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20/20 Vision

Without Glasses


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Over three out of four people believe that their sight is the most important
sense they have. This is probably related to the fact that about 80% of what
we perceive through our senses comes in through our sight.
Good eyesight plays a crucial role in your mobility and your enjoyment of life
so it would certainly make sense to optimize your eyesight as much as
possible without the use of artificial and unnatural aids that will only worsen
your vision with continued use.

Why Eyeglasses Actually WORSEN Your Vision

While it is true that eyeglasses bring some people improved vision and relief
from pain and discomfort, they always do more or less harm, and at their best
they never improve your vision to normal.
Most people don't realize that their visual abnormalities are a dynamic process
that they vary regularly throughout the day due to a variety of conditions.
They simply are not set in stone.
Pioneering physicians have examined 20,000 school children examined and
found that more than half had normal eyes, with sight that was perfect at
times, but not one of them had perfect sight in each eye at all times of the day.
Their sight might be good in the morning and imperfect in the afternoon, or
imperfect in the morning and perfect in the afternoon.
Many children could read one Snellen test card with perfect sight, while
unable to see a different one perfectly. Many could also read some letters of
the alphabet perfectly, while unable to distinguish other letters of the same
size under similar conditions.

What was true for the children is also true for adults.
The degree of imperfect sight varied within wide limits. Its duration was also
variable. Under some conditions it might continue for only a few minutes, or
less while under others it might prevent the subject from seeing the
blackboard for days, weeks, or even longer.
The bottom line is that you or your children do not have a static unchanging
visual impairment. It changes widely throughout the day.

Eyeglasses Don't Compensate for Variable Vision

One of the most foundational flaws with glasses is that they provide an
unchanging consistent correction for a refractive error in your eye that is
CONSTANTLY changing.
After you begin to wear glasses, in most cases, the correction has to be
steadily increased in order to maintain the degree of visual acuity secured by
the aid of the first pair. Your vision wearing glasses progressively decreases
with time.
A person with myopia of 20/70 who puts on glasses giving him a vision of
20/20 may find that in a week's time his unaided vision has declined to
When people break their glasses and go without them for a week or two, they
frequently observe that their sight has improved. As a matter of fact the sight
always improves, to a greater or less degree, when glasses are discarded,
although many might not pay attention and appreciate this change
The difficulty of keeping glasses clear is one of the minor discomforts of
glasses.. On damp and rainy days the atmosphere clouds them. On hot days
the perspiration from your body may have a similar effect. On cold days they
are often clouded by the moisture of your breath.
Every day they are subject to contamination by dust and moisture and the
touch of the fingers incident to unavoidable handling that it is seldom they

afford an absolutely unobstructed view. Additionally they are easy to misplace

or break.
Other downsides of glasses include:

The cost of glasses and eye doctor appointments

Are unnatural and a non-holistic remedy for your vision health -- they
send the wrong message to your mind and body
When you use them as reading glasses they can be socially
embarrassing and a sign that you are aging
May cause you eye injury. A university study concluded that an
estimated 27,000 people ended up in the emergency room for injuries
related to wearing eyeglasses.

And if you have children, there's a growing consensus that

Your Kids Don't Need Glasses

Now, think of all the issues I mentioned
above with your eyeglasses, and apply them
to your kids.
I would strongly advise you to exercise
extreme caution before you impose glasses
on your children. It really is tragic when
children are condemned to a lifetime of
having to wear glasses because of all age
groups they are the ones that best respond to
natural eye improvement strategies.
A study conducted by Anglia Polytechnic
University in Cambridge, England, found
that the very best intentions by optometrists
to correct short-sightedness in a group of 94
children, in fact made the children's vision worse.

Another study published in Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavia in March

2002 (page 125) showed that in hunter gatherer populations less than 2% of
the children required glasses, unlike European or Asian populations that have
up to 50% of children needing glasses.
Do you know what they call this where I live in Chicago?
A clue.
That's right this is an astounding observation that can have a profound effect
on your child's eye health.
The study of 229 hunter gatherer societies found that refined cereals and
sugars were rarely if ever consumed in these groups living in their traditional
manner. But the moment they had western contact these foods rapidly became
dietary staples and the loss of the children's vision followed after that.
Eating foods low in sugar and without an excess of grains, sugars, soda and
fruit juices could help keep their insulin levels in check -- the reason many
children require glasses for vision correction is due to increases in free
insulin-like growth factor (IGF).

