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Based on Maple kernel, symbolic Math Toolbox performs calculation symbolically in Matlab
environment. The following examples introduce some basic operations available in Basic
Symbolic Math toolbox version 2.1.3.
Example 1: Simplifying an expression.

- In Matlab command window, we will first need to define alpha as a symbolic expression.
>> alpha = sym('alpha')
alternately, you may also enter:
>> syms alpha
The commands "sym" and "syms" are Matlab's reserved words. When "syms" is used by itself at
the command prompt, all defined symbolic values will be listed.
- Next, we will enter the expression of z.
>> z = sin(alpha)^2 + cos(alpha)^2;
Note that ";" is used to suppress echo.
>> simplify(z)
Matlab will yield "1", as expected:
ans =
You may also specify the format of the output in symbolic calculation by adding the option as
shown in the example below.
>> syms rho
>> rho=0.25
>> sym(rho,'r')
Matlab returns:

ans =
'r' stands for rational form. Similarly, you may use 'e', 'd' format. Please refer to Matlab's help
files or click here for more info on format.

Example 2: Derivative.
We wish to take the derivative of function f(x):
Matlab command entries:
>> syms x
>> f=x^3-cos(x);
>> g=diff(f)
Matlab returns:
Note that the command "diff" was used to obtain the derivative of function f.
Since function f has only one independent variable, the diff command performed the calculation
based on x. If there are more than one independent variable in a function, you should include the
"intended" variable in the following format:
diff(f, x)
where x is the "intended" variable. For example,
We wish to obtain the derivative of the following function

Matlab command entries:

>> syms x y
>> f=x^2+(y+5)^3;
>> diff(f,y)
Matlab returns:
ans =
Note that in this case, the command diff(f,y) is equivalent to

Example 3: Integral
To integrate function f(x,y) as shown in Example 2, we will use the command "int" as shown
>> int(f,x)
Matlab returns:
ans =
The syntax of the integral command can be viewed by typing >> help int in Matlab command
If we wish to perform the following definite integral:

Matlab command entry:

>> int(f,y,0,10)
Matlab returns:

ans =

Example 4: Finding roots.

Consider the following polynomial:

Suppose we wish to find the roots of this polynomial. In Matlab Command window:
>> syms x
>> f=2*x^2 + 4*x -8;
>> solve(f,x)
Matlab returns:
ans =
Alternately, you may use the following lines in Matlab to perform the same calculation:
>> f=[2 4 -8];
>> roots(f)
Matlab returns:
ans =
Note that the results from both approaches are the same.

Example 5: Matrix Symbolic Calculation

This example demonstrates how Matlab handles matrix calculation symbolically.
First we need to define the symbolic variables:

>> syms a b c d e f g h
Matrix A is then defined as:
>> A=[a b; c d]
Matlab's echo:
[ a, b]
[ c, d]
Next, matrix B is defined as:
>> B=[e f;g h]
Matlab's echo:
[ e, f]
[ g, h]
The addition of these two matrices yields:
>> C=A+B
[ a+e, b+f]
[ c+g, d+h]
and the product of A and B is:
>> D=A*B
[ a*e+b*g, a*f+b*h]
[ c*e+d*g, c*f+d*h]
If we wish to evaluate a specific matrix numerically, we simply assign the numeric values to the
appropriate variable then use the command eval as demonstrate below.
>> a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4;e=5;f=6;e=7;f=8;g=9;h=0;

>> eval(A)
ans =
>> eval(B)
ans =
>> eval(C)
ans =
8 10
12 4
The inverse of A can be expressed symbolically:
>> D=inv(A)
[ d/(a*d-b*c), -b/(a*d-b*c)]
[ -c/(a*d-b*c), a/(a*d-b*c)]
Numerically, D is expressed by
>> Dn=eval(inv(A))
Dn =
-2.0000 1.0000
1.5000 -0.5000
As a verification, we may evaluate D directly:
>> De=eval(D)
De =

-2.0000 1.0000
1.5000 -0.5000
You may also try
>> Df=inv(eval(A))
to verify if you get the same result.

T. Nguyen MMIII, MMIV, MMV. All rights reserved. Users may not
download and print extracts of content from this website without written
permission from the author. Republication or redistribution of the content in
this site, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited
without the prior written consent of the author.

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