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Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Donald Fox
Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting



Dick Cheney: A Clear and


S UP P O RT MY 9 / 1 1 RE S E AC H !

Posted on August 9, 2014

If the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the
streets and lynch us George H.W. Bush.


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I think there will be another attack, Cheney said on Hugh Hewitts radio show. And

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next time, I think its likely to be far deadlier than the last one. You can just imagine
what would happen if somebody could smuggle a nuclear device, put it in a shipping

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container, and drive it down the Beltway outside of Washington, D.C.


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Dick Cheney: A Clear and

Present Danger
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9/11 Is the Litmus Test
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Deconstructing Christopher

Bollyn and Steve Jones

The GOP/Jewish
Presidential Hopefuls Pander
to Zionist Billionaire Sheldon
Adelson[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

After Cheney made this pronouncement of a more deadly 9/11 by the end of the

Mystery Solved: The WTC

decade, Gordon Duffs behind the scenes sources stated that it is already in the

Was Nuked on 9/11

works. There is talk of 100,000 to 200,000 victims in the next false flag. And there

Dr. Judy Wood: 9/11

wont be any pretense that this attack was anything but nuclear. There has been

Gatekeeper Extraordinaire

reluctance on the part of the power structure to admit that 9/11 was a nuclear event.

Dimitri Khalezov's

They have used kerosene, nanothermite and DEWs for fig leaves but there wont be

9/11thology: The third

any of that nonsense next time around.

truth about 9/11

Deconstructing Christopher
Bollyn and Steve Jones

When Dick Cheney and his PNAC cronies predicted a new Pearl Harbor in

Dick Cheney: A Clear and

September of 2000, it came to fruition 12 months later. Love him or hate him Dick

Present Danger

Cheney is a serious man and not someone you can afford to take lightly. His track

Simon Shack, OBF and the

record of serving the Zionist Oligarchs is well established.

9/11 "September Clueless"



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The Council on Foreign Relations

April 2013
March 2013
January 2013

Between 1987 and 1989, during his last term in Congress, Cheney was a director of

December 2012

the Council on Foreign Relations foreign policy organization. What exactly is the CFR,

October 2012

what do they do and what are their goals?

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August 2012
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Health and Fitness
Minnesota Vikings/NFL

The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by Elihu Root, who was the personal
attorney for JP Morgan. Morgan was well known to be a Rothschild frontman. The
publicly stated goal of the CFR was to increase Americas understanding of the
world.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Paul is Dead

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

In the early 1960s Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley was allowed to see the
archives at the CFR. Quigley was writing a book favorable to the oligarchs who
founded and ran the CFR.

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Quigley revealed that the true goal of the CFR was to create a world system of
financial control, in private hands able to dominate the political system of each
country, and the economy of the world as a whole controlled in a feudalist fashion by
the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in
frequent private meetings and conferences.
The Bank of the United States (1816-36), an early attempt at an American central
bank, was abolished by President Andrew Jackson, who believed that it threatened
the nation. He wrote: The bold effort the present bank had made to control the
government, the distress it had wantonly producedare but premonitions of the fate
that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this
institution or the establishment of another like it.
Thomas Jefferson wrote: The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly
hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitutionif the American
people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will
deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on
the continent their fathers conquered.
Does that not describe the situation in America today?
The U.S. managed to do without a central bank until early in this century, when,
according to Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., The Money Trust caused the
1907 panic, and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary
Commission. Headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., the Commission recommended creation of a central bank.
Though unconstitutional, as only The Congress shall have PowerTo coin Money,
regulate the Value thereof (Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution) the Federal
Reserve Act was passed in December 1913; ostensibly to stabilize the economy and
prevent further panics, but as Lindberg warned Congress: This act establishes the
most gigantic trust on earththe invisible government by the money power, proven to
exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized. The Great Depression and
numerous recessions later, it is obvious the Federal Reserve produces inflation and
federal debt whenever it desires, but not stability.
Congressman Louis McFadden, House Committee on Banking and Currency
Chairman (1920-31), stated: When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people
of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up
here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialistsacting
together to enslave the worldEvery effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its
powers but the truth isthe Fed has usurped the government.
Although called Federal, the Federal Reserve System is privately owned by member
banks, makes its own policies, and is not subject to oversight by Congress or the
President. As the overseer and supplier of reserves, the Fed gave banks access to
public funds, which enhanced their lending capacity.
Peter Kershaw, in Economic Solutions lists the ten major shareholders of the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Federal Reserve Bank System as: Rothschild: London and Berlin; Lazard Bros: Paris;
Israel Seiff: Italy; Kuhn- Loeb Company: Germany; Warburg: Hamburg and
Amsterdam; Lehman Bros: New York; Goldman and Sachs: New York; Rockefeller:
New York. (That most, if not all of these families just happen to be Jewish, you may
judge the significance of yourself). The balance of stock is owned by major
commercial member banks.
Dick Cheney has served the interests of the Zionist Oligarchs for decades. He had
earned their trust enough to be a founding member of PNAC and Vice President in
the Bush administration.

The Project for a New American Century

The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think
tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The
establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. They chafe
at the idea that the United States, the last remaining superpower, does not do more
by way of economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the
umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana.
The fundamental essence of PNACs ideology can be found in a White Paper
produced in September of 2000 entitled Rebuilding Americas Defenses: Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century. In it, PNAC outlines what is required of
America to create the global empire they envision. According to PNAC, America[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

* Reposition permanently based forces to Southern Europe, Southeast Asia and the
Middle East;
* Modernize U.S. forces, including enhancing our fighter aircraft, submarine and
surface fleet capabilities;
* Develop and deploy a global missile defense system, and develop a strategic
dominance of space;
* Control the International Commons of cyberspace;
* Increase defense spending to a minimum of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product,
up from the 3 percent currently spent.
Most ominously, this PNAC document described four Core Missions for the
American military. The two central requirements are for American forces to fight and
decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars, and to perform the
constabulary duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical
regions. Note well that PNAC does not want America to be prepared to fight
simultaneous major wars. That is old school. In order to bring this plan to fruition, the
military must fight these wars one way or the other to establish American dominance
for all to see.
Why is this important? After all, wacky think tanks are a cottage industry in
Washington, DC. They are a dime a dozen. In what way does PNAC stand above the
other groups that would set American foreign policy if they could? Two events
brought PNAC into the mainstream of American government: the disputed election of
George W. Bush, and the attacks of September 11th. When Bush assumed the
Presidency, the men who created and nurtured the imperial dreams of PNAC became
the men who run the Pentagon, the Defense Department and the White House. When
the Towers came down, these men saw, at long last, their chance to turn their White
Papers into substantive policy.
Vice President Dick Cheney is a founding member of PNAC, along with Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle.
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is the ideological father of the group. Bruce
Jackson, a PNAC director, served as a Pentagon official for Ronald Reagan before
leaving government service to take a leading position with the weapons manufacturer
Lockheed Martin.

PNAC Calls For a New Pearl Harbor[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Dov Zakheim is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim
attended Jews College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi
in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New Yorks Jewish Yeshiva University. Zakheim
is close to the Israeli lobby.
Dov Zakheim is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and in 2000 a coauthor of the Project for the New American Centurys position paper, Rebuilding
Americas Defenses, advocating the necessity for a Pearl-Harbor-like incident to
mobilize the country into war with its enemies, mostly Middle Eastern Muslim nations.

He was appointed by Bush as Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10,
2004. At that time he was unable to explain the disappearance of $1 trillion dollars.
Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10,
2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books.
That story, as mentioned, was buried under 9-11s rubble. The two sums disappeared
on Zakheims watch. We can only guess where that cash went.
(Hint: Israel would be a good guess)[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Five Deferment Dick: The Epitome of a Chickenhawk

Of course the next false flag will be used to once again goad the American public into
supporting wars against Israels enemies. Mr. Cheney has no qualms about sending
your sons and daughters off to die for Israel but he did everything he could to avoid
serving in Vietnam. Dick Cheney is a prime example of a chickenhawk.
The Urban dictionary defines a chickenhawk as Any person who, in an official
capacity, sends other people out routinely for dangerous activities while himself
having never been exposed to the same risky behavior. This usually occurs in an
authoritarian, militarized system and comes with constant propaganda in which the
leader fashions himself as an ultimately benevolent crusader.
During the 2004 Presidential Campaign Cheneys five Vietnam Era draft deferments
became an issue. Even the New York Times could see the hypocrisy in a war monger
like Cheney doing everything he could to avoid serving in Vietnam:
While Mr. Cheneys deferment history was briefly an issue when George W. Bush
picked him as his running mate in 2000, the Democrats did not focus on it after Al
Gore, the Democratic presidential nominee, who had served in Vietnam, picked as his
running mate Senator Joseph Lieberman, who also had not served.
The issue also received little attention during Mr. Cheneys Senate confirmation
hearings as defense secretary in 1989 under the first President Bush, largely because
the Armed Services Committee had just completed a bitter and protracted battle over
the presidents original choice, John G. Tower. Mr. Tower had faced questions about[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

philandering, drinking and conflicts over defense contracts before he was rejected.
Senators of both parties were so eager to confirm Mr. Cheney quickly that they were
relatively undemanding, not pressing him on the draft but merely asking him if he had
anything to say about it.
He said he never served because of deferments to finish a college career that
lasted six years rather than four, which he attributed to subpar academic performance
and the fact that he had to work to pay for his education.
He added that he would have obviously been happy to serve had I been called.
Away from the hearing room, he told the Washington Post that he had sought his
deferments because I had other priorities in the 60s than military service.
I dont regret the decisions I made, he added. I complied fully with all the
requirements of the statutes, registered with the draft when I turned 18. Had I been
drafted, I would have been happy to serve.
But others contend that Mr. Cheney appeared to go to some length to avoid the draft.
Five deferments seems incredible to me, said David Curry, a professor at the
University of Missouri in St. Louis who has written extensively about the draft,
including a 1985 book, Sunshine Patriots: Punishment and the Vietnam Offender.
Thats a lot of times for the draft board to say O.K., Mr. Curry said.
In the Bunker With Norman Mineta on 9/11

There can be no doubt Dick Cheney was a central figure in the events of 9/11. Norm
Minetas testimony portraits Cheney as having been the man who issuing the orders
on 9/11, not President Bush:
Former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta answered questions from members
of 9/11 Truth about his testimony before the 9/11 Commission report.
Mineta says Vice President Cheney was absolutely already there when he arrived at
approximately 9:25 a.m. in the PEOC (Presidential Emergency Operations Center)
bunker on the morning of 9/11. Mineta seemed shocked to learn the 9/11
Commission Report claimed Cheney had not arrived there until 9:58 after the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Pentagon had been hit, a report that Mineta definitively contradicted.

Norman Mineta revealed that Lynn Cheney was also in the PEOC bunker already at
the time of his arrival, along with a number of other staff.
Mineta is on video testifying before the 9/11 Commission, though it was omitted from
their final report. He told Lee Hamilton:
During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young
man who would come in and say to the Vice Presidentthe plane is 50 miles out
the plane is 30 miles outand when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the
young man also said to the vice president do the orders still stand? And the Vice
President turned and whipped his neck around and said Of course the orders still
stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?
While Cheney was barking out orders in the bunker, Bush was zig-zagging across the
Shortly after takeoff, Cheney apparently informed Bush of a credible threat to Air
Force One. US Representative Adam Putnam had barely settled into his seat on Air
Force One when he got the news that terrorists apparently had set their sights on
the plane. The Secret Service had received an anonymous call: Air Force One is
next. The caller allegedly knew the agencys code words relating to Air Force One
procedures. Pilot Colonel Mark Tillman was told of the threat and he asked that an
armed guard be stationed at the cockpit door. The Associated Press reported that the
threat came within the same hour as the Pentagon crash (i.e., before 10:00 a.m.,
roughly when the plane took off). Details suggest this threat was not the same as the
earlier one, but its hard to know for sure.
In his comments at Booker, Bush said he was immediately flying back to Washington,
but soon after takeoff, he, Cheney and the Secret Service began arguing whether it
was safe to fly back to the capital. Andrew Card told Bush, Weve got to let the dust
settle before we go back. The plane apparently stayed over Sarasota until the
argument was settled. Accounts differ, but until about 10:35 a.m. Air Force One
appeared to be going nowhere. The journalists on board all of whom were barred
from communicating with their offices sensed that the plane was flying in big, slow

Cheney apparently called Bush again at 10:32 a.m., and told him of another threat to
Air Force One. Within minutes, the argument was over, and the plane turned away[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

from Washington and flew to Louisiana instead. Bush recalled: I wanted to come
back to Washington, but the circumstances were such that it was just impossible for
the Secret Service or the national security team to clear the way for Air Force One to
come back. Given that the rocket-like takeoff was due to a threat, this must have
been another threat, possibly even a third threat.
The threat or threats to Air Force One were announced on September 12, after
mounting criticism that Bush was out of sight in Louisiana and Nebraska during most
of the day and did not return to Washington until 10 hours after the attacks. White
House spokesman Ari Fleischer said there was real and credible information that the
White House and Air Force One were targets.
The perps sent Bush to an elementary school in Florida so that he would be out of the
way when the events of 9/11 commenced. When he tried to go back to Washington to
play president he was thwarted by Cheney who appeared to be in charge down in the
bunker. Clearly the perps saw Bush as a hindrance. Cheney appears to be much
higher in the real power structure than does the hapless W. This is why Cheney must
be taken much seriously than Bush.
Cheney Determined to Strike in US

When one of the key players in 9/11 predicts a far more deadly 9/11, you better pay
attention. In his recent speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition Cheney stated that
the United States position in [the Middle East] is worse than at any time in my
lifetime. He added, Its reached the point where Israel and Egypt, [the United Arab]
Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan are closer to one anotherimagine that!than any
of them is to usNobody whos been our friend in the past any longer has any sense
of trust in well keep our commitments, that well be there in a crisis when they need
us. On the other hand, none of our adversaries need fear us. Noting that the chief
responsibility of a president is to protect the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic, Cheney claimed that today that charge is not being pursued in
any kind of coherent manner.
Cheney has dismissed diplomacy and appears to endorse an Israeli strike against
Irans nuclear program: he recalled a dinner meeting he had in 2007 with Israeli
General Amos Yadlin. Yadlin had flown in the Israeli Defense Forces mission in 1981
that destroyed Iraqs Osirak nuclear reactor, and he was the countrys military
intelligence chief in 2007 when the Israel Defense Forces obliterated Syrias nuclear
reactor in the Deir ez-Zor region. Recalling his conversation with Yadlin, Cheney said,
He looked across the table over dinner, and he said, Two down, one to go. I knew
exactly what he meant.
One to go was an obvious reference to bombing Irans nuclear program.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Given the evidence laid out in this article and previous articles, its not difficult to
envision a scenario where the Zionists and Neocons once again nuke an American
city, blame it on Iran and use the false flag attack as a pretext to yet again get US
troops involved in the Middle East fighting yet another war for Israel. This time the
stakes will be raised considerably.
Most observers believe that an attack on Iran would result in conflicts with Russia and
China and perhaps even Korea. It goes without saying how disastrous a
thermonuclear exchange with Russia would be. Most if not all US ships in the Gulf
would probably be sunk and Iran would most likely close the Strait of Hormuz.
Closing the Strait of Hormuz would be a disaster for the public as the price of oil
would start to soar and could rise 50 percent or more within days.

However, some (Jewish) Traders on Wall Street WANT a WAR and BLOCKADE of
Strait of Hormuz, as only means to save the U.S. dollar from the American public
realizing that they have been DEFRAUDED by Ben Bernankes JUDENFETZEN
DEBASING of the U.S. dollar, at Bernankes wholly, privately owned (so-called)
Federal Reserve bank. If oil is cut off, the price of crude oil might go to $200, $300,
$500, no one really knows that would be THE ONLY way to SAVE THE DOLLAR,
in extremis.
By creating a huge artificial demand for dollars, to soak up the dollar overhang, to
The threat from the BRICS countries must be dealt with by the Zionists. Sky high oil
prices may be their way of propping up their Federal Reserve debt note knows as the
US dollar.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

As we can see the motivations for a new deadlier 9/11 are there amongst the
psychotic Zionist Oligarchs. Does this mean we are destined to lose thousands of
more lives in a domestic false flag nuclear attack and plunge into more disastrous
wars for Israel?
Clearly the elites have no qualms about sacrificing the lives of thousands of
Americans if it can help get their agenda through. Moral considerations have no
bearing for these people. The only thing that slows them down is the fear they wont
get away with it.In a just world Cheney and his Neocon/Zionist co-conspirators would
all stand trial for war crimes.
They got away with 9/11. None of the perps were ever prosecuted for that false flag.
Has the public gotten any wiser to the ways of the elites in the last 13 years? If we
havent the price for our national ignorance this time is going to be far higher than it
was in 2001.
Posted in 9/11, Politics | Tagged 9/11, Dick Cheney, George Bush, nuclear terrorist attack

9/11 Is the LitmusTest

Posted on July 24, 2014

Everyone who does not stand forth and speak Truth to Power is a coward, a liar and
complicit in mass murder.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged litmus test

New Shill Policy EffectiveImmediately

Posted on July 21, 2014[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Due to the influx of emails from government shills in my Inbox I am now instituting a
new policy: all shills MUST donate to this blog BEFORE any emails are responded to.
This includes (but not limited to) folks like Steve Jones, Christopher Bollyn, Judy
Wood, Andrew Johnson, Thomas Potter, Mark Bilk, Peter Wakefield Sault, Simon
Shack, OBF etc. The minimum donation is $1,000 for shills. Upon receipt of your
donation I will respond to all emails within 48 hours.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Andrew Johnson, Christopher Bollyn, Mark Bilk, Peter Wakefield Sault,
Steve Jones, Thomas Potter

Deconstructing Christopher Bollyn and

Posted on June 28, 2014

I have come to realize two central truths about the events of 9/11: Israel did it and
they used nuclear bombs to demolish the WTC buildings. These are the two pillars of
9/11 research: Zionists and Nukes. If you come out with credible information that
supports the involvement either of these pillars expect to be attacked. The attacks will
be especially fierce if you come out with credible information on the nuclear
demolition of the World Trade Center buildings. Gordon Duff recently published
several articles in his VT Nuclear Education series on Veterans Today that confirmed
that the World Trade Center buildings were nuked on 9/11. Right on cue the Zionist
shill Christopher Bollyn came out and attacked Gordon for being a Disinfo Toad for
supporting the WTC Nuclear Demolition Hypothesis. Of course Chris wasnt able to
refute the evidence for fission and fusion at Ground Zero.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The Duplicity of Steve Jones

Many in the 9/11 Truth Movement consider Steve Jones to be a hero. Closer
examination revels he is far from it. Jones is a nuclear physicist who denies nuclear
bombs were used on 9/11. Once you understand the evidence for nuclear fission and
fusion at Ground Zero the disingenuous of Jones becomes apparent. What better
way to derail 9/11 Truth than to have a nuclear physicist who denies nukes? Steve
has probably done more damage to 9/11 Truth than all of the other shills combined.
Bollyn is a supporter of the Steve Jones nanothermite theory that has been
thoroughly debunked numerous times.

Steve Jones wrote a paper in 2006 (revised in 2007) that is often cited by the nuke
denying crowd: Hard Evidence Repudiates the Hypothesis that Mini-Nukes Were
Used on the WTC Towers. Jeff Prager and I wrote an article last year that refutes
Jones paper point by point. For a complete breakdown see Open Letter to Steve
Jones: Hard Evidence Supports the 9/11 Mini-Nuke Hypothesis and Mystery Solved:
The WTC was Nuked on 9/11.
The Department of Energy Water Samples
The first thing Jones tries to refute in his paper is the tritium levels in the basement of
WTC Building 6: Observation of tritium (an important component of hydrogen-bomb
fuel) at WTC sites at the few nano-curie level only. This is strong evidence against
the mini-nuke hypothesis. As we observed in our article Jones fails to account for
dilution of the tritium by four million gallons of water. Why was tritium found in the
basement of WTC 6 in the first place? Leaking gun sights or EXIT signs cant explain
what happened to that building:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There is a huge crater in the center of the building and it was so hot that firefighters
has to spray millions of gallons of water on it. Clearly there was an explosion in the
basement of WTC 6 and the presence of tritium confirms it was a thermonuclear
Tritium is a very rare isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and two neutrons.
Tritium is radioactive with a half-life of 12.32 years. Also Known As: hydrogen-3, 3H.
Commercial uses of tritium account for only a small fraction of the tritium used
worldwide. Instead, the primary use of tritium has been to boost the yield of both
fission and thermonuclear (or fusion) weapons, increasing the efficiency with which
the nuclear explosive materials are used. Tritium generation from fusion reactions is
much higher than from fission. The tritium that is produced by a nuclear explosion is
almost completely converted to tritiated water (HTO), which then mixes with
environmental water. This is EXACTLY what we see in the basement of Six World
Trade. Jones makes no effort to explain HOW the tritium got in the basement absent
a thermonuclear explosion. Instead he just states that these results are well below
the levels of concern to human exposure.
The USGS Dust Samples
The fifth point in Jones paper is especially egregious: Nuclear activation or residual
fall-out radioactivity (above background) was NOT observed, in tests performed by
the author on actual WTC samples. This result is consistent with the low Iodine-131
measured by independent researchers (point 2 above) and the low radionuclide
counts (point 4 above) and again provides compelling evidence against the mininuke-at-Towers hypothesis.
Jones analysis of the dust samples collected from Janette MacKinlays apartment is
suspect to say the least. Fortunately we have far more reliable data from the dust
samples collected by the USGS.
If all you knew about 9/11 was all of the common fission products that show up on
the chemistry table of the USGS dust samples: Arsenic, Rubidium, Strontium, Barium,
Yttrium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Silver, Cadmium, Antimony, Cesium, Lanthanum and
Cerium, you would be highly suspicious 9/11 was a nuclear event.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Lets look at just four elements found in the USGS dust samples (barium, strontium,
copper and zinc) and how they prove nuclear fission took place: From Jeff Pragers
nuclear fission break down in Mystery Solved:
Barium and Strontium: People might argue that strontium and barium could be
found in building debris and they would be correct however strontium and barium
could never, under any circumstances, be found as building debris constituents in a
demolition in these quantities.
The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700ppm
for Strontium and they reach over 3000ppm for both of them at WTC01-16, Broadway
and John Streets. Why?
Barium and Strontium are rare Trace elements with limited industrial uses. The
enormous peak in Barium and Strontium concentration at WTC01-16 is readily
apparent in the chart below. The concentration of the two elements reaches 3130ppm
for Strontium and 3670ppm for Barium or over 0.3% by weight of the dust. This
means that 0.37% of the sample was Barium and 0.31% of the sample was Strontium
by weight at that location, WTC01-16, Broadway and John Streets. The Mean
concentration for Barium including the very low girder coating samples is 533ppm and
for Strontium its 727ppm. These are not Trace amounts. They are highly dangerous
and extremely toxic amounts. They are also critical components of nuclear fission and
the decay process.

Here were plotting the concentration of Barium at each location against the Strontium
concentration. The correlation between the concentrations of the two elements,
Barium and Strontium is extremely high.
The Coefficient of Correlation between the concentration of Barium and Strontium at
the outdoor and indoor sampling locations is 0.99 to 2 decimal places (0.9897 to 4
decimal places). So we have a Correlation Coefficient between the concentration of
Barium and the concentration of Strontium of 0.9897, or near perfect. The maximum
Correlation Coefficient that is mathematically possible is 1.0 and this would mean we
have a perfect match between the two factors were examining and the data points
would lie on a straight line with no variation between them. To obtain a Correlation[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Coefficient of 0.9897 with this number of measurements (14) around Lower

Manhattan is very, very significant indeed. What this means is that we can say that
theres a 99% correlation in the variation in the concentration between these two
elements. They vary in lockstep; they vary together. When one element varies so
does the other. We can state with absolute mathematical certainty that any change in
the concentration of one of these elements, either the Barium or Strontium, is
matched by the same change in the concentration of the other. Whatever process
gave rise to the presence of either the Barium or the Strontium must have also
produced the other as well. Fission is the only process that explains this.
Zinc: In the graph below Zinc has been divided by a factor of 10 to avoid losing all
the detail in the scaling if the Y axis instead went up to 3000 ppm. The variation in
Lead is matched by the variation in Zinc almost perfectly across all sampling
locations, including the Indoor and Girder Coating samples.
The concentration of Copper follows that of Zinc with one distinct exception at
WTC01-15, Trinity and Cortlandt Streets, just several hundred feet East of Building
Four. There seem to be two Copper-Zinc relationships. If some of the Zinc was being
formed by beta decay of Copper, then the high Copper at WTC01-15 could reduce
Zinc, since formation of Zinc by that decay pathway would be retarded by material
being held up at the Copper stage, before decaying on to Zinc. Therefore this graph
does confirm that some of the Zinc was indeed being formed by beta decay of
This would at least be a very small mercy for the civilian population exposed in this
event since the Zinc isotopes formed from Copper are stable, i.e. they are not

The copper found in the Ground Zero dust is indicative of nuclear fission. If we plot
the concentration of Copper against Zinc and Nickel, we obtain the graphs pictured
here. The concentration of Nickel was almost the same everywhere, except for the
peak of 88 ppm matched by the Copper peak of 450 ppm.
The Copper Zinc relationship is very interesting, showing in fact two distinct[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

relationships again depending on isotopic composition. There are two radioactive

isotopes of Copper (Cu 64 and Cu 67) with short half-lives of 12.7 hours and 2.58
days respectively which decay into Zinc isotopes. The other two isotopes (Cu 60 and
Cu 61) decay the other way by positron emission into Nickel and in fact Cu 64 goes
both ways, into both Nickel and Zinc. This would explain why there strongly appear to
be two Copper Zinc relationships.
The decay of radioactive Copper by beta particle emission into Zinc would have been
another source for the extraordinarily high concentrations of Zinc found in the World
Trade Center Dust.
Looking at the data for Zinc we see that the Zinc concentration for WTC01-02, Water
Street at the intersection of New York, is 2990 ppm and this immediately stands out.
In fact, for the outdoor samples, Zinc is the most common Trace element at all
sampling locations, with generally between 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm except for this
spike of nearly 3000 ppm at WTC01-02.
This equates to an enormous concentration of Zinc. 0.1% to 0.2% of Zinc in the dust
overall and at WTC01-02, 0.299% of the dust was Zinc. This exceeds the
concentration of the supposed non-Trace element Manganese and Phosphorous
and almost equals the elevated Titanium concentration of 0.39% at that same
What process produced the zinc?
If we include the data for WTC01-16, the Correlation Coefficient between the Zinc and
Barium concentration is 0.007 to 3 decimal places, from which we can conclude that
there is absolutely no correlation at all. But if we exclude that one sampling location,
where Barium and Strontium concentrations peaked, the correlation coefficient
between Zinc and Barium is 0.96 to two decimal places and between Zinc and
Strontium, 0.66 to two decimal places. So what happened?
There is a very strong linear relationship between Barium and Zinc found at the World
Trade Center. This may indicate that a closely related nuclear sub-process gave rise
to them, which produced 3 times as much Zinc as Barium by weight. If so, that would
be a very unusual nuclear event.
There is a lesser known nuclear process that accounts for this, which would be
indicative of very high energies indeed. This process is known as Ternary Fission.
What does evidence for Ternary Fission in the dust samples mean to us in the 9/11
context? First, that the destruction of the WTC buildings was a very high energy
event. Ternary Fission requires high energy levels. Two 110 story buildings were
converted to dust in 9 and 11 seconds respectively. Ground temperatures were
between 600 and 2,000 F for 6 months after 9/11 it takes a lot of energy to heat
that much ground for that long only underground nuclear explosions can explain
this. Secondly, it sheds some light on the types of devices used. A hydrogen bomb is
a two stage device. The fission primary stage is used to generate enough heat to
start a more powerful fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium, the two heavier
isotopes of hydrogen. Often times the primary fission stage is boosted with tritium and
that appears to be the case here. A typical nuclear fission event will split the uranium
nucleus into two unequal fragments typically around mass 95 and 137. Ternary
fission splits the nucleus into three parts and true ternary fission splits it into three
equal fragments (mass 30) or zinc. We see copper decaying into zinc in the dust[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

samples but that doesnt explain all of it. True Ternary Fission explains the high
amount of zinc in the dust. We see evidence for fission-triggered fusion bombs in the
dust and water samples.
Radiological Cleanup
With all of the radioactive fallout at Ground Zero it was necessary for the perpetrators
to remediate the soil and decontaminate all material leaving. Seeing these pictures of
the cleanup there can be little doubt nuclear bombs were detonated:





Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting





Iron-Rich Spheres[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Did thousands of tons of nanothermite produce the iron-rich spheres at Ground Zero?
Here is an excerpt from T Mark Hightowers old blog and I have reposted it on mine:
Calculations can help define the magnitude of various theories. I am referencing a
calculation that Niels Harrit emailed to me and various others on 7/26/2011. He
calculated the amount of thermitic material that would have been necessary to
account for the quantity of iron-rich spheres in the WTC dust, assuming of course
that the iron reaction product of the thermite reaction was the source of the spheres.
The range of thermitic material that he calculated was from 29,000 metric tons to
143,000 metric tons per Twin Tower, depending on the iron oxide concentration
assumed for the thermitic material. These numbers are unrealistically high in terms of
the quantity of thermitic material that could have or would have been loaded into a
Twin Tower by the perpetrators before its destruction, in my view, but thats not what I
want to get into right here. I want to use this huge quantity of iron-rich spheres to
illustrate an alternate explanation for their presence.
An intermediate value from Harrits calculation referenced above was that
conservatively 11,660 metric tons of iron-rich spheres were present in the dust
generated from the destruction of one Twin Tower. If we assume that the iron-rich
spheres were mostly iron, with the iron source possibly being the structural steel
rather than thermitic material, the energy required to convert this much iron to the
molten state can be calculated. (It is assumed that the iron-rich spheres required a
prior molten state for their formation.) Furthermore, if we express the energy in terms
of the quantity of TNT equivalent based on its heat of explosion, these units can give
us something to relate to in terms commonly associated with specifying the
magnitude of nuclear explosions, kilotons. So if the calculation is done for just the
energy necessary to melt the iron, on the order of 1 kiloton of TNT is the energy
equivalent required. If we also include the energy necessary to heat the iron from
room temperature to its melting point, then on the order of 4 kilotons TNT equivalent
would be required. Of course there would be more kilotons than this to account for all
of the other destruction in addition to just producing the iron-rich spheres, so we are
definitely talking about something in the multiple kiloton range. This helps to illustrate
the magnitude of what we may be dealing with in the destruction of the Twin Towers
and points towards the possibility of nuclear devices.
Does Nanothermite Even Exist?
On 12/13/2012 I had occasion to call Gordon Duff and get his take on nanothermite.
Gordon states in the audio clip below that his guys at Los Alamos told him that they
couldnt produce anything smaller than 10 microns and it couldnt blow a hole in a
piece of paper. They were able to produce some 6 micron nanothermite in zero
gravity on the International Space Station that was exceedingly explosive. But they
only produced a couple of grams! Not the thousands of tons needed to demolish the
World Trade Center Buildings. If there is a factory out there producing 6 micron
nanothermite Gordon is not aware of it.


Bollyn: I married an Israeli Intelligence Officer[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]


Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

In the audio clip below Bollyn states that he married an Israeli intelligence officer and
he has lived in Israel off and on since he was 18.



The True Roles of Steve Jones and Christopher Bollyn in the 9/11 Cover Up
Jones and Bollyn vehemently deny that the WTC buildings were nuked on 9/11 in
spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Bollyn talks about Israeli involvement
in the events of 9/11 but promotes the nanothermite theory which cannot be tied to
Israel or anyone else for that matter. It is not physically possible to demolish a
building using non-existent nanothermite.
Bollyn is a guy that married an Israeli intelligence officer, has spent years living in
Israel, denies the obvious evidence of nukes on 9/11 and he calls Gordon Duff a
Disinfo Toad. Chris has revealed himself to be a complete Zionist Shill. No one
should take him seriously as a 9/11 researcher. We see your true colors Chris.
There can be no doubt that Steve Jones knows he is promoting a fraudulent theory to
the public. Steve has managed to deceive many people in the 9/11 Truth Movement
over the years. Were on to you Steve and your days of relevance in the 9/11 Truth
Movement are waning.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Christopher Bollyn, Mossad, nuclear bombs, Steve Jones, World Trade

The GOP/Jewish Coalition: Presidential

Hopefuls Pander to Zionist Billionaire
Posted on May 23, 2014[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of
Satan. Revelation 2:9

As the Obama Administrations days in office start to wane, the process of vetting
2016 Republican presidential hopefuls is in full swing. Adelson has let it be known
that he is looking for a Republican to back in the 2016 Presidential election. Right on
queue Scott Walker, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush took turns pandering
to the 80 year old hard core Zionist billionaire. Adelson and his wife spent more than
$93 million on the 2012 elections so sucking up to Shelly is certainly worth the effort
for a 2016 Republican presidential wannabe.
Business Week:What does Adelson hope to accomplish with his primary?
1. He wants to back an electable, mainstream Republican candidate. This is an
implicit acknowledgement that he erred in backing a fringe figure in Gingrich last time
around. Gingrich was the one who first launched the devastating vulture capitalist
attacks on Romney (although the phrase is Rick Perrys) that Obama later picked up.
So this time, instead of personal loyalty, Adelson is focusing on electability. As
notable as Adelsons Vegas roster this weekend is the list of marquee names who
are not there: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee.
2. He really wants to stop Internet gambling. Adelson considers it a threat to his
casino business. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham introduced legislation this
weekdrafted with Adelsons lobbyist, according to the New York Timesthat would
shut down Internet gambling. Adelson also funds a Washington pressure group, the
Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling, that has focused on enlisting the support of
social conservatives. As Graham told to the Times, explaining why he had become
the senate sherpa for Adelsons interests: I would say that Sheldon has aligned
himself with most Baptists in South Carolina.
Here is Adelsons presidential dilemma: The Venn diagram of Republicans who
oppose online gambling doesnt much overlap with Republicans who are electable.
The first group comprises mainly social conservatives, such as Rick Santorum, Mike
Huckabee, and possibly Rick Perry, who would oppose gambling on moral grounds.
None are remotely top-tier candidates who would widen the Republican Partys
electoral appeal. The candidates who conceivably could do thatChristie, Bush,
Marco Rubio, Rand Paultend to be positioning themselves as forward-thinking,
innovation-minded, tech-friendly Republicans who can appeal to a more modern and
moderate segment of the electorate than the old GOP. In the past two weeks, Rubio[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

has given speeches at Uber and Google (GOOG) in Washington, D.C. Christie has
already legalized Internet gambling in New Jersey. An outright ban seems an unlikely
position for them to suddenly adopt, even if a lot of money is on the line.

Pat Buchanans Observations

These two goals dont seem too ominous everyone wants to back a winner and
what oligarch doesnt want to protect his business interests? But does Adelson
actually have a far more sinister goal? From Pat Buchanans blog:
But last fall at Yeshiva University, this very rational guy (Adelson) gave this
response to a question from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on whether he supports U.S.
negotiations on Irans nuclear program:
No. What do you mean support negotiations? What are we going to negotiate
about? What I would say is, Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you
You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, OK
let it go.
So, theres an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert,
that doesnt hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever.
And then you say, See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and
continue with your nuclear development.
You want to be peaceful. Just reverse it all, and we will guarantee that you can have
a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, energy purposes.
Adelsons response was recorded by Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss website who was at
Yeshiva and filmed the interview. Weiss says the audience cheered Adelsons
proposed nuclear strike on Iran and no one on the stage, not Wall Street Journal
columnist Bret Stephens, peeped a word of dissent.
And this is a very rational guy, who doesnt want a crazy extremist to be the
This is someone Republican presidential candidates must appease, if they dont want
tens of millions in attack ads run against them?
This is someone the Republican presidential hopefuls must hearken to now?
Again, so it would seem.
Chris Christie Makes His Pitch

Gov. Chris Christies Speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

During his talk before the few dozen members of the RJC, Gov. Chris Christie
recounted his recent trip to Israel: I took a helicopter ride from the occupied
territories and came to understand the military risk that Israel faces every day.
Christies effort at bonding boomeranged. An angry Morton Klein of the Zionist
Organization of America confronted Christie to demand that he explain just what he
meant by occupied territories.
For half a century, the United States has considered the West Bank occupied land
where Israeli settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Whatever Christies response, it did not satisfy the ZOA or Klein who declared: Either
[Christie] doesnt understand the issue, or hes hostile to Israel.
Whereupon Christie, in a private audience with Adelson, apologized.
A source close to Adelson told Politico that Christie made clear that he misspoke
when he referred to the occupied territories. And he conveyed that he is an
unwavering friend and committed supporter of Israel, and was sorry for any confusion
that came across as a result of the misstatement.
The governor is a tough guy, but this sounds like groveling.
Is this what Republican presidential candidates must do now?
Kowtow to this fattest of fat cats who wants to buy himself an American war on Iran?
Typically the unseemly process of politicians selling themselves off to the highest
bidder goes on behind closed doors but at the Republican Jewish Coalition aka The
Sheldon Primary, the proceedings were on full public display.
Scott Walker: Battle Tested Zionist Shill
Scott Walker, the Wisconsin governor, pandered unabashedly by giving the Hebrew
meaning of his son Matthews name and by mentioning that he displays a menorah at
home along with the Christmas tree.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Walker is no stranger to sucking up to Zionist billionaires he has made a career out

of toeing the Koch brothers line in Madison and doing everything he can to crush
whats left of the labor movement.
Walker is an extremely divisive figure and he even had to face a recall election that
he somehow managed to win. A large percentage of the Wisconsin populace hates
Walker with a passion. It is difficult to see him winning a national election.

John Kasich: From Moderate Republican to Zionist Sycophant

John Kasich can hardly be described as a hard core conservative. During his
congressional career from 1983 to January of 2001 he supported the assault
weapons ban, cut spending on the B-2 bomber and worked to close some corporate
tax loopholes. As chairman of the House Budget Committee he was credited with
balancing the Federal Budget.
Fast forward to the Sheldon Primary and Kasich is reduced to pandering to the
Kasich, the Ohio governor, kept addressing his speech to Sheldon, as if he were
having a private tete-a-tete with the mega-donor (Adelson and his wife spent more
than $93 million on the 2012 elections) and not speaking to a roomful of people.
No doubt a veteran politico like Kasich is acutely aware of the need to stay on the
good side of the Zionists. If they start running attack ads that will spell the end of any
realistic chance he has at the White House.
Jeb Bush: The Prize Bull
Ari Fleischer, press secretary to Bush 43, and a member of Adelsons RJC fiefdom,
put it plain and simple: The Sheldon Primary is an important primary. anybody
running for the Republican nomination would want to have Sheldon at his side.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

One such man is Jeb Bush, son and brother to presidents, who was the prize bull at
Sheldons cattle show. Daniel Ruth of the Tampa Bay Times speculates on Jebs
motive in showing up:
Would you slink into Las Vegas to schmooze gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson who
regards GOP presidential nominees as if they were trophy heads mounted in his den,
if you had no interest in the White House? Bush is not going to Vegas to catch Meat
Loafs act at Planet Hollywood.
The 2016 presidential hopefuls are falling at his feet, said a veteran Republican
strategist of the 80-year-old oligarch. Each of those who came Bush, Chris
Christie, and Govs. Scott Walker and John Kasich apparently auditioned, one by
one, before the godfather.
The Bush family has a long track record of serving the Zionists. Bush is also polling at
around 12.3% at the time of this writing so he is not far behind early leaders Rand
Paul and Mike Huckabee.
Rand Paul: Elephant in the Room
At the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) meeting in Las Vegas this weekend, Paul
was nowhere to be found, but his presence was felt in the form of a straw man and
frequent worry. Speaker after speaker, from former Florida governor Jeb Bush to New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie, laid into Pauls more isolationist views on foreign
policy. They never mentioned the lawmaker by name, but the message came across
loud and clear.
The conference brings together some of the biggest names and wallets in
Republican politics, most notably billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. At a
private dinner for VIP donors in an Adelson-owned aircraft hangar holding one of his
pair of Boeing 747s, Bush was asked about the growing isolationist wing of the
Republican Party and replied there was no such thing effectively casting Paul out
of the fold, according to attendees.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Rand Paul has previously spoken of the need to end all foreign aid even to Israel
and the need to end all of the foreign entanglements that have cost the US taxpayers
trillions of dollars and thousands of Americans their lives and limbs. These positions
have caused a great deal of consternation amongst the Israel First crowd. After
Rands trip to Israel he is backing off of his stance of cutting off Israels foreign aid.
However there is still a great deal of distrust between the Zionists and Rand.
Darth Cheney: Endless Wars for Israel
Without naming names, Cheney also slammed the less hawkish members of his own
partysuch as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)for believing that the United States can
afford to turn its back on that part of the world, referring to the Middle East. One of
the things that concerns me first about the campaign, that Im worried about, he said,
is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms,
in our own party. Its not taking over, by any means, but there is without question a
body of thought now thats supported by many Republicans and some candidates that
the United States can afford to turn its back on that part of the world. Cheney
complained that some candidates think that the Middle East is not our problem
Bring the boys home. Theres no reason in the world for us to be involved in that part
of the world. But, he remarked, anybody who thinks back on the problems of 9/11
knows it makes absolutely no sense at all for us to contemplate that course of

Cheney was a central figure in the events of 9/11. Cheney had no problem faking
hijackings or nuking skyscrapers in New York to justify invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
Over a million innocent people were killed in Iraq so that Israel can maintain its
hegemony over the Middle East. Cheney and the Neocons are willing do almost[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

anything so that Israel can maintain its dominance.

Looking at 2016 through the 9/11 lens
You cannot understand current events if you dont understand what really happened
on 9/11. Those who have studied 9/11 have concluded that it was a Zionist operation
the evidence is overwhelming. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars that followed
primarily benefited Israel.
When we refer to Israel in the context of researching these types of events we
actually mean the Rothschild criminal network which is the power structure that
carved Israel out of Palestine. The Rothschilds control the major central banks of the
world such as the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of
England etc. The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a long time.
The Rothschild criminal cartel was behind the assassinations of Lincoln, FDR, JFK,
RFK, World War I and II, Vietnam, the events of 9/11 and on and on. No informed
person underestimates the power that Israel has to influence world events. If you are
unfamiliar with the Rothschilds a good place to start your research is Daryl Bradford
Smiths Rothschilds Timeline.

If Israel has the power to assassinate US presidents and they certainly appear to,
they also have the power to influence elections. Adelson is making no secret of his
desire to influence the 2016 Presidential Election. Is he spending all of this money
merely to stop internet gambling or is he trying to get a stooge into the White House
to start a war with Iran? Bamboozling the American public into yet another illegitimate
war for Israel certainly fits the modus operandi of the Zionists.
Its rather disgusting seeing Presidential contenders groveling to the Zionists. Almost
as though we live in an alternate universe. Why must Americans grovel to the
Zionists? Israel cant survive without massive economic and military aid from the US.
The US has provided Israel with $121 billion in economic assistance since World War
II and fought countless wars to keep their despotic regime in power.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

In a just world Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Giuliani, Zakheim, Silverstein and the rest of
the 9/11 perpetrators would stand trial for war crimes. All of the foreign aid that the
US has sent to Israel would be clawed back and our troops withdrawn from the region
But since the average American lives in a fog of Zionist propaganda well most likely
see yet another President elected in 2016 who will be beholden to the Zionists. A
disastrous war with Iran may be the price of our national ignorance this time.
Posted in Politics | Tagged Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Republican Jewish Coalition,
Scott Walker, Sheldon Adelson, Zionist Billionaire

Does the huge quantity of iron-rich

spheres in the dust point to nuclear or
Posted on April 25, 2014

Originally posted by T Mark Hightower on 8/25/2011

Calculations can help define the magnitude of various theories. I am referencing a
calculation that Niels Harrit emailed to me and various others on 7/26/2011. He
calculated the amount of thermitic material that would have been necessary to
account for the quantity of iron-rich spheres in the WTC dust, assuming of course
that the iron reaction product of the thermite reaction was the source of the spheres.
The range of thermitic material that he calculated was from 29,000 metric tons to
143,000 metric tons per Twin Tower, depending on the iron oxide concentration
assumed for the thermitic material. These numbers are unrealistically high in terms of
the quantity of thermitic material that could have or would have been loaded into a
Twin Tower by the perpetrators before its destruction, in my view, but thats not what I
want to get into right here. I want to use this huge quantity of iron-rich spheres to
illustrate an alternate explanation for their presence.
An intermediate value from Harrits calculation referenced above was that
conservatively 11,660 metric tons of iron-rich spheres were present in the dust
generated from the destruction of one Twin Tower. If we assume that the iron-rich
spheres were mostly iron, with the iron source possibly being the structural steel
rather than thermitic material, the energy required to convert this much iron to the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

molten state can be calculated. (It is assumed that the iron-rich spheres required a
prior molten state for their formation.) Furthermore, if we express the energy in terms
of the quantity of TNT equivalent based on its heat of explosion, these units can give
us something to relate to in terms commonly associated with specifying the
magnitude of nuclear explosions, kilotons. So if the calculation is done for just the
energy necessary to melt the iron, on the order of 1 kiloton of TNT is the energy
equivalent required. If we also include the energy necessary to heat the iron from
room temperature to its melting point, then on the order of 4 kilotons TNT equivalent
would be required. Of course there would be more kilotons than this to account for all
of the other destruction in addition to just producing the iron-rich spheres, so we are
definitely talking about something in the multiple kiloton range. This helps to illustrate
the magnitude of what we may be dealing with in the destruction of the Twin Towers
and points towards the possibility of nuclear devices or even possibly some more
esoteric directed free energy technology such as what Dr. Judy Wood hypothesizes,
in her book, Where Did the Towers Go? All WTC destruction hypotheses are
speculative, and these are no exception, but these do seem to fit the magnitude of the
iron-rich sphere data better than the nanothermite hypothesis. Dr. Judy Woods
hypothesis is also a nuclear hypothesis of sorts, in that she refers to Low Energy
Nuclear Reactions as a possible part of the esoteric technology used.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged DEWs, Niels Harrit, T Mark Hightower, Twin Towers, wtc

Contrasting uniformity and nonuniformity of WTC dust sample results

of the Harrit et al. paper Active
Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9/11 World Trade
Posted on April 20, 2014

Editors note: This post originally appeared on T Mark Hightowers blog. Mark has left
public 9/11 research and I was asked to re-post some of his old articles. This is the
first of a series of posts from Marks old blog.
T Mark Hightower
Although the Harrit et al. paper claims great uniformity of results among all samples
based on all the tests apart from the Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) tests,
this is in significant contrast to the tremendous lack of uniformity reflected in the DSC
Also, although the paper contains a rather doubtful statement regarding its findings in
one part of the paper, it concludes with a strikingly confident conclusion in the final[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

statement of the paper.

There are some weaknesses in the Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) data that
is presented in the paper (Harrit et al.) for the 4 dust samples.
There were 4 dust samples tested. Page 9 of the paper identifies them as
1 MacKinlay
2 Delassio/Breidenbach
3 Intermount
4 White
The DSC data is presented in the text of page 19, section 3, which refers to graphical
results of Fig. 19 on page 20. One of the DSC traces is compared to a trace of
published nanothermite data in Fig. 29 on page 25. The results are presented in Fig.
30 on page 27 in the form of bar graphs reporting units of kJ/g.
There is an oddity I want to point out before I get into the first weakness.
The data referred to on page 19 and in Fig. 19 appears to have not included sample
2 Delassio/Breidenbach, but instead has a MacKinlay 2 sample in its place to give a
total of 4 samples tested. In Fig. 30 the 4 samples are clearly labeled as 1, 2, 3, and
4, so here it seems to imply that the 2 Delassio/Breidenbach sample is included.
Interestingly, the numerical value of 3 kJ/g given in the text on page 19 for the
MacKinlay 2 sample of Fig. 19 is the same or at least close to the same as the 2
(presumably) Delassio/Breidenbach sample of Fig. 30. Clarification from the authors
should be sought to clear up this confusion.
So there were 4 separate dust samples, with multiple red/gray chips in each sample.
I will use the numerical values of energy release given in the text (page 19) as
representing the values in the bar graph of Fig. 30 for the 4 WTC chip samples.
These would be
Sample 1: 1.5 kJ/g
Sample 2: 3 kJ/g
Sample 3: 7.5 kJ/g
Sample 4: 6 kJ/g
As these four DSC data points are all we have, it is of note that there is tremendous
scatter in this data. The average value is 4.5 and the standard deviation is 2.7. As
two standard deviations is usually what is used when referring to a value being +/some uncertainty, in rough terms, we would then say that the DSC data gives an
average value of 4.5 kJ/g, with an uncertainty of +/- 100%.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

It appears that only one red/gray chip was selected from each sample for DSC
testing. If DSC tests had been done separately for multiple chips in each sample,
then the question of whether the scatter in the data was present similarly within each
of the samples could also have been addressed. You cannot find what you do not
look for.
The paper offers some possible explanations for the scatter in the data. From page
19, section 3, it states,
Variations in peak height as well as yield estimates are not surprising, since the mass
used to determine the scale of the signal, shown in the DSC traces, included the
mass of the gray layer. The gray layer was found to consist mostly of iron oxide so
that it probably does not contribute to the exotherm, and yet this layer varies greatly
in mass from chip to chip.
Page 29, Conclusion 10. offers an explanation for higher total energy release than
can be explained by the classic thermite reaction (true for samples 3 & 4)
The carbon content of the red material indicates that an organic substance is
present. This would be expected for super-thermite formulations in order to produce
high gas pressures upon ignition and thus make them explosive. The nature of the
organic material in these chips merits further exploration. We note that it is likely also
an energetic material, in that the total energy release sometimes observed in DSC
tests exceeds the theoretical maximum energy of the classic thermite reaction.
If citing gray layer variation and organic content is not enough to explain the
tremendous variation in the results, another explanation is added on page 27, section
6. I will quote an entire paragraph so you can appreciate the context.
It is striking that some of the red/gray chips release more energy in kJ/g than does
ordinary thermite, as shown in the blue bar graphs above. The theoretical maximum
for thermite is 3.9 kJ/g [27]. We suggest that the organic material in evidence in the
red/gray chips is also highly energetic, most likely producing gas to provide explosive
pressure. Again, conventional thermite is regarded as an incendiary whereas superthermite, which may include organic ingredients for rapid gas generation, is
considered a pyrotechnic or explosive [6, 24]. As this test was done in air it is
possible that some of the enhancement of energy output may have come from air
oxidation of the organic component.
So the DSC tests were done in air so extra oxygen was present to help liberate
energy from any organics that might be present.
I know there is very little data to go on, just 4 DSC scans of red/gray chips, but with
the scatter in the data and the explanations offered to explain it, I get the impression
that the red/gray chips are tremendously lacking in uniformity. Or else there is much
inherent error in the experimental apparatus.
By having air and therefore a source of oxygen present in the DSC seems to be an
error in method since it allows for the input of energy from outside the substance that
is itself being measured for its energy content. From Fig. 30 Chip 3 liberates
considerably more energy than the high explosive HMX, and Chip 4 also exceeds the
HMX value, but only by a little. The HMX provides its own oxygen within its chemical
makeup, so it would not depend upon additional oxygen present to liberate its full
energy. (Be sure not to confuse energy release with detonation velocity, an issue I[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

am not dealing with in this write-up.)

I would like to see what a DSC trace of pure HMX would look like. It would probably
look quite different because it would start to release its energy at a lower
temperature, the deflagration temperature of HMX being 287 deg C. (page 238,
Explosives, 6th edition, Meyer et al., 2007)
In summary, the DSC data is extremely limited with much scatter and has a potential
method error. Drawing firm conclusions from it is extremely dubious.
Variability in proportions of gray layer within the red/gray chips and organics present
in the red layer are cited as explanations for the scatter in the DSC data. Lets
quantify these explanations to see what kind of variability of the specimens might
account for the scatter in the data.
The energy release for thermite is cited as 3.9 kJ/g. For the lowest value from the
DSC tests, 1.5 kJ/g for sample 1, lets first assume for the sake of illustration that this
specimen had a low value because it had no organics in the red layer (in other words
it is essentially pure thermite), and the gray layer being predominantly iron oxide as
the paper says, acted as excess reactant and therefore was essentially inert
providing no energy in the DSC test. In this case, the red layer would have to be
present at 38 % by weight and the gray layer present at 62 % within the specimen.
The math is 1.5/3.9 = 0.38. In summary, this would be assuming no organics, 38%
red layer, and 62% gray layer.
The above calculation is done as a base case for comparison, even though its
assumption of no organics in the red layer goes against the major thrust of the
conclusion of the Harrit et al. paper that the red layer is a form of nanothermite that
includes organics.
The next calculation is an attempt to quantify the high end of the DSC data, 7.5 kJ/g
for sample 3. The presence of organics is cited as the explanation for the high value
by the paper. Pure high explosive HMX has a energy release of 5.2 kJ/g, so even if
sample 3 were 100 % HMX, this could not account for the higher value of 7.5 kJ/g
obtained by the DSC test. So, for the sake of illustration, I am going to assume that
the organic present in the red layer has an energy release of twice that of HMX, or
10.4 kJ/g. To help account for the high value of 7.5 kJ/g for sample 3, I am also going
to assume that it contains no gray layer. In other words I am going to assume that
sample 3 is 100 % red layer material. Setting x = weight fraction thermite in the red
layer, the math is 3.9x + 10.4(1-x) = 7.5. Solving for x gives 0.45. So based on the
above assumptions the red layer would have to contain 45 % thermite by weight and
55 % organic. In summary, this would be 100% red layer, no gray layer, with the red
layer made up of 45% thermitic material and 55% organics.
Lets now go back to the low value case, 1.5 kJ/g for sample 1, and assume that it is
made up of red layer (containing 45 % thermite and 55 % organic from the previous
calculation) plus gray layer of inert excess iron oxide reactant. In this case then, the
specimen would have to contain 20 % red layer and 80 % gray layer. The math is
1.5/7.5 = 0.2. In summary, this would be 20% red layer (made up of 45% thermite
and 55% organic) and 80% gray layer.
Therefore, a very high degree of variability among the red/gray chips is necessary to[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

explain the scatter in the DSC test data, unless there is significant error in the
experimental apparatus and technique.
This is in contrast to these statements from the paper concerning the great uniformity
of results.
From page 15, right column, it states, From these data, it is determined that the
red/gray chips from different WTC dust samples are extremely similar in their
chemical and structural makeup. It is also shown that within the red layer there is an
intimate mixing of the Fe-rich grains and Al/Si plate-like particles and that these
particles are embedded in a carbon-rich matrix.
From page 23, upper left column, it states, The results clearly show the similarities of
the red/gray chips from the different dust samples from all four sites.
On page 25 of the paper, it says
The red layer of the red/gray chips is most interesting in that it contains aluminum,
iron and oxygen components which are intimately mixed at a scale of approximately
100 nanometers (nm) or less. Now we compare a DSC trace obtained for a WTC
red/gray chip with a DSC trace obtained for known super-thermite (see Fig. (29)).
Note that in Fig. 29 the trace of the WTC sample is really not all that similar to the
known super-thermite. The WTC sample cited in Fig. 29 is the MacKinlay sample,
although it does not say whether it is the MacKinlay 1 or MacKinlay 2 sample. But
from Fig. 19, where 4 WTC DSC traces are plotted, for the four samples, MacKinlay
1, MacKinlay 2, Intermont, and White, the two MacKinlay samples are the lowest
energy release traces. The other two, Intermont (sample 3), and White (sample 4)
have much higher energy release, and deviate even more from the known superthermite trace of Fig. 29.
With the tremendous scatter in the DSC data presented in the paper, and its
implication for extreme non uniformity of the red/gray chips that I have tried to
quantify, the question needs to be raised on all of the other tests that were performed
to characterize the red/gray chips, and whether additional tests should have been
done on other of the chips within the samples, to see if those tests also would have
shown such high levels of non uniformity.
From page 25 of the paper, right column, first paragraph, the final sentence is
We make no attempt to specify the particular form of nano-thermite present until
more is learned about the red material and especially about the nature of the organic
material it contains. This statement expresses a lot of doubt about the findings.
From page 29 of the paper, final paragraph.
Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips
we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive

material. This final conclusion statement of the paper expresses much less doubt.
The Harrit et al. paper cited in this article can be found here:
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Niels Harrit, Steve Jones, T Mark Hightower, thermite, WTC dust sample

Older posts

9/11 Debate 3/9/14

Posted on March 8, 2014

Sunday March 9, 2014 4-6 pm CT Onebornfree and myself will be debating 9/11 on
John Friends show the Realist Report. John will take calls in the second hour 646564-9512.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged John Friend, OneBornFree, Realist Report

Jim Fetzer Real Deal

Posted on February 9, 2014

You can listen to the show either by playing the clip in your browser or by
downloading it from here.



Simon Shack and the researchers at the September Clues Forum have constructed
their own mythology of the events of September 11, 2001. This blog post will further
deconstruct the phony 9/11 mythology of the Clues Forum.
For the record here is the Myth that September Clues is advocating:
TOUR GUIDE to the September Clues research
It is fair to say the September Clues research has established these 4 main points:
1- The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film production, complete with
actors in the role of eye-witnesses or firefighters, staged running crowds, 3Dcompositing and special cinematic effects. The 9/11 movie was split into a number of
short clips and sold to the TV audience as newscasts. The few clips featuring
airplanes (or dull silhouettes thereof) were computer-generated images all of which
in stark conflict with each other, as now comprehensively demonstrated in every
imaginable manner, angle and method.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

2- No commercial airliners were hijacked or much less crashed into the WTC
towers, the Pentagon or the Shanksville field. No valid/verifiable records exist for :
their airport logs/schedules, their numbered parts, their alleged passengers. Their
reported speeds at near sea-level as well as the absurd visuals of their total, effortless
disappearance into the WTC faades defy the laws of mechanics and physics and
the absence of visible wake vortexes in the WTC impact imagery also defies the laws
of aerodynamics.
3- The World Trade Center Complex (9 buildings in all) were demolished with
powerful explosives. No image-analyses of the tower collapses can help determine
just what type of explosives were employed since the videos are 3D animations
and do not represent the real-life events. In reality, as they collapsed, the WTC
complex was most likely enveloped by military-grade smoke obscurants. No
real/private imagery exists of the mornings events thanks to electromagnetic
4- No 3000 people were trapped in the top floors/nor perished in the WTC towers.
Only one thing was more important to the perps than avoiding a mass murder of 3000
US citizens : to sell the notion that bogeyman Bin Laden killed 3000 US citizens. We
have renamed the victims of these psy-operations VICSIMS (SIMulated VICtims).
In fact, our research has seen the same pattern emerge in all the so-called Al-Qaeda
Terror Attacks around the world (LONDON 7/7, MADRID 11, BALI, MUMBAI, etc).
In all logic, the very last aggravation the plotters behind these false-flag operations
wish to have, are scores of real families hounding them forever with real questions
and real class actions. Hence: NO real terror victims = Logical PsyOp rationale.
9/11 is but a giant and still ongoing money-making scam. It rotates around the
most well-funded and profitable hoax of modern history. Everyone involved in the
scheme is reaping a sizable return from their investment bond which, naturally, has
SILENCE printed all over it. For anyone to speak out would be both ruinous and
suicidal a most distasteful option. To be sure, suicidal heroics only exist in
journalistic fairy-tales such as the outlandish news medias narrative of 9/11 and its
nineteen religious fanatics. The skeptics objecting that too many people would have
had to be in on this fail to account for the most fundamental aspect of human nature:
our survival instinct.
The master plan of 9/11 was to demolish the redundant, asbestos-filled WTC complex
in Lower Manhattan 9 buildings in all. The area would naturally be evacuated (as
for all such demolitions) in order to prevent a slaughterhouse of dreadful
proportions not a good idea at all. To be sure, this was no mass murder
scheme just a formidable opportunity for massive financial gains and military
propaganda. The military (and its various intelligence affiliates) would manage the
ground logistics, such as securing the area, raising smokescreens to hide the
proceedings from public view, and last but not least, electromagnetic
countermeasures to keep any private cameras from filming the mayhem. The WTC
complex was thus safely destroyed in bright daylight. It was a magicians trick, pulled
off by sleight of hand to fool the few (the NY onlookers) and with computer graphics
to fool the world (the TV viewers).
Simon Shack: Twin Towers were Demolished by Dynamite
Below is an audio clip of Ab Irato reading a Simon Shack post.

00:00[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]


Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Here are the main points:

1. All of the 9/11 events were fake including the collapse of the Twin Towers.
Television viewers were shown pre-produced movie footage.
2. The actual collapse of the Twin Towers wouldnt be shown on TV.
3. Support for theories that claim exotic demolition methods were used on the WTC
were derived from fake images and videos so those theories must be rejected.
4. WTC complex was hidden from view by military grade smoke obscurants before
the demolition took place.
5. 12 years of bickering and circular debates about what explosives were actually
6. Dynamite has been used in all building demolitions. Dynamite was up for the job in
7. Biltmore hotel was demolished in 1977. The Biltmore was a 245 foot, 28-story high
steel framed building. CDI needed to place charges on both sides of steel beams.
8. Most New Yorkers probably watched the Twin Towers getting demolished on TV.
Father Frank Morales Describes Ground Zero
Below is an audio clip of Frank Morales w/ Jim Fetzer from 10/2/07 describing first
hand what he witnessed at Ground Zero in the immediate aftermath of the destruction
of the WTC buildings. Compare what Frank has to say versus the September Clues
version of Ground Zero. The Clues Forum guys would have you believe that the WTC
complex was merely a movie set. That stands in stark contrast to the horror show
that Frank and many other witnesses described at Ground Zero.



