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Student name: _________________________________________________ Roll number: _______

Date: __________________________________________________ Group:_______

Going to is not a tense. It is a special expression to talk about the future.

Use of Going to

 To express plans and intentions.

We use going to when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before speaking. Look at these examples:

 Jo has won the lottery. He says he's going to buy a Porsche.

 We're not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow.
 When are you going to go on holiday?

In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The decision was made before speaking.
 To make predictions.

We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on present evidence. We are saying what we think will happen. Here
are some examples:

 The sky is very black. It's going to snow.

 It's 8.30! You're going to miss the train!
 I crashed the company car. My boss isn't going to be very happy!

In these examples, the present situation (black sky, the time, damaged car) gives us a good idea of what is going to happen.
Some future time expressions
In a few minutes, In a few days, Shortly / Soon, By six o´clock, Today, Tonight, Tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, Next week, Next weekend/ month / year, This
morning / afternoon/ evening….
Structure of Going to

subject be (not) Going infinitive

+ I am Going to buy a new car.

+ I'm Going to go swimming.

- He is not Going to take the exam.

- It isn't Going to rain.

? Are you Going to paint the house?

EXERCISE 1 These people are making some plans. Look at the pictures and say what they are going to do.

1. This summer he___________________________ the mountains.


2. Next week __________________________________________


3. After lunch __________________________________________


4. In July _____________________________________________

5. The next Sunday _____________________________________


6. Tomorrow __________________________________________

7. The next Saturday ___________________________________


8. The next month______________________________________

EXERCISE 2 Cut the sentences below and then pastes in each flashcard.

He´s going to give his mother flowers. He´s going to drink a glass of wine.
He´s going to open a door. She´s going to write a story.
She´s going to cut her hair. He´s going to catch a bus.
She´s going to kiss him. She´s going to have breakfast.
He´s going to put Money in his piggy bank. She´s going to give someone a gift.
Rúbrica para evaluar Future “be going to” Worksheet

Materia: Inglés IV Semestre: Segundo Ciclo Escolar: 2009-2010

Nombre de la Unidad temática: “Future Plans” Grado: 2°. Grupo: __________
Nombre del Alumno: _________________________________________________________________
Valor 10%
 Se aborda la gramática del futuro idiomático “be going
 Distingue expresiones con el uso de los diferentes verbos.
to” para su uso.
 Diseña diálogos.
 Se expresan acciones que se realizarán en un futuro.
 Uso de las TIC’S.

Indicadores Criterios / Nivel de desempeño

3 2 1
Muestra claramente haber comprendido el Futuro “be
Muestra haber comprendido el Futuro “be going to”en su Muestra que no ha comprendido el Futuro “be
Dominio del tema going to” en su estructura afirmativa, negativa e
estructura afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, en un 80% going to”en su totalidad.

No aporta ideas en la elaboración y resolución

Aporta siempre ideas en la elaboración y resolución de la Aporta ocasionalmente ideas en la elaboración y resolución de
Participación de la Worksheet participando ocasionalmente con
Worksheet participando activamente con sus compañeros la Worksheet participando poco con sus compañeros
sus compañeros

Reallizaciòn de la
Realizó la worksheet al 100%. Realizó la worksheet al 80%. Realizó la worksheet al 30%.

Realizó los ejercicios de la al

Resoluciòn de Realizó los ejercicios de la al 100% en su Realizó los ejercicios de la al 80% en su
30% en su forma afirmativa, negativa e
ejercicios en linea forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Realiza ejemplos cotidianos con sus compañeros siempre Evita realizar ejemplos cotidianos con sus
Realiza ejemplos cotidianos con sus compañeros siempre que
Trabajo colaborativo que se explica cada uno de los temas con una actitud compañeros siempre que se explica cada uno de
se explica cada uno de los temas.
positiva y colaborativa. los temas.

Presenta el trabajo en orden sin borrones e iluminado, que Presenta el trabajo en desorden con borrones e
Limpieza y orden Presenta el trabajo en orden con borrones e iluminado.
a la vista sea atractivo iluminado.

Puntaje total

Nombre y firma del evaluador: Antoniel Zaragoza Santos.

Fecha de evaluación___________________________________________

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