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Clients Background
Selected Counselling Theory for Indentify and Analyse The
Pupils problems
Goals and Justification

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1.0 Coursework 2
1.1 Clients Background

Pupil X is a male. He is the first child of 6 siblings. He is having a problem in

school which his truancy case is out of control. Pupil Xs truancy problem duration up
to 3 months. The school administrators had warned him for 3 times. The school
administrator had even visited his house for 3 times but no changes made by pupil X
to change his own problematic behaviour. Later on the school administrators
requested the parents to come to school for discussion but no response from the
parents. Besides that, the school administrators had asked the cooperation from the
PIBG to give advice but no feedback from the parents. Therefore the school
administrators decided to give him a notice of expulsion from the school.
According to the Guidance and Counselling teacher, Pupil X often rebel
whenever he is caught misbehaving and telling other teachers in the school that he
has his own way in managing himself and he is naturally a problematic student.
Therefore to him, he should be ignored and just let him be in charge of his own
problem. Besides, every time he is caught misbehaving he tends to admit his
problematic behaviour by showing his proud expression and smile. This is maybe
because he wanted to cover his true feelings and being ego.
His misbehaviour does not influence other pupils or even his own peers. He is
often seen spending his time with other elder teenagers and loitering around at the
Cyber Cafe alone.

1.2 Selected Counselling Theory for Indentify and Analyse The Pupils

In analysing the Pupil Xs problem, I have chosen the theory of Person

Centred Theory. Person Centred Theory was developed by Carl Rogers. In this
theory, there are three elements that are emphasized in humans development and
growth which are the real self, self image and ideal self. Carl Rogers (1951) viewed
the child as having basic needs which are the positive regard from other people and
self-worth. By looking at self-concept, it has 3 components which are self worth, selfimage and ideal self.
Self-worth or known as self- esteem is about what we think about ourselves.
The feeling developed in early childhood. By looking at the pupil Xs parents, they
were being ignorant of the schools administrators and the PIBGs `action in
addressing the pupils problems. This gives the idea of how much care they have
towards their own childs development. The interaction and response from the
parents were quite negative and not supportive, what more towards their own
children. This situation is worrying and disheartening where this could be the factor
of how pupil X thinks about himself thus caused him to misbehave in school.
Self- image is about how we see ourselves which is important to good
psychological health. This is where it influences our body image on inner psychology.
This is also how we perceive ourselves as a good or bad person. According to GC
teacher, pupil X often presumes himself as a bad person and it is too late to change
him each time he is being warned for his truancy. He rather ignores the choices that
have been given by the teacher in order to help him to improve himself. The
perception of himself had affected his behaviour and made him to continue to
Ideal-self is about who we would like to be where goals and ambitions in life
are forever changing. Since it is forever changing, it is not possible to explore pupil
Xs perception about himself in order to overcome his problem.
By looking at how the parents responded to Pupil Xs misbehaviour and why
they did not take any move in order to address their childs problem, it is assumed
that the relationship and overall of the relationship between Pupil X and his parents
is not in good terms. Rogers believed feelings of self-worth developed in early
childhood and were formed from the interaction of the child with the parents. As a

child grows older, interactions with significant others will affect feelings of self-worth
(Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. 2012).
This might be the reason why Pupil X has been misbehaving. His parents
have affected his feelings of self-worth where he believed that since his parents did
not really communicate with him, his parents did not care for him. Thus he can do
anything that he wants. Besides, he might misbehave because he wanted attention
from his parents. Since his parents did not really care, he believe his parents being
ignorant about him and he continue to have the belief by continue to misbehave.
Pupil X does not have the intention to fix his attitude and does not seem to
share his problems to someone else. Since it is difficult for him to share his problem
to someone else, non-directive method seems to be the suitable method to be used
in order to explore Pupil X. By this method, he will tend to explore his reasons to his
own problem and any positive potential that he have. This will also resulting him to
realise and try to overcome his own problem by having the ambition of pursuing his
positive potential and therefore adjust his own attitude.
By looking at the congruency of the two elements in human as what Rogers
have believed, Pupil Xs self- image and his ideal self does not seem to overlap with
each other. This by means the more they overlap, the more congruent they become.
Pupil X might have his own wish to be happy and loved by his parents. He might
have his own ambition to be a better person but because of his self- image that is
what he sees of himself, he did not plan to change or pursue his dream. This might
be because there is no one that is close to him accept him the way he is and often
other people sees him as the problematic ones. The development of congruence is
dependent on unconditional positive regard. Rogers believed that for a person to
achieve self-actualisation they must be in a state of congruence (Prout, H.T., &
Brown, D.T. 2012)