1. No chairs or desks found at Ground Zero.

2. The soil was rich and moist from the bodies of the dead.
3. 1,100 bodies vaporized. DNA was mixed in from different bodies.
4. Collapse of the buildings wouldnt vaporize 1,100 people.
5. Very little debris found. Jet fuel cant explain this.
6. The North Tower was referred to as the 2,000 degree pit. The cherry picker
removed pieces of molten steel from below ground level.
7. Workers were going around with red 1 lb bags collecting 1 inch or less pieces of
Can dynamite or kerosene explain the kind of devastation that Frank describes at
Ground Zero? Of course not. Frank is clearly describing behemoth skyscrapers that
were reduced to dust and 1,100 people that were completely vaporized. Only nuclear
bombs can account for what was witnessed at Ground Zero.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Ground Zero
The term ground zero (sometimes also known as surface zero as distinguished from
zero point describes the point on the Earths surface closest to a detonation. In the
case of an explosion above the ground, ground zero refers to the point on the ground
directly below the detonation (see hypocenter).
The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs,
but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the
point of the most severe damage or destruction. The term is often re-used for
disasters that have a geographic or conceptual epicenter.
The term was military slang, used at the Trinity site where the weapon tower for the
first nuclear weapon was at point zero, and moved into general use very shortly
after the end of World War II. At Hiroshima, the hypocenter of the attack was Shima

Ground Zero at Hiroshima

El Buggo and a number of other shills on the internet are claiming that nuclear
weapons dont exist. El Buggo states that he isnt able to find Ground Zero at
Hiroshima (no big crater) so he doubts that Hiroshima was actually nuked. El Buggo
states that Hiroshima was merely firebombed and that the government is claiming it
was nuked as an intimidation tactic. El Buggo is completely full of it. Hes most likely a
paid shill so anything he says can be discounted.
The nuke-denying disinformationists attempt to play on the ignorance of the public of
the actual effects of nuclear weapons. In this case an air-burst atomic weapon not
leaving a crater at Ground Zero.
For the record here is a link to a 360 panorama taken by the US Army at Ground
Zero in Hiroshima.
Hiroshima after the Atomic Bomb Ground Zero (5 of 5) by US Army in Japan[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The bomb dropped on Hiroshima was a 15 kiloton bomb that was primitive by todays
standards. Only 1.38% of its uranium actually fissioned. The main effect of the bomb
was fire. The mass fire burned for 6 hours and consumed 4.5 square miles of the city.
The Little Boy Bomb:
Dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, it was the first nuclear[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

weapon used in a war. Following are some approximate statistics for Little Boy. If you
require more extensive information on this weapon, please contact us:
Weight: 9,700 lbs
Length: 10 ft.; Diameter: 28 in.
Fuel: Highly enriched uranium; Oralloy
Uranium Fuel: approx. 140 lbs; target 85 lbs and projectile 55 lbs
Target case, barrel, uranium projectile, and other main parts ferried to Tinian Island
via USS Indianapolis
Uranium target component ferried to Tinian via C-54 aircraft of the 509th Composite
Efficiency of weapon: poor
Approx. 1.38% of the uranium fuel actually fissioned
Explosive force: 15,000 tons of TNT equivalent
Use: Dropped on Japanese city of Hiroshima; August 6, 1945
Delivery: B-29 Enola Gay piloted by Col. Paul Tibbets
Nuclear Weapon Thermal Effects
Large amounts of electromagnetic radiation in the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are emitted from the surface of the fireball
within the first minute or less after detonation. This thermal radiation travels outward
from the fireball at the speed of light, 300,000 km/sec. The chief hazard of thermal
radiation is the production of burns and eye injuries in exposed personnel. Such
thermal injuries may occur even at distances where blast and initial nuclear radiation
effects are minimal. Absorption of thermal radiation will also cause the ignition of
combustible materials and may lead to fires which then spread rapidly among the
debris left by the blast.
The fireball from a nuclear explosion reaches blackbody temperatures greater
than107 K, so that the energy at which most photons are emitted corresponds to the
x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum. For detonations occurring below 30,000
m (100,000 ft) these X-rays are quickly absorbed in the atmosphere, and the energy
is reradiated at blackbody temperatures below 10,000 K. Both of these temperatures
are well above that reached in conventional chemical explosions, about 5,000 K. For
detonations below 100,000 feet, 35 percent to 45 percent of the nuclear yield is
effectively radiated as thermal energy.
In addition to the high temperature of the nuclear fireball, the blackbody radiation is
emitted in a characteristic two-peaked pulse with the first peak being due to the
radiating surface of the outrunning shock. As the fireball expands and its energy is
deposited in an ever-increasing volume its temperature decreases and the transfer of
energy by thermal radiation becomes less rapid. At this point, the blast wave front
begins to catch up with the surface of the fireball and then moves ahead of it, a[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

process called hydrodynamic separation. Due to the tremendous compression of the

atmosphere by the blast wave, the air in front of the fireball is heated to
incandescence. Thus, after hydrodynamic separation, the fireball actually consists of
two concentric regions: the hot inner core known as the isothermal sphere; and an
outer layer of luminous shock-heated air.
The outer layer initially absorbs much of the radiation from the isothermal sphere and
hence the apparent surface temperature of the fireball and the amount of radiation
emitted from it decreases after separation. But, as the shock front advances still
farther, the temperature of the shocked air diminishes and it becomes increasingly
transparent. As the shock front temperature drops below 6,000 K, thermal radiation
decreases when the shock front becomes transparent to radiation from the interior.
This occurs between 10-5and 10-2seconds after detonation. At about 0.1 second
after detonation, the shock front becomes sufficiently transparent that radiation from
the innermost, hottest regions becomes visible, producing a second thermal peak.
This results in an unmasking of the still incandescent isothermal region and an
increase in the apparent surface temperature of the fireball. This phenomena is
referred to as breakaway. Before the second peak begins the fireball has radiated
only about one quarter of its total energy. About 99 percent of the total thermal
energy is contained in the second pulse. The duration of this pulse depends on the
yield of the weapon and the height of burst (HOB); it ranges from only about 0.4 s for
a 1 KT air burst to more than 20 s for a 10 MT explosion.
The rate of thermal emission from the fireball is governed by its apparent surface
temperature. The thermal output of a nuclear air burst will then occur in two pulses),
an initial pulse, consisting primarily of ultraviolet radiation, which contains only about
1% of the total radiant energy of the explosion and is terminated as the shock front
moves ahead of the fireball, and a second pulse which occurs after breakaway.
The Ground Zero Pothole
Below is an excerpt from pages 390-3 of Khalezovs 9/11thology:
Independent confirmations of the nuclear demolition. Moltenrock, thermal
maps, Ice Age glaciers and hard evidence
One might ask probably another question are there any independent sources that
could confirm thatthere were indeed three underground nuclear explosions in Lower
Manhattan, apart from the ravings ofthe author of these lines and other conspiracy
theorists of similar kind such as above mentioned Mr.Tahil?
Firstly, I would like to state that Mr. Tahil claims that there were only two
underground nuclear explosions,not actually three. This is, by the way, yet another
clear indication that he might be closely related tothose culprits from the WTC
demolition team. If he were an honest researcher, then, considering hissupernatural
shrewdness, he would never fail to notice the third nuclear demolition event in
regard tothe WTC-7. To answer the actual question yes, there are some
independent sources, which indirectlytestify to the same effect as the author of these
An unprecedented article titled Pictured: The 40ft pothole that shows Ground Zero
was once thesite of an Ice Age glacier appeared simultaneously in several
newspapers, for example, in the UKMail, published online on September 23, 2008.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The article featured quite an interesting photograph showing the excavated bathtub
at Ground Zeroalong with an odd, giant, so-called pothole in the spot of one of the
former Twin Towers. Edges of thepothole appeared to be covered in molten rock.
There were actually three pictures of the so-calledpotholes two of them inserted
into the above mentioned article, and one more photo of the sameseries was used in
another news article dealing with the same issue. Below is one of the first two:

Here is the second photograph from that article:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Proof of ice: The giant pothole, seen in the lower half of this picture, is proof
the World Trade Centre towers stood on what was once ground covered by an
Ice Age glacier
You could really appreciate the description under the above photo I mean, you
could really appreciatethe level of the desperation of the U.S. Government officials
and their spin-doctors, who were tasked withthe near impossible task to say
something comprehensible in regard to the incriminating cavities thathad nothing to
do with either the kerosene, nor with the supposed mini-nukes.
Yet, an even more seditious picture was leaked to the public at about the same time;
it belonged to thesame series of the so-called potholes photos. This one came with
the Associated Press articlepublished by Science on The article
was named Ice Age geology revealed atGround Zero. World Trade Center dig
uncovers 20,000-year-old, 40-foot-deep pothole. The actualarticle could be found
on this MSNBC news web page (at least, it was still there in the last days
ofDecember 2012).
The below one is that seditious photo showing the smooth edges of the molten rock I
am talking about.

These utterly seditious pictures were apparently taken illegally, since it was strictly
prohibited to bring anyphotographic equipment into ground zero area, even when
these words were still spelled with low-caseletters, and when there were thousands
of ground zero responders clearing enormous piles of the debrisand searching for
It would be even more illegal to make such pictures of Ground Zero when the
majority of the initialresponders were banned from the site and only less than a
hundred of the highly trusted peopleremained there to fix the unexplainable
underground cavities.
Dimitris footnote:
On November 2nd, 2001, NY Mayor Giuliani suddenly and without any seeming
reason has ordered city officialsto limit the number of rescue workers trying to
recover victims bodies to 25 each from the Port Authority police,NYPD and FDNY,
and an additional 10 firefighters for fire suppression which caused deep resentment
among thefirefighters and even some scuffles with the police deployed to protect
Ground Zero from those unwantedfirefighters.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Can conventional explosive charges explain the massive pothole at Ground Zero?
Is it even remotely plausible that the pothole was a natural formation? Thats the
spin this New York Times article tries to put on it:
This monumental carving was the work of glaciers, which made their last retreat from
these parts about 20,000 years ago, leaving profound gouges in the earth and rocks
from the Palisades, the Ramapo Mountains and an area of northern New Jersey
known as the Newark Basin.
Plumbing these glacial features and souvenirs has been critical in preparing the
foundation for Tower 4 of the new World Trade Center, being built by Silverstein
Properties. The concrete footings from which its columns rise must rest on firm
bedrock. Engineers need a clear understanding of the rocks contours.
You want to make sure youre not perching something on a ledge, said Andrew
Pontecorvo, a supervising structural engineer at Mueser Rutledge Consulting
Engineers, which is working on the trade center project.
Engineers knew in advance that there were discontinuities in the bedrock at the
southeast corner of the trade center site, where Tower 4 is situated. Some of these
were revealed in the 1960s during the construction of the original slurry wall. (George
J. Tamaro, who supervised that job for the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey, is a retired partner of Mueser Rutledge.)
And when parts of the slurry wall were rebuilt after 9/11, engineers found areas where
the rock anchors that stabilize the wall would not hold, meaning there were voids in
the bedrock.
Borings through the ground also showed large discrepancies in the elevation of the
rock underneath. It was extreme from the variation you would interpret to what we
actually encountered, Mr. Pontecorvo said.
Obviously, the bedrock topography could not be mapped with enough precision until
all the soil was removed and the surface was fully exposed. But besides being an[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

engineering necessity, the unearthing of geological features, especially a 40-foot

depression known as a pothole, has offered scientists a rare window into the deep
There are areas in local parks that have small vertical potholes exposed, said
Cheryl J. Moss, the senior geologist at Mueser Rutledge, but Im not aware of
anything in the city with a whole, self-contained depression on this scale.
Ms. Moss and Mr. Pontecorvo are scheduled to give an illustrated lecture on the site
at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Tribute W.T.C. Visitor Center, 120 Liberty Street,
opposite the pothole.
Its been called the Grand Canyon of Lower Manhattan, Mr. Pontecorvo said.
Charles Merguerian, chairman of the geology department at Hofstra University and a
consultant to Mueser Rutledge on the trade center project, put it even more simply:
It is very unusual to see such features near sea level, he added.
Shown photographs of the rocks, Sidney Horenstein, a geologist and environmental
educator emeritus at the American Museum of Natural History, said, You dont find
such an array of rock types in the few places in the city that the glacial deposits are
Across much of the trade center site, bedrock level is roughly 70 feet below street
level. In the southeast corner, however, the pothole adds another 40 feet to the depth,
meaning that its bottom is about 110 feet below street level.
Yet when the pothole filled with rainwater this summer, it looked like nothing so much
as a little mountain pond. Crevices around the edge were filled with pockets of
densely packed cobblestones, possibly some of the very stones that the glaciers used
to do the carving.
As the ice passed over New Jersey, Ms. Moss explained, it picked up local rocks
such as red shale and sandstone and gray basalt from the Palisades. As ice melted
from the advancing glacier, raging streams of water flowed in front of it. The strong
currents picked up the sand, gravel and boulders and carried them downstream
across the World Trade Center site.
As these rocks bounced across the bedrock, essentially sandblasting the surface, the
softer layers started to erode out and the harder rock left behind became polished. In
places, the water swirled in whirlpools of varying sizes, carving out deep potholes and
larger basins.
Along the east side of the pothole, the rock layers run vertically not horizontally.
The result, where the surface has been carved away in a concave form, is an abstract
canvas of swirling, concentric rings; not unlike a gouge in a wall that reveals many
layers of old paint.
This speaks of a period far more ancient than the glaciers, about 500 million years
ago, when the edges of the colliding North American and African continental plates
got shuffled together.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Thats when all this got pushed into a vertical orientation, Dr. Merguerian said. He
estimated that the rock around the pothole had once been 20 miles below the
surface, based on the presence of a high-pressure mineral called kyanite.
Here are some pictures of the Glacial Rock Formation at WTC Site[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged El Buggo, Ground Zero pothole, OBF, professor jim fetzer, September
Clues, Simon Shack, underground nukes

Shills and Trolls: Paid to Support Israel

on Message Boards andForums
Posted on February 7, 2014

This post contains an excerpt from Dimitri Khalezovs massive PDF 9/11thology: The
third truth about 9/11.Its a 137 MB download.
Dimitris got a lot of good stuff in there and I havent finished reading it yet but I
thought this section was particularly interesting.
Dimitri found a confession of a shill on the Above Top Secret forum. The shill was[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

there to support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.

It was removed after it was deemed to be a hoax. Dimitri thinks that it sounds legit
and so do I. It sure sounds like something OBF, El Buggo, Simon Shack, Emmanuel
Goldstein, Mark Bilk (aka the Cosmic Penguin), Peter Wakefield Sault, Pete Santilli,
Thomas Potter, Andrew Johnson (aka S. Tiller)or the others would say if you could
somehow get a confession out of them. Nearly every 9/11 researcher Ive sent this to
thinks this is legitimate. If you start going back and forth with the shills on the internet
you will see what we are talking about.
Read it for yourselves and make your own minds.
I think it is important to quote here the entire confession that was published on this
Internet forum:
Here is its original text:
I am writing here to come out of the closet as a paid shill. For a little over six months,
I was paid to spread disinformation and argue political points on the Internet. This
site, ATS, was NOT one that I was assigned to post on, although other people in the
same organization were paid to be here, and I assume they still walk among you. But
more on this later.
I quit this job in the latter part of 2011, because I became disgusted with it, and with
myself. I realized I couldnt look myself in the mirror anymore. If this confession
triggers some kind of retribution against me, so be it. Part of being a real man in this
world is having real values that you stand up for, no matter what the consequences.
My story begins in early 2011. I had been out of work for almost a year after losing
my last job in tech support. Increasingly desperate and despondent, I jumped at the
chance when a former co-worker called me up and said she had a possible lead for
me. It is an unusual job, and one that requires secrecy. But the pay is good. And I
know you are a good writer, so its something you are suited for. (Writing has always
been a hobby for me). She gave me only a phone-number and an address, in one of
the seedier parts of San Francisco, where I live. Intrigued, I asked her for the
companys URL and some more info. She laughed. They dont have a website. Or
even a name. Youll see. Just tell them I referred you. Yes,it sounded suspicious,
but long-term joblessness breeds desperation, and desperation has a funny way of
overlooking the suspicious when it comes to putting food on the table.
The next day, I arrived at the address the third floor in a crumbling building. The
appearance of the place did not inspire confidence. After walking down a long, filthy
linoleum-covered corridor lit by dimly flickering halogen, I came to the entrance of the
office itself: a crudely battered metal door with a sign that said United Amalgamated
Industries, Inc. I later learned that this company changed its name almost monthly,
always using bland names like that which gave no strong impression of what the
company actually does. Not too hopeful, I went inside. The interior was equally
shabby. There were a few longtables with folding chairs, at which about a dozen
people were tapping away on old, beat-up computers. There were no decorations or
ornaments of any type: not even the standard-issue office fica trees or plastic ferns.
What a dump. Well, beggars cant be choosers.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The manager, a balding man in his late forties, rose from the only stand-alone desk in
the room and came forward with an easy smile. You must be Chris. Yvette [my exco-worker] told me youd be coming. [Not our real names]. Welcome. Let me tell you
a little about what we do. No interview, nothing. I later learned they took people
based solely on referral, and that the people making the referrals, like my excolleague Yvette, were trained to pick out candidates based on several factors
including ability to keep ones mouth shut, basic writing skills, and desperation for
We sat down at his desk and he began by asking me a few questions about myself
and my background, including my political views (which were basically non-existent).
Then he began to explain the job. We work on influencing peoples opinions here, is
how he described it. The companys clients paid them to post on Internet message
boards and popular chartrooms, as well as in gaming forums and social networks like
Facebook and MySpace. Who were these clients? Oh, various people, he said
vaguely. Sometimes private companies, sometimes political groups. Satisfied that
my political views were not strong, he said I would be assigned to political work. The
best people for this type of job are people like you, without strong views, he said with
a laugh. It might seem counterintuitive, but actually weve found that to be the case.
Well, OK. Fine. As long as it comes with a steady paycheck, Id believe whatever they
wanted me to believe, as the guy in Ghostbusters said.
After discussing pay (which was much better than Id hoped) and a few other details,
he then went over the need for absolute privacy and secrecy. You cant tell anyone
what we do here. Not your wife, not your dog. (I have neither, as it happens.) Well
give you a cover story and even a phone number and a fake website you can use.
You will have to tell people you are a consultant. Since your background is in tech
support, that will be your cover job. Is this going to be a problem for you? I assured
him it would not.
Well, OK. Shall we get started?
Right now? I asked, a bit taken aback.
No time like the present! he said with a hearty laugh.
The rest of the day was taken up with training. Another staff member, a no-nonsense
woman in her thirties, was to be my trainer, and training would only last two days.
You seem like a bright guy, youll get the hang of it pretty fast, I think, she said. And
indeed, the job was easier than Id imagined. My task was simple: I would be
assigned to four different websites, with the goal of entering certain discussions and
promoting a certain view. I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to
internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It
seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each
shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.
My task? To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters. Fine with
me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites
and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didnt know too much about the topic. Thats OK,
she said. Youll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be
doing what we call meme-patrol. This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, well
train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is
necessary.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

She handed me two binders with sheets enclosed in limp plastic. The first was
labeled simply Israel in magic-marker on the cover, and it had two sections .The
first section contained basic background info on the topic. I would have to read and
memorize some of this, as time went on. It had internet links for further reading,
essays and talking points, and excerpts from some history books. The second, and
larger, section was called Strat (short for strategy) with long lists of dialogue
pairs. These were specific responses to specific postings. If a poster wrote
something close to X, we were supposed to respond with something close to Y.
You have to mix it up a bit, though, said my trainer. Otherwise it gets too obvious.
Learn to use a thesaurus. This section also contained a number of hints for derailing conversations that went too far away from what we were attempting. These
strategies included various forms of personal attacks, complaining to the forum
moderators, smearing the characters of our opponents, using images and icons
effectively, and even dragging the tone of the conversation down with sexual
innuendo, links to pornography, or other such things. Sometimes we have to fight
dirty, our trainer told us. Our opponents dont hesitate to, so we cant either.
The second binder was smaller, and it contained information specific to the web sites
I would be assigned to. The sites I would work were: Godlike Productions, Lunatic
Outpost, CNN news, Yahoo News, and a handful of smaller sites that rotated
depending on need. As stated, I was NOT assigned to work ATS (although others in
my group were), which is part of the reason I am posting this here, rather than
elsewhere. I wanted to post this on Godlike Productions at first, but they have banned
me from even viewing that site for some reason (perhaps they are onto me?). But if
somebody connected with this site can get the message to them, I think they should
know about it, because that was the site I spent a good 70% of my time working on.
The site-specific info in the second binder included a brief history of each site,
including recent flamewars, as well as info on what to avoid on each site so as not to
get banned. It also had quite detailed info on the moderators and the most popular
regged posters on each site: location (if known), personality type, topics of interest,
background sketch, and even some notes on how to push the psychological buttons
of different posters. Although I didnt work for ATS, I did see they had a lot of info on
your so called WATS posters here (the ones with gold borders around their edges).
Focus on the popular posters, my trainer told me. These are the influential ones.
Each of these is worth 50 to 100 of the lesser known names. Each popular poster
was classified as hostile, friendly, or indifferent to my goal. We were supposed to
cultivate friendship with the friendly posters as well as the mods (basically, by
brownnosing and sucking up), and there were even notes on strategies for dealing
with specific hostile posters. The info was pretty detailed, but not perfect in every
case. If you can convert one of the hostile posters from the enemy side to our side,
you get a nice bonus. But this doesnt happen too often, sadly. So mostly youll be
attacking them and trying to smear them.
At first, like I said, my job was meme-patrol. This was pretty simple and repetitive; it
involved countering memes and introducing new memes, and didnt demand much indepth knowledge of the subject. Mostly just repetitive posting based on the dialogue
pairs in the Strat section of the first binder. A lot of my job was de-railing and
spamming threads that didnt go our way, or making accusations of racism and antiSemitism. Sometimes I had to simply lie and claim a poster said something or did
something in another thread they really hadnt said or done. I felt bad about this
but in the end I felt worse about the possibility of losing the first job Id been able to
get since losing my real job.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The funny thing was, although I started the job with no strong opinions or political
views, after a few weeks of this I became very emotionally wedded to the pro-Israel
ideas I was pushing. There must be some psychological factor at worka good
salesman learns to honestly love the products hes selling, I guess. It wasnt long
before my responses became fiery and passionate, and I began to learn more about
the topic on my own. This is a good sign, my trainer told me. It means you are
ready for the next step: complex debate.
The complex debate part of the job involved a fair amount of additional training,
including memorizing more specific information about the specific posters (friendly
and hostile) Id be sparring with. Here, too, there were scripts and suggested lines of
argument, but we were given more freedom. There were a lot of details to this more
advanced stage of the job everything from how to select the right avatar to how to
use demotivationals (humorous images with black borders that one finds floating
around the web). Even the proper use of images of cats was discussed. Sometimes
we used faked or photo-shopped images ordoctored news reports (something else
that bothered me).
I was also given the job of tying to find new recruits, people like me who had the
personality type, ability to keep a secret, basic writing/thinking skills, and desperation
necessary to sign on a shill. I was less successful at this part of the job, though, and I
couldnt find another in the time I was there.
After a while of doing this, I started to feel bad. Not because of the views I was
pushing (as I said, I was first apolitical, then pro-Israel), but because of the dishonesty
involved. If my arguments were so correct, I wondered, why did we have to do this in
the first place? Shouldnt truth propagate itself naturally, rather than through, well
propaganda? And who was behind this whole operation, anyway? Who was signing
my paychecks? The stress of lying to my parents and friends about being a
consultant was also getting to me. Finally, I said enough was enough. I quit in
September 2011. Since then Ive been working a series of unglamorous temp office
jobs for lower pay. But at least Im not making my living lying and hecklingpeople
who come online to express their views and exercise freedom of speech.
A few days ago I happened to be in the same neighborhood and on a whim thought
Id check out the old office. It turns out the operation is gone, having moved on. This,
too, I understood, is part of their strategy: Dont stay in the same place for too long,
dont keep the same name too long, move on after half a year or so. Keeping a low
profile, finding new employees through word of mouth: All this is part of the shill way
of life. But it is a deceptive way of life, and no matter how noble the goals (I remain
pro-Israel, by the way), these sleazy means cannot be justified by the end.
This is my confession. I havent made up my mind yet about whether I want to talk
more about this, so if I dont respond to this thread, dont be angry. But I think you
should know: Shills exist. They are real. They walk among you, and they pay special
attention to your popular gold-bordered WATS posters. You should be aware of this.
What you choose to do with this awareness is up to you.
April 2012
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Andrew Johnson, ATS, Emmanuel Goldstein, Israel, Pete Santilli, Peter[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting
Wakefield Sault, Shills, Thomas Potter, Trolls

Dimitri Khalezovs 9/11thology: The

third truth about9/11
Posted on February 7, 2014

Dimitri Khalezov has recently released a new massive PDF9/11thology: The third
truth about 9/11.Khalezovs position is that three 150 KT underground nukes
destroyed the WTC buildings aka the big nuke theory as it were. As most readers of
this blog are aware I am a proponent of the mini-nuke theory. Fetzer and I have
written an article entitledBusting 9/11 Myths: Nanothermite, Big Nukes and
DEWsthat spells out the differences between the various theories of the World
Trade Centers destruction on 9/11.
Having said all of that Dimitri has done some excellent research on 9/11 and he
makes a tremendous case for underground nuclear detonations on 9/11. He is
certainly correct in that regard. Any serious 9/11 researcher should read this.
You can download the .zip file here. Its a 137 MB download so be patient!
URGENT address of Dimitri Khalezov
THE FULL EDITION OF MY BOOK on 9/11thology called The Third Truth about
9/11 is READY NOW!
Nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center explained there in more detail than it
used to be, with a lot of newly discovered evidence added. Other 9/11 aspects such
as the Pentagon missile attack, shooting down of Flight 93, Anthrax letters, mininukes car-bombings, as well as the 9/11 cover-up, shilling, and falsifying English
dictionaries are addressed too. This time I made it into a real encyclopedia of 9/11
and that of nuclear terrorism in general.
If you wish to see some readers opinions, click here.
However, before you proceed to the download links, I would like you to read the
following urgent address of mine, published five days prior to New Year celebrations
(26 of December 2013):
Dear readers and readers to be.
You could still find direct download links for the full edition of my book on this page
below. They are there, still, though, I am considering removing them any time soon.
I am sorry to inform you that since I made the full version of my book available for
free download at the end of August, 2013, it was downloaded by more than 20000
(twenty thousand) people, at least a third of whom, according to my estimation, must
have read this book.
However, despite the book was not actually free, but merely free to download, and
this was stated clearly in its text, only a very few people have appreciated this step of
mine.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

During 4 (four) months that passed since, merely 20 people have paid for my book in
one way or another.
Moreover, out of these 20, about a third were old friends of mine and people who
used to donate even before downloading the book.
That is to say that the level of appreciation of my work was incredibly, ridiculously low
below 0.01%.
To be honest with you, even before that I knew that people were ungrateful in
general, but I did not expect that awful digit of grateful people to be only 0.01%. At
the worst case I was hoping that every fifth reader would appreciate it, or, at least
may be every tenth reader
Look, folks, 0.01% is just a ridicule.
Are you so poor that you cant afford paying a few bucks for the book that opens your
eyes in regard to the most important perpetration of the 21st century, which is the
9/11 affair?
Well, I do believe that there are people who are poor like that (perhaps, somewhere
in Darfur or in East Timor), but not in the capitalist West where everyone has a salary
of at minimum several hundreds USD, but usually a couple of thousands USD or
more. I would like to remind you that in the West a lunch costs a few bucks, yet no
person usually misses his or her lunch on account of being too poor. Everyone has
his lunch 365 times a year, irrespectively of whether his is poor or not and
irrespectively of whether he is in debt or not. Even those who are in debt always
manage to find those few bucks to increase their debt and so they pay for their
daily lunch. Do you agree with this observation?
The book I am talking about is well over a thousand pages, and, with additional
materials, it runs to almost a thousand and a half. To read it will take a few weeks of
continuous reading, or a few months of casual reading.
So, that means those who read it, managed to find a lot of time to read it.
But why they dont find just another couple of working hours making a few bucks for
me, its author, and why dont they find yet another hour to find the way to transfer
these few bucks for me?
Dont you realize, folks, that my book was created during working hours of mine and I
would like to have some cash for it exactly like you do while working during the
working hours of yours?
As I mentioned in the text of the book, I did not set the price I left it entirely up to its
reader. If you feel that my book costs merely 2 dollars just send me these 2 dollars.
If you feel it costs more send me more. But a few bucks is what I really expect from
every reader just as would any other author expect from his or her book. Even if
you are very poor and even if you are in debt you could easily sacrifice a couple of
lunches in order to express your gratitude for the material that requires a few weeks
to read (have you ever heard of fasting? it will also make you healthier in the
process of expressing your gratitude
I would like to remind you that I am not greedy. I am sure that naked man comes[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

into This world and naked he will depart. I duly realize that I am a mortal. However,
as any other mortal in This life, I need some funds to pay for my food and living
expenses (not to mention that I would like to have some extra funds to continue my
research and to create more books, as well as to translate this book to other
languages). Note that I have no salary, no pension pending my old age, no
professional job, just nothing. I am a poor foreigner who lives in Thailand where
foreigners are not allowed to do any unskilled work. That is why I can not work as a
construction worker or as a dish-washer. I have no income whatsoever, except from
donations and from payments for my book.
My financial situation is so desperate, that if not a couple of old good friends of mine
who sent me money this time, I would not be able to survive these three months and
by the New Year 2014 I would become a street beggar, while all my web sites,
including this one, would disappear (have you ever heard that to host a web site also
costs something?)
Do you realize it, my dear readers? I published the most explosive book of the 21
century that was, moreover, downloaded by over 20 thousand of eager readers, and
yet, I was almost kicked out of my room (I do not rent an apartment, but merely a
room; I can not afford anything bigger) because of not being able to pay for it. Do
you find this situation normal, my dear grateful readers?
Below you could see all means you can use to send me the payment for the book (or
to donate if you wish to donate).
There is my personal bank account in one of Thai banks in Bangkok, so you could
use a standard international money transfer;
There is a way to send me a check of a foreign bank (in any currency) by a snail-mail
or by a courier;
There is a way to send me cash via Western-Union system;
There is a way to send me funds via WebMoney (electronic money);
There is a way to send me funds via Bitcoin (electronic money);
At the worst case, you can send me money via PayPal;
Finally, if nothing of the above works for you, and yet you wish to donate, please,
contact me personally and we will figure out the solution.
All details regarding to these modes of payment are listed on the web page here.
Sincerely yours,
Dimitri Khalezov.
26 of December 2013
P.S. Happy New Year![9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

My former urgent address is available on YouTube:

Sincerely yours, Dimitri Khalezov.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged big nukes, Dimitri Khalezov, mini-nukes, World Trade Center

Simon Shack, OBF and the 9/11

September CluelessDistractors
Posted on January 18, 2014[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

By Don Fox, Ian Greenhalgh and Jim Fetzer

Of all the positions that have been taken about 9/11,which range from the official
collapse theory to theuse of nanothermite to conventional explosives toDEWs, mini
nukes or large, from a purelyphilosophical point of view, perhaps the most extremeis
that adopted by Simon Shack (SS) and hisfollowers, including onebornfree (obf),
who claim thatthe footage of the destruction sequence in New YorkCity is fake and
unreliable.This is striking because that footage has virtuallyuniversally been
regarded as some of the mostimportant evidence about what actually
happenedthere on 9/11. Since the Twin Towers are shownblowing apart in every
direction from the top down,for example, while being converted into millions ofcubic
yards of very fine dust, it serves as thefoundation for one line of argument that
demonstrated the official account cannot possibly be true, since the Twin Towers
are not undergoing any kind of collapse. If all of the videos had been faked, one
might have expected they would show the towers collapsing, not blowing apart in
every direction. And this is not the most bizarre of their positions.
Here is a sample of the kinds of visual studies that support the conversion of the
towers into dust:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Simon Shack and onebornfree, alas, have never offered the least indication of what
they thinkwe should have seen, had we had access to authentic video footage. But
there are many otherkinds of evidence which goes far beyond the visual evidence:
(1) They were standing, then they were gone.
(2) It happened in a very brief period of time.
(3) Millions of cubic yards of dust emerged.
(4) They were destroyed below ground level.
(5) We have the so-called toasted cars
(6) And massive parts blown great distances
(7) There were videos and there were photos.
(8) There were many witnesses observing.
(9) We have cancer rates among responders.
(10) We have USGS dust samples.
(11) We have seismic readings.
(12) We have acoustical recordings.
The evidence derived from these sources can be used to sort out various alternative
(h1) natural causes (earthquake, tornado,)
(h2) collapse due to plane crashes and fires.
(h3) classic controlled demolitions (a pair).
(h4) non-conventional mode of destruction;
(h4a) lasers, masers or plasmoids;
(h4b) directed energy weaponry;
(h4c) nukes (large/small/micro/mini/)[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

So far the evidence most strongly supports (h4c), which we have explained
repeatedly in a series of articles beginning with 9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver
Hearings II.
The SS/obf Gambit
SS and obf do not discuss the evidence apart from the video footage and never
address thequestion of why we cannot possibly know what happened on the basis of
the totality of theevidence available for study. Instead, in response to the observation
that the video footage istaken from many locations and perspectives, some from the
air and some from across the HudsonRiver, where it all hangs together in the right
way, they go on the attack, as in this post fromobf attacking Jim Fetzer for making
this argument:

1] there is never any need or requirement for the investigating

scientist to everclosely scrutinize/compare even one of the 911 videos
or photos, both with other 911photos/videos, nor with pre-911
imagery, before accepting those videos/photos asindisputably
genuine evidence.

2] there is never any need/requirement for the investigating scientist

to ever try toauthenticate even one of the alleged authors of any of
the videos/photos before accepting their videos/photos as indisputably
genuine evidence.
3] there is never any need/requirement for the investigating scientist
to ever doextensive background checks on any/all alleged
eyewitnesses and their out of court,not under oath testimony before
accepting their testimony as indisputably genuineevidence.The
investigating scientist is perfectly free to claim anything that he/she
feels isreal is in fact real evidence, based on nothing more than
personal bias/whim.
If, dear reader, any of the above 3 points even remotely apply within
the generalworld of scientific research, [i.e. outside of 911 research] ,
and Mr Fetzersscientific methodology [ i.e. "if it looks good without
closely checking/crosscheckingthen its genuine"], is simply par for the
course, then I would suggest thatthe whole field of scientific research
is in very, very deep trouble.

But this is a grossly exaggerated distortion of Jims actual position that is easier to
attack, which makes it a nice example of the straw man fallacy. 1), 2) and 3) would
appropriate if there were good reasons to doubt the photographic and video record.
We know that to be the true in the case of the plane videosand we have taken them
apart. But obf and SS have really not given us any good reasons to doubt that the
voluminous record of destruction videos and photos are fake.
There are too many from too many directions of enormous variation in quality,
including of high definition, to take their claims seriously. At one point I looked at the
wavy clouds of smoke withtheir repetition and changes in the background and color
and tint variations, all of which appear to be post-production in messing with those[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

photos and filmsnot necessarily for disinformational purposes, but because of

multiple cases of copying and other sources of minor distortions.
Instead of contributing to SOLVING THE PROBLEM of what actually happened in
Here is some of the most fascinating footage that is incompatible with standard
explosives or with any kind of collapse theory:

That is completely unscientific, where ofbs complete lack of understanding of

scientific method is no where more manifest than in his disregard for the rest of the
evidence, which we enumerated as (1) through (12) above. Indeed, it is a basic
principle of scientific reasoning that it be based upon all the evidence available.
Failing to do so entails the commission of the fallacy of special pleading, which is
common with politicians, editorial writers and used-car salesmen. That is where he
That SS and obf even deny the existence of nuclear weapons tells me we are not
dealing simply with persons of diminished capacity for serious research but
demonstrable fakes and frauds. And while Clare will continue to treat them with
kindness, it has become all too clear that they are shilling for Israel by doing their
best to conceal that the towers were nuked and they must have been Israeli.
The US nuclear arsenal is under very tight but not perfect control, while Israeli nukes
are not. Israel has not even admitted that it has a vast stockpile of nuclear, biological
and chemical weaponsthough it is common knowledge in the Middle East and
among experts. SS and obf are using the pretense of science to attack those who are
exposing the truth about 9/11, as Don Fox and Ian Greenhalgh explain in the study
that follows.
By Don Fox and Ian Greenhalgh
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Vladimir Lenin
Simon Shack, hoi.polloi, Ab Irato, El Buggo and Onebornfree are the latest disinfo
crew to attempt to conceal the nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center buildings
on 9/11 by any and all means necessary. Preceding them have been such luminaries
of the Truth Movement as Steve Jones, Richard Gage, Christopher Bollyn, Mark
Bilk, Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, Thomas Potter, Emmanuel Goldstein, S. Tiller
and Pete Santilli among others.
A lot of effort has gone into constructing various ruses to fool the public. The Official[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Conspiracy Theory posits that 19 Islamic hijackers wielding box cutters were
responsible for all of the destruction. The woefulness of that theory became readily
apparent soon after 9/11 and it gave rise to a number of alternative theories.
The first to gain prominence was the pyrotechnic nanothermite promoted by Jones,
Gage, Bilk and Bollyn among others. Alas non-explosive nanothermite has no
explanatory power for what happened to the WTC buildings as has been previously
documented. As the inadequacy of the nanothermite theory became apparent Judy
Woods directed energy weapon (DEW) non-theory started to gain prominence.
While Dr. Wood claims not to have a theory, it states plainly on the cover of her book
Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on
9/11that there is evidence of directed free-energy (Tesla) technology used on 9/11.
A key elementWoods position is that no bombs (nuclear or conventional) were used
on 9/11. Dr. Woods non-theory runs out of steam once you realize that the WTC
buildings exploded, high temperatures persisted at the WTC site for six months after
9/11 and that evidence for fission and fusion abound at Ground Zero.
However, theindefensibility of the Judy Wood Cults non-theory pales in comparison
to the utterly ludicrous rantings of the September Clues forum. Simon Shack and
others have constructed an utterly bizarre 9/11 mythology which would have you
believe that the Twin Towers were completely vacant after the 1993 bombing, that
nobody died on 9/11 and that the entire event was a Hollywood-style production,
where the actual destruction of the WTC buildings was obscured by military smokemachines.
Completely Bizarre Scenario
According to September Clues the Twin Towers were destroyed from the bottom up
by conventional explosive charges. Nobody saw this as the television audience was
shown pre-produced movie footage. The top down near free fall collapse of the Twin
Towers is impossible so therefore any and all videos and pictures depicting this must
be fake.
I have never seen a witness report the events as having happened that way. All of
the witness reports I have read depict the events as having happened as the
available videos and pictures show it. There is a huge gap between the September
Clues version of 9/11 and the version that the rest of the world accepts. Here is a
summation of September Clues positions:

It is fair to say the September Clues research has established these 4

main points:

1- The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film

production, complete with actors in the role of eye-witnesses or
firefighters, staged running crowds, 3D-compositing and special
cinematic effects. The 9/11 movie was split into a number of short
clips and sold to the TV audience as newscasts. The few clips
featuring airplanes (or dull silhouettes thereof) were computergenerated images all of which in stark conflict with each other, as
now comprehensively demonstrated in every imaginable manner,
angle and method.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

2- No commercial airliners were hijacked or much less crashed

into the WTC towers, the Pentagon or the Shanksville field. No
valid/verifiable records exist for : their airport logs/schedules, their
numbered parts, their alleged passengers. Their reported speeds at
near sea-level as well as the absurd visuals of their total, effortless
disappearance into the WTC faades defy the laws of mechanics and
physics and the absence of visible wake vortexes in the WTC impact
imagery also defies the laws of aerodynamics.
3- The World Trade Center Complex (9 buildings in all) were
demolished with powerful explosives. No image-analyses of the tower
collapses can help determine just what type of explosives were
employed since the videos are 3D animations and do not represent
the real-life events. In reality, as they collapsed, the WTC complex was
most likely enveloped by military-grade smoke obscurants. No
real/private imagery exists of the mornings events thanks to
electromagnetic countermeasures.
4- No 3000 people were trapped in the top floors/nor perished in the
WTC towers. Only one thing was more important to the perps than
avoiding a mass murder of 3000 US citizens : to sell the notion that
bogeyman Bin Laden killed 3000 US citizens. We have renamed the
victims of these psy-operations VICSIMS (SIMulated VICtims). In
fact, our research has seen the same pattern emerge in all the socalled Al-Qaeda Terror Attacks around the world (LONDON 7/7,
MADRID 11, BALI, MUMBAI, etc). In all logic, the very last
aggravation the plotters behind these false-flag operations wish to
have, are scores of real families hounding them forever with real
questions and real class actions. Hence: NO real terror victims =
Logical PsyOp rationale.
9/11 is but a giant and still ongoing money-making scam. It
rotates around the most well-funded and profitable hoax of modern
history. Everyone involved in the scheme is reaping a sizable return
from their investment bond which, naturally, has SILENCE printed
all over it. For anyone to speak out would be both ruinous and
suicidal a most distasteful option. To be sure, suicidal heroics only
exist in journalistic fairy-tales such as the outlandish news medias
narrative of 9/11 and its nineteen religious fanatics. The skeptics
objecting that too many people would have had to be in on this fail
to account for the most fundamental aspect of human nature: our
survival instinct.
The master plan of 9/11 was to demolish the redundant, asbestos-filled
WTC complex in Lower Manhattan 9 buildings in all. The area
would naturally be evacuated (as for all such demolitions) in order to
prevent a slaughterhouse of dreadful proportions not a good idea at
all. To be sure, this was no mass murder scheme just a formidable
opportunity for massive financial gains and military propaganda. The
military (and its various intelligence affiliates) would manage the
ground logistics, such as securing the area, raising smokescreens to
hide the proceedings from public view, and last but not least,
electromagnetic countermeasures to keep any private cameras from
filming the mayhem. The WTC complex was thus safely destroyed in[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

bright daylight. It was a magicians trick, pulled off by sleight of hand

to fool the few (the NY onlookers) and with computer graphics to
fool the world (the TV viewers).

Nobody died? The real destruction of the WTC buildings was somehow hidden from
view? So what gives? Either September Clues knows something that the rest of us
do not or they are completely out to lunch.
A cursory examination of their forum leads one to believe that the later has a much
higher probability of being true than the former. For instance there is an entire thread
devoted to proving that satellites are fake. In an interview with Ab Irato 12/28/13
Simon Shack denies that satellites exist.
They appear to be denying the existence of satellites as satellites can be used to
prove the Earth is round.
Here is an audio clip of Simon Shack denying satellites exist:



Cartesian has an excellent post in the Flat Earth Discussion Boards:

Breaking News: Satellites DO Exist
Flat Earthers dont believe in satellites as the existence of satellites can be used to
disprove that the earth is flat. Satellites can take pictures of a round earth and Flat
Earthers dont like to see them. For Flat Earthers, those pictures are fabricated.
Geostationary satellites are even worse. In order for an object to be geostationary,
the object must orbit around the earth at the same angular velocity as earths rotation
and at a certain altitude above the equator such that the centrifugal force due to the
orbital movement is equal to the gravitational force.
An object cannot orbit a flat earth while remaining stationary above it. Furthermore,
geostationary orbit is at 22,000 miles from earth, way above the Flat Earth sun. So
satellite existence simply doesnt fit into Flat Earth model.
Flat Earthers say GPS works based on LORAN (LOng RAnge Navigation), a
terrestrial radio navigation system. Radio can travel long distance in the Flat Earth
model because the earth is flat. Flat Earthers also say that satellite TV works based
on transmission towers. Dishes dont get signal from a geostationary satellite but
rather from a very tall tower somewhere.
But how tall can these towers be? And where are they exactly located? Before
answering my questions, I will show you some pictures taken in some places near the
equator for you to ponder.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Everyone who lives where I come from is used to this kind of scenery. We all believe
that satellites do exist since birth because the proof is everywhere around us. So yes
we are all born Round Earthers.
The Flat Earth Model
Modern hypotheses supporting a flat Earth originated with English inventor Samuel
Rowbotham (18161884). Based on his incorrect interpretation of experiments on the
Bedford Level, Rowbotham published a 16-page pamphlet, called Zetetic
Astronomy, which he later expanded into a 430-page book, Earth Not a Globe,
expounding his views. According to Rowbothams system, the earth is a flat disc
centered at the North Pole and bounded along its southern edge by a wall of ice
(Antarctica), with the sun and moon 3,000 miles (4,800 km) and the cosmos 3,100
miles (5,000 km) above earth. He also published a leaflet entitled The inconsistency
of Modern Astronomy and its Opposition to the Scriptures!! which argued that the
Bible, alongside our senses, supported the idea that the earth was flat and
immovable and this essential truth should not be set aside for a system based solely
on human conjecture.
One of the many problems with the Flat Earth Model is the Earth rotates on its axis
and has a Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The Earth tilts on its axis and this is
what gives us the four different seasons. How does a Flat Earth person account for
the four seasons? Why do hurricanes spin counter-clockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere and typhoons spin clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere?
This Just In: The Earth is ROUND
The Earth isnt flat, thats for sure. And if you look at a photograph, the Earth really
looks round. But how round is it?
The actual shape of the Earth is actually an oblate spheroid a sphere with a bulge
around the equator. The Earth is bulged at its equator because its rapidly rotating on
its axis. The centripetal force of the rotation causes the regions at the equator to
bulge outward. And it actually makes a pretty big difference. The diameter of the
Earth, measured across the equator is 43 km more than when you measure the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

diameter of the Earth from pole to pole.

This bulge has some interesting implications. For example, it means that the point on
Earth furthest from the center isnt actually Mount Everest, but Mount Chimborazo in
Ecuador. Only because Chimborazo is closer to the Earths equator.

Human Remains Found at Ground Zero

If nobody died at Ground Zero on 9/11 then why were human remains found?

Jim Riches pulled his firefighter sons mangled body out of the rubble
at the World Trade Center, but the phone calls still filtered in years
afterward. The city kept finding more pieces of his son.

Theyll call you and theyll tell you, We found a shin bone,' said
Riches, a retired deputy fire chief. Or: We found an arm bone. We
held them all together and then we put them in the cemetery.
Those are the phone calls both dreaded and hoped for among the
families of Sept. 11 victims. And as investigators began sifting through
newly uncovered debris from the World Trade Center this week for the
first time in three years, those anxieties were renewed more than a
decade after the attacks.
But there was also hope that more victims might yet be identified after
tens of millions have been spent on the painstaking identification
process. Two potential human remains were recovered on Monday,
according to the medical examiner.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

We would like to see the other 40 percent of the families who have
never recovered anything to at least someday have a piece of their
loved one, Riches said. That they can go to a cemetery and pray.
About 60 truckloads of debris that could contain tiny fragments of
bone or tissue were unearthed by construction crews that have been
working on the new World Trade Center in recent years. That
material is now being transported to a park built on top of the former
Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, where investigators will attempt
to find any possible remains during the next 10 weeks, the city said.
Thats the material the two potential human remains were found in.
Some 2,750 people died at the World Trade Center in the 2001
terrorist attacks, but only 1,634 people have been identified.
We have been monitoring the World Trade Center site over time and
monitoring the construction, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for
the medical examiners office. And if they see any material that could
possibly contain human remains, we collect that material.
About 9,000 human remains recovered from the ruins of the World
Trade Center remain unidentified because they are too degraded to
match victims by DNA identification. The remains are stored at an
undisclosed location monitored by the medical examiners office and
will eventually be transferred to a subterranean chamber at the
National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

If nobody died why was so much money paid out to the families?
Paying Off the Victims: September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Just eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Congress created the September
11th Victim Compensation Fund. It was a unique, unprecedented commitment to
compensate families who lost a loved one on 9/11 and survivors who were physically
injured. In its haste, Congress provided very few guidelines as to how the funds
should be distributed and set no limit on the size of awards. Instead it gave a single
individual nearly unlimited discretion to manage the program.
Attorney General John Ashcroft appointed Kenneth Feinberg to administer the fund,
handing him sole responsibility for calculating the dollar value of over 5,500 dead and
injured in the worst peacetime disaster in U.S. History. In this he was supported by
some 30 lawyers from his law firm and his wife, Diane Dede Shaff Feinberg.
Kenneth Feinberg: The Zionist Hush Money Specialist
Kenneth Feinberg is a Jewish lawyer known for wearing expensive Brioni suits,
smoking Cuban cigars and his love of opera. He has become (in) famous for his
handling of many high-profile litigations. A partial list of cases in which Feinberg has
handled settlement payments:
* Penn. State sex abuse scandal involving Jewish football coach Jerry Sandusky[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

* Agent Orange product liability class action by 250,000 Vietnam veterans

* Abraham Zapruder JFK film one of three arbitrators who determined the fair
market value of the film
* Holocaust slave labor litigation one of two arbitrators
* Aurora, CT theatre shootings
* Sandy Hook school shootings
* Virginia Tech. mass shooting administered the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund
* Boston Marathon bombing
* Hurricane Katrina
* BP Gulf Oil Spill
With a resume like that, it would appear that Kenneth Feinberg is the man the
Zionists turn to whenever they need to cover something up and distribute hush
money in the form of compensation.
For three years working pro bono as head of the September 11th Victim
Compensation Fund, Feinberg reached out to all who qualified to file a claim,
evaluated applications, determined appropriate compensation and distributed awards.
Feinberg spent almost all of his time meeting with the 9/11 families, convincing them
of the generosity and compassion of the program and calculating appropriate awards
for each and every claim. He personally took part in most of the 1,500 hearings with
survivors and victims families and his staff of 200 spent 33 months investigating
claims and deciding benefits. Feinberg told ABC News on Dec. 19, 2003:
Its a brutal, sort of cold thing to do. Anybody who looks at this program and expects
that by cutting a U.S. Treasury check you are going to make 9/11 families happy is
vastly misunderstanding whats going on with this program.
When the program was launched, many families criticized it as a brazen, tight-fisted
attempt to protect the airlines from lawsuits. The Fund was also attacked as
attempting to put insulting dollar values on the lives of lost loved ones. Those who
participated in the Fund were required to waive their right to sue the airlines involved
in the attacks, as well as other potentially responsible entities including the Israeli
airport security firm Huntleigh USA/ICTS. By taking the compensation, the families
waived their right to demand a real investigation into 9/11.
More than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the Feinberg-managed
fund. The amounts of the payments and the amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the
30 lawyers are not known. The American people deserve to know how the funds were
used and who got paid.
Estimates put the total settlement amount at less than $3.5 billion total for all the
victims. Due to the lack of oversight, its anyones guess where the rest of the tax
dollars have gone. Ellen Mariani, a brave and fiery widow and 9/11 plaintiff, included
Feinberg in her lawsuit which was eventually forcibly settled. Feinbergs inclusion in
the suit was partially related to his success in bribing Marianis attorney to try to[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

coerce his client to accept the funds payout and attempt to convince her that she
was clinically insane.
Feinbergs role in covering up the truth about 9/11 is connected to his relationship to
the state of Israel. A year after the settlement of the 9/11 claims he went to Israel at
the behest of the Sharon government to work on compensating the 8,000 settlers
they were trying to force out of Gaza. Kenneth Feinberg wasnt working pro bono on
the 9/11 victims fund out of compassion for the victims of 9/11, or for America. He
was doing it to serve Israel and the murderous Mossad.
Diane Dede Shaff Feinberg and the Jewish Agency
Diane and Kenneth Feinberg were co-chairmen of the recent General Assembly of
the Jewish Federation, which hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Defense Minister Ehud Barak, two prime suspects in the Israeli terrorism of 9/11.
Diane is also an executive member of the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish
Federation of Washington. She also happens to be a member of the Board of
Governors of the Jewish Agency the parent organization of the Mossad.
To understand why American Jews are willing to commit and cover-up serious
crimes, even treason, on behalf of the state of Israel one needs to understand that
most religious Jews in America are first obliged to serve Israel a foreign state.
American Jews are, for this reason, conflicted. Their religion obliges them to make
aliya and live in Israel but most would prefer to stay in the United States. Hundreds
of thousands of Israelis have chosen to leave the Jewish state and now live in the
United States. While they are unwilling to leave the comfort of the United States and
immigrate to Israel (aliya), most religious Jews in the United States feel strongly
compelled to support and defend the state of Israel.
To fulfill their obligation to the state of Israel, Zionist Jews in America have created
hundreds of organizations to raise funds and support for the Zionist state in Palestine.
These organizations are consolidated under an umbrella organization called the
Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization are two parts
of the same Zionist enterprise that operates in the United States and around the
world. The Jewish Agency was the Zionist organization that became the state of
Israel in 1948 when a Jewish state was established in Palestine. The Jewish Agency,
then headed by David Ben-Gurion, literally became the apparatus of the Zionist state
and Ben-Gurion became the first prime minister of Israel.
The Jewish Agency, head quartered in New York City after World War II, organized
and funded the Haganah, the Zionist militia in Palestine, as well as the terrorist groups
known as the Irgun and LEHI (the Stern Gang). Using these groups, the Jewish
Agency created the Mossad Le Aliyah Bet (the Agency for Illegal Immigration) in 1938
to smuggle illegal Jewish immigrants and weapons into Palestine. The Jewish Agency
and the Mossad worked together to bring many thousands of Jews to Palestine
illegally from Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, and Europe. The Jewish Agency was the Mossad.
The Jewish Agency and the Mossad continued to work together after the creation of
the state of Israel to bring Jews to the Zionist state. The hardline Zionists who run
Israel today are actually fighting a losing battle with demographics. The Arab
population around them is growing quickly while many Israelis are leaving the Jewish
state. The Israeli population has become more Russian, more extremist, and less
Western in its outlook than at any time since the founding of the state in 1948. Ariel[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Sharon, the now comatose prime minister who ran Israel in 2001, dreamed of
bringing one million Jews to Israel from the United States. In this effort he worked
closely with the Jewish Agency.
Alvin K. Hellerstein: U.S. Judge and Zionist gatekeeper
Feinbergs actions were crucial to removing more than 98 percent of the families from
the litigation process. Kenneth Feinberg and Judge Alvin Hellerstein have waged a
war of attrition against the 9/11 relatives. Of the thousands of families that could have
used the courts to find justice and legal discovery for what happened on 9-11,
Feinberg was successful in removing 98 percent. Of the 96 families that chose to go
to court, all but one or two cases have settled out of court after enduring years of
obstruction in the court of Alvin K. Hellerstein. Thanks to Feinberg and Hellerstein
there may never be a trial for a single victim of 9-11.
For the 96 families who initially chose to forgo the fund in favor of a transparent trial,
Sheila Birnbaum was appointed special mediator between Hellerstein and the victims
families. Birnbaum, another dedicated Zionist lawyer at the Israeli law firm Skadden
Arps, effectively railroaded these brave families and forced them all to settle.
Skadden Arps introduces itself with the following on its website:
Many of our attorneys are thoroughly familiar with the legal structure, business
environment and political system of Israel, and several (including at the partner level)
are Israeli-born, native Hebrew speakers who have been admitted to the bars of both
Israel and New York. A number of our lawyers volunteer a significant amount of their
time to Jewish and Israeli causes, including the America-Israel Friendship League,
the Anti-Defamation League, the College of Management, the Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Elem, the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, The Jerusalem Foundation and Miklat.
Radical Zionist Alvin Hellerstein has controlled all 9/11 litigation. Hellerstein, Feinberg
and Birnbaum were the triumvirate that formed the Zionist roadblock to any justice for
the victims families. Hellersteins son, Joseph, worked for the law firm that
represented ICTS, the Israeli passenger screening and security company implicated
in 9/11. Hellerstein is thus guilty of a criminal conflict of interest in his prevention of a
trial in any 9/11 lawsuit.
Alvin Hellerstein is tied to 9/11 directly in his role as head gatekeeper on all 9/11
claims, preventing legal discovery, wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits from
trial. Judge Hellerstein is also intimately connected to other key Israeli players of the
9/11 massacre on multiple layers through his son, Joseph. Joseph Hellerstein worked
for an Israeli law firm, Amit, Pollack and Matalon, which represented ICTS, the Israeli
firm implicated in the attacks via passenger screening and airline security at Newark,
Boston Logan, and Dulles, the departure sites of the hijacked aircraft.
ICTS is owned by two Israelis, Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Atzmon was
convicted in Israel of fraud with partner and mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert. Olmert
later became prime minister of Israel. Olmert incidentally also made a secret trip to
meet with then mayor of NYC, Rudy Giuliani on the eve of 9/11, ostensibly to oversee
their plot. He and other Israeli officials were allowed to leave the US aboard an El Al
plane when all other planes were grounded on 9/11. ICTS was also implicated in the
7/7 bombings in London.
Hellerstein recently effectively blocked the last victims family, the Bavises, from ever[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

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having a day of trial against the government and airport security, forcing them to
settle out of court after a decade of his dedicated gatekeeping. His callous quote to
the 96 families of victims of 9/11 will live in infamy:
We have to get past 9/11. Let it go. Life is beautiful. Life is short. Live out your years.
Take the award.
Both father and son Hellerstein also worked for Stroock, Stroock, and Lavan, a
Rothschild funded law firm which, incidentally, represented Larry Silverstein in his bid
to lease the towers. How many conflicts of interests can you count?
The Origins of September Clues
Around the beginning of June 2007, a new video called September Clues
appeared. It presented an analysis of the events as they were shown on TV on
9/11/2001. It tried to present the evidence that some of the images we were shown of
the events could not have been real. The person who had produced/edited this video
used the pseudonym Social Service and he seemed to be associated with a band of
the same name.
Over the next few months Social Service released several updates to September
clues and it finally ended up as 8 ten-minute segments and a couple of additional
epilogue videos. Around this time, it was revealed that Social Services name was
Simon Shack.
In July or August 2008, on a forum, Simon Shack made a request for some web
storage space for his videos. A man called Andrew Johnson offered some of the
space to Simon Shack to store his video files etc., and also purchased a domain
name for Simon Shack A year later when the subscription
to that web space expired, Johnson and Shack began to have a series of increasingly
serious disagreements, with the bulk of the animosity emanating from the Shack side.

Who is Simon Shack?

As it turns out, Simon Shack is actually a Pseudonym. Simon Shacks real name is
Simon Hytten and he disclosed this on his forum in March 2011. Simon gave this
explanation for his adoption of the Shack pseudonym:
My surname Shack was coined back in 1993 or so by a black, Colorado-born jazz
musician named Fontaine Burnette. Try and contact him and ask him about it (I
havent heard from him in many years). He asked me what Hytten meant so I told[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

him it means a little house/or hut. So he just quipped Like a shack? and I said
yeah, a bit like a shack. Thats all there is to it. I liked it. So then, as I registered at the
STIM (the Swedish Musicians Union) I was told that my artist name would be
accepted even at legal/bureaucratic levels. So thats how I signed in at STIM. Ever
since, I have used this surname and all music reviews/articles written about me/my
band (The Social Service) as a musician, have had me as Simon Shack. It simply
stuck on me and most people now know me by that name. I certainly had no motive
to change my surname back in 1993 in order to hide from something! At the time, I
had no clue whatsoever of how this crazy world is rolling!
Early years in Sicily disrupting Dailo Dolcis anti-Mafia crusade
Simon Hytten was born in Stockholm, Sweden from a Norwegian father and a
Swedish mother. Simon grew up in Sicily with two brothers and his parents who were
part of a workshop run by Danilo Dolci in a small town near Palermo called Partinico.
Danilo Dolci was an anti-mafia crusader and it appears that Simons father, Eyvind
Hytten was sent to infiltrate and disrupt Dolcis work. In 1967, Dolci held a press
conference where he accused prominent members of the government, by name, of
collusion with the Mafia. Sometime after this, Eyvind Hytten split from Dolci and
planned to establish an institute in Palermo to train development workers. Hytten was
quoted as saying:
We did not want to be instruments for maintaining Dolcis fame. We wanted his fame
to be an instrument for our work for Sicilians. I think that we, more than Dolci, now
represent the possibility of doing something for Sicily.
However, the motives for Hyttens work were questioned by the Swedish committee
who had originally sponsored his work with Dolci; they stated in a press release:
We deplore the manner in which Hytten has publicly taken a stand against Dolci. We
will in no way participate in Hyttens plans, but will continue to support Danilo Dolci in
his tireless campaign to release Sicily from the grip of poverty and a powerful Mafia.
The Swedish group also announced it was fully washing it hands of Hytten and
sharply criticized the newspapers who had given the false impression that Hytten had
become Dolcis legitimate successor in Sicily. Sadly, Hyttens nefarious work had its
desired effect, as noted on Dolcis Wikipedia page:
The smears certainly succeeded in pushing Dolci out of the limelight in Italy for the
last 20 years of his life he disappeared from public view.
So it appears that Eyvind Hytten was controlled opposition sent in to disrupt and
destroy Dolcis anti-mafia organization, sadly he succeeded. Simon Hytten tried to
shift the blame onto American writer Jerre Mangione, author of the book The World
around Danilo Dolci
So what exactly do you think this former Syracuse graduate/Time
Magazine/Department Of Justice employee was doing in Sicily interviewing a
groundbreaking, upcoming yet inconvenient(for the world elite) anti-mafia activist
like Danilo Dolci? Was he not there perhaps just perhaps to give a bad name to
the whole community, and to point out/inflate the workshops inevitable, petty
squabbles? To be sure, this is what transpires when you scour the chapters of his
book[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Geneva and the Bin Ladins

Shack admits he put the Bin Ladin stickers on Marios race car:



After their work was done in Sicily, the family moved to Geneva, Switzerland where
Eyvind took up employment with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
During this time in Geneva, Simons elder brother Mario began a career as a racing
driver, he competed for 3 seasons 1982-84 in the Marlboro British Formula 3
Championship before competing in the FIA Formula 3000 Int. Championship for four
seasons 1985-88. Mario didnt have much success, winning only one race and
claiming eight podium positions from over 70 starts. He had a handful of races in
sports car formulae 1989-92 before retiring in 1993. Nowadays, he lives in Sweden
and works as a manager and translator.
During his career, Mario was sponsored by the Bin Ladin Group. Apparently, Mario
befriended Yeslam Bin Ladin, an entrepreneur and half-brother of Osama Bin Laden.
Yeslam is a fully Westernized man, possesses a degree in Economics, speaks four
languages fluently, owns several successful businesses and became a naturalized
Swiss citizen in 2001.
Yeslam became interested in helping Mario in early 1986. As he was quite influential
in Arab elite, the brother of Osama managed to recruit a number of sponsors of the
Middle East to support Mario in Formula 3000. The main sponsor was Yeslams
family company, the Bin Ladin Group and this can be seen from photos of Marios
F3000 car where the Bin Ladin Group is advertised on the rear wing.
Simon tried to explain this connection on his forum:
I must say that Mario did well for himself in finding wealthy sponsors to forward his
car racing career. He was a relentless sponsorship hunter and, at some stage, got to
meet Yeslam Bin Ladin in his London office. Yeslam gave him some cash to promote
his construction company
Regardless of the truth of the actual relationship, it is clear that Simon Shack aka
Simon Hytten, was, for at least a few years in the 1980s, one person removed from
the Bin Ladin family.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Apparently, there is little love lost today between Simon and his two elder brothers, as
Simon wrote in an internet post:
a few lines about my estranged brothers, Nicolai and Mario. They have inexplicably
grown into two abject human beings and I have almost no words to qualify their
current behavior.
Simon describes Nicolai and Mario as two despicable creatures and states that my
disdain for them is immense.
Deconstructing the Clues Forum 9/11 Mythology
September Clues has constructed their own bizarre mythology surrounding the
events of 9/11. The Clues Forum guys would have you believe that the Twin Towers
were vacant after the 1993 bombing, nobody died on 9/11 and all of the footage was
produced ahead of time and shown to the television audience while the actual
destruction of the World Trade Center buildings was hidden from the view of New
Yorkers by military smoke machines. If I were Larry Silverstein or another of the 9/11
perpsI would certainly want the 9/11 research community to believe these absurd
They also weave in ludicrous statements such as nuclear weapons dont exist,
rockets cannot travel into outer space and satellites dont exist. The only good reason
to doubt the existence of satellites is if you believe the Earth is flat.
The September Clues 9/11 myth does not withstand even modest scrutiny. Human
remains have been found all over the WTC complex and continue to be unearthed to
this very day. Numerous people died there. Billions of dollars were paid out by the
Zionists to keep the families quiet. The survivors of Stairwell B of the North Tower
attest to the fact that the Towers were not empty on 9/11.
Simon Shack, Onebornfree, El Buggo and Ab Irato have spent countless hours
posting comments attacking the authors of this article. They
protest the most vehemently when Israeli nuclear bombs are mentioned as causing
the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. September Clues has all of the
earmarks of being a 9/11 gatekeeping operation.Buying into their bizarre 9/11
mythology may be appealing if you believe the Earth is flat.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Ian Greenhalgh, September Clues, Simon Shack

Dwain Deets: A Boeing 757 Hit the

Pentagon on9/11
Posted on December 15, 2013

The material in this post was covered on Jim Fetzers show 12/18/2013. You can play
the show in your browser or download it here.