Have Your Children Checked by a Specialist!

It's also very important you have your child's r vision examined by the
appropriate professional -- in this case, a pediatric ophthalmologist.
Why do I recommend this?
A university study conducted by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
and published in the Journal of the American Association of Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus, provided striking information.
The study reported the following for children under the care of an eye

Optometrists -- prescribed glasses 35% of the time

General ophthalmologists -- prescribed glasses 12% of the time
Pediatric ophthalmologists -- prescribed glasses only 2% of the

So, this study clearly shows the importance of choosing the right professional
eye doctor to examine your kids. Plus, the study concluded that optometrists
and ophthalmologists who usually treat adults may not have as much expertise
with children.
Remember, if you start your kids out on glasses you could be starting their
slow vision deterioration at a very young age.
This is obviously something no parent would want for their children.

Program Works Exceptionally Well for Children

Further in this report I will discuss more specifics of a natural vision recovery
program but there is a major point you need to understand when making the
decision to put glasses on your child.
Persons of all ages have been benefited by this relaxation treatment, but
children usually, though not always, respond much more quickly than adults.
If they are under 12 years of age, or even under 16, and have never worn
glasses, they are usually improve in a few days, weeks, or months, and nearly
always within a year, by doing something as simple as reading a Snellen test
card every day.

Avoid Wasting Your Hard-earned Cash on Contacts

Next up on my list of alternatives for vision improvement are contact lenses.
While contacts seem relatively benign, they certainly are not a natural
solution. And there's no way you were ever designed to wear them.

Believe me -- I spent over 5 years researching all forms of vision

improvement to not only help you, but to solve my own vision problem as
well. And I am convinced that contacts can be an even worse solution than
Here are the main issues I have with contact lenses and why I recommend you
avoid them They:

Are inconvenient to use -- can be uncomfortable to you with a poor

Create recurring expenses for replacements, solutions, and check-ups
Can be difficult for you to keep clean and disinfected
Potentially lead to irritation and abrasion of your cornea
May deprive your covered cornea of necessary oxygen
Dry out your eyes and may cause eye and eyelid infections
Subject you to irritation from dust, pollutants, and allergens
May interfere with your normal blinking and tearing
Potentially distort the shape of your cornea impacting your vision

But there is an even more

concerning issue with
contact lenses -- the lens
solutions and cleansers
necessary for their use.
Fungal eye infections
causing potential
blindness forced some
companies to withdraw
their cleansers from the
marketplace. Wellestablished companies such as Bausch and Lomb and Advanced Medical
Optics, to name a few, faced recall issues on their lens solutions.
So, if you have any doubt about using contact lenses, this is certainly an
additional serious concern. Due to injury and even death, law suits have been
filed against at least one of the cleanser producers.

Warning:LASIK May Cause You MORE Problems than

The latest laser technology can
slice and dice your cornea,
reshaping it through computer
driven instruments to correct
refractive error.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if a
simple surgery could provide a
simple quick fix? I know many
of you have considered LASIK
(Laser-Assisted in Situ
Keratomileusis) surgery The challenge is that for many LASIK produces
amazing results in the short term.
But what many people fail to consider is the long term perspective. Recent
studies raised further questions on the safety and efficacy of laser surgery for
improving sight.
And most patients do not recover 20/20 vision. The long-term view is not
much better.
Even for those who initially attain "perfect" 20/20 eyesight, the improvement
diminishes for many after six months, requiring the use of glasses for such
tasks as night driving or reading.
And the costs?
Most insurance companies still do not cover the procedure. Here are just a few
examples of the pricing and option complexities you face:

$2,105 for all laser-based vision correction procedures in which a

single price is quoted.

$1,662 for non-customized LASIK using a bladed instrument

(microkeratome) and excimer lasers not guided by wavefront analysis.
$2,341 for wavefront-guided LASIK using IntraLase.