1.3 Goals and Justification


According to Jones, R.N. (2005), Counsellors who deploy repertoire of

interventions need to consider carefully which interventions to use, with which
clients, and with what probability of success. That is why as a counsellor it is
important to have goals in helping the client to explore about themselves so that the
process of intervention will really help the client as it work well according and
depending on the clients suitability. By knowing the client, counsellor will also able to
select which theory to be used in order to have goals for client. There are several
goals that person centred counselling has which are to encourage clients to be brave
enough so they are able to explore, identify or confront any fear, perceptions or
issues that have been burdening them and to achieve self-actualization by being in a
state of congruence.
As a counsellor, having a goal is by knowing the role of the counsellor. The
role of a counsellor is to provide a safe and trusting environment where the client
feels safe to share and to explore him or herself. Besides that, a counsellor has to be
contrast of the outside world or situation where he should portray him or herself as
someone who really understands and accepts the client for who he or she is. In
whatever circumstances or situation that the client is in, the counsellor should be
able to create a nurturing condition in order for the client to be able to discover his or
Here, Pupil X will be discussed as a client. As a counsellor, this client will be
encouraged to explore what has caused him to be a problematic pupil. Rogers
(1977) mentioned that the goal of this therapy is not simply direct the process to
solve the clients problem but rather facilitate client in their growth process so that
they can be better in overcoming the problem (Smith, E.J. 2014). As the counsellor I
will work upon in facilitating the clients process to become more of a functioning
person. I will also let the client to choose in directing his own goals to have the
consciousness and realisation in him. This could be done by me as the counsellor
having the therapeutic relationship with the client along the process of intervention.
Therapeutic relationship include extensive use of silence, acceptance, immediacy,
active and passive listening, reflection of feelings and thoughts, clarification,
summarization, confrontation and leads. Throughout the process of therapy or
counselling with the client, I will try to minimizes as much as possible the act of silent
by just listening to his story and ask certain question for example of what he likes to

do. Besides that, as a counsellor i should create a therapeutic condition for the client.
The main emphases of therapeutic condition are empathy, positive regard and
Empathy is the ability to feel with the client and show the understanding back
to the client. In this clients case, I will try to understand his problematic behaviour by
accepting him as a child who does not receive enough love and care from his
parents. Instead of judging him for being a problematic pupil, I will show my care and
understanding towards any problems that he is having. Whereas for having respect
and positive regard towards the client, I will try to make him feel safe by genuinely
and positively accepts the client regardless of what matter the client is telling me. For
instance, I will not judge him for his problem for truancy by asking him about the
matter. Through this, the client will feel valued regardless of how bad he is. Whereby
for congruency in terms of what the counsellor should show towards the client, I will
show him genuine behaviour and expressions towards the clients sharing. I should
be the active listener while he will tell me his stories. The non-verbal language that I
portray in front of him should be welcoming him and interested to his stories while he
telling them to me.
Non-directive method is the technique used in the theory of Person Centred
Counselling. Non-directive technique is used in order to not lead the client to do what
he or she should do but rather help the client by accompanying the session in
exploring him or herself. As mentioned before, the client seemed difficult to share his
problem to anyone else. He seemed to be quite secretive and often isolate himself
from the society in school. The client might be the type that is difficult to be directed
since he is quite secretive and rebellious in some way. Therefore, it is suitable for me
to use non-directive technique in order to tackle him out of his own perception.
Instead of asking questions about him, I will indirectly lead him to tell about his life
and routine. By this, I will not interpret his life and offer to help him in by directing
what he should do but rather let him find his ways by realising his own potential.
By telling most of his own story, the client might unconsciously tell his
sadness and disappointment that he has and that has caused him to react
problematically in the school. Although at first it might be quite difficult to influence
him to talk about himself since he is quite secretive, I could attract him to share

