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A antioxidants, flavour enhancers, stabilisers,

emulsifiers, preservatives and food colouring.
Abiotic Factors (Faktor Abiosis/Faktor Abiotik)
The abiotic factors of an ecosystem are the non- Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Adenosine trifosfat)
living or physical components which affect the A molecule composed of the sugar ribose, the base
organisms in the ecosystem. Examples are water, adenine, and three phosphate groups. ATP is the
temperature, light intensity, wind and rainfall. major energy carrier in cells.

Absorption (Penyerapan) Adipose tissue (Tisu adipos)

The movement of water or dissolved substances Tissue composed of fat cells found beneath the
into a cell. For example, absorption of digested skin. It may act as an insulator.
food takes place in the small intestine (ileum). The
Adrenal cortex (Korteks adrenal)
small molecules of glucose and amino acids diffuse
The outer part of the adrenal gland which secretes
through the wall of the gut into the bloodstream.
steroid hormones such as aldosterone.
Acetylcholine (Asetilkolin)
Adrenal gland (Kelenjar adrenal)
A neurotransmitter released at nerve endings of
A mammalian endocrine gland located on the top of
neurones (nerve cells). It enables transmission of
each kidney. The adrenal gland secretes hormones
nerve impulses across the synaptic gap.
that regulate salt reabsorption in the kidneys and
respond to stress (emergency) situations.
AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(Sindrom kurang daya tahan) Adrenaline (Adrenalin)
A serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system A hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in
transmitted through contaminated blood and response to emergencies. It increases breathing
blood products or by unprotected sexual contact. It rate, heart rate, blood flow to the brain and
is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus muscles, and stimulates conversion of glycogen
(HIV) which attacks the immune system. into glucose. More glucose can then be oxidised
for additional energy.
Active transport (Pengangkutan aktif) Adrenal medulla (Medula adrenal)
The energy requiring movement of substances into The inner part of the adrenal gland which secretes
or out of cells against a concentration gradient, the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline.
that is, from a region of lower concentration to a
region of higher concentration. Examples are: Adventitious root (Akar adventitius)
(a) The reabsorption of glucose and amino acids A secondary root growing from the stem or
from the glomerular filtrate in the kidneys. leaves.
(b) The absorption of minerals by the root hairs of Aerenchyma (Aerenkima)
plants. Parenchyma tissue with air spaces found in the
stems of some plants.
Adaptation (Adaptasi, Penyesuaian) Aerobe (Aerob)
A change in the characteristics of an organism that An organism that needs oxygen to release energy
enable it to survive and reproduce in a particular from food.
Aerobic respiration (Respirasi aerob)
Pathway by which glucose is completely oxidised
Additive (Bahan tambah)
by oxygen to release energy, carbon dioxide and
Additives such as food additives are substances
added to food to enhance flavour, preserve it or
improve how it looks. Additives are divided into Aerofoil (Aerofoil)
two groups, natural and man-made. Man-made The unique shape of a bird’s wings that produces
additives are classified into six types, namely, lift when the wings flap.
Agglutination (Penggumpalan) B
The clumping of foreign substances or
microorganisms by antibodies. Balanced diet (Gizi seimbang)
A balanced diet contains all the essential nutrients
Agranulocyte (Agranulosit) (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins,
White blood cells with a non-granular cytoplasm. fibre and water) in correct proportion to meet the
The nucleus can be either bean-shaped or requirements of the body.
spherical in shape. For example, lymphocytes and
monocytes. Basophils (Basofil)
A type of white blood cell that releases heparin to
Allele (Alel) prevent intravascular blood clot formation. They
An alternative form of a gene for a particular are involved in certain allergic reactions.
Benedict’s test (Ujian Benedict)
Anaerobe (Anaerob) A biochemical test to determine the presence of
An organism that is able to release energy from a reducing sugar, for example, glucose. Benedict’s
food in the absence of oxygen. reagent (a blue solution containing copper
Antibody (Antibodi) sulphate) forms a green, yellow, orange or brick
A specific protein molecule produced by red precipitate in the presence of a reducing sugar.
lymphocytes as a response to the entry of antigen
Bile (Hempedu)
into the body.
A greenish-yellow liquid secretion that is produced
Antigen (Antigen) by the liver and stored in the gall bladder for
A foreign substance that stimulates the production release into the small intestine during digestion.
of specific antibodies by lymphocytes; usually a It is a complex mixture of bile salts (that emulsify
protein, carbohydrate or glycoprotein. fats), bile pigments, water and cholesterol.