Even more troubling is your risk of complications and side effects from
botched or problematic LASIK surgery -- many of which have been
downplayed to the general public.
Even though the FDA is supportive of LASIK surgery, their own website on
LASIK surgery raises the following risks you should be aware of:

Some patients lose vision -- Some patients lose lines of vision on the
vision chart that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or
surgery as a result of treatment.
Some patients develop debilitating visual symptoms -- Some
patients develop glare, halos, and/or double vision that can seriously
affect nighttime vision.
You may be under treated or over treated -- Only a certain percent
of patients achieve 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. You may
require additional treatment, but additional treatment may not be
Some patients may develop severe dry eye syndrome -- As a result
of surgery, your eye may not be able to produce enough tears to keep
the eye moist and comfortable. This condition may be permanent.
Results are generally not as good in patients with very large
refractive errors of any type -- You should discuss your expectations
with your doctor and realize that you may still require glasses or
contacts after the surgery.
For some farsighted patients, results may diminish with age -- The
level of improved vision you experience after surgery for
farsightedness may decrease with age.
Long-term data are not available -- LASIK is a relatively new
technology. Therefore, the long-term safety and effectiveness of
LASIK surgery is not known.

Are you ready to give it a try? I would not recommend it.

And besides, remember I'm driven to find a natural, holistic approach for both
of us. This certainly does not come close.

What About Eye Muscle Exercises?

There are a number of programs available for improving vision that promote
correction through eye exercises.
Even though this approach is closer to the natural solution, strengthening,
toning, and conditioning your six eye muscles to keep them in perfect working
order is quite simply not the right answer.
Why is that?
Most people don't understand that the primary reason you can't see clearly is
that your eye muscles have too much strain, tightness, and contraction.
Exercises can't correct this, and, in fact they can actually worsen your vision.
Eye muscle exercises could lead you further down the path of strain -- the
exact opposite of the direction you need to go to achieve true vision
What your eyes really need is to re-learn how to let go, to RELAX, and to
somehow naturally reclaim the perfect unstrained vision that a young
health child has.
You may temporarily improve your sight by exercise, but you cannot improve
it to normal, and if the effort is allowed to become continuous, your sight will
steadily deteriorate and may eventually be destroyed.
Very seldom is the impairment or destruction of your vision due to any fault
in the construction of your eye. Of two equally good pairs of eyes one will
retain perfect sight to the end of life, and the other will lose it in kindergarten
simply because one looks at things without effort and the other does not.
An eye with normal sight never struggles to see it just happens effortlessly.

If for any reason, such as dim light, or the distance of the object, a normal eye
cannot see a particular point, it shifts to another point. A normal eye never
tries to bring out the point by staring at it, as the abnormal eye with imperfect
sight is constantly doing.
Whenever your eye tries to see, it at once ceases to have normal vision. You
may look at the stars with normal vision, but if you try to count the stars in
any particular constellation you will probably become myopic, because the
attempt to do these things usually results in an effort to see.
It obviously requires a strain to fail to see at the distance because the eye at
rest is adjusted for distant vision. If one does anything when one wants to see
at the distance, one must do the wrong thing.
The shape of your eyeball cannot be altered during distant vision without
strain. It is equally a strain to fail to see at close up because when your
muscles respond to your mind's desire they do it without strain.

Could it Really be this Simple?

Amazingly the Answer is "Yes."
Your mind is the source of all stress from outside sources brought to bear
upon your eye. Every thought of effort in your mind, of whatever sort,
transmits a motor impulse to your eye; and every such impulse causes a
deviation from the normal in the shape of the eyeball and lessens the
sensitiveness of the center of sight.
If you want to have perfect vision, therefore, you must minimize stress in your
mind. Mental strain of any kind always produces conscious or unconscious
eyestrain and if the strain takes the form of an effort to see, an error of
refraction is always produced.
Mental strain may produce many different kinds of eyestrain. While there are
many types of strains, there is only one cure for all of them, namely,