I got an email a few days ago stating that I needed to see Dwain Deets presentation
from the DC 9/11 conference last September. I was told that Dwain was claiming that[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon after all.Dwain is not claiming that Flight 77 hit the
Pentagon but most likely a modified 757 was used. I was somewhat taken aback by
that statement.
Dwain was a fellow speaker at the Vancouver Hearings in June 2012 and he was a
no plane guy at that time. By no planes we generally mean no commercial planes
hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon or crashed in Shanksville. Transponder data
obtained by Pilots for 9/11 Truth as well as Bureau of Transportation Statistics data
back that up. The debate then centers around if real planes could perform the feats
observed on 9/11.
I generally stay out of the plane/no plane debate. Im not a video expert nor do I
pretend to be one. My official position is that no commercial plane crashed
anywhere on 9/11. As Jim Fetzer points out: Flights 11 and 77 were not even
scheduled that day and the planes corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 were not
formally taken out of service until 28 September 2005.
Here is Dwains presentation:

A few points immediately came to mind after viewing Dwains presentation:

1. No 757 can fly that fast that low. Its aerodynamically impossible. The engines
cant suck the air through fast enough at ground level. This YouTube clip features Joe
Keith (who designed the Boeing shaker system) who states that the air is too thick at
ground level for a commercial Boeing to fly 500 miles per hour. The plane would have
broken apart long before it hit the Pentagon.

2. Dwains contention is that a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon at a speed approaching[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

500 miles per hour and like the F4 in the video below then turned into confetti upon
impact. The biggest problem with this scenario is that there is no mechanism that can
get a Boeing 757 anywhere near that speed at ground level.The F4 impacting the
wall is not flying but its bolted down to a track. A real plane would take off at that

3. The parts that were found at the Pentagon WERE NOT from a 757. Parts from a
different type of plane were planted there.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

4. There is no photographic or video evidence that shows a 757 hitting the Pentagon.
They didnt even produce fake footage. Those 4 frames of whatever it was they
released are NOT a 757.

5. The GPS system being publicly available would have no bearing on a Black Op
like 9/11. Black Ops doesnt need to wait for technology to become publicly available
before they pull off an operation.
6. The hole in the Pentagon was not produced by a 757. It was produced by a shapecharged mini-nuke[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

7. We see toasted cars near the Pentagon on 9/11 which lends credence to the
theory that that the Pentagon was nuked. The toasted cars were all over Lower
Manhattan on 9/11.

If No Plane Hit the Pentagon Then What Really Happened?

Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11
Indicates Depleted Uranium Used
By Greg Szymanski

Two high profile radiation experts concur Pentagon strike involved

use of a missile. Also Geiger counter readings right after the attack
shows high levels of radiation 12 miles away from Pentagon crash
site. A radiation expert and high-ranking Army Major, who once
headed the militarys depleted uranium project, both contend the
Pentagon was hit by missile, not a commercial jetliner, adding high
radiation readings after the strike indicate depleted uranium also may[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

have been used. Im not an explosives or crash site expert, but I am

highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related to nuclear
radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is highly
suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted uranium
warhead may have been used, said radiation expert Leuren Moret in
a telephone conversation this week from her Berkeley, CA home.
Moret, who has spent a life time working in the nuclear field, first as a
staff scientist at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory in
California, is now a member of The Radiation and Public Health
Project (RPHP), a privately funded group studying the devastating
effects of depleted uranium especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Regarding the missile theory, it is also backed up by retired Army
Maj. Doug Rokke, a PhD educational physics and former top military
expert banished from the Pentagon after the military failed to follow
regulations regarding the use, clean up and medical treatment
regarding the use of depleted uranium. When you look at the whole
thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the
hole left in the building and the fact the projectiles impact penetrated
numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile, said Maj.
Rokke from his Rantoul, IL home this week. And when you look at the
damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if you look at the WTC and
the disturbing flash hitting the tower right before the impact of the
airplane, it also looks like a missile was used. And to prove the
governments jetliner theory is wrong, Moret said the quick actions of
a friend near the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11, provide even more
suspicion. Moret recalls on the tragic morning that once she saw the
jetliner strike the twin towers and then heard about the Pentagon
crash, she immediately called a close friend in Alexandria VA, Dr.
Janette Sherman. Thinking radiation might be involved, she quickly
asked Dr. Sherman, 77, a radiation expert and medical doctor who
lived about 12 miles from the crash site, to get a Geiger counter
reading. What the pair of experts found is astonishing. What they
found is not only astonishing but four years after 9/11, whats even
more incredible is that their findings have been completely ignored by
most everyone, including the Bush administration, the 9/11
Commission and the mainstream media, all who appear more
interested in rubber stamping the official 9/11 story then getting at the
real truth. Dr. Sherman was downwind from the Pentagon on 9/11
and her Geiger counter readings show an extremely high reading, a
reading of more than eight to ten times higher than normal, said
Moret, also an expert in the cause and effects of depleted uranium.
Dr. Sherman, who is well-respected radiation expert herself, then
went about contacting the proper authorities in order to try and alert
emergency responders of the radiation risk at the Pentagon crash site.
And we have also kept photos of the Geiger counter readings in order
to verify what Dr. Sherman found 12 miles away.

Leuren Moret and Doug Rokke believed that a missile struck the Pentagon and
depleted uranium was involved. In light of what we know happened in New York to
the World Trade Center buildings (at least four were nuked) it appears that enriched
uranium was involved in the Pentagon attack. The toasted cars at the Pentagon are
eerily similar to what we saw in Lower Manhattan leading me to believe that the
Pentagon was neutron nuked. Some Pentagon researchers believe that a bomb was[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

planted inside the Pentagon. That appears to be more likely than a missile with
anuclear warhead hitting the Pentagon. If that is true then whatever happened on the
outside of the building was just scenery for the public.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Boeing 757, Dwain Deets. Pentagon

The JFK War: The disturbing case of

Jim DiEugenio, LBJ andIsrael
Posted on November 19, 2013

by Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer)

For some time and across a broad range of different issues, I have had concerns
about Jim DiEugenio, author of Destiny Betrayed, 2nd ed., which explores New
Orleans DA Jim Garrisons attempt to prosecute Clay Shaw, and of Reclaiming
Parkland, which describes as investigating Tom Hanks failed attempt to
adapt Vincent Bugliosis massive book Reclaiming History into a mini-series and as
exposing the origins of that book in a mock trial pitting Bugliosi against attorney Gerry
It is said to include a withering critique of Bugliosis inflated book, where DiEugenio
examines an early draft of the film Parkland, the CIAs influence in Hollywood today,
Hanks closeness to Washington, and the actors spurious claim of being an
historian. It also includes the authors unsuccessful attempt to stop Leonardo
DiCaprio from making a film out of Legacy of Secrecy. As one who has also criticized
Bugliosis tome and entreated Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio to abandon those
blunders (in Forrest Gump on the Grassy Knoll), I applaud these efforts. But he has
done other things about which I am decidedly less enthusiastic.
(1) During that long thread about Judyth Vary Baker on The Education Forum, he
discounted her observation that, when Lee had visited the home of a state senator,
his daughter had observed a woman who stayed in the car. Jim argued that she had
eventually given up her claim, which does not mean that it was not true: that she
made it in the first place suggests it was true; that she later abandoned it was
undoubtedly due to pressure applied to her. He has to know that earlier testimony is
almost invariably more trustworthy than later testimony, yet he went on a binge to
attempt to discredit Judyth on methodologically improper grounds. I fault him for that.
(2) When David Talbot and Jefferson Morley visited David Sanchez Morales home
town, they made it entirely obvious that they were there looking for evidence that he
had been involved in the assassinations of JFK and of RFK. No one was going to
come forth and corroborate that proposition under those circumstances, which I take
as proof that they were not there in a serious attempt to investigate the issue but
rather to deliberately confuse it and make it all but supportable on that basis. Jim
came to their defense, which I found incredible, as I have explained in RFK: Outing
the CIA at the Ambassador. That is when I began to have serious doubts about him.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

(3) Jefferson Morley has subsequently sought to portray himself as a leading student
of JFK. He has a web site that is very sophisticated and represents a considerable
investment in time and money. One of its features is to list the best and the worst
JFK web sites. His list includes my as among the worst
and John McAdams web site among the best! If I hadnt seen it for myself, I would
not have believed it. When someone challenged him about these points, he justified
himself on the ground that I deny the Zapruder film is authentic, which is absurd. We
have proven that the film is a recreation on dozens of grounds. See, for example,
The JFK War: The Challenging Case of Robert Groden, for a nice compact
summary of the proof.
(4) On The Deep Politics Forum, I offered dozens and dozens of posts supporting
Phillip Nelson and others in their claim that LBJ played a pivotal role in the
assassination, which is evident from the books and testimony of Madeleine Duncan
McClellan, BLOOD, MONEY & POWER, E. Howard Hunt (Last Confessions in
ASSASSINATION, and Jack Ruby (who observed that this would never have
happened had someone else been vice president. It is also substantiated by Nigel
Turner in Part 9 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy and there are probably a halfdozen of new books that are about to appear that offer further evidence, yet he
unleashed Seamus Coogan to attack me and Phil on that forum. It was nasty and
(5) Peter Janneys book, MARYS MOSAIC, is one of the most courageous and
brilliant I have ever read about the death of JFK and its ramifications. Peter knew
Mary Meyer as a boy, sat on her lap, and was devastated when he learned she had
been killed. During the course of his research on her death, he discovered that his
own father, Wistar, who was an official of the CIA, had been involved in both her
death and that of JFK. That he could pursue this with such determination and
dedication is one of the most admirable accomplishments I have ever witnessed. The
book is especially important because, in his painstaking reconstruction of her death,
he reveals a text-book perfect illustration of how this is done by the agency. I regard
attitudes toward this book as a test of research integrity, as I explain in Marys
Mosaic: A litmus test of JFK research integrity. Jim flunks.
Indeed, on all of these issues, DiEugenio is on the wrong side. I have accordingly
gradually become convinced that he is not promoting JFK research so much as he is
undermining it and that, in his role as co-host with Len Osanic, he has been
tarnishing the reputation of Black Op Radio for objective and dispassionate
discussion of the issues. DiEugenio is not about that at all. He appears to steer
research away from the truth, alas, not to reveal it. I was therefore struck when Don
Fox sent me a note about Michael Collins Piper, who makes the case for Israeli
involvement in the death of JFK:
I just downloaded Michael Collins Pipers Final Judgment. Piper mentions Mr.
DiEugenio a few times. Here is one passage:

Although James DiEugenios Destiny Betrayed, is a fine, fact-filled

examination of Jim Garrisons investigation of Clay Shaw, DiEugenio
(who has publicly scoffed at Final Judgment) has been careful not to
explore the multiple Mossad links of the Permindex corporation on[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

whose board Shaw served.DiEugenios book was published by the

Sheridan Square Press whose founders received financing from the
Stern family of New Orleans who were also contributors to the
Mossad intelligence arm, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Close
friends of Clay Shaw, the Sterns were owners of the WDSU media
empire which played a central role in Shaws sheep-dipping of Lee
Oswald as a pro-Castro agitator prior to the JFK assassination.
Although we now know Garrison recognized Mossad involvement in
the JFK affair, he (perhaps wisely) voiced his suspicions only in an
unpublished novela fact many choose to ignore.

DiEugenios publisher received financing from the Stern family who also contributed
to the ADL and they were close friends of Clay Shaw!! That explains a lot doesnt it?
It seems like if you really dig into 9/11 or JFK youre going to run into the ADL.
I am hardly the first to take exception to DiEugenio, who has been raked over the
coals by Gus Russo, the author of Die by the Sword (1998), which suggests the Lee
Oswald visited the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City to offer his services to Castro by
taking out JFK. But since the man the CIA photographed there looks nothing like
Oswald and J. Edgar Hoover even put out a memorandum to his Agents-in-Charge
that someone was impersonating Lee in Mexico Citywhich, in my opinion, is
sufficient by itself to establish the existence of a conspiracy in the assassinationits
not much of a stretch to argue that, if his views on DiEugenio are as well-founded as
his work on JFK, then they should not be taken seriously.

In DiEugenios defense, he has advanced good reasons to believe that the CIA was
deeply involved in the assassination of JFK, which is undoubtedly correct. That he
fingers Allen Dulles as having played the pivotal role that I and others, such as Phil
Nelson and now Roger Stone, The Man who Killed Kennedy: The Case against LBJ
(2013), which I recommendcan be taken as falling within the ballpark of differences
in opinion and evaluation of the evidence, which is defensible. He may be right or he
may be wrong, but that differenceat least on first considerationdoes not count
against him. But Don believes that DiEugenio has offered up Allen Dulles, who was
undoubtedly involved, as a cover for LBJ and for Israel.
DiEugenio appeared recently on Coast to Coast with George Noory about the new
edition of Destiny Betrayed, which he describes as not simply updated but having
been 90% rewritten, which for all intents and purposes is another book:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

While I dont care for his style, everyone should have the opportunity to judge for
themselves. I note that Dons critique of DiEugenios role in not discussing the role of
Israel in relation to the death of JFK might also be applied to me, since I have
certainly not focused on that aspect, such as it may be. But I am willing to consider
new evidence and alternative hypotheses, where if I have been remiss in not
exploring this dimension of the assassination adequately, I would want to make
amends.I therefore offer this article as a prolegomenon to further inquiry.
DiEugenio and CTKA: Obfuscating LBJ and Israels roles in the Assassination
of JFK
by Don Fox
Jim DiEugenio has spent decades researching the JFK assassination. He has written
two books on the subject Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case and
Reclaiming Parkland: Tom Hanks, Vincent Bugliosi, and the JFK Assassination in the
New Hollywood. He previously published Probe magazine and now runs the (Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination) website and appears
regularly on Len Osanics Black Op Radio.
DiEugenio never mentions Israel or the Mossad as having a motive to kill Kennedy.
Israeli Prime David Ben-Gurion clashed with JFK over Israels nuclear program.
Kennedy was determined to prevent Israel from becoming a Nuclear Weapon State
and Ben-Gurion was determined that Israel would. Ben-Gurion viewed atomic
weapons as vital to the survival of Israel.
DiEugenio and CTKA downplay the role of Lyndon Johnson and instead promote
Allen Dulles as being the pivotal player in the assassination. The motive often cited is
the Vietnam War. Indeed US policy changed abruptly after Kennedys death and the
Vietnam War went into high gear behind the scenes even before Kennedys body
was buried.
CTKA often cite a quote from Johnson that he wondered if any bullets were aimed at
him in Dealy Plaza as proof that he wasnt the mastermind of the JFK plot. DiEugenio
also fails to mention LBJs personal and often emotional connection to Israel. It
turns out that LBJ had been a Zionist sympathizer since he was a little boy. Any
serious discussion of Johnson needs to include this vital information about his
Lyndon Johnson: Our First Jewish President?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Morris Smith of 5 Towns Jewish News posted an article called Our First Jewish
President Lyndon Johnson? Per Smith:

Most students of the Arab-Israeli conflict can identify Johnson as the

president during the 1967 war. But few know about LBJs actions to
rescue hundreds of endangered Jews during the Holocaust actions
that could have thrown him out of Congress and into jail. Indeed, the
title of Righteous Gentile is certainly appropriate in the case of the
Texan, whose centennial year is being commemorated this year.
Appropriately enough, the annual Jerusalem Conference announced
this week that it will honor Johnson.

Historians have revealed that Johnson, while serving as a young

congressman in 1938 and 1939, arranged for visas to be supplied to
Jews in Warsaw, and oversaw the apparently illegal immigration of
hundreds of Jews through the port of Galveston, Texas . . .
Research into Johnsons personal history indicates that he inherited
his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie
Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the
Zionist Organization of America. According to Gomolak, Aunt Jessie
had nurtured LBJs commitment to befriending Jews for 50 years. As
young boy, Lyndon watched his politically active grandfather Big
Sam and father Little Sam seek clemency for Leo Frank, the Jewish
victim of a blood libel in Atlanta. Frank was lynched by a mob in 1915,
and the Ku Klux Klan in Texas threatened to kill the Johnsons. The
Johnsons later told friends that Lyndons family hid in their cellar
while his father and uncles stood guard with shotguns on their porch
in case of KKK attacks. Johnsons speech writer later stated, Johnson
often cited Leo Franks lynching as the source of his opposition to both
anti-Semitism and isolationism.
According to historian James M. Smallwood, Congressman Johnson
used legal and sometimes illegal methods to smuggle hundreds of
Jews into Texas, using Galveston as the entry port. Enough money
could buy false passports and fake visas in Cuba, Mexico and other
Latin American countries. Johnson smuggled boatloads and
planeloads of Jews into Texas. He hid them in the Texas National
Youth Administration. Johnson saved at least four or five hundred
Jews, possibly more.
. . . . Soon after taking office in the aftermath of John F. Kennedys
assassination in 1963, Johnson told an Israeli diplomat, You have lost
a very great friend, but you have found a better one. Just one month
after succeeding Kennedy, LBJ attended the December 1963 dedication
of the Agudas Achim Synagogue in Austin. Novy opened the ceremony
by saying to Johnson, We cant thank him enough for all those Jews
he got out of Germany during the days of Hitler. Lady Bird would
later describe the day, according to Gomolak: Person after person
plucked at my sleeve and said, I wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for
him. He helped me get out. Lady Bird elaborated, Jews had been
woven into the warp and woof of all [Lyndon's] years.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

. . . . According to Jewish law, if a persons mother is Jewish, then

that person is automatically Jewish, regardless of the fathers ethnicity
or religion. The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnsons greatgrandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. There is little doubt
that he was Jewish.

During WWII Johnson shipped arms to freedom fighters in Palestine and later in the
Senate he blocked the Eisenhower administrations attempts to impose sanctions on
Israel after the 1956 Sinai campaign.
Lyndon certainly had a track record of doing anything he possibly could to help Jews
before he became Vice President and later President. As we shall see this pattern
continued once he was in the Oval Office.
The USS Liberty Incident

On June 8, 1967, under Johnsons orders, Israeli planes bombed the American spy
ship USS Liberty off of the coast of Egypt. 34 of the 294 crewman aboard were killed
in the attack. If not for some ingenuity and dumb luck the ship would have been sunk
and the attack would have been blamed on Russia or Egypt. It appears that the
attack on the Liberty was going to be used to justify the nuclear bombing of Cairo
which may have led to World War III.
From Judy Morris article The USS Liberty, Israel & President Johnsons Order to
Destroy the USS Liberty:

The real story is that President Johnson, who was being battered in
the polls over the Vietnam War and facing a general election loss and
even losing the DNC primary, ordered the Israelis to bomb the USS
Liberty to create a casus belli to secure a Gulf of Tonkin style
resolution to explode the world into war because in America
everybody loves an outraged and indignant president who will use the
full force of the military at the slightest provocation, even a
government planned false flag attack.

The USS Liberty, however, encompasses far more than a murderous

psychopathic American president resorting to hideously evil deeds to
get re-elected. In addition to ordering the total destruction of the USS
Liberty and sending 294 Americans to a watery grave in the
Mediterranean Sea, LBJ also ordered the nuclear bombing of Cairo,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

an event specifically designed to create a nuclear war by blaming the

entire USS Liberty affair on Russia or Egypt. More horrifying, its
documented that US planes were on emergency standby orders as
pilots waited on the runways in their planes armed with nuclear
weapons. The nuclear bombing of Cairo was called off only 3 minutes
before the nuclear bomb drops.
As fate would have it, LBJs plan blew up in his face and the world got
a reprieve from a nuclear US induced holocaust

Clearly Lyndon would stop at nothing (not even nuclear war) to ensure Israeli
domination of the Middle East. If he had no qualms about nuking an innocent city
certainly organizing a plot to assassinate JFK and ascend to the Presidency would
not be a big stretch for LBJ.
JFKs Encounter with the Israeli Lobby
JFK got on the bad side of the Zionists long before he was elected to the presidency.
In 1957 during his first Senate term he spoke of the need for Algeria to gain its
independence. That speech did not sit well in certain quarters. From Michael Collins
Pipers book Final Judgment:

Israel, of course, saw the emergence of another independent Arab

republic as a threat to its security and anyone favoring Algerian
independence was, thus, advocating a policy deemed threatening to
Israels survival.

Some of Kennedys critics said that the speech was a political move
and that he chose the topic of Algerian independence as the subject of
his first major foreign policy address because there was neither a
French vote nor an Algerian vote to contend with in his home state
of Massachusetts or in the nation as a whole.
While the latter observation is correct, of course, the fact is that there
was one particularly powerful American voting bloc (and source of
financial contributions) that did take note of Kennedys support for
Algerian Arab independence: the powerful American lobby for Israel.
As we shall see, in the end, it may have been JFKs initiative on the
Algerian question that, in fact, played a major part in shaping the
entirety of the conspiracy that ended his life in Dallas, Texas on
November 22, 1963.
This gesture by the young senator also angered many French
nationalists who wanted to retain French colonial control of Algeria.
Many of these nationalists later banded together in the so-called
Secret Army Organizationthe Israel-backed OASand fought
against French President Charles DeGaulle who ultimately granted
Algerian independence.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

We can see a distinct pattern here: Johnson doing everything in his power to help the
Zionist cause and Kennedy standing up to the Zionists and acting in the best interests
of the US as well as African and Middle Eastern countries. Certainly the Algerian
situation irked the Zionists but that paled in comparison to Kennedy thwarting the
Zionists desire to produce nuclear weapons.

Confronting Ben-Gurion Over Dimona

Kennedys letter to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion regarding US visits to

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I welcome your letter of May 12 and am giving it careful study.

Meanwhile, I have received from Ambassador Barbour a report of his
conversation with you on May 14 regarding the arrangements for
visiting the Dimona reactor. I should like to add some personal
comments on that subject.
I am sure you will agree that there is no more urgent business for the
whole world than the control of nuclear weapons. We both recognized
this when we talked together two years ago, and I emphasized it
again when I met with Mrs. Meir just after Christmas. The dangers in[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

the proliferation of national nuclear weapons systems are so obvious

that I am sure I need not repeat them here.
It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my
Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to
Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might
make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the
first visit of American scientists to Dimona and that you would agree
to further visits by neutrals as well. I had assumed from Mrs. Meirs
comment that there would be no problem between us on this.
We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which
would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by
Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to
the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop a nuclear
weapons capabilitywith all the consequences this would hold. But the
problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East.
Development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost
certainly lead other larger countries that have so far refrained from
such development, to feel that they must follow suit.
As I made clear in my press conference of May 8, we have a deep
commitment to the security of Israel. In addition this country supports
Israel in a wide variety of other ways which are well known to both of
us. [4-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]
I can well appreciate your concern for developments in the UAR. But I
see no present or imminent nuclear threat to Israel from there. I am
assured that our intelligence on this question is good and that the
Egyptians do not presently have any installation comparable to
Dimona, nor any facilities potentially capable of nuclear weapons
production. But, of course, if you have information that would support
a contrary conclusion, I should like to receive it from you through
Ambassador Barbour. We have the capacity to check it.
I trust this message will convey the sense of urgency and the
perspective in which I view your Governments early assent to the
proposal first put to you by Ambassador Barbour on April 2.
John F. Kennedy

Ben-Gurion eventually resigned from office over tensions with Kennedy regarding the
Dimona reactor. Kennedy was determined to keep Israel from becoming a Nuclear
Weapon State and had he lived its likely that Israel would have had to abandon its
nuclear ambitions.
Vanunu: Israel Behind JFK Assassination
However, Kennedy did not make it out of Dallas alive. Israeli dissident Mordechai
Vanunu stated in a 2004 interview that Israel was indeed behind the JFK
assassination:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Comments by freed nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu that Israel was

behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy failed to
bring smiles to government officials Sunday

One would expect that such claims would portray Vanunu as a man
with a credibility problem, but as far as the defense establishment is
concern, the former nuclear technician still has secrets to reveal and a
declared goal of ending Israels nuclear program. He shouldnt be
talking to the media and is actually barred from meeting with
Nevertheless, the London-based al-Hayat published Sunday an
interview is claims it had with Vanunu. According to the interview
which appeared in its Arabic supplement Al-Wassat, Vanunu said
that according to near-certain indications, Kennedy was
assassinated due to pressure he exerted on then head of government,
David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimonas nuclear reactor.

Israeli involvement in JFKs assassination appears to be the dark secret that forces
behind the assassination 50 years down the line are still desperately trying to cover
Closing Thoughts
Many people in the JFK research community have remarked that JFK was the last
real American President. After Kennedy, a steady stream of mediocre men whose
loyalties certainly appeared to lie elsewhere (Israel) have occupied the Oval Office.
Certainly Lyndon Johnsons loyalty was greater to Israel than the US. Johnsons lust
for power and ruthlessness are well known.
However, there appears to be a method to the madness. Johnsons actions primarily
benefited the Zionists. He showed great compassion and selflessness in getting Jews
out of Europe before WWII. The men aboard the USS Liberty saw the other side of
Johnson one willing to kill his own countrymen in order to justify military action on
behalf of Israel. There can be no disputing Johnsons central role in the JFK
assassination as Phil Nelson and others have pointed out. Closer examination into
Johnsons motives show that he was most likely acting in the interests of Israeli Prime
Minister Ben-Gurion and his quest to build nuclear weapons. Certainly the Israeli[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

nuclear program flourished under Johnson.

Why does an otherwise meticulous researcher like DiEugenio avoid the topic of
Israels involvement in the JFK assassination? Perhaps Michael Collins Piper is on to
Why is there not more discussion of the Mossads role in the JFK assassination in the
research community? Perhaps this is a case where most Americans are blinded by
our national ego; the thought being that some tiny country in the Middle East has no
ability to set our national agenda or assassinate our Presidents. The reality is that
Israel does indeed appear to have the power to influence US elections and if
necessary assassinate our duly elected President at high noon in the streets of
If anyone doubts the ability of Israel to play King-maker look at the steady stream of
2016 Presidential hopefuls visiting Israel. Ted Cruz has already made two trips to
Israel. Rand Paul was there in January 2013. Rand started back pedaling on his
rhetoric about ending foreign aid to Israel in short order. Rick Perry was in Israel in
October 2013 traveling with Houston businessman and former U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Council Chairman Fred S. Zeidman (who is also a large Republican fund
Posted in JFK | Tagged CTKA, David Ben-Gurion, JFK, Jim DiEugenio, LBJ, uss liberty

The Top 10 Heavy Metal Albums of

Posted on November 6, 2013

My brother Dennis and I recently compiled a list of our Top 10 Metal Albums of All
Time. We both play guitar although Dennis has been playing a lot more than I have
recently and his chops are in much better shape than mine are these days. This is the
music we grew up listening to. Anytime you have a list like this its going to going to
be subjective as to who makes it and who doesnt. We felt these were not only the
best albums but also the most influential. Some of the ground rules: it has to be
Heavy Metal to be on the list. Even though I love Van Halen they arent heavy metal
so they arent here. Neither are bands like Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, Def
Leppard or AC/DC. Eventually there will be Top 10 Guitar Albums of All Time list and
look for VH to be on that one.
FYI: I know most of my traffic is here for the 9/11 stuff and rest assured there is more
of that on the way. But after all this is a personal blog and its nice to write about
something I actually ENJOY writing about every now and again. 9/11 and other such
research is pretty much dark and nasty. But if youre a fan of that type of stuff stay
tuned! Im finishing some personal projects and then Ill start working on some serious
research articles. There are some kick ass 9/11 and JFK articles in the hopper and
they will appear in the coming weeks. Until those come out turn your computer
speakers up to 11 and starting banging your head to The Top 10 Heavy Metal
Albums of All Time!!![9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

10. Judas Priest: Screaming for Vengeance This was the Priests breakthrough
album. This album not only propelled the Priest to new heights but also gave metal an
audience on radio and MTV. 80s metal owes a huge debt of gratitude to Screaming.

9. Motley Crue: Shout at the Devil The Crues 2nd album was their breakthrough.
The Crue were the most influential of the LA metal/hair bands.

8. Pantera: Cowboys from Hell Pantera changed directions from glam metal and
got down to business on Cowboys. One of the most influential metal albums of all
time.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

7. Dio: Holy Diver Generally recognized as Dios best solo work.

6. Black Sabbath: Heaven and Hell Ozzy is a true original, but Ronnie James Dio
clearly had one of the finest and most powerful voices in a genre that celebrates over
the top vocals. The fresh start provided by the pint-sized American powerhouse
clearly re-energized Tony Iommi. This album is just what the doctor ordered.

5. Ozzy Osbourne: Blizzard of Ozz Randy Rhoads was an absolute monster on

guitar impeccable phrasing and intonation; killer tone. Crazy Train and I Dont Know
are two of the greatest metal songs ever.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

4. Metallica: Kill Em All Metallicas debut was a monster. Hit the Lights, The Four
Horsemen, No Remorse and the timeless Seek and Destroy. The birth of thrash

3. Iron Maiden: Powerslave The Egyptian themed classic was Maidens best.
Powerslave is clearly Iron Maiden at their Iron Maiden-est. The title track is pretty
much the culmination of what they had been moving towards since Bruce Dickinson
joined the band.

2. Black Sabbath: Paranoid Tony Iommi was not only a great guitar player he
came up with some of the greatest metal riffs of all time on this album. The killer title
track, Iron Man, War Pigs, Fairies Wear Boots. Paranoid is indisputably one of the
most influential albums of all time.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

1. Judas Priest: Painkiller The absolute greatest metal album and song of all time.
This is Glenns best solo even better than Electric Eye. Scotts drumming is as good
as it gets. Heavy Metal by definition is supposed to be over the top. Priest were at
their bombastic best on Painkiller.

Posted in Music | Tagged Adrian Smith, Black Sabbath, Bruce Dickinson, Dave Murray, Dimebag
Darrell, Glenn Tipton, Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, KK Downing, Motley Crue, Ozzy
Osbourne, Pantera, Randy Rhoads. Tony Iommi, Rob Halford, Ronnie James Dio

Busting 9/11 Myths: Nanothermite, Big

Nukes andDEWs
Posted on September 23, 2013

by Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer)

On the 12th observance of 9/11 there are still many questions surrounding the
destruction of the World Trade Center buildings.
The Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) put forth by NIST and the 9/11 Commission
posits that 19 hijackers (5 of whom turned up alive AFTER 9/11) flew commercial
planes in to the Twin Towers and the damage from the impacts of the planes and
resulting fires caused the Towers to collapse at free fall speed.
These magical planes also caused a third skyscraper (Building 7) to collapse at free
fall speed in a vacuum some 25 minutes after the BBC had announced that it had
collapsed even though no plane had hit it.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Obviously the governments account is blatantly false. It stands to reason that if the
governments account of the events of 9/11 is not physically possible then it cannot
be historically accurate. Historical events on the level of 9/11 shape the future for
years, even generations to come. You will not be able to properly understand current
events if you do not understand 9/11.
Once you come to the realization that the Zionists and Neocons in the Bush Regime
acting at the behest of Israel were responsible for 9/11, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya and Syria make a lot more sense.
The Big Lies of 9/11 have been used to launch wars of Zionist Aggression abroad
and erode our civil rights here in the US. The 9/11 Wars have killed over a million
innocent civilians and drained the US treasury of trillions of dollars. All so that Israel
can maintain hegemony over the Middle East.
In recent years these Big Lies have given way to several Alternate Myths. As the OCT
loses credibility alternative theories such as nanothermite, directed energy weapons
and Big Nukes have tried to bridge the gap. Just as the OCT has imploded so will
these Alternate Myths.
The Collapse Theory
According to the government, the Twin Towers collapsed because the intense heat
from the jet-fuel fires caused the steel to weaken (or, in some versions, the trusses to
bow) to the extent that the top floors collapsed onto lower floors (or the trusses to
collapse on other trusses), in a cascade of floors (or trusses) falling upon one another
until both buildings were completely destroyed. Here is a schematic representation of
the official theory, but there are also animated versions:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

For anyone who has actually looked at the video sequence of their destruction,
however, this theory is easily the least defensible. Gravity operates in one direction:
down! But the Twin Towers are exploding in every direction from the top down. The
buildings are being converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. And when
it was done, there was no stack of pancakes: they were destroyed below ground
level! And, even worse, on the truss version, the core columns would have remained
standing, like the spindle on a 45rpm record player after the records had been played.
Moreover, NIST studied 236 samples of steel from the Twin Towers and discovered
that 233 had not been exposed to temperatures above 500*F and the other three not
above 1200*F. Insofar as UL had certified the steel used in the towers to 2,000*F for
three to four hours without incurring any adverse effects (either weakening or melting)
and the fires in the South Tower only endured for about a hour and in the North an
hour and a half, they could have burned forever at those temperatures and not
caused any damage. If we want truth, we must consider other 3>
Major and minor dust samples
The group that dominates A&E911 and produced Explosive EvidenceRichard
Gage, Steve Jones, Kevin Ryan and Neils Harrit, especiallyhave insisted that the
key to understanding 9/11 is tiny chips of unexploded energetic material found in dust
samples from apartments in the vicinity of Ground Zero, to which they refer as
nanothermite. The catch turns out be that nanothermite is a feeble explosive that
has 1/13 the force of TNT, the universal standard. Research by T. Mark Hightower, a
chemical engineer, moreover, has shown that it only has a detonation velocity of
895m/s, which is far from the speed of sound in concrete and steel, which are
3,200m/s and 6,100m/s, respectively. Since it is a law of materials science that an
explosive cannot destroy a material unless it has a detonation velocity equal to or
greater than the speed of sound in that material. You cant get there from there.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

In 2002 Jeff Prager tried to prove 19 Muslims hijacked four planes and attacked us.
By 2005, he realized this was false, sold his business, left the US and began to
investigate 9/11 full-time. (See his 9/11 America Nuked.) In Proof of Ternary Fission
in New York City on 9/11 he observes (1) that dust samples are the best evidence of
what happened on 9/11; (2) that the US Geological Survey samples taken over a
dozen locations show how various elements interacted prove that fission reaction(s)
had taken place; (3) that Multiple Myeloma in the general population at a rate of 3-9
incidents per 100,000 people, but the rate was 18 per 100,000 among first
responders; (4) that other cancers relatively unusual cancers have appeared among
the responders, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia, thyroid, pancreatic,
brain, prostate, esophageal and blood and plasma cancers; and (5) that, as of March
2011 no less than 1,003 first responders died from various cancers.
The elements that have been found in these dust samples provide an astonishing
array of proof that the destruction of the WTC was a nuclear event. How ironic that
dust samples, which have been touted as the key to understanding 9/11, ARE the
key, but not those studied by Gage, Jones, Ryan and Harrit! Consider the range and
variety of the elements in the US Geological Surveys dust samples, found at
Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001
Attack (Open-File Report 01-0429). Heres a link to the chemistry table and another
to the DOE report, Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center (UCRL-JC150445):
Barium and Strontium: Neither of these elements should ever appear in building
debris in these quantities. The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they
never drop below 700ppm for Strontium and reach over 3000ppm for both in the dust
sample taken at Broadway and John Streets.
Thorium and Uranium: These elements only exist in radioactive form. Thorium is a
radioactive element formed from Uranium by decay. Its very rare and should not be
present in building rubble, ever. So once again we have verifiable evidence that a
nuclear fission event has taken place.
Lithium: With the presence of lithium we have compelling evidence that this fission
pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

into Lithium has taken place.

Lanthanum: Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of the
element Barium.
Yttrium: The next decay element after Strontium, which further confirms the
presence of Barium.
Chromium: The presence of Chromium is one more tell tale signature of a nuclear
Tritium: A very rare element and should not be found at concentrations 55 times
normal the basement of WTC-6 no less than 11 days after 9/11, which is another tell
tale sign of nukes.
No Denying Nukes
Indeed, the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 appears to have
been a nuclear event. 1/3 of the Twin Towers and a thousand bystanders were
completely vaporized. Some 1,400 cars were toasted in the vicinity of the WTC.
Chunks of debris were ejected hundreds of yards. No desks, chairs, computers or
toilets were found in the rubble of the Twin Towers. Temperatures at Ground Zero
were between 600 and 2,000F for six months after 9/11.
The clinchers though are the USGS dust samples and the Department of Energy
(DOE) water samples. The USGS dust samples not only show elevated levels of
elements such as uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, yttrium, chromium, copper,
zinc, sodium and potassium, they show that the quantities of a dozen elements rising
and falling predictably over a dozen sample locations. The only process that can
explain this is nuclear fission. The DOE collected water samples from the basement of
Six World Trade 11 days after 9/11 that contained tritium at 55 times background
levels. This proves nuclear fusion took place.
Dimitri Khalezov recently published an article where he makes the case that three
150 kt nukes were detonated 100 meters underground on 9/11 (aka the Big-Nuke
Theory). In order to maintain the viability of his theory he states that several pieces of
evidence including seismic readings, toasted cars and photographs were faked. Our
approach has been to come up with a theory that fits the evidence rather than having
to claim this photo or that report was faked. The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory explains
what was observed at Ground Zero. Khalezovs Big-Nuke theory simply cannot
account for the gross observable evidence.
Recap of the Mini-Nuke Theory
After reading Dimitris article it appears that he believes that we are stating that
merely one or two mini-nukes were placed in the basement of the Twin Towers and
that was responsible for all of the destruction. Obviously that scenario could not
explain what is observed at Ground Zero. Our philosophy is that the destruction was
caused by multiple low-yield nuclear bombs and not three big ones. The perpetrators
objective was to nuke the WTC buildings without making it look like they nuked the
buildings. This schematic is not intended to illustrate the specific way in which it was
done but rather to give a visual indication of some of the available options:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory postulates that there were perhaps 5-11 mini-neutron
nukes placed the core columns of the Twin Towers as well as several underground
mini-nukes. There were a series of underground explosions before each Tower starts
coming down. The mini-nukes in the core columns were detonated sequentially from
top to bottom and configured to explode upward. The top to bottom demolition
sequence was intended to simulate a free fall gravitational collapse which was the
cover story.
If they took out one cube of 10 floors per second, then the time of destruction of the
North Tower would have been 11 seconds and of the Southwhere the top three
cubes tilted and were blown as one9, which agrees with NISTs own time
estimate.The charges were shaped to explode upward so that the bombs in the top of
the building would not destroy the bombs below before they had a chance to explode.
Mini-nukes exploding upward also serves to explain the low seismic readings of 2.1
for the South Tower and 2.3 for the North Tower.
Some may question whether mini-nukes can be configured to explode directionally.
Shape charging explosives has been around for a long time. Friedwardt Winterberg of
Cornell University has proposed using deuterium microbombs to transport payloads
between planetary orbits. This amounts to exploding mini-nukes in a cylindrical tube
to direct the blast to propel the spacecraft. This explains what is observed in the
destruction of the Twin Towers: material is being ejected upward and outward, 1/3 of
the buildings are completely vaporized, and steel, cement and gypsum are converted
into a pyroclastic surge cloud that covers Lower Manhattan in fine dust. Retained
heat from the underground mini-nukes produce the high temperatures that persisted
for six months after 9/11. Conventional explosives were used as well in the Twin
Towers but mini-nukes did the heavy lifting.
In the case of Building 6 mini-nukes were detonated in the basement of the building
and configured to explode upward. This explains the scooped out crater in the center[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

of the building and the tritiated water found in the basement 11 days after 9/11.
Building 7 was also a combination of conventional and nuclear demo charges. Unlike
the Twin Towers, no above ground nukes were used on 7. Conventional charges took
out the support columns of the building which caused it to fall at free fall speed in a
vacuum and three mini-nukes detonated in the basement vaporized much of the
contents of the building. This explains the low seismic reading of .6. We will have a
full break down on Building 7 in a future article.
What Would 150 Kiloton Blasts Have Done?
As a comparison to Khalezovs theory lets use the Storax Sedan nuclear test which
was a 104 kt nuke detonated 190 meters deep. It lifted a dome of earth 90 m (300 ft.)
above the desert floor before it vented at three seconds after detonation, exploding
upward and outward displacing more than 11,000,000 tons of soil.

The resulting crater is 100 m (330 ft.) deep with a diameter of about 390 m (1,280 ft.).
A circular area of the desert floor five miles across was obscured by fast-expanding
dust clouds moving out horizontally from the base surge, akin to pyroclastic surge.
The blast caused seismic waves equivalent to an earthquake of 4.75 on the Richter
scale.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There were no giant craters observed at Ground Zero in New York so on this point
alone Khalezovs theory can be rejected.
The Winter Garden: Where DEWS, Nanothermite and Big-Nuke Theories Go To

The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down and the inside out. No big flash
was visible and no other buildings were flattened by the blasts so by definition any
above ground nuclear detonation had to be low yield. Photos and videos of the
destruction of the Twin Towers clearly show that there were indeed above ground
nuclear detonations. As we can see below the chunks of debris that are being ejected
from the North Tower into the Winter Garden originated several stories above the top
of Building 7. Other material is being ejected straight up; the North Tower is clearly
being demolished by an above ground mini-nuke. The bottom 60 floors of the North
Tower are clearly still intact when the material that landed in the Winter Garden was
ejected. Khalezovs account of large underground nukes simply cannot account for
the observed top down demolition of the North Tower.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The Winter Garden was destroyed on 9/11 from debris ejected from the North Tower.
Judy Wood denies that explosives were used to demolish the Towers and that
through some unknown process they simply turned to dust where they once stood.
This is patently absurd. The Twin Towers exploded and Wood cannot account for a
300 ton chunk of debris being ejected into the Winter Garden 600+ feet out. It was
traveling at an estimated 70+ miles per hour. Judy Woods DEW non-theory has no
explanatory power for the destruction of the WTC buildings and can be rejected.
Since nanothermite is not explosive it cannot account for the destruction of the Winter
Garden. Nanothermite has no ability to explode concrete or steel or eject steel
assemblies weighing hundreds of tons up at a 45 angle and out into the Winter
Garden. The nanothermite theory can also be rejected.
The Winter Garden is the end of the line for any theory except the mini-nuke theory.
Six World Trade: The Mini-Nuke Poster Child
Six World Trade Center was the US Custom House, an 8 story building that stood
between the North Tower and Building 7. The new One World Trade Center stands
on the site where Six World Trade once stood. Khalezovs theory does not even take
Building 6 into account even though the building was clearly nuked. Before either
Tower came down on 9/11 a 170 high meter plume of smoke was seen rising from
the building:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The blast left a giant crater in the middle of the building:

Tritium was found at levels 55 times background in the basement of the building 11
days after 9/11. Firefighters sprayed a million liters of water on Building 6 diluting the
water samples. Per Ed Wards breakdown had the water samples been collected on
the evening of 9/11 there could have potentially been 6 BILLION tritium units present.
That is the equivalent to a leaking nuclear power plant. Temperatures were so high
that cement flowed like lava according to the plaque in the New York Police

EXIT signs, gun sights and cold fusion cannot explain the tritium found in the
basement of Building 6. The only thing that can explain this evidence is a
thermonuclear explosion. It is apparent that one or more mini-nukes were detonated
in Building 6. A 150 kiloton nuke buried under another building cannot account for the
damage inflicted upon Six World Trade. Neither can thermite, cold fusion or a Judy
Wood style DEW.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Cars Were Toasted by Above Ground Nukes

Ted Twietmeyers post on Renses website sheds considerable light on the toasted
cars. Vector forces show that the source of the EMP that toasted the cars (and
neutrons per Ed Ward) is clearly above ground.
Khalezovs Big-Nuke Theory falls short in several areas: It cannot account for
evidence of above ground nuclear detonations, low seismic readings of the
destruction of WTC-1, 2 and 7, the lack of giant craters at Ground Zero, the
destruction of WTC-6 and the 1,400 toasted cars. The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory can
account for all of these things without resorting to claiming seismic reports and
photographs were faked or that the police and FBI were burning their own cars.
Khalezov is correct that the destruction of the WTC buildings was a nuclear event. He
is much closer to the mark than are the thermite sniffers and DEW cultists.
The time has come to reject all of the Myths surrounding 9/11 and come to grips with
what really happened: the Zionist / Neocon Cabal nuked buildings in Lower
Manhattan to justify Zionist Wars of Aggression in the Middle East. The Killing
Machine will keep going with wars in Syria and Iran if we are unable to reject the lies
and myths and face up to the truth of 9/11.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged DEWs, Dimitri Khalezov, mini-nukes, nanothermite, professor jim fetzer,
World Trade Center

Revolution Radio Appearance9/6/13

Posted on September 5, 2013

I will be a guest on Wendy Edringtons show on Revolution Radio tomorrow night

from 9 to 11 Central (7 to 9 Pacific). We will be covering the nuclear destruction of the
World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. The call in number is (347) 688-2902.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged mini-nukes, Revolution Radio, Wendy Edrington, World Trade Center[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

2 + 2 = Israel Nuked the WTC on9/11

Posted on August 26, 2013

By Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer)

[I]f New York was outsourced to the Mossad and if the Twin Towers were nuked,
then the nukes that were used must have been Israeli.[N]o alternative explanation
is reasonable.Jim Fetzer
How many wars is the US supposed to fight for Israel? How many of our sons and
daughters must die? How much of our national treasury and moral standing must be
squandered to insure Israeli domination of the Middle East?
Does any serious analyst actually believe that the Syrian governmentwhich has
been routing the rebels for the past several monthswould jeopardize its standing in
the eyes of the world by launching a gas attack when he has no reason to do so?
Does anyone believe that doing so on the eve of the arrival of a UN inspection team
would be rational? Are the American people so stupid and gullible that we are going
to fall for the same song and dance from the nations leaders who so completely
misled us about the massive surveillance being conducted by the NSA?
The lied to us about Iraq. They lied to us about Libya. They lied to us about Iran. And
what could be more obvious than that they are lying to us again about Syria? The US
is wreaking havoc in the Middle East for Israel. We have become Israeli liars,
enforcers, stooges and dupes!
The absurdity of the American position by claiming that it needs to punish Bashar
Assad for the violation of international law was apparent today when Charles
Heyman, a former British officer who edits The Armed Forces of the UK, observed
that attacking Syria without a mandate from the UN Security Council would itself be a
gross violation of international law, rather like the claims made during the Vietnam
war that they had to destroy the village in order to save it! Under Barack Obama,
the US has become an international joke.
Some historical background
We know that 9/11 involved close collusion between the neo-cons in the Department
of Defense and the Mossad to create a pretext for the US to invade the Middle East
and deconstruct the modern Arab states by converting them into statelets to promote
the domination of the Middle East by Israel. We know that New York City appears to
have been outsourced to Israel and that the destruction of the Twin Towers, unlike
WTC-7, can only be explained on the basis of sophisticated arrangements of mini or
micro nukes. We have proven this again and again and again. It is beyond
reasonable doubt.
The most powerful proof, ironically, comes from dust samples collected by the USGS,
which substantiate the presence of elements that would not be present in this form
had the destruction of the Twin Towers not been a nuclear event. Those include:
Barium and Strontium: Neither of these elements should ever appear in building
debris in these quantities. The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

never drop below 700ppm for Strontium and reach over 3000ppm for both in the dust
sample taken at Broadway and John Streets.
Thorium and Uranium: These elements only exist in radioactive form. Thorium is a
radioactive element formed from Uranium by decay. Its very rare and should not be
present in building rubble, ever. So once again we have verifiable evidence that a
nuclear fission event has taken place.
Lithium: With the presence of lithium we have compelling evidence that this fission
pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium
into Lithium has taken place.
Lanthanum: Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of the
element Barium.
Yttrium: The next decay element after Strontium, which further confirms the presence
of Barium.
Chromium: The presence of Chromium is one more tell tale signature of a nuclear
Tritium: A very rare element and should not be found at concentrations 55 times
normal the basement of WTC-6 no less than 11 days after 9/11, which is another tell
tale sign of nukes.
But the proof also includes the dramatic incidence of cancers associated with nuclear
events, where, as Jeff Prager has observed, (a) Multiple Myeloma in the general
population at a rate of 3-9 incidents per 100,000 people, but the rate was 18 per
100,000 among first responders; (b) that other cancers relatively unusual cancers
have appeared among the responders, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia,
thyroid, pancreatic, brain, prostate, esophageal and blood and plasma cancers; and
(c) that, as of March 2011 no less than 1,003 first responders died from various
cancers. Those familiar with the available evidence who continue to deny that 9/11
was a nuclear event would appear to be either cognitively impaired or deliberately
How it was done
Unlike WTC-7, which was destroyed by a classic controlled demolition, where all the
floors fell at the same time, none of its floors were blown apart, and there was a stack
of debris equal to 12% of the original height of the 47-story building (about 5.5 floors
of debris). The Twin Towers were blow apart sequentially from the top down, they
were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust, each floor remained
stationary until its turn came and, when it was over, the buildings had been destroyed
below ground level: there was no stack debris (which should have been around 12
floors high). They did not collapse. They were blown apart using mini or micro nukes,
which too many have continued to deny for too long.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Indeed, if we assume that it was done by blowing one ten-floor cube per second, then
the time for the destruction of the 110-floor North Tower would have been
approximately 11 seconds, which is the time estimate of NIST. And when we note
that the top three floors of the South Tower had begun to tilt and were blown as one,
then the time for its destruction would have been approximately 9 seconds, which is
also in agreement withe the time estimate of NIST. This appears to have been
roughly how it was done, where we will continue to fine-tune the sequence as we
But what is most striking is that we know the Twin Towers were nuked and we know
that New York appears to have been outsourced to the Mossad. What we have now
realizedit is like adding 2 and 2is that, if New York was outsourced to the
Mossad and if the Twin Towers were nuked, then the nukes that were used must
have been Israeli. And that by itself may explain why New York was outsourced to the
Mossad. Israel has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel does
not allow inspectors. Unlike the US, whose nuclear arsenal is tightly controlled, Israel
could use its nukesas it appears to have recently done in Syriawithout having to
answer to anyone and without any risk of detection. Indeed, we have now proven this
beyond a reasonable doubt, because no alternative explanation is reasonable.
Did Israel Nuke the WTC on 9/11?
By Don Fox
There are voices in the 9/11 Truth Community who believe that determining the exact
cause of the World Trade Center buildings destruction is unnecessary and perhaps
even a waste of time. One often hears comments that the official government account
is blatantly false and that should be sufficient to get a real investigation launched into
the events of 9/11. However the track record of government investigations into
government crimes is rather poor (see the Warren Commission and the House Select
Committee on Assassinations). Since an honest official investigation into 9/11 with
subpoena powers is not likely to happen the task has fallen to private citizen
researchers to determine what really happened that awful day.
Before you can determine WHO committed a crime you first must determine HOW it
was done. No doubt that the events of 9/11 were some of the most outrageous
crimes ever committed so the effort to determine HOW it was done is certainly
justified. 9/11 has radically changed the world and certainly not for the better. In order
to understand how the post 9/11 world actually works, determining WHO and HOW it
was done is are vital questions. Merely stating that 9/11 was an inside job is not
good enough.
The major alternative theories of the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings
include the directed energy weapon (DEW) (non) theory (associated with Judy Wood
and Andrew Johnson), the nanothermite theory (associated with Steve Jones, Kevin
Ryan and Richard Gage), the big nuke theory of Dimitri Khalezov (150 kt[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

subbasement nukes) and the mini-nuke theory (associated with Dr. Ed Ward MD, the
Anonymous Physicist, Dr. Bill Deagle, Jeff Prager and myself). We have determined
that the mini/micro nuke hypothesis best fits the evidence. See the Mystery Solved
and the Mini-Neutron Bomb articles for a full break down of the WTC Mini-Nuke
Nuclear Bombs Narrows Down the List of Suspects
Very few groups have access to nuclear bombs. Officially there are five countries
designated as Nuclear Weapons States: China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and
the United States. Three more countries have conducted nuclear weapons tests:
India, Pakistan and North Korea. There is another country who refuses to confirm or
deny that it has nuclear weapons: Israel. Though it is believed that Israel has
produced enough weapons-grade plutonium for 100-200 nuclear warheads. Former
President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has more than 150 nuclear weapons.
Of these Nuclear Weapons States which ones would have had the motive, means
and opportunity to detonate nuclear bombs in downtown Manhattan? The Twin
Towers were destroyed by a very sophisticated arrangement of mini-nukes that were
placed in the core columns of the buildings, detonated sequentially from top to bottom
and configured to explode upward. This arrangement allowed the nukes in the upper
floors of the buildings to explode without destroying the bombs beneath simulating a
free fall collapse. This was the epitome of an Inside Job!
I think we can safely rule out China, France, Russia, the UK, India, Pakistan and
North Korea. None of these countries would have had access to the core columns of
these giant skyscrapers required to pull of this feat. Had the Towers been destroyed
by an ICBM or a sub-based missile then some of these other Nuclear States may be
Certainly the United States military and intelligence community had the ability to pull
off 9/11. The United States is the worlds leading nuclear superpower with the most
advanced nuclear weapons arsenal. However the United States is a signatory to the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and several treaties (SALT, START I, START
II, START III and New START) with the former Soviet Union/Russia.

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also

referred to as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), obligates
the five acknowledged nuclear-weapon states (the United States,
Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, and China) not to
transfer nuclear weapons, other nuclear explosive devices, or their
technology to any non-nuclear-weapon state. Nuclear weapon States
Parties are also obligated, under Article VI, to pursue negotiations in
good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear
arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a
treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and
effective international control. Non-nuclear-weapon States Parties
undertake not to acquire or produce nuclear weapons or nuclear
explosive devices. They are required also to accept safeguards to
detect diversions of nuclear materials from peaceful activities, such as
power generation, to the production of nuclear weapons or other
nuclear explosive devices. This must be done in accordance with an
individual safeguards agreement, concluded between each non-[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

nuclear-weapon State Party and the International Atomic Energy

Agency (IAEA). Under these agreements, all nuclear materials in
peaceful civil facilities under the jurisdiction of the state must be
declared to the IAEA, whose inspectors have routine access to the
facilities for periodic monitoring and inspections. If information from
routine inspections is not sufficient to fulfill its responsibilities, the
IAEA may consult with the state regarding special inspections within
or outside declared facilities.

The United States nuclear arsenal is subject to inspections. Is it possible that some
loose nukes made their way from the US stockpile to Ground Zero? It is possible but
not a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination. It appears more likely that nukes
from an uninspected, rogue facility like Dimona would be used in an operation such
as 9/11.
All Roads Lead to Dimona

Per Israel has not joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and is widely viewed as the first and only
country in the Middle East to possess nuclear weapons. Believing a
nuclear weapons deterrent to be essential vis--vis Israels Arab
adversaries, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion instituted a nuclear
weapons program in the mid-1950s as part of his activist defense
policy. Consistent with Prime Minister Levi Eshkols declaration that
Israel will not be the first nation to introduce nuclear weapons to the
Middle East, Israel maintains a policy of nuclear ambiguity, or
nuclear opacity, refraining from overt admissions that it possesses
nuclear weapons, nuclear tests, or threats to its adversaries that
explicitly involve nuclear weapons. Israel has also made extensive
efforts to deny other regional actors the ability to acquire nuclear
weapons, most prominently in the air strikes against Iraqs Osiraq
Reactor in 1981 and Syrias suspected reactor near Al-Kibar in 2007.

President John F. Kennedy was deeply concerned about Israel using the Dimona
nuclear plant to produce nuclear weapons. Kennedy wrote a letter concerning
Dimona to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol on July 4th, 1963:

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

It gives me great personal pleasure to extend congratulations as you

assume your responsibilities as Prime Minister of Israel. You have our
friendship and best wishes in your new tasks. It is on one of these that
I am writing you at this time.
You are aware, I am sure, of the exchanges which I had with Prime
Minister Ben-Gurion concerning American visits to Israels nuclear
facility at Dimona. Most recently, the Prime Minister wrote to me on
May 27. His words reflected a most intense personal consideration of a
problem that I know is not easy for your Government, as it is not for[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

mine. We welcomed the former Prime Ministers strong reaffirmation

that Dimona will be devoted exclusively to peaceful purposes and the
reaffirmation also of Israels willingness to permit periodic visits to
I regret having to add to your burdens so soon after your assumption
of office, but I feel the crucial importance of this problem necessitates
my taking up with you at this early date certain further
considerations, arising out of Mr. Ben-Gurions May 27 letter, as to the
nature and scheduling of such visits.
I am sure you will agree that these visits should be as nearly as
possible in accord with international standards, thereby resolving all
doubts as to the peaceful intent of the Dimona project. [3-1/2 lines of
source text not declassified]
Therefore, I asked our scientists to review the alternative schedules of
visits we and you had proposed. If Israels purposes are to be clear
beyond reasonable doubt, I believe that the schedule which would best
serve our common purposes would be a visit early this summer,
another visit in June 1964, and thereafter at intervals of six months. I
am sure that such a schedule should not cause you any more difficulty
than that which Mr. Ben-Gurion proposed in his May 27 letter. It
would be essential, and I understand that Mr. Ben-Gurions letter was
in accord with this, that our scientists have access to all areas of the
Dimona site and to any related part of the complex, such as fuel
fabrication facilities or plutonium separation plant, and that sufficient
time be allotted for a thorough examination.
Knowing that you fully appreciate the truly vital significance of this
matter to the future well-being of Israel, to the United States, and
internationally, I am sure our carefully considered request will have
your most sympathetic attention.
John F. Kennedy

US inspectors DID go to Dimona however they were not allowed to tour the entire

Under pressure from the newly elected American president, Israel

reluctantly agreed in 1961 to U.S.-Israeli bilateral inspections of the
Dimona nuclear facility. The inspections at Dimona were tightly
controlled by the Israelis, and restricted to the first floor of the facility.
U.S. inspectors were not allowed to bring their own technical
instruments, take measurements, or see the control room, instead
being shown a mock-up. It was later learned that the Israelis went so
far as to wall-up elevator banks down to the underground
reprocessing facility in order to evade discovery. When inspections
ended in 1969, the visits had never produced any evidence of
weapons-related activity or a plutonium-reprocessing facility, but[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

inspectors often were left highly suspicious of illicit activities.

The Nixonian Compromise

The sham of US inspections continued until Nixon struck a deal with Golda Meir
whereby Israel would not openly declare or test its nuclear capability and the US
would cease inspections and stop pressuring Israel to sign the NPT.
The gap between JFK and Nixon in regards to the Israeli nuclear program was
enormous. Kennedy was not going to let Israel dictate terms to him. JFK was
determined to stop Israel from producing nuclear weapons. If it turns out that Israel
DID nuke the WTC buildings then there is a direct historical path from JFKs
assassination to 9/11. Had JFK lived to serve a second term Israels nuclear program
may have been dismantled before they could have nuked anybody.
Mordechai Vanunu worked at the Dimona plant and took photographs inside the
facility in 1985. Vanunu revealed that indeed Dimona was producing nuclear bombs.
Vanunus whistleblowing got him 18 years in the hoosegow; the first 11 were in
solitary confinement.
Production model of nuclear weapons core

Dimonas plutonium separation control room[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

By the late 1970s Israel was believed to have produced thermonuclear weapons,
mini-nukes in the 1980s and neutron bombs by 1995. While Israels nuclear arsenal
was no match for the United States or Russia, Israel was certainly capable of pulling
off the nuclear destruction of the World Trade Center buildings.
Why Were Israelis Dancing on 9/11?
Mike Rivero has an excellent post about the Dancing Israelis:

The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had
set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on
Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.
Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents
claiming middle-eastern men with a white van were videotaping the
disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. They were seen by New
Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center
ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front
of the wreckage. Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State
Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them
celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later
saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot.

According to ABCs 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering

Israelis was stopped by the police, the driver of the van, Sivan
Kurzberg, told the officers: We are Israelis. We are not your problem.
Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.