Appendicular skeleton (Rangka apendaj) Biotic factors (Faktor Biosis / Faktor Biotik)
The skeleton that is made up of the bones of the The living organisms found within an ecosystem.
limbs as well as the pectoral and pelvic girdles. These include producers, consumers and
Artery (Arteri) decomposers.
A vessel that carries blood away from the heart to
Blastocyst (Blastosista)
organs throughout the body.
A hollow sphere of cells developing from the
Atherosclerosis (Aterosklerosis) morula; the stage of implantation in the uterine
Progressive build up of plaques that cause wall.
narrowing of arteries and obstruction of blood
flow. C
Atrium (Atrium) Caecum (Sekum)
An upper chamber of the heart that receives blood Dilated pouch at the junction of the small and
from the veins and forces the blood by muscular large intestines, terminating in the appendix. It
contraction into the ventricles. has no known function in humans. In herbivorous
Autosome (Autosom) animals like rabbits and cows, the caecum is quite
Any of the chromosomes in a cell other than the sex long and contains cellulose-digesting bacteria.
chromosomes (that is, not the X or Y chromosome
Capillarity (Kekapilarian)
in humans).
The action that causes water to rise in a narrow
Autotroph (Autotrof) vessel. This is caused by cohesion between water
Producer. An organism able to synthesise it’s own molecules and adhesion between water molecules
food from inorganic compounds. and walls of vessels.
Capillary (Kapilari) Collenchyma (Kolenkima)
The smallest blood vessel with a wall only one Plant cells with thick cellulose walls; normally
cell thick; allows exchange of substances between found beneath the epidermis.
blood and interstitial fluid.
Continuous variation (Variasi selanjar)
Cardiac muscle (Otot kardium) The continuous range of differences that can be
A type of muscle found in the heart. It is myogenic. observed in a certain characteristic of a species;
Contractions are produced spontaneously, without such characteristics are controlled by a large
nervous stimulation. number of genes.

Cardiovascular system (Sistem Kardiovaskular) Crossing over (Pindah silang)

The system consisting of the heart, blood and The process of exchanging genetic material between
blood vessels. two non-sister chromatids of a pair of homologous
chromosomes during Prophase I of meiosis.
Carnivore (Karnivor)
An animal that feeds on other animals; a secondary
consumer. D
Carotid body (Jasad karotid) Denitrification (Pendenitritan)
Tissue mass in the wall of the carotid artery The action of certain soil bacteria in changing
containing receptors that are sensitive to the (reducing) nitrates into simpler compounds, such
carbon dioxide and pH level in the blood, and to as nitrites, ammonia, and eventually to nitrogen
low oxygen concentrations in the blood. gas.
Cartilage (Rawan) Depressant (Depresen)
Non-elastic tissue found at the ends of bones with Drug that slows downs the activity of the central
movable joints; functions to protect bones from nervous system. Examples are alcohol and
wear and tear. barbiturates.
Cell sap (Sap sel) Diaphragm (Diafragma)
A fluid in the vacuole of plant cells that consists of 1. In the respiratory system, a muscular
a high percentage of water and sugars, as well as membrane forming the floor of the chest
some mineral salts. cavity that, when contracted, pulls downwards,
enlarging the chest cavity and causing air to be
Characteristic (Ciri) drawn into the lungs.
A distinctive, inherited feature of an organism. 2. A birth control device that is placed over the
Chromatin (Kromatin) neck of the cervix to prevent sperm from
A substance consisting of DNA and proteins found entering the uterus, thereby preventing
in the nucleus during interphase. pregnancy.

Chromosomal mutation (Mutasi kromosom) Dicot (Dikot)

A change in the structure of chromosomes or Short for dicotyledonous. A type of flowering plant
number of chromosomes. characterised by seeds with two cotyledons or seed
leaves, modified for food storage.
Chromosome (Kromosom)
A long, threadlike structure made up of DNA and Discontinuous variation (Variasi tak selanjar)
proteins; located in the nucleus. Clearly defined differences in a characteristic in
individuals of a species; it is qualitative (a feature
Closed circulatory system (Sistem peredaran is either present or absent) and is controlled by a
tertutup) single gene with two or more alleles.
