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By Brain Robinson

Sun rolls out network system

June 2nd 2005

fficials att SUN MICRO SYSTEM INGintroduced

a slew of products to boost delivery of
network services, including a new file system for the s o l a r is operating system ,a second
release of an identity management solution and a subscription based model that assigns a
single price to more than 100 services

Suns new dynamic file system provides 16 billon times more capacity than current file
systems, said suns chief executive officer scot McNealy, making it infinitely scalable.
The file system which is included as a part of s suns Solaris10 , also automates many of the tasks
that systems administrations now have to do by hand, creating and growing life systems has been
out from 28 to just five separate tasks, for example while adding mirrored file systems and storage
space for users will now take a little as 10 secondsi
The second release of the identity-management solution has three new products based on the
software acquired by sun with its recent purchase of wave set technologies in. The sun java
system identity manager combines user provisioning with Meta directory capabilities, which sun
claims is an industry first, enabling administrations to manage identity permissions and profiles
and simultaneously synchronize services for those directories across the enterprise.
The other products include an access manager to help manage access to internal and external web
based resources, and an enterprise version of the sun java system directory server that includes
built-in-fall-over load balancing , security and integration with Microsoft corp. s active directory.

mance and Suns preventive services is aimed at the data center and is an attempt at what
McNealy called a more simplified way of pricing services than through complex outsourcing
contracts .includes a portfoliosof more than 100 services that managers can use to find
issues had might affect network perforfor which they pay one price.

n general many of the new announcements also included references to other kinds of subscription
based pricing , which sun officials see as a trend among users who increasingly dont want to own
technology themselves .
Other items introduced juke 1 included an array of low cost storage products ,software to collect
and manage data produced by radio frequency identity systems and pricing system aimed
specifically third world and developing market through which sun java enterprise system would be
sold on a per citizen basis using the united nations for a country development status
Robinson is a freelance journalist based in Portland,ore, he can reach at

11/29/2013 2:10:29 AM

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