The health of your eye depends upon your blood, and circulation is very
largely influenced by your thoughts. When your thoughts are normal -- that is,
not attended by any excitement or strain -- the circulation in your brain is
normal, the supply of blood to your optic nerve and your visual centers are
normal, and your vision is perfect.
When your thoughts are abnormal your circulation is disturbed, the supply of
blood to your optic nerve and visual centers is altered, and your vision
You can consciously think thoughts that disturb your circulation and lower
your visual power; you can also consciously think thoughts that will restore
normal circulation and thereby improve not only all errors of refraction, but
many other abnormal conditions of your eyes.
You cannot by any amount of effort make yourself see, but by learning to
control your thoughts you can accomplish that end indirectly.
When a disturbing thought is replaced by one that relaxes, your squint
disappears, the double vision and the errors of refraction are corrected and this
is as true of abnormalities of long standing as of those produced voluntarily.
No matter how long your eyes have been impaired an improvement is
accomplished just as soon as you are able to secure mental control. The cause
of any error of refraction, of a squint, or of any other functional disturbance of
your eye is simply a thought -- a wrong thought -- and the improvement is as
quick as the thought that relaxes.
In a fraction of a second the highest degrees of refractive error may be
corrected, a squint may disappear, or the blindness of amblyopia may be
If the relaxation is only momentary, the correction is momentary. When it
becomes permanent, the correction is permanent.
This relaxation cannot, however, be obtained by any sort of effort. It is
fundamental that you understand this; for so long as you think, consciously or

unconsciously, that relief from strain may be obtained by another strain your
improvement will be delayed.
That is why RELAXING your eyes and addressing the stressors that
contribute to the stress are the key to help you recover your vision.

Why Making Sound Dietary and Emotional Choices are Key

Vision Enhancers
Temporary conditions may contribute to the strain to see that results in poor
eyesight, but its foundation lies in wrong habits of your thought.
Very seldom is the impairment or destruction of vision due to any fault in the
construction of your eye. Of two equally good pairs of eyes one will retain
perfect sight to the end of life, and the other will lose it in kindergarten simply
because one looks at things without effort and the other does not.
In addition to optimizing blood flow by relaxing and controlling your thoughts
you can also directly improve the nutrients your central nervous system and
eye receive by focusing on high quality nutrition.
Here are the dietary guidelines I follow to support eyesight:.

Eat plenty of foods containing lutein -- spinach, broccoli, zucchini,

Increase your intake of omega-3s -- krill oil is a great choice
Eat nutritious raw egg yolks -- they contain zeaxanthin and lutein
Consume plenty of raw vegetables and fruits -- particularly dark
Avoid processed foods especially those containing trans fats

And now, for the rest of my cruise story

The Two Words that Helped Improve My Vision

Despite my own dedication to a healthy diet and getting plenty of sunlight, , I
still needed to use glasses to read the small print on a menu.

That day back in 2005 on the Caribbean cruise, when I broke my glasses and
met Dr. Larry Clapp, was a major turning point in my long search for natural
vision improvement.
And the two words Dr. Clapp shared with me that day were: Bates Method.
The Bates Method is a 100 year old approach that has helped tens of
thousands of people recover their vision naturally -- including me!
Dr. Bates was in many ways a renegade just like me. He was a traditionally
trained ophthalmologist at Cornell University. He practice for over thirty
years and his experience with tens of thousands of patients showed him that
there were serious flaws in the conventional views of eye science at the turn of
the twentieth century.
Rather than use the conventional cumbersome and relatively inaccurate
Snellen eye charts (which are still used today) he used a far more accurate
retinoscope to assess his patient's visual acuity.
The retinoscope is an instrument used to measure the refraction of the eye by
throwing a beam of light into the pupil by reflection from a mirror, the light
being either outside the instrument -- above and behind the subject -- or
arranged within it by means of an electric battery.
For 30 years Dr. Bates used the retinoscope to examine under a wide variety
of clinical settings the eyes of tens of thousands of school children, hundreds
of infants and thousands of animals, including cats, dogs, rabbits, horses,
cows, birds, turtles, reptiles and fish.
His persistent research allowed him to uncover some basic strategies in
helping tens of thousands of people recover their vision without the use of
glasses or surgery.
So Dr. Bates boldly told the entire eye community in the early 1900s that
based on his observations over 30 years it was his belief that what they had
been teaching for the last century was simply wrong and they were actually
causing more harm than good.