A type of circulatory system in which the blood is
always confined within the heart and vessels. DNA (DNA)
Deoxyribonucleic acid, consisting of two deoxyri-
Coccyx (Koksiks) bonucleotide strands coiled to form a double
The small vertebral bones found at the end of the helix.
vertebral column; forms the tail of animals.
Dominant allele (Alel dominan)
Collagen (Kolagen) An allele that produces the phenotypic charac-
Fibers found in the matrix of connective tissues teristic both in the homozygous and heterozygous
such as the skin, bones and cartilage. condition.
Double fertilisation (Persenyawaan ganda dua) Erythrocyte (Eritrosit)
The process of fertilisation seen only in flowering Red blood cell.
plants (Angiosperms); involves the fusion of a male
Exhalation (Hembus nafas)
gamete with an egg cell and another male gamete
In mammals, it is the act of releasing air from the
with two polar nuclei in the embryo sac.
Down’s syndrome (Sindrom Down)
A genetic disease caused by the presence of an F
extra chromosome 21.
Dry mass (Berat kering) F1 (F1)
The mass or weight of an organism after the water Short form for first filial generation. The offspring
content has been eliminated. that results when plants or animals from the parent
generation breed.
F2 (F2)
E Short form for second filial generation. The
offspring that is produced when F1 individuals are
Ecology (Ekologi) crossed or mated with each other.
The branch of biology which studies interactions Facilitated diffusion (Resapan berbantu)
among organisms as well as the interactions The movement of molecules across a membrane,
between organisms and their environment. assisted by specific proteins embedded in the
Ecosystem (Ekosistem) membrane. It does not require energy.
All the organisms and their physical environment Fermentation (Penapaian)
within a defined area. A form of anaerobic respiration that when
undertaken by yeasts and plants, produces energy,
Ectoparasite (Ektoparasit)
ethanol and carbon dioxide. When undertaken in
A parasite that lives on the outside of the host, for
muscles, fermentation produces lactic acid and
example, fleas.
Effector (Efektor) Fertilisation (Persenyawaan)
A cell or organ such as muscles and glands that The process of fusion of a male gamete and a female
produces a physiological response. gamete to form a zygote.
Embryo sac (Pundi embrio) Fibrinogen (Fibrinogen)
A structure in the ovule of the flower that contains A plasma protein that is converted into insoluble
eight haploid nuclei. fibrin during blood clotting.
Embryo (Embrio) Foetus (Fetus)
The early stage of the development of a zygote in The later stages of mammalian embryonic
a multicellular organism. development when the developing animal has
recognisable adult features.
Endocrine system (Sistem endokrin)
The system of endocrine glands secreting hormones Food chain (Rantai makanan)
directly into the blood. A linear feeding relationship in a community which
shows the transfer of food energy from organism
Endoparasite (Endoparasit) to organism. A food chain starts with a producer
A parasite that lives within its host, for example, (usually a green plant), and arrows are used to show
tapeworms. the direction in which energy and nutrients flow.
Endosperm (Endosperma) Fresh mass (Berat basah)
Storage tissues with triploid nuclei found in seeds The weight of a living organism.
and formed by the fusion of a male gamete with
two polar nuclei in the ovule.
Enzyme (Enzim)
Biological catalyst. A protein molecule that speeds Gamete (Gamet)
up the rate of specific biological reactions. A reproductive cell that is haploid.
Ganglion (pl. ganglia) (Ganglion) H
A cluster of the cell bodies of neurones.
Haemoglobin (Hemoglobin)
Gastric juice (Jus gaster) Respiratory pigment containing protein and iron,
A mixture of chemicals secreted by glands in located in red blood cells.
the walls of the stomach to help digest food. It
contains: Haemophilia (Hemofilia)
(a) the enzyme pepsin which breaks down A hereditary, sex-linked disease caused by
proteins into polypeptides deficiency of clotting factors; causes the blood to
(b) the enzyme rennin which curdles milk clot very slowly.
(c) hydrochloric acid which kills most of the
Heart (Jantung)
bacteria present in food
The muscular organ that pumps blood through the
(d) mucus which coats the walls of the stomach to
circulatory system.
prevent it from being digested
Heart attack (Serangan jantung)
Gene mutation (Mutasi gen)
A severe reduction or blockage of blood flow
A sudden random change in the sequence of
through a coronary artery, thus cutting off the
nucleotides in a particular gene.
blood supply to heart muscles resulting in death
Gene (Gen) of tissues.
