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Final Forensic

Soalan Objektif
1. Heroin is more potent drug because of the following reason EXCEPT


enters the brain more easily

More intense to slow or low
Smoked (chasing the dragon) or injected (dissolved in water)
Illegal heroine was mixed with glucose, chalk, flour, talcum- not soluble
in water-damage to blood vessel)

What is Pharmacodynamics ?
A. Study of the mechanisms by which specific drug dosages act to
produce biochemical or physiological changes
B. Study of mechanisms chemical combine with other chemicals
C. Studies the movement of drug or foreign substance (a xenobiotic)
D. Studies the change physical properties of the cell

2. During elimination most of drugs and other chemicals are removed from
the body by the following route EXCEPT
A. Some are excreted through bile, intestine and then faeces.
B. Volatile chemicals are exhaled through lungs
C. Kidney -filtration process
D. Saliva
Which of the following statement are FALSE regarding primary explosives?
A. high explosive that is ultra sensitive to heat, shock or friction
B. It will detonate violently instead of burning and normally used to
detonate other explosives
C. Major ingredients: lead azide, lead staphnate
D. Used for commercial and military blasting. E.g.,dynamite

Which of the following statement are true about HPLC (High Performances
Liquid Chromatography)
A. utilize a liquid mobile phase to separate the components of the mixture
B. the sample is converted to the vaporstate( if it is not already a gas)
and the eluent is
a gas (carrier gas).
C. The analyte in the vapor state distributes between the stationary
phase and the carrier gas
D. The sample is detected as it emerges from the column (at a constant
flow rate).
These tests are effective means to deal with high numbers of drug
cases encountered by laboratoriesPotential problems microcrystal test
Impurities can distort crystal shapes
High concentration leads to small crystals
Reagent age effects
Must have a reference standard using same reagent
Morphine has many side effects. The most dangerous is respiratory
depression. With higher doses or in frail patients, the respiratory rate
decreases, the patient becomes increasingly sedated, and the pupils very

The analysis of fire accelerants

_ To connect samples recovered from the scene
with any suspects involved
_ Analysis may:
_ Identify the chemical nature
_ Quantify amount of such material
_ Provide points of comparison between samples
taken from different location

Small samples e.g. dust, debris is kept in glass

container or metal container (can)
_ Metal container usually comes with predrilled hole

sealed with a septum.

_ The debris is placed loosely in the can
_ The can is sealed to trap any possible vapour
including residual volatile accelerants

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