about himself comfortably by creating a very supportive and a person with full of
acceptance toward whatever kind of attitude that he has. This non-directive way is
suitable for me to be used upon the client because he is known as rebellious pupil.
Since directing the client to do something might not help him much because he might
be stubborn to accept someones opinion or advice, by letting himself to learn about
him might be much suitable for him. This might help him to direct himself to realize
the core to his behaviour. He might realize that he have other hope in his life besides
his own parents for example his younger siblings and he might realize that he has
other responsibility towards his younger siblings rather than working so hard and
having his own self-worth in order to get his parents attention. The technique also
may help him to overcome his fear of his parents and may help him to start interact
to his parents later on when he has explored more about himself.
As viewed by Mcleod, S. A. (2007), The closer our self-image and ideal-self
are to each other, the more consistent or congruent we are and the higher our sense
of self-worth. A person is said to be in a state of incongruence if some of their
experience is unacceptable to them and is denied or distorted in the self-image.
From the assumption of earlier discussion, the clients self-image has a quite
negative perception of himself.



Figure 1

The self-image of the client is that he thinks that he is a bad person and it is too late.
Therefore he will not take any advice for him to change. Since the self-image of the
client is that he having the negative perception about himself, I will help him to
explore his ideal-self. This is in order for him to realize what he would like to be in

hope that the self-image of the client will be more consistent to with the ideal-self of
the client. In facilitating the process, I should look carefully upon the unconditional
positive regard that I provide towards this client. Besides that, in exploring his ideal
self, I have to help him to build his self-esteem so that he would realize his ability
and extinguish his fear towards his parents.

What the client

like to be
image later
onideal-self is more overlap. Therefore the client will be ablewould
and the
to self actualise.
will be influence by
the ideal self. Thus
Figure 2
consistency and a
state of congruence

His parents has developed the sense of fear and low self-esteem that he
thinks that he is no use to his parents therefore he gave up upon himself and did not
have any effort to make his parents proud. By having a higher self-esteem, the
clients self-image and ideal-self will be more consistent and congruent.

Firstly, I would like to thank God for given the opportunity to complete
coursework of Guidance and Counselling for Children (Edu 3073) within the time
allocated for us. I would also like to thank the lecturer this subject, Mr. Tan Sin Keat

who has guided me and my course mates to perform tasks with this project. I
realized that without his help and guidance, we could not produce a complete
Throughout this assignment, I have gained a lot of input and knowledge of the
assignment. Through this assignment, we were given two coursework to be worked
on that is the report that we have obtained for the school that we attended for our
practicum and the case study of one counselling case that we have obtained from
the school. In the first coursework, I have to categorise the programmes planned by
the school according to the correct services of guidance that we have learnt in this
subject. Through this task, I have learnt that most of the programmes and events are
from the services of guidance. Therefore I have known the importance of guidance
services and the role of the Guidance and Counselling unit is rather vital with a big
responsibilities and vast scope in school society. For the second coursework of the
assignment, we are required to do case study of an individual that has conducted by
Guidance and Counselling teacher in the school. For this assignment, I have chosen
to examine the case study involving truancy. For this coursework, I have learnt that it
is not easy to conduct intervention towards a problematic pupil. It needs a skilful and
knowledgeable counsellor to conduct the intervention. But with the help of the
theories that I have learnt, they became the guidelines for me to choose which
theory could help the pupil in need. Through this task, I also learnt more about the
theory of Person Centred Counselling where it helps a lot in handling pupils
especially the rebellious ones.
In conclusion, I felt very excited over this assignment. Through this task, I
hope of becoming a good and effective teacher not necessarily in teaching but also
in managing emotions and in touching my pupils heart. Other than that, this
assignment has thought me to on how to make judgments when faced with such a
situation mainly in dealing with cases or discipline problems in the classroom.

Jones, R.N. (2005). Practical Counselling & Helping Skills: Text and Activities for the
Mcleod, S. A. (2007). Carl Rogers. Retrieved March




Prout, H.T., & Brown, D.T. (2012). Counseling and Psychotherapy with Children and
Adolescents: Theory and Practice for School and Clinical Settings (Forth ed.).
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Rogers, C. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. Michigan: Delacorte Publishing
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2012).Counseling and
Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice: Skills, Strategies, and
Techniques (2nd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Smith, E.J. (2014). Cognitive Approaches to Psychotherapy .Theories of Counseling
and Psychotherapy: An Integrative Approach (p. 15). London: SAGE.
Retrieved from


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