A basic unit of inheritance which consists of a
Herbivore (Herbivor)
specific sequence of nucleotides in the DNA of
Plant-eating animal. An organism that feeds
chromosomes. It determines the characteristic of
directly and exclusively on vegetation; a primary
an organism.
Generative nucleus (Nukleus penjana)
Heterotroph (Heterotrof)
The nucleus in pollen that divides to become two
An organism which is unable to make its own
male gametes.
food, and thus depends on other organisms as a
Genotype (Genotip) source of food.
The genetic composition of an organism that
Heterozygote (Heterozigot)
determines its characteristics.
An organism or cell having two different alleles of
Genus (Genus) a gene for a particular inherited characteristic.
Taxonomic group containing related species.
Homeostasis (Homeostasis)
Germination (Percambahan) The maintenance of the physical and chemical
The initial stage of growth and development of a composition of the internal environment at a
seed, spore or pollen grain. constant level.
Glomerulus (Glomerulus) Hormone (Hormon)
A dense network of thin-walled capillaries, located A chemical substance secreted by endocrine glands
within Bowman’s capsule of each nephron of the into the blood and transported to target cells or
kidney, where blood pressure forces water and organs where it induces a specific physiological
dissolved nutrients through capillary walls for response.
filtration by the nephron.
Host (Perumah)
Graafian follicle (Folikel Graaf) The organism on or in which a parasite or another
A mature follicle in the ovary of a mammal that species lives.
contains the secondary oocyte; secretes the
Hybrid (Hibrid)
hormone oestrogen.
An organism that is the offspring of parents
Granulocyte (Granulosit) differing in at least one genetically determined
A white blood cell that has granular cytoplasm and characteristic. Also used to refer to the offspring of
a lobed nucleus. parents of different species.
Hydrostatic skeleton (Rangka hidrostatik) Knee jerk (Pantulan lutut)
A type of support system that uses fluid contained A reflex action when a tendon under the knee cap
in body compartments to provide support and mass is tapped. It involves only two neurones, an afferent
against which muscles can contract. For example, neurone and an efferent neurone. The reflex will
the earthworm has a hydrostatic skeleton. cause the quadriceps muscle to contract and bring
the lower leg forward.
Hydrotropism (Hidrotropisme)
The growth of plant roots towards water or Kwashiorkor (Kwasyiorkor)
moisture. A protein-deficiency disease, usually occurring in
children raised in tropical countries. The symptoms
are a distended stomach (potbelly), changes in skin
I pigmentation and diarrhoea.
Immune system (Sistem keimunan)
A system in vertebrates for the destruction of
disease-causing microorganisms. It consists of L
white blood cells such as lymphocytes, and plasma Lacteal (Lakteal)
cells and their products. A blind-ended, single, lymph capillary in each
Immunity (Keimunan) villus of the small intestine.
The ability of the body to defend itself against Law of independent assortment (Hukum pengatu-
infection caused by pathogens or the harmful ran bebas)
effects of their toxins. During gamete formation, each member of a
Implantation (Penempelan) pair of alleles may combine randomly with either
The process in which the blastocyst attaches itself member of another pair of alleles.
to the endometrium. Law of segregation (Hukum segregasi)
Inhalation (Tarik nafas) The law of segregation states that each individual
In mammals, this is the act of drawing air into the characteristic of an organism is determined by a
lungs by enlarging the chest cavity. pair of alleles. The pair of alleles segregate during
meiosis and only one from each pair of alleles can
Inheritance (Pewarisan) be present in a single gamete.
Acquisition of characteristics by the transmission
of genes from one generation to another. Leucocyte (Leukosit)
White blood cell
Ligament (Ligamen)
J The elastic tissue that joins two bones together.
Joint (Sendi) Lignin (Lignin)
A flexible region between two rigid units of A hard material that is embedded in the cell walls
an exoskeleton or endoskeleton, allowing for of plants. It increases the strength of plant tissues
movement between the units. The joint is held and thus provides support in terrestrial plants.
together by various muscles and tendons.
(a) The hinge joint allows movement only in Locomotion (Pergerakan)
one plane, forward and backward (like the The ability of organisms to move from one place
hinge of a door). Examples are the elbow, to another.
knee and knuckle joints. Lymph (Limfa)
(b) The ball-and-socket joint allows considerable The colourless fluid carried in the lymphatic
movement - the bones can swivel and move vessels; similar to tissue fluid but does not contain
in many directions. Examples are the hip red blood cells, platelets and plasma proteins.
joint and shoulder joint.