Later the Dancing Israelis appeared on an Israeli talk show:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

One of them declared that he was there to document the event. Who knew there
was going to be an event to document? The actions of the Dancing Israelis lead a
reasonable person to conclude that they were Mossad agents. It certainly appears
that the Dancing Israelis knew the buildings were going to be nuked. They were
cheering and high-fiving after the extremely sophisticated nuclear demolition
sequence was pulled off to near perfection.
Are the Shills Really Trying to Cover Up Israeli Nukes at the WTC?
The hysterics of the Wood Cult and the other nuke denying shills makes a lot more
sense if indeed they are covering for Israels rogue nuclear weapons program. The
shills will throw ANYTHING out there to divert people from looking at nukes:
hurricanes, directed energy weapons, Steve Hutchisons lab and nanothermite
anything to keep your eye off the ball. If you disagree with Judy Wood, Pete Santilli,
Andrew Johnson, Emmanuel Goldstein, Thomas Potter or any other members of The
Cult you will be subjected to attacks, intimidation and even death threats!
Richard Gage does not allow discussion of any explosives except nanothermite. But
of course nanothermite is not an explosive! This has been demonstrated again and
again by T. Mark Hightower, who is a chemical engineer, and Jim Fetzer, who have
published three articles about it, namely: Has nanothermite been oversold to the
9/11 Truth community?, Is 9/11 Truth based upon a false theory?, and
Nanothermite: If it doesnt fit, you must acquit. These have been out for years and
demonstrate conclusively that nanothermite cannot possibly have been responsible
for blowing the Twin Towers apart. Yet Richard Gage and A&E911 continue to
promote the theory that it was done by nanothermite:

Some Sobering Thoughts

9/11 was the most historically significant event since the Kennedy assassination.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Understanding current events is impossible if you do not understand 9/11. The 9/11
scam was used to justify foreign wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, the TSA
assault on travelers and the loss of civil rights for American citizens. The biggest
question is who was really behind the events of 9/11?
The destruction of the WTC buildings was a nuclear event. Only a handful of
countries are considered Nuclear Weapons States. Of those countries only the United
States and Israel would have had the necessary access to the buildings to plant the
bombs. However the United States nuclear arsenal is subject to inspection by
international organizations so the odds of the bombs coming from the US stockpile
are much lower than the rogue Nuclear Weapons State Israel.
Israel neither confirms nor denies that they have nuclear weapons but its an open
secret that they have several hundred nuclear devices. Israel does not allow
inspectors into the Dimona facility. When the US inspectors showed up in the 1960s,
the Israelis cemented the elevator banks shut so that they could only inspect the first
floor. These are not the actions of a Nuclear Weapons State with nothing to hide. The
9/11 wars have primarily benefited Israel. Who had the motive, means and
opportunity to nuke the World Trade Center Buildings? The answer is as obvious as
2 plus 2.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Dancing Israelis, Dimona, Israel, mini-nukes, World Trade Center

Have Ron and Rand Paul Been

Oversold to the 9/11 TruthCommunity?
Posted on July 21, 2013

Ron Paul and his son Rand have gained popularity in recent years especially among
working class people and members of the 9/11 Truth Community. Their noninterventionist foreign policy and rhetoric denouncing the TSA, NSA and the Federal
Reserve while promoting civil liberties has served to gain them support among groups
such as liberal working class people that wouldnt normally support conservative
Republicans. Alex Jones cheer leading has also put them on the map with groups
that would normally reject their conservative economic agenda. A closer look at what
is really going on with Ron and Rand Paul reveals that certainly in the 9/11 context
there isnt much there there. Ron and Rand appear to be the political equivalent of
jet fuel, nanothermite and DEWs.
Ron and Rand Waffle on 9/11 Truth
9/11 was the most important historical event since the JFK assassination. It was the
largest false flag terror event of all time. If you publicly tout the governments Official
Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 you are either too stupid to live or crooked as hell as
Gordon Duff points out. The Pauls tip toe around 9/11 Truth without ever coming out
publicly in support of The Movement. Ron Paul attributes the cover up of the events
of 9/11 to government ineptness (a favorite conservative meme) rather than being an
inside job. Ron Paul Oct. 7 2007: I think indirectly out of ineptness rather than
participating in it, planning it or allowing it to happen. I see its ineptness thats why I
think the investigations are always (to) cover up of the inefficiency of government..
The public quotes I have seen attributed to Rand pretty much echo his fathers
sentiments.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Government ineptness cannot begin to explain how two 110 story, 500,000 ton
buildings disappeared from the Manhattan skyline in less than 30 seconds. Or how a
third 47 story skyscraper collapsed at free fall speed in a vacuum even though no
plane hit it more than six hours after the Twin Towers collapsed. 9/11 was a well
planned and executed event. It was not perfectly executed they made some
mistakes but it certainly appears that the perpetrators achieved all of their major
objectives from the operation. Of course none of the actual perps have been charged
with any crime in relation to 9/11.
There are many quotes from Ron stating that a new investigation into 9/11 would be
a good idea depending on how it was conducted. Ron has a valid point here most
government investigations merely cover up false flag events rather than expose
them (see the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations
(HSCA) and the 9/11 Commission). So calling for a new government investigation
into 9/11 is rather pointless anyway.
No one should accuse either Ron or Rand as being too stupid to live they are both
highly educated, intelligent men. So that leaves us with crooked as hell. As we have
seen during Rons lengthy term in the House and Rands stint in the Senate the
perpetrators of 9/11 have had very little to fear from either Ron or Rand no
muckraking from either of them.
Austrian Economics is a Disaster
No analysis of Ron Paul would be complete without a breakdown of his libertarian
economic agenda. The Paul economic agenda is killer austerity budget cuts to
programs that benefit low income people while nominally reducing corporate welfare
programs like the defense budget. The bottom line is what is the difference if austerity
is imposed by one of the too big to fail Zombie Banks or Ron or Rand Paul?
The Austrian School of economics policies would result in a deflationary crash the
more severe the better aka creative destruction. This approach was inspired by
Andrew Mellon. The thought being liquidate everything then there will be a recovery.
The net result of these policies is that the moneyed interest will be able to buy up
assets cheap. Austrians simply cant fight economic depressions. There can be no
government jobs program; its not allowable in the Austrian universe. There are no
historical examples of this approach working.
Ron Pauls 2012 Restore America budget would have cut one trillion dollars from the
Federal Budget. This would average out to be a 27% across the board cut. However,
the Pentagon budget cut would only be 15%. WIC would be slashed 33%, SCHIP
(child health insurance) 44% Medicaid cut 35% and even though 50 million
Americans are on food stamps Paul would cut that program massively.
Paul would keep the Bush tax cuts in place but squash all unions making every state
a Right to Work state. This would end organized labor and lower wages for nearly
all working people. Pauls budget would encourage financial speculators and cut the
corporate income tax to 15%. He also proposed to eliminate taxes on foreign profits.
Of course no tax cuts for regular people are to be found anywhere in his budget.
Paul would eliminate five Federal cabinets: HUD, Departments of Energy, Commerce,
Interior and Education as well as ALL foreign aid. While there is undoubtedly some
largesse in foreign aid this would eliminate 57% of all food aid worldwide.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Ron Paul would seek to usher in another wave of deregulation and privatization. As
though deregulating the banking industry was such a success under Reagan, Bush
and Clinton. Banking and financial industry deregulation is what brought us the 20078 financial crisis. It wasnt the sub-prime mortgages folks.
Ron Paul is not totally without merit. He opposed the 2008 Bush/Paulson bailout,
foreign wars and the TSA assault on travelers. So while Ron Paul is not that great he
is better than mainline Republicans in many respects. Rand has filibustered against
the drone program.
The Ron Paul agenda (like all Republicans) benefits the top 1% at most. The folks
that perpetrated the 9/11 attacks are almost all certainly in the top 1% while nearly all
members of the 9/11 Truth Movement are part of the bottom 99%. So the next time
you get asked to contribute to a Ron or Rand Paul Money Bomb just say NO.
Tarpley on Ron Pauls Austerity Plan:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted in 9/11, Politics | Tagged 9/11, austerity, Austrian economics, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul
scam, webster tarpley

Hard Evidence Supports the Hypothesis

that Mini-Nukes Were Used to Demolish
the WTCTowers
Posted on July 2, 2013

by Don Fox and Jeff Prager

Steve Jones penned a letter in 2006 attempting to repudiate the theory that mininuclear bombs were used to demolish the WTC Towers. Closer examination of his
letter finds that Jones cherry-picked and even glossed over key pieces of evidence
collected from Ground Zero to arrive at his faulty conclusions.
Here is a summary of the key points in Jones letter:
1. Observation of tritium (an important component of hydrogen-bomb fuel) at WTC
sites at the few nano-curie level only. This is strong evidence against the mini-nuke
2. The fact that radioactive iodine concentrations were actually lower in the
upper/WTC debris-filled layers.
3. Radioactive hot-spots in NYC were found to be due to radium, which is traceable to
industrial uses (not bombs). This in itself does not rule out mini-nukes, but these data
certainly do not support the mini-nuke hypothesis.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

4. Lioy et al. report that radioactivity from thorium, uranium, actinium series and other
radionuclides is at or near the background level for WTC dust.
5. Nuclear activation or residual fall-out radioactivity (above background) was NOT
observed, in tests performed by the author on actual WTC samples. This result is
consistent with the low Iodine-131 measured by independent researchers (point 2
above) and the low radionuclide counts (point 4 above) and again provides
compelling evidence against the mini-nuke-at-Towers hypothesis.
6. No fatalities due to radiation burning were reported near ground zero. William
Rodriguez survived the North Tower collapse.
7. No observed melting of glass due to the collapse-process of the Towers.
8. One more: The mini-nuke idea fails completely for WTC 7 where vertically-directed
plumes of dust were absent during the collapse, and the building fell quite neatly onto
its own footprint. (Molten metal was observed under the WTC7 rubble as well.)
The WTC Mini-Nuke Hypothesis
Our hypothesis is that World Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2 were demolished by a
series of very low-yield micro nuclear devices that were planted in the center columns
of the buildings and detonated sequentially from top to bottom and configured or
directed to explode upward in order to simulate a free fall collapse. A mini-nuke or
series of mini-nukes were also detonated in the basement of WTC 6 and three mininukes appear to have been detonated in the basement of Building 7 as well.
The bombs appeared to be fission/fusion devices that had powerful but limited blast
effects and had little lingering radioactivity which suggests that they were neutron
bombs. There is compelling evidence for both fission and fusion at Ground Zero.
While it is possible that energetic compounds such as nanothermite (NT) or more
likely conventional explosives such as RDX or HMX were also used there can be no
doubt that the main causal mechanism for the destruction of the WTC buildings was
mini or micro nuclear bombs.
We have recently published an article that has a complete breakdown of the US
Geological Surveys dust samples and the Department of Energys water samples
which formed the basis for our conclusions. That article can found here:
Tritiated Water:
From Steve Jones letter: Traces of tritiated water (HTO) were detected at the World
Trade Center (WTC) ground zero after the 9/11/01 terrorist attack. A water sample
from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01, contained (0.1640.074) nCi/L of HTO. A
split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of WTC Building 6,
contained 3.530.17 and 2.830.15 nCi/L, respectively. These results are well below
the levels of concern to human exposure
Tritium from a thermonuclear (fusion) bomb would be way above these trace levels of[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

a few NANOcuries per liter. (A nanocurie = nCi, 1 billionth of a curie. That is a very
tiny amount of radioactivity.)
Jones goes on to state: The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted
tritium levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Ref.: )

The data clearly demonstrate the large amount of tritium released due to hydrogen
bombs, the first of which was tested in 1951. Thus, tritium is a tracer for hydrogen
bombs, the smoking gun. Can proponents of the WTC-mini-nuke hypothesis explain
how large releases of tritium did NOT happen on 9/11/2001?
Jones is absolutely correct when he states that tritium is the smoking gun for a
hydrogen bomb detonation. If tritium is detected in large quantities at Ground Zero,
there is no way to deny the detonation of thermonuclear devices. It is vitally important
to correctly interpret the data in the DOE report. So to help us make sense of the
DOE data Ed Ward breaks down what is meant by traces of tritium in the basement
of WTC 6:
1. Trace definition as it applies to quantity: Occurring in extremely small amounts or
in quantities less than a standard limit (In the case of tritium, this standard level would
be 20 TUs the high of quoted standard background levels.)
2. The stated values of tritium from the DOE report Study of Traces of Tritium at the
World Trade Center. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01,
contained 0.1640.074 (2) nCi/L (164 pCi/L +/- 74 pCi/L takes 1,000 trillionths to =
1 billionth) of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

WTC Building 6, contained 3.530.17 and 2.830.15 nCi/L ( 3,530.0 pCi/L +/- 170
pCi/L and 2,830 pCi/L +/- 150 pCi/L), respectively. Pico to Nano converter Nano to Pico
3. 1 TU = 3.231 pCi/L (trillionths per liter) or 0.003231 nCi/L (billionths per liter) (My original TU calculations
came out to 3.19 pCi/L, but I will gladly accept these referenced minimally higher
values. )
4. In 2001 normal background levels of Tritium are supposedly around 20 TUs (prior
to nuclear testing in the 60s, normal background tritium water levels were 5 to 10
TUs ). However, groundwater
studies show a significantly less water concentration: Groundwater age estimation
using tritium only provides semi-quantitative, ball park values: <0.8 TU indicates
sub modern water (prior to 1950s) 0.8 to 4 TU indicates a mix of sub modern and
modern water 5 to 15 TU indicates modern water (< 5 to 10 years) 15 to 30 TU
indicates some bomb tritium But,
instead of 5 to 15 TU (which would make the increase in background levels even
higher), I will use 20 TUs as the 2001 environmental level to give all possible
credibility to the lie of Traces.
5. Lets calculate the proven referenced facts. Tritium level confirmed in the DOE
report of traces of tritium = 3,530 pCi/L (+/- 170 pCi/L, but we will use the mean of
3,530 pCi/L). 3,530 pCi/L (the referenced lab value) divided by the background level
of 20TUs (20 X 3.231 p (1 TU = 3.21 pCi/L) = 64.62 pCi/L as the high normal
background/standard level. 3,530 divided by 64.62 pCi/L = 54.63 TIMES THE
NORMAL BACKGROUND LEVEL. 3,530 pCi/L divided by 3.231 pCi/L (1 TU) =
1,092.54 TUs
6. This is my fave because lies tend to eat their young. Muon physicist Steven Jones
states in regard to 1,000 TUs: The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing
boosted tritium levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Ref.: ) Yet,
calls the EXACT SAME LEVELS quoted in nCi/L as Traces and These results are
well below the levels of concern to human exposure.
Interesting isnt it? Concern for human exposure is IRRELEVANT here and why Dr.
Jones uses it is unknown.
7. Thomas M. Semkowa, Ronald S. Hafnerc, Pravin P. Parekha, Gordon J.
Wozniakd, Douglas K. Hainesa, Liaquat Husaina, Robert L. Rabune. Philip G.
Williams and Steven Jones have all called over 1,000 TUs of Tritium, Traces. Even
at the height of nuclear bomb testing 98% after thousands of Megatons of nuclear
testing of the rainwater tests were 2,000 TUs or less.
8. It is also important to note that the tritium present was diluted by at least some
portion of 1 million liters of water accounting for BILLIONS of TUs.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

An important point that Jones glosses over is the dilution of water in the basement of
WTC 6. If not for copious amounts of water sprayed on the WTC site and two days of
rain and water leaking through the damaged sea wall undoubtedly the concentration
of tritium would have been higher than the measured 55 times normal background
Ed Wards Breakdown of the WTC Rain and Fire Hose Water, 4 Million Gallons of
WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx)
WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million
liters deposits in WTC 6 in its 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diameter) crater.
WTC 6 was hot see thermal images 2nd article on WTC Nukes.
Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas.
There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but
lets be generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of
Tritium Units estimate).
8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million
liters per acre
Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter)
1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION
TUs JUST IN WTC 6 (no other places were checked.)
This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the
bathtub and the drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.120 BILLION TUs.
This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the
atmosphere and gets massive dispersal.
Jones statements on the tritium levels are disingenuous. Jones fails to address WHY
so much tritium is in the basement of WTC 6 in the first place. A 170 meter high
plume of smoke was seen rising from the building, a giant crater was left in the middle
of it and temperatures were so intense that concrete melted like lava around
anything in its path. There can be little doubt that a thermonuclear explosion(s)
occurred in Building 6.
If one denies nukes then something else must be responsible for all of the tritium
found in the basement. The authors of the DOE report attempted to attribute the
tritium to EXIT signs, watches and night sights on weapons that were stored in the
building although that explanation is absurd in light of what we know happened to
Building 6. Jones also fails to take into account all of the rain and fire hose water that
diluted the tritium. If the water samples would have been collected on the evening of
9/11 what would the readings have been then?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Iodine-131 in the Hudson River Sediments

Sediment cores pulled from the Hudson River near the World Trade Center site just
a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks contain a thin layer of metal-rich
ash and pulverized debris. The top 3 cm of silt contained layers with unnaturally high
concentrations of copper, strontium, and zinc from the towers, says Sarah D. Oktay, a
geochemist Oktay and her colleagues also found that the sediments contain small
but measurable quantities of iodine-131, a human-made radioactive isotope with a
half-life of about 8 days.
Jones himself points out that the samples were collected a month after 9/11 and
iodine-131 has a half-life of 8 days. This statement can hardly be used to rule out
nuclear fission as most of the iodine-131 from the WTC demolition would have
already decayed by the time the samples were collected. And the high
concentrations of copper, strontium, and zinc ARE indicative of fission (and ternary
fission) as we point out in our Mystery Solved article.
Radioactive hot spots in New York City
From a news article: Radioactive hot spots threat to city, BY
WASHINGTON A helicopter survey revealed 80 radioactive hot spots in New
York City, including a Staten Island park with dangerously high levels of radium, a
congressional report disclosed yesterdayThe GAO did not identify the park, but
Brian Feeney of the National Park Service said a 1-acre section of Great Kills Park
on Staten Island, part of Gateway National Recreation Area, had been shut down in
August 2005 after federal officials discovered old industrial equipment contaminated
with radiation.
Were not sure that these hot spots Jones references have anything to do with 9/11.
They could very well be due to industrial waste unrelated to the destruction of the
WTC buildings. This point neither proves nor disproves the mini-nuke hypothesis.
Radioactive Isotopes
The USGS study of dust samples show elevated levels of uranium and thorium,
elements that are always radioactive and the DOE water samples contain elevated
levels of tritium. All of these elements were documented in levels that were far above
Neutron Activation
All nuclear weapons (especially FUSION/Hydrogen bombs) release copious highenergy neutrons which will activate steel and other materials, as the neutrons
penetrate building materials. This is called neutron activation and cannot be avoided.
Much of the induced radioactivity remains for decades. Moreover, the fall-out from
even small nuclear weapons is highly radioactive. So we measure the level of
radioactivity as proof (or disproof) of the use of nuclear bombs. Several months ago, I
tested WTC dust samples (from an apartment at 113 Liberty Street, NYC [1]) and a
solidified metal sample (from the Clarkson University WTC monument [1]) for
radioactivity using a Geiger counter. (Daedalon Corp., model EN-15.) I found ZERO
RADIOACTIVITY (meaning nothing above background). This experimental evidence[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

goes strongly against the mini-nukes hypothesis since measured radioactivity was
simply at background levels. I used the same counter to measure the radioactivity of
sand gathered from a nuclear-bomb test site decades ago for comparison and the
Geiger counter showed (2.94 +- 0.15) counts/sec. (The fused-sand was in fact from a
New Mexico test site where an atomic bomb was detonated in 1945.) This
demonstrates unequivocally the presence and long life of radioactive residues due to
nuclear bombs, and the ability of the sensitive Geiger counter to measure that
radioactivity. The sand still yields high Geiger-counter readings decades after the
nuclear bomb blast, yet the WTC dust and slag and steel yield nothing. In addition, a
steel member from the WTC (again from the Clarkson University WTC monument [1])
was recently tested for neutron activation by the author. The WTC steel showed 100
counts in 4m 26s, or (0.38 +- 0.04) counts/second. The background counting rate
showed 100 counts in 4m 18s, or (0.39+- 0.04) counts/second. These data overlap
within the statistical error, meaning that zero counts over background were seen from
the WTC steel.
Jones is doing an apples/oranges comparison here. The atomic bomb tests in New
Mexico in 1945 were fission devices. The old atom bombs produced a lot of
radioactivity by fissioning heavy elements. The devices used at the WTC on 9/11
were likely neutron bombs that used very little uranium and reduced radioactivity by
up to 95%. The WTC bombs were also much lower yield than the kiloton+ devices
tested in New Mexico. Per Sam Cohen there will be no lingering radioactivity from the
neutron bomb.
According to world renowned nuclear physicist Dr. Christopher Busby, and based on
his assessment of elements found in craters in Fallujah, Iraq, Lebanon and Ground
Zero, the devices used are close to pure fusion devices in which little radioactivity
after detonation would be seen. Radioactivity would be present from Tritium H3 which
together with He-4 is the product and some short lived gamma radiation from neutron
activation products (e.g. Ca-45 from the Ca in concrete, Fe-55 from the steel). These
would be radioactive for a few days only.
The concentration of Uranium is a key. This is slightly too high in the dust and much
too high in the girder coatings. The activities for 2.7, 3.2, 4.7 and 7.57 are 33, 40, 58
and 93Bq/kg. The graph in the USGS data/Chemistry Table 1 shows that there is too
much U on the girder coatings. Normal levels of U are about 12, at most 40Bq/kg.
Dr. Jones never addresses the uranium levels as they relate to increases and
decreases, predictable increases and decreases, across 12 USGS sampling
locations with the other dozen+ elements. The 12 sampling locations all contained
strontium as well as many other fission pathway elements, all of which correlate
properly using the Product Momentum Correlation Coefficient to indicate fission
occurred in NYC on 911.
Jones also neglects to mention all the vehicles that were toasted in the vicinity of
the WTC. Ted Twietmeyer has an article on Renses website about the melted
vehicles. Twietmeyer attributes the vehicular damage to EMP which would be
generated by neutron bombs. Ed Ward states that I believe some of what he
attributes to EMP was done by neutrons in particular his linear evaluations (angle
computations) would seem more neutron than EMP. EMP should tend to flow around
seems to be a correlation of dust cloud carrying EMP. So the linear blockage of
cars protecting other cars would seem to be more appropriate for neutrons.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

So it appears that neutron bombs exploding in the Towers are responsible for the
vehicular damage which serves to further reinforce our mini-nuke theory. The USGS
dust samples also show signs of neutron activation per Jeff Prager:
The natural balance of elements at the WTC samples has changed into heavier
isotopes. Some nuclear force has been able to inject neutrons into the nucleus of
various elements present at the WTC area. See the table below.
List of Elements in the USGS analysis of WTC debris that should show readily
detectable Neutron Activation:

Element Isotopes

Isotope Percentages in

Mean Percentage in USGS




28 Si 92.23%, 29 Si 4.67% 15%


2 C 98.9%, 13 C 1.1%



32 S 95.02%, 33 S 0.075% 3%


56 Fe 91.72%, 57 Fe


2.2%, 58 Fe 0.28%

58 Ni 68.08%, 59 Ni 1/2

37 ppm

life 7600 years, 60 Ni

26.22%, 61 Ni 1.14%

93 Nb 100%, 94 Nb 1/2 life 8.3 ppm

20,000 years


9 Be 100%, 10 Be 1/2 life

3 ppm

1.5 mil years


39 K 93.256%, 40 K only


plant animal

48 Ti 73.8%, 49 Ti 5.5%



52 Cr 83.79%, 53 Cr 9.5%

116 ppm


59 Co 100%, 60 Co 1/2 life 6 ppm

5 years[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

For an example, Iron is expected to have the Fe (58) isotope, which contains two
additional neutrons, 0.28% naturally, but somehow there were 1.63% of these
heavier, but still stable iron isotopes in the WTC sample.
A Note on Pulverization
Jones collected dust samples from Janette MacKinlays apartment which was near
the South Tower. Jones states that the dust contained larger chunks so that
disproves the mini-nuke hypothesis. A couple of points here: first, the smallest
particles would have been carried a mile or more away from Ground Zero. No known
samples were collected that far away so one cannot conclude that fine particles were
not produced by the Ground Zero detonations. Secondly, we are not claiming that the
buildings were completely pulverized into nano-sized particles. Indeed a 300 ton
chunk of the North Tower was ejected 600+ feet into the Winter Garden as
documented in the movie 911 Eyewitness. Could conventional explosives account for
this? Perhaps but the quantities of conventional explosives required to perform that
feat would not be practical to have been placed in the buildings undetected.

People and Glass as Detectors for Nuclear Bomb Radiation

Finally, people themselves become detectors for the radiations associated
with nuclear bombs. Glass also is known to melt in the intense heat of a
nuclear bomb blast. All nuclear bombs produce copious x-rays, gamma-rays
and fast neutrons, which are fatal at close range with a distinctive burning of
the victims. This applies to fusion as well as fission bombs.
This person had severe burns indicative of nukes:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Jones attributes molten material at Ground Zero to thermate. Jones also portraits the
temperatures at Ground Zero as occasionally spiking and not a constantly high
temperature. Jones view contradicts people that worked the site for months:
Not only was this laborious for the firefighters, but the working conditions were hellish,
said Greg Fuchek, vice president of sales for LinksPoint Inc. of Norwalk, Conn.
For six months after Sept. 11, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees
Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher. In the first few weeks, sometimes
when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam
would be dripping molten steel, Fuchek said.
It should be noted that the sole reason for constructing a nano-style thermitic material
is to increase burn rate creating a rapid burning material that uses all of its source
material in milliseconds. A nano-thermite is specifically designed to burn rapidly and
exhaust its supply of fuel immediately. It CANNOT burn for more than a few seconds
at best, let alone minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.
Could thermite heat a several acre area to a 600 1,500 F temperature for six
months? Absolutely not. The only thing that could explain this is fission/fusion. No
other fire can burn underground that long.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There were massive underground explosions before the North Tower was
demolished. It appears that mini-nukes were used to demolish the foundations of the
WTC Towers and the residual heat from the explosions caused the elevated
As an example of retained heat from a nuclear explosion, Ed Ward references The
Project GNOME detonation on December 10, 1961 near Carlsbad, New Mexico:
Measurements of an earlier underground detonation had indicated that roughly 1/3 of
the energy was deposited in the melted rock at temperatures above 2,000 degrees
Fahrenheit. This information encouraged hopes that a nuclear detonation in a dry
medium might cause heat to be stored long enough to permit efficient recovery.
GNOME was developed with the idea that a nuclear detonation in a salt deposit
would create a large volume of hot melted salt from which heat might be extracted.
The possibilities to be investigated for the production of power were the tapping of the
steam created by detonation itself and the generation of high-density, high-pressure
steam by the circulation of some heat-absorbing fluid, like water, over the heated salt.
This generated steam would be used to drive a steam or hot gas turbine coupled with
an electric generator.
When workers reentered that cavity on May 17, 1962, they found temperatures
around 140 degrees Fahrenheit but only small amounts of residual radiation. The
earlier intense radiation had colored the salt of the cavity wall various shades of blue,
green, and violet.
A nuclear bomb will only explode 1-6% of its fissionable material. The unexploded
fissionable material at the WTC appears to have been going through a low-level
fission process and as it fissioned it burrowed deep underground. This is known as
the China Syndrome and may have been responsible for some of the hot spots. Only
nuclear bombs can explain this phenomenon. Hundreds of dump trucks of dirt were
hauled in and out of Ground Zero to clean up the mess similar to the Chernobyl
Building 7[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There is evidence that three mini-nukes were detonated in the sub-basement of

Building 7 as well. An anonymous video shows the destruction of Building 7: It
appears that conventional demolition charges were used to take out the support
columns in the building. But as the building collapses massive pyroclastic clouds
erupt once again covering Lower Manhattan in a fine dust powder.
Ed Ward observes: So, I went back and examined the thermal images no evidence
of tampering was noted (nothing like the crude blackening of WTC 6). Indeed, there is
minimal heat right after 7 was demolished and it still looks more like WTC 2 residue.
But, very shortly after that, 3 large heat zones appear linear, even spaced 1 dead
center and one on each side. It just took a while for the heat to transfer up. This
would correlate with 3 surface to slightly sub-surface micro nukes in WTC 7. Set to
explode just after/during the regular demolition would account for the more lateral flow
of the pyroclastic flow.
The hard physical evidence presented strongly supports the hypothesis that mininukes destroyed the WTC Towers:
1. Tritium levels in the basement of WTC 6 are 55 times greater than background 11
days after 9/11 and after substantial water had been sprayed into the area. Only a
thermonuclear (fusion) explosion can account for tritium levels this high.
Temperatures in Building 6 were so high that cement flowed like lava. Nothing but a
NUCLEAR EVENT can cause tritium formation basic physics fact.
2. Three Massive WTC Craters See us government LIDAR proof: Its 100% classic
textbook nuclear event residue ZERO ANOMALIES. Proven 9-11 Nukes
3. The damage done to WTC 6: a 170 meter plume of smoke seen rising from the
building, a massive crater left in the center and cement that was so hot it flowed like
lava is consistent with the use of mini-nukes.
4. Uranium, always radioactive, under scanning electron microscopy was found at
7.57 parts per million (93 Becquerels per kilogram) in the dust taken from the girder
coatings by USGS personnel. Normal uranium content on earth is between 12 Bq/kg
as a low and 40 Becquerels per kilogram as the maximum high making this girder
coating uranium level between 2 and 7.75 times the expected level. What is the
source of the increased levels of uranium found in this girder coating dust that was
then surrounded by tons of building construction?
5. There are significant uranium anomalies elsewhere. Readings of 2.7, 3.2, 4.7 and
7.57 or 33, 40, 58 and 93Bq/kg are found in the USGS dust samples.
6. Lithium: The graph of thorium versus lithium including the Girder Coatings has
exactly the same form as the graph showing thorium versus uranium, also including
the Girder Coatings. Without the two Girder Coatings the correlation of thorium to
lithium in the dust is completely linear. We therefore have compelling evidence that
this fission pathway of uranium to thorium and helium, with subsequent decay of the
helium into lithium, has indeed taken place. It is out of the question that all of these[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

correlations which are the signature of a nuclear explosion could have occurred by
chance. This is impossible.
7. Only nuclear fission explains the correlations and predictability of levels of
numerous elements found by the USGS.
8. A 300 ton chunk of the North Tower was ejected upwards at a 45 angle and out
600 feet into the Winter Garden. Only extremely powerful explosives can account for
this. It would be nearly impossible to plant enough conventional explosives to perform
this feat.
9. 1,500 F and sometimes higher ground temperatures six months after 9/11 cannot
be explained by nanothermite or conventional explosives. Below ground nuclear
detonations and nuclear criticalities reacting underground explain the high
temperatures that persisted for months. An Impossible Fire (Combustion Process).
See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahills data on anaerobic
10. Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1,
2, 6 and 7) of WTC Land Brought to Searing Temperatures in a Few Hours by an
Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled Fire Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See US
government Thermal Images proof See: Update
11. Engineers estimate that 1/3 of the Twin Towers were completely vaporized. 3
Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of micronized dust.
Only the mini-nuke hypothesis can explain this.
12. First Responder Sgt. Matthew Tartaglia reported in 2005 that his teeth were
falling out a common symptom of nuclear radiation exposure.
13. WTC employee Felipe David reported hanging skin another common symptom
of nuclear radiation exposure after the North Tower was demolished.
14. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them
and 15 seconds later suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize.
15. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals. Nothing else known to man
can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time
needed, except a third generation Micro Nuke Mini Nuke Nuke. Its 100% classic
textbook nuclear event residue ZERO ANOMALIES.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Ground Zero, Jeff Prager, mini-nukes, Steve Jones, World Trade Center, wtc

Jim Fetzers Conspiracy

Posted on June 3, 2013

Jim Fetzers JFKpresentation yesterday at the Conspiracy Conference 2013was[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

phenomenal! His PowerPoint can be downloaded here.

Posted in JFK | Tagged conspiracy con 2013, professor jim fetzer

Don Foxs Conspiracy

Posted on June 1, 2013

Its here! The PowerPoint from mypresentation at the Conspiracy Conference can be
downloaded here.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged mini-nukes, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, World Trade Center, wtc nuked

Update: Witnesses Saw People

Vaporized on 911
Posted on May 23, 2013

Originally posted on Ed Ward, MD's Blog: US Tyranny & Treason:

Update: Witnesses Saw People Vaporized on 9 11
by Ed Ward, MD

Original Article by Zen Gardner

As I revisited this whole nuke thing after all these years and was mulling over the
photos of all those singed and bent vehicles, my friend Connie Smith a long-time
9/11 researcher some of you may know dropped me a note reminding me of
something Id completely forgotten about: the fascinating case of EMT Patricia
Connie reminded me of an interview with Ondrovic, published back in October 2001
(and which Id read circa 04). When I expressed an interest to reread it, she dug up[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

a copy and sent it to me (see attached). Ms Ondrovics account is truly bizarre, and
a testament to the fact that there were forces at play on 9/11 that modern technology
indeed, mainstream science simply cannot explain. Please read the attached
View original 2,105 more words
Posted in Uncategorized

New Vikings Stadium DesignUnveiled

Posted on May 13, 2013

Images of the New Minnesota Vikings Stadium were released tonight. Its not very
often that a community builds a new NFL Stadium so Im taking a few minutes off
from 9/11 research to do a quick post on it.

The New Stadium has some striking features including a sloped roof (one half of
which is made out of a clear material) and the end that faces Downtown Minneapolis
is made of glass with some giant swinging glass doors that can stay open if its nice
out. The roof may take some getting used to but the principal architect stated that Job
1 is to KEEP THE SNOW OFF OF THE ROOF! After the Dome roof collapsed several
times in the early 80s and again in 2010 this HAD to be a primary design
consideration.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

First and foremost it IS a football stadium:

The sight lines for football will be KILLER. However the New Stadium is a
multipurpose facility that will be awesome for amateur baseball:

The Gopher baseball team is the other big winner in this facility. There was some
heated debate about how far the right field wall was going to be from home plate. Zygi
gave in a little and the wall is far enough away from home plate to have a real[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

baseball field. The stadium is designed to host all kinds of events like soccer, hockey,
basketball, concerts and you guessed it monster truck pulls.
Im looking forward to 2016 when this thing opens! Skol Vikings!!!

Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL | Tagged Minneapolis, New Stadium

Miraculous Unexploded Active Super

Thermite Burns at 430? Professor, PhD,
Steven E Jones Search for Truth
Posted on May 13, 2013

Originally posted on Ed Ward, MD's Blog: US Tyranny & Treason:

Miraculous Unexploded Active Super Thermite Burns at 430? Professor, Steven E

Jones, PhD Search for Truth
Jones miraculous, super-duper, double top secret nanothermite burns at 430 C
according to his research. There is no doubt high explosives will burn. But, if they burn, they cant be
around later to explode. Unless or course its magical, miraculous, matter, then, and
only then, can it burn and then be around later to explode. An inhaled lit cigarette
produces 400 to 780 C. A match burns at 600 to 800 C.
But, in the above pictured fireball, that according to NIST was hot enough to weaken
steel, miraculous thermite didnt burn at 430 C, nor even at the temperatures of the
According to Jones and and his disinformation cronies, thermite waited an hour to
suddenly react explosively, and even then, not all of the coatings of the steel
View original 3,677 more words[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted in Uncategorized

Christopher Bollyn: Just Another

Posted on May 11, 2013

Bollyn has been promoting the Steve Jones nanothermite theory of the destruction of
the WTC buildings for several years now. The World Trade Center buildings exploded
so that rules out nanothermite as a cause for the destruction because
NANOTHERMITE IS NOT EXPLOSIVE! Jim Fetzer and T. Mark Hightower
thoroughly debunked nanothermite two years ago in their article on Veterans Today
Is 9/11 Truth Based Upon a False Theory? The Wikipedia definition of thermite is
Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder fuel and metal oxide. When
ignited by heat, thermite undergoes an exothermic oxidation-reduction reaction. Most
varieties are not explosive but can create brief bursts of high temperature in a small
area. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as black
powder. Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminum, magnesium,
titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminum is common because of its high boiling
point. Oxidizers include boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide,
manganese(IV) oxide, iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV)
oxide. Thermite is a pyrotechnic NOT an explosive. Here is a YouTube clip of
thermite in action:

Any serious 9/11 researcher should have dropped the nanothermite business a long
time ago. The highest explosive velocity attributed to nanothermite is 895 meters per
second (mps). In order to explode concrete a detonation velocity of 3,200 mps is
required and 6,100 mps to explode steel. It is just PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE THAT
minor role? Perhaps but it cannot explain the massive destruction witnessed on 9/11.
The Winter Garden: Where the Nanothermite and DEWs Theories Go to Die[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Debris from the North Tower was ejected over 600 feet and destroyed the Winter
Garden Atrium. The Winter Garden is sandwiched between WFC 2 and 3. High
powered explosives were required to eject debris that far out and since nanothermite
is not an explosive it cannot explain the destruction of the Winter Garden. Judy
Woods DEW non-theory posits that the buildings turned to dust more or less in
place. She cant explain how massive amounts of debris are ejected this far out. The
Winter Garden is really the end of the line for any theory besides mini-nukes.

Bollyn appears to be aware of these facts as he links to our Mystery Solved and MiniNeutron Bomb articles in his hit piece on Jeff Prager on his blog. There is no rational
defense for the nanothermite theory in 2013. 9/11 research has progressed well
beyond that woefully inadequate theory. So is Bollyn an honest 9/11 researcher or is
he a covert operator attack dog working for the Steve Jones crew? Bollyn and Jones
never address the evidence for nuclear fission that Prager presents in the USGS dust[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

samples. Instead they offer up flimsy defenses of nanothermite and attack the
messenger. It certainly appears that Bollyn is more of an attack dog than an honest

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Christopher Bollyn, Jeff Prager, mini-nukes, nanothermite, Steve Jones,
Winter Garden, World Trade Center

Mystery Solved: The WTC Was Nuked

Posted on April 20, 2013

By Don Fox, Ed Ward MD and Jeff Prager

The debate has raged for more than a decade about what caused the Twin Towers to
collapse in approximately 10 seconds each 9 seconds for the South Tower, 11 for
the North. A large and growing percentage of the public has become skeptical of the
conclusion of the governments official NCSTAR 1 report, according to which, NIST
found no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that WTC
towers were brought down by controlled demolition using explosives planted prior to
Skepticism of NISTs conclusions is well founded. There is eyewitness testimony as
well as abundant video and audio evidence of explosions at the WTC on 9/11. There
is also seismic data that demonstrates that high powered explosives were used to
demolish the Twin Towers. The gross observable video evidence if you are willing
to believe your own eyes shows that the Twin Towers were destroyed from the top
down and the inside out.
We believe that only mini-nukes which were probably neutron bombs planted in
the center columns of the buildings, detonated from top to bottom and configured to
explode upward, can explain what is observed. If they were used to blow apart one
ten-floor cube per second, for example, then, since the North Tower stood at 110
floors, that would have taken 11 seconds, while, since the top three cubes of the
South Tower tilted over and were blown as one, in that case, it would have taken only
9, which coincides with NISTs own times.
This is a controversial contention. Judy Wood, Ph.D., has proclaimed that a Teslainspired directed energy weapon (DEW) was responsible for the destruction of the
WTC buildings and has vehemently denied nuclear bombs were used. Steve Jones,
Ph.D., and his followers promote the theory that an incendiary (nanothermite) was the
cause of the destruction of the WTC buildings, while they also deny that nukes were
used. So these seemingly opposed camps agree on one thing: nukes were not used
on 9/11!
The nanothermite hypothesis has been discredited on multiple occasions in articles by
T. Mark Hightower and Jim Fetzer, including Has nanothermite been oversold to the
9/11 community?, Is 9/11 truth based upon a false theory?, and Nanothermite: If
it doesnt fit, you must acquit. Since it is a principle (law) of materials science that an
explosive can destroy a material only if it has a detonation velocity equal to or greater[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

than the speed of sound in that material, where the speed of sound in concrete is
3,200 m/s and in steel 6,100 m/s, while the highest detonation velocity that has been
attributed to nanothermite is 895 m/s, it should be obvious: You cant get there from
The DEW hypothesis turns out to be difficult to test, since Judy Wood defines DEWs
as sources of energy that are greater than conventional and can be directed, which
even encompasses micro and mini nukes within its scope. As earlier articles have
explained, including 9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings II and Mini
Neutron Bombs: A Major Piece of the 9/11 Puzzle, there are multiple grounds for
preferring the mini or micro nuke hypothesis over the DEW alternative, which emerge
with particular clarity from a study of the dust samples collected by the US Geological
Survey. It is ironic that, while the thermite sniffers also focus on dust samples, they
seem to have missed what we have to learn from them.
Indeed, the nuclear component of the decimation of World Trade Center buildings 1,
2, 6 and 7 is the darkest and most closely guarded secret of 9/11. With so many folks
claiming different theories it is difficult for average people to know what to believe.
Fortunately, we have scientific proof of what happened at Ground Zero. The dust and
water samples reveal the true story of what happened on 9/11. This article thus
provides more of the scientific evidenceespecially from the USGS dust samplesthat
settles the debate in favor of the demolition of the WTC buildings as having been a
nuclear event.
The explosives that demolished the Twin Towers were so powerful that North Tower
debris was ejected up at a 45 angle and out over 600 feet into the Winter Garden.
This feat alone puts an end to the notion that the buildings were dustified where
they stood or that an incendiary like nanothermite was the responsible for the
destruction of two 500,000 ton 110 story skyscrapers or that the buildings collapsed
due to fire.
Debris ejected up at a 45 angle[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Which lands in the Winter Garden over 600 feet away

Engineers estimate that 1/3 of the buildings were completely vaporized. And as Judy
Wood likes to point out no toilets were found in the rubble. 90% of the debris from the
Twin Towers destruction landed outside the buildings footprints. What type of
explosives could cause this sort of damage? The only thing known to man that can
explain this is nuclear bombs.
The Department of Energy (DOE) collected water samples from the basement of
Building 6 eleven days after 9/11 that showed tritium levels 55 times greater than
background. How does this prove fusion?
Lets start with defining tritium: Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen containing one
proton and two neutrons. Tritium is radioactive with a half-life of 12.32 years. Also
Known As: hydrogen-3, 3H (Helmenstine)
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission provides us some excellent background
information on hydrogen:
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, comprising approximately
90% of the luminous universe by weight. Ordinary hydrogen (1H) accounts for greater
than 99.985% of all naturally-occurring hydrogen, whereas deuterium (2H) comprises
approximately 0.015%. By comparison, tritium (3H) represents only approximately1016

percent of hydrogen naturally occurring. Tritium is a rare but natural isotope of

hydrogen (H), and is the only natural hydrogen isotope that is radioactive. The tritium
atom is sometimes designated T to distinguish it from the common lighter isotope.
Notwithstanding the difference in mass, tritium can be found in the same chemical
forms as hydrogen. The most important forms, from the perspective of atmospheric
behavior of tritium, are tritiated hydrogen gas (HT) and tritiated water (HTO). These
tritiated forms behave chemically like hydrogen gas (H2) and water (H2O).
Natural Sources[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Tritium is generated by both natural and artificial processes. Tritium is naturally

produced primarily through the interaction of cosmic radiation protons and neutrons
with gases (including nitrogen, oxygen and argon) in the upper atmosphere.
Anthropogenic Sources
In addition to its natural sources, tritium also has a number of anthropogenic sources
which account for the dominant proportion of the global tritium inventory.
Anthropogenic tritium sources include fallout from nuclear weapons testing, nuclear
reactors, future fusion reactors, fuel reprocessing plants, heavy water production
facilities and commercial production for medical diagnostics, radiopharmaceuticals,
luminous paints, sign illumination, self-luminous aircraft, airport runway lights,
luminous dials, gauges and wrist watches, and others.
Commercial uses of tritium account for only a small fraction of the tritium used
worldwide. Instead, the primary use of tritium has been to boost the yield of both
fission and thermonuclear (or fusion) weapons, increasing the efficiency with which
the nuclear explosive materials are used.
Thermonuclear Detonation during Nuclear Weapons Testing
Nuclear tests have been conducted in the atmosphere since 1945, producing tritium
in amounts that greatly exceed the global natural activity, particularly during 1954 to
1958 and 1961 to 1962 when a number of large-yield test series were undertaken.
The tritium activity arising from atmospheric nuclear tests can be estimated from the
fission and fusion yields of the weapons tests or from environmental measurements.
For example, the tritium activity produced per unit yield is dependent upon the
attributes of the device, as well as on the characteristics of the detonation site, and
tritium generation from fusion reactions is much higher than from fission. The tritium
that is produced by a nuclear explosion is almost completely converted to
tritiated water (HTO), which then mixes with environmental water. (Investigation
of the, 2009)
What about WTC-6?
We have established that tritium is a rare hydrogen isotope, the vast majority of the
tritium that is produced is used in nuclear weapons and that the tritium produced by a
thermonuclear explosion is converted into tritiated water (HTO). Tritiated water WAS
found in the basement of Building 6 at concentrations 55 times background levels.
Here is Ed Wards breakdown of the DOEs water sample data:
1. Trace definition as it applies to quantity: Occurring in extremely small amounts or
in quantities less than a standard limit (In the case of tritium, this standard level would
be 20 TUs the high of quoted standard background levels.)
2. The stated values of tritium from the DOE report Study of Traces of Tritium at the
World Trade Center. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01,
contained 0.1640.074 (2) nCi/L (164 pCi/L +/- 74 pCi/L takes 1,000 trillionths to =
1 billionth) of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of
WTC Building 6, contained 3.530.17 and 2.830.15 nCi/L ( 3,530.0 pCi/L +/- 170
pCi/L and 2,830 pCi/L +/- 150 pCi/L), respectively. Pico to Nano converter Nano to Pico[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

3. 1 TU = 3.231 pCi/L (trillionths per liter) or 0.003231 nCi/L (billionths per liter) (My original TU calculations
came out to 3.19 pCi/L, but I will gladly accept these referenced minimally higher
values. )
4. In 2001 normal background levels of Tritium are supposedly around 20 TUs (prior
to nuclear testing in the 60s, normal background tritium water levels were 5 to 10
TUs ). However, groundwater
studies show a significantly less water concentration: Groundwater age estimation
using tritium only provides semi-quantitative, ball park values: <0.8 TU indicates
sub modern water (prior to 1950s) 0.8 to 4 TU indicates a mix of sub modern and
modern water 5 to 15 TU indicates modern water (< 5 to 10 years) 15 to 30 TU
indicates some bomb tritium But,
instead of 5 to 15 TU (which would make the increase in background levels even
higher), I will use 20 TUs as the 2001 environmental level to give all possible
credibility to the lie of Traces.
5. Lets calculate the proven referenced facts. Tritium level confirmed in the DOE
report of traces of tritium = 3,530 pCi/L (+/- 170 pCi/L, but we will use the mean of
3,530 pCi/L). 3,530
pCi/L (the referenced lab value) divided by the background level of 20TUs (20 X
3.231 p (1 TU = 3.21 pCi/L) = 64.62 pCi/L as the high normal background/standard
level. 3,530 divided by 64.62 pCi/L = 54.63 TIMES THE NORMAL BACKGROUND
LEVEL. 3,530 pCi/L divided by 3.231 pCi/L (1 TU) = 1,092.54 TUs
6. This is my fave because lies tend to eat their young. Muon physicist Steven Jones
calls 1,000 TUs The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted tritium
levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Tritium in precipitation,) (Jones, 2006)
Yet, calls the EXACT SAME LEVELS quoted in nCi/L as Traces and These results
are well below the levels of concern to human exposure (Jones, 2006). Interesting
isnt it.
7. Thomas M. Semkowa, Ronald S. Hafnerc, Pravin P. Parekha, Gordon J.
Wozniakd, Douglas K. Hainesa, Liaquat Husaina, Robert L. Rabune. Philip G.
Williams and Steven Jones have all called over 1,000 TUs of Tritium, Traces. Even
at the height of nuclear bomb testing 98% after thousands of Megatons of nuclear
testing of the rainwater tests were 2,000 TUs or less.
8. It is also important to note that the tritium present was diluted by at least some
portion of 1 million liters of water accounting for BILLIONS of TUs.
An important point that Jones glosses over is the dilution of water in the basement of
WTC 6. If not for copious amounts of water sprayed on the WTC site undoubtedly the
concentration of tritium would have been higher than the measured 55 times normal
background levels.
Ed Wards Breakdown of the WTC Rain and Fire Hose Water, 4 Million Gallons of
WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx.)[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million liters deposits in
WTC 6 in its 40 ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter) crater.
WTC 6 was hot see thermal images 2nd article on WTC Nukes.
Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas.
There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but
lets be generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of
Tritium Units estimate).
8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million
liters per acre.
Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diameter)
1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION
TUs JUST IN WTC 6 (no other places were checked.)
This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the
bathtub and the drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.120 BILLION TUs.
This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the
atmosphere and gets massive dispersal.
Just what happened to Building 6? HOW did all of that tritium get in the basement in
the first place?
Plume of smoke seen rising from the area where WTC6 stood:

Photo shows WTC6 damaged BEFORE the North Tower collapsed.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Another Bill Biggert photo shows WTC6 blackened BEFORE South Tower debris hits

Overhead photo:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Reminiscent of the OKC Murrah Building:

Chuck Boldwyn slide shows possible placement of mini/micro neutron bombs:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Another Chuck Boldwyn slide shows the damage done by upwardly directed shaped
mini/micro neutron nukes:

Infrared photo that shows the huge crater in WTC 6:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

To sum this up: we see a plume of smoke rising from Building 6, photos that show
the building was blackened and bombed out before ANY debris from the Twin Towers
hit it, a massive crater in the middle of the building and the DOE found massive
quantities of tritium in the basement eleven days after 9/11. Only a thermonuclear
explosion explains all of this, which strongly suggests that WTC-6 was nuked. And
there is more proof.
The US Geological Survey collected samples of dust and airfall debris from more than
35 localities within a 1-km radius of the World Trade Center site on the evenings of
September 17 and 18, 2001. The USGS was primarily looking for asbestos in the dust
but they found a host of elements that when analyzed properly proves that nuclear
fission took place at Ground Zero.
A quick glance at the chemistry table and immediately the presence of the elements
such as cesium, uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, yttrium, rubidium, molybdenum,
lanthanum, cerium, chromium and zinc raise suspicions. But deeper analysis shows
that these elements correlate with each other according to relationships expected in a
nuclear fission event.
Jeff Prager has done extensive work with the USGS dust samples and well use
some of the slides from his Vancouver Power Point presentation to help us analyze
the USGS data:
Barium and Strontium
People might argue that strontium and barium could be found in building debris and
they would be correct however strontium and barium could never, under any
circumstances, be found as building debris constituents in a demolition in these
The levels never fall below 400 ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700 ppm
for Strontium and they reach over 3000 ppm for both of them at WTC01-16,
Broadway and John Streets. Why?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Barium and Strontium are rare Trace elements with limited industrial uses. The
enormous peak in Barium and Strontium concentration at WTC01-16 is readily
apparent in the chart at right. The concentration of the two elements reaches 3130
ppm for Strontium and 3670 ppm for Barium or over 0.3% by weight of the dust. This
means that 0.37% of the sample was Barium and 0.31% of the sample was Strontium
by weight at that location, WTC01-16, Broadway and John Streets. The Mean
concentration for Barium including the very low girder coating samples is 533 ppm
and for Strontium its 727 ppm. These are not Trace amounts. They are highly
dangerous and extremely toxic amounts. They are also critical components of nuclear
fission and the decay process.

Here were plotting the concentration of Barium at each location against the Strontium
concentration. The correlation between the concentrations of the two elements,
Barium and Strontium is extremely high.
The Coefficient of Correlation between the concentration of Barium and Strontium at
the outdoor and indoor sampling locations is 0.99 to 2 decimal places (0.9897 to 4
decimal places). So we have a Correlation Coefficient between the concentration of
Barium and the concentration of Strontium of 0.9897, or near perfect. The maximum
Correlation Coefficient that is mathematically possible is 1.0 and this would mean we
have a perfect match between the two factors were examining and the data points
would lie on a straight line with no variation between them. To obtain a Correlation
Coefficient of 0.9897 with this number of measurements (14) around Lower
Manhattan is very, very significant indeed. What this means is that we can say that
theres a 99% correlation in the variation in the concentration between these two
elements. They vary in lockstep; they vary together. When one element varies so
does the other. We can state with absolute mathematical certainty that any change in
the concentration of one of these elements, either the Barium or Strontium, is
matched by the same change in the concentration of the other. Whatever process
gave rise to the presence of either the Barium or the Strontium must have also
produced the other as well. Fission is the only process that explains this.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Thorium and Uranium

Next we come to the detection of measurable quantities of Thorium and Uranium in
the dust from the World Trade Center, elements which only exist in radioactive form.
The graph below plots the concentration of Thorium and Uranium detected at each
sampling location. Again, the last two locations, WTC01-08 and WTC01-09, are for
the two girder coating samples. The Uranium concentration follows the same pattern
as Thorium, although the graph scale does not show this markedly. Uranium follows
the dip at WTC01-03 and WTC01-16 but the highest concentration of Uranium also
matches Thorium in the second girder coating, WTC01-09, at 7.57ppm. 7.57 greatly
exceeds normal Trace element levels. This equals 93 Becquerels per kilogram.
Normal background radiation is approximately 12Bq/kg to 40Bq/kg with 40Bq/kg the
highest level we would expect to see. This girder contains more than twice the
expected level of uranium. The second girder contained 30.7 ppm of Thorium, 6 times
as high as the lowest level of that element detected. Thorium is a radioactive element
formed from Uranium by decay. Its very rare and should not be present in building
rubble, ever. So we have verifiable evidence that a nuclear fission event has taken
place. As we said earlier, Thorium is formed from Uranium be alpha decay. An alpha
particle is the same as a Helium nucleus, so this means we have one of the favored
fission pathways: Uranium fissioning into a Noble Gas and the balancing elements, in
this case Helium and Thorium.

The graph of Thorium versus Lithium including the Girder Coatings has exactly the
same form as the graph showing Thorium versus Uranium, also including the Girder
Coatings. Without the two Girder Coatings the correlation of Thorium to Lithium in the
dust is completely linear. We therefore have compelling evidence that this fission
pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium
into Lithium, has indeed taken place. It is out of the question that all of these
correlations which are the signature of a nuclear explosion could have occurred by
chance. This is impossible. The presence of rare Trace elements such as Cerium,
Yttrium and Lanthanum is enough to raise eyebrows in themselves, let alone in
quantities of 50 ppm to well over 100 ppm. When the quantities then vary widely from
place to place but still correlate with each other according to the relationships[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

expected from nuclear fission, it is beyond ALL doubt that the variations in
concentration are due to that same common process of nuclear fission. When we
also find Barium and Strontium present, in absolutely astronomical concentrations of
over 400 ppm to over 3000 ppm, varying from place to place but varying in lockstep
and according to known nuclear relationships, the implications are of the utmost
seriousness. Fission occurred in NYC on 911.

The graph (below) shows that (apart from the very high peak in Sodium levels for one
of the indoor dust samples) the Sodium and Potassium concentrations both display
this now characteristic peak at location WTC01-16, the corner of Broadway and John
Street. Sodium has the same peak as Zinc at WTC01-22, the corner of Warren and
West, and like Zinc, falls to a minimum in the girder coatings far below the
concentrations found in the dust. Potassium is very similar except its concentration
was not a peak at WTC01-02, Water and New York Streets, but somewhat lower than
the next location, WTC01-03, State and Pearl Streets. There are clear correlations
and relationships here which show that the Potassium and Sodium concentrations
did not arise at random. They are products of radioactive decay. Remember that
Strontium is produced by a fission pathway that proceeds through the Noble Gas
Krypton and then the Alkali Metal Rubidium. Similarly, Barium is produced through
Xenon and the Alkali Metal Cesium. We know that Uranium fission favors these
pathways through the Noble Gases. Just as radioactive isotopes of Krypton and
Xenon decay by beta particle emission to produce Rubidium and Cesium, radioactive
isotopes of Neon and Argon also decay by beta emission to produce Sodium and
Potassium. We would indeed expect to find anomalous levels of these elements
present what was found is again consistent with the occurrence of nuclear fission.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

We know beyond doubt that the only process that can cause Barium and Strontium
to be present in related or correlated quantities and any process that can also cause
Barium and Strontium to have such strong relational concentrations across different
samples, is nuclear fission. We know that if nuclear fission had occurred that Barium
and Strontium would be present and a strong statistical correlation between the
quantities of each would be found, and we have that, in spades. What else do we
have? Quite a lot.
About 400 ppm of Barium and Strontium were measured in two samples of insulation
girder coatings (WTC01-08 and 01-09). The concentration of Strontium actually falls
somewhat below that of Barium in the second girder sample, WTC01-09, as at
WTC01-16, whereas in every other sample the level of Strontium discovered was
higher than Barium. Given the elevated levels of Barium daughter products found in
the second girder and even the highest level of Uranium found (7.57ppm just West of
and behind Tower One) this shows that active fission was still ongoing in the second
girder coating, in the very same way as at WTC01-16 and therefore more Barium was
found then Strontium. In other samples where the rate of fission had slowed down to
give way to decay, the concentrations of Barium and Strontium reverse, due to the
different half-lives. Barium isotopes have a shorter half-life then Strontium isotopes so
they decay more quickly and after a period of time when no new Barium or Strontium
has been deposited, Strontium will exceed Barium. The fact that more Barium then
Strontium was still found at WTC01-16 and WTC01-09 shows that the overall nuclear
processes taking place were somewhat favoring Barium over Strontium and hence
Zinc as well. The tighter cluster of Barium (400-500 ppm) and Strontium (700-800
ppm) concentrations across widely separated sampling locations in Lower Manhattan
is cast iron proof that Nuclear Fission occurred. We know that Barium and Strontium
are the characteristic signature of fission; they are formed by two of the most common
Uranium fission pathways. The fact that their concentrations are so tightly coupled
means that their source was at the very epicenter of the event which created the dust
cloud that enveloped Manhattan. This was not a localized preexisting chemical
source which would only have contaminated a few closely spaced samples and left
the remaining samples untouched. The very high concentrations of Barium and
Strontium at location WTC01-16 shows that active nuclear fission was still ongoing at
that spot; the dust was still hot and new Barium and new Strontium were being
actively generated, actively created by transmutation from their parent nuclei.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The presence of Thorium and Uranium correlated to each other by a clear

mathematical power relationship and to the other radionuclide daughter products
such as sodium, potassium, zinc, lithium, strontium and barium leaves nothing more
to be said. This type of data has probably never been available to the public before
and its an unprecedented insight into the action of a nuclear device. September 11th,
2001, was the first nuclear event within a major United States city that we have
incontrovertible proof for and this is without question the most closely held secret
surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001.
Anyone seriously interested in 911 truth will naturally be compelled to fully and
thoroughly investigate the serious implications raised by this report personally, and I
strongly encourage this. The material is complex yet if I can understand it anyone
No one promised us that the answers to 911 would come easily.
Theres more compelling and incontrovertible evidence Id like to cover now. Well
discuss the elements:
In this graph Zinc has been divided by a factor of 10 to avoid losing all the detail in
the scaling if the Y axis instead went up to 3000 ppm. The variation in Lead is
matched by the variation in Zinc almost perfectly across all sampling locations,
including the Indoor and Girder Coating samples.
The concentration of Copper follows that of Zinc with one distinct exception at
WTC01-15, Trinity and Cortlandt Streets, just several hundred feet East of Building
Four. There seem to be two Copper-Zinc relationships. If some of the Zinc was being
formed by beta decay of Copper, then the high Copper at WTC01-15 could reduce
Zinc, since formation of Zinc by that decay pathway would be retarded by material
being held up at the Copper stage, before decaying on to Zinc. Therefore this graph
does confirm that some of the Zinc was indeed being formed by beta decay of
This would at least be a very small mercy for the civilian population exposed in this
event since the Zinc isotopes formed from Copper are stable, i.e. they are not
radioactive.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The copper found in the Ground Zero dust is indicative of nuclear fission. If we plot
the concentration of Copper against Zinc and Nickel, we obtain the graphs pictured
here. The concentration of Nickel was almost the same everywhere, except for the
peak of 88 ppm matched by the Copper peak of 450 ppm.
The Copper Zinc relationship is very interesting, showing in fact two distinct
relationships again depending on isotopic composition. There are two radioactive
isotopes of Copper (Cu 64 and Cu 67) with short half-lives of 12.7 hours and 2.58
days respectively which decay into Zinc isotopes. The other two isotopes (Cu 60 and
Cu 61) decay the other way by positron emission into Nickel and in fact Cu 64 goes
both ways, into both Nickel and Zinc. This would explain why there strongly appear to
be two Copper Zinc relationships.
The decay of radioactive Copper by beta particle emission into Zinc would have been
another source for the extraordinarily high concentrations of Zinc found in the World
Trade Center Dust.

Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of Barium, situated

between Barium and Cerium. The concentration of Barium versus Lanthanum is
plotted in the graph below.
This graph is almost identical in form to the relationship between Barium and Cerium.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

A similar inverse exponential (cubic) relationship is clearly visible. In this case,

Lanthanum is approximately equal to 5 times the cube root of Barium.
Lanthanum has a much shorter half-life then Cerium; most of its isotopes have a halflife of only a few hours whereas beta decay by Cerium is measured in half-life
periods of a month to 10 months. Ceriums beta decay going back to Lanthanum
occurs more quickly but Lanthanums beta decay going back to Barium occurs in a
similar time-scale to that a few hours, so we are left with the net effect of
Lanthanums beta decay being much quicker than that of Cerium, so the
concentration of Cerium remaining was higher than that of Lanthanum.

Yttrium is also a very rare element and should not be present in dust from a collapsed
office building. Yttrium is the next decay element after Strontium. If we plot
concentration of Strontium against Yttrium, we see what happens in the graph below.
Strontium 90 has a much longer half-life (28.78 years) than most Barium isotopes so
we would not expect to see as high a concentration of Strontiums daughter products
as those that are produced from Barium. This is in fact what we see the
concentration of Cerium (next daughter product to Barium) is higher than Yttrium, the
next daughter product to Strontium.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The presence of Chromium is also a telltale signature of a nuclear detonation. Its

concentration is shown plotted against Zinc and Vanadium in the graphs below.
There is a strong correlation between the Zinc and the Chromium concentration. The
Coefficient of Correlation is high, 0.89.
There is also an indication of strong correlation between Chromium and Vanadium
within 6 points of lying on an almost perfect exponential curve, with one outlier,
WTC01-03, the corner of State and Pearl Streets, of 42.5 ppm where the Vanadium
concentration reached its highest level.

Looking at the data for Zinc we see that the Zinc concentration for WTC01-02, Water
Street at the intersection of New York, is 2990 ppm and this immediately stands out.
In fact, for the outdoor samples, Zinc is the most common Trace element at all
sampling locations, with generally between 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm except for this
spike of nearly 3000 ppm at WTC01-02.
This equates to an enormous concentration of Zinc. 0.1% to 0.2% of Zinc in the dust
overall and at WTC01-02, 0.299% of the dust was Zinc. This exceeds the
concentration of the supposed non-Trace element Manganese and Phosphorous
and almost equals the elevated Titanium concentration of 0.39% at that same
location.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

What process produced the zinc?

If we include the data for WTC01-16, the Correlation Coefficient between the Zinc and
Barium concentration is 0.007 to 3 decimal places, from which we can conclude that
there is absolutely no correlation at all. But if we exclude that one sampling location,
where Barium and Strontium concentrations peaked, the correlation coefficient
between Zinc and Barium is 0.96 to two decimal places and between Zinc and
Strontium, 0.66 to two decimal places. So what happened?