His alternative approach was so effective and a threat to the traditional eye
community, that leading eye specialists in the 1900s manipulated New York
politicians into making it illegal. They simply could not tolerate the
competition from his new approach.
And, interestingly, to this day the Bates Method for naturally recovering your
vision remains illegal in the state of New York.
I learned a powerful secret from Dr. Clapp that day on the cruise.
Remarkably, 20 years after Dr. Clapp discovered these simple but powerful
techniques of natural vision correction, his vision still remained perfectly clear
-- as were the others he'd shared the Bates Method with.
You see, Dr Bates was a radical pioneer far ahead of his time, even in today's
medical views. He was a maverick physician who dedicated his life to
learning why people develop problems with their eyesight -- problems like
nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism.
Sadly Dr. Clapp passed away a few years ago, but until his death he still didn't
need glasses, and he serves as a tremendous model that you can live a full
natural life without ever requiring the use of reading glasses.
And now I'm ready to share this natural vision correction method with you.

Discover these 100 Year Old Secrets

To discover the techniques and methods that helped me restore my own
vision, I flew out to California to train with a leading instructor in this unique
It cost me thousands of dollars (and as you will soon see, something you won't
have to worry about). But it was more than worth the investment of my time
and money to regain my vision without the use of glasses or contacts.
It flat-out worked -- I virtually never use my reading glasses. About the only
time I require them are under very low light settings, or to read very tiny print

(3 point font) in poor light. But given enough light I simply do not require the
use of glasses anymore.
My own results impressed me so much and with all the in-depth research my
team and I did on the history and success of the Bates Method -- I decided to
simplify this powerful natural vision improvement training for you.

How to Restore Your Vision Naturally

When your mind is under a strain you eye usually goes more or less blind.
Your center of sight goes blind first, partially or completely, according to the
degree of the strain, and if the strain is great enough the whole or the greater
part of your retina may be involved.
When your eye possesses central fixation it not only possesses perfect sight,
but it is perfectly at rest and can be used indefinitely without fatigue. It is open
and quiet; no nervous movements are seen. In other words, there are no
muscular insufficiencies.
This fact is not generally known.
The muscles of your face and of your whole body are also at rest, and when
the condition is habitual there are no wrinkles or dark circles around your
All the methods used in the improvement of poor vision are simply different
ways of obtaining relaxation, and the fundamental principle is as follows:
Do you read imperfectly?
Can you observe then that when you look at the first word, or the first letter,
of a sentence you do not see best where you are looking; that you see other
words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the one you are looking
Do you observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see?

Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or
white that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel
rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved. Now open
them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a
If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of
improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller.
After opening your eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again
quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed until they again
feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second.
Continue this alternate resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time,
and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a
fraction of a second without losing the improved vision.
If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method with
distant letters. In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental
principle of the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses.

More Tips to Help You Recover Your Vision

Remember that relaxation NOT exercising your eye muscles is the answer to
recovering your vision. The strain to see is a strain of your mind, and, as in all
cases in which there is a strain of your mind, there is a loss of mental control.
So strategies designed to eliminate the mental strain that underlies the
imperfect functioning of your eyes are the key to recovering your vision.
It is also important to understand that sleep is not relaxation.
Most people, when told that rest or relaxation will improve their eye troubles
ask why sleep does not do so. This is because your eyes are rarely, if ever,
completely relaxed in sleep, and if they are under a strain while you are
awake, that strain will certainly be continued while you sleep, to a greater or
less degree, just as a strain of other parts of your body continue.

The fact is that when your mind is at rest nothing can tire your eyes, and when
your mind is under a strain nothing can rest them.
A very common habit that many people wind up doing is squinting when they
want to see more clearly. This does work initially but it actually worsens your
vision over time as it will cause chronic contraction of the muscles around
your eyes, which is precisely why you start to lose your near vision when you
So one of the KEY strategies you can use to recover your vision is simply to
notice when you are squinting, and stop. What you can do as an alternative to
squinting to improve your sight is to blink a few times.
Simply blinking rapidly a few times will help you see more clearly and is a
long term solution that will improve your vision, unlike squinting which will
actually worsen your vision over time.
Another key strategy is viewing documents on your computer. While it is
very easy to adjust the font of your documents to larger sizes your best bet is
to avoid doing this.
I myself noticed that I would change the size of Word documents from 100%
to 150^% which clearly made it easier to read but at the same time leads to a
progressive worsening of your vision. So if you want to improve your vision
read in the smallest font possible on your screen.