Macrophage (Makrofaj)
Karyotype (Kariotip) A type of white blood cell that engulfs
A display of chromosome pairs of a somatic cell, microorganisms and destroys them by
arranged according to size and shape. phagocytosis.
Malignant (Malignan) N
Life-threatening and invasive. Usually refers to the
growth and spread of cancers. Negative feedback (Suap balik negatif)
A situation in which a change initiates a series
Manometer (Manometer) of events that tend to counteract the change and
An instrument used to measure the pressure of a restore the original state. Negative feedback in
gas or liquid. The basic manometer consists of a physiological systems maintains homeostasis.
U-tube containing a known liquid. For example,
mercury. One side of the U-tube is connected to a Nerve (Saraf)
gas supply, the pressure of which is to be measured A bundle of axons of nerve cells, bound together
and the other side is exposed to atmospheric in a sheath.
Nerve tissue (Tisu saraf)
Medulla (Medula) The tissue that makes up the brain, spinal cord and
1. The inner portion of some organs, as compared nerves. It consists of neurones and ganglia.
to the outer cortex. For example, the adrenal
medulla and the renal medulla. Nervous system (Sistem saraf)
2. It is also commonly used to refer to the medulla The system which is made up of the central nervous
oblongata of the brain. system and the peripheral nervous system; it
controls and coordinates responses of the body.
Mesophyll (Mesofil)
Specialised parenchyma cells beneath the epidermis Nicotine (Nikotin)
of a leaf. There are often two layers or mesophylls, A poisonous and addictive organic compound
the closely packed upper palisade layer and the found in cigarette smoke.
loosely packed lower spongy layer. Neurone (Neuron)
Monocot (Monokot) Nerve cell that conducts nerve impulses through
Short for monocotyledon, a type of flowering plant the nervous system.
characterised by embryos with one seed leaf or Nucleotides (Nukleotida)
cotyledon. The building blocks of a nucleic acid, each consis-
Morphology (Morfologi) ting of a five-carbon sugar linked to a nitrogenous
The study of the form and structure of living base and phosphate group.
Morula (Morula) O
A compact ball of cells formed from the repeated
Obese (Gendut)
mitotic division of a zygote, just before the
Excessively fat
blastocyst stage.
Mutagen (Mutagen) Open circulatory system (Sistem peredaran terbuka)
An agent such as radiation and chemicals that A type of circulatory system found in some
causes mutations in an organism. invertebrates, such as arthropods and mollusks,
that includes an open space (the haemocoel) in
Mutation (Mutasi) which blood directly bathes body tissues.
A sudden random change in the genetic material
of a cell that alters the genotype and hence the Operculum (Operkulum)
phenotype and functions of the cell or organism. An external flap, supported by bone, which covers
and protects the gills of most fish.
Mutualism (Mutualisme)
A symbiotic relationship in which both participa- Osmoregulation (Pengosmokawalaturan)
ting species benefit. The control of the water content and the
concentration of salts in the body.
Myelin sheath (Salut mielin)
A wrapping of insulating membranes around the Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis)
axons and dendrons of many vertebrate nerve A condition in which bones become porous, weak,
cells. It increases the transmission speed of nerve brittle and easily fractured; most common in
impulses. elderly women.
Ovulation (Pengovuman) Peristalsis (in the digestive tract) (peristalsis)
The release of the secondary oocyte from the Rhythmic, coordinated contraction and relaxation
Graafian follicle in the ovary. of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract that
moves food through the digestive tract.
Ozone layer (Lapisan ozon)
The ozone-enriched layer of the upper atmosphere Petiole (Petiol)
that filters out some of the sun’s ultraviolet The stalk that connects the blade of a leaf to the
radiation. stem.
Phenotype (Fenotip)
P Any observable or detectable characteristic of an
Palisade cell (Sel palisad) organism.
A cell of the mesophyll layer, just beneath the upper
Phloem (Floem)
epidermis, which contains a lot of chloroplasts.
