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2 Feminist / Gender Theory / Practice

Adkins, Lisa. 2002. Sexuality and economy: Historicisation vs
deconstruction. Australian Feminist Studies 17.3: 31-41.
Allen, Amy. 1999. Solidarity after identity politics: Hannah Arendt and the
power of feminist theory. Philosophy & Social Criticism 25.1: 97-118.
Anderson, Amanda. 1998. Debatable performances: Restaging contentious
feminisms. Social Text, no. 54: 1-24.
Biddick, Kathleen. 1993. Genders, bodies, borders: Technologies of the
visible. Speculum 68.2: 389-418.
Boyarin, Daniel. 1993. Paul and the genealogy of gender.Representations, no.
41: 1-33.
Brennan, Samantha. 1999. Recent work in feminist ethics.
Ethics 109.4: 858-93.
Cacoullos, Ann. R. 2001. American feminist theory. American Studies
International 39.1: 72- 117.
Caprioli, Mary, and Mark A. Boyer. 2001. Gender, violence, and international
crisis. Journal of Conflict Resolution 45.4: 503-18.
Carver, Terrell. 1996. Public man and the critique of masculinities. Political
Theory 24.4: 673-86.
Charlesworth, Hilary. 2000. Martha Nussbaums feminist
internationalism. Ethics, no. 111: 64-78.
Davies, Bronwyn, et al. 2001. Becoming schoolgirls: The ambivalent project of
subjectification. Gender & Education 13.2: 167-82.
Dellinger, Kirsten, and Christine L. Williams. 1997. Makeup at work: Negotiating
appearance rules in the workplace. Gender and Society11.2: 151-77.
Delphy, Christine. 1995. The invention of French feminism: An essential
move. Yale French Studies, no. 87: 190-221.
Diprose, Rosalyn. 2000. What is a (feminist) philosophy? Hypatia15.2: 115-32.
Dolgopal, Ustinia. 1995. Womens voices, womens pain. Human Rights
Quarterly 17.1: 127-54. 12
Downs, Laura Lee. 1993. If woman is just an empty category, then why am I
afraid to walk alone at night? Identity politics meets the postmodern
subject. Comparative Studies in Society and History 35.2: 414-37.

Durham, Carolyn A. 1995. At the crossroads of gender and culture: Where

feminism and sexism Intersect. Modern Language Journal79.2: 153-65.
Felski, Rita. 1996. Gazing at gender: Recent work in feminist media
studies. American Literary History 8.2: 388-97.
Fenton, Natalie. 2000. The problematics of postmodernism forfeminist media
studies. Media, Culture & Society 22.6: 723-41.
Flynn, Elizabeth A. 1995. Feminism and scientism. College Composition and
Communication 46.3: 353-68.
Foertsch, Jacqueline. 2000. The circle of learners in a vicious circle: Derrida,
Foucault, and feminist pedagogic practice. College Literature27.3: 111-29.
Francis, Becky. 2002. Relativism, realism, and feminism: An analysis of some
theoretical tensions in research on gender identity.Journal of Gender
Studies 11.1: 39-54.
Fraser, Mariam. 2001. Visceral futures: bodies of feminist criticism.Social
Epistemology 15.2: 91-111.
Friedman, Susan Stanford. 1996. Beyond gynocriticism and gynesis: The
geographics of identity and the future of feminist criticism. Tulsa Studies in
Womens Literature 15.1: 13-40.
Haslanger, Sally. 1999. What knowledge is and what it ought to be: Feminist
values and normative epistemology. Philosophical Perspectives 13: 459-80.
Hirschmann, Nancy J. 1996. Toward a feminist theory of freedom.
Political Theory 24.1: 46- 67.
Hoffman, John. 2001. Defining feminism. Politics 21.3: 193-99.
Homans, Margaret. 1994. Women of color: Writers and feminist theory. New
Literary History 25.1: 73-94.
Hood-Williams, John, and Wendy Cealey. 1998. Trouble with gender.Sociological
Review 46.1: 73-94.
Ingraham, Chrys. 1994. The heterosexual imaginary: Feminist sociology and
theories of gender. Sociological Theory 12.2: 203-19.
Jaggar, Alison M. 2000. Ethics naturalized: feminisms contribution to moral
philosophy. Metaphilosophy 31.5: 452-68.
Kowalewski, David, et al. 1995. Sexism, racism, and establishmentism. Journal
of Black Studies 26.2: 201-15.