Avoid Sunglasses Like the Plague

Another powerful simple and inexpensive strategy is to ditch your sunglasses.
Most people don't understand that there are more than 1500 wavelengths of
light that you need to nourish your eyes.
When you deprive your eyes of these wavelengths they will become
progressively more malnourished and worsen your eyesight.
There are some conditions where sunglasses make sense but they are under
extreme and short term circumstances such as skiing down a mountain or

boating on a bright sunny day where the snow or water greatly magnifies the
sunlight to unusual and potentially harmful circumstances.
But otherwise wear a cap and keep the sun out of your eyes that way as the hat
will not block any of the sunshine from nourishing your eye.

How a Simple Technique Can be One of the Most Relaxing

Things for Your Eyes
Here's an example of one of the Bates Method techniques to help you relax
and sharpen your vision. It's called "palming.
Palming technique for YOUR vision enhancement:
It turns out that "palming" is one of the most relaxing things you can do for
your eyes. And relaxation is a cornerstone of improving your vision naturally.
Try this simple version of palming:
1. Rest your elbows comfortably on a table or desk.
2. Cover your eyes with your cupped palms as shown. Add a pillow
under your elbows if more height is needed to keep your back relaxed
and straight.
3. Breathe deeply while you palm for a few minutes.
The technique of palming to rest the eyes from all light stimulation was an
integral part of Dr. Bates' approach.
He concluded from his study and treatment of thousands of eyes that tight
muscles actually contort the eyes and restrict circulation. He found that
palming helps those muscles relax and let go.
Palming just a few minutes in the morning, at night, or while at work can be
very restful. Many people report clearer vision and a reduction of symptoms
such as headaches and dry eyes with regular palming.

And relaxation is a key element in naturally enhancing your vision. I'm

definitely a testament to this amazing technique.

You Don't Have to Fly Across the Country and Spend Thousands
of Dollars to Recover Your Vision
While I was absolutely delighted to recover my vision and have no regrets at
all in investing thousands of dollars to learn this technique, it was obvious to
me that most people would not do this, so I started my journey to find a less
expensive and equally effective alternative.
That is why I compiled this extensive page with audio clips to help you and
your family's journey to help you recover your vision. These techniques alone
have helped many people recover their vision.
However if you need additional coaching I put together a training program for
The program is called the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally.
With this complete holistic program, you'll discover the safe and proven
approach to help you eliminate your eyesight problems.
With the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally, you can...

Discover how to throw away your glasses for good

Get rid of your messy and irritating contact lenses
Avoid the risks and costs of LASIK eye surgery
Improve your vision in just minutes a day
Free yourself from eyestrain and neck strain

And save thousands of dollars on your lifetime vision care costs!

Natural Vision Training and YOU

You may be wondering if this natural eyesight improvement program is right
for you. Well, let's take a closer look.
First of all, you need to know this technique is not a quick fix. Although
results in a few days or weeks are not uncommon, your natural vision
improvement will take time, commitment, practice, and patience on your part.
According to Dr. Bates' teachings, common vision problems are reversible -and are not necessarily the result of genetics.
For example, he believed blurred vision is functional rather than structural -- it
results from chronic tension in some or all of your six extrinsic eye muscles.
The Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally program focuses on
retraining the external muscles of your eyes and could be helpful to you if...

You're nearsighted or farsighted and use glasses or contact lenses.

You've been told you have astigmatism.
You have presbyopia or "aging eyesight" and use reading glasses to
see close up.
You're just starting to notice problems with your eyesight. Your vision
isn't as clear as it used to be and you're concerned that it may be
You're considering LASIK eye surgery but have concerns or fears
about the risks.
You're tired of dealing with the hassles and expense of glasses or
contact lenses.
You suffer from eyestrain, muscle tension headaches or tight muscles
in the neck and upper back from reading, watching TV, or using your
You've already had LASIK but your vision is starting to worsen again.