This shows that the Zinc and Barium concentrations are closely related and if we
exclude what must have been an extraordinary event at WTC01-16 as an outlier, the
correlation is very good. The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient is 0.96. The
concentration of Zinc is now 3 times the concentration of Barium but the correlation
between Zinc and Strontium is not so clear, showing that the relationship must be
more indirect. This is to be expected since Barium and Strontium are produced by
different nuclear fission pathways.
In spent nuclear fuel, Strontium is found as Strontium Oxide (SrO) the Strontium
produced by the nuclear fission explosion under the Twin Towers will certainly have
been oxidized to SrO by the heat. SrO is extremely soluble in water, so some of the
Strontium concentration results obtained may have been distorted by the rain water
which fell on New York a few days after the towers were destroyed.
There is a very strong linear relationship between Barium and Zinc found at the World
Trade Center. This may indicate that a closely related nuclear sub-process gave rise
to them, which produced 3 times as much Zinc as Barium by weight. If so, that would
be a very unusual nuclear event.
There is a lesser known nuclear process that accounts for this, which would be
indicative of very high energies indeed. This process is known as Ternary Fission.
What is ternary fission? From Wikipedia: Ternary Fission is a comparatively rare (0.2
to 0.4% of events) type of nuclear fission in which three charged products are
produced rather than two. As in other nuclear fission processes, other uncharged
particles such as multiple neutrons and gamma rays are produced in ternary fission.
Ternary fission may happen during neutron-induced fission or in spontaneous fission
(the type of radioactive decay). About 25% more ternary fission happens in
spontaneous fission compared to the same fissioning system formed after thermal
neutron capture, illustrating that these processes remain physically slightly different,
even after the absorption of the neutron, possibly because of the extra energy
present in the nuclear reaction system of thermal neutron-induced fission.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

True Ternary Fission: A very rare type of ternary fission process is sometimes called
true ternary fission. It produces three nearly equal-sized charged fragments (Z ~ 30)
but only happens in about 1 in 100 million fission events. In this type of fission, the
product nuclei split the fission energy in three nearly equal parts and have kinetic
energies of ~ 60 MeV (Wikipedia contributors, 2013)
Mini-Neutron Bombs
We have evidence of nuclear fission and fusion taking place at Ground Zero. Fission
triggered fusion bombs fit the evidence. These bombs had limited but powerful blast
effects, a burst of neutron radiation as well as EMP effects. Mini-neutron bombs
appear to be what was used.
What is a neutron bomb? A neutron bomb, also called an enhanced radiation bomb,
is a type of thermonuclear weapon. An enhanced radiation bomb is any weapon
which uses fusion to enhance the production of radiation beyond that which is normal
for an atomic device. In a neutron bomb, the burst of neutrons generated by the
fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape using X-ray mirrors and an
atomically inert shell casing, such as chromium or nickel. The energy yield for a
neutron bomb may be as little as half that of a conventional device, though radiation
output is only slightly less. Although considered to be small bombs, a neutron bomb
still has a yield in the tens or hundreds of kilotons range. Neutron bombs are
expensive to make and maintain because they require considerable amounts of
tritium, which has a relatively short half-life (12.32 years). Manufacture of the
weapons requires that a constant supply of tritium of be available. Neutron bombs
have a relatively short shelf-life. (Helmenstine)
Per Sam Cohen In a broad sense, the neutron bomb is an explosive version of the
sun; that is, the relevant energy it emits comes from thermonuclear, or fusion,
reactions involving the very lightest elements. To be specific, its fuel consists of the
two heavier nuclei of hydrogen, named deuterium and tritium. By means of a fission
trigger, a mixture of these two nuclei is compressed and heated, as happens in a
hydrogen bomb, to cause nuclear reactions whose principle output is in the form of
very high energy neutrons. Also produced will be blast and heat, but so predominant
are the neutron effects against human beings, who are a hundred to a thousand times
more vulnerable to radiation than blast and heat, that by bursting the weapon high
enough off the ground the only significant effects at the surface will come from
radiation. In so doing, the blast and heat effects will not be strong enough to cause
significant damage to most structures. Hence, a bomb which, accurately but
misleadingly, has been described as a weapon that kills people but spares buildings.
(Cohen, 2006)
Neutron Radiation and EMP Effects at Ground Zero
Neutron radiation and EMP appears to be responsible for the toasted cars found
near Ground Zero. What is neutron radiation? From the Shots Across the Bow Blog:
To understand neutron radiation, imagine a pool table set for the start of a game. 15
balls are in the middle of the table, with the cue ball set for the break. The cue ball is
a free neutron. When the neutron hits the nucleus, one of three things might happen.
First, if the cue ball doesnt have enough energy, or hits at the wrong angle, it caroms
off, barely disturbing the pack of balls. Second, if the ball has too much energy, it
slams through the pack, breaking it up. This is fission, and results in fission products,
more free neutrons, and energy. Third, if the ball has just the right amount of energy,
it just makes it to the pack and joins in, becoming another neutron in the nucleus.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Here is where our analogy breaks down, because many times, when a nucleus gets
another neutron, it becomes unstable, and begins to decay, emitting alphas, betas, or
gammas. This is called activation, and is one of the trickier problems with neutron
irradiation and the physical properties of the irradiated matter can be quite different
from the original. (A nuclear power,)
A large quantity of high energy neutrons bombarding an object will cause the atoms
in the material to move i.e. heat up. This is why so few bodies were found at Ground
Zero most of the people that were near the Towers were vaporized either by the
blast and heat effects of the bombs or the neutron radiation that was released.
The Toasted Cars
Ted Twietmeyer has a post on Renses website that goes a long way towards
explaining the toasted cars found near Ground Zero. Twietmeyer attributes the
damage to aluminum vehicle parts such as engine blocks and mirrors to strong EMP
eddy currents produced by nuclear detonations at Ground Zero: and what else do
eddy currents create? HEAT if the currents are strong enough. The stronger the eddy
currents, the more heat which will be generated. Although magnetic fields are being
created, they are temporary in aluminum because it is not magnetic, but
paramagnetic. This means aluminum will be affected by magnetism, but it cannot be


A vector is simply a line that shows direction and usually has an arrow. Arrows are
not shown above, in an attempt to simplify the image. The direction of force is from
upper left to lower right. The notated image above provides a possible explanation for
the location of the source of the magnetic pulse, and why some vehicles were
damaged and others were not. This parking lot may be the best evidence in support
of my theory.
Yellow lines indicate the pulse(s) blocked by the rear row of vehicles. It appears the
entire outside of all rear vehicles were destroyed. Note how several hoods on the rear
row of vehicles have white dust or ash, indicating an intense heat originating from
under the hood. This is probably caused by the engine block vaporizing, and the
white dust may be aluminum oxide. If the vehicles are still around somewhere in a
junk yard, some simple lab tests will confirm this.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

White lines show the pulses that reached the vehicles in the foreground.
Orange shapes around each car show the damage threshold line. The cars are
basically undamaged below these lines and some might be repairable. If it wasnt for
sacrificial vehicles at the rear, those in the foreground would have been completely
Note that white and yellow lines are not meant to be a literal interpretation to show
size of the pulse, how many lines of force hit each vehicle, etc Each line is intended
to show only the direction the pulse(s) came from. Regardless of whether this parking
lot is close to the WTC or not, it clearly shows that the nuclear device (or pulse
source) was high above the ground. If the pulse source were close to the Earth, then
vehicles in the foreground would have been completely shielded from the pulse.
(Twietmeyer, 2007)
Ed Wards take: I believe some of what he attributes to EMP was done by neutrons
in particular his linear evaluations (angle computations) would seem more neutron
than EMP. EMP should tend to flow around seems to be a correlation of dust cloud
carrying EMP. So the linear blockage of cars protecting other cars would seem to be
more appropriate for neutrons. Other than that seems on the money, IMO.
The Temperature of the Pile
Temperatures at Ground Zero were 600 to 1,500 F or even higher for 6 months after
9/11. Firemen were fighting fires at Ground Zero for 99 days after 9/11. AVRIS data
showed that temperature in one spot was 1,341 F on 9/16/01. These high
temperatures could be attributed to neutron bombs that were detonated underground
in order to destroy the foundations of the Twin Towers. Some of the hotspots may
have been unexploded nuclear fissile material reacting underground.
The workers at Ground Zero experienced hellish working conditions. One Ground
Zero worker, Charlie Vitchers, describes the nightmare The fires were very intense
on the pile, the heat was very intense. In some places you couldnt even get onto it. In
some areas where you could walk, youd travel another five feet and then you could
just feel the heat coming up and you would have to just back off. Youd say to
yourself, I cant see a fire, but I can feel the heat, so somethings wrong here, and
youd back off.
That was one of the concerns we had about putting equipment on the pile, because
the operators were sitting eight or ten feet up above the debris pile in their cabs and
couldnt feel the heat. But theyre carrying a hundred gallons of diesel fuel, hydraulic
hoses, and other flammables, and there was nothing to stop the heat from wrecking
the machine. If they got stuck in a place where the heat was so intense that it set his
machine on fire, that operator wasnt going to make it out.
We were so lucky. We didnt lose anyone. We lost a lot of equipment, mostly due to
collapses, but didnt have any piece of equipment catch on fire or anything like that.
But hoses melted, and there was a lot of damage to tires- some of them melted just
from being too close. I mean, the bottom of your shoes would melt on some of the
steel. Some of that was so hot you could feel the hair on the back of your neck start
to burn when you walked by. There were cherry-red pieces of steel sticking out of the
ground. It was almost like being in a steel-manufacturing plant. You just couldnt
physically go near that stuff.
Every time a grappler grabbed a piece of steel and shook it out, it would just fan the
fire, like a fan in the fireplace. All of a sudden thered be smoke billowing out.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The Army Corps of Engineers eventually supplied us with infrared aerial shots of
where the heat was. It was like looking at the blob. The fire was moving under the
pile. One day it would be here, it would be 1,400 degrees, the next day it would be
2,000 degrees, then five days later it wouldnt register over 600 degrees. (Stout,
Vitchers & Gray, 2006)
Conclusions of this Study
Evidence for fission and fusion abounds at Ground Zero. Tritiated water in any
significant quantity is a telltale sign of a thermonuclear explosion. A 170 meter high
plume of smoke was observed rising from Building 6, and massive amounts of
tritiated water were found in the basement. It appears to be beyond reasonable doubt
that this building was nuked, because no alternative explanation is reasonable.
The Twin Towers were 500,000 tons each and destroyed in 9 and 11 seconds
respectively with debris ejected hundreds of feet out. There can be no doubt that the
Twins Towers were nuked as well.
The USGS dust samples prove beyond all doubt that nuclear fission took place at
Ground Zero. Fission triggered fusion bombs such as mini or micro neutron bombs
explain the dust and water sample evidence perfectly.
The destruction of the Twin Towers was an unprecedented use of nuclear bomb
technology. The public had never before witnessed anything like it. While Steve
Jones and Judy Wood, among others, have added to uncertainty over what happened
to the WTC buildings on 9/11, the mystery has finally been solved. The World Trade
Center was nuked on 9/11.
Donald Fox has done extensive research on the role of mini-nukes by Dr. Ed Ward
and on work by The Anonymous Physicist on the towers and has formulated an
account of how it was done and why there is more to this story relative to very lowyield thermonuclear devices. See his blog at
Jeff Prager, founder of an award winning magazine for Senior Citizens, in 2002 he
tried to prove 19 Muslims hijacked four planes and attacked us. By 2005, he realized
this was false, sold his business, left the US and began to investigate 9/11 full-time.
See 9/11 AMERICA NUKED, Part 1, Part 2.
Ed Ward, M.D., among the leading experts on the use of nukes on 9/11, maintains an
extensive archive about them at his Weblog of Tyranny,, and has also appeared as a guest on The Real
Deal, which you can hear at

Semkow, T., Hafner, R., Parekh, P., Wozniak, G., Haines, D., Husain, L., Rabun, R.,
& Williams, P. U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(2002). Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center (UCRL-JC-150445).
Retrieved from website:
Clark, R., Green, R., Swayze, G., Meeker, G., Sutley, S., Hoefen, T., Livo, K.,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Plumlee, G., Pavri, B., Sarture, C., Wilson, S., Hageman, P., Lamothe, P., Vance, J.,
Boardman, J., Brownfield, I., Gent, C., Morath, L., Taggart, J., Theodorakos, P., &
Adams, M. USGS Spectroscopy Lab, (2001). Environmental Studies of the World
Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack (Open-File Report 01-0429).
Retrieved from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) website:
Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, (2009). Investigation of
the Environmental Fate of Tritium in the Atmosphere (INFO-0792). Ottawa: Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
Tritium in Precipitation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Jones, S. (2006, September 28). Hard Evidence Repudiates the Hypothesis That
Mini-Nukes Were Used on the WTC Towers. Retrieved from
Ternary fission. (2013, March 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
April 19, 2013, from
Helmenstine, A. M. What is a Neutron Bomb? Retrieved from
Cohen, S. (2006). F*** you! Mr. President: Confessions of the Father of the Neutron
Bomb. (3rd ed., pp. 123-124). Retrieved from
Stout, G., Vitchers, C., & Gray, R. (2006). Nine Months at Ground Zero: The Story of
the Brotherhood of Workers Who Took on a Job Like No Other. (Google eBook ed.,
pp. 64-65). Simon and Schuster. Retrieved from
id=4VD5-T5IcC&lpg=PA62&ots=I8PEz77ZPT&dq=ground zero grappler&pg=PA64
A Nuclear Power Primer: Part 3: How Does Radiation Hurt Us and How Much Does it
Take? (n.d.). Retrieved from
Twietmeyer, T. (2007, March 24). What May Have Melted the WTC Vehicles.
Retrieved from
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Dr. Ed Ward, fusion, Ground Zero, Jeff Prager, mini-nukes, neutron bomb,
nuclear fission, Sam Cohen, World Trade Center

Conspiracy Con 2013

Posted on April 16, 2013[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the Conspiracy Conference on

June 1st. My presentation will cover the nuclear destruction of the World Trade
Center buildings on 9/11. For more information visit

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Brian Hall, conspiracy con 2013, Ground Zero, mini-nukes, World Trade

Susan Lindauer: Bush Regime Rejected

Iraq PeaceOption
Posted on March 26, 2013

Susan Lindauer was a back channel CIA asset who negotiated with Saddam Hussein
in the run up to the Iraq War. She was an outspoken proponent for the Peace Option
that was ultimately rejected by the Bush Regime. Saddam had offered to buy 1 million[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

cars a year for 10 years and promised the US favorable contracts in pharmaceuticals
& medical equipment. Saddam agreed to cooperate against terrorism by letting the
FBI into Baghdad 6 months before 9/11 and he even offered to retire to an island to
avoid the War.
Lindauer was outspoken in her criticism of the war and for her efforts she ended up
becoming a political prisoner at Carswell Air Force Base. Susan was also a speaker
at the Vancouver Hearings last year. She revealed that the CIA had information in
February 2001 that the Twin Towers were going to be nuked. She has a book
available on Amazon: Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and
the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.
She was in the Twin Cities recently and appeared on a local cable access show that
you can view below on YouTube.
Here is Susans intro:
Most of you know I was the Chief U.S. Asset covering the Iraqi Embassy at the
United Nations for 7 years before the War. You know I was subsequently arrested on
the Patriot Act, locked up on Carswell Air Force Base, and threatened with forcible
drugging to silence me, when the Bush cabal decided to blame Pre-War Intelligence
for their catastrophic decision to go to War.
On the 10 year anniversary of the start of the War, its worth examining the
comprehensive peace option hammered out in the two year run up to the invasion. I
was traveling in Minnesota this week for speaking engagements. In a television
interview, I discussed the peace option at length.
I hope it will persuade the world to give diplomacy a chance to forestall confrontation
with Iran in the months ahead. Its never so hopeless as you might think.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged CIA, Iraq War, Peace Option, Saddam Hussein, Susan Lindauer

Jim Fetzer Real Deal Appearance

3/25/13: Evidence of Ternary Fission at
GroundZero[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted on March 20, 2013

Most 9/11 researchers lack a basic understanding of nuclear physics. This lack of
physics knowledge has allowed people like Steve Jones and Judy Wood to obfuscate
the destruction of the WTC buildings with bogus claims of nanothermite and DEWs.
After reading the tutorial below a researcher should have a sufficient grasp of nuclear
physics to be able to determine that nuclear fission occurred at Ground Zero. The
chemistry table of the USGS Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center Area
After the September 11, 2001 Attack (Open-File Report 01-0429) provides irrefutable
proof that fission occurred at Ground Zero.
Click here for the sample location map.
The .mp3 for this show is available here. Right click Save target as to download
the .mp3

Read the points below then the slides from Jeff Pragers Vancouver PowerPoint
presentation are more easily understood.
1. Nuclear physics is the field of study that concentrates on understanding the atomic
2. The diameter of an atoms nucleus varies a great deal: a hydrogen nucleus, the
lightest atom, is about 1.6 x 10-15m while the nucleus of the atoms of the heaviest
elements can have a diameter of 15 x 10-15m.
3. The atomic nucleus is a tiny massive entity at the center of an atom. Occupying a
volume whose radius is 1/100,000 the size of the atom, the nucleus contains most
(99.9%) of the mass of the atom.
4. Proton Along with neutrons, protons make up the nucleus, held together by the
strong force. The proton is a baryon and is considered to be composed of two up
quarks and one down quark. It has long been considered to be a stable particle, but
recent developments of grand unification models have suggested that it might decay
32[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

with a half-life of about10

years. Experiments are underway to see if such decays

can be detected. Decay of the proton would violate the conservation of baryon
number, and in doing so would be the only known process in nature which does so.
5. Neutron: Along with protons, neutrons make up the nucleus, held together by the
strong force. The neutron is a baryon and is considered to be composed of two down
quarks and one up quark. A free neutron will decay with a half-life of about 10.3
minutes but it is stable if combined into a nucleus. The decay of the neutron involves
the weak interaction as indicated in the Feynman diagram below. This fact is
important in models of the early universe. The neutron is about 0.2% more massive
than a proton, which translates to an energy difference of 1.29 MeV.

6. The decay of the neutron is associated with a quark transformation in which a down
quark is converted to an up by the weak interaction. The average lifetime of 10.3
min/0.693 = 14.9 minutes is surprisingly long for a particle decay that yields 1.29 MeV
of energy. You could say that this decay is steeply downhill in energy and would be
expected to proceed rapidly. It is possible for a proton to be transformed into a
neutron, but you have to supply 1.29 MeV of energy to reach the threshold for that
transformation. In the very early stages of the big bang when the thermal energy was
much greater than 1.29 MeV, we surmise that the transformation between protons
and neutrons was proceeding freely in both directions so that there was an
essentially equal population of protons and neutrons.
7. When we say that a proton is made up of two up quarks and a down, we mean
that its net appearance or net set of quantum numbers match that picture. The nature
of quark confinement suggests that the quarks are surrounded by a cloud of gluons,
and within the tiny volume of the proton other quark-antiquark pairs can be produced
and then annihilated without changing the net external appearance of the proton.
8. The nucleus is composed of protons (charge = +1; mass = 1.007 atomic mass units
([]) and neutrons. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

(Z) and defines which chemical element the nucleus represents. The number of
neutrons in the nucleus is called the neutron number (N), whereas the total number of
neutrons and protons in the nucleus is referred to as the mass number (A), where A =
N + Z. The neutrons and protons are referred to collectively as nucleons. A nucleus
with a given N and Z is referred to as a nuclide. Nuclides with the same atomic
number are isotopes, such as 12 C and 14 C, whereas nuclides with the same N,
such as 14 C and 16 O, are called isotones. Nuclei such as 14 N and 14 C, which
have the same mass number, are isobars. Nuclides are designated by a shorthand
notation in which one writes, that is, for a nucleus with 6 protons and 8 neutrons, one
writes, or just 14 C. The size of a nucleus is approximately 1 to 10 10 15 m, with
the nuclear radius being represented more precisely as 1.2 A 1/3 10 15 m. We
can roughly approximate the nucleus as a sphere and thus we can calculate its
density where 1.66 10 27 kg is the mass of the nucleon. Thus the nuclear density
is about 200,000 tons/mm 3 and is independent of A. Imagine a cube that is 1 mm on
a side. If filled with nuclear matter, it would have a mass of about 200,000 tons. This
calculation demonstrates the enormous matter/energy density of nuclei and gives
some idea as to why nuclear phenomena lead to large energy releases.
9. Of the 6,000 species of nuclei that can exist in the universe, about 2,700 are
known, but only 270 of these are stable. The rest are radioactive, that is, they
spontaneously decay. The driving force behind all radioactive decay is the ability to
produce products of greater stability than one had initially. In other words, radioactive
decay releases energy and because of the high energy density of nuclei, that energy
release is substantial. Qualitatively we describe radioactive decay as occurring in
three general ways: -, -, and -decay. Alpha-decay occurs in the heavy
elements, and consists of the emission of a 4 He nucleus. Beta-decay occurs in
nuclei whose N/Z ratio is different from that of a stable nucleus and consists of a
transformation of neutrons into protons or vice versa to make the nucleus more
stable. Gamma-decay occurs when excited nuclei get rid of some or all of their
excitation energy via the emission of electromagnetic radiation, or via the
radiationless transfer of energy to orbital electrons.
10. If a massive nucleus like uranium-235 breaks apart (fissions), then there will be a
net yield of energy because the sum of the masses of the fragments will be less than
the mass of the uranium nucleus. If the mass of the fragments is equal to or greater
than that of iron at the peak of the binding energy curve, then the nuclear particles will
be more tightly bound than they were in the uranium nucleus, and that decrease in
mass comes off in the form of energy according to the Einstein equation. For
elements lighter than iron, fusion will yield energy.
11. In one of the most remarkable phenomena in nature, a slow neutron can be
captured by a uranium-235 nucleus, rendering it unstable toward nuclear fission. A
fast neutron will not be captured, so neutrons must be slowed down by moderation to
increase their capture probability in fission reactors. A single fission event can yield
over 200 million times the energy of the neutron which triggered it![9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting
12. For a chain reaction of nuclear fission, such as that of uranium-235, is to sustain
itself, then at least one neutron from each fission must strike another U-235 nucleus
and cause a fission. If this condition is just met, then the reaction is said to be
critical and will continue. The mass of fissile material required to achieve this critical
condition is said to be a critical mass. The critical mass depends upon the
concentration of U-235 nuclei in the fuel material as well as its geometry. As applied
for the generation of electric energy in nuclear reactors, it also depends upon the
moderation used to slow down the neutrons. In those reactors, the critical condition
also depends upon neutrons from the fission fragments, called delayed neutrons. For
weapons applications, the concentration U-235 must be much higher to create a
condition called prompt criticality. This means that it is critical with only the neutrons
directly produced in the fission process. For U-235 enriched to bomb-grade
uranium, the critical mass may be as small as about 15 kg in a bomb configuration.
13. Fissionable Isotopes: While uranium-235 is the naturally occurring fissionable
isotope, there are other isotopes which can be induced to fission by neutron
bombardment. Plutonium-239 is also fissionable by bombardment with slow neutrons,
and both it and uranium-235 have been used to make nuclear fission bombs.
Plutonium-239 can be produced by breeding it from uranium-238. Uranium-238,
which makes up 99.3% of natural uranium, is not fissionable by slow neutrons. U-238
has a small probability for spontaneous fission and also a small probability of fission
when bombarded with fast neutrons, but it is not useful as a nuclear fuel source.
Some of the nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington and the Savannah-River Plant
(SC) are designed for the production of bomb-grade plutonium-239. Thorium-232 is
fissionable, so could conceivably be used as a nuclear fuel. The only other isotope
which is known to undergo fission upon slow-neutron bombardment is uranium-233.
14. Uranium Fuel: Natural uranium is composed of 0.72% U-235 (the fissionable
isotope), 99.27% U-238, and a trace quantity 0.0055% U-234. The 0.72% U-235 is
not sufficient to produce a self-sustaining critical chain reaction in U.S. style lightwater reactors, although it is used in Canadian CANDU reactors. For light-water
reactors, the fuel must be enriched to 2.5-3.5% U-235. Uranium is found as uranium
oxide which when purified has a rich yellow color and is called yellowcake. After
reduction, the uranium must go through an isotope enrichment process. Even with the
necessity of enrichment, it still takes only about 3 kg of natural uranium to supply the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

energy needs of one American for a year.

15. Beta decay: Beta particles are electrons or positrons (electrons with positive
electric charge, or anti-electrons). Beta decay occurs when, in a nucleus with too
many protons or too many neutrons, one of the protons or neutrons is transformed
into the other. In beta minus decay, a neutron decays into a proton, an electron, and
an anti-neutrino: n p + e +. In beta plus decay, a proton decays into a neutron, a
positron, and a neutrino: p n + e+ +n. Both reactions occur because in different
regions of the Chart of the Nuclides, one or the other will move the product closer to
the region of stability. These particular reactions take place because conservation
laws are obeyed. Electric charge conservation requires that if an electrically neutral
neutron becomes a positively charged proton, an electrically negative particle (in this
case, an electron) must also be produced. Similarly, conservation of lepton number
requires that if a neutron (lepton number = 0) decays into a proton (lepton number =
0) and an electron (lepton number = 1), a particle with a lepton number of -1 (in this
case an antineutrino) must also be produced. The leptons emitted in beta decay did
not exist in the nucleus before the decaythey are created at the instant of the decay.
16. To the best of our knowledge, an isolated proton, a hydrogen nucleus with or
without an electron, does not decay. However within a nucleus, the beta decay
process can change a proton to a neutron. An isolated neutron is unstable and will
decay with a half-life of 10.5 minutes. A neutron in a nucleus will decay if a more
stable nucleus results; the half-life of the decay depends on the isotope. If it leads to
a more stable nucleus, a proton in a nucleus may capture an electron from the atom
(electron capture), and change into a neutron and a neutrino.
17. Proton decay, neutron decay, and electron capture are three ways in which
protons can be changed into neutrons or vice-versa; in each decay there is a change
in the atomic number, so that the parent and daughter atoms are different elements.
In all three processes, the number A of nucleons remains the same, while both proton
number, Z, and neutron number, N, increase or decrease by 1.
18. In beta decay the change in binding energy appears as the mass energy and
kinetic energy of the beta particle, the energy of the neutrino, and the kinetic energy
of the recoiling daughter nucleus. The energy of an emitted beta particle from a
particular decay can take on a range of values because the energy can be shared in
many ways among the three particles while still obeying energy and momentum
19. Beta Radioactivity: Beta particles are just electrons from the nucleus, the term
beta particle being an historical term used in the early description of radioactivity.
The high energy electrons have greater range of penetration than alpha particles, but
still much less than gamma rays. The radiation hazard from betas is greatest if they
are ingested.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Beta emission is accompanied by the emission of an electron anti-neutrino which

shares the momentum and energy of the decay.

The emission of the electrons antiparticle, the positron, is also called beta decay.
Beta decay can be seen as the decay of one of the neutrons to a proton via the weak
interaction. The use of a weak interaction Feynman diagram can clarify the process.
20. Fission Fragments: When uranium-235 undergoes fission, the average of the
fragment mass is about 118, but very few fragments near that average are found. It is
much more probable to break up into unequal fragments, and the most probable
fragment masses are around mass 95 and 137. Most of these fission fragments are
highly unstable (radioactive), and some of them such as cesium-137 and strontium90 are extremely dangerous when released to the environment.
21. Cesium-137 and strontium-90 are the most dangerous radioisotopes to the
environment in terms of their long-term effects. Their intermediate half-lives of about[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

30 years suggests that they are not only highly radioactive but that they have a long
enough half-life to be around for hundreds of years. Iodine-131 may give a higher
initial dose, but its short half-life of 8 days ensures that it will soon be gone. Besides
its persistence and high activity, cesium-137 has the further insidious property of
being mistaken for potassium by living organisms and taken up as part of the fluid
electrolytes. This means that it is passed on up the food chain and re-concentrated
from the environment by that process.
Cesium-137 decay has a half-life of 30.07 years and proceeds by both beta decay
and gamma emission from an intermediate state. Both the electron and gamma
emissions are highly ionizing radiation. The gamma radiation is very penetrating, and
the beta radiation, though very short range, is very dangerous when ingested because
it deposits all that energy in a very short distance in tissue.

22. Cesiums danger as an environmental hazard, damaging when ingested, is made

worse by its mimicking of potassiums chemical properties. This ensures that cesium
as a contaminant will be ingested, because potassium is needed by all living things.
23. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 are the radioisotopes which should be most
closely guarded against release into the environment. They both have intermediate
half-lives of around 30 years, which is the worst range for half-lives of radioactive
contaminants. It ensures that they are not only highly radioactive but also have a long
enough halflife to be around for hundreds of years. Strontium-90 mimics the
properties of calcium and is taken up by living organisms and made a part of their
electrolytes as well as deposited in bones. As a part of the bones, it is not
subsequently excreted like cesium-137 would be. It has the potential for causing
cancer or damaging the rapidly reproducing bone marrow cells.
24. Strontium-90 is not quite as likely as cesium-137 to be released as a part of a
nuclear reactor accident because it is much less volatile, but is probably the most
dangerous component of the radioactive fallout from a nuclear weapon.
25. Strontium-90 undergoes beta decay, emitting electrons with energy 0.546 MeV
with a half-life of 28.8 years. The decay product is yttrium-90.
26. Ternary Fission: is a comparatively rare (0.2 to 0.4% of events) type of nuclear
fission in which three charged products are produced rather than two. As in other
nuclear fission processes, other uncharged particles such as multiple neutrons and
gamma rays are produced in ternary fission.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

27. Ternary fission may happen during neutron-induced fission or in spontaneous

fission (the type of radioactive decay). About 25% more ternary fission happens in
spontaneous fission compared to the same fissioning system formed after thermal
neutron capture, illustrating that these processes remain physically slightly different,
even after the absorption of the neutron, possibly because of the extra energy
present in the nuclear reaction system of thermal neutron-induced fission.
28. True Ternary Fission: A very rare type of ternary fission process is sometimes
called true ternary fission. It produces three nearly equal-sized charged fragments
(Z ~ 30) but only happens in about 1 in 100 million fission events. In this type of
fission, the product nuclei split the fission energy in three nearly equal parts and have
kinetic energies of ~ 60 MeV. (26-28)
29. Howard Morland wrote a magazine article explaining how an H-Bomb or
thermonuclear bomb is made, using only publicly available information. In the
photo, he is standing on the steps of the US Supreme Court holding a cut-away
model of the H-bomb
30. An H-bomb is a three-stage weapon: fission, fusion, and then fission again. The
first stage, called the trigger (the black ball at the top), is a small plutonium bomb
similar to the one dropped on Nagasaki in 1945. The energy release at this stage is
mainly due to nuclear fission because the atoms of plutonium are split. Tritium is
often added to the center of the plutonium core to boost the fission explosion with
some additional fusion energy. Boosted or not, however, the only importance of this
first-stage explosion is to irradiate and heat the material in the central column to 100
million degrees Celsius so that a much more powerful fusion reaction can be started
31. The second stage explosion is due to nuclear fusion in the central column. The
main fusion reaction involves concentrated deuterium and tritium (both heavy
isotopes of hydrogen) which become spontaneously available when neutrons from
the first stage explosion bombard a solid material called lithium deuteride located in
the central column. When this hydrogen-rich mix is heated to 100 million degrees, the
deuterium and tritium atoms fuse together, releasing enormous amounts of energy.
This is the H or thermonuclear part of the bomb.
32. Then comes the third stage. The fusion reaction gives off an incredible burst of
extremely powerful neutrons so powerful that they can split or fission atoms of
uranium-238 (called depleted uranium) which is impossible at lower energy
levels. This third stage more than doubles the power of the explosion, and produces
most of the radioactive fallout from the weapon.
33. Unlike fission bombs, which rely only on nuclear fission, and which can achieve
explosions equivalent to thousands of tons of TNT (kilotons), the power of an Hbomb or thermonuclear weapon has no practical limit it can be made as powerful
as you want, by adding more deuterium/tritium to the second stage. Most H-bombs
are measured in megatons (equivalent to the explosive power of MILLIONS of tons
of TNT hundreds of times, or even a thousand times more powerful than a fission
Slides From Jeff Pragers PowerPoint[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

People might argue that strontium and barium could be found in building debris and
they would be correct however strontium and barium could never, under any
circumstances, be found as building debris constituents in a demolition in these
The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700ppm
for Strontium and they reach over 3000ppm for both of them at WTC01-16, Broadway
and John Streets. Why?
Barium and Strontium are rare Trace elements with limited industrial uses. The
enormous peak in Barium and Strontium concentration at WTC01-16 is readily
apparent in the chart at right. The concentration of the two elements reaches
3130ppm for Strontium and 3670ppm for Barium or over 0.3% by weight of the dust.
This means that 0.37% of the sample was Barium and 0.31% of the sample was
Strontium by weight at that location, WTC01-16, Broadway and John Streets. The
Mean concentration for Barium including the very low girder coating samples is
533ppm and for Strontium its 727ppm. These are not Trace amounts. They are
highly dangerous and extremely toxic amounts. They are also critical components of
nuclear fission and the decay process.

Here were plotting the concentration of Barium at each location against the Strontium
concentration. The correlation between the concentrations of the two elements,
Barium and Strontium is extremely high.
The Coefficient of Correlation between the concentration of Barium and Strontium at
the outdoor and indoor sampling locations is 0.99 to 2 decimal places (0.9897 to 4
decimal places). So we have a Correlation Coefficient between the concentration of
Barium and the concentration of Strontium of 0.9897, or near perfect. The maximum
Correlation Coefficient that is mathematically possible is 1.0 and this would mean we
have a perfect match between the two factors were examining and the data points
would lie on a straight line with no variation between them. To obtain a Correlation
Coefficient of 0.9897 with this number of measurements (14) around Lower
Manhattan is very, very significant indeed. What this means is that we can say that
theres a 99% correlation in the variation in the concentration between these two[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

elements. They vary in lockstep; they vary together. When one element varies so
does the other. We can state with absolute mathematical certainty that any change in
the concentration of one of these elements, either the Barium or Strontium, is
matched by the same change in the concentration of the other. Whatever process
gave rise to the presence of either the Barium or the Strontium must have also
produced the other as well. Fission is the only process that explains this.

Next we come to the detection of measurable quantities of Thorium and Uranium in

the dust from the World Trade Center, elements which only exist in radioactive form.
The graph below plots the concentration of Thorium and Uranium detected at each
sampling location. Again, the last two locations, WTC01-08 and WTC01-09, are for
the two girder coating samples. The Uranium concentration follows the same pattern
as Thorium, although the graph scale does not show this markedly. Uranium follows
the dip at WTC01-03 and WTC01-16 but the highest concentration of Uranium also
matches Thorium in the second girder coating, WTC01-09, at 7.57ppm. 7.57 greatly
exceeds normal Trace element levels. This equals 93 Becquerels per kilogram.
Normal background radiation is approximately 12Bq/kg to 40Bq/kg with 40Bq/kg the
highest level we would expect to see. This girder contains more than twice the
expected level of uranium. The second girder contained 30.7ppm of Thorium, 6 times
as high as the lowest level of that element detected. Thorium is a radioactive element
formed from Uranium by decay. Its very rare and should not be present in building
rubble, ever. So we have verifiable evidence that a nuclear fission event has taken
place. As we said earlier, Thorium is formed from Uranium be alpha decay. An alpha
particle is the same as a Helium nucleus, so this means we have one of the favored
fission pathways: Uranium fissioning into a Noble Gas and the balancing elements, in
this case Helium and Thorium.

The graph of Thorium versus Lithium including the Girder Coatings has exactly the
same form as the graph showing Thorium versus Uranium, also including the Girder
Coatings. Without the two Girder Coatings the correlation of Thorium to Lithium in the
dust is completely linear. We therefore have compelling evidence that this fission
pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium
into Lithium, has indeed taken place. It is out of the question that all of these[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

correlations which are the signature of a nuclear explosion could have occurred by
chance. This is impossible. The presence of rare Trace elements such as Cerium,
Yttrium and Lanthanum is enough to raise eyebrows in themselves, let alone in
quantities of 50ppm to well over 100ppm. When the quantities then vary widely from
place to place but still correlate with each other according to the relationships
expected from nuclear fission, it is beyond ALL doubt that the variations in
concentration are due to that same common process of nuclear fission. When we
also find Barium and Strontium present, in absolutely astronomical concentrations of
over 400ppm to over 3000ppm, varying from place to place but varying in lockstep
and according to known nuclear relationships, the implications are of the utmost
seriousness. Fission occurred in NYC on 911.

This graph (below) shows that (apart from the very high peak in Sodium levels for
one of the indoor dust samples) the Sodium and Potassium concentrations both
display this now characteristic peak at location WTC01-16, the corner of Broadway
and John Street. Sodium has the same peak as Zinc at WTC01-22, the corner of
Warren and West, and like Zinc, falls to a minimum in the girder coatings far below
the concentrations found in the dust. Potassium is very similar except its
concentration was not a peak at WTC01-02, Water and New York Streets, but
somewhat lower than the next location, WTC01-03, State and Pearl Streets. There
are clear correlations and relationships here which show that the Potassium and
Sodium concentrations did not arise at random. They are products of radioactive
decay. Remember that Strontium is produced by a fission pathway that proceeds
through the Noble Gas Krypton and then the Alkali Metal Rubidium. Similarly, Barium
is produced through Xenon and the Alkali Metal Cesium. We know that Uranium
fission favors these pathways through the Noble Gases. Just as radioactive isotopes
of Krypton and Xenon decay by beta particle emission to produce Rubidium and
Cesium, radioactive isotopes of Neon and Argon also decay by beta emission to
produce Sodium and Potassium. We would indeed expect to find anomalous levels of
these elements present what was found is again consistent with the occurrence of
nuclear fission.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

We know beyond doubt that the only process that can cause Barium and Strontium
to be present in related or correlated quantities and any process that can also cause
Barium and Strontium to have such strong relational concentrations across different
samples, is nuclear fission. We know that if nuclear fission had occurred that Barium
and Strontium would be present and a strong statistical correlation between the
quantities of each would be found, and we have that, in spades. What else do we
have? Quite a lot.
About 400ppm of Barium and Strontium were measured in two samples of insulation
girder coatings (WTC01-08 and 01-09). The concentration of Strontium actually falls
somewhat below that of Barium in the second girder sample, WTC01-09, as at
WTC01-16, whereas in every other sample the level of Strontium discovered was
higher than Barium. Given the elevated levels of Barium daughter products found in
the second girder and even the highest level of Uranium found (7.57ppm just West of
and behind Tower One) this shows that active fission was still ongoing in the second
girder coating, in the very same way as at WTC01-16 and therefore more Barium was
found then Strontium. In other samples where the rate of fission had slowed down to
give way to decay, the concentrations of Barium and Strontium reverse, due to the
different half-lives. Barium isotopes have a shorter half-life then Strontium isotopes so
they decay more quickly and after a period of time when no new Barium or Strontium
has been deposited, Strontium will exceed Barium. The fact that more Barium then
Strontium was still found at WTC01-16 and WTC01-09 shows that the overall nuclear
processes taking place were somewhat favoring Barium over Strontium and hence
Zinc as well. The tighter cluster of Barium (400-500ppm) and Strontium (700800ppm) concentrations across widely separated sampling locations in Lower
Manhattan is cast iron proof that Nuclear Fission occurred. We know that Barium and
Strontium are the characteristic signature of fission; they are formed by two of the
most common Uranium fission pathways. The fact that their concentrations are so
tightly coupled means that their source was at the very epicenter of the event which
created the dust cloud that enveloped Manhattan. This was not a localized
preexisting chemical source which would only have contaminated a few closely
spaced samples and left the remaining samples untouched. The very high
concentrations of Barium and Strontium at location WTC01-16 shows that active
nuclear fission was still ongoing at that spot; the dust was still hot and new Barium
and new Strontium were being actively generated, actively created by transmutation[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

from their parent nuclei.

The presence of Thorium and Uranium correlated to each other by a clear
mathematical power relationship and to the other radionuclide daughter products
such as sodium, potassium, zinc, lithium, strontium and barium leaves nothing more
to be said. This type of data has probably never been available to the public before
and its an unprecedented insight into the action of a nuclear device. September 11th,
2001, was the first nuclear event within a major United States city that we have
incontrovertible proof for and this is without question the most closely held secret
surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001.
Anyone seriously interested in 911 truth will naturally be compelled to fully and
thoroughly investigate the serious implications raised by this report personally, and I
strongly encourage this. The material is complex yet if I can understand it anyone
No one promised us that the answers to 911 would come easily.
Theres more compelling and incontrovertible evidence Id like to cover now. Well
discuss the elements:
In this graph Zinc has been divided by a factor of 10 to avoid losing all the detail in
the scaling if the Y axis instead went up to 3000ppm. The variation in Lead is
matched by the variation in Zinc almost perfectly across all sampling locations,
including the Indoor and Girder Coating samples.
The concentration of Copper follows that of Zinc with one distinct exception at
WTC01-15, Trinity and Cortlandt Streets, just several hundred feet East of Building
Four. There seem to be two Copper-Zinc relationships. If some of the Zinc was being
formed by beta decay of Copper, then the high Copper at WTC01-15 could reduce
Zinc, since formation of Zinc by that decay pathway would be retarded by material
being held up at the Copper stage, before decaying on to Zinc. Therefore this graph
does confirm that some of the Zinc was indeed being formed by beta decay of
This would at least be a very small mercy for the civilian population exposed in this
event since the Zinc isotopes formed from Copper are stable, i.e. they are not
radioactive.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The copper found in the Ground Zero dust is indicative of nuclear fission. If we plot
the concentration of Copper against Zinc and Nickel, we obtain the graphs pictured
here. The concentration of Nickel was almost the same everywhere, except for the
peak of 88ppm matched by the Copper peak of 450ppm.
The Copper Zinc relationship is very interesting, showing in fact two distinct
relationships again depending on isotopic composition. There are two radioactive
isotopes of Copper (Cu 64 and Cu 67) with short half-lives of 12.7 hours and 2.58
days respectively which decay into Zinc isotopes. The other two isotopes (Cu 60 and
Cu 61) decay the other way by positron emission into Nickel and in fact Cu 64 goes
both ways, into both Nickel and Zinc. This would explain why there strongly appear to
be two Copper Zinc relationships.
The decay of radioactive Copper by beta particle emission into Zinc would have been
another source for the extraordinarily high concentrations of Zinc found in the World
Trade Center Dust.

Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of Barium, situated

between Barium and Cerium. The concentration of Barium versus Lanthanum is
plotted in the graph below.
This graph is almost identical in form to the relationship between Barium and Cerium.
A similar inverse exponential (cubic) relationship is clearly visible. In this case,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Lanthanum is approximately equal to 5 times the cube root of Barium.

Lanthanum has a much shorter half-life then Cerium; most of its isotopes have a halflife of only a few hours whereas beta decay by Cerium is measured in half-life
periods of a month to 10 months. Ceriums beta decay going back to Lanthanum
occurs more quickly but Lanthanums beta decay going back to Barium occurs in a
similar time-scale to that a few hours, so we are left with the net effect of
Lanthanums beta decay being much quicker than that of Cerium, so the
concentration of Cerium remaining was higher than that of Lanthanum.

Yttrium is also a very rare element and should not be present in dust from a collapsed
office building. Yttrium is the next decay element after Strontium. If we plot
concentration of Strontium against Yttrium, we see what happens in the graph below.
Strontium 90 has a much longer half-life (28.78 years) than most Barium isotopes so
we would not expect to see as high a concentration of Strontiums daughter products
as those that are produced from Barium. This is in fact what we see the
concentration of Cerium (next daughter product to Barium) is higher than Yttrium, the
next daughter product to Strontium.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The presence of Chromium is also a telltale signature of a nuclear detonation. Its

concentration is shown plotted against Zinc and Vanadium in the graphs below.
There is a strong correlation between the Zinc and the Chromium concentration. The
Coefficient of Correlation is high, 0.89.
There is also an indication of strong correlation between Chromium and Vanadium
within 6 points of lying on an almost perfect exponential curve, with one outlier,
WTC01-03, the corner of State and Pearl Streets, of 42.5ppm where the Vanadium
concentration reached its highest level.

Looking at the data for Zinc we see that the Zinc concentration for WTC01-02, Water
Street at the intersection of New York, is 2990ppm and this immediately stands out.
In fact, for the outdoor samples, Zinc is the most common Trace element at all
sampling locations, with generally between 1000ppm and 2000ppm except for this
spike of nearly 3000ppm at WTC01-02.
This equates to an enormous concentration of Zinc. 0.1% to 0.2% of Zinc in the dust
overall and at WTC01-02, 0.299% of the dust was Zinc. This exceeds the
concentration of the supposed non-Trace element Manganese and Phosphorous
and almost equals the elevated Titanium concentration of 0.39% at that same
location.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

What process produced the zinc?

If we include the data for WTC01-16, the Correlation Coefficient between the Zinc and
Barium concentration is 0.007 to 3 decimal places, from which we can conclude that
there is absolutely no correlation at all. But if we exclude that one sampling location,
where Barium and Strontium concentrations peaked, the correlation coefficient
between Zinc and Barium is 0.96 to two decimal places and between Zinc and
Strontium, 0.66 to two decimal places. So what happened?

This shows that the Zinc and Barium concentrations are closely related and if we
exclude what must have been an extraordinary event at WTC01-16 as an outlier, the
correlation is very good. The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient is 0.96. The
concentration of Zinc is now 3 times the concentration of Barium but the correlation
between Zinc and Strontium is not so clear, showing that the relationship must be
more indirect. This is to be expected since Barium and Strontium are produced by
different nuclear fission pathways.
In spent nuclear fuel, Strontium is found as Strontium Oxide (SrO) the Strontium
produced by the nuclear fission explosion under the Twin Towers will certainly have
been oxidized to SrO by the heat. SrO is extremely soluble in water, so some of the
Strontium concentration results obtained may have been distorted by the rain water
which fell on New York a few days after the towers were destroyed.
There is a very strong linear relationship between Barium and Zinc found at the World
Trade Center. This may indicate that a closely related nuclear sub-process gave rise
to them, which produced 3 times as much Zinc as Barium by weight. If so, that would
be a very unusual nuclear event.
There is a lesser known nuclear process that accounts for this, which would be
indicative of very high energies indeed. This process is known as Ternary Fission.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, barium, cesium, chromium, dust samples, Ground Zero, Jeff Prager,
nuclear fission, nuclear physics, strontium, ternary fission, thorium, United States Geological
Survey, uranium, World Trade Center, wtc, yttrium, zinc

Project GNOME
Posted on January 27, 2013[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Temperatures at Ground Zero were600 to 1,500 F for6 months after 9/11. Ed Ward
has pointed out this most likely due to retained heat from an underground nuclear
explosionrather than a fission process advocated by the Anonymous Physicist. The
MASSIVE explosion heard 17 seconds before the North Tower came down is a good
candidate for the explosion that caused the elevated ground temperatures:

As an example of retained heat from a nuclear explosion,Ed references The Project

GNOME detonation on December 10, 1961 near Carlsbad, New Mexico:
Measurements of an earlier underground detonation had indicated that roughly
1/3 of the energy was deposited in the melted rock at temperatures above 2,000
degrees Fahrenheit. This information encouraged hopes that a nuclear
detonation in a dry medium might cause heat to be stored long enough to
permit efficient recovery. GNOME was developed with the idea that a nuclear
detonation in a salt deposit would create a large volume of hot melted salt from
which heat might be extracted. The possibilities to be investigated for the
production of power were the tapping of the steam created by detonation itself
and the generation of high-density, high-pressure steam by the circulation of
some heat-absorbing fluid, like water, over the heated salt. This generated
steam would be used to drive a steam or hot gas turbine coupled with an
electric generator.
When workers reentered that cavity on May 17, 1962, they found temperatures
around 140 degrees Fahrenheit but only small amounts of residual radiation.
The earlier intense radiation had colored the salt of the cavity wall various
shades of blue, green, and violet.
Project GNOME was part ofOperation Plowshare. Plowshare was an attempt to use
nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes like excavating ditches and canalsand
mining. Concerns such as blighted land, relocated communities, tritium-contaminated
water, radioactivity, and fallout from debris being hurled high into the atmosphere
created public opposition to the program and it was terminated in 1977 after $770
million had been spent.
The YouTube video below has a lot of useful information for 9/11 researchers. One[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

minute into the video you see a nuclear explosion.

You can see similar shaped comet trails of dust at the WTC. Chunks of earth turn to
dust before landing which is also observed at the WTC aschunks of steel disintegrate
before hitting the ground. Judy Wood calls this dustificationcaused bysome
unknownDEW weaponbut here we see the same phenomenon inan early 1960s
nuke bomb test.

Pyroclastic cauliflower shaped dust clouds also appear in the video and those type of
dust clouds are also observed at the WTC:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Also observed in the video are rows of underground nukes being detonated
sequentially. At the WTC they were detonated sequentially from thetops of the
buildings to the bottom to simulate a free fall collapse. I heard from a lot of people
that was impossible in 2001 yet here in the video were seeing it in the early 1960s.
The Plowshare video was produced by the US Atomic Energy Commission. Per
Wikipedia:The AEC was furthermore in charge of developing the United States
nuclear arsenal, taking over these responsibilities from the wartime Manhattan
Project. Over the course of its first decade, the AEC oversaw the operation of Los
Alamos Scientific Laboratory, devoted primarily to weapons development, and, in
1952, the establishment of a second weapons laboratory in California (the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory). It also implemented the crash program to develop
the hydrogen bomb.
When looking at who had the technology to pull off the WTC demolitions names to
keep in mind include Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos, Sandia
and Oak Ridge the nuke labs. A lot of the same names you see in the Plowshare
video should be familiar toserious9/11 researchers.

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Dr. Ed Ward, Ground Zero, mini-nukes, North Tower, Plowshare, World
Trade Center, wtc

Judy Woods Script

Posted on January 21, 2013

Below is the script that the Judy Wood Cult members must stick to. Its from an email I
got from Thomas Potter last year. You will be subjected to propaganda from this
script if you interact with any members of the Wood Cult. This is just a heads upto all
of the unsuspecting 9/11 researchers out there who havent encountered The Wood
Cult yet.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The textbook, WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.
D., is not about a conspiracy theory or a theory at all. It is a 540 page textbook
about factual evidence, empirical evidence that reveals the truth in a way that is
undeniable to anyone who reads it. Dr. Woods textbook has not been refuted
by anyone, nor can it be. Those that choose to focus on hearsay, speculation,
conspiracy theories, or unqualified opinions while ignoring irrefutable factual
evidence by avoiding it is what keeps a cover-up in place. Diverting the public
to arguing between the two false choices of 9/11 Truthers verses The Official
9/11 Conspiracy Theory while ignoring the facts is classic perception
management designed to hide and obscure the evidence.
It wasnt poor construction, jet fuel, demolition charges of any type, missiles or
planes, mini-nukes, or super-duper-micro-mini-nano-thermite that turned two quarter
mile high buildings with a combined weight of over a million tons into microscopic
dust particles in mid-air taking less than 10 seconds each. There were over 100 floors
in each tower. Try clapping your hands 100 times in 10 seconds.
The truth does not depend on who supports it. Truth is not a club or a matter of
opinion or belief. Neither is truth a political or economic objective. Truth doesnt
have sides. The truth is singular and the truth is unifying. By reading Dr. Woods
research and collection of evidence as compiled in her textbook the truth is known, so
there is no need to Re-investigate 9/11. If you want unity, then seek the truth by
reading her textbook. If you were assigned to do a book report, would you read the
book or rely on rumors, conjecture, and uninformed opinions from other people? This
isnt about beliefs, it is about evidence.
Now those that have read her textbook know the truth. Those covering it up should
be held accountable. After all, it is the cover up that has enabled what has transpired
since 9/11, not what happened on 9/11. So the cover up of 9/11 has been a far worse
crime than 9/11 itself. Remember, the truth is known and is knowable. What should
be done about those covering it up? Should they face a firing squad or spend life in
Thomas Potter
Hardcover: 540 pages
Publisher: The New Investigation (September 11, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615412564
ISBN-13: 978-0-615-41256-6
LCCN: 2090916516
Images and Diagrams: over 860 full color
Shipping Weight: 3.5 pounds
Product Dimensions: 10.25 x 7.25 x 1.4 inches
WorldCat Listing
On 9/11 over a half mile of vertical building height, containing nearly 150
football fields of floor space, was reduced to a near-level field of dust and[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

debris, where rescue workers walked horizontally or rappelled into empty

caverns to look for survivors. How was this possible given the standard laws of
engineering and physics? The 9/11 Commission Report bypassed this central
issue, as did the report of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Contrary to its stated objective of determining why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2
collapsed, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) made the
stunning admission that it did not investigate how the towers fell. Neither the
standard view that the Twin Towers collapsed from fire nor the standard
opposition view that they were intentionally detonated by thermite explosives
explains the evidence, nor do they follow the laws of engineering and physics.
Dr. Wood left Clemson to research the 9/11 conundrum full time, and she has
focused her research strictly on physical evidence and scientific principles.
WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? provides an understandable, credible, and
photo-enhanced summary of Dr. Woods disturbing findings, which resulted in
her lawsuit against the contractors of the NIST report.
Dr. Judy Wood earned a Ph.D. Degree from Virginia Tech and is a former professor
of mechanical engineering. She has research expertise in experimental stress
analysis, structural mechanics, deformation analysis, materials characterization and
materials engineering science. Her research has involved testing materials, including
complex-material systems, in the area of photomechanics, or the use of optical and
image-analysis methods to determine physical properties of materials and measure
how materials respond to forces placed on them. Her area of expertise involves
She taught graduate and undergraduate engineering classes and has authored or coauthored over 60 peer-reviewed papers in her areas of expertise.
In the time since 9/11/01, she has applied her expertise in materials science, image
analysis and interferometry, to a forensic study of over 40,000 images, hundreds of
video clips and a large volume of witness testimony pertaining to the destruction of
the WTC complex. Dr. Wood has conducted a comprehensive forensic investigation
of what physically happened to the World Trade Center site on 9/11. And, based on
her analysis of the evidence she gathered, in 2007, she filed a federal qui tam case
for science fraud against the contractors who contributed to the official NIST report
about the destruction of the WTC. This case was filed in the US Supreme Court in
Dec 2009. To this day, Dr. Woods investigation is the only comprehensive forensic
investigation in the public domain.
Please find below an October 2011 two hour interview with Dr. Judy Wood from the
One Step Beyond TV show with Theo Chalmers on SKY 200 in the U.K. and a book
review by Eric Larsen, novelist and Emeritus Professor at John Jay College of
Criminal Justice, The City University of New York.
One Step Beyond with Dr. Judy Wood
Where Did The Towers Go? Evidence Of Directed Free-Energy Technology On
9/11 Book Review by Eric Larsen Ph.D.
by Eric Larsen Ph.D.
What a complete, unmitigated disaster 9/11 and the ten awful years following it have[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

beenten years of murder, crime, lawlessness, deceit, stupidity, and blindness that
are only now meliorated, at long last, by the publication of Dr. Judy Woods unique,
revelatory, and unequivocally welcome book, Where Did the Towers Go? The
Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11.
Where Did the Towers Go? is a work that offers a starting point from which those
who genuinely want to do it can begin, first, to rein in and then, perhaps, even end
the wanton criminality and destructiveness of a set of American policies that took as
their justification and starting point the horrific events of September 11, 2001.
As everyone knows, 9/11 has been the justification and starting point for all manner
of destruction, loss, crime, and horror. Without 9/11, there would have been no
Patriot Act, no abuse of FISA and stripping away of privacy rights, no Military
Commissions Act of 2006 with its setting aside of Habeas Corpus, no implementation
of Northcom and deployment of our own military forces on domestic American soil
(for use against who, you might ask?), and no trashing of Bill of Rights and
Constitutional guarantees, no programmatic and precedent-setting weakening and
eliminating of right and guarantees so that the very concepts of citizenship and
freedom have been emptied out to the point where setting up concentration camps
inside the U.S. is now legal and not a one of us would have any recourse whatsoever
if it were decided that we should be thrown into a cell in one of them and forgotten
Without 9/11, there would never have been any fake and opportunistic Global War
on Terror, would never have been Guantanamo as we know it now, never have been
official programs of torture or fake demonizing of Islam in order to justify wars in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Somalia, or to justify overt plans for the murder of U.S.
citizens living in places like, say, Yemen.
Theres more, much more. The complete list of atrocities, crimes, and inhumanities
triggered by or justified by 9/11 could fill whole chapters, even books. By using 9/11
as propagandaby using it as trigger, excuse, justification, or catalystthe U.S. has
betrayed itself, its principles, and its people, and has made itself the worlds most
dangerous enemy of all mankind and also of Earth herself.
How can it conceivably be, given these facts, that we, a nation of people who
presumably have minds of our ownhow can it be that we have done nothing to stop
this hideous parade of monstrosities and horrors? In the Foreword to Dr. Woods
book, I wrote:
It is now almost a decade since 9/11 took place, and in all that time no unassailable,
permanent, or, in pragmatic terms, politically influential progress has been made in
determining exactly and irrefutably what took place on that dayor what did not take
Wethat is, we the potential resistance or opposition to U.S. criminal policyhave
been spinning our wheels for a complete decade. There are a lot of reasons for this
wheel-spinning, including various programs of very skillful and extraordinarily devious
cover-up after cover-up after cover-up of the central question of what did happen on
9/11. For, as long as that central question remains unanswered, or for as long as that
question can be caused to remain obfuscated, blurred, muddled-up, in doubtas long
as that situation continues, the wheels will continue to spin and people wont quite
know what to do. Dr. Wood is very well aware of this fact. Her own way of putting it is
that before accusing someone of a crime, youve got to know what crime they
committed. In her Authors Preface, she writes:
You cannot convict someone of a crime if you dont even know what crime to charge
them with. If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, youd better be sure the
body has a bullet hole in it.
That kind of clear, cool, commonsense logic is rare among the many who for ten[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

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years have talked a very great deal about 9/11, although its obvious that in Dr. Wood
such good sense resides in abundance. Heres the opening of her Authors Preface:
For the record, I do not believe that our government is responsible for executing the
events of 9/11/01nor do I believe that our government is not responsible for
executing the events of 9/11/01. This is not a case of belief [Dr. Woods emphasis].
This is a crime that should be solved by a forensic study of the evidence.
Yes. To say that George did not do X hardly means that Al did do X. Even worse is
to imagine that someones belief that George did or didnt do X has any necessary
relationship to the truth or the fact of the matter at all. Dr. Wood will have none of this
substitution of belief for thinking. She is a scientist, and a very highly educated
one, with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, an M.S. in Engineering Mechanics (Applied
Physics), and a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering Science (again from my Foreword).
Scientists, as all know or should know, proceed in their thinking not according to
belief or desired outcome but according solely and only to what the empirical
evidence they have gathered, studied, and observed allows them to conclude or
makes it inevitable for them to conclude.
This means also that in undertaking a forensic study of the evidence left behind
after the 9/11 disaster, if that study is to be scientifically valid, the researcher must
analyze and study not some of the available evidence, not most of the available
evidence, but all of the available evidence.
To my knowledge, no one other than Dr. Wood has done this. She alone has
persisted unflaggingly in her study of all available concrete, empirical evidence, has
assiduously avoided any and all argument about 9/11 that may be based on politics,
desire, belief, emotion, or pre-set theory but instead has stuck indefatigably, solely
and, I must say, courageouslywith the gathering of and the forensic analysis of all
the evidence left behind after the 9/11 events.
No wonder it has taken Dr. Wood a considerable time to complete her enormous task
of, first, finding and gathering every last shred of available evidence, then of
organizing her findings, and after that preparing the entirety in book formin a
volume of 500 pages that contains not just the exhaustive primary text itself but many,
many hundreds of photographs, maps, drawings, graphs, charts, illustrations,
explanatory passages, not to mention powerfully relevantand revelatoryhistorical
scientific background material (chapter 17, the Tesla-Hutchison effect) and even a
Glossary and Supplemental Information section that includes, among much else, the
terms Dr. Wood has invented or adapted in order to describe in as connotation-free a
way as possible the unusual and unfamiliar phenomena she has observedwords
like Cheetos, Donuts, Lather, Fuzzballs, Sillystring, Toasted Cars, Weird
Firesbut that also includes highly technical plates and charts such as Melting and
Boiling Temperatures for Selected Elements and Tritium Values, these being
relevant to Dr. Woods discussion of the molecular dissociation of materials that, as
she proves, took place during the apparently chaotic but in actuality diabolically
precise destruction that took place on 9/11.
What emerges, for the reader, from all of this? What emerges is a lucid, clear,
riveting, thorough, spell-binding, page-turning, eye-opening description and analysis
of that terrible dayDr. Wood has referred to it as the new Hiroshimawhen the
fearsomely destructive power of directed-energy in weaponized form was
demonstrated to the world, and when, at the same time and however bitterly and
ironically, the liberating promise of free energy as a means by which both Earth and
all humanity might be saved from certain destruction was also demonstrated for
everyone in the world to see.
And just what, then, will readers find upon buying, opening, and reading Where Did
the Towers Go? They will find an immensely informative, engaging, detailed,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

thorough, and humane portrayal of the events of 9/11. They will find the telling of a
calamitous, hideous, and horrifying story that, thanks to the clear eye and
conscientious mind (and enormous heart) of the teller, is made a testament of
homage to all those who suffered and died while at the same time remaining a
scientific and forensic descriptive analysis of what actually happened that day: That
day when directed-energy weaponry was brought to bear on the World Trade Center
buildings, destroying them completely while at the same time leaving almost no
rubble, producing no high temperatures of the kind conventionally associated with
explosives on the one hand or molten materials on the other, and leaving behind a
surreal aftermath of tumbled and overturned firetrucks, scorched cars, missing engine
blocks, hundreds of thousands of sheets of unburned office paper floating down to
rest, still unburned, amidst flames that have little or no heat of the kind that is
produced by oxidization, and an absence of the seismic shock that would be
expected from collapse at free-fall speed of buildings weighing many hundreds of
thousands of tons, including the North Tower, South Tower, World Trade Center
Seven, and other WTC buildings that underwent destruction.
In the story of 9/11 as told by Dr. Wood, everything is observed, analyzed, and
evaluated for exactly what it is, and therefore almost nothing is the way we have been
told it was. Readers will find for themselves Dr. Woods proof that the extremely
minimal amount of rubble (the hurried shipping of mass amounts of steel to China is a
falsehood and red herring) left behind after the disappearance of the towers indicates
that the vast tonnage of these enormous buildings never did reach the ground but
instead, through a process of molecular dissociation (Glossary: Molecules separate
or even repel each other), the buildings mass was turned to dust in a shorter time
than would have been required for that same mass, in solid form, to have reached
The seismic evidence, fastidiously laid out for the reader in prose, charts, graphs, and
maps, shows the same reality: Even were WTC1 and WTC2 actually to have
collapsed at free-fall speed (a speed that physics proves unattainable but thats
used by Dr. Wood for arguments sake), they would have required a minimum of ten
seconds for that process to be completed, whereas no seismic signal from weight
hitting the ground exists for more than eight seconds, while in the case of the 47-story
WTC7, which disappeared with equivalent speed, there is even less seismic
disturbance recorded, bordering on none.
Dr. Wood is a highly gifted observer of multitudinous varieties of evidence
manifestations of evidence that she looks at for what they are, not for what others
may have suggested, said, hinted, or believed they are. Here are the opening five
sentences of Dr. Woods Introduction:
On 9/11, I realized that what was being seen and heard on television was
contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics. I remember watching the
TV in the faculty conference room. The TV kept playing the same film over and over,
showing what appeared to be a building unraveling like a sweater. I had never seen a
building unravel like a sweater, and I tried to imagine what was going on that might
make it look that way. Certainly the time it took the building to go away did not make
This is the same independent, thoughtful observer who has studied literally thousands
upon thousands of images from 9/11, noticing things that others might miss entirely.
On the broad expanse of ground zero, for example, believed to have had a lake of
molten steel underneath it, Dr. Wood notices rubber hoses lying around, and puddles
of water, the hoses not melting, the water not boiling or even steaming. Workers are
seen walking around on this same expanseand they are not being cooked like
Again and again, Dr. Wood looks at images and finds in them revelatory and notable
details. In Weird Fires (Chapter 13), most of us see flaming vehicles, but Dr. Wood[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

notices, just above the fire, a tree with green leaves that are un-burnt, unaffected,
un-scorched, and unseared, another indication that this fire or these flames were
without high heat. In Toasted Cars (Chapter 11), most of us see only the dreadfully
scorched interior of an automobile, but Dr. Wood notices the un-burnt window-trim.
Or most of us see only the toasted interior of car 2723, not noticing the curious fact
of the many small circular holes that have been created in the metal floor of the car,
almost like holes caused by birdshot, but similar in shape to the curiously circular
holes in the broken window-glass of buildings across the street from WTC1 And
Time and time and time again Dr. Wood sees things for us that are right in front of
our eyes but unnoticed. Among the most moving examples of this gifted vision may
be Dr. Woods seeing more than the rest of us do in the images of jumpers from
WTC1 and WTC2 before those buildings went away. This is in the books third
chapter, called The Jumpers and sub-titled It Was Like Raining People. It opens
this way:
Among the most horrific images from 9/11 is that of The Falling Man, who came to
represent the many people who fell to their death that day. These people are often
referred to as jumpers, but did they all, in fact, jump? And if they did, why did they
do it? Once again, the question requires a closer look and examination.
Dr. Wood continues:
Looking at these images can be difficult. It was too difficult for me until I realized that
these people are communicating to us. They want us to hear them and they want
their stories told. Once I realized this, I could not look away, for I had made them a
promise to look at what they were trying to tell us. In this chapter I attempt to fulfill my
promise to them.
And fulfill that promise indeed she does. This chapter of Where Did the Towers Go?
should be reprinted in every journal, magazine, and newspaper across the country
and throughout the world, so immense is its sensitivity, so humane its sympathy, and
so extraordinary its descriptive power. Many of the jumpers, Dr. Wood observes,
seem to be trying to take off their clothes, sometimes even as they are already in
free-fall toward the street below. It may be, she suggests, that they are in a reflexive
reaction against a pain comparable to that experienced by inadvertently placing ones
hand on a hot burner. Ones response in that case is instinctive and wholly
involuntary, like peoples responses when they are hit by active denial micro-wave
weaponry, which may quite possibly have been akin to the directed energy force
those in the towers were being subjected to when they became what we now call
Dr. Wood, however, never does and never will make any conclusion regarding the
jumpers or anything else thats in excess of what the empirical evidence
simultaneously causes and allows her to make. A prominent motif in the book is the
statement that Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic, said by Dr.
Wood to have been A powerful statement by someone who has taught me well.
Certainly so. Dr. Wood makes no assertion beyond what the available evidence can
cause or allow her to makeand yet her observations about the jumpers are among
the most intensely fascinating and moving sections of a book that, throughout, will
surprise readers by its poignancy and emotional power, all the while impeccably
honoring the strictness and necessity of its scientific, forensic, empirical method.
Its not easy to close a discussion of a book as rich, broad, significant, timely, and
revelatory as Where Did the Towers Go? The range of research reflected in the book
is immense, the power of its conclusions equally so. Dr. Wood does nothing less than
show us that a source of powerpower reaped from energy already existing in the
world around us, what is called free energydoes indeed exist, has a long scientific
history, and can be used either for monumentally destructive purposes, as it was on[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

