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Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips (almost like
you're sitting in a chair). As you bend your knees, your thighs will be parallel
with the floor, says exercise physiologist Andrea Doepker-Gavidia of Train For
Life Fitness & Lifestyle Consulting in Saskatoon. Ensure your knees don t go beyon
d your toes and keep your chest up and look straight ahead. Stand back up to sta
rt position and repeat.
Triceps Push-Ups:
Place your hands on the floor and keep them under your shoulders. Holding your b
ody straight, bend your elbows close to you body. Lower your chest between your
hands and push back up into the starting position. If you're having trouble comp
leting a push-up, place your knees on the floor to make things easier. For inten
sity, raise your feet up onto stairs or an elevated surface to increase the diff
To start, get into a semi-squat position and leap sideways to land on your right
foot. Immediately push off in the opposite direction and land on your left foot
. Make sure you perform these skaters continuously.
Plank Crawl:
Pace yourself for this one. We recommend giving yourself a goal of 15 to 20 craw
ls. Begin this move in a push-up position with your hands directly under your sh
oulders. Lower yourself down one arm at a time into a plank position on your for
earms, while keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. Push back up one
arm at a time into your starting push-up position. Alternate the arm you lead w
ith and maintain a straight body throughout the movement. Lower your knees to th
e floor to decrease the difficulty level.
Walking Lunge:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place your arms to the side. Step forwa
rd with your right foot and lower your left knee towards the floor. Your knees s
hould bend about 90 degrees. Ensure your right knee stays over your right ankle
and don't let your knee go past your toes. Step up to balance on your right foot
and switch feet.
Single Leg Balance Stick:
Balance on your right foot with your left foot behind you. Lean forward, keeping
a straight body position and lift your left heel towards the ceiling. Maintain
a slight bend in your standing knee so you don t lock your knee. If you're having
trouble balancing, focus on something in front of you or hold your back leg for
initial support (pictured here).
Bird Dog:
Begin on all fours (downward dog), ensuring your hands are directly under your s
houlders and your knees are directly under your hips. Slowly extend your right l
eg behind you and reach your right arm forward into a straight line. Hold your b
alance without arching your back. Return to the starting position and repeat on
the opposite side.
Side Plank Hip Drops:
Begin by lying on your right side with your right elbow directly lined under you
r shoulder. Keeping your feet on the floor, lift your hips off the floor and sup
port your body with your forearm. Hold for three seconds and slowly lower your r
ight hip onto the floor and repeat.
Lay on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees while keeping you
r feet flat on the floor. Maintaining a straight back, raise your hips up to a s

traight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for three seconds and lower
your hips slowly back to the floor and repeat.
Superman Back Extension:
Lay on your stomach and reach your arms forward (like you're flying). Gently rai
se your legs and upper body off the floor while keeping your head straight. Paus
e for three seconds and repeat.

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