The vessels that transport dissolved organic
substances from the leaves to other parts of the
Parasitism (Parasitisme)
A symbiotic relationship in which one organism
(the parasite) benefits by feeding on the other (the Phytoplankton (Fitoplankton)
host), which is normally harmed. Community of photosynthetic microorganisms
that drift or float in the well-lit surface layer
Parthenocarpy (Partenokarpi) (euphotic zone) in an aquatic environment.
The formation and development of fruit without
fertilisation; produces fruit without seeds. Placenta (Plasenta)
A temporary organ derived from foetal and
Passive transport (Pengangkutan pasif) maternal tissue located in the uterus of higher
Movement of substances into or out of cells mammals; it is the site of exchange of materials
along a concentration gradient, that is, from a between the foetus and the mother.
region of higher concentration to a region of
lower concentration. No energy is needed for this Plasma (Plasma)
process. Diffusion is an example. The liquid part of the blood in which the blood
cells are suspended.
Pathogen (Patogen)
A microorganism or organism that causes Platelet (Platlet)
disease. A cellular fragment in blood that plays an important
role in blood clotting.
Pectoral girdle (Lengkungan pektoral)
The bones that form the shoulder, consisting of Polar nuclei (Nukleus kutub)
the clavicle (collar bone) and scapula (shoulder The two nuclei in the centre of the embryo sac that
blade). are involved in double fertilisation; they fuse with a
male gamete to form the triploid nucleus of the
Pectoral muscles (Otot pektoral) endosperm tissue.
The muscles that are attached to the sternum and
collar bone of vertebrates. Pollen tube (Tiub debunga)
The tube that grows out of a germinating pollen
Pedigree chart (Carta salasilah) grain. It carries male gametes to the ovule.
A diagram showing genetic relationships among
a set of individuals, normally with respect to a Pollination (Pendebungaan)
specific genetic trait. The process in which pollen are transferred from
the anther to the stigma of a flower.
Pelvic girdle (Lengkungan pelvis) Primary consumer (Pengguna primer)
The bones that form the hips; it forms a joint with An organism that feeds on plants or algae. Also
the femur or thigh bone. known as herbivores. In terrestrial ecosystems,
Peptide (Peptida) these organisms are mainly insects, rodents and
A chain composed of two or more amino acids ruminants. In aquatic ecosystems, they are mainly
linked together by peptide bonds. zooplankton.
Q Root pressure (Tekanan akar)
A force that pushes water and dissolved minerals
Quadrat (Kuadrat) up from the root into the xylem vessels in the
In ecological studies, an area of known size used to stem.
measure some property, for example, distribution
number in a population.
Saprophytes (Saprofit)/ Saprotrophs (Saprotrof)
R Organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi, that get
Receptor (Reseptor) their nutrients by breaking down organic wastes
A cell (receptor cell) or a group of cells (sensory and dead organisms. Also known as decomposers.
organ) specialised to detect a particular stimulus Scientific method (Kaedah saintifik)
and initiate the transmission of nerve impulses via A system in which a problem is identified,
afferent neurones. a hypothesis is made and tested through
Recessive allele (Alel resesif) experimentation or additional observation,
The phenotypic characteristic of a recessive allele relevant data are gathered, and finally a conclusion
is only expressed in the homozygous condition; it is drawn.
is not expressed in a heterozygote. Scientific name (Nama saintifik)
Reflex action (Tindakan refleks) The name of an organism formed from the two
A rapid, automatic response to a stimulus which is smallest major taxonomic categories – the genus
not under conscious control. and the species.

Reflex arc (Arka refleks) Sclerenchyma (Sklerenkima)

The pathway taken by impulses in a reflex action; Plant cells with walls thickened by cellulose and
the pathway involves receptors, afferent/sensory lignin; forms the wood of many trees.
neurones, the central nervous system, efferent/ Scurvy (Skurvi)
motor neurones and effectors. A deficiency disease caused by lack of vitamin C
Replication (Replikasi) in the diet.
The copying of the double-stranded DNA molecule, Secondary consumer (Pengguna sekunder)
producing two identical DNA double helices. An organism that feeds on primary consumers.
Rh factor (Faktor Rh) Also called carnivores.
The antigen that determines the rhesus blood group. Sex chromosomes (Kromosom seks)
It is a protein present on the red blood cells of A pair of chromosomes containing genes that
some people (Rh-positive) but not others determine the sex of an individual.
(Rh-negative). The exposure of Rh-negative
individuals to Rh-positive blood triggers the Sex-linked gene (Gen terangkai seks)
production of antibodies in response to the A gene located on a sex chromosome.
antigens on Rh-positive blood cells.