And here's what's in store for you with this natural vision improvement

How Natural Vision Improvement Addresses the Root Causes of

Your Vision Issues
I know from experience that Greg Marsh, your natural vision teacher on the
audio program, won't waste your time with a bunch of fluff.
With a combination of mental and visual tools, he'll take you right into the
subtle details of improving your eyesight. As you listen, you'll participate
actively in exploring and discovering:

Where your strain is, what it feels like, and how to let it go
How the 3 principles of natural vision -- movement, centralization, and
relaxation work in unison
Why your eyes must move to see
How your emotions and personality may be involved in your vision
What children instinctively know about vision that you don't
How to work with your eye doctor to achieve your goals
Why willpower and effort don't work when it comes to your vision
How you can best handle computers and close-up work
Why it's critical for you to let go of tight muscles for total body-mind

Your seven full hours of material mixes basic easy-to-understand theory with
activities, examples, and real-life case studies.
Plus, within the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally audio set, Greg
leads you through 15 guided hands-on visualization activities you can use
over and over again to continue to enhance your vision.
Here's a list of all the guided audio activities in the program -- and a few audio
clips (portions of each section) I invite you to listen to:
Depending upon your own personal schedule, you can listen to a few tracks a
day, or quickly complete the entire program.
And of course, you will have all of the 6 CDs (or MP3 files) to refer to or
review as often as you like.

WARNING: This Course Is NOT For Everyone!

If you are looking for a quick fix, Dr. Bates' approach is clearly not for you.
The time required to effect a permanent improve varies greatly with everyone.
In some cases five, 10, or 15 minutes is sufficient. However, it is often
necessary to continue the treatment for weeks and months
While I personally experience rapid improvement in my eyesight, vision
improvement commonly occurs gradually over time. If you have the typical
Western approach and believe in the quick fix, take a pill for every health
solution then go no further as this program will require time on your part to
help you recover your lost vision.
When improvement is complete it is always permanent, but complete
improvement, which does not mean the attainment of what is ordinarily called
normal sight, but of a measure of near and far vision, are very rare. Even in
these cases the treatment can be continued with benefit for it is impossible to
place limits to the visual powers of man, and no matter how good your sight,
it is always possible to improve it.
However, if you are like me, and want your health for the LONG TERM and
not interested in quick solutions that will harm you more later on then I don't
know of any better approach out there.
The daily practice of training program is necessary to prevent visual lapses to
which every eye is prone to, no matter how good your sight may be. No
system will provide an absolute safeguard against such lapses in all
circumstances. However, the daily reading of small, distant, familiar letters
will do much to lessen the tendency to produce eye strain that changed your
vision when disturbing life circumstances arise,
Generally persons who have never worn glasses are more easily improved
than those who have, and glasses should be discarded at the beginning of the

When this cannot be done without too great discomfort, or when you need to
continue your work during the treatment and cannot do so without glasses, the
use of glasses must be permitted for a time, but this always delays the
So if you are unable to make this commitment at this time then it would likely
be best for you to delay this course until you can.

One of the Most Cost Effective Ways to Improve Your Vision for
To me, the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally is the best natural,
holistic approach to your vision recovery.
And now you can have the full audio training program for a tiny fraction of
what I paid.
Now, you might be wondering why the Bates Method is not more popular and
well known. After all, it helped thousands of people solve their vision
Sadly, it always comes back to the money. That's the main reason why you
may have never heard about natural vision improvement.
Because, let's face it -- the big money in the vision care industry is in
eyeglasses, contact lenses, and laser eye surgery.
In fact, according to the Vision Council of America in 2005, the vision care
industry racked up a whopping $25.7 billion dollars in revenue during a 12month period -- and I bet the next time they measure it will be even higher.
But I recommend we stay focused on what works naturally, and not what the
vision care industry wants you to believe or spend your hard-earned money
Here is a summary of my recommended checklist to help you improve the
overall health of your eyesight:

Eat a healthy diet of unprocessed foods rich in omega-3s, lutein, and

Avoid all trans fat and make sure you have a source of high quality
omega-3 fats
Get plenty of natural sunlight
Take advantage of a natural vision improvement training program

