
Great Britain), May 2007.
2006 Paper: “Between Resistance and Republicanism.” Presented at the conference
of the Society of Caribbean Studies at the National Archives (Kew Gardens, York,
Great Britain), June 2006.
Paper: “Les pardos vénézuéliens face à la question de l’égalité sociopolitique,
1795-1814.” Presented in the workshop Colloque étudients, organized by Jean
Hébrard and Myriam Cottias at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
(Paris, France), February 2006.
2005 Paper: “The Pardo Question: Political and ideological struggle on Free Coloreds
equality during the Revolution of Caracas, 1810-1812.” Presented in the
workshop: Atlantic History Workshop. The Age of Revolution in the Atlantic
World at Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, United States), May 2005,
Paper: “Les élites mulâtres haïtiennes et les ‘pardos beneméritos’
vénézuéliens, et leur aspiration à l’égalité, 1789-1812.” presented in the
seminar Déuxième Seminaire d’Histoire des sensibilités, at the École des Hautes
Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France), March, 2005,
[] (in Spanish)

2004 Paper: “Del ‘affaire’ de los mulatos, al asunto de los pardos.” Presented at the
seminar: Las Revoluciones en el Mundo Atlántico: una perspectiva comparada in
the Universidad Externado de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia), October 2004.
Paper: “Haïti : entre la peur et le besoin.” Presented in the coloque La
Révolution haïtienne au delà de ses frontières at the École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales (Paris, France), June 2004.
Paper: “The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Coast of Caracas.”
Presented in the congress Re-interpreting the Haitian Revolution and its cultural
aftershocks’ at the University of the West Indies (St. Augustine, Trinidad and
Tobago), June 2004.

2010 Seminar paper: "De l’ « erreur de Descartes » aux « horreurs » de Saint-
Domingue : Curaçao, Jamaïque et Venezuela, 1795-1812", presented at the
seminar of the research center MASCIPO, at the EHESS (Paris, France), April
2009 Seminar paper: "La révolution d'Haïti et le statut politique des Libres de
Couleur dans le Monde Atlantique en temps des révolutions, 1787-1815",
presented at the seminar L'espace atlantique : une approche transnationale -
histoire des relations internationales : en deçà et au-delà de l'Etat. Centre de
recherches en histoire international et atlantique (CRHIA), Université de Nantes
(Nantes, France), December 2009.
Seminar paper: "In pursue of the Haitian Fear, 1791-1886", presented at a
graduate seminar at the Università degli studi di Torino (Torino, Italia), March
2008 Seminar paper: "Un argument fort convaincant: références et usages de la
révolution à St. Domingue dans le Monde Atlantique, 1791-1880", presented
at the graduate seminar Histoire et anthropologie des Sensibilités, held at the
Institut des Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine (Paris, France), in November
2005 Lectured session: "Entre résistance, piraterie et républicanisme", presented at
a course of Capes d'histoire, University of Marne-la-Vallé (Champs-sur-Marne,
France), November 2005.
2004 Book Talk: "Fidelidad bajo el viento", presented at the School of History,
Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela), October 2004.

2007 Manuel Hernández González, Francisco de Miranda y su ruptura con España, Las
Palmas, Ediciones Ideas, 2006, 213 p.”, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.7.
Paris: CERMA (France).
Jacques de Cauna (ed.), Toussaint Louverture et l’indépendance d’Haïti, Paris,
Karthala/SFHOM, 2004, 296 p., Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.7. Paris:
CERMA (France).