9/11, or for peaceful, non-polluting, life-enhancing and earth-preserving purposes of

the kind envisioned by one of its earliest interpreters, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).
Probably nothing has resulted in more calumny, derision, misrepresentation, and
programmatic smearing of Dr. Wood than this central element of her research. Even
the ever-dubious Wikipedia gets in on the act, declaring that in pseudoscience the
term free energy, as in the phrase free energy suppression, refers to a conspiracy
theory that advanced energy technologies are being suppressed by special interest
Every intelligent, attentive, and open-minded reader of Dr. Woods paradigmchanging book, however, will quickly discover that Wikipedia and those akin to it are
the tendentious and devious pretenders, while Dr. Wood brings to this part of her
subject the open eyes and mind, the objectivity and steadiness of view, not to
mention the courage, that mark her here as being, once again, the true, observing
One of the most commanding sections of Where Did the Towers Go? is its
seventeenth chapter, The Tesla-Hutchison Effect. The thoroughness and clarity of
that chapter, the immense detail of it, not to mention its close analysis of enormous
numbers of pieces of evidencethese characteristics, along with the historical
background that the chapter provides, make it the foundation stone for every other
part of Where Did the Towers Go?
I wont duplicate the entire argument of the Tesla-Hutchison chapter, or summarize it,
or even try to. The case is there for all who are interestedfor everyoneto see. The
observable evidence is there, examples both of the curious results achieved by the
Canadian experimenter and researcher himselfJohn Hutchison, for whom the effect
is namedand examples of the great number of parallel results that are observable
in materials left behind after the destruction of 9/11. Dr. Wood assembles and
organizes these examples, and then she guides the reader through descriptive
explanations of what her eye saw but that the readers eye may have missed: The
close detail, for example, of fissured metal, peeled beams, or materials ruptured from
the inside.
In Table 15, on page 349, Dr. Wood provides a list of Characteristics of the
Hutchison Effect and the WTC remains. I wont re-create the whole list, but, among
others, it contains the following:
Slow Bending of Metals, Shredded Metal Structures, Fractured Metal Structures,
Peeling appearance, Fusion of Dissimilar Materials, Thinning and Rapid Aging, Lift or
Disruption, Toasted-Looking Metal, Circular holes in material, Rounded Holes in
Glass, Lather, Fuming, Transmutation, Weird Fires, Melting Without Heat, Metal
Luminance Without Heat
For reasons doubtless best known to them, those who have placed themselves in
opposition to Dr. Woods research and workand now in some cases in opposition to
the unmolested public circulation of Where Did the Towers Go?have often chosen
this segment aspect of her studies as a target for smear and calumniation. John
Hutchison, perhaps because he holds no academic affiliation, has been attacked as a
quack and showman, although if such were really the case I find it curious why the
military both of Canada and the U.S. would have shown such interest in his work as
they have or why researchers would have attemptedsometimes successfullyto
repeat his experiments.
The suppression of breakthroughs in the exploration and mastery of free energy has a
long history, beginning with Nikola Tesla himself, whose transmitting tower in
Shoreham, New York, built (1901-1905) with financial support from J. P. Morgan,
was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power
without wires to any point on the globe
( The effort ended poorly.
Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

tower. . . Morgan withdrew his funds. The financiers classic comment was, If
anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter? (same source)
Near the same time as the construction of Teslas Wardenclyffe Laboratory and
transmitting tower on Long Island, George Piggott, in his own laboratory,
achieved the levitation of small silver balls (Where Did the Towers Go? p. 352),
while Edward Leedskalnin, a Latvian emigrant. . . known for his unusual
understanding of the interaction between magnetism and gravity,
single-handedly built the home he called Coral Castle, in Florida City, cutting
and moving limestone pieces weighing up to 35 tons using simple tools and a
chain hoist that could not in real terms support such a load. (Where Did the
Towers Go? .p. 352)
In 1953, another inventor and experimenter, Thomas Townsend Brown (19051985), proposed that a consortium of major universities and research institutes
join together in what was to be called Project Winterhaven, the purpose being
to continue Research on the Control of Gravitation. In exploring the electrogravitic couple, Brown had already brought about the levitation of materials in
his own experimentation, but he was convinced there was much more to be
learned about the process he had begun to control, a process that he felt
certain. . . would make possible enormous advances not only in communication
but also and more notably in propulsion. In his proposal for the project, he
It is believed by the sponsors of Project WINTERHAVEN that the technical
development of the electrogravitic reaction would usher in a new age of speed
and power and of revolutionary new methods of transportation and
communication. Theoretical considerations would predict that. . . top limits of
speed may be raised far beyond those of jet propulsion or rocket drive, with
possibilities eventually of approaching the speed of light in free space. The
motor which may be forthcoming will be essentially soundless, vibrationless
and heatless. (Where Did the Towers Go?, pp. 355-356)
It is impossible for any reader today, especially one who was also alive in 1953,
in the time of the newly-accelerating and ever-accelerating corporatizing of
America, to be surprised that so promising an exploration of a non-polluting
and renewable energy source as Project Winterhaven represented would in fact
have come to no fruition, or that Thomas Townsend Brown would have ended
his life in relative obscurity.
Oil-for-profit interests ruled and reigned in 1953, just as we all know they still
doproviding reason for scientists, writers, and researchers like Dr. Judy
Wood and John Hutchison to be maligned, sidelined, and made ignorable by
smokescreen, trickery, and deceit. And yet at the same time as the Earthrapists do all they can to kill off public awareness of free energy and to smear
and tamp down socially-conscious research into it, there are others who are
ever so eager to find out everything they can about it and to carry on secret
programs of research into it. Who? Well, the militaries of the world, for one.
And so we have the schizoid situation of seeing, on the one hand, organized
calumniation and programs of deceit aimed at figures like Dr. Judy Wood and
John Hutchison for exploring the free-energy tradition of Nikola Tesla, while, on
the other hand, we have the demonstration, on 9/11, for all the world to see, of
just exactly how horrendously destructive weaponized forms of directed freeenergy can be.
The inescapable conclusion is that those who are dictators and controllers of
the world have galloped ahead in their work of weaponizing free energy while
those seeking, in the tradition of Tesla, to explore the benefits of free energy
for humanity are ridiculed, silenced, and persecuted.
It is time to bring this piece of writing to an end. It is time for a conclusion. And[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

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I conclude that any intelligent, interested, and open-minded reader of Where Did
the Towers Go? will come away from the experience of that reading with
something of extraordinary value. Another passage from my Foreword:
Those who read Dr. Woods book fairly, openly, and thoroughly will take away
with them the gift of knowing once and for all what happened on 9/11. They will
take away the gift of knowing that they have at last been shown the truth
clearly and plainly, no matter how different this truth may be from what they
have been told for many years by supposedly higher authorities, from the
government itself on through newspapers, journalists, progressive radio
programs and commentators, even figures from the 9/11 truth movement. Dr.
Woods book will give all those who read it carefully a solid foundation for the
courage to believe not what they may have been told by one authority or
another on any level and for many years, but to believe instead what their own
minds, their own eyes, and their own reason tell them: That is, scientific truth
as revealed through close forensic study of all of the evidence that has been
left behind. As Dr. Wood says again and again, she arrives at truth through the
study of evidence. The truth is not what anyone, no matter who they are, might
say it is. To the place where the evidence leads, and to that place alonethat is
where the truth is.
Readers of Dr. Woods book will see for themselves evidence of levitation
(overturned firetrucks and automobiles, testimony from people again and again
that they were lifted up, transported thirty feet or sixty feet, then let down
again); will see for themselves evidence of the absence of heat on 9/11
(unburned paper; the EMS worker whose coat, sneakers, and hair caught on
fire as she ran but who had no injuries beyond bumps and bruises the next
morning); evidence of molecular dissociation (automobile engine blocks simply
missing); evidence of the alteration, including the liquification, of materials
without the heating of materials (writes Dr. Wood: Things that are hot glow,
but not everything that glows is hot); and evidence again and again that the
weight of the WTC buildings never did hit the ground (the reinforced cement
bathtub that ringed the below-water-level WTC complex remained almost
entirely unharmedand yet after 9/11 the mere rolling over it of heavy
machinery endangered the integrity of the cement ring, this while the
unimaginable weight of all the great towers had not harmed it).
The examples are immense in number and in impact, as readers will find.
Again, from my Foreword:
Let us make a list of the things that Dr. Wood proves in Where Did the Towers
Go?proves not just beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond any doubt
1) That the official or government explanation for the destruction of the
World Trade Center on 9/11 is, scientifically, false through and through.
2) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by heat generated from burning
jet fuel or from the conventional burning of any other substance or
3) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by mini-nuclear weaponry.
4) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by conventional explosives of
any kind, be they TNT, C4 or RDX, nor were they destroyed by welding
materials such as thermite, thermate, or nano-thermite.
5) That there was in fact no high heat at all involved either in bringing about the
destruction of the buildings or generated by the destruction of them.
And yet once more:
And now let us turn to what Dr. Wood proves beyond any reasonable doubt.
She proves that the kinds of evidence left behind after the destruction
including fires that emit no heat and have no apparent source (Weird[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Fires); glowing steel beams and molten metal, neither of them emitting high
heat; the levitation and flipping of extremely heavy objects, including
automobiles and other vehicles; patterns of scorching that cannot have been
caused by conventional fire (Toasted Cars); the sudden exploding of
objects, people, vehicles, and steel tanks; the near-complete absence of rubble
after the towers destruction, but instead the presence of entire buildings-worth
of dust, both airborne and heavier-than-air (Dustification)Dr. Wood proves
that these and other kinds of evidence cannot have been created by
conventional oxygen-fed fire, by conventional explosives, or by nuclear fission.
At the same time, however, she shows that all of them are in keeping with the
patterns and traits of directed-energy power, of force-fields directed into
interference with one another in ways following the scientific logic of Nikola
Teslas thought and experimentationand in ways also paralleling the work of
contemporary Canadian scientist and experimenter John Hutchison, who,
following Teslas lead, has for many years produced again and again and again
the Hutchison effect, creating results that include weird fires (having no
apparent fuel); the bending, splintering, or fissuring of bars and rods of heavy
metal; the coring-out, from inside, of thick metal rods; and the repeated
levitation of objects.
There are important things that I havent mentionedthe presence and bizarre
behavior of Hurricane Erin offshore in the Atlantic Ocean in the days preceding 9/11
and on the day itself (why didnt news and weather reports so much as mention the
presence of this massive, Category 3 hurricane just offshore?); the recording of
thunder at all three of the major NYC airports on 9/11, a clear-blue-skied day of
perfect weather; the presence of an enormous high-pressure cell approaching the
New York City area from the west; the dramatic fluctuations in the earths magnetic
field at key moments in the destruction of the WTC buildings, as recorded by six
Alaskan magnetometer data sites.
Dr. Woods book is of an almost indescribable importance. Her research has been
denigrated and accused as incomplete, and now her book is being denigrated and
accused as incomplete, for failure to identify (and, as Dr. Wood says, give the serial
number of) the precise, specific, exact weapon that was used on 9/11 as well as
the social security numbers of all who were involved. But as Dr. Wood writes,
Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic. I have repeated this statement
several times in this book because its importance cannot be over emphasized. In
todays culture of over simplification and standardized multiple-choice testing, many
have an impulse to name a known technology (e.g. thermite, TNT, RDX, nukes,
progressive collapse, HAARP, scalar weapons, torsion physics, Nazi Bell, etc.)
instead of looking at the evidence that the use of one technology or another has left
Some people feel they are being more scientific when they use the name of a known
technology to describe unknown phenomena, but the opposite is true. Such an
approach omits evidence that does not fit any known technology. For some people,
the term HAARP or the term scalar weapons or the term Nazi Bell is used as a
catch-all weapon that can be blamed for whatever evidence needs to be explained,
like the ultimate boogieman, and without their even knowing what these weapons
can do. Furthermore, if the full capabilities are classified information, they would not
be publicly known. And a weapon that could produce all of the effects we saw on
9/11 would certainly not be in the public domain, no matter whose weapon it was. For
these reasons, I have tried to focus on the phenomena, not on a trendy name of a
particular technology. The evidence must come before the theory. It is understanding
what the technology can do that matters, not the name of it. For these reasons, I have
resisted the impulse to name a known technology and instead have focused on the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

physical evidence. There will likely be those who will not be as successful in resisting
the impulse to put a name of a known technology on the producer of this evidence.
This naming, however, will only serve to pull a veil of mystery over it.
Clearly, we have been lied to for an entire decade in regard to the truth of 9/11. Just
as clearly, the 9/11 truth movement has revealed itself to be as much a part of the
cover-up as it is of anything else. At the same time, knowing what really did happen
on 9/11 is the only wayis the essential first steptoward any significant taking of
positions or any significant political action.
9/11 was an enormityan event greater in its importance and in the vastness of its
result than was the sinking of the Maine, than were the manipulations that brought
about Pearl Harbor, or than were the falsifications that led to the Tonkin Bay
Resolution. 9/11 was the faked attack that justified the Global War on Terror, that
justified the demonization of Islam, that justified war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq,
Somalia, and elsewhere, and that justified the reduction of the United States from a
free republic into a police state, albeit, perhaps, not yet an entirely realized one.
I wrote that Where Did the Towers Go? is a work, assuming that its content and
message are properly and fairly heeded, that offers a starting point from which those
who genuinely want to do it can begin, first, to rein in and then, perhaps, even end
the wanton criminality and destructiveness of a set of American policies that took as
their justification and starting point the horrific events of September 11, 2001.
In our world, science and politics may be inextricable from one another. Dr. Judy
Wood has shown us, scientifically, the full extent and the obscene measure of the
enormous lie that was 9/11. It is now up to all of us to study the lesson she has
offered us, since without having learned that lesson, it will not be possible to know
how to take the next steps toward the freeing of humanity from the half-visible tyranny
that now marches it toward its destruction.
Emeritus professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, Eric Larsen is
founding Publisher and Editor of The Oliver Arts & Open Press. His most recent book
is The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking at a Time of Grave Peril
Studies in the Cover-up of 9/11.
[1] Consider where weve come. Torture is legal. The stripping of habeas corpus is
legal, not just for outlanders but for citizens. With the Bushisctis change of the
Insurrection Act, and with that changes attendant weakening of Posse Comitatus
Treblinka would now be legal in America. Treblinka is now legal in America. From my
book, The Skull of Yorick, chapter 4, The Aftermath of the Great Crime of 9/11:
America Aids in the Staging of its Own Murder, page 24 (from The Oliver Arts &
Open Press).
Below is a list of some of the principal data involved with the destruction of the
World Trade Center complex that must be explained. What I find intriguing is
point 39, Hurricane Erin.
1 The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free fall
speed collapse.
2 They underwent mid-air pulverization (dustification) and were turned to dust before
they hit the ground.
3 The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin
4 The rail lines, the tunnels and most of the rail cars had only light damage, if any.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

5 The WTC underground mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Bros. Road Runner
and friends. There were reports that The Gap was looted.
6 The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the
Kingdome controlled demolition.
7 The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up.
8 The demolition of WTC7 was whisper quiet and the seismic signal was not
significantly greater than background noise.
9 The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and
did not crash to the earth.
10 The upper 90 percent, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine
dust and did not crash to the earth.
11 One file cabinet with folder dividers survived.
12 No toilets survived or even recognizable portions of one.
13 Windows of nearby buildings had circular and other odd-shaped holes in them.
14 In addition to the odd window damage, the marble facade was completely missing
from around WFC1 and WFC2 entry, with no other apparent structural damage.
15 Fuzzballs, evidence that the dust continued to break down and become finer and
16 Truckloads of dirt were hauled in and hauled out of the WTC site, a pattern that
continues to this day.
17 Fuming of the dirt pile. Fuming decreased when watered, contrary to fumes
caused by fire or heat.
18 Fuzzyblobs, a hazy cloud that appeared to be around material being destroyed.
19 The Swiss-Cheese appearance of steel beams and glass.
20 Evidence of molecular dissociation and transmutation, as demonstrated by the
near-instant rusting of affected steel.
21 Weird fires. The appearance of fire, but without evidence of heating.
22 Lack of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than
ambient temperatures. No evidence of burned bodies.
23 Columns were curled around a vertical axis like rolled-up carpets, where
overloaded buckled beams should be bent around the horizontal axis.
24 Office paper was densely spread throughout lower Manhattan, unburned, often
along side cars that appeared to be burning.
25 Vertical round holes were cut into buildings 4, 5 and 6, and into Liberty street in[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

front of Bankers Trust, and into Vesey Street in front of WTC6, plus a cylindrical arc
was cut into Bankers Trust.
26 All planes except top secret missions were ordered down until 10:31 a.m. (when
only military flights were allowed to resume), after both towers were destroyed, and
only two minutes (120 seconds) after WTC 1 had been destroyed.
27 Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were towed away, toasted in strange ways,
during the destruction of the Twin Towers.
28 The order and method of destruction of each tower minimized damage to the
bathtub and adjacent buildings.
29 More damage was done to the bathtub by earth-moving equipment during the
clean-up process than from the destruction of more than a million tons of buildings
above it.
30 Twin Tower control without damaging neighboring buildings, in fact all seriously
damaged and destroyed buildings had a WTC prefix.
31 The north wing of WTC 4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body
which virtually disappeared.
32 For more than seven years, regions in the ground under where the main body of
WTC4 stood have continued to fume.
33 The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the total mass of
the buildings.
34 The WTC7 rubble pile was too small for the total mass of the building and
consisted of a lot of mud.
35 Eyewitness testimony about toasted cars, instant disappearance of people by
unexplained waves, a plane turning into a mid-air fireball, electrical power cut off
moments before WTC 2 destruction, and the sound of explosions.
36 Eyewitness testimony of Scott-pack explosions in fire trucks and fire trucks
exploding that were parked near the WTC.
37 There were many flipped cars in the neighborhood of the WTC complex near trees
with full foliage.
38 Magnetometer readings in Alaska recorded abrupt shifts in the earths magnetic
field with each of the events at the WTC on 9/11.
39 Hurricane Erin, located just off Long Island on 9/11/01, went virtually unreported in
the days leading up to 9/11, including omission of this Hurricane on the morning
weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean was shown on the map.
40 Sillystring, the appearance of curious cork-screw trails.
41 Uncanny similarities with the Hutchison Effect, where the Hutchison Effect exhibits
all of the same phenomena listed above.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Hurricane Erin is covered in Chapter 18 (pages 395-412) of WHERE DID THE

TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood.
This is the introduction to the chapter:
It was a beautiful early-autumn morning in New York City. September 11, 2001,
started out calm, with pleasant temperatures and crystalline blue skies. Some had
taken time to do early morning errands. But very few of those people, in fact very few
among the entire population of New York City, knew that a massive hurricane was
located at that very same time just off the shore of Long Island. That storm was
Hurricane Erin, as seen in Figure 411:
Why was Hurricane Erin traveling straight for NYC from September 3rd-11th 2001,
yet it was not reported on by any major media broadcast in that area? Most people
are totally unaware that Hurricane Erin came closest to New York City and reached
its largest size on 9/11. Hurricane Erin was slightly larger than Hurricane Katrina (i.e.
Kinetic Energy as measured by Accumulated Cyclone Energy Index*), and hurricanes
rarely head straight for NYC, so why wasnt it reported on by any major corporate
media station? Furthermore, why was Hurricane Erin still not reported on when it
reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, just before it
diverted from its straight-line trajectory by suddenly turning and heading out to sea?
How were meteorologists absolutely certain that this hurricane would make a sharp
right-hand turn away from New York City? Not only is New York City near sea level,
but so is most of Long Island. Evacuation from those areas would be a mammoth
undertaking and could not be organized at a moments notice and yet the public
remained uninformed. The data shows that Erin slowed down as it approached New
York City and then remained almost stationary during the morning of 9/11.
Immediately after the World Trade Center complex was attacked, Erin began to move
away from New York City. Coincidentally, Hurricane Erin was studied more than any
other hurricane had been studied before, and more was learned from it than had
been learned from any hurricane before it.
NASA Makes A Heated 3-D Look Into Hurricane Erins Eye
Hurricane Erin raced across the North Atlantic and along the eastern seaboard
in September 2001. She was used as an experiment for a study to improve
hurricane tracking and intensity predictions, allowing meteorologists to provide
more accurate and timely warnings to the public.
The mission originated from the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Fla. The mission
united researchers from 10 universities, five NASA centers and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration. CAMEX-4 is a series of field research investigations
to study tropical cyclones storms commonly known as hurricanes.
Mission Summary Hurricane Erin
9/11 Morning Weather Reports | NYC Not Warned of Approaching Hurricane
*The accumulated cyclone energy index (ACE) for Hurricane Erin was HIGHER than
the ACE index for Hurricane Katrina. This subject is covered in Chapter 18, section E,
page 405 of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is a measure used by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to express the activity of individual tropical
cyclones and entire tropical cyclone seasons, particularly the North Atlantic hurricane
season. It uses an approximation of the energy used by a tropical system over its
lifetime and is calculated every six-hour period. Kinetic energy is proportional to the
square of velocity, and by adding together the energy per some interval of time, the
accumulated energy is found. As the duration of a storm increases, more values are
summed and the ACE also increases such that longer-duration storms may
accumulate a larger ACE than more-powerful storms of lesser duration.
To buy bulk volumes of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? send an email to:
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged cult, debunked, disinfo, Dr. Judy Wood, exposed, gatekeeper, propaganda,

Open Letter to Pete Santilli: Shove It Up

Posted on January 21, 2013

Here is a post from Pete on Jim Fetzers review of Judy Woods book:
Peter Santilli says:
Who do you work for? Obviously you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer,
because you are very unaware of your surroundings. You should be petrified of what I
am about to expose about Fetzers treason against the USA.
If you call me a fraud, you will need to back it up with evidence..quit treating me like
your hap-hazard, bogus 9-11 investigation. I will hold you accountable for evidence
youre spewing about me as I will on your 9-11 fraud.
I heard you & jabba-the-hut claimed I am not a certified crime scene investigator. If I
wanted to waste my time to counter every inaccurate statement about me, I would
make you both look as incompetent in your investigation of my background as you
are with presenting 9-11 evidence. NO WONDER WHY YOU HAVE ME ON YOUR
ARSES. You guys are a mess when it comes to presenting facts, and just because
you lie with a smooth tone & confidence, it doesnt make you credible as a con-artist.
The burden of proof is on you. I am focused on EVIDENCE on 9-11, as well as
EVIDENCE about James Fetzer (Jabba the hut). You and Jabba focus on
attacking.except you picked the wrong person to attack. Of all the inaccuracies you
have presented to the public, I would give you & Fetzer 1 trillion dollars for every[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

negative; PSY-OP style statement about my background. You guys are about as far
off the mark on my background as you are on 9-11 evidence. Tell Fetzer, if my
background was able to withstand Coca-Colas background check by their HUGE
legal team (Im absolutely untouchableCLEAN) his attacks are a piece of cake. I
prosecuted as the lead plaintiff & former executive for Coca-Cola a $200 million class
action lawsuit.tell him Im about to spend every dime of my confidential settlement
to make sure he goes to a concentration camp in shackles; if he doesnt die of a
stroke from the pressure of his outting.
When you attack me, I laugh. I will respond to your attacks in a way that will make
you wish you knew that I am the one person you never should have messed with.
Tell Fetzer I was informed that he said I was FiRED from Cokeand no; I was not a
driver (Same style fact finding with my background as his 9-11 fraud, but confident
delivery doesnt cover up the lies; especially when I am on his arse).I was fired
because I refused to take their hush money when I discovered they were stealing
EMPLOYEES. They fired me, and guess whatthey are STILL paying out to this
day. They absolutely regret ever messing with me, because when I set my sites on
the big fat prize: exposing truth: I can never be stopped. Unlike all of Fetzers
fraudulent 911 assertions, all of these facts are on the public record in the court
My goal is to make sure you all have the same regret that Coke did. and BTW
spend your time elsewhere if you want to find anything factual about me or the Coke
case.they spent MILLIONS scrubbing; covering up their deeds and settling with me.
Nothing is in the public domain, but I will say this:
Dont make the same mistake Coke did & when you start believing your lies; thats
when I have you. This thread is something you should use as confirmation of
everything I have been saying.and this thread is the beginning of one of the most
horrifying experiences in your entire life if you chose to continue in my path..make
the right choice, because this will be the moment you look back upon to say DANG, I
should have backed off when I had the chance
If you want to be so creative in making stuff up about 9-11 & my background, use
some creativity & ~pretend~ that you know what I am about to do on behalf of the
American publicjust pretend and spare yourself the agony of making the wrong
choice (as Coca-Cola did)
Heres what I did with them. First I told them about truck of truth; then I showed
them the truck of truth; then I told them they were about to get run over by The truck
of truthits part of my ethical code of conductthey ignored my ethical standards
& thought I was bluffing. I finally GAVE them The truck of truth, and brought them to
their knees & they are regretting their fatal business error to this day.
Fetzer and Fox: a means of Telling you about the truck of truth. is your final warning:
What I am about to do will bring you to your 9-11/PSY-OP knees, and the truck of
truth cannot be stopped if you tried.
Obviously Mr. Santilli has a greatly exaggerated opinion of himself. He barely knows
the first thing about 9/11 and can hardly carry on an intelligent conversation on the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

subject. I could care less about his dealings with Coke or the rest of his background.
Hes on my radar because he is the newest addition to the Judy Wood cult. Judy
Wood is a known 9/11 disinfo agent. She denies that nukes were used to destroy the
WTC buildings. She stands in front of a video of the North Tower being nuked and a
mushroom cloud rising and tries to convince everyone that the building is turning into
dust as the result of directed free-energy technology. Judy Wood has no credibility
to discuss the destruction of the WTC buildings. Pete Santilli has even less credibility
than Judy Wood if that is possible.
Pete you have no truck of truth. There is no truth in you. You are an obnoxious
attack dog blowhard shilling for Judy Wood. It wont take long for your audience to
figure out youre a complete fraud and a shill. In fact Hatrick Penry has already
exposed you:
Were not intimidated by your bully tactics or lunatic Judy Wood cult BS. Shove it up
your ass!

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, debunked, Dr. Judy Wood, exposed, fraud, gatekeeper, Pete Santilli,

Dr. Judy Wood: 9/11

Posted on January 20, 2013

Abstract: Dr. Judy Woodsteadfastly denies thatbombs were used in the destruction
of the WTC buildings. Indeed Wood attempts to eliminate ALL of the
prominenttheories of the WTC destruction including nuclear bombs, nanothermite
and controlled demolition.While she claims not to have a theory she clearly attempts
to persuade readers that directed free-energy technologywas used to destroy the
WTC buildings.After closely examining what shesays in interviews and presentations
and what she writes it has become clear that she is a 9/11 gatekeeper. I dont have a
paystub with her name on it from Langley to confirm this, but it is still reasonable to
conclude that, if Judy Wood is not an operative or a shill, she acts as if she were
one. If she is not getting a paycheck from Langley, she should be!
And, as Jim Fetzer and I have previously observed, Wood and her followers have the
characteristics that define a pseudo-scientific cult that claims to possess
privileged knowledge of 9/11, where they treat her book as though it were a
sacred text and refuse to engage in an open, scientific exchange about its
merits, which has become all too apparent from the discussion thread of the
Fetzer review on
For the record here is her bio from the script thather cultworks from: Dr. Judy Wood
earned a Ph.D. Degree from Virginia Tech and is a former professor of mechanical
engineering. She has research expertise in experimental stress analysis, structural
mechanics, deformation analysis, materials characterization and materials[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

engineering science. Her research has involved testing materials, including complexmaterial systems, in the area of photomechanics, or the use of optical and imageanalysis methods to determine physical properties of materials and measure how
materials respond to forces placed on them. Her area of expertise involves
Whatever Judy Wood is, she isNOT a 9/11 Truther. She makes that clear. As their
script says The truth does not depend on who supports it. Truth is not a club or a
matter of opinion or belief. Neither is truth a political or economic objective. Truth
doesnt have sides. The truth is singular and the truth is unifying. By reading Dr.
Woods research and collection of evidence as compiled in her textbook the truth is
known, so there is no need to Re-investigate 9/11. If you want unity, then seek
the truth by reading her textbook.
On January 5th, 2013 Pete Santilli interviewed Jim Fetzer about the events of 9/11. It
appears that Santilli was trying to work himself into a lather and confront Fetzer about
his suppressing Judy Woods evidence. Although what Judy Wood presents in her
book Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on
9/11 cannot be classified as evidence.
As Ben Collet so adroitly points out in the discussion thread of Fetzers review of
Woods book on In fact nothing in Dr. Woods book is evidence. They
are facts, but they are not evidence. As Dr. Fetzer explained, facts are only evidence
if they contribute to showing the truth or falsity of a theory or hypothesis. Since Dr.
Wood says she has no theory or hypothesis, therefore, by definition, she has no
evidence. So either stop claiming the book contains evidence, or else tell us what
definition of the word evidence you are using because its not the one used by
everyone else.
Hurricane Erin: Irrelevant to the Events of 9/11
The first item on Santillis script was hurricane Erin. However Wood never explains to
us how Erin is relevant to the events of 9/11.
On Andrew Johnson states: One of the most striking pieces of the
data presented is that from a set of magnetometers monitored by the University of
Alaska. Several instruments show significant deviations from background or
normal readings as the events of 9/11 were unfolding. A further selection of this
data is presented in relation to variations during the hurricane seasons of 2001, 2004
and 2005. A later part of the study examines some of the data relating to patterns of
earthquakes in 2008 and possibly associated unusual weather patterns, which may
be related to secret or partially disclosed environmental modification technology (such
as HAARP). However, the study does not establish any clear links between
HAARP and the events in New York on 9/11.
The National Hurricane Centers website states: A few hours later, the eye of the
hurricane passed within about 90 n mi east-northeast of Bermuda, which was Erins
point of closest approach to the island. After brushing Bermuda, the hurricane
continued to move mainly toward the north-northwest. On 10 September, Erin began
to weaken, however the weakening was slower than usual over the ensuing days, due
in part to slightly warmer than normal waters over the western subtropical Atlantic. A
series of short-wave troughs weakened the western portion of the Atlantic subtropical
ridge. This caused the motion of the hurricane to turn toward the right, with a
decrease in forward speed, on the 11th. Erins heading veered toward the east-[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

northeast and east on the 12th. Then, a broad, amplifying mid- to upper-level trough
over eastern Canada accelerated Erin toward the northeast. The center passed just
east of Cape Race, Newfoundland at 0000 UTC, while the system was weakening to
just below hurricane strength. Then, Erin lost its tropical characteristics. The
extratropical storm accelerated north-northeastward and passed over southern
Greenland on 16 September, and merged with high-latitude cyclonic flow over
eastern Greenland on the 17th. There were no reports of damage or casualties
associated with Erin.
From the Weatherwise Magazine website: Several hundred miles out in the Atlantic,
Hurricane Erinthe first Atlantic hurricane of the 2001 seasonwas weakening as it
began to turn toward the north-northeast, away from the East Coast. Though it posed
no threat to land, Erin had been producing large swells along local beaches and was
one of the main headlines early that morning. In fact, The New York Times weather
report on September 11 included a special Focus write-up on what it called
Hurricane Day, explaining how in 9 out of 10 years since 1886, at least one
tropical storm or hurricane has raged in the Atlantic on Sept. 11.
For those heading to an airport, the 9/11 Commission report stated, weather
conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey. The 8:51 a.m.
temperature reading was 68F at Central Park, 72F at La Guardia, and 73F at both
JFK and Newark Airports.
Erin caused no precipitation let alone physical damage to New York. Erin WAS
reported in the New York Times weather section so it was NOT ignored in the media.
A hurricanespinning out inthe Atlantic happens 9 out of 10 years on September 11
so this was routine and hardly worthy of front page headlines. Wood fails to
demonstrate HOW the hurricane was used to demolish the WTC buildings. The
material on Woods website certainly is intended to lead a reader to believe that the
hurricane played some role in the events of 9/11 but they DO NOT attempted to
explain what that role is. How can we be accused of covering up evidence they dont
even present? One can conclude that they are using the hurricane as a distraction
from what really happened to the WTC buildings.
Evidence for Mini-Nukes: Proof of Fission at the WTC
If the Hurricane didnt have anything to do with the destruction of the WTC buildings
then what did? Two government reports and a government IT article shed
considerable light on this matter. First we will look at the dust and girder coating
samples analyzed in the US Geological Survey report Environmental Studies of the
World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack (Open-File Report 010429). Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson never make an attempt to explain the data in
this report.
Jeff Prager has done extensive work with this data and we will use his analysis to
help us understand the findings of this report. Jeff states: It is critical to remember
that we follow over a dozen elements across just as many locations and these
elements must be viewed as they interact together, not as separate elements. The
elements were about to examine work together, as we should expect. Thus, one
might expect to see the presence of uranium refuted. One might expect to see the
presence of strontium or other elements refuted individually. Yet when the elements
are studied together as they increase and decrease predictably across a dozen
locations the outcome is clear. Fission occurred in NYC on 911.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

People might argue that strontium and barium could be found in building debris and
they would be correct however strontium and barium could never, under any
circumstances, be found as building debris constituents in a demolition in these
quantities. The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they never drop below
700ppm for Strontium and they reach over 3000ppm for both of them at WTC01-16,
Broadway and John Streets. The Coefficient of Correlation between the concentration
of Barium and Strontium at the outdoor and indoor sampling locations is 0.99 to 2
decimal places (0.9897 to 4 decimal places). So we have a Correlation Coefficient
between the concentration of Barium and the concentration of Strontium of 0.9897, or
near perfect.
The maximum Correlation Coefficient that is mathematically possible is 1.0 and this
would mean we have a perfect match between the two factors were examining and
the data points would lie on a straight line with no variation between them. To obtain
a Correlation Coefficient of 0.9897 with this number of measurements (14) around
Lower Manhattan is very, very significant indeed.
What this means is that we can say that theres a 99% correlation in the variation in
the concentration between these two elements. They vary in lockstep; they vary
together. When one element varies so does the other. We can state with absolute
mathematical certainty that any change in the concentration of one of these
elements, either the Barium or Strontium, is matched by the same change in the
concentration of the other. Whatever process gave rise to the presence of either the
Barium or the Strontium must have also produced the other as well. Fission is the
only process that explains this.
The graph of Thorium versus Lithium including the Girder Coatings has exactly the
same form as the graph showing Thorium versus Uranium, also including the Girder
Coatings. Without the two Girder Coatings the correlation of Thorium to Lithium in the
dust is completely linear. We therefore have compelling evidence that this fission
pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium
into Lithium, has indeed taken place.
It is out of the question that all of these correlations which are the signature of a
nuclear explosion could have occurred by chance. This is impossible. The presence
of rare Trace elements such as Cerium, Yttrium and Lanthanum is enough to raise
eyebrows in themselves, let alone in quantities of 50ppm to well over 100ppm. When
the quantities then vary widely from place to place but still correlate with each other
according to the relationships expected from nuclear fission, it is beyond ALL doubt
that the variations in concentration are due to that same common process of nuclear
fission. When we also find Barium and Strontium present, in absolutely astronomical
concentrations of over 400ppm to over 3000ppm, varying from place to place but
varying in lockstep and according to known nuclear relationships, the implications are
of the utmost seriousness. Fission occurred in NYC on 911.
Ground Zero Temperatures Elevated for Six Months after 9/11
An article on the Government Computer News website Handheld app eased recovery
tasks by Trudy Walsh September 09, 2002 states Not only was this laborious for the
firefighters, but the working conditions were hellish, said Greg Fuchek, vice president
of sales for LinksPoint Inc. of Norwalk, Conn. For six months after Sept. 11, the
ground temperature varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees,
sometimes higher.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the
wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel, Fuchek said.
What fire can burn underground for six months? The only process that can explain
this is fission. The temperatures stayed elevated until hundreds of dump truck loads
of dirt had come and gone from Ground Zero and removed the nuclear material.
Proof of Fusion at the WTC
The next report we will look at is from the U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (2002) Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade
Center (UCRL-JC-150445). Tritium is an extremely rare hydrogen isotope. Hydrogen3 or 3H is known as tritium and contains one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus.
It is radioactive, decaying into helium-3 through decay with a half-life of 12.32
years. Small amounts of tritium occur naturally because of the interaction of cosmic
rays with atmospheric gases. Tritium has also been released during nuclear weapons
tests. It is used in thermonuclear fusion weapons, as a tracer in isotope geochemistry,
and specialized in self-powered lighting devices. The most common method of
producing tritium is by bombarding a natural isotope of lithium, lithium-6, with
neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The presence of tritium in large quantities is a telltale
sign of a hydrogen bomb.
It is vitally important to correctly interpret the data in the DOE report. So to help us
make sense of the DOE data Ed Ward breaks down what is meant by traces of
tritium in the basement of WTC 6:
1. Trace definition as it applies to quantity: Occurring in extremely small amounts or
in quantities less than a standard limit (In the case of tritium, this standard level would
be 20 TUs the high of quoted standard background levels.)
2. The stated values of tritium from the DOE report Study of Traces of Tritium at the
World Trade Center. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01,
contained 0.1640.074 (2) nCi/L (164 pCi/L +/- 74 pCi/L takes 1,000 trillionths to =
1 billionth) of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of
WTC Building 6, contained 3.530.17 and 2.830.15 nCi/L ( 3,530.0 pCi/L +/- 170
pCi/L and 2,830 pCi/L +/- 150 pCi/L), respectively. Pico to Nano converter Nano to Pico
3. 1 TU = 3.231 pCi/L (trillionths per liter) or 0.003231 nCi/L (billionths per liter) (My original TU calculations
came out to 3.19 pCi/L, but I will gladly accept these referenced minimally higher
4. In 2001 normal background levels of Tritium are supposedly around 20 TUs (prior
to nuclear testing in the 60s, normal background tritium water levels were 5 to 10
TUs However, groundwater
studies show a significantly less water concentration: Groundwater age estimation
using tritium only provides semi-quantitative, ball park values: <0.8 TU indicates
sub modern water (prior to 1950s) 0.8 to 4 TU indicates a mix of sub modern and
modern water 5 to 15 TU indicates modern water (< 5 to 10 years) 15 to 30 TU
indicates some bomb tritium But,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

instead of 5 to 15 TU (which would make the increase in background levels even

higher), I will use 20 TUs as the 2001 environmental level to give all possible
credibility to the lie of Traces.
5. Lets calculate the proven referenced facts. Tritium level confirmed in the DOE
report of traces of tritium = 3,530 pCi/L (+/- 170 pCi/L, but we will use the mean of
3,530 pCi/L). 3,530 pCi/L (the referenced lab value) divided by the background level
of 20TUs (20 X 3.231 p (1 TU = 3.21 pCi/L) = 64.62 pCi/L as the high normal
background/standard level. 3,530 divided by 64.62 pCi/L = 54.63 TIMES THE
NORMAL BACKGROUND LEVEL. 3,530 pCi/L divided by 3.231 pCi/L (1 TU) =
1,092.54 TUs.
6. This is my fave because lies tend to eat their young. Muon physicist Steven Jones
calls 1,000 TUs The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted tritium
levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Ref.: Yet,
calls the EXACT SAME LEVELS quoted in nCi/L as Traces and These results are
well below the levels of concern to human exposure.
Interesting isnt it.
7. Thomas M. Semkowa, Ronald S. Hafnerc, Pravin P. Parekha, Gordon J.
Wozniakd, Douglas K. Hainesa, Liaquat Husaina, Robert L. Rabune. Philip G.
Williams and Steven Jones have all called over 1,000 TUs of Tritium, Traces. Even
at the height of nuclear bomb testing 98% after thousands of Megatons of nuclear
testing of the rainwater tests were 2,000 TUs or less.
8. It is also important to note that the tritium present was diluted by at least some
portion of 1 million liters of water accounting for BILLIONS of TUs.
Ed Wards Breakdown of the WTC Rain and Fire Hose Water, 4 Million Gallons of
WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx.)
WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million liters deposits in
WTC 6 in its 40 ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter) crater.
WTC 6 was hot see thermal images 2nd article on WTC Nukes.
Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas.
There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but
lets be generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of
Tritium Units estimate).
8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million
liters per acre.
Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter)[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION
TUs JUST IN WTC 6 (no other places were checked.)
This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the
bathtub and the drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.12 BILLION TUs.
This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the
atmosphere and gets massive dispersal.
Conclusions on Tritium
Tritium levels in the basement of WTC 6 were still 55 times greater than background
11 days after 9/11 and a million liters of rain and firehouse water had diluted the
samples. Had the samples been collected before it rained twice and the fireman
sprayed all of the water they could have potentially been above 6.12 billion TUs.
That level would be equivalent to a leaking nuclear power plant (hot fusion). Wood
offers no explanation for where the tritium came from.She has a graph in her
bookthat shows the tritium levels were below EPA limits. Wood fails to explain HOW
the tritium got there if not for nuclear bombs.
Synopsys of the WTC Mini-Nuke Theory
The basic tenants of the mini-nuke theory are that there were mini-nukes placed in
the basements of the Twin Towers and buildings 6 and 7. There were also a series of
mini-nukes placed in the core columns of the Twin Towers. The mini-nukes in WTC1
and 2 were configured to detonate from top to bottom to simulate a free fall collapse
and to explode upward. This explains what is observed: a series of massive
underground explosions precede the destruction of each tower, the buildings are
destroyed from the top to bottom and the inside out and debris is ejected upward and
outward. 90% of the debris from the Twin Towers destruction lands outside of the
buildings footprint, destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance, 1/3
of the towers are completely vaporized, pyroclastic flow made up of a fine powder of
gypsum, cement and steel covers Lower Manhattan.
Stairwell B
The Wood cult promotes the story of the North Tower survivors as proof nukes were
not used. From the website: Sixteen people survived inside the collapse
of the World Trade Center, and they were all in Stairwell B of the North Tower, in the
center of the building. The survivors were spread out between floors 22 and 1. A step
or two slower meant death, but so, too, did a step or two faster. Captain Jay Jonas
and five of his firefighters from Ladder Six, based in Chinatown, had been on the 27th
floor of the North Tower when they heard a rumble, felt the staircase sway, watched
as the lights flickered off and on. A captain from another company let Jonas know the
cause of the disturbance: The South Tower had just collapsed.
Im pulling the plug, Jonas said, and gave the order to evacuate. He didnt tell his
men why; they didnt know that the South Tower was gone. For me, that was the
scariest point, said Jonas. Im thinking, were not going to make it out.
September 11 overran the usual defenses. Jonas and his men, finally freed from their
stairwell, looked around at fires and flattened buildings. They thought they were[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

witnessing a nuclear attack. We usually show up at a chaotic situation, we make it

better and we go home, almost every time, says Jonas. In the World Trade Center
that really didnt happen. Well-disciplined emotions were suddenly impossible to

Wood denies that the buildings exploded. She believes that they somehow just
turned to dust in a process known as dustification. This is patently absurd. The
buildings clearly exploded. Below is a YouTube video of a Wood presentation.At 2:00
of the presentationshe showsthe North Tower EXPLODING and a mushroom cloud
rising. And she denies nukes:

The buildings DID NOT TURN TO DUST IN PLACE! Indeed a 300 ton chunk of the
North Tower was ejected 600 + feet into the Winter Garden:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The FEMA debris pattern map demonstrates that the buildings exploded. 90% of the
debris landed outside of the buildings footprint:

Underground explosions precede the destruction of each Tower:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The Judy Wood bottom line: no explosives, no nukes, no thermite and no need to reinvestigate 9/11 because she has already done the investigation. If that isnt a
gatekeeper then what is?
At the WTC the dust and water samples tell the true story of what happened: 9/11
was a nuclear event. There is a reason its called Ground Zero folks. The time has
come to recognize Judy Wood for what she is: a disinfo agent. She is there merelyto
confuse and obfuscate. Her group is not interested in free and open debate. They
dont spend any time going after the folks who brought you 9/11. All of their time is
spent plugging her book and attacking other researchers. Her purpose is to crush the
9/11 Truth Movement.
To that end they have brought in Pete Santillito betheir new attack dog.Neophyte
Petegoes after veteran 9/11 researcherswith religious zeal. You can see why he fits
right in toWoods cult.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Judy Wood has done enough damage to the 9/11 research community.
If you reallywant to learn what happened on 9/11 get past the gatekeepers and go
read the presentations of Jeff Prager,Jim Fetzer, Nick Kollerstrom, Barbara
Honegger andChuck Boldwyn here on my blog. Go read Dr. Ed Wards blog. Read
the Anonymous Physicists blog and the Finnish Military Expert. And while youre at it
watch 9/11 Eyewitness:

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged debunked, Dr. Judy Wood, fraud, gatekeeper, mini-nukes, Pete Santilli,
professor jim fetzer, shill, where did the towers go?, World Trade Center, wtc

2012 in review
Posted on January 1, 2013

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this

Heres an excerpt:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about
11,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt.
Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 18 years to get that
many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Posted in Uncategorized

Saturday Night Special: Vikings vs.

Packers NFC Wild CardGame
Posted on January 1, 2013

The Minnesota Vikings travel to the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field Saturday night
to take on the Green Packers in what should be a wild Wild Card matchup. The
Vikings have somehow managed to cobble together a four game win streak and
make it into the NFLs post season tournament. The last win came Sunday at the
Dome against the Packers in a shootout 37-34. Aaron Rodgers has pretty much
owned the Vikings throwing for 2,840 yards on 70% passing with 24 touchdowns and
only four interceptions (116.4 passer rating). He got his again Sunday throwing for
365 yards and four touchdowns but came up short as the Purple hung on to win.
Conventional wisdom says that in order to win in todays NFL you need a stud
quarterback and complex passing attack. Indeed the Packers used that formula to
win Super Bowl XLV two years ago. However the Vikings base their Neanderthal
offense around future Hall of Fame RB Adrian Peterson. Running behind a fullback
out of the I formation Peterson has rushed for 2,097 yards after tearing two knee
ligaments a mere 373 days ago in a meaningless game against the Redskins. The
Vikings rarely try to fool anyone. They just line up and knock you on your ass.
Everyone knows whats coming but they still cant stop it.
Peterson gouged the Packers for 199 yards on Sunday. Peterson runs hard and with
authority. Sure he can make people miss but hes not afraid to put his head down and
run someone over either. He wears down and demoralizes defenses. A prime
example of that was a 28 yard run on second and 27 last Sunday against the Pack.
For 99% of the teams in the NFL that is a passing situation. Not for the Vikings.
Peterson can break a big run at any time.
The Vikings fortunes turned for the better this year when offensive coordinator Bill
Musgrave shrunk the playbook and simplified things for second year QB Christian
Ponder. Most coaches think that they have to fool the other teams coaches in order
to win. Musgrave has refreshingly simplified things and let the players play. The
Vikings have some very talented players on offense but aside from Peterson most of
them are offensive lineman. Center John Sullivan should be starting in the Pro Bowl.
Tackles Matt Kalil and Phil Loadholt had great years especially run blocking. FB
Jerome Felton is starting in the Pro Bowl. Felton is an excellent blocker. He buries
linebackers and paves the way for Petersons big runs. The WR corps may be the
worst in the NFL but they CAN make some plays here and there as evidenced by
Jarius Wrights 65 yard catch and run last Sunday.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Watching the Vikings may give you flashbacks to 1966 but winning supersedes style
points. Musgrave has come up with a formula for winning: give the ball to Peterson,
make a few plays down the field and dont turn it over. As long as Ponder doesnt
throw interceptions the Vikings are very difficult to beat.
Since 2002 the Packers are an underwhelming 2-4 in playoff games at Lambeau
Field. In fact the Vikings won the last time they faced the Packers at Lambeau in the
playoffs 31-17 after the 2004 season. Coming off a big win at home the Vikings are
confident and not all intimidated by the Packers and their home crowd. Let all of the
Hype begin and look for the Purple to come out with a hard fought 31-27 win. SKOL

Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL | Tagged Aaron Rodgers, Adrian Peterson, Green Bay Packers,
Lambeau Field, NFL Playoffs

Windows 8 and Office 2013

Posted on December 25, 2012

OK I took the plunge on Christmas Eve and wiped out my venerable Desktop PC that
was running Windows 7 and Office 2007 for the last 3+ years and installed Windows
8 and Office 2013. This environment is a VAST departure from what I was used to.
Gone is the Aero Glass UI (user interface) from Vista and Windows 7 and in its place
we have two UIs that dont really add up to what was there before. The User Interface
Team at Microsoft describes Aero as dated and cheesy now. The Desktop in
Windows 8 is clearly there for backwards compatibility only. The main UI that was
formerly called Metro is now referred to as the Modern UI or just the Windows 8
UI. This is certainly the largest overhaul of Windows since Windows 95.
Microsoft has seen the future and the future is mobile computing. Its all about battery
life now. You complained about battery life and someone listened. Unfortunately they
have sacrificed the Desktop computing experience for extending the battery life on
laptops, tablets and smartphones. The realization of this hits you right off the bat. The
first thing you need to do after installing Windows 8 is change the power options
otherwise your machine will go to sleep after 20 minutes and your hard drive will also
stop after 20 minutes. Change that to Never Go to Sleep and put a 0 in there for Turn
Off Hard Disk. The easiest way to do this is to hit the Windows+X then click Power
By now you have all heard about the Start Button being removed from Windows 8. I
have questioned the wisdom of that move since I first heard about it last Spring. Why
fix something that wasnt broken? Well there is no need for a Start Button on mobile
devices and if you use a Desktop to get work done you are living in the past. Time to
get with it.
There is a power button in Windows 8 but even after digging around to find it I still
have difficulty getting Windows 8 to shut down. My main Desktop is in my room and I
shut it off at night. But after shutting it off last night I woke up a few hours later and
the damn thing was on again. The best bet for REALLY shutting down Windows 8 is[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

to do it from the command line: shutdown s t 10. That will shut it down in 10
seconds. You can get to the command line by hitting Windows+X then click
Command Prompt (Admin). You better learn your keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8
so here is a cheat sheet:
Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8
Windows key + Q: Search. This opens the search charm, set to whichever app youre
currently using. You can quickly switch to a files search with Windows + F, or settings
with Windows + W.
Windows + R: Run command
Windows + C: Open the Charms bar
Windows + H: Share charm
Windows + I: Settings charm
Windows + Z: Displays the app bar. This gives contextual options in each app.
Windows + X: opens the admin menu, which appears where the Start menu used to
Windows + D: Shows the traditional desktop. Press again to minimize all desktop
Windows + L: Locks your computer and displays the Lock screen.
From the Start screen press Windows + I>Tiles then move the slider over to have
your Admin Tools show on the Start screen.
Alt+F4: Close current app. Also, you can use your mouse to click at the top of an app
and drag it to the bottom of the screen.
Having said all of this the big question here is WHY??!!? Why not have a separate
OS for Desktops and mobile devices? Sure I have an Android smartphone and its
OK but you cant get any WORK done on it. Even composing a short email on the
damn thing is a pain in the ass. The Android is good for checking the stats on my blog
and Facebook thats about it. I guess it works for the occasional phone call as well.
If you havent seen Office 2013 yetyou are really in for a surprise. The new version
of Officeis (you guessed it) optimized for the mobile computing experience. The new
UI is decidedly minimalist even Spartan. Generic may be a better term. The default
background is completely White. It is hard to compose emails and such staring at that
background. You can change the way Office looks but not much. In Outlook click on
File>Options then you can choose an Office Background and an Office Theme. There
are only three Themes to choose from: White, Light Gray and Dark Gray. Choose the
Dark Gray and be done with it.
There is no need to install Microsoft Security Essentials with Windows 8. Windows
Defender comes as part of the OS and has all of the functionality that MS Security
Essentials had. There is also no need to install Flash Player as it is part of the OS as
well. One minor annoyance I have is that the Gadgets from Vista and 7 no longer[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

work. You can download the 8Gadgetpack and reinstall your Gadgets. Microsoft did
away with the official Gadget Repository so if you have Gadgets you want to keep
back them up before upgrading or installing Windows 8. Under the hood Windows 8
now has Hyper-V so if you run virtual machines like I do that is a big plus.
Internet Explorer 10 is pretty much the same in Desktop mode as IE9. I dont bother
much using the Metro or Modern mode of IE. looks kind of cool with all
of the tiles but not many websites are optimized for IE10 yet.
The Bottom Line is that Microsoft now considers Desktop Users second class
citizens. Your Desktop environment is only there until you can get with the times. I
find this attitude from Redmond a little obnoxious. After all were the folks that made
MS the behemoth that it is today. There was a management shakeup after Windows
8 was released so well if this attitude changes in the future.
Having said all of this you can still do pretty much everything you used to do with
Win7. You just have to be a little creative to get things done. I find myself using the
Run command and the Command Prompt more than before but thats not a deal
Here are some useful links:

Paul Thurrotts Supersite for Windows:

PC Advisors Windows 8 Review:
Windows 8 Keyboard & Mouse Survival Guide

Posted in Technology | Tagged computer, keyboard shortcuts, Office 2013, Windows 8

Jim Fetzer Radio Appearance 12/22/12:

Traces of Tritium at theWTC
Posted on December 22, 2012

What is Nuclear Fusion?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting
Nuclear fusion is a process during which light atoms fuse to form heavier ones.
During the fusion of elements with low atomic numbers substantial amounts of energy
are released.
In 1939 Hans A. Bethe of Germany was the first to theorize about nuclear fusion.
Bethe suggested that much of the energy output of the Sun and other stars results
from reactions in which four hydrogen nuclei unite, form one helium nucleus while
releasing a large amount of energy.
Later research proved that fusion reactions can indeed occur only at many millions of
degrees Kelvin when the electrostatic forces of repulsion that result from the presence
of positive electric charges in both nuclei can be overcome so that the nuclear forces
of attraction can perform a fusion. Such high temperatures, however, do only occur in
suns or in uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions (atomic bombs).
During the early 1950s American researchers produced the first human made nuclear
fusion reaction by infusing a mixture of the heavy hydrogen isotopes deuterium and
tritium into the fission reaction of an atomic bomb. Thus they had created the
hydrogen bomb an atomic bomb with enhanced destructive potential.
Scientists have sought practical methods to harness the process nuclear fusion. If
one could devise a safe and controlled procedure, nuclear fusion would provide a
relatively inexpensive alternative energy source for electric-power generation and
thereby become an alternative to the worlds dwindling supply of natural energy
resources. If successful, controlled fusion could also replace nuclear fission as an
energy source. Deuterium, the primary fuel for a fusion-power system, is far more
abundant and cheaper than any of the materials required for fission reactions, since it
can be extracted from ordinary water. Even at the beginning of the 21st century many
experts doubt that controlled fusion will be achieved in the near future because of
various technical difficulties.
Definition of the Neutron Bomb
Also called ENHANCED RADIATION WARHEAD, specialized type of small
thermonuclear weapon that produces minimal blast and heat but which releases large
amounts of lethal radiation. The neutron bomb delivers blast and heat effects that are
confined to an area of only a few hundred yards in radius. But within a somewhat
larger area it throws off a massive wave of neutron and gamma radiation, which can
penetrate armor or several feet of earth. This radiation is extremely destructive to
living tissue. Because of its short-range destructiveness and the absence of longrange effect, the neutron bomb would be highly effective against tank and infantry
formations on the battlefield but would not endanger cities or other population centers
only a few miles away. It can be carried in a Lance missile or delivered by an 8-inch
(200-millimetre) howitzer, or possibly by attack aircraft. In strategic terms, the neutron
bomb has a theoretical deterrent effect: discouraging an armored ground assault by
arousing the fear of neutron bomb counterattack. The bomb would disable enemy
tank crews in minutes, and those exposed would die within days. U.S. production of[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

the bomb was postponed in 1978 and resumed in 1981.

Hydrogen-2 (deuterium)
The other stable hydrogen isotope, is known as deuterium and contains one proton
and one neutron in its nucleus. Deuterium comprises 0.0026 0.0184% (by
population, not by mass) of hydrogen samples on Earth, with the lower number
tending to be found in samples of hydrogen gas and the higher enrichments (0.015%
or 150 ppm) typical of ocean water. Deuterium is not radioactive, and does not
represent a significant toxicity hazard. Water enriched in molecules that include
deuterium instead of normal hydrogen is called heavy water. Deuterium and its
compounds are used as a non-radioactive label in chemical experiments and in
solvents for 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Heavy water is used as a neutron moderator and
coolant for nuclear reactors. Deuterium is also a potential fuel for commercial nuclear
Hydrogen-3 (tritium)
3H is known as tritium and contains one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus. It is
radioactive, decaying into helium-3 through decay with a half-life of 12.32 years.
Small amounts of tritium occur naturally because of the interaction of cosmic rays with
atmospheric gases. Tritium has also been released during nuclear weapons tests. It
is used in thermonuclear fusion weapons, as a tracer in isotope geochemistry, and
specialized in self-powered lighting devices. The most common method of producing
tritium is by bombarding a natural isotope of lithium, lithium-6, with neutrons in a
nuclear reactor.
Tritium was once used routinely in chemical and biological labeling experiments as a
radiolabel, which has become less common in recent times. D-T nuclear fusion uses
tritium as its main reactant, along with deuterium, liberating energy through the loss of
mass when the two nuclei collide and fuse at high temperatures.
Steve Jones: The graph below shows that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted tritium
levels in rain by several orders of magnitude:

The data clearly demonstrate the large amount of tritium released due to hydrogen
bombs, the first of which was tested in 1951. Thus, tritium is a tracer for hydrogen
bombs, the smoking gun.
Jones is absolutely correct when he states that tritium is the smoking gun for a
hydrogen bomb detonation. If tritium is detected in large quantities at Ground Zero,[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

there is no way to deny the detonation of thermonuclear devices. It is vitally important

to correctly interpret the data in the DOE report. So to help us make sense of the
DOE data Ed Ward breaks down what is meant by traces of tritium in the basement
of WTC 6:
1. Trace definition as it applies to quantity: Occurring in extremely small amounts or
in quantities less than a standard limit (In the case of tritium, this standard level would
be 20 TUs the high of quoted standard background levels.)
2. The stated values of tritium from the DOE report Study of Traces of Tritium at the
World Trade Center. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01,
contained 0.1640.074 (2) nCi/L (164 pCi/L +/- 74 pCi/L takes 1,000 trillionths to =
1 billionth) of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of
WTC Building 6, contained 3.530.17 and 2.830.15 nCi/L ( 3,530.0 pCi/L +/- 170
pCi/L and 2,830 pCi/L +/- 150 pCi/L), respectively. Pico to Nano converter Nano to Pico
3. 1 TU = 3.231 pCi/L (trillionths per liter) or 0.003231 nCi/L (billionths per liter) (My original TU calculations
came out to 3.19 pCi/L, but I will gladly accept these referenced minimally higher
values. )
4. In 2001 normal background levels of Tritium are supposedly around 20 TUs (prior
to nuclear testing in the 60s, normal background tritium water levels were 5 to 10
TUs ). However, groundwater
studies show a significantly less water concentration: Groundwater age estimation
using tritium only provides semi-quantitative, ball park values: <0.8 TU indicates
sub modern water (prior to 1950s) 0.8 to 4 TU indicates a mix of sub modern and
modern water 5 to 15 TU indicates modern water (< 5 to 10 years) 15 to 30 TU
indicates some bomb tritium But,
instead of 5 to 15 TU (which would make the increase in background levels even
higher), I will use 20 TUs as the 2001 environmental level to give all possible
credibility to the lie of Traces.
5. Lets calculate the proven referenced facts. Tritium level confirmed in the DOE
report of traces of tritium = 3,530 pCi/L (+/- 170 pCi/L, but we will use the mean of
3,530 pCi/L). 3,530 pCi/L (the referenced lab value) divided by the background level
of 20TUs (20 X 3.231 p (1 TU = 3.21 pCi/L) = 64.62 pCi/L as the high normal
background/standard level. 3,530 divided by 64.62 pCi/L = 54.63 TIMES THE
NORMAL BACKGROUND LEVEL. 3,530 pCi/L divided by 3.231 pCi/L (1 TU) =
1,092.54 TUs
6. This is my fave because lies tend to eat their young. Muon physicist Steven Jones
calls 1,000 TUs The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted tritium
levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Ref.: ) Yet,
calls the EXACT SAME LEVELS quoted in nCi/L as Traces and These results are
well below the levels of concern to human exposure.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Interesting isnt it.
7. Thomas M. Semkowa, Ronald S. Hafnerc, Pravin P. Parekha, Gordon J.
Wozniakd, Douglas K. Hainesa, Liaquat Husaina, Robert L. Rabune. Philip G.
Williams and Steven Jones have all called over 1,000 TUs of Tritium, Traces. Even
at the height of nuclear bomb testing 98% after thousands of Megatons of nuclear
testing of the rainwater tests were 2,000 TUs or less.
8. It is also important to note that the tritium present was diluted by at least some
portion of 1 million liters of water accounting for BILLIONS of TUs.
An important point that Jones glosses over is the dilution of water in the basement of
WTC 6. If not for copious amounts of water sprayed on the WTC site undoubtedly the
concentration of tritium would have been higher than the measured 55 times normal
background levels.
Ed Wards Breakdown of the WTC Rain and Fire Hose Water, 4 Million Gallons of
WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx)
WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million liters deposits in
WTC 6 in its 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diameter) crater.
WTC 6 was hot see thermal images 2nd article on WTC Nukes.
Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas.
There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but
lets be generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of
Tritium Units estimate).
8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million
liters per acre.
Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft (depth) by 120 ft (diameter)
1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION
TUs JUST IN WTC 6 (no other places were checked.)
This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the
bathtub and the drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.120 BILLION TUs.
This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the
atmosphere and gets massive dispersal.
Why was there so much tritium found in the basement of WTC6?
Plume of smoke seen rising from the area where WTC6 stood:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Photo shows WTC6 damaged BEFORE the North Tower collapsed.

Another Bill Biggert photo shows WTC6 blackened BEFORE South Tower debris hits
it:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Overhead photo:

Reminiscent of the OKC Murrah Building:

Chuck Boldwyn slide shows possible placement of mini/micro neutron bombs:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Another Chuck Boldwyn slide shows thedamage done by upwardly directed shaped
mini/micro neutron nukes:

Infrared photo that shows the huge crater in WTC 6:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

To sum this up: we see a plume of smoke rising from Building 6, photos that show
the building was blackened and bombed out before ANY debris from the Twin Towers
hit it, a massive crater in the middle of the building and the DOE finds massive
amounts of tritium in the basement 10 days after 9/11. Only a thermonuclear
explosion explains all of this. WTC6 WAS NUKED!!

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, mini-nukes, neutron bomb, professor jim fetzer, tritium, World Trade
Center, WTC6

PIDcast With ClareKuehn

Posted on December 18, 2012




I have a (right click then Save as.. to download MP3)two hourinterview with
researcher ClareKuehn. We discussedthe deathand replacement of Beatle Paul
McCartney in the fall of 1966.This is the first original audio content that I have
produced myself and posted on this blog. Look for more interviews in 2013.
I first came across the whole Paul Is Dead (PID) phenomena in the summer of 2011.
At firstI thought it had to be a bunch of bullshit and that I could prove it was BS in a
few minutes searching Google. However I soon found Forensic science proves PID.
The post 67McCartney has different ears, jaw, nose hell the whole skull is different
from the original.A grown man cant get a different skull so that means that post 67
and pre 66McCartneyare different men. You will also want to checkout Fauls False
Ears[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

and Dying the Beales Legend: Mal Evans suspicious deathon the Plastic Macca
site as well.