Kozlova, N. N. 2002. Gender and the advent of modernity. Russian Social

Science Review 43.4: 13-29.
Lather, Patti. 2001. Postbook: Working the ruins of feminist ethnography. Signs:
Journal of Women in Culture 27.1: 199-27.
Lawson, Tony. 1999. Feminism, realism, and universalism. Feminist
Economics 5.2: 25-59.
Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin. 1993. Hegemony and Anglo-American feminism: Living
in the funny house. Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature 12.2: 279-87.
Lurie, Susan, et al. 2001. Restoring feminist politics to poststructuralist
critique. Feminist Studies 27.3: 679-707.
Martin, Roberta C. 1998. Beautious wonders of a different kind: Aphra Behns
destabilization of sexual categories. College English 61.2: 192-210.
McNay, Lois. 1999. Gender and narrative identity. Journal of Political
Ideologies 4.3: 315- 36.
Mulinari, Diana, and Kerstin Sandell. 1999. Exploring the notion of experience
in feminist thought. Acta Sociologica 42: 287-97.
Nelson, Lise. 1999. Bodies (and spaces) do matter: The limits of
performativity. Gender, Place & Culture 6.4: 331-53. 13
Nozaki, Yoshiko. 2000. Feminist theory and the media representation of a
woman-of-color superintendent: Is the world ready for cyborgs?Urban
Education 35.5: 616-29.
Okin, Susan Moller. 1994. Gender inequality and cultural differences. Political
Theory 22.1: 5-24.
----------. 1998. Feminism and multiculturalism: Some tensions.
Ethics 108.4: 661-84.
Pilardi, Jo-Ann. 1993. The changing critical fortunes of the second sex. History
and Theory 32.1: 51-73.
Pinnik, Cassandra L. 1994. Feminist epistemology: Implications for philosophy
of science. Philosophy of Science 61.4: 646-57.
Poovey, Mary. 1992. Feminism and postmodernismanother view.Boundary
2 19.2, Feminism and postmodernism: 34-52.
Pryse, Marjorie. 2002. Trans/feminist methodology: Bridges tointerdisciplinary
thinking. NWSA Journal 12.2: 105-18.

Roberts, Mary Louise. 1998. Gender, consumption, and commodity

culture. American Historical Review 103.3: 817-44.
Romero, Mary. 2000. Disciplining the feminist bodies of knowledge: Are we
creating or reproducing academic structure? NWSA Journal12.2: 148-62.
Rooney, Ellen. 1996. What can the matter be? American Literary History 8.4:
Schein, Louisa. 1997. Gender and internal orientalism in China.
Modern China 23.1: 69-98.
Shih, Shu-Mei. 1996. Gender, race, and semicolonialism: Lie Naous urban
Shanghai landscape. Journal of Asian Studies 55.4: 934-56.
Staeheli Lynn A. 2002. Feminists talking across worlds. Gender, Place and
Culture 9.2: 167- 72.
Stukes, Pierrette Rouleau. 2001. The symptomatic repetition of identity:
Gender and the traumatic gestalt. Psychoanalytic Studies3.3/4: 393-409.
Thorburn, Diana. 2000. Feminism meets international relations.SAIS
Review 20.2: 1-10.
Weigman, Robyn. 2002. Academic feminism against itself. NWSA Journal 14.2:
Wylie, Alison. 1992. The interplay of evidential constraints and political
interests: Recent archaeological research on gender.American Antiquity 57.1:
Zerilli, Linda M. 1998. Doing without knowing: Feminisms politics of the
ordinary. Political Theory 26.4: 435-58.
Zhurzhenko, Tatiana. 2002. Social reproduction as a problem in feminist
theory. Russian Studies in History 40.3: 70-90.

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