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The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich The last book mentioned above deserves special consi
deration because it has had such a huge impact on me. In fact, this book, and my
book on the raw food diet would not exist without Wallace Wattles and his book.
I have much to occupy my hours, and it's a rare book that I get to reading a se
cond time. This is even true for excellent books, there are just so many other b
ooks I want to read! But this book I read (or listened to) nearly every day for
months and months. The first time I read The Science of Getting Rich I had shive
rs run up and down my spine due to the possibilities the words created for me. I
knew what it was saying was true, and that it was just a matter of time before
I would be a very different person. I read the book at one sitting, wrapped up i
n my own sphere of rising consciousness. The book was written nearly 100 years a
go but the words are just as applicable to success and wealth in any field as th
ey were when written. The principles cut through my limiting beliefs about mysel
f and inspired hope and enthusiasm for the future. I started following the pract
ices in the book, and certain hobbies, activities and interests fell out of my l
ife. These were replaced by new activities, new focuses, and new interests. I wa
s led, like I was along for the ride. I was certainly doing the acting, but I wa
s led in the actions to take. The book itself is free, and here is where to go t
o get it. Just click on the link below. The Science of Getting Rich â Free E-Book!
Rebecca Fine has created an entire business around this book (and she's doing w
ell too!) I purchased the tape set of The Science of Getting Rich (read by Rebec
ca) and listened to it every morning. There is value in repetition, and I would
encourage you to read the book and then get the tape. Most of us have more time
to listen than we do to read, while driving or working out, etc. The fact that I
devoted 30 minutes a day six days a week to this book shows how much I think of
it. In fact, the title of one of my websites was inspired by the book. Rebecca
says in the tape set that she is not a professional announcer, but she does a fa
ntastic job. At first you notice someone reading, but after a while you forget t
hat you are listening to a reader. It's as if the message goes right inside of y
ou. You can achieve your dreams! You can give increased life to the world by doi
ng what you love to do. Dare to follow your passion in life. Be bold enough to i
magine your desires in great detail, and hold to that vision with emotion and ex
pectation. I'm thinking of you now as I finish this book. I send to you this boo
k on Creating Reality with all the intention and energy, hope and faith and expe
ctation that I can generate! Use the Daily HoloCreation Sheet and you will begin
to work miracles in your life and the lives of others around you. You will make
a difference in the world. You will fulfill your mission on earth! With Energy
& Hope, I pray for Increased Life for You, Samuel Mauer
Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possi
ble to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No one can
rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has
plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many
things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them
with. A person develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and soc
iety is so organized that we must have money in order to become the possessors o
f things. Therefore, the basis of all advancement must be the science of getting
rich. The object of all life is development, and everything that lives has an i
nalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining. A person.s r
ight to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the th
ings which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfol
dment; or, in other words, his right to be rich. In this book, I shall not speak
of riches in a figurative way. To be really rich does not mean to be satisfied
or contented with a little. No one ought to be satisfied with a little if he is
capable of using and enjoying more. The purpose of nature is the advancement and
unfoldment of life, and everyone should have all that can contribute to the pow
er, elegance, beauty, and richness of life. To be content with less is sinful. T
he person who owns all he wants for the living of all the life he is capable of
living is rich, and no person who has not plenty of money can have all he wants.
Life has advanced so far and become so complex that even the most ordinary man
or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that eve
n approaches completeness. Every person naturally wants to become all that they
are capable of becoming. This desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent
in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be. Success in li
fe is becoming what you want to be. You can become what you want to be only by m
aking use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become
rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich is therefore
the most essential of all knowledge. There is nothing wrong in wanting to get ri
ch. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more ab
undant life . and that desire is praiseworthy. The person who does not desire to
live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the person who does not desire to have
money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal. There are three motives for which
we live: We live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No o
ne of these is better or holier than the other; all are alike desirable, and no
one of the three . body, mind, or soul . can live fully if either of the others
is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only
for the soul and deny mind or body, and it is wrong to live for the intellect an
d deny body or soul. We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of li
ving for the body and denying both mind and soul, and we see that real life mean
s the complete expression of all that a person can give forth through body, mind
, and soul. Whatever he can say, no one can be really happy or satisfied unless
his body is living fully in its every function, and unless the same is true of h
is mind and his soul. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility or function not
performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression
or function seeking performance. A person cannot live fully in body without goo
d food, comfortable clothing, and warm shelter, and without freedom from excessi
ve toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life. Get the wh
ole book for free!

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