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thank you for calling manubay financial services where your time

and your business is our top priority my name is mark.. how can i
help you today..
thank you for calling manubay financial services where your time
and your business is our top priority my name is mark.. how can i
help you today..
thank you for calling manubay financial services where your time
and your business is our top priority my name is mark.. how can i
help you today..



Wow, thats good to know. Lets just see if you can now get online,
before we hang up. Can you try one or two more websites?
(NAME), you are a miracle worker! Thank you so much! It got me
now on my homepage and email!
No, you did a great job; I was just giving you the steps! You did
great today! But do you have any more questions or other concerns?
I feel so stupid for calling you about this. But I surely appreciate
your time and patience!
You are welcome. We are open 24 by 7 just in case that youll need
our help again.
Okay, Thanks for that. Where youre main office and what is your
phone number?
You can visit us on our main branch at 214 South Haugh AVE
Picayune Mississippi 39466 and you can contact us at
+15042721116. And you can email us in WWW.
Okay, got it, thanks!
Its our pleasure to help you, and, again, my name is (name); we do
value your business and thank you for choosing (COMPANY
NAME). Have a blessed day!


White Hat Hackers: These are the good guys, computer security experts who
specialize in penetration testing and other methodologies to ensure that a companys
information systems are secure.
These IT security professionals rely on a constantly evolving arsenal of technology to
battle hackers.
Black Hat Hackers: These are the bad guys, who are typically referred to as just plain
hackers. The term is often used specifically for hackers who break into networks or
computers, or create computer viruses.

Black hat hackers continue to technologically outpace white hats. They often manage to
find the path of least resistance, whether due to human error or laziness, or with a new
type of attack.
Hacking purists often use the term crackers to refer to black hat hackers. Black hats
motivation is generally to get paid.
Script Kiddies: This is a derogatory term for black hat hackers who use borrowed
programs to attack networks and deface websites in an attempt to make names for
Hacktivists: Some hacker activists are motivated by politics or religion, while others
may wish to expose wrongdoing, or exact revenge, or simply harass their target for their
own entertainment.
State Sponsored Hackers: Governments around the globe realize that it serves their
military objectives to be well positioned online. The saying used to be, He who controls
the seas controls the world, and then it was, He who controls the air controls the
Now its all about controlling cyberspace. State sponsored hackers have limitless time
and funding to target civilians, corporations, and governments.
Spy Hackers: Corporations hire hackers to infiltrate the competition and steal trade
secrets. They may hack in from the outside or gain employment in order to act as a
mole. Spy hackers may use similar tactics as hacktivists, but their only agenda is to
serve their clients goals and get paid.
Cyber Terrorists: These hackers, generally motivated by religious or political beliefs,
attempt to create fear and chaos by disrupting critical infrastructures.
Cyber terrorists are by far the most dangerous, with a wide range of skills and goals.
Cyber Terrorists ultimate motivation is to spread fear, terror and commit murder.

Types of computer crimes

1.Hacking: The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an

unauthorized access is known as hacking. The act of defeating the security
capabilities of a computer system in order to obtain an illegal access to the
information stored on the computer system is called hacking. The
unauthorized revelation of passwords with intent to gain an unauthorized
access to the private communication of an organization of a user is one of
the widely known computer crimes. Another highly dangerous computer
crime is the hacking of IP addresses in order to transact with a false
identity, thus remaining anonymous while carrying out the criminal
2.Phishing: Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire sensitive
information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising
as a trustworthy source. Phishing is carried out through emails or by luring
the users to enter personal information through fake websites. Criminals
often use websites that have a look and feel of some popular website,
which makes the users feel safe to enter their details there.
3.Computer Viruses: Computer viruses are computer programs that can
replicate themselves and harm the computer systems on a network without
the knowledge of the system users. Viruses spread to other computers
through network file system, through the network, Internet or by the means
of removable devices like USB drives and CDs. Computer viruses are after
all, forms of malicious codes written with an aim to harm a computer
system and destroy information. Writing computer viruses is a criminal
activity as virus infections can crash computer systems, thereby destroying
4.Cyberstalking: The use of communication technology, mainly the Internet,
to torture other individuals is known as cyberstalking. False accusations,
transmission of threats and damage to data and equipment fall under the
class of cyberstalking activities. Cyberstalkers often target the users by
means of chat rooms, online forums and social networking websites to
gather user information and harass the users on the basis of the
information gathered. Obscene emails, abusive phone calls and other such

serious effects of cyberstalking have made it a type of computer crime.

5.Identity Theft: This is one of the most serious frauds as it involves
stealing money and obtaining other benefits through the use of a false
identity. It is the act of pretending to be someone else by using someone
else's identity as one's own. Financial identity theft involves the use of a
false identity to obtain goods and services and a commercial identity theft is
the using of someone else's business name or credit card details for
commercial purposes. Identity cloning is the use of another user's
information to pose as a false user. Illegal migration, terrorism and
blackmail are often made possible by means of identity theft.

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