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Willem Lammers, 19.03.2010
In this text, the most important concepts in Logosynthesis are described, in their assumed
order of appearance in life. The relationships between the key concepts are illustrated in
diagram 1.

Diagram 1
A human being is also an entity beyond space and time. In religious and spiritual traditions,
this aspect of existence is referred to as Spirit, Immortal Soul or Higher Self. Logosynthesis
uses the term Essence for this aspect because of its neutral character. Essence can manifest
a Self with a body and a mind (i.e. a person) in the Earth Life System, to explore aspects of
existence and/or to fulfil other life tasks.
Earth Life System
The Earth Life System is the three-dimensional environment, shared with other beings, in
which the Self is manifested by Essence. The Earth Life System contains all the experiential
elements to fulfil the life task of the manifested Self.
The Self is the manifestation of Essence in a specific life within the context of the Earth Life
System. For that purpose, the Self is equipped with a physical body, which allows it to move
around in space and to perceive the environment, with a brain to process information
coming in through the senses. Along with the physical body comes a mind, which is able to
direct the body in its exploration of and coping with the environment.

Personal space
An individuals personal space is the part of three-dimensional space in the Earth Life System
that he or she experiences as belonging to him or her. Usually, a persons physical body as
well as their introjects and dissociated states are located in their personal space.
The Self is able to assimilate unknown objects if the information coming from these objects
can be processed, with or without the support of others. Assimilated objects become part of
the persons frame of reference and are represented in her personal space. The person can
react freely to assimilated objects in her personal space, in contrast to the representation of
objects which are introjected.
Events cannot be processed if they go beyond the scope of the persons existing frame of
reference and support fails. In that case, representations of persons and events become
introjects. In Logosynthesis terms, an introject is an energy construct in someones personal
space, which leads to an automated reaction. Introjects contain energy taken from the Self
of the person as well as from the energy of other persons or objects, which has been left in
ones personal space.
If a person cannot assimilate an event because of lack of understanding, skills or support, the
primary physical, emotional and cognitive reactions to the persons and objects in the event
are frozen and split off as dissociated parts: Energy of the Self is separated and surrounds
the introject as a frozen experiencing part. We call this primary dissociation, and we see it in
the re-experiencing dimension of PTSD. Many experiencing parts can together build the
Emotional Personality (EP).
If the person would be in contact with the pain of the experiencing part all the time, she
wouldnt be able to survive and function in the Earth Life System. Therefore, this pain is
repressed from awareness by an avoiding part. Such a part of consciousness allows the
person to adapt to the environment, though with a limited range of functioning. Its
emotions, behaviours and cognitions tend to imitate the introject. This is called secondary
dissociation, and we see it in the avoidance dimension in PTSD. Addictive behaviour is one
manifestation of secondary dissociation. Many avoidant parts can together build the
Apparently Normal Personality (ANP).
Frozen worlds
Each introject is firmly connected to a set of primary and secondary dissociated states.
Together theyre called a frozen world. In Kernbergs (1975) terms we would call this an
object relation. The difference with Kernbergs model is that in Logosynthesis these frozen
worlds are considered as rigid energy patterns, whereas for Kernberg it is an explanatory
concept. In normal life, much of the consciousness of our Essence, our Real Self or Higher
Self, whatever you call it, is covered by such frozen worlds. These determine our reaction
patterns and eventually build our identity.
Activation of Introjects
In normal circumstances, frozen worlds help us to orient ourselves in life: they create
stability in our perception of ourselves in our environment, even though the patterns
activated may annoy us or be boring Oh no, not again! We know how to think, feel and