Sickle-cell anaemia (Anemia sel sabit)
Response (Gerak balas) A genetic disease caused by a gene mutation which
The physiological, muscular or behavioural activity alters the structure of haemoglobin; the abnormal
that reacts to a stimulus. haemoglobin distorts the red blood cell into a
sickle shape and reduces the amount of oxygen
Root hair (Rerambut akar) that is carried to tissues thereby causing anaemia.
A fine projection of an epidermal cell of a young
root that increases the absorptive surface area of Sino-atrial node (Nodus sino-atrium)
the root. The specialised neuro-muscular tissues in the heart
that act as a pacemaker.
Root nodule (Nodul akar)
A swelling on the root of a legume or other plants Skeletal muscles (Otot rangka)
that consists of cortical cells (cells of the cortex) Muscles which are attached to the skeleton; they
inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. contract to bring about movement.
Stimulus (Rangsangan) Translocation (Translokasi)
Any change in the external or internal environment The transport of organic nutrients in the phloem
of an organism. of vascular plants.
Stroke (Strok) Transpiration (Transpirasi)
An interruption of blood flow to part of the brain The loss of water rapour from the plant to the
caused by the rupture of an artery, or the blocking atmosphere. It occurs mainly in the leaves through
of an artery by a blood clot. Loss of blood supply stomatal pores.
leads to rapid death of the area of the brain
affected. Tropism (Tropism)
A directional growth response shown by part of a
Symbiosis (Simbiosis) plant in response to a unilateral stimulus.
A close interaction between individuals of different
species over an extended period. Symbiosis includes Tube nucleus (Nukleus tiub)
parasitism, mutualism and commensalism. The nucleus in the pollen tube that guides the
direction of growth of the pollen tube.
Synovial fluid (Bendalir sinovia)
The clear fluid present in joints that acts as a
lubricant. U
Ultrafiltration (Ultraturasan)
The process in which hydrostatic pressure causes
T water and small, dissolved molecules to filter out
Taxis (pl. taxes) (Taksis) from the blood plasma in the glomerulus into
The directed movement of an entire organism Bowman’s capsule of the nephron.
(as opposed to part of an organism) towards or
away from a stimulus such as heat, light, gravity V
or chemicals.
Variation (Variasi)
Taxonomy (Taksonomi) The differences between individuals of a species.
The science by which organisms are classified into
hierarchically arranged categories that reflect their Vector-animal vector (Vector haiwan)
evolutionary relationships. An organism that carries disease-causing organisms
(pathogens) from one living thing to another. For
Tertiary consumer (Pengguna tertier) example, certain mosquitoes are vectors for the
A carnivore that feeds on other carnivores malaria parasite.
(secondary consumers).
Vein (Vena)
Tertiary structure (Struktur tertier) A vessel that carries blood to the heart.
The complex, three-dimensional structure of a
single peptide chain. Ventricle (Ventrikel)
A lower chamber of the heart that receives blood
Thorax (Toraks) from the atria and pumps it into the arterial
1. In insects, it is the segmented region between system.
the head and the abdomen to which structures
used in locomotion (wings and legs) are Vertebra (Vertebra)
attached. Small, uniquely shaped bones that articulate with
2. In mammals, it is the area above the diaphragm one another to form the vertebral column.
which includes the heart and the lungs within
the rib cage. Vesicle (Vesikel)
A small, membrane-bound sac within the
Trait (Trait) cytoplasm.
Each variant of a characteristic.
Villus (pl. villi) (Vilus)
Transect (Transek) A finger-like projection of the inner wall of the
In ecology, a line, a strip or a profile for counting small intestine that increases the surface area for
and mapping. absorption of soluble food material.
Virus (Virus) Y
A non-cellular, parasitic particle that is composed
of hereditary information (DNA or RNA) Yeast (Yis)
surrounded by a protein coat. A virus multiplies Unicellular fungi that reproduce by budding.
within a cell of a living organism (the host).
Zooplankton (Zooplankton)
Non-photosynthetic, microscopic animals which
feed on abundant phytoplankton that exist in the
X aquatic environment.
Xylem vessel (Vesel xilem) Zygote (Zigot)
A vessel that transports water and dissolved The diploid cell that is produced when two haploid
minerals from the roots to other parts of a plant. gametes fuse during fertilisation.

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