The advantage you have is you can try the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision
Naturally at a lower cost than a new set of glasses or contacts, and certainly
far less than LASIK surgery.
So, you really have nothing to lose. You can try this natural program that
worked for me -- and look to shed your own glasses or contacts for good.
If you're not satisfied, I'll not only refund your money, you can always go
back to wearing your glasses or contacts -- but you'll never catch me doing
that ever again!
P.S. To serve as helpful background and reference material to deepen
your understanding of the Bates Method of natural vision improvement, I
will also send you this FREE full-length classic guide as an eBook.
Vision Without Glasses
You'll receive Dr. William Bates' 300+ page classic book
that laid the foundation for Greg Marsh's Secrets of
Regaining Your Vision Naturally program. This book is
in a convenient easy to carry electronic format
This guide will provide you with practical insights to help
refine and improve your own vision.
So, order the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally today and take
advantage of this free bonus offer. And get ready to toss away your glasses
and contacts for good!

UPGRADE Your Order with Two Highly Useful Supplemental

Vision Books!
The following two print books are not essential, but if you are
the type who uses print reference materials often such as
dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias, for just $35 extra
with the 6-CDs you will definitely want to upgrade your order!
You will get:

UPGRADE BOOK #1: Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight - Naturally!

If you choose to upgrade your order, you will receive this highly-detailed 521page softbound book that is considered the "modern bible" of natural vision
correction. This manual by Bates Method master instructor Thomas
Quackenbush will be mailed to your home.
Many people have said they would have paid the price of the 6-CD course for
this manual alone ... With useful and practical step-by-step instructions on
how to successfully implement your vision program, it really is that good. But
when you combine it with the audio training you will receive, the bonus book
described above, and the other upgrade book below, you've got an absolutely
amazing value.

UPGRADE BOOK # 2: Better Eyesight: The Complete Magazines

of William H. Bates
With your upgrade order you'll also receive this weighty 708-page print
manual containing all the magazine articles published by the physician who
developed the entire Bates Method program. This "lost" material was
previously unavailable to nearly anyone but Bates Method instructors. Editor
Thomas Quackenbush spent 16 years tracking down all these articles, and
even more long months indexing, scanning and compiling all these important
vision secrets uncovered by Dr. Bates.

These two books are a true "steal" for just $35 more if you choose to upgrade
your order!
Your Own "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Guarantee
I want you to be happy with your investment in your natural vision program.
So, to top it all off, you have the pledge.
If you are not satisfied 100% with the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision
Naturally ... and delighted with the improvement you make in your eyesight,
you three full months to return the materials and request a hassle-free, prompt
and courteous refund.
What could be fairer than that?
So why not at least check this out for yourself? You have nothing to lose and
dramatically improved eyesight to gain.
Think of my story. Now, you can be next natural vision success story.

The six CDs/MP3s in Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally offer a variety of tools
and guided exercises that will help you reclaim your visual clarity. PLUS, yours FREE:
20/20 Vision Without Glasses Special Report. ORDER NOW!

Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally

6-CD Set PLUS Two Print Books

List Price:
Your Price:
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$248.00 (57.41%)

Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally

6-CD Set

List Price:
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$248.00 (62.47%)

Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally

6-MP3 Set

List Price:
Your Price:
You Save:

$248.00 (62.47%)

Now that youve read your amazing bonus report, 20/20 Vision Without Glasses, how would you
like to have your own personal eye sight improvement coach available to you anytime you want?
For more advanced methods of improving your vision and permanently eliminating the high cost of
contacts, glasses, and related doctor visits see into our scientifically proven home study course the
Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally.
In this professionally recorded, comprehensive 6-CD set (6 MP3 file set also available) on natural eyesight training
your Certified Natural Vision Teacher -- Greg Marsh will take you through his completely holistic program
designed to naturally improve your eyesight.
How would you like to see as well as (or even better) than you did as a youngster?
With the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally, you can ...

Discover how to throw away your glasses for good ...

Get rid of your messy and irritating contact lenses ...
Avoid the risks and cost of LASIK eye surgery ...
Improve your vision in just minutes a day ...
Free yourself from eyestrain and neck strain ...

Plus, save thousands of dollars on your lifetime vision care costs...

This science-based method has already worked for tens of thousands of other people and it can work for you too.

Discover the Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally Now

Copyright 2009

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