behave in unknown circumstances, even though these reactions dont lead to learning and
However, when introjects have generated very painful reactions, trauma, fear or grief can be
reactivated by stimuli similar to the original introject. This can be very disturbing, especially
in relation to childhood trauma. Naturally, the person will try to access the avoiding part as
long as possible, but if the stimulus is strong enough, emotional parts will be impacted.
These mechanisms explain much of our daily feelings, thoughts and actions, though if a
person doesnt suffer deeply from them, theres no reason for intervention. Psychotherapy
or Logosynthesis processing is indicated when the person suffers because pain-generating
introjects traumatic memories are activated on a daily basis and normal life as a member
of society is inhibited.
Logosynthesis Treatment
The purpose of Logosynthesis treatment is to process and assimilate the energy and
information patterns contained in a frozen world. This process contains three steps:
1. The person retrieves her own energy invested in the representation of the outside
world (i.e. the other persons and objects in the event), which has helped to create
the introject (her own energy in the face in diagram 1).
2. The person removes the energy of other persons and objects related to the introject,
which has been left in her personal space (the energy of others which helped to build
up the face in diagram 1).
3. The person retrieves her energy bound up in all her reactions to the introject (the red
and the green circles in diagram 1).
This process is initiated by speaking sentences, which are prepared and given by the
psychotherapist on the basis of the information gathered from the client in a preparatory
process. This preparation is similar to other psychotherapy systems: building up a stable
working alliance, gathering information, providing information about treatment and
contracting steps, in which the themes and the steps of the treatment are defined. This
preparation is necessary to bypass the Apparently Normal Personality and create the
security necessary to access the Emotional Personality. Once the person feels supported
within the working alliance, she can start to process the information, which is locked in the
frozen worlds of introjection and dissocation. Before giving the sentences, the characteristics
of the introject and its corresponding dissociated parts must be exactly assessed, to allow for
the perception of changes.
The Sentences
For each frozen world, or aspect of it, a set of three sentences is created. The development
of the sentences for each specific aspect is part of a complex treatment protocol, which is
taught in my Logosynthesis books and seminars.
An example: A person has been slapped in the face by her teacher. She receives the
following sentences and repeats them:
1. I retrieve all of my energy, bound up in the hand of this teacher slapping me in the
face, and take it back to the right place in my Self.

2. I remove all non-me energy, connected to the hand of this teacher slapping me in the
face, from all of my cells, from my body and from my personal space and send it back
to wherever it may belong.
3. I retrieve all of my energy, bound up in all of my reactions to the hand of this teacher
slapping me, and take it back to the right place in my Self
The Logosynthesis Healing Process
These sentences are developed and spoken for each relevant aspect of a complex frozen
world. After saying each sentence, a processing pause follows, in which the sentence
deploys its impact. Clients usually go into a trance-like state for the duration of the
processing and then re-establish contact. This can take up to five or ten minutes, in which
the contact with the person is interrupted. The speaking of the sentences, together with the
processing pause, results in the neutralisation of the treated aspects and the assimilation of
relevant aspects in the frame of reference of the person. The awareness of the Self is
restored and the person becomes able to perceive her environment in the Earth Life System
without the former, rigid distortion by memories or fantasies. In the example, the frozen
world becomes a neutral childhood memory, which loses its capacity to trigger pain and
fear. The person is now able to perceive herself and her teacher while better understanding
the context of in the situation.
Logosynthesis Mechanism of Action
The complete resolution or neutralisation of traumatic memories with the accompanying
cognitive restructuring is an amazing experience for neophytes in Logosynthesis, for clients
as well as for psychotherapists. According to Logosynthesis fourth basic assumption, words
have a power to focus creative intention as a manifestation of Spirit, Essence or the Higher
Self. William Braud (1992) refers to this process as follows:
The most effective form of intentionality appears to be one that is goal-oriented, yet
not excessive effortful or egocentric. Excessive striving seems to produce additional
distractions or noise that interferes with goal accomplishment. The effectiveness of
this form of intentionality points to the reality of a truly teleonomic, goal-directed
process in Nature that complements the more familiar process-oriented, causal
The assumed causal principle behind Logosynthesis is a direct impact of Essence Spirit on
mind and matter: creative intention focused by words. As a result of this impact, physical,
emotional and cognitive states change. Information from the current physical and social
environment can be processed more adequately.
The direct activation of this teleonomic, goal-directed process is the significant difference
between Logosynthesis and the established forms of guided change in psychotherapy,
energy Psychology and EMDR. After the resolution or assimilation of introjects and the
integration of dissociated parts the full energy and consciousness of the Self are available for
the fulfilment of the Selfs life task. This is illustrated in diagram 2. The energy, information
and consciousness of the Self can be used to serve the persons own life purpose or the
purpose of others.

Diagram 2
Logosynthesis as a Practice
Because our life as human beings is continually filled with events and experiences that
cannot be processed once and for all, few people experience the above state for longer than
a few seconds, minutes, hours or days. That means that there will always be more to
process, even after the most painful experiences in life have been worked through. In the
continued application of Logosynthesis, the issues worked with shift from healing trauma,
fear and grief to annoying and irritating daily events. Once working with the latter has
become a habit, Logosynthesis can become a lifelong practice for spiritual growth and

William G. Braud (1992). The Influence of Consciousness in the Physical World: A Psychologist's View. Accessed March 19, 2010.
Kernberg, J. (1975). Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism. New York: Jason Aronson.
Lammers, W. (2008). Logosynthesis Change through the Magic of Words. Maienfeld: ias.
Lammers, W. (2009). Phrases to Freedom.

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