2006 Matthew Brown, Martín Alonso Roa (comp.), Militares extranjeros en la
independencia de Colombia. Nuevas Perspectivas, Bogotá, Museo Nacional de
Colombia, 2005, 311 p., Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.6. Paris: CERMA
Domingo Irwin, Luís Alberto Buttó y Frédérique Langue, Control Civil y
Pretorianismo en Venezuela, Caracas, UPEL-Universidad Católica Andrés Bello,
2006, 228 p., Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.6. Paris: CERMA (France).
María Dolores González-Ripoll, et al., El rumor de Haití en Cuba: Temor, Raza y
Rebeldía, 1789-1844, Madrid, CSIC, Col. Tierra Nueva e Cielo Nuevo, No.50,
2004, 444 p., Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.6. Paris: CERMA (France).
Álvarez Cuartero, Izaskún; Sánchez Gómez, Julio (Eds.), Visiones y revisiones de
la independencia americana (Mexico, Centroamérica y Haití). Salamanca:
Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca; Aquilafuente, 84, 2005., Nuevo
Mundo-Mundos Nuevos, No.6. Paris: CERMA (France).

2010-2011 Temporary Assistant Profesor (A.T.E.R.) for teaching different undergraduate
courses on Contemporary and Colonial Latin American History
(directed/lectured sessions, and administered grades) at the department of
Latin American and Iberian Studies (E.I.L.A.), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris
2009-2010 Temporary Assistant Profesor (A.T.E.R.) for teaching different undergraduate
courses on Methodology of Research and Spanish Language (directed/lectured
sessions, and administered grades) at the department of Latin American and
Iberian Studies (E.I.L.A.), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III.
2006-2007 Taught Undergraduate Course, as part of the program ‘L’invention de la liberté
dans l’Amérique espagnole. Un essai d’histoire croisée’ (Structured syllabus,
directed/lectured sessions, and administered grades), TD in the LH13 teaching
unit at the University of Paris-Est / Marne-la-Vallée (Champs-sur-Marne,
France), Oct. 2006-Mar. 2007.
2003 Taught Undergraduate Course, ‘El Caribe en Tierra Firme’ (Structured syllabus
lectured the sessions, and administered grades) at the School of History School,
Universidad Central de Venezuela. Jan.-June 2003.
2002 Teaching Assistant to professor Ramón Aizpurua in his course ‘Problemas de
historia caribeña’ (Led discussions and lectured some sessions) at the School of
History School, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Sept.-Dec.2002


atlantique en révolution. Une perspective transnationale (1763-1898), along
with Dr. Clément Thibaud and Dr. Federica Morelli. This workshop is organized
with the support of the research centre, MASCIPO (Mondes Américains,
Sociétés, Circulations, Pouvoirs, XVème - XXIème siècle). Held at the
amphitheater of the EHESS (Paris, France) in June 2010. (Program)

Nuevos: Une décennie américaniste en ligne, coordinated by Dr. Frédérique
Langue. This workshop is organized with the support of the research centre,
MASCIPO (Mondes Américains, Sociétés, Circulations, Pouvoirs, XVème - XXIème
siècle). Held at La Maison d’Espagne (Paris, France) in March 2010.
comunicación. México en las redes de información atlánticas, 1810-1821,
coordinated by Dr. Johanna von Grafenstein (Instituto Mora, Mexico), funded by
Morelli, published in the e-journal, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos-Nuevos,
Morelli, published in the e-journal, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos-Nuevos,
2005- MEMBER OF THE REDACTION COMITEE of the e-journal, Nuevo Mundo-Mundos
Nuevos, [].
ASSOCIATED MEMBER to the Centre de Recherches sur les Mondes Américains
(CERMA), Paris, France, []
Another way of writing the History of the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe",
coordinated by Dr. Frédérique Langue (CERMA/CNRS, France) and Sandra Jatahy
Pesavento (UFRGS, Brazil).
“Republicanisms in France and Venezuela: transatlantic models and tropisms”.
Scientific agreement between the University Simón Bolívar (Caracas) and the
University of Marne-la-Vallée (Champs-sur-Marne, France).
2002-2004 ADJUCT RESEARCHER at the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas
BOLIVARIUM, Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela).
1992-2001 Different positions and responsibilities at the company Bautemédica, C.A.
(Caracas, Venezuela), dedicated to the importation and distribution of surgical

Native language: Spanish.
Reading, writing and speaking competence in English and French.
Basic reading and basic speaking competence in Italian.

Paris, July 2010

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