Really all thatis required to become a PIDer as they say is the ability to differentiate
between a before and after photo.Here is ashort YouTube video that compares the
shoe sizes of Paul and Faul:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

If you look at enough photos it becomes painfully obvious that Paul and Faul are
different men. Faul is taller,has wider shoulders, bigger feet hes just a bigger guy
than Paul.
When I havent been researching 9/11 I havebeen trying to piece together as much
as I can aboutthe death and replacement of James Paul McCartney (1942-1966).
Clarehas done a lot more PID research than I have hence the reason for the
interview. So has Tina Foster. Tina Fostersblog, Plastic Maccaisa wealth of PID
research be sure to check it out! Also checkout the 60IF documentsupposedly
written by George Harrison. These are good places for the uninitiated to
start.Thelegend goes that Harrison verbally told the story to someone in India and
they transcribed it which explains some of the broken English. 60IFalso confirms the
involvement of the intelligence community in the whole affair. I cant vouch for the
authenticity of 60IF but anyone researching PID should read it and make up their own
mind about it.
There has been a lot of speculation that Paul died in a car crash. I havent been able
to confirm HOW he died but I strongly suspect he was murdered and it was no
accident. Pauls replacement is often referred to as Faul meaning a fake Paul.
Faulis often identified as Billy Shears or William Campbell. I have not been able to
confirm this persons (former)identity I just know that he is not James Paul
McCartney(JPM) born in 1942.
The Sgt. Peppers album cover clearly depicts a funeral scene:

The Paul McCartney on Sgt.Peppers (June 1967)looks different from the Paul
McCartney on the Yesterday and Today butchercoverfrom June 1966:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

If one looks closely at the album covers and the findings of the Italian forensics team
then it becomes obvious that the 1967 Paul McCartney is not the real JPM born in
When exactly did JPMdie? There has been somespeculation that he died in Seattle
after the Beatles August 25, 1966 concert there.Butthere are several photographs
taken from the San Francisco show August 29, 1966that prove the real JPM did
indeed play the final Beatles concert. Here is one:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

What gives fuel to the Seattle rumors are photos of Faul getting off of the plane at the
San Francisco airport:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There is speculation that the white-haired man on the top of the stairs is an
intelligence operative. And here is an interesting quote fromphotographer Jim
Marshall: We spent 10 years trying to find out the identity of the stewardess in that
shot. We even tried going through the Kiwi Club, which is the American Airline
Stewardesses Association, but weve never been able to find out who that girl was.
So it is possible that the stewardess in this photo is no stewardess at all but an
intelligence operative. Would it take 10+ years to track down a regular stewardess?
Not likely.
The Beatles history is a bit foggy in the September through the end of December
1966 timeframe so it is difficult to pin down exact dates.There arephotos of Faulat
the studio in December 1966 so we know the switch was made before then. See Tina
Fosters blog for those photos. There is some speculation that the Melody Maker
awards show was the last time the realJPM was seen alive in public. Thereis some
ambiguity to the exact date of the Melody Maker show. It may have been taped and
aired at a later date as well. ItwasSeptember 13, 1966 according to this photo:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

I found this on the internet as well: Paul McCartney watches experimental music in
Londonwhich took place September 15, 1966. According to the legend the Sgt.
Peppers drum kit spells out I ONE IX HE DIE

Which is generally interpreted as meaning Paul died on September 11, 1966 although
it could be November 9, 1966.
What can we make of all of this? When I first saw the photos of the Beatles getting
off of the plane in San Francisco and it was Faulinstead of JPMI was taken aback.
That means that the plot to replace Paul was already in motion. I think that they were
seeing if they could replace Paul and get away with it. There is nothing in the press
that I can find that mentioned Paul had a double at the airport. No one seemed to be
the wiser so they went ahead with the operation. Indeed in 1969 rumors were
rampant that Paul was dead and Life magazine put Faul on the cover and proclaimed
that Paul is still with us. When all of the major media outletsgo along with the cover
story then you know that the intelligence community is involved.
So who had Paul killed?There had to be powerful forces involved to kill and replace
Paul McCartney. It takes even more power to cover up the crime and get the
mainstream mediatogo along with itfor46 years and counting. I have no idea WHO[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

was actually behind it.WHY did the Beatles and his family go along with it? I can only
speculate but I imagine the family was paid off and/or intimidated. The 60IFdocument
makes it sound like the Beatles thought Paul and Brian were kidnapped and the
intelligence service was helping them out of a jam. I believe that the intelligence
community was running the whole thing start to finish. They manipulated the Beatles
into going along with it. Again according to 60IF John had a burning desire to
continue and not let the kidnappers win. So they continued on with a replacement. It
appears that John thought the role of Faul would end with the end of the Beatles.
WHY did someone want Paul killed in the first place? So farI have not been able to
determine a motive or suspects. So this leaves us with a bunch of unanswered
questions. Iamaphoneymay soon release information that answers some of these
questions. Apparently there is a cease and desist order preventing the release of the
next video.
The PID topic is usually met with contempt and scorn. The worn out phrase
conspiracy theory is usually applied. My favorite objection is they wouldnt do that.
What a load of BS that is YES THEY WOULD! Just because YOUwouldnt do
something doesnt mean THEY wouldnt.Everyday people have no concept what the
power elite will do to maintain power. You cant apply your standards of behaviorto
THEM. The power elite will assassinate presidents (JFK, FDR, Lincoln), stage terror
attacks like 9/11 or OKCto startwarsand whatever else it takes to dominate. They
will also kill and replace cultural icons like Paul McCartney.
UPDATE 3/29/13
Clare has discovered a new PID clue. Check that out on her blog.
Posted in Paul is Dead | Tagged Clare Kuehn, Faul, Paul McCartney, PID, The Beatles

Mini-Neutron Bombs: A Major Piece of

the 9/11Puzzle
Posted on October 30, 2012

by Don Fox, Clare Kuehn, Jeff Prager, Jim Viken and Dr. Ed Ward (with Dennis
Cimino and Jim Fetzer)[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

There are a half-dozen or more theories about how the Twin Towers were
destroyed, where, as The Vancouver Hearings have established, the official
accountthat the buildings collapsed, due to the intense heat of the jet-fuel
based fires, which caused the steel to lose its strength and lead to a cascade of
floors falling upon one anotheris the least defensible and most effortlessly
refuted of them all.
Here I am going to summarize the evidence for each and explain why the most
defensible and difficult to falsify are those that posit the use of sophisticated
arrangements of micro and mini-nukes, which, of course, is not a technique
that would have been available to Osama bin Laden and his hearty band of 19
Islamic fanatics, which the government has peddled to the public with a straight
face and which has been supported by NIST (National Institute of Standards
and Technology). The NIST, alas, has been carrying the burden for the
Bush/Cheney administration, which, together with its friends in the Mossad,
appear to have been the principals responsible for 9/11.
The theories to be discussed include (h1) the collapse theory, (h2) the
nanothermite theory, (h3) the DEW theory, and (h4), the nuke theory, which
should be distinguished by its own subtheories, including (h4a) the 150kt
subbasement theory (associated with Dimitri Khalezov) and the (h4b) mini and
mico-nuke theory (associated with The Anonymous Physicist, Dr. William
Deagle, Dr. Ed Ward, Jeff Prager and Don Fox, among others), which appears
by far the most promising.
During The Vancouver Hearings, two sessions (with three speakers each) were
devoted to the Twin Towers and how they were destroyed. Chuck Boldwyn
discussed (h1), the collapse theory, during Why the Twin Towers could not have
collapsed, explaining how a collapse of either of those buildings, given their design,
was not even physically possible. This is especially so because the steel was tapered
in thickness from 6 thick in the subbasements to 5, 4, and so on up to the highest
floors, where it was only 1/4 thick. Thus, the relative mass of the steel for the top 14
floors of the North Tower, for example, which were alleged to have been weakened
by the intense fires and collapsed onto the 96 floors below, represented on 1.4% of
the mass of the steel. The very idea that that miniscule relative mass could overcome
the lower 98.6% is a physical absurdity. Plus the fires burned neither long enough
nor hot enough to cause the steel to weaken, much less melt. And if,
counterfactually, they had burned long enough and hot enough to cause the steel to
weaken, since those fires were asymmetrically distributed, their effects would have
been asymmetrical, with gradual sagging and tilting, not the complete, abrupt and
total demolition sequence that occurred. For these and other reasons, (h1) has to be
The nanothermite theory, (h2), was discussed by several speakers, but had
previously been refuted by T. Mark Hightower, a chemical engineer, who discovered
the law of material science, namely, that for an explosive to pulverize or to otherwise
destroy a material, it must have a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the
speed of sound in that material. The speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 mps, while
in steel, it is 6,100 mps; the highest detonation velocity attributed to nanothermite
found in the scientific literature, however, is only 895 mps, which means you cannot
get there (pulverized concrete and decimated steel) from here (Twin Towers plus
nanothermite). Not only does nanothermite only have an explosive force that is not
even equal to 1/13 of TNT, but Professor Niels Harrit, perhaps the most scientifically
qualified of its supporters, advised Mark that, by his calculations, a minimum of[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

29,000 metric tons of nanothermite would have been required to have blown apart a
Twin Tower. That would have been more than 100,000 tons of explosives. Indeed,
as Mark observes, even 29,000 tons would have been difficult to put in place without
being detected. And, more importantly, why would anyone want to use such a feeble
explosive to perform feats that could more efficiently be accomplished using more
powerful alternatives? The case for (h2), accordingly, cannot be sustained.
During The Vancouver Hearings, Clare Kuehn, Were DEWs used to decimate the
Twin Towers?, made heroic efforts to explain why hypothesis (h3), the use of DEWs
(Directed Energy Weapons) might have been involved, as Judy Wood, Ph.D., the
former professor of mechanical engineering from Clemson University, has proposed.
The principal problems with the this approach, however, are that, (1) while her book,
Where did the Towers Go?, and her web site,, do an
admirable job in laying out the effects that need to be explained (technically known as
the explanandum) by means of an adequate theory (its explanans), (2) Judy Wood
herself claims that she does not have a theory, which means that she is likely to deny
any specific position attributed to her, where (3) the strongest claim she makes is that
the energy that was required to destroy the Twin Towers was significantly beyond
that provided by conventional explosivesand was directed! Among the kinds of
fascinating evidence to which she and Clare invite our attention are oddities related to
those who jumped from the towers, the lathering phenomena that preceded the
destruction of both Twin Towers and WTC-7 as well, and the importance of the
bathtub, a dike-like wall that kept Hudson River water from flooding beneath lower
Manhattan and the subway and PATH train tunnels, the preservation of which
appears to be the primary reason why the towers had to be destroyed by a novel form
of demolition that would convert most of those 500,000 ton buildings into very fine
dust rather than allow them to fall upon and damage the bathtub. Dust particles,
after all, remain suspended in the atmosphere and do not come down in mass.

These reasons do not completely rule out (h3), but they make it rather difficult to take
very seriously, when the principal claim that Judy Wood makes about the destruction
of the Twin Towersthat the energy that was required to destroy them was
significantly beyond that provided by conventional explosivesis also satisfied by (h4),
the nuke hypothesis. While she appears to be completely correct in making that
claim, it is a condition that is satisfied by the use of nuclear weapons, which provide
quantities of energy that are far beyond those provided by conventional sources of
energy and can be directed! I believe that the only hypotheses that are sufficiently
precisely defined that can potentially explain the destruction of the Twin Towers
which were blown apart form the top down in about 9 seconds for the South Tower
and 11 seconds for the Northare those that appeal to nuclear devices, where
several different versions have been advanced, which I shall discuss here.
The first, (h4a), has been advanced by Dimitri Khalezov, who maintains that, during
their construction, all three of the buildingsthe Twin Towers and WTC-7were
constructed with 150kt nukes in their subbasements, where those nukes were
directed upward. But the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by completely
different methods, where WTC-7 appears to have been a classic controlled[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

demolition, where the demolition is set from the bottom up, all the floors are falling at
the same time and there is a stack of pancakes equal to about 12% of the height of
the original 47 floors or about 5 floors high. In the case of the Twin Towers, by
comparison, the buildings are blowing apart from the top down, where the floors are
waiting their turn to be blown to kingdom come, in the memorable phrase of Morgan
Reynolds, they are being converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust and,
when it is over, there is nothing there: no pancakes! Both buildings were destroyed
below ground level. So they cannot possibly have been destroyed by the same
method, where Khalezovs account may even have been intended to discredit the
theory that nuclear devices were used. Our interview:
That leaves (h4b), that the Twin Towers were destroyed using sophisticated
arrangements of micro or mini-nukes, which was discussed during The Vancouver
Hearings by Jeff Prager, Proof of Ternary Fission in New York City on 9/11, and by
Don Fox, Mini-nukes used at the WTC and the real untold story, where the
contents of dozens of dust samples acquired by the US Geological Survey were

Barium and Strontium: Neither of these elements should ever

appear in building debris in these quantities. The levels never fall
below 400ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700ppm for
Strontium and reach over 3000ppm for both in the dust sample taken
at Broadway and John Streets.

Thorium and Uranium: These elements only exist in radioactive

form. Thorium is a radioactive element formed from Uranium by
decay. Its very rare and should not be present in building rubble,
ever. So once again we have verifiable evidence that a nuclear fission
event has taken place.
Lithium: With the presence of lithium we have compelling evidence
that this fission pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with
subsequent decay of the Helium into Lithium has taken place.
Lanthanum: Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration
pathway of the element Barium.
Yttrium: The next decay element after Strontium, which further
confirms the presence of Barium.
Chromium: The presence of Chromium is one more tell tale
signature of a nuclear detonation.
Tritium: A very rare element and should not be found at
concentrations 55 times normal in the basement of WTC-6 no less than
11 days after 9/11, which is another tell tale sign of nukes.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

As I have explained in 9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings II, which should
be read along with this article, the most plausible theory now appears to be that
arrangements of mini or micro-nukes were used to blow out 10 floor segments at a
time, where, because the top 30 floors of the South Tower had tilted to the side and
were blown out as one, the sequence of the South Tower took about 9 seconds and
for the North Tower 11.
So I invited Dennis Cimino, who has experience with nuclear weapons, to comment
on the discussion that follows, where he thinks that not more than 10 or so exotic
very unconventional devices destroyed the cores, not THIRTY, and they were not
triggered but were in fact, precision timed because each one had a WWV receiver
inside it and each device knew precisely what time it was, and THAT negated the
need for the interconnections, but having said that it did not mean they didnt also
need to shield from adjacent devices going off before their turn. . . .
He added that, They could have avoided the interconnection wiring issue totally by
lessening the numbers of devices and hence creating the natural head room they
needed in the timing interval, should a couple of these somehow gain a few or lose a
few microseconds in time between them after turning off the WWV timing reception
altogether, that way the criticality of perfect detonation timing would not be necessary
to use somewhat larger devices but lesser numbers, dealing with the building in
cube segments [NOTE: as Chuck Boldwyn has emphasized], rather than floor by
floor, which would be a waste of time and be fraught with a lot more wholly nonnecessary dud risks doing it that way. And it also still legitimizes Controlled
Demolition, Inc.s role in the cleanup, as they would be there to make sure any and
all forensic evidence of such stuff be gone before anyone knew they had been
Boldwyns segmenting of the building into its natural cubes as it was built made me
think that the logical way to destroy the WTC towers so as to collapse them into their
own footprint, would be to first create a deficit in structural integrity and material
created mechanical and purely physical resistance in a lower level of the building, so
as to allow for the beginning of a gravitational free fall of the upper floors into the
deficit. As you had actually said in one of your dissertations, the velocity of the
collapse might just have been a smidgen faster than mere gravitational falling,
meaning that a force was used to blow down or push the upper floors into the
structural cavity or deficit below. I also seem to remember that some of the accounts
of people being horribly burned but clearly not by jet fuel, or being so wigged out so
as to jumpmeaning they were either preferring the death of falling over burning or,
more adroitly, they saw something in the building that compelled them to lose all[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

hope of escaping. . . . To destroy the CORE of the building as apparently was done
as the antenna on top began to wobble due to no structure below it, means that the
very core of the building was gone or compromised before the exoskeletal outer
sections were destroyed, just prior to them then being forcibly blown outwards as the
collapse began.
I now think the key was lesser numbers of devices perhaps in the realm of half a
dozen or maybe up to a dozen, max, taking out the CORE of the building in the cube
segments as in almost reverse of the construction of the towers, and at the same
time, using conventional stuff in the exoskeletal destruction, because all it would have
taken is for one of the UNCONVENTIONAL devices being obvious to the external
world going off, to expose the fact that something rather heavy duty had been used.

In summary, all devices were fully independent and not

interconnected in any way, but could have used their own radio
frequency link due to the fact the building had its own natural
antenna (the core ) and that could have been the way these devices all
communicated to each other just before detonation and checked in
with the master timing device that would have been amongst them, all
saying, Okay, I am ready to go, using radio inter communications of
very low R.F. power to avoid detection by any security teams in the
building, in a frequency domain that normally only submarines
communicate on, also would have made it feasible for synchronizing
them, while at the same time, being time syncd to WWV broadcast out
of D.C. on any number of those WWV tine sync frequencies, most likely
on the 10 MhZ (not kilohertz this time) band, where WWV is
broadcast on 5, 10, 15 and I think still on 20 MhZ from Boulder and

So, thats my behind the scenes assessment about how they did this, using
NEUTRON devices to destroy the building in CUBES versus FLOORS, and blowing
the exoskeletal structures outward using R D X and thermitic devices solely.

NOTE: The following email exchange took place 25-27 October 2012, which was
initially precipitated by my posting this and inviting comments:
Barometric bombs from Iran Contra to 9/11
The discussion that followed seems to complement previous exchanges about this
crucial subject, which leads me to post it here for consideration. The final comment by
Jeff Prager was taken from a related email thread and integrated here, because it fits
very nicely into the ongoing discussion.
it relies on a cloud of chemicals and is energized with a specific high voltage
power, so that theres a step in the cloud hydrodynamic generation then this is
further energized and turns the pillar to dust not a directed EMF weapon BEAM but
would contribute most of Woods comments accurately. (note!)
Maybe they used both that and a mini-nuke or two.
This doesnt have to be linked with the nanothermite idea of Jones, but it might give[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

several kinds of similar things.

A barometric bomb is as outlandish as thermite; more so. It requires aerosol dispersal
of an incendiary and/or explosive throughout the building and this type of weapon is
ONLY used on large, empty structures. Walls, floors, doors and general office
construction prevents effective aerosol dispersal within a building. Study the
mechanics of these various devices and then study nuclear physics. One conclusion
9/11 was an advanced nuclear event.
There is some suggestion that parts of the buildings were left floorless. Now, two
possibilities come to mind: 1. the indications are due to pre-demo on some floors
(there is a photo of Gelitin B where there are wrong floorings and ceilings are too
high), and it couldnt have been used; 2. it really was like that in parts of the tower: a
man named Tom Della-Latta (actually, my friend!) was a youth whose father worked
on the towers, was invited for a family viewing behind the scenes and he said hell
never forget looking up into the darkness in one of the finished towers, seeing only
girders several floors up.

If this was the case partway up its structurally fine: the girders would be the support
with the walls and central columns, and several floors could be left without floor pans,
and only internal support beams to connect and buttress like internal buttresses.
Tinker-toy, upon which some areas were given flooring as well, and the lower levels
particularly. Not impossible at all physically (not that it was done, necessarily).
The human element is: would the workers have minded? well, the unions for
construction workers were heavily arranged by the mob in NYC at the time.
Companies? Well, with the segmented elevators and lock-down of certain floors, as
far as other companies were concerned, whereby they couldnt just go to any floor,
its not impossible.
Custodians? Being let in on only certain floors, assuming others were looking after
the other floors, or being in on the secret and paid off, its not impossible.
Company records? Almost all the records are weird: companies whose tenancies
leave large gaps in occupancy over many floors, companies which are tied to mil-ind.
complex, banking, etc., companies whose tenancies were supposed to be occupying
during periods when according to other records there was nobody.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Not that it happened, but Tom says hell never forget his shock. Looking wayyy up
and seeing no ceilings.
If it was the case, then it wasnt fully hollow towers, but it may have been partly. The
sunlight coming through the buildings in 2 photos is explicable as unfinished walls
inside the floors (quite normal) but the ANGLE of the sunlight, i.e., that the sunlight
and camera angle are seemingly unaffected by perspective, as if the sun were
streaming THROUGH floors which should have been finished, is not normal for a
building with floors. Unless the photos were taken so far away that all angles are
minimized and thus theyre so telephoto that youd think there were no floors when
there are. But Ive watched buildings go up; even when they are unfinished, there is
dimming wherever there are floors in, where the sunlight vs. point of viewing overlaps
in perspective, even from far away.
And again, what about what Tom remembers? He mentioned it when I told him of the
crazy idea of hollow-portion towers. He reminded me hed been on that tour (Id
forgotten hed been there at that point in our friendship), and said, I saw that and
told me the rest. He said (as did I) maybe it was some unfinished area, but this was a
month or weeks before opening of the 1st tower to open. He said it was not the
basement, because theyd travelled up. He said he didnt know if it was the big area
of the generators/ac in the upper middle, but he didnt think so because it didnt have
And Im fully aware that the people promoting this idea, as is usual, over-do their
conclusions (they think there was no need for much debris and the dustification was
bogus somehow), because they were upset with Woods point no, it wasnt Prager
and Fox who first made the dustification a big deal to notice; it was Wood, like it or
lump it. And that they are aggressive and nutty personally to deal with. But the issue
is under attended, under noticed it must be fully handled and explained (pro, con,
or partly right and assimilated).
Ed Ward and I were on Kevin Barretts radio show Friday ["Were the Twin Towers
nuked?", American Freedom Radio, 26 October 2012] talking about how mini-nukes
were used at the WTC. Check out Eds blog: and
mine for more info.
I was talking to Jeff a couple of weeks ago and we both agreed that it was most likely
that they used neutron bombs to destroy the WTC buildings. Ed states this as well
and I have heard Chuck interviewed on Jims show and he also believes it was
neutron bombs. So what makes neutron bombs the most likely candidate? A neutron
bomb is basically a hydrogen bomb without a uranium case. I think they use
chromium or nickel instead so that neutrons can escape the bomb and radiate the
targeted area. More energy is released as radiation than blast.
Cohen states that the intended use for the neutron bomb was to detonate it a mile up
and in a battlefield area. A 1 kiloton device would fry most of the soldiers within 1/2 to
3/4 of a mile radius. Most structures would be unharmed in this scenario which is why
the neutron bomb has been described as a weapon that kills people but spares
buildings. There is no lingering radioactivity so the area will be inhabitable almost
immediately after the blast is over. There is a blast of radiation then thats pretty much
it.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The bomb does have blast effects but they are much less than a fission bomb or a
regular hydrogen bomb. So lets modify the scenario by using low-yield mini-neutron
bombs and place them inside the core columns of giant skyscrapers. These mininukes do have blast effects but its going to be minimized as the yield is lower. So the
hypocenter of the blast is going to vaporize the core of the buildings and turn most of
the rest of the material into small particles of dust that covers Lower Manhattan in a
pyroclastic dust cloud. Which is what is observed. Large chunks of WTC 1 and 2 are
ejected into nearby buildings. But all of the nearby buildings are still standing. They
are not flattened by the mini-neutron bombs. The low-yield weapons and limited blast
of the neutron bombs localize the effects. This is counter-intuitive to most people.
When they think of nukes they envision whole cities getting flattened. Flattening
whole cities isnt usually the goal (especially in a black op). Thats why smaller
weapons have greater military application.
To sum up the WTC1 and 2 operation: a series of shape charged mini-neutron
bombs are detonated from the top of the buildings to the bottom to simulate a free fall
collapse. Material is ejected upward and outward due to the shaping of the mini-nuke
charges. Two giant 110 floor 500,000 ton skyscrapers are destroyed in 9 and 11
seconds respectively. Cement and steel are turned into very small particles while
paper blows down the street. Why didnt the paper catch on fire? First its hard to light
a piece of paper on fire in a wind tunnel. Second the papers high tensile strength to
weight ratio allowed the lightweight paper to blow away in the blast wave while the
heavier material was vaporized. Paper has give to it. (Watch the first 911 Eyewitness
clip posted on my blog for the paper/powder theory.) Why was there no flash? When
small bombs are detonated inside of giant skyscrapers the flash is hidden from view.
When its over nuclear fissile material is leftover and it reacts for months creating
1,500 F ground temperatures (China Syndrome). Hundreds of dump trucks of dirt
are required to be hauled in and out to clean up the mess. The USGS collects dust
samples that show elevated levels of uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, yttrium and
chromium which indicates fission has taken place. The DOE collects water samples
that have elevated levels of tritium, which indicates fusion has taken place. So a
fission triggered fusion bomb such as a neutron bomb would explain the USGS and
DOE samples quite nicely. So we have a text book case of nukes being used but the
manner they were deployed in is so far from what the average person suspects that it
takes years for the mini-nuke theory to gain prominence.
So why are people like Steve Jones and Judy Wood denying nukes then?
Lets start with Jones. Why would a nuclear physicist be pushing the nanothermite
theory and denying nukes? A fair question. You would have to ask Jones what his[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

motives are in covering up nukes but Ill throw this out there: neutron bombs have
always been controversial, even in the military establishment. The idea of the
neutron warhead has been hotly debated since its inception. At the time of its
introduction, some felt that its relatively small initial blast and fallout was ideal for use
in densely populated areas, like Europe.
And from
The invention achieved the objective to make a nuclear weapon that was tactically
useful in the sense of not destroying the country in the process. But, it was quickly
squelched by the various interests that concluded that such a device would only
make nuclear war more likely. The neutron bomb was, in effect, banned because it
destroyed the sharp distinction between conventional and nuclear weapons by
minimizing the fission blast and radiation by-products. Life was breathed back into the
concept in the 1970s in an effort to improve NATO defenses by producing a weapon
that directly challenged the immense Soviet strength its tanks and armies. But, it did
so without the massive physical damage usually associated with a nuclear weapon.
Several hundred of the neutron bomb warheads were actually produced and
stockpiled during the Reagan Administration. This new lease on life, however, soon
came to an end. Following the first Persian Gulf War, President Bush at General
Powells recommendation directed that all the tactical weapons be destroyed.
So if it ever came out that neutron bombs were used on civilians in a false flag attack
there would be a lot of controversy behind the scenes in the military-industrial
complex believe it or not. Steve Jones true audience may be the good people in the
military establishment who would freak out at the use of tactical nuclear weapons on
civilians. Hes probably not trying to convince the average Joe Blow on the street that
thermite destroyed these giant skyscrapers. Hes merely trying to keep a lid on the
use of nukes. This is classic CYA; hes covering the assess of his buddies at the
nuke labs. Nobody wants to get their government funding cut. Or worse yet go to jail.

What about Judy Wood then? She denies nukes at every turn same as Jones does. I
think her audience is researchers and academic types who dont buy the official story
but are not familiar with the capabilities of mini-nukes. Publicly she states that she
has no theory and her definition of a directed energy weapon (DEW) is merely the
evidence is consistent with the use of energy weapons that go well beyond the
capabilities of conventional explosives and can be directed. Mini-neutron bomb
shaped charges fit that definition to a T. But Judy tries hard to persuade people that
Hutchison/Tesla technology is the culprit and not nuclear bombs. Judy also proclaims
that there is no need for a new 9/11 investigation because she has already done it. If[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

you want to learn more about 9/11 then follow all of John Hutchisons work in his lab.
That will tell you all you need to know if you are still curious. So the Judy Wood
bottom line is: no nukes on 9/11, no new investigation is needed and follow John
Hutchisons BS on YouTube or whatever. Dont look at whats going on at Los
Alamos, Sandia, Lawrence Livermore or Oak Ridge. This is a recipe for going
nowhere. She is a gatekeeper and nothing more. The efforts of her crew are
coordinated so it appears Judy Wood is an intelligence operative.
Since I have come out publicly supporting the mini-nuke theory Ive gotten harassing
and intimidating emails from Thomas Potter and Emmanuel Goldstein (members of
the Judy Wood crew) and Fetzer and I have both seen the nasty comments on from her crew as well. They appear to have a list of folks like me who
they go after. Anyone who advocates or even entertains the mini-nuke hypothesis will
likely hear from the likes of Potter and Goldstein. When you are over the target you
will get some flack.
Jim Fetzer has tasked those of us who spoke at Vancouver with finding out as much
as possible about the 9/11 operation. Just saying that the governments account is
false is not enough. We can do better than that and I believe we have. A close look
at 9/11 reveals that a loved by some and reviled by others weapon, the neutron
bomb, is at the heart of the destruction. Nanothermite couldnt possibly have
destroyed the WTC and Judy Wood offers no real theory. The only weapon that fits
all of the evidence is the shaped-charge mini-neutron bomb.
I repeat for you: Woods mind-set (aggressive and self-pitying though it be), is stuck
on the evidence of EMF effects. Barometric-Neutron bombs would have such effects
the way she suggests; as would SOME of the effects from mini-fissionless fusion.
The issue with the paper (fused but unburnt and with print still on, in the meteorite or
similar agglomerated debris), and the fact that these bombs might in fact give off
some of the weird EMF she noticed, for example, deserves further discussion.
Being stuck on seeing an (possibly) airy-fairy version of the EMF effects does not
make one a deliberate disinfo person. In fact, one can see her emphasize things you
people would only have majorly noticed probably such as the ongoing
dustification IN MID-AIR of spires, with no heat-melt effects or flashes, if she had not
pointed them out.
In doing so, shes been emphasizing her stuff so long that though shes always HAD
room for nuclear EFFECTS, the regular bomb nuke idea, which was around when she
- Who hasnt run into THAT elsewhere? HA HA ha.
Jones is a different kettle of fish. His denial of nukes is as bad as his effective denial
(sidelining) of nuclear cold fusion in its original form, from EMF alone.
I would add, Dr Stephen Jones worked in muon catalyzed fusion using deuterium,
lithium deuteride, uranium and other similar fusion and fission related elements, for
years, for the Department of Energy, who is the sole controller of everything nuclear
in the United States. These are, very specifically, the elements that would be used in[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

the type of device were discussing. Don, I would also incorporate Dr. Busbys
material, my email with him, into your essays for academic support. Hes well known
and well thought of. I would not add that The DOE is an old client of mine. Heidi Fox
was their purchasing manager and we were great friends. She made enormous
purchases that gave me massive commissions. She was in DC and I worked in
Phoenix and inherited the DOE client and what a client it was. Her 4 or 5 yearly
purchases provided a middle class income by themselves. This was the early 90s. I
sold commercial grade hospital disinfectants and microbe and bacteria based
Absolutely. I was not meaning to leave out Jones massive nuclear credentials. I
was emphasizing the difference with Wood.
Wrong. I listened to a 2-hour radio broadcast with Diana Spingola, Dr. Wood and
Andrew. The broadcast was about me and my 636 page, 167.8 MB eMagazine on
911 titled, America Was Nuked which, with 636 pages, obviously goes into great
detail re: Jones, Wood and others as well as thoroughly covering the fusion/fission
aspects of 911. I did not bash Dr. Wood in the book in the least though I absolutely
crucified Dr. Jones.
Wood lied publicly and ridiculed the book from cover to cover during that radio
broadcast yet failed to mention any physics and chemistry analysis which the book is
based on; the 22 page physics, chemistry and mathematical analysis is the
foundation for the book. I engaged in a brief email dialogue with Dr. Wood after that.
It was akin to speaking to a Kelloggs Corn Flakes box. Jones, I would suspect, isnt
much different. Hes never responded to me at all. A dozen professional emails and
several attempts to contact him by phone. He knows better than to talk to me and
Wood does too. I can discuss these elements intimately and know the data by heart
unlike most everyone else.
THERE IS simply no scientific explanation for not just failing to discuss but avoiding at
all costs, the USGS data, which proves beyond any doubt, but only when, the dozens
of elements are correlated and examined TOGETHER, as they increase and
decrease predictably across dozens of sample locations, that a fission event
occurred. We use the word predictably for a reason. The decay paths are apparent in
the elemental analysis. Theyre difficult to see and require advanced chemistry and
mathematics analysis to secure valid data but the data is there. Surely ternary fission
occurred, a relatively unusual form of fission and possibly quaternary fission, an even
more rarely seen form of fission. Albeit each explosion was a very minor fission event
which, again, speaks of the very small apple sized neutron bomb Dr. Busby
discussed and which might in its third or fourth or fifth or who knows what generation,
use a very small amount of uranium.
ANYONE AT ALL that understands the elements, like both Dr. Jones and Dr. Wood,
and refuses to discuss them publicly is hiding the truth. The reason, for me, is
immaterial. I abhor liars and thieves (that profit from theft in case anyone wants to
bring up my books which dont always have citations, but theyre all free and Im also
opposed to copyright laws). Murderers and rapists are right up there too. How many
men and women were murdered and raped during war in Iraq and also in the US
military; they have a huge rape problem? Rape incidence is extraordinary in the US[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

military. How many homes in Iraq were plundered during the Iraq war (too many other
wars to mention frankly)?
ANYONE AT ALL that hides the nuclear aspect of 911 has no legal, ethical or moral
ground to support that stance. Gaining public acceptance of a lie across an entire
country, and in Jones case an entire planet, is contemptible and criminal as well.
Exposure to radiation is horrid and odious. The health effects are forever unknown
and any illness can be directly related even odd illnesses like a gastrointestinal
problem 15 years later.

I wrote a book, a 708 page book titled Ionizing Radiation 911 and I sent letters of
request to the Japanese and Russian governments for medical data on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki and Chernobyl. I received quite a bit of bound material. The
investigations are ongoing with new data obtained every year because exposures like
this have life-long effects that were just now becoming familiar with and just slightly
at that.
We do know that very low level radiation actually has a greater or more magnified
effect on human health and that a single sub-micron radioactive particle within a
living being emits radiation for the living beings life and causes irreparable damage
and eventually an earlier than would be expected death. As for low level exposure,
lifetime extremely low level exposure has a far greater impact on human health than
one large survivable exposure such as that experienced by what are called the
Nuclear Veterans. For example, living within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant may
actually have a greater population wide measurable effect than, again as a rough
example, people exposed to a high but one-time and short-lived exposure that, lets
suggest, were maybe 3-10 miles from ground zero Nagasaki or Hiroshima. Its difficult
to be exact with this material because, as I said, the medical data is still being
collected today although, as with everything, as recently as 2008 staffing was cut
dramatically in both Japan and Russia to monitor and compile records on humans
exposed during these events. Medical investigation is ongoing, but monumentally
Exposure to radioactivity does not only cause cancer. It causes neurological,
gastrointestinal, lymphatic and ALL-SYSTEM damage. Exposure for a certain time
level and dose causes cataracts. This is what were learning and have learned. We
see a complete variety of almost every disease known to man with exposure to
radiation. Different exposure types, times and amounts of exposure dictate response,
to some degree, but not a degree thats confidently predictable.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Honestly, Im a high school and then college drop-out although I did manage to do
well financially throughout my life. That Im retired and have a great deal of time to
study these issues helps immensely. BUT people of Dr. Wood and Dr. Jones caliber,
with knowledge of physics, chemistry and the elements on the periodic table, with an
understanding of science having spent entire lifetimes and full careers intimately
involved in it, can only be seen as purposefully obfuscating the truth. There is no
Clare wants to think Dr. Wood is ignorant. She is not. Contact her. Ask to discuss my
22 pages titled, 19-42 which Ive linked in these emails repeatedly. She will not. Dr.
Jones wont either. One cannot, as a scientist, publicly make an ass of oneself and a
public debate on those pages with me, or anyone else with a full understanding of the
material in them, would crucify either of them and they know it. I do this full-time, or
did until mid-2012 when I figured out more than enough and I spend my time now
publishing a weekly eMagazine titled, Globalism which is about Class Warfare. I
write something about 9/11 in most issues.
Of course she ridicules you. She thinks somehow you took her images (shes fanatic
and unreasonable about images, even when theyre in the public domain). She also
thinks youre overweening shes not into nukes; shes set on the EMF.
The USGS study was primarily based on examining the dust for asbestos, chrysolites.
It was not a physics study but a chemistry study that did also employ physics on a
very limited basis. The objective was to determine chrysolite content in the
atmosphere via the dust. The samples were taken with nitrile gloved hands and
placed into a bag and then into another bag. I have full confidence in the USGS data
because it would, and did, take several physicists many months to dissect and
analyze the data and correlate the 2 dozen+ elements across 14 sample locations to
both see and prove fission.
Proving fission, ternary fission at that with the possibility of quaternary fission with the
USGS data was not easy nor did anyone think to use the data for a number of years.
The USGS data was collected by chemists, not physicists. I spoke with 3 of the
chemists at the USGS who participated in the study, the three top people. Ive spoken
to one of them 3 times. I was asked what the daughter products of strontium are
because these are chemists, not physicists, and they never would have seen fission
in the data.
However, I do want to state, ANY physicist working intimately with current explosive
nuclear devices could look at the USGS Chemistry Table 1 data and see fission in an
instant. There are, perhaps, 100-200 people on earth, if that, because Im being
generous, with the skill set required to see fission instantly in the data. Dr. Jones is
one of them.
Dr. Jones samples were acquired, handled and used in such a way that anyone,
including Dr. Jones himself, could have tampered with those samples and as Ive
stated previously, no true scientist in his right mind would use them, yet Jones did.
The USGS does not claim to have found no thermite. Thats my claim. The USGS
used all of the same methods of analysis Jones used and them some. They took far
more sub-micron images than Jones supplied in his Bentham Open essay and their[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

dust analysis is far more complex and infinitely more thorough than that of Jones. My
examination of the USGS dust samples and the examination of those same samples
by both physicists and chemists indicates no evidence of conventional explosives,
thermite or nano-chemical explosives or any type of incendiary residues and they
would be there if they were used.
The USGS analysis included: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at USGS and
Delta Group, scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) at USGS and Delta
Group, high temporal resolution aerosol mass profiles (Mass STIM), (in vacuum) AT
the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory proton elastic scattering analysis (PESA) (in vacuum) at LLNL, Na-U,
synchrotron x-ray fluorescence (in vacuum) (S-XRF) and digital Si (Li) analysis at
Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory laser desorption
ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDITOF/MS) (in vacuum) and
synchrotron-induced X-Ray Fluorescence (S-XRF) at the University of California. A
slightly more sophisticated analysis than Jones performed.
Now, you worked for the government and you know how these agencies work. This
analysis, as you can see from the organizations involved in the paragraph above,
involved 100s of people, all plodding away, doing their government jobs like they do
every day. They were analyzing dust for chrysolite content for the EPA. Little did they
know that their data would prove fission.
Interestingly, there is a tremendous amount of missing data in Chemistry Table 1.
When I asked about the hundreds of nas (not available) where percentages or parts
per million were concerned I was told perhaps the quantity of that element at that
location was too small. Based on the study and the quantities shown, thats absurd.
While my analysis of the USGS data proves unequivocally that 911 was a nuclear
event, if I had all of the missing data I could narrow down the device type slightly.
Probably not precisely, but much closer than I can now.

We can say, being cautious, that:

1. 911 was a nuclear event 2. Fission is proven without doubt 3. The

evidence for fusion is extremely good 4. The anomalies seen suggest a
fission triggered fusion device similar to the Russian RDS-220
detonated in 1961, but on a micro scale. 5. The devices used on 911
were likely neutron bombs, the most feared devices ever developed by
humans on earth.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Its obvious, any reasonable person who has looked at the evidence and listened to
Jeff Prager knows that he is correct in his claim that mini nukes were used. The
actual specific type is open to discussion since there are known to be a number of
very small types than could have been used. But that such demolition was nuclear
based and probably involving fusion is undeniable.
Pragers assertions of this must be considered the best interpretation and conclusion
after examination of all the available evidence of the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Any other known means of destruction including particle beam (DEWS) does not
have near enough power to pulverize so much concrete and steel in mere fractions of
a second.
It is only the focused nuclear cracking of the forces that hold atoms together that
could have released enough energy to demo the Twin Towers in the manner which
occurred. Folks who are well informed about deep cover black ops like this know that
numerous different aspects and layers are always included: to test new weapon
systems; to throw investigators off; and to provide narratives to be later used to
conceal the main thrust of the operation.
Thus it is reasonable to expect that the attack on the Twin Towers included
conventional high explosives, perhaps in the basement right before the main hits of
the upper floors, nano-thermate in some areas which would be visible to observers as
slag coming out windows, and the use of fourth or fifth generation mini or even micro
nukes at about every tenth floor, setting them off from the top down in sequence.
But for anyone to suggest that conventional high explosives or nano-thermate was in
anyway a sufficient cause or the main cause or anything more than a minor part, is
certainly not making sense in terms of the laws of physics and what the best existing
evidence shows.
The WTC specimen I got from Janette MacKinley (RIP Died of a Brain Tumor in
2010) which disappeared after Deagle got involved and suddenly he has a sample
he cant get tested had no red granules everything was grey like powdered
concrete. No one has been able to beat the 1 to 1 weight ratio of of the best superduper nanothermite to steel requiring around a billion pounds of thermite required just
to melt steel let alone craters, atomization of metals, concrete, cars, fire resistant
paper, a billion pounds of 1800 degree residue, tritium and more. Only the massive
bombardment of neutrons can do what was done. For more,

Understanding the Scam of Thermite on 9 11

The Bogus Science of Explosive Super Thermite
Davy Crockett .018 kiloton unclassified Nuclear Test Video 17[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

History Channel Molten Metal At Ground Zero The World Trade
Center, Rise and Fall of an American Icon, Richard Riggs amongst a
background of nuclear devastation talks about molten metal. 42
Molten WTC Rock
Molten Metals under WTC 6 weeks after 9/11
A nice compilation of molten steel observations. Excerpt from
Blueprint for Truth. 8 minutes
v=nqJSDn5dgJc&feature=related The thermite portion is BS, Bogus
Science, to hide the use of nukes.
The Mystery of WTC 6
Massive Steel Spire Melts
Some tower and some spire. Only a nuke can melt steel like this:
Further evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in this 8 ton 6 thick
I-beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or
For the referenced facts see whats been being hidden by most truth
organizations for 6 years, see:
Bombs in the WTC Proves Nothing to Racist-Fascist Bigots
US Governments Usage of Atomic Bombs
Update: The US Governments Usage of Atomic Bombs Domestic
Update: Proven 9/11 Nukes = US Government Involvement

Dennis Cimino, A.A., EE; spent 35-years EMI/EMC testing, field engineering; FDR
testing and certifications specialist; Navy Combat Systems Specialist; 2,000 hours,
Pilot in Command, Commercial Instrument Single and Multi-Engine Land Pilot,
Eastern Airlines 727-200, Second Officer.
Donald Fox has done extensive research on the role of mini-nukes by Dr. Ed Ward
and on work by The Anonymous Physicist on the towers and has formulated an[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

account of how it was done and why there is more to this story relative to very lowyield thermonuclear devices.
Clare Kuehn, a University of Toronto graduate in history and student of philosophy,
mathematics and the arts, discussed Judy Wood, WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?,
and presented evidence for Directional Free or Low-Input Energy Weapons during
The Vancouver Hearings.
Jeff Prager, founder of an award winning magazine for Senior Citizens, in 2002 he
tried to prove 19 Muslims hijacked four planes and attacked us. By 2005, he realized
this was false, sold his business, left the US and began to investigate 9/11 full-time.
See 9/11 America Nuked.
Jim Viken, Ph.D., a Social Psychologist, Psychologist Emeritus, and retired former
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, who has become an expert in psyops and
covert operations and made many appearances on The Real Deal archived at
Ed Ward, M.D., among the leading experts on the use of nukes on 9/11, maintains
an extensive archive about them at his Weblog of Tyranny,, and has also appeared as a guest on The Real
Jim Fetzer, McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, is
the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, edited its first book, THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY
(2007), organized its first conference, The Science and Politics of 9/11 (Madison)
and co-organized The Vancouver Hearings.
Click Here to download the PDF version of this article
This article originally appeared on Veterans Today

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Clare Kuehn, Dennis Cimino, Dr. Ed Ward, Jeff Prager, Jim Viken, mininukes, neutron bomb, professor jim fetzer, World Trade Center, wtc

Shame: Confessions of the Father of

the Neutron Bomb 3rdEdition
Posted on October 24, 2012

Ive been researching neutron bombs in the course of my 9/11 research and came
across the lateSam Cohens PDF. Others undoubtedly will come to conclude as I
have that neutron bombs were likely used to destroy the World Trade Center
You can click here to download the PDF:
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Confessions, neutron bomb, Sam Cohen, Shame[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Truth Jihad Radio Appearance10/26/12

Posted on October 23, 2012

9/11 Eyewitness Hoboken Highlights

WTC1 Summary

North Tower Exploding[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Debris Ejected at a 45 Degree Angle

300 Ton Chunk of Debris Lands on Winter Garden

FEMA Debris Pattern Map[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

New 9/11 Photo Shows North Tower Exploding Upward and Outward

Pyroclastic Flow Engulfs Lower Manhattan After North Tower Collapse

Bankers Trust Building[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Burn Victim

Charred Remains Found at the WTC[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

China Syndrome at the WTC

Neutron Bomb
A neutron bomb is a fission-fusion thermonuclear weapon (hydrogen bomb) in which
the burst of neutrons generated by a fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The weapons Xray mirrors and radiation case, made of uranium or lead in a standard bomb, are
instead made of chromium or nickel so that the neutrons can escape. The bombs
also require amounts of tritium on the order of a few tens of grams.
The usual nuclear weapon yieldexpressed as kT TNT equivalentis not a
measure of a neutron weapons destructive power. It refers only to the energy
released (mostly heat and blast), and does not express the lethal effect of neutron
radiation on living organisms. Compared to a fission bomb with the identical explosive
yield, a neutron bomb would emit about ten times the amount of neutron radiation. In
a fission bomb, the radiation pulse energy is approximately 5% of the entire energy
released; in the neutron bomb it would be closer to 50%. A neutron bomb releases a
much greater number of neutrons than a fission bomb of the same explosive yield.
Furthermore, these neutrons are of much higher energy (14 MeV) than those released
during a fission reaction (12 MeV).
The tactical neutron bomb is a nuclear weapon that maximizes damage to people but
minimizes damage to buildings and equipment. It is also called an enhanced radiation
warhead. The neutron bomb is a specialized thermonuclear weapon that produces a
minimal blast but releases large amounts of lethal radiation which can penetrate
armor or several feet of earth.
Sam Cohen is considered the father of the neutron bomb. In the summer of 1958 he
began investigating the possibility of large thermonuclear weapons. In his research,
Cohen argued that if the uranium casing of a hydrogen bomb were removed, the
neutrons released would travel great distances, penetrating even well-shielded
structures with lethal doses of radiation and harming anyone inside.
The idea of the neutron warhead has been hotly debated since its inception. At the
time of itsintroduction, some felt that its relatively small initial blast and fallout was
ideal for use in densely populated areas, like Europe. Other proponents argued that
deployment of the neutron warhead could be used as a bargaining chip against the
Soviet SS-20 missile which was viewed as a threat to NATO forces in Europe.
Opponents of the weapon argued that the neutron bomb made the idea of using
nuclear weapons in war more conceivable. Because the neutron bomb would
devastate the whole of a target, military planners might not be as hesitant to use the
neutron bomb as they would a standard fission bomb.
Neutron Bomb Timeline
Summer 1958- While conducting researching on developing a large thermonuclear
weapon, Sam Cohen introduces the idea of removing the uranium casing from a
hydrogen bomb to allow neutrons to travel great distances and penetrate even
heavily shielded armor and structures.
1961-The Kennedy administration decides against the idea of developing a neutron
bomb and introducing it into the US nuclear arsenal because it may jeopardize the
moratorium on nuclear testing being observed by the US and Soviet Union.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

1961-The Soviet Union breaks the moratorium on nuclear testing allowing the US to
proceed with developing the neutron bomb.
1962-The first neutron device is successfully tested.
1970s-The Carter administration proposes modernizing the US nuclear arsenal by
installing neutron warheads on the Lance missiles and artillery shells planned for
deployment in Europe.
1977-West Germans realize their country will likely be the battleground for use of the
neutron bomb and begin hotly debating whether or not the weapon should be allowed
on their soil.
1978-Succumbing to international and domestic pressure, President Carter decides to
defer deployment of the neutron bomb, conditional to Soviet restraint in military
production and force deployments.
1980-France announces that it has tested a neutron device.
1981-President Reagan re-authorizes the production of neutron warheads for the
Lance missile and an 8-inch artillery shell, but because of strong opposition in
Europe, he orders that all neutron weapons be stored in the US with the option to
deploy overseas in the event of war. The USSR announces that it too has tested
neutron weapons, but has no plans of deploying them.
1982-France begins production of the neutron warhead.
1986-France announces it will abandon the production of neutron warheads because
of internal and external political pressure.
Definition of the Neutron Bomb
Also called ENHANCED RADIATION WARHEAD, specialized type of small
thermonuclear weapon that produces minimal blast and heat but which releases large
amounts of lethal radiation. The neutron bomb delivers blast and heat effects that are
confined to an area of only a few hundred yards in radius. But within a somewhat
larger area it throws off a massive wave of neutron and gamma radiation, which can
penetrate armor or several feet of earth. This radiation is extremely destructive to
living tissue. Because of its short-range destructiveness and the absence of longrange effect, the neutron bomb would be highly effective against tank and infantry
formations on the battlefield but would not endanger cities or other population centers
only a few miles away. It can be carried in a Lance missile or delivered by an 8-inch
(200-millimetre) howitzer, or possibly by attack aircraft. In strategic terms, the neutron
bomb has a theoretical deterrent effect: discouraging an armored ground assault by
arousing the fear of neutron bomb counterattack. The bomb would disable enemy
tank crews in minutes, and those exposed would die within days. U.S. production of
the bomb was postponed in 1978 and resumed in 1981.
Hydrogen-2 (deuterium)
The other stable hydrogen isotope, is known as deuterium and contains one proton
and one neutron in its nucleus. Deuterium comprises 0.0026 0.0184% (by
population, not by mass) of hydrogen samples on Earth, with the lower number
tending to be found in samples of hydrogen gas and the higher enrichments (0.015%
or 150 ppm) typical of ocean water. Deuterium is not radioactive, and does not[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

represent a significant toxicity hazard. Water enriched in molecules that include

deuterium instead of normal hydrogen is called heavy water. Deuterium and its
compounds are used as a non-radioactive label in chemical experiments and in
solvents for 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Heavy water is used as a neutron moderator and
coolant for nuclear reactors. Deuterium is also a potential fuel for commercial nuclear
Hydrogen-3 (tritium)
3H is known as tritium and contains one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus. It is
radioactive, decaying into helium-3 through decay with a half-life of 12.32 years.
Small amounts of tritium occur naturally because of the interaction of cosmic rays with
atmospheric gases. Tritium has also been released during nuclear weapons tests. It
is used in thermonuclear fusion weapons, as a tracer in isotope geochemistry, and
specialized in self-powered lighting devices. The most common method of producing
tritium is by bombarding a natural isotope of lithium, lithium-6, with neutrons in a
nuclear reactor.
Tritium was once used routinely in chemical and biological labeling experiments as a
radiolabel, which has become less common in recent times. D-T nuclear fusion uses
tritium as its main reactant, along with deuterium, liberating energy through the loss of
mass when the two nuclei collide and fuse at high temperatures.
Through The Neutron Looking Glass (Sam Cohen)
In a broad sense, the neutron bomb is an explosive version of the sun; that is, the
relevant energy it emits comes from thermonuclear, or fusion, reactions involving the
very lightest elements. To be specific, its fuel consists of the two heavier nuclei of
hydrogen, named deuterium and tritium. By means of a fission trigger, a mixture of
these two nuclei is compressed and heated, as happens in a hydrogen bomb, to
cause nuclear reactions whose principle output is in the form of very high energy
neutrons. Also produced will be blast and heat, but so predominant are the neutron
effects against human beings, who are a hundred to a thousand times more
vulnerable to radiation than blast and heat, that by bursting the weapon high enough
off the ground the only significant effects at the surface will come from radiation. In so
doing, the blast and heat effects will not be strong enough to cause significant
damage to most structures. Hence, a bomb which, accurately but misleadingly, has
been described as a weapon that kills people but spares buildings. (Those who like
and comprehend the Bomb understand that the people are bad guys enemy
soldiers. Those who dislike it and never have bothered to delve into its military
aspects, claim the people are innocent civilians who happen to be in the combat area,
even though most of the time theyre not, for obvious reasons.) In the real world, it is
aweapon that fulfills the dream of civilized nations; namely, a weapon that restricts
the battle to the battlefield.
What does it do? Well, in about a thousandth of a second it will seriously irradiate
enemy soldiers (in tanks, self-propelled artillery vehicles, armored personnel carriers,
in field bunkers, and most other places where they may be)out to a distance of about
half to three-quarters of a mile for a warhead yield of a kiloton, a tenth that of the
bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Soldiers in this area, to one degree or another,
within minutes to hours, will be rendered unfit to fight. Roughly half will die, most
rather quickly from shock to the central nervous system. Those who are wounded (I
put this in quotes because neutron bomb wounds in no way can be compared with
wounds from conventional weapons rifles, machine guns, artillery, fragmentation
weapons, napalm, etc.), if given proper medical attention, as is done on the[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

conventional battlefield, after some weeks they will recover.

What doesnt it do? Well, for start-offs, when the war is over the civilian areas
villages, towns, cities will be in just about the shape they were in before it started.
There will be no lingering radioactivity to prevent occupation of these areas; in fact,
they can be reentered almost immediately. (Compare this with every major war weve
fought in this century, with what I saw in Seoul that affected me so deeply.)As for the
enemy soldiers, the bad guys, who during a war we make out to be as barbaric as the
troops of Attila the Hun (they usually are), those that die are dead; but thats always
been the main objective in battlefield conflict to kill. As to how they die, which
hasnt been of real concern in conventional war, all I can say is I doubt whether the
agony an irradiated soldier goes through in the process of dying is any worse than
that produced by having your body charred to a crisp by napalm, your guts being
ripped apart by shrapnel, your lungs blown in by concussion weapons, and all those
other sweet things that happen when conventional weapons (which are preferred and
anointed by our official policy) are used. But thats my subjective opinion, based in no
small way on my agony at the hands of my bowel-conscious mother, so loved by all
her friends, in contrast with her son so reviled by so much of the world. As for the
wounded, to a first approximation, when they have recovered, they are back in just
about the same shape they were in before the irradiation. They have all their limbs,
their eyesight, an intact digestive system which, with or without Metamucil, will allow
them to move their bowels to their hearts content, or their mothers heart content if
their mothers are like mine (may God help them), and so on. In a very small
percentage of the cases, many years later cancer (mainly leukemia) may arise; but
unless most of them dont smoke or frequent restaurants where smoking is allowed,
most of them stand a better chance of dying from smoke (or other chemical) induced
cancer, or cancer produced by natural causes.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Kevin Barrett, mini-nukes, neutron bomb, Sam Cohen

Jim Fetzer Real Deal

Posted on September 2, 2012

Jim and I discussed the destruction of the WTC on his show The Real Deal on
8/27/12. Below are the notes I had prepared for the show:

1) Do they exist? But the problem is, were they used, and would they show
these types of signatures?
Mini-nukes were being advocated by the Pentagon in 1993:

2) Nuclear weapons explode, but the towers did not explode. They were
pulverized and peeled to the ground, almost like a banana peeling.
The picture below refutes this point. WTC1 is seen EXPLODING and debris is
ejected upward at a 45 degree angle:[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

The picture below shows the FEMA map of the debris patterns from the buildings.
With debris ejected so far away how can anyone deny that the buildings were
exploded? These buildings were NOT just converted to dust in place. THEY WERE

3) Moreover, the site wasnt hot, that is, radioactive.

All sorts fallout was found at Ground Zero: uranium, thorium, barium, lithium,
lanthanum, yttrium, chromium and tritium.
4) The bathtub survived, as has been seen, making it highly unlikely that nukes
of any kind were used.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Yes if a big, undirected nuke had been detonated the bathtub would have been
damaged. But a series of smaller nukes with the blast directed UPWARD would not
have destroyed the bathtub.

5) Additionally, the Richter reading did not show the use of a nuclear weapon. If
a nuke large enough to destroy the WTC had been used, it would have
registered a seismic signal greater than if the building had fallen to the ground.
What the seimograph showed was that the majority of the WTC did not hit the
Again if a big nuke would have been planted in the basement of each building there
would have been bigger seismic readings. But a series of smaller, directed nukes
would not have left a large seismic footprint.

6) Finally, the site showed massive amounts of unburned paper, an impossibility

if nuclear weapons had been detonated. The unburned paper evidence will be
discussed subsequently in conjunction with other factors.
Mini-nukes destroy everything in a certain radius. Outside of that radius the
overpressure and blast wave destroy heavier, denser material like steel and concrete
while lighter material like paper blows away. And this is EXACTLY what we saw on
Nukes are known to blast material into VERY small particles and again this is
EXACTLY what we saw on 9/11: cement and steel blasted into very fine dust
And no way can DEWs account for the China Syndrome that went on for 6 months
after 9/11 at the WTC. Only nukes can account for this.
The evidence Jim and I covered on this showelimates the official government
account, Steve Jones thermite theory and Judy Woods DEW non-theory. Its time to
accept that mini-nukes were used to destroy the WTC on 9/11.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged DEWs, Don Fox, Dr. Judy Wood, mini-nukes, professor jim fetzer, World
Trade Center

Chuck Boldwyns UpdatedPresentation

Posted on August 20, 2012

Chuck has updated his presentation. There are 4 parts now. Click on the links
belowto open the PDFs.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting
Posted in 9/11

To View PowerPoint Presentations

Download the Free PowerPointViewer
Posted on July 27, 2012

You need Microsoft PowerPoint or the free PowerPoint Viewer in order to view the
PowerPoint presentations posted here. If you do not have PowerPoint click here to
download the free PowerPoint Viewer.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged PowerPoint Viewer

Greg Feltons VancoverPresentation

Posted on July 21, 2012

We finally have it!! The audio of Greg Feltons Vancouver presentation is now
Greg Felton is an investigative journalist specializing in the Middle East, Canadian
politics, the media and language. He holds a Masters Degree in political science from
the University of British Columbia and speaks French, Russian and Mandarin. For six
years he wrote a political column for the monthly Arabic/English Canadian Arab
News, and his articles have appeared on,,,, and in Middle East Times,
Tehran Times, and other publications.
Greg is the author ofThe Host and The Parasite: How Israels Fifth Column
Consumed America and Exploding Middle East Myths: 15 Years of Fighting Zionist
Gregs Vancouver presentation isSeptember 11th: The Highest Stage of Zionism.
Click Here to listen to Gregs presentation
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Greg Felton, Israel, vancouver hearings, zionism

Jeff Prager Guest Blog: The Age Of The

Micro NuclearDevice
Posted on July 15, 2012

Im not a physicist but I understand physics better than most. Not just any physics
since the field is even more specialized than medicine. You wouldnt see an
endocrinologist for lower spinal surgery would you? You also wouldnt see a physicist
preoccupied with the Bose-Higgson to evaluate the elements found in the 35+ dust
samples taken by the USGS. Specifically, thorium, uranium, strontium, barium,
cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, potassium, sodium, antimony, molybdenum, magnesium,
vanadium and several others.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

My specialty is nuclear demolition and even more specifically, fusion triggered fission
devices of a micro-scale. Although I may be a layman Im a retired layman and my
hobby is reading. Granted, some folks my age love golf, or fishing, or hunting, or any
myriad of hobbies. I read. All day. Every day. My personal philosophy not realized
until my very late 40s, like 49, is that the purpose of life is to educate ones self and
the primary sources of education, based on Socrates and Platos philosophies, is
reading and dialogue or cordial argument. I cant read along with you but I can
provide you with some brief dialogue to consider.
We live in what I call the Age Of Depletion. Examine peer reviewed geologic data and
copper if going to deplete in the near future, sooner than other natural resources.
Copper powers everything and there are only poor replacements; aluminum loses
current to the atmosphere.
We also live in what I call the Age Of The Micro Nuclear Device. Interestingly, these
devices dont look much different than conventional large explosive devices and far
more importantly theyre designed using a fission/fusion hybrid detonation mechanism
which reduces residual radiation in three significant ways. First, total radiation is
reduced by 97-99% and second, residual radiation dissipates in just days, a week at
the most. Last, moisture, rain, flooding of any kind also rapidly reduces the radiation
to almost undetectable levels.
The international nuclear treaties covered pure fission of plutonium and uranium.
They do not cover hybrid fusion triggered fission devices of the type I described
above. The global scene required intelligence agencies, governments (your choice of
terminology here) and cabals to develop weapons that werent covered under
international treaties and thus could be used with impunity. This was done.
A fusion triggered fission device detonates in less than 600 billionths of a second;
approximately 550 billionths for the fusion process and 50 billionths for the fission,
and sometimes much less. The fusion boost increases total yield many fold yet
reduces overall radiation output.
I mentioned the Age Of Depletion for a critically and crucial reason. We are in it.
Lumber, water, petroleum, copper, the rare earth metals and certain other natural
resources are in short supply when viewed across the next several decades. We have
a hard time planning next month. Governments plan 25, 50 and 100 years in
Bali, Beirut, the USS Cole, Mumbai and several other alleged terrorist bombings were
false-flag micro-nuclear events perpetrated by intelligence organizations to further the
agenda of regime change and the fraudulent and farcical War On Terror across the
Arab world which is happening at this very moment.
Micro-nuclear devices are here to stay. Nuclear grenades. Nuclear golf balls. Nanonukes. Just ask the 1000s of dead First Responders who have often died from not
one, not two, but three rare cancers. Reggie Hillaire just recovered last year from
thyroid cancer. He just came down with Multiple Myeloma, a rare blood plasma
cancer that only afflicts people over 70. Reggie is under 50. Multiple Myeloma, nonHodgkins Lymphoma, Esophageal cancer, Brain cancers, Pancreatic cancers,
Leukemia and other forms of RAPIDLY developing cancer is seen in First
Responders yet never before seen anywhere else other than Chernobyl, Nagasaki
and Hiroshima.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

This isnt an essay to theorize that 911 was a nuclear event. Its an essay to wake up
America, perhaps the world, that highly sophisticated micro-nuclear devices not only
exist but are used with some fair regularity. Nuclear physicist Dr. Christopher Busby
found proof of these devices in the deserts of Iraq, specifically in Fallujah bomb
craters and other local Iraqi areas using hair samples from many dozens of
volunteers. Enriched uranium was used in Iraq. His report was published in a
prestigious peer reviewed journal in the UK within the last few months.
911 was nuclear. Its not the first nuclear event and it wont be the last. Expect more.
Its inevitable.
Unequivocal and irrefutable physics, chemistry and mathematics proof that 911 was
a nuclear event:
Jeff Prager Founder & Publisher retired Senior Magazine
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Jeff Prager, micro-nukes, mini-nukes, USGS

Kevin Barretts VancouverPowerPoint

Posted on July 12, 2012

Kevin Barretts Vancouver PowerPointpresentation is available now! Kevin breaks

down the parallels between theneocon, Likudnikand Nazi agendas.
Click here to view Kevins PowerPoint
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Kevin Barrett, neocons, vancouver hearings

Jim Fetzer Real Deal Appearance7/9/12

Posted on July 9, 2012

Anonymous WTC Collapse Video[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

1. WTC2 :13 wheatchex as Judy would call them are observed being ejected with
comet trails of dust. Evidence of high explosiveenergy.
2. :19 pyroclastic clouds observed coming around the North Tower
3. :27 paper observed floating down the street. WTC2 has been turned to dust.
4. :42 wall of pyroclastic cloud moves down the street. Cloud engulfs the fire trucks
5. WTC1: 1:59
6. 2:26 North Tower explodes in every direction. The building melts into a dust cloud.
Looks like a bannana peeling
7. 2:39 spire observed. Mushroom cloud starts rising
8. 2:47 massive amount of pyroclastic flow moving down the street
9. 2:55 Dark mushroom cloud looms over NYC. Massive amount of explosive energy
required for this
10. 3:17 WTC 7
11. 3:32 Mushroom cloud starts rising
12. 3:35 pyrolcastic flow once again engulfs Lower Manhattan
Car Park to the Right of the White Building:

Toasted Cars:
NYC 9/11[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Nagaski 1945

Hiroshima 1945[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Penatagon 9/11

2/19/13 UPDATE from Ed Ward MD:

Correction: 9-11 WTCs 1, 2, 6, and 7 NeutronNuked.
Correction: 9-11 WTCs 1, 2, 6, and 7 Neutron Nuked. by Ed Ward, MD
Prior to peer review by Donald Fox, I have noted that WTC 7 was not nuked since
there was no pyroclastic cloud nor residual heat. I believe there are problems with a nuke in WTC 7. 1. The residual
heat signature only lasted a couple of days, which would be more consistent with
nuke debris spread from WTC 1. 2. I looked at film of WTC 7, and didnt see a
pyroclastic flow.
Don responded with: Check out the YouTube clip on my post from 7/9/12:
There is massive pyroclastic flow as Building 7 collapses.
I responded with: Best video Ive seen of 7 and indeed there is pyroclastic flow, there[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

is still the problem of residual heat. Perhaps like WTC 6 where there is documented
proof of tampering with the heat signatures 1 site showed residual heat at 6 while
another site using the same data showed NO residual heat See Update: The US
Governments Usage of Atomic Bombs Domestic WTC
Based on your cited video, it appears that there was indeed a neutron nuke in 7 too.
That would make 1, 2, 6, and 7 All nuked. Thanks for the link.
So, I went back and examined the thermal images no evidence of tampering was
noted (nothing like the crude blackening of WTC 6). Indeed, there is minimal heat
right after 7 was demolished and it still looks more like WTC 2 residue. But, very
shortly after that, 3 large heat zones appear linear, even spaced 1 dead center
and one on each side. It just took a while for the heat to transfer up. This would
correlate with 3 surface to slightly sub-surface micro nukes in WTC 7. Set to
explode just after/during the regular demolition would account for the more lateral flow
of the pyroclastic flow.
To date: 4 WTC buildings nuked using 10 micro neutron nukes total- most likely
scenario. . WTCs 1 and 2 1 in the basement shook people out of the building, 1 at
ground level last to go off, and 1 about the 60th floor give or take a few. 3 for each
WTC 6 Excellent evidence of what 1 micro neutron nuke can do. Only 8 stories
high, but it also left a hole 45 feet deep sub ground level detonation.
WTC 7 The heat signatures indicate 3 micro neutron nukes sub ground level
That makes a total of 10 focused micro neutron nukes needed to account for all the
Ed Ward, MD ; ;
Judy Woods cold fusion scam
Update: Proven 9-11 Nukes
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Building 7, mini-nukes, Pentagon, toasted cars, World Trade Center

Barbara Honeggers
Posted on July 6, 2012

Barbaras presentation on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 is now

available.There is a lot of info packed into 194 slides. Even veteran 9/11 researchers
are likely to learn something new.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Click here to view Barbs presentation

Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Barbara Honegger, Boeing 757, Flight 77, Pentagon, vancouver

Nick Kollerstroms
Posted on July 1, 2012

Did a Phantom Plane Hit the2nd Tower?

Talk at 911 Vancouver Hearings by NK
1. Witness Testimony
Of course it was a real plane! a New York fireman said to me he had been on the
other side of the Hudson river on the morning of 911, working as a fireman, and saw
the plane flying in towards the 2 nd Tower at 9.02 am. He also heard it, with the sound
lagging somewhat behind the visible plane, and reckoned that about three hundred
other people there had also seen it.1

But, judging by written witness-testimonies of those who saw the plane or whatever
it was that morning 2, not many believed it was a Boeing passenger jet. For example,
here is how fireman Mr Faisel Abed described his experience, the very next day:
We are about a half mile out, halfway from the World Trade Center and we see this shiny
object coming and me and my partner are going, what the hell, whats wrong with that plane?
What is wrong with that plane? There is something not right with that plane! And he just
the tower blew.

Here is another fireman testimony by Mr A. Bartolemey, unusual in that it describes[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

both plane impacts:

Numerous civilians were telling me that a plane had hit the building. There were discrepancies
as to the type of plane. Some were saying it was a Cessna or Leer jet type, a small jet plane.
Some said it was a large passenger plane. One person actually said that it was like a military
style plane that actually shot missiles into the building.

Then as we were starting to treat some more patients , we heard rumbling. We

thought maybe it was debris falling from the tower. You look up and you see the flame
of the plane hitting the second building. When you see the footage on TV, you see it fly
in one side and the fireball shot out through the other side. We actually saw the fireball
shot out from the north side of that building.
He hears various different accounts of what impacted the first Tower, then sees the
flame of the plane hitting WTC-2, and a plume shoot out from its other side (which
many would view as having been physically impossible.) Generally speaking firstresponder accounts diverge widely as regards what they saw going into the 2 nd Tower,
as an analysis by Andrew Johnson of five hundred first-responder accounts
2. The Impossible speed
No passenger plane could have flown at that speed, at that low altitude.
This fact conclusively demonstrates, that whatever impacted the Tower was no Boeing
passenger plane! Because this has astonishing implications, let us here set it out in a
Table, where a conversion factor of 1.15 turns knots into miles per hour:
Ground speed of Boeing 757 WTC-2 Knots m.p.h
Actual estimated speed510 knots 580 mph
Maximum possible operating speed:350-370 400-430
Optimal speed for guidance:240-260 280-300
The estimate of 510 knots first appeared in the 2002 National Transport Safety Board 4
study, then years later Pilots for 911 Truth reaffirmed it5 with the additional
information that Boeing sets its maximum passenger plane speed for a 757 at 360
knots at sea-level or low-altitude. But, more relevant is the speed at which such a
passenger plane can be steered: no pilot could have hit the WTC Tower at that
maximum speed as various people have ascertained using the flight simulators for
Boeing planes now available: it just cannot be guided at that high velocity. An
intelligent terrorist would want to drive it at around 250 knots in order to have a hope
of hitting WTC the target.6 A Boeing can indeed fly at over five hundred knots, but only
high up above thirty thousand feet altitude, because the atmosphere there is only onethird its density at sea-level. Planes climb to that height in order to achieve such
cruising speeds.
This data demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that no Boeing passenger plane
impacted the 2 nd Tower that morning! If it wasnt a real plane, what was it?[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

3. A No-planes theory?
A new British theory has been developed by Richard Hall (RH) concerning what it was
that flew into the 2 nd tower that morning, 7 which builds upon the research by Morgan
Reynolds. May I say that over all the years when the London 911 truth group was
functioning, I didnt notice anyone espousing what would be scornfully alluded to as
the no-planes theory. One could see that the impact-images were not right, but noone wanted to go to so dire a conclusion. But, well see how whatever impacted the
Tower that morning seems to have left a radar track, i.e. it wasnt just a hologram or
Richard Hall has been concerned to refute the video fakery argument of September
Clues whereby the appearance of a Boeing aeroplane was explained by inserting such
images into news-footage film, as if there had been no eyewitnesses. Real film was
taken and people really saw it.
If perchance we should want to use the term no planes theory, then we need to be
clear that it means, no credible plane wreckage appears at any of the four sites. None
of the four alleged Boeing passenger planes went anywhere near the four crash sites
on that morning. That was the illusion! Real planes did take off that morning with real
passengers on board, however they were not hijacked.
4. Which planes flew?
We backtrack now to review some primary databases, primarily those of the FAA
(Federal Aviation Authority), the BTS (Bureau of Transportation Statistics), and the SSDI
(Social Security Death Index) the latter for who really died. These are all civilian and
permit me to suggest that the military intelligence that organized and perpetrated 911
could not readily invade or corrupt these civilian sources. If we are wondering why no
credible wreckage of planes was found at any of the four sites, then one answer to that
would be, that whoever organized the Greatest Conjuring Trick of All Time could
manipulate the military and top-level civilian authorities, but there would be a whole
lot of medium and low-level civilians who could not easily be manipulated or
corrupted. If you ask, Why would they not have just flown two passenger planes into
the Towers?, then one answer is, there would have been a whole lot of bureaucratic
complications resulting, that the military intel Israeli and US would not have wanted
to have to deal with.
Of the four planes which were allegedly hijacked and crashed that morning, two were
United Airlines and two were American Airlines. The plane United Airlines flight 175
took off from Boston Logan airport probably at 8.23am, carrying passengers who
believed they were bound for Los Angeles. An earlier Boston to LA flight had been
cancelled that morning: the American Airlines flight 11. This was a regular-as-clockwork
daily flight, so people would have just turned up for it that morning expecting to leave
at 8 am, and instead have presumably got onto the UA Flight 175 which left shortly
Entering into the BTS database, one saw that the last-ever scheduled departure of AA
th[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]


Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Flight 11 was on September 10 . Passengers could book up for a flight on the 10 . It

was not scheduled to depart the next day, and then for the week following it was
scheduled but cancelled grounded, like other passenger planes, in the aftermath.
What then started flying again, as the morning flight from Boston to LA, had a different
code (which neednt concern us). Likewise Flight AA77, a Boeing 757 from Washington
to LA, made its last-ever flight on the day before 911.
Because American Airline flights 11 and 77 had always been daily and regular as
clockwork, did people turn up that morning just expecting them to fly? 9 United
Airlines Flight 175 left from the same airport, at the same time, for the same
destination, as that of the suddenly-cancelled Flight 11, and we may therefore accept
Holmgrens hypothesis that passengers expecting to board Flight 11 were simply rescheduled into Flight 175. Planes must be cancelled seven days in advance for the flight
not to be recorded by the BTS (Bureau of Transportation Stats). </span
There was no problem explaining what happened to these two American Airline planes
or their passengers, Holmgren explained, because they never flew. Only with the two
United Airlines planes, i.e. those which are alleged to have flown into the Second WTC
Tower and crashed in Pennsylvania, do we have a problem of real passengers having
been on board. Here is a Table summarizing the identities of these two planes which
did really take off:







Boeing 767





Boeing 757




SF Crashed in Pennsylvania

Thus the plane uniquely identified as N612UA its tail number did take off that
morning, but did not crash. Four different kinds of plane identity are here shown: the
design of Boeing aeroplane, then its flight code, then the permanent ID number
painted under its wings, and lastly its specific flight on a given day passengers would
only know the last of these.
The first person to have understood the significance of the two American Airlines
planes having been cancelled for that morning was the late Gerard Holmgren. One
used to be able to go to this official government database to check this out. Then in
October 2004 the BTS finally fiddled their own database, making it state that the AA
Flight 11 had flown on that morning of the 11 th however, there exist copies of its
earlier, untampered with database.
(While on the subject of the BTS database, permit me to mention a discovery made by
one of the UK 911 truth group Simon Aronowitz in 2004, concerning the maiden flight
of what was called UA flight 93: he found that the BTS had recorded its flights for only
a few days and this was its first-ever Tuesday flight: the first United flight 93 from
Newark to San Francisco on a Tuesday was on the day of 9/11. This was not a regularly
scheduled flight, but had been newly-inserted into the system. The Mayor of San
Francisco turned up at the Airport shortly before noon to share the grief of the
bereaved families after the crash of flight 93 was announced, a US tradition with plane[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

crashes: after a couple of hours he went home, because nobody showed up. 10 )
The SSDI database which has nothing comparable in the UK is a registry of all US
Social Security numbers belonging to deceased persons. It is slow and can take years
for the deceaseds unique number to come through onto this database. Focussing on
UA Flight 175, its captain Victor Saracini is registered as having died on that day with
an Endowed Flight Scholarship established by his wife, Ellen, in memory of him. But in
general very few of the flight crews given for the four planes showed up on the SSDI in
the years after 911. Flight AA11 which supposedly crashed into the North tower, had a
flight crew of eleven according to published lists, including pilot John Ogonowski and
flight attendants Betty Ong and Madeleine Sweeney. The SSDI list cites only one of
these eleven persons as having died on that day, whereas of the given passenger list of
76, 11 registered as being dead.
For UA Flight 93, of its seven listed crew members not one showed up on the SSDI
even years after the event. 11 That means none of the crew members died e.g., Jason
Matthew Dahl registered on the FAA database as pilot of Flight 93, appears to be still
alive. Sixteen of the alleged passengers turned up via last-minute changes in schedule,
and not one of these showed up on the SSDI. Of the remaining 24 listed passengers,
ten did come up onto the SSDI list, and with one exception I found that their average
age was 65. 12 So in general rather few deaths appear from plane passengers.
There is very little crossover of the passenger SSDI counts allegedly from the four
planes and those families who came forward to claim from the Governments 911
Compensation Fund!13 If a family did not come forward to claim the huge
compensation offered on the sole condition that they shut up, they do not talk about
what happened to anyone then we surely ought to assume that they were not a real
We are I suggest not obliged to answer the anguished question What happened to the
passengers? But, there is a useful comparison here to Operation Northwoods,
masterminded in 1962 by General Lemnitzer. That envisaged something comparable, a
plane shootdown with real passengers on a civilian plane having to be disposed of. The
civilian airliner would have to be converted into a remote-controlled drone and be shot
down over Cuba. This fiendish plot had civilian passengers given new identities not
killed, then casualty figures placed in US newspapers would cause a wave of national
indignation. For Operation Northwoods, disposing of a planeload of civilian passengers
was evidently no problem.
5. Summary: the Fourfold Pattern
The FAA database records airworthy planes, i.e. those in flight service. It was recording
one labelled N612UA as being still airworthy four years later and that had been UA
Flight 175; as likewise it recorded N591UA as still airworthy, and that was UA Flight 93.
We find the latter plane again flying according the UA employee Mr Friedman, who
innocuously recorded how he flew on it on 10 th April, 2003.
Let us therefore be crystal-clear, that two American Airline planes which allegedly flew
into the Pentagon and WTC-1, did not do so because they did not fly that morning;
while the two United Airline planes, one which allegedly flew into WTC-2 and the other
crashed in Pennsylvania, did not do so because they were both registered as still[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

airworthy after the event.

That is a no-hijacker scenario, or a no-plane crash scenario, and many allude to it as
the no-planes theory. If you want to use the latter term, be aware that it has very
negative connotations, which you may not readily be able to control.
The acceptance of this fourfold framework is the essential basis for evaluating the
fabric of deception perpetrated upon the world that morning.

6. Richard Halls Theory

It is unknown, for many of the videos, who exactly took them and where they were
taken from as if there was pressure upon those who took the videos to shut up.
Famously, Mr Michael Hezarkhani took the video of the plane merging like butter into
the 2 nd Tower,14 which CNN took off him to use on its News, and he would not say
anything more about it to anyone. 15 Another with a close-up film of the impact was
paid quite a lot by CNN to hand over his film and keep quiet. Simon Shack (September
Clues) argued that CNN did so in order to insert planes into the photograph, but RH
believes they rather wanted to check how their optical illusion appeared at the impact
They had to fly their phantom plane at too fast a speed, he argues, because the illusion
would not work if done more slowly. He also noted that, of all the video clips of this
impact from the ground, none were filmed by professional news media team, as if the
latter were somehow restrained: their higher-resolution cameras might have seen it as
a phantom.
Have a look at the video of the so-called ball16 approaching the second Tower two
years ago, RH proposed that this object had really hit the tower but approaching from
a different angle from what he saw as the faked plane-images: it then took him two
years of hard work to realize that in fact this path was the very same as that of the
plane videos, i.e. it was the same object! His conclusion then became inescapable: the
plane was some kind of apparition, maybe a hologram, which only really worked
seen from below against a clear blue sky when seen from above as in this video
(probably taken from a helicopter) with a hazy view of New York in the background, it
just looked like a sphere. Yet, some felt there were some hints of wings on it, or trying
to be on it as you might conjecture of whatever went earlier into the First Tower.
There are various other arguments here, which you have probably heard before: the
absence of credible plane wreckage falling down, the impossible appearance of the
cutout images in the WTC walls, the impossible way huge explosions blow out from the
North side of the WTC-2 opposite the impact as if the plane had gone right through,
the strangely phantom appearance of the plane just before impact, as its port (lefthand-side) wing fades away. 17 Mr Denis Cimino explained to me that, as an
experienced plane pilot, the dead giveaway for him was the way the apparition
coming up to the towers flipped its wings more than ninety degrees in half a second
which, he explained, would cause the wings to break off. We are here dealing with
exotic technology but at least we now have some idea what it is we are looking for.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

We are here concurring with the position outlined by Jim Fetzer: 18

the possible use of sophisticated holograms to project the image of a plane that is in fact
not there. We have support for this possibility from John Lear, one of our nations most
distinguished pilots, who has not only given affidavits about the impossible speed of the plane
in the videos we are discussing but has observed that the absence of strobe lights on the top
and bottom of the fuselage indicates we are viewing a fake plane. 19 I like this hypothesis,

because it accounts for the impossible speed, the fake entry into the building, and
reports from witnesses who claim to have seen the plane, such as Scott Forbes, whom I
interviewed on 10 September 2010, and Steven Brown, on 27 August 2010, on The
Real Deal, Scott, who worked in the South Tower, told me
he saw the building swallow the plane, while Steven had recently taken a course on
holography at Cambridge and supported its technical feasibility.
This is indeed a strange concept. . Our analysis of what planes flew where has basically
derived from insights of the late Gerard Holmgren. That seems compatible with the
important new theory of Richard Hall, concerning what flew into the 2 nd Tower. The
videos were real and the plane was fake, - not a fake video of a real plane as some
have alleged, he concluded.
Appendix: Two Radar Paths?
Did two different sources of radar data record the incoming path of what was allegedly
the Boeing 175, that impacted into WTC-2, one civilian and the other military? Did
they diverge, apparently making two separate paths about 1400 feet apart? If so, the
civilian radar trace went into the Tower, the other missed it.
We earlier alluded to a Radar Data Impact Speed Study by Daniel Bower for the
National Transport Safety Board which mapped the flight path of the Boeing 175 (taken
from EWR ASR Radar returns). RH ascertained that the flight paths as caught on
many videos matched this path. While possibly not an official NTSB report, it is one
persons interpretation of it. Regrettably, Mr Daniel Bower is no longer alive, to answer
the vital questions
The Military radar data RADES System 3 US Military Radar Software should have
generated more accurate data: given inGPS co-ordinates plus altitude values in feet, it
used web-available USAF data,20 with one position givenper 12 seconds. Why did this
path miss the 2 nd Tower? Likewise for flight 11 into the North Tower, the given military
radar flight-path missed the Tower! Bloggers wondered whether this could be a mere
systematic error due to the radar dish being sixty miles away? Or, could this somehow
be one of the terror drills on that perilous day?
Of the dozens of video-records of whatever flew into WTC-2 that morning, RH found
that There are between fifty and sixty publicly-known videos recording the event
which caused the damage to the South Tower. In a 3-D reconstruction, he showed
they were all concordant with the civilian radar flight-path by Mr Daniel Bower.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Chronology of a Phantom Flight21

8:23 AMUnited 175 takes off from Boston Airport (Bureau of Transportation
9:03 AM United 175 allegedly crashes into World Trade Center 2
9:23 AM ACARS message (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
System) says United 175 still flying over western Pennsylvania (Pilots for 9/11 Truth)
10:45 AMMystery plane Delta 89 arrives in Cleveland Airport. (Local Cleveland
11:53 AM United Airlines avers that Flight 175, from Boston to Los Angeles, has
crashed with 56 passengers and nine crew members aboard.

Notes and References

1. Testimony given to me by Dave Murphy, formerly a New York volunteer fireman, in conversation June
2. Taken from data published as oral histories by over 500 Emergency Service First Responders to 9/11, as
posted on the New York Times Website.
3. Andrew Johnson, Going in search of planes in NYC based on the above oral histories.
4. NTSB Radar Data Impact Speed Study 2002 by Daniel R. Bower.
5. Pilots for 911 truth: 9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed,

2011. For more detailed evaluation, see:


6. This was explained to me by pilot Dennis Cimino.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

7. New 911 analysis by Richard Hall.

8. Dean Hartwells account would seem currently the most likely: The 157 passengers for
American 11 and United 175 get on United 175 in Boston and take off from there en route to
Clevelandthe real United 175 was given a new identity as Flight 89 and under the false
pretense of a bomb threat, it performed an emergency landing at Cleveland. Planes without
Passengers, the Faked Hijackings of 9/11, 2011, p.97.

9. There is a major problem with this view, whereby real people turned up for a flight, in the lack
of real deaths or of families claiming the compensation offered see below.

10. Likewise for the three planes bound for the Los Angeles airport, only two grieving relatives
seem to have turned up, with the entire airport closed down that morning, presumably to prevent
anyone noticing that no such relatives had turned up: September Clues Epilogue. Air-crash
protocols here are quite strict: Each air carrier is responsible for getting a clergyman or woman
and counselors and make preparations to bring the grieving relatives into a secure area and then
console them and brief them about the loss they just incurred. (Dennis Cimino, Vancouver

11. These flight crew numbers 11 for flight AA11 and 9 for flight UA 93, are far too large and
suggest some funny business was going on: Lets Roll forum, Clive, Ideas about the
passengers: normally one flight attendant is provided per 50 passengers.

12. Of the 45 listed as dead from flight UA93 that morning, none of the families came forwards
for the 9/11 Compensation Fund list: not one. (Sammartino) This investigator found that, of the
passengers and crew of flights 11,77,175 and 93, only 22%, 22%, 28% and 13% respectively
were in the SSDI.

13. Lets Roll forum, Victims listed in SSDI Victims compensation fund victims:
passengers 6%, crew 3%, with only 4 out of 212 passengers (1.9%) listed in both
SSDI and Victim Compensation fund.
14. Hetzarkhani Fake flight video on 911
15. There are two phone calls to Hetzarkhani on this topic by Jeff Hills, fortunately archived by Andrew

16. Shown in September Clues, 11 minutes into the video, as from NBC archives.
17. Flight 175 hitting the 2 nd tower This the Evan Fairbanks video.

18. Jim Fetzer, Was video fakery employed on 911? Above Top Secret.

19. Mr Lear also testified: (in 2008) The spars of the wing, which extend outward, could not
possibly have penetrated the 14 inch by 14 inch steel box columns placed 39 inches on center
and would have crashed to the ground.

20. Concerning the RADAS Radar Data: In October 2007 the cause f 911 truth received a major
boost when the US Air Force released its radar data from September 11, 2001. This was in
response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by an independent 9/11
investigator named John Farmer. The radar data covered all four flights..A cover letter explains
that all of this material was compiled on September 13, 2001 by the US Air Forces 84th Radar[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Evaluation Squadron (RADES)at the request of the FBI. John Farmer has since made this data
available to other 9/11 investigators. The RADES data as it has come to be known, in comprised
of surveillance data from long-range radar facilities operated by NORAD and the FAAa 9/11
researcher named Marco Bollettino created a helpful animation from the RADES radar data,
which is readily obtainable on the Internet. Mark Gaffney, The 9/11 Mystery Plane, 2008, p.80
John Farmer appeared on the Randi forum re RHs theory, explaining how he obtained the
RADES data from the USAF.

21. Taken from Dean Hartwells Planes Without Passengers, 2011.

This paper was given at the Vancouver 911 Hearings. Extra comments are
added from discussions with conference participants, chiefly Dean Hartwell &
Dennis Cimino. Its somewhat based on my earlier article Nine keys to 911,
which Jim Fetzer originally gave as the title of the talk; maybe see also my webpost What hit the 2nd Tower? composed just before this event.
Click Here to download the Word version of Nicks presentation
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Nick Kollerstrom, Phantom plane, vancouver hearings, World Trade

Clare Kuehns VancouverPowerPoint

Posted on July 1, 2012

Its HERE! Clares Vancouver PowerPoint presentation is now available. Clare is a fan of
Judy Woods book Where Did the Towers Go? and her presentation is based on said
UPDATE: Clare has updated her presentation as of 7/3/12.
Click here to view Clares PowerPoint presentation (.pptx)
Click here to view Clares PowerPoint presentation (.ppt)
Click here to view the PDF version of Clares presentation
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, Clare Kuehn, DEW, directed energy weapon, Dr. Judy Wood, Tesla,
vancouver hearings

Going Gluten-Free
Posted on June 30, 2012

One of my friends recently turned me on to the benefits of a gluten-free diet. She is a

triathlete who had run into some issues with vertigo and lack of energy. She went
gluten-free and noticed a huge improvement. Then I heard Dr. Joel Wallach on Alex
Jones and he said that even if you dont have celiac disease you should avoid gluten.
Humans arent built to digest wheat, barley, rye and oatmeal. So I quit eating oatmeal[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

in the morning and switched to having a 2 egg omelet instead. For lunch processed
lunch meat is a no-no so I switched to PB & J sandwiches on gluten-free bread with
some gluten-free chips.
A quick word on gluten-free bread: its tough and dry for the most part but once you
get used it its not all that bad. Especially once you start feeling better because youre
not eating whole grain bread anymore. Gluten-free hamburger buns are pretty good
much softer than the bread. Once you open the package be sure to put them in the
After reducing my gluten intake over the last few weeks I feel noticeably better and my
skin is much better. I strongly recommend avoiding gluten if possible. Avoiding gluten
can be a challenge because it sneaks its way into things like tortilla shells, croutons,
French fries and pasta.
I tried my first gluten-free beer last week: Bards. It was $10 for a 6 pack at MGM but I
could only drink 5 of them anyway. It didnt taste like a regular beer but it wasnt bad.
So 10 bucks for a good beer buzz is not all that bad.Im going to try several more of
the gluten-free beers and post a blog reviewing them in the near future.
I got some chicken sausages last night and they taste pretty good. Throw them on the
grill for 20 minutes and be sure to turn them a few times. I got a gluten-free sub roll to
go with the sausage. I wrapped that in foil and put it on the grill with the sausage.
Nothing says summer time like sausages on the grill. You CAN go gluten-free and still
enjoy most of the things you did before like beer and brats; you just need to be a little
more selective at the grocery store.
I highly recommend going gluten-free. Ive noticed that I can run further and faster on
the treadmill these last few weeks. I have more energy, improved mental performance
and my knees havent felt this good in YEARS. I was having a hard time getting up and
down the stairs at night after working out but not anymore. My knees and feet feel so
much better these last few weeks since Ive nearly eliminated gluten from my diet.
If you are ready to try out a gluten-free diet, you can check out these websites for
some gluten-free cheat sheets: The Mayo Clinic and The Gluten-Free Goddess. Try
going gluten-free for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.
Posted in Health and Fitness | Tagged gluten-free, gluten-free beer, triathlete

Chuck Boldwyns
Posted on June 23, 2012

Here are Chuckspresentation slides from Vancouver. Chuck demonstrates how the
official conspiracy theory (OCT) is not physically possible. There are 2 PDF files. Click on
the links below to view them.
Part 1[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Part 2
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, chuck boldwyn, Ground Zero, mini-nukes, NIST, vancouver hearings

Jim Fetzers VancouverPowerPoint

Posted on June 22, 2012

Its an honor to post Professor Jim Fetzers Vancouver PowerPoint presentation. My

flight left Sunday morning so I did not see any of the Sunday presentations in person.
Professor Fetzer breaks down the flights of 9/11 and video fakery. These are two
subjects I have not done much research on.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, professor jim fetzer, vancouver hearings, video fakery

Jeff Pragers VancouverPowerPoint

Posted on June 22, 2012

Jeff Pragers PowerPoint presentation from the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings is available
now. Jeff has done over 15,000 hours of 9/11 research and his findings are
irrefutable proof that nuclearfission took place at the WTC site. 9/11 WAS a nuclear
event. It truly was Ground Zero folks.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged 9/11, cancer, mini-nukes, nuclear fission, vancouver hearings, World Trade

Don Foxs VancouverPowerPoint

Posted on June 21, 2012

Its HERE! I have uploaded my 61 slide PowerPoint (.pptx) that I presented in

Vancouver. This PP is a good chunk of my 8 years of 9/11 research. Certainly the
PowerPoint was better than my public speaking but it was important to get this info out
to the public. Yes folks, we were nuked on 9/11. Jeff Prager has done extensive
research on the dust that was collected by the USGS and they found uranium, thorium,
barium and strontium among other elements which proves fission took place. Elevated
tritium levels indicate fusion. Its pretty simple folks: massive explosions, pyroclastic
flow, mushroom clouds and radioactive fallout = nukes.
Click here to view Don Foxs PowerPoint presentation (.ppt)
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged Ground Zero, massive explosions, mini-nukes, mushroom clouds, tritium
levels, World Trade Center

Concert Review: Van Halen at the Xcel

Posted on May 20, 2012[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Its been said that if it doesnt sweat and it doesnt smell then it isnt rock and roll. If
thats true then surely the Van Halen show Saturday night at St. Pauls Xcel Energy
Center qualified as rock and roll. Lead singer David Lee Roth requested that the air
conditioning be turned off. Dave is 57 years old and apparently the A/C doesnt do his
aging vocal cords any favors. In fact there is a YouTube video of Dave ranting about the
A/C. The high temp Saturday was in the mid 80s and very humid so inside the packed
Xcel Center it was a cooker. It was kind of like going to an older relatives house and
they keep the temp up around 80 something.
I think this is the real reason behind the postponement of the shows this summer.
Dave and the rest of the band appeared to get along fine on stage so I dont think infighting is the reason. Doing a summer arena tour with no A/C would be a hot mess so
I can see why they are postponing the shows. If Dave cant sing with the A/C on then
they might as well go on a hiatus.
Having said all of that a little heat and humidity is not a show stopper. While Dave is
not the most gifted singer, nobody goes to a Van Halen show in 2012 expecting vocal
perfection. Hes going to forget some words and miss some notes but thats no reason
to get down on the man. Even at 57 hes still one of the best front men in rock and
thats what he is there for. When you get down to it nobody else has any business
singing Unchained, Running with the Devil, Hot for Teacher or any of the other Van
Halen classics.
Eddie was brilliant as he usually is save for his 2004 alcohol induced melt down. If you
came to the show expecting pick slides, whammy bar dive-bombs, pinch harmonics,
tapping and all sorts of other guitar gymnastics you came to the right place. Alex was
also kicking ass on the drums as he usually does. Although his drum solo was 4-5
minutes instead of the usual 10. A pleasant surprise was the rapidly maturing Wolfgang
Van Halen on the bass. He held down the bottom end just fine and played tightly with
his father and uncle. His background vocals were up to snuff as well. He may not be
able to hit the high notes that Michael Anthony did but his singing is just fine.
Wolfgang is a strapping young lad whose broad shoulders look capable of holding up
the old guys for the foreseeable future.
So the Van Halens played their asses off and Dave sung as good as he is probably
capable of at this stage of the game. I had a damn good time rocking out to the VH
classics and even the new tunes like Shes the Woman. The 64,000 dollar question is
can they keep it going? One always wonders if Van Halen is going to implode at any
time given how volatile these guys are. But it appears that they have come to realize
that if they cant make this lineup work then they might as well pack it in and go home.
Thankfully none of the band members are having health issues, which was also a
concern after the announcement last week of the 2 nd leg of the tour being postponed.
I would say this to fans that are holding tickets to the postponed shows: I think that
these shows WILL be played so dont push the panic button. Van Halen is worth
waiting for so I wouldnt fret about having my show pushed back a month or two. After
seeing last nights show at the X Im confident that we have not seen the last of the
Mighty Van Halen just yet.
You can click here to see the set list and Daves new public relations video.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged air conditioning, concert review, David Lee Roth, Van Halen, Xcel
Energy Center

9/11 Vancouver Hearings

Posted on May 12, 2012

I am pleased to announce that Professor Jim Fetzer has invited me to speak at the
9/11 Vancouver Hearings on Saturday June 16, 2012. The Vancouver Hearings are
an attempt to cover areas that the Toronto Hearings neglected last year and to finally
get to the bottom of what really happened on 9/11. Fetzer has rounded up some
heavyweight researchers and there will be no punches pulled. Little if any time will be
spent on phony hijackers, box cutters, magical passports or any other nonsense from
the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT). Jet fuel fires cannot explain how two 500,000
ton buildings were turned into dust in mid-air and came down at free fall speed with
90% of the debris landing outside of the buildings footprint. Nor can it explain how
WTC7 came down at free fall speed in a vacuum even though no plane hit it.
My 40 minute presentation will be covering how WTC1 & 2 were destroyed by mininukes. I have come across evidence that a series of 35 very small thermonuclear
devices were planted in each tower and detonated in sequence from the top down to
simulate a free fall collapse. Larger nukes were planted in the basements to take out
the buildings foundations. Speaking before me on Saturday are Chuck Boldwyn and
Jeff Prager who will also be making the case for mini-nukes.
Chuck has been featured 15 times on Fetzers radio show The Real Deal. Chuck has
an extensive background in chemistry, math and physics. Ive listened to the
podcasts of each of Chucks shows at least twice. The man is a wealth of information
and you wont want to miss Chucks presentation.
Jeff Prager has spent over 15,000 hours researching 9/11 and he makes a
convincing case of fusion AND fission reactions taking place at Ground Zero. While
he is not a physicist, Jeff has spent countless hours reading the latest research from
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Sandia, military sites, the
Federal Reserve, the SEC, UC Davis Delta Group, Jet Propulsion Lab and the
Department Of Energy. Jeff is a walking encyclopedia of 9/11.
Clare Kuehn will make the case for the use of a directed energy weapon (DEW) on
9/11. I do not subscribe to the DEW theory but I still would not miss Clares
presentation. Clare has studied 9/11 extensively and she is a highly skilled debater;
we have gone back and forth many times on this subject. Clare sticks to her guns and
she isnt backing down from ANYONE!! Clare has also appeared on the Real Deal
with Jim a couple of times. Its well worth your time to go to the archives and
download the podcasts of those shows.
Others making presentations will be Nick Kollerstrom, Dwain Deets, Christopher
Holmes, Dennis Cimino, Kevin Barrett, Alan Sabrosky, John McCarthy, James Tracy,
Anthony Hall and of course the presenters Joshua Blakeney and Jim Fetzer.
Its highly unlikely that those responsible for 9/11 will ever come forward and give a
full accounting of their actions. Its just as unlikely that another government
investigation will yield any answers either. The Toronto hearings were flawed in that[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

they tried to sell us on the idea that nanothermite alone could cause two 500,000 ton
skyscrapers to turn into dust in roughly 10 seconds each. With these thoughts in mind
then the Vancouver Hearings maybe the most thorough and in-depth accounting of
what really happened on 9/11 that has ever been and may ever be presented to the
The Vancouver Hearings will be historic. So if you can get to Vancouver you do not
want to miss this one folks. If you cant be there in person then consider making a
donation to help cover the costs involved in bringing this information to the public.
Posted in 9/11 | Tagged professor jim fetzer

Van Halen: A Different Kind ofTruth

Posted on March 19, 2012

The new Van Halen album is out. In fact its been out since Feb 7 th but I just got off my
ass and got it yesterday. I saw Tattoo on the internet in January and thought it was OK
but wasnt blown away by it. My VH concert tickets arrived the other day though so I
figured I better get the new CD so Ill know whats going on when they play this stuff
live. So I ventured down to the music store here in Bloomington yes we still have an
actual STORE that you can walk into and purchase CDs! I made a quick lap around the
place and found the Van Halen section. There were only 2 copies left so I grabbed the
Deluxe Edition and headed for the register. After some idle chatter with the tattooed
cash register hottie I was back in my Explorer and on my way.
After listening to a few tracks my first thought was why the hell did I wait to pick this
up? A Different Kind of Truth is a Different Kind of Album especially for 2012. Back in
the day when MTV still played music videos and Van Halen ruled the roost there was
SO much Van Halen it seemed they were everywhere. Eddies revolutionary guitar
playing spawned a generation of wannabes. So if you werent hearing actual VH on the
radio or MTV you were probably hearing one of the many clones.
So as I sat down in the basement listening to ADKOT on the home theater surround
sound the biggest impression I got was this was an album that should have been
released in 197x something or other. Sure the production is slick and all of that but this
above all else IS a 70s heavy rock album.
If you wanted to hear fire breathing guitar solos and machine like drumming you have
come to the right place. But Eddie is so much more than just a speed demon. Alex is
more than a caveman beating on some skins. These guys really are masters of their
art. Individually they have all received accolades: Eddie was generally recognized as the
best guitarist in rock, Alex the best drummer and Dave was the greatest frontman.
Does Dave hit all of the high notes? No and he rarely did back in the day either.
However, the total here is greater than the sum of the parts and the parts are still
pretty damn good 40 years later. Of course some critics will point out that some of
these songs were demos from before the band was signed. And to that I say who
cares?!? These tunes were probably great back in the club days and they are great
now. Thats the thing about a great song it doesnt matter when it was written. A
song is either great or it isnt. People wanted old VH and by God now you have it. And[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

theres nothing wrong with old Van Halen thank you very much.
Ive read a couple of interviews with Dave and he acknowledges that they are
extremely fortunate to still be making records and touring. Can they keep it up? As
combustible as this band has been over the years you dont really know how long this
thing will hold together and keep going. Another album and tour is by no means a lock.
My advice is to enjoy it while its here; you never know when Eddie will retreat to his
mansion. Next time he might be gone for good. This album is much better than I
thought it was going be. If you enjoy 70s arena rock, then by all means go get A
Different Kind of Truth and of course crank it to 11!
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged arena rock, record review, Van Halen

Vikings Stadium Update Nov 6,2011

Posted on November 6, 2011

The Vikings Stadium situation has taken a few more twists and turns this past week. Governor Dayton is a
strong Stadium proponent (as am I) and he wanted to convene a special session of the legislature around
Thanksgiving to address the Stadium situation. However, House Speaker Kurt Zellers stated on Wednesday
that he opposes a special session and feels that the issue should be part of the regular session that
convenes January 24 th . Zellers office received some nasty phone calls about his stance. On this point I
agree with Dayton: the Vikings Stadium is a controversial issue and a special session is the best way to deal
with it. This way it doesnt get in the way of regular legislative business.

On Thursday, the Stadium issue started to regain steam according to a Pioneer Press report: Rep. Morrie
Lanning, R-Moorhead, and his counterpart in the Senate, Republican Julie Rosen of Fairmont, held a news
conference with Gov. Mark Dayton and other lawmakers who had met that morning to continue working on
a stadium bill that could win bipartisan support. Lanning and Rosen want to get a bill drafted, hold public
hearings then convene a special session in late December or early January.
Why is the Vikings Stadium debate so controversial? I think a little background is in order. First, the Vikings
are extremely popular in Minnesota. TV Ratings for Vikings games are always strong and when they play the
Packers the ratings are through the roof. The Vikings-Packers game 10/23 drew 24.3 million viewers
nationwide and was the most watched TV program that week. 71% of the TVs in Minneapolis and
Milwaukee were tuned in to the game. In this day and age of dwindling ratings NFL programming remains
gravity defying. Secondly, the NFL is an extremely profitable business. Why should the public have to
subsidize a juggernaut like the NFL?
In some of the larger markets like New York and Boston the NFL receives little or no public subsidy to build
stadiums. In smaller markets like Minneapolis, Green Bay and Kansas City the teams require subsidies to
keep up with the big boys. You can only sell personal seat licenses (PSLs) for so much money in a smaller
market. New York also has two teams playing in the same stadium. NFL franchises are a rare commodity
and in order to acquire and keep a team your city needs to have a modern, revenue producing facility. If
your facility is substandard then the NFL will demand a new facility or they will relocate your team to a city
that will build a new facility (blackmail).
OK so if you want to play you have to pay. Clearly an overwhelming majority of Minnesotans want to keep
the team here. Then the question becomes how to pay for it? Nobody thinks its a good idea to use
general fund money to dedicate to a stadium project. Earlier this week Governor Dayton and legislative
leaders decided to drop the local sales tax proposal to fund $350 million of the project. I also approve of
that idea. The Vikings are a statewide asset and one city or county shouldnt be stuck with 1/3 of the cost.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Besides sales taxes are regressive and a poor way to raise money for a stadium.
What is a good funding mechanism then? Gambling is the preferred mechanism according to a Star Tribune
Minnesota Poll Minnesotans much prefer using new forms of gambling revenue to pay for a new Vikings
stadium instead of higher taxes. The poll found Percent who support each initiative to fund a Vikings
stadium: Lottery 81%, Racino 72%, Pulltabs 70% and Minneapolis casino 60%. Its encouraging to see
growing public support for keeping the Vikings in Minnesota, and the support for the funding options is
encouraging, Gov. Mark Dayton said in response to the poll findings.
I dont gamble except for buying a few Powerball tickets a year but I support the Expansion of Gambling to
fund a stadium. Minnesotans love to gamble. This is also a voluntary tax: if you oppose your money going to
subsidize the NFL then dont gamble at the Racino or Casino etc. I personally favor the Racino option but I
think that with the powerful Indian Gaming Lobby it will be tough to get a Racino or a Minneapolis Casino
bill through the legislature. Look for a bill that has a lottery and pulltabs to win approval.
If a bill gets approved then where should the Stadium go? Currently there are three Minneapolis sites and
the Vikings preferred site in Arden Hills. The three Minneapolis options are: the current Metrodome site,
the Farmers Market site and the Basilica site. The Farmers market site is right behind Target Field and
some architectural renderings emerged this week that show what a proposed Stadium would look like. Its
modeled after Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Nothing wrong with that in my book but I think that the
Arden Hills site is the way to go.
If they build a new Stadium on the Metrodome site then the Vikings will have to play at TCF Bank Stadium
for 3 years. I think thats a non-starter. I dont want to sit outside in January and the team would lose
about $10 million a year. The Farmers Market site isnt bad but not much room for tailgating. The Basilica
site is a little roomier but I dont think it has the support from the business community that the Farmers
Market site has. The Arden Hills site is a home run with 21,000 surface parking spaces and room for a
World Class Game Day Experience. Arden Hills is the way to go.
The Vikings are part of our culture in Minnesota and worth preserving. While the price tag for a World Class
Stadium is a little steep we can still afford it. The Metrodome was built on the cheap and is an
embarrassment at this point. There is no room in the concourses and the restrooms are a total joke. The
time has come to do things right for a change in Minnesota. Build the Stadium in Arden Hills and pay for it
by expanding gambling.
Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL

You Say You Want aRevolution?

Posted on October 8, 2011

The Revolution has begun. People are starting to figure out who the criminals are that
are responsible for the financial nightmare. Protestors are showing up at The Federal
Reserve branches, at Wall Street and financial districts around the country. The jig is
up for the banksters. While its great people are finally targeting the real enemy, a list
of demands are needed or this could all be for naught. In the spirit of Keep It Simple
Stupid I submit the following demands:
1. Forgive all Student Loans. Student loan debt has surpassed 1 trillion dollars.
This is a crushing burden on young people and a big reason that the housing and
automobile markets are in such a funk. Young Americans cant even think about
buying a house or car because they are paying everything to the banksters.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

2. Enact a 1% Sales Tax on Wall Street (Tobin Tax). Everyday Americans pay
sales tax, the banksters can too. This will raise trillions of dollars and this money can
be used to pay off the student loans and balance the federal and state budgets. The
banksters that caused the depression should pay for it.
3. Mortgage foreclosure moratorium. This should last for 5 years or the duration of
the crisis whichever is longer.
4. Re-enact the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932. This will stop the hedge fund and
derivatives vultures from infecting commercial banking. Had the Glass-Steagall Act
never been repealed we wouldnt be in this mess the Wall Street bailouts wouldnt
have been necessary. This country did just fine without derivatives.
5. End The Fed. Congress should regain the power to print and coin money as
spelled out in the Constitution. The government should not have to pay interest to a
private banking cartel just to create the money supply. The debt-based financial
system has been a complete failure for 99.9% of the population. The Federal Reserve
needs to go. Now.
These measures would go a long way towards righting the ship and keeping our
country from descending into the Abyss.
Posted in Politics

Cornucopians vs. Neo-Malthusians

Posted on August 27, 2011

This blog is based on Webster Tarpleys video on Prison The Elites Plan
for Global Extermination. If you are a Prison member you can see the video
there or you can watch it on YouTube.
Tarpley breaks down White House Science Czar John P. Holdrens textbook
Ecoscience. Holdren describes himself as a Neo-Malthusian. Malthusians believe
that over population is the main problem facing humanity. Their answer to end or
prevent further human suffering is to exterminate 75% (or more) of the public.
Thomas Malthus (February 14, 1766 December 29, 1834) rejected the notion that
agricultural improvements could continue without limit and that eventually humanity
would be unable to feed everyone and there would be mass starvation.
Holdren shares these views and has stated that he detests the moonshot mentality
that Americans have: that problems can be solved with enough ingenuity and hard
work. People that share this outlook are called Cornucopians by Holdren. This is the
way humans have existed and thrived for thousands of years but Holdren doesnt
believe that humanity can grow out of a crisis. Holdren also calls for limiting science
and technology as they are a threat to the existing social order. To enforce this he
proposes enacting a science court to limit technological growth. By limiting science
and technology you then have a self-fulfilling prophecy: there is no way to improve so
an increasing population WILL then cause great suffering.
Holdren believes that that optimum carrying capacity of the earth is 1 billion people
so the population needs to be reduced by 5 billion. To achieve the population
reduction, Holdren calls for triaging countries like India and Bangladesh and cut[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

them off from credit and resources. Economic development must be stopped. The
developed countries must be de-developed and the undeveloped 3rd World must not
be allowed to develop in the first place. Holdren advocates a return to preindustrial
To achieve all of this Holdren proposes a Planetary Regime (One World Government)
to determine the optimum population, rule over the air, soil and oceans Global
Commons. The Planetary Regime would enact population laws to regulate the size of
the family. This nightmare would look something like China does today: forced
sterilization, compulsory abortion and birth licenses. No free education for more than
2 kids. Seize babies from single mothers who obviously cant care for them.
While the Malthusians contend that over population and industrial pollution are the
biggest problems, the actual problems are under production, poverty, disease,
malnutrition and GREED. Everyone would have enough to eat if the wars and the
greed were stopped. If the 3rd World was allowed to industrialize their birth rates
would stabilize and their living standards would improve. In the United States
deindustrialization has destroyed the middle class. Deindustrialization started in
earnest when Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volker raised interest rates to 22%
which killed the industrial base as it was designed to do. When you factor in hourly
wages, increased medical costs, working 6 weeks more per year and longer
commutes the average US workers standard of living has been reduced 66% since
Rule of the few is oligarchy. According to David Rothkopf there are 6,000 oligarchs
who make all the decisions on the planet that matter. These inbred, psychotic ruling
oligarchs perpetuate the fallacy that the mass of people are inferior and they are
determined to exterminate humans. They believe that they are a superior race and
they will develop life extension technologies which must never be made available to
the general public. They want a slave population of around 500 million or a billion at
most to do the remaining tasks that they cant automate. Their vision of society is the
oligarchs living in castles and everyone else living in a mud hut on the brink of
starvation; a return to feudalism.
The oligarchs stay behind the scenes for the most part. They know that their agenda
would be met with all-out resistance if it were completely divulged. There is a level of
rulers that sits above the visible national leaders. Winston Churchill referred to them
as the High Cabal. They control the large financial institutions such as the Federal
Reserve and the European Central Bank. They control the issuance of currency and
credit which allows them to buy up the other large corporations. They control all of the
institutions of society but the main power flows from control of the central banks.
The oligarchs will not magically come to their senses one day and have a change of
heart. They are bound and determined to kill most of us. They must be defeated. The
real war isnt with Al Qaeda, or Muslim Extremists, or communists or whatever
boogey man they conjure up this week. The real war is humanity vs. the oligarchs.
Posted in Politics | Tagged cornucopians, depopulation, malthusians, webster tarpley

Faux Paul?
Posted on August 11, 2011[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

When I was growing up I was not a huge Beatles fan. As a kid I got stuck listening to
the lame country music that my parents were into. When I was about 13 I heard
AC/DC and that changed my life. Then I started getting into hard rock and heavy
metal. Pop and country didnt do much for me. I was born in 1968 so by the time I
was a teenager in the early80s Beatlemania had pretty much died down. I didnt pay
much attention to all of The Beatles minutiae. I didnt hate The Beatles but they were
on theperiphery of my world.
However I had a Beatles tune in my head theother day: The End from the Abbey
Road album. I was digging the guitar solos inthe middle. I started tooling around
Google and I stumbled on to all of thisPaul is Dead (PID) business. What do you
mean Paul McCartney is dead? Everybodyknows that Paul and Ringo are the only
surviving members of The Beatles. Paulhas had a long and mostly successful solo
career and hes selling out baseballstadiums this summer. The Twins even tried to
get him to play Target Field buthe couldnt do it because of a scheduling conflict.
Surely a Dead Man doesntplay baseball stadiums. Or does he?
I figured it would take about 10minutes on Google to prove that Paul McCartney is in
fact Paul McCartney.Except I found this article from Wired Magazine in Italy:
science proves Paul was replaced.Gabriella Carlesi is a forensic scientist and she
proves that Paul McCartneywas replaced in late 1966. They got two sets of photos:
pre and post 66. Thepre 66 pictures match perfectly with each other and the post 66
pictures alsomatch perfectly with each other. However the pre and post 66 pictures
do NOTmatch. If you look closely at the pictures it is rather obvious that they are
different people. The real Paul McCartneys face is rounder and smaller than the
current edition of Paul (Faul). Pauls mouth is also noticeably smaller than
Fauls. The ears are also different. WOW! Whod a thunk it?!?!
Wouldnt anyone notice if PaulMcCartney was replaced?!?! HELLO!! The Beatles
were more popular than JesusChrist to quote John Lennon. Apparently a lot of
people did notice: there wereplenty of rumors going around starting in the fall of
1969 that Paul had diedand was replaced. There are plenty of PID websites out
I may not be a forensic scientist butnow that we have YouTube its easy enough to
jump in the Time Machine and seefor ourselves if in fact thats the real Paul
McCartney up on stage these days.Check out this David Frost interview from 1965
with the real Paul McCartney andcompare it to this 1967 Faul interview. Faul is a
complete joke. That hairdo islaughable. Its not even CLOSE to the real Paul
McCartney. Get a load of thisinterview with David Letterman from 2009. HA! He still
doesnt know much
about early Beatles history and in fact even admits that people know my
history much better than I do. Youd think after 43 years of playing a role
youd get some of these details down Faul
The clincher is of course is seeing TheReal Paul McCartney live on stage. Check out
Twistand Shout from Shea Stadium in 1965 incredible. Its easy to see why The
Beatles were such a phenomenon. The energy,the rhythm, the melodies and
harmonies are all there an extremely tightperformance. Not to mention all the
screaming and crying girls just losing it. Comparethat to the only live appearance
with Faul the rooftopdeal in January 1969. Faul looks nothinglike Paul onstage.
Hes taller, thicker body, has a beard and moves nothinglike the original. Of course
nobody a got a very good look at this farce fromstreet level.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

This leaves us with a bunch of unanswered questions. So why was the original Paul
replaced? He obviously diedbut how? Was it a car crash? Was he wacked? Why did
everyone go along with it?Were people paid off or intimidated? Obviously our watch
dog mainstream mediadidnt do much digging into this deal. Why would the media
participate in thecover-up? Well, when I see all of the mainstream media asleep on
an issue thatusually indicates the involvement of one or more intelligence agencies.
Are thealphabet soup agencies replacing people on a regular basis?
All I know is that the real James PaulMcCartney probably died in September 1966
and that the individual using his nameon stage now is a total fraud and a phony. And
if you think you areirreplaceable you better think again. If they can replace Paul
McCartney at thepeak of Beatlemania they can replace you.
Posted in Uncategorized

In Memory of Chad MichaelPeterson

Posted on April 28, 2011

The sad news just reached me that Chad Peterson an old friend from childhood
passed away last fall. He grew up down the block from us and I remember when they
brought him home from the hospital. That was August of 1974 I was 6 then. In
those days I would go over to their house to play wiffle ball with Chads older brother
Eric. Their father Don would usually pitch to us and we would swing away with our
plastic bats as hard as we could. I remember a couple of those games degenerated
into me and Eric bashing the plastic bats upside each others heads
I always saw Chad as a little brother. He used to crawl up in the window and watch
me and Eric running around in the yard. He was still in diapers and too young to join
in the fun and games but he didnt want to be left out. He would hear the commotion
and naturally he wanted to be a part of it. Eventually he got big enough to where he
could take part in the numerous pickup baseball, basketball and football games that
were always going on in the neighborhood. Of course we picked on him because he
was the youngest of our group.
That came to an end about 1989 or so when he got a lot bigger than I was. He
thought he was finally going to show me whos the boss. We had a pretty good
wrestling match at his brother Erics place and one us of almost went through a wall
at which point Eric tossed us out of the house. I believe there was a pretty good party
going on that night.
Once Chad got out in the working world he hit his stride. He gained a lot of confidence
once he started earning paychecks. He was always a hard worker just like his father
and brothers were. He did a stint at Pizza Hut in the early 1990s before moving on to
BMW where he worked for the last 17 years. Chad was a social animal and he had a
lot of friends. He was always there for his brothers Eric and Chris and his mother
Rita. He used to babysit Erics kids: his nephew Blake and niece Samantha.
I havent been in touch with those guys in awhile and unfortunately I never will see
Chad again. Chad was just 36 when he passed which was far too young. Our
condolences go out to the Peterson family for their tremendous loss.
Posted in Uncategorized[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Draft Ryan Mallett

Posted on April 2, 2011

The Minnesota Vikings have the 12th pick in the upcoming NFL Draft. They also have
a dire need at the QB position. The Packers have Aaron Rodgers and the Bears have
Jay Cutler. The NFC North is loaded at the QB position. The Vikings NEED TO GET
A REAL QB FOR A CHANGE! Im tired of taking lower round QB suspects and
hoping they somehow pan out. The game has changed to the point now where you
just cant win consistently without a stud QB. Yes its nice to have a great defense
and running game and special teams and all that but it wont win a Super Bowl for
you. The 2006 Chicago Bears are proof positive of that. Thats why they had to give
up the farm to get Jay Cutler. Even Jerry Angelo and Lovie Smith have figured out
you need a REAL QB to win the big one.
Ted Thompson in Green Bay drafted Aaron Rodgers in 2005 because Favre was
getting old and he didnt want to be sitting there in small market Green Bay without a
QB. That turned out to be a very shrewd move and they won Super Bowl XLV as a
result. Rodgers was projected to go 1 or 2 that year but slid down to the Packers at
24. A lot of QB starved teams passed on him like the Dolphins, Bears and Browns.
The Vikings passed on him twice that year (we already had Culpepper) opting
instead to take fliers on Troy Williamson and Erasmus James neither of whom
amounted to anything. In James defense he didnt look too bad before he blew his
knee out. Williamson was just a stiff.
The best QB prospect in this draft class is Ryan Mallett. Hes a big kid with a
phenomenal arm. You cant coach 6-7 238. Hes got the best arm in the draft. He
throws a great deep ball and puts touch on the shorter throws. Some analysts on the
internet state that the 2 biggest stats for a QB prospect are starts and completion
percentage. The thought being that his college coaches know him best and if they
start him then he must give the team the best chance to win. The other thought is if
you cant complete passes in college then no way you will be able to complete them
in the NFL. Mallett started a lot of games and completed a lot passes and threw a ton
of touchdowns.
Joe Nelson at has a great blog about Ryan Mallett : Big Risk, Big Reward
with Ryan Mallett. Nelson hits the nail on the head: There is far too much anti-Ryan
Mallett talk in this country .. My bottom line points to the production, and nobody
produced more than Mallett. Just check out these comparisons to current NFL studs
college statistics over their final two-years.
Ryan Mallett: 62 TD, 19 INT, 60 % accuracy.
Drew Brees: 51 TD, 24 INT, 60 % accuracy.
Peyton Manning: 57 TD, 23 INT, 61 % accuracy.
Philip Rivers: 54 TD, 17 INT, 66 % accuracy.
Aaron Rodgers: 43 TD, 13 INT, 63 % accuracy.
Ben Roethlisberger: 59 TD, 21 INT, 66 % accuracy.[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Now compare Mallett to the other top QB prospects in this draft. I didnt include Cam
Newton because he started for only one year.
Ryan Mallett: 62 TD, 19 INT, 60 % accuracy.
Blaine Gabbert: 40 TD, 18 INT, 60 % accuracy.
Jake Locker: 38 TD, 20 INT, 57 % accuracy.
Christian Ponder: 34 TD, 15 INT, 64 % accuracy.
So Mallett threw 5 more TDs his in his last 2 years in college than Peyton Manning.
PEYTON MANNING! Compared to the other QBs in this draft its not even close.
Hes thrown 22 more TDs than Blaine Gabbert. I saw Mallett play in the Sugar Bowl
and the kid can throw the ball. He puts it right in there. The receivers dropped a few
they should have caught but he still had 2 TDs in that game. At the combine he threw
circles around the rest of those prospects.
Mallett gets slammed for doing drugs in college? What a college kid smoking pot?!?
No, we cant have that!! He has an attitude problem. Is he a jerk? Of course hes a
jerk. This just in: THEY ARE ALL JERKS!! But you might as well get the Jerk with the
best arm while you are at it! As far as I am concerned its all about production. Mallett
is the top producing QB in this draft class. Its no reach to draft him at 12. A lot of
these Draft Experts have Mallett going in the 2 nd round. Thats ridiculous. Im sure
some GM will pull the trigger on him before Round 2 starts. And there is a lot of
Locker Talk associated with my beloved Purple lately. Good God NO!! Jake Locker
is NOT an NFL QB!
Aaron Rodgers tore up the NFL at the end of last year. I dont care how good your
defense is, he is going to score points on you. You have to fight fire with fire. Mallett
put up better numbers than Rodgers in college. He may very well do it in the NFL as
well. If I were Rick Spielman I wouldnt mess around: draft Mallett at 12.
Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL

Middle East MeltDown

Posted on February 26, 2011

The events in the Middle East have been in the news lately. The crisis has been
manufactured by the elites of the world. Ill haveamore in depth analysis shortly.
Listen to this clip from Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones show to get a good over
view. Williams_clip
Posted in Politics

Pharmacist recommends
Posted on February 13, 2011[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs was on the Alex Jones show 2/4/11 and he talked about the
need all of us have for nutritional supplements. Ive heard some alternative health
care peoplestate that there is really only one disease malnutrition. If you give your
body what it needs it will heal itself. Unless you take supplements you will be deficient
and that will cause health problems.
Fuchs promotes the Youngevity line of supplements. Ive never tried any of those
products and I do not sell or endorse them. I plan on trying their stuff at some point
but at the present time I take regular vitamins and minerals and whey protein.
Play clip
Posted in Health and Fitness

Political Primer
Posted on February 8, 2011

Welcome readers! I am going to be commenting on current events and politics in

future posts but I think that first some background and definition of terms is in order.
According to Politics is defined as: 1. The science or art of political
government. 2. The practice or profession of conducting political affairs. Typically
people think of politics as something that politicians practice and that politics is mostly
contained in state and federal legislatures. Sure politicians get on television or radio
and even the internet now to campaign or get their position on pending legislation
before the public. A lot of people think of themselves as non-political in that they dont
closely follow politics and reason that the political process is boring and if they
ignore the whole thing it will leave them alone. However one ignores the doings of the
state at ones own peril. The reality is that politics is everywhere.
What politics really boils down to is who gets what. How are scarce resources
allocated? Is wealth evenly distributed amongst societies members or is most of it
concentrated in the hands of a very few? If wealth is concentrated at the top of the
food chain does that distort the political process? A quick search on Google reveals
that wealth is indeed highly concentrated in the United States. The top 10% of US
families control 71% of the wealth. The wealthiest 1% of families owns 34.3% of the
nations net worth. The bottom 40% of the population owns 0.2% of the wealth.
Some folks believe that those with vast wealth do not use their resources to their
advantage and that by and large the political process in the US is free from
corruption. I heartily disagree with both of the previous assertions and in future posts I
will dive into how corrupt this country has become. The elites have worked hard to
gain and maintain control of their wealth. Of course the elites pursue policies that
benefit themselves at the expense of the mass of the population. Wealth is being
redistributed from the lower classes to the ruling class. This has been going on for a
long time and certainly shows no signs of slowing down. In fact the disparity between
rich and poor has never been greater in the US and the situation is only getting
Once you realize that a very small number of people control most of the wealth and
make most of the decisions you can then understand how the world around you
actually works. Indeed David Rothkopf in his book Superclass states that about 5,000
people set most of the policies in governments and corporations FOR THE ENTIRE[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

WORLD! Rothkopf asserts that the power of politicians has diminished and that
business, finance and defense industry leaders now dominate and move freely
between governmental and private positions. My own opinion is that this really isnt a
new phenomenon but it is more noticeable now with the internet and other news
sources dispensing this information.
With this backdrop in mind I am going to post my analysis of major events such as the
JFK assassination, the Vietnam War, the Gulf Wars and of course 9/11 in the near
future. I will break things down in my own style and in a way that most folks should
have no trouble understanding.
Posted in Politics

Vikings Stadium Bill2011

Posted on January 28, 2011

The Vikings stadium situation is coming to a head. The Vikings Metrodome lease is
up after this season so a deal needs to get done before the end of the legislative
session if the team is going to stay long term. Thankfully, new Governor Mark Dayton
has wasted little time in addressing the Vikings stadium situation. He has intimated
that the Republicans need to send him a bill so he can sign it and he doesnt want
them screwing around until the end of the session like they did last year. To help
facilitate a deal Dayton appointed Ted Mondale to chair the Metropolitan Sports
Facilities Commission.
Mondale was at the Capitol yesterday in front of a Senate committee reiterating
Daytons desire to get a deal done. Julie Rosen has stated that she will introduce a
bill in February that will include a site, design and funding mechanism. Previously the
Vikings were working on building a new stadium on the site of the Metrodome. Before
that they were working with Anoka County on a deal. Talks with Arden Hills and
Ramsey County have been heating up lately though Lester Bagley states the team
has been talking to a few suburbs.
Im curious to see where the stadium ends up. Hennepin County is tapped out so if
the new stadium goes up in Minneapolis there will need to be some creative financing
to fund the project. There are two possible Minneapolis sites: the current Metrodome
site and behind Target Field. Arden Hillsis also a possibilityand Ramsey County
officials met withTed MondaleThursday. Lester Bagley has stated that the Vikings
are also talking to some other suburbs as well.
Bottom Line: This is an exciting time for Vikings fans. I believe that a bill will come
forth soon that will finally navigate the legislative labyrinth and get to Governor
Daytons desk. Dayton has shown far more leadership in the last month than
Pawlenty did in 8 years. Dayton is willing to twist some arms and he has a point man
in Ted Mondale who knows how to get things done in Minnesota. This is the closest
the Vikings have ever come to replacing the Metrodome.
Of course there are plenty of folks who dont want any public money used to build
stadiums for billionaires. The reality of the situation is that nearly all corporations
need welfare to survive. The NFL is no different. State supported capitalism cannot
exist without state support. If the stadium doesnt get built the Vikings will leave then
we will spend a lot more money to lure another team 5 or 10 years down the line. Git[9/28/2014 2:58:44 PM]

Donald Fox | Exposing the Nuclear Truth of 9/11 and other things I find interesting

er done!!
Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL

Jay Cutler Is Not AWuss

Posted on January 26, 2011

I ama die-hardMinnesota Vikings fan so I pretty much hate the Chicago Bears.
Unless they are playing the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship game. Im
not a bigJay Cutler fan either but lets give the man his duehere. He tried playing
with a torn MCL and he couldnt do anything. He was throwing off his back foot and
couldnt get anything on the ball. I always watch his feet and towards the middle of
the 2 nd quarter I could see he had nothing. He couldnt plant his foot and get anything
on his throws. He was a one-leggedman at a butt-kicking contest. Jay Cutler
always aggravatesme with his poor footwork. The man has a cannon of an arm and
when he chooses to use his feet correctly he is a very good QB. But on Sunday I
could see that he was trying to step into his throws but he just couldnt do it. At that
point he wasnt doing the team any good. If a rube like me sitting in my basement
could see this dont you think the Bears coaches did as well?!? Thats why they
pulled him out of the game. Jay was bummed that he couldnt play in the biggest
game of his life and sat despondently on the bench. Some say that he should have
been up being a RAH RAH guy cheering the team on. Thats not Jay on a good day
and with a torn up knee he clearly wasnt in the mood for that. Im not going to rip him
for that either.
Bottom line: Jay Cutler is tougher than 99.99% of the public and they have no
business questioning his toughness. As far as the former players I dont give their
criticism much credence either. It appearsthat they are just looking for a little
attention. Everybody plays hurt. You cant play when you are injured and are unable
to perform your duties.
Posted in Minnesota Vikings/NFL

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