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'Project: DBTutorial.

'Description: This is a tutorial for ADO Database connections.

' It is very basic. I just started using VB
' recently so I wrote this in order to get a
' better handle on ADO concepts. This will only
' be useful to people who are just starting with
' ADO.
'1st. You must go to Project menu bar and select
' References. Then check Microsoft ActiveX
' DataObject 2.0 Library.
'2nd. a. Declare your connection variarable.
' b. Declare your recordset variable.
' c. Declare a module level boolean variable representing
' the state of the database (viewing or adding data).
'3rd. Create two command buttons. Name one
' cmdOpenConnection and name the other
' cmdCloseConnection. The control
' cmdCloseConnection's Enabled property should be
' set to false.
'4th. In the cmdOpenConnection_Click sub:
' a. Declare a connection string.
' b. Set your connection variable equal to a new
' ADODB connection.
' Note: This could be done in another sub.
' For example, it could be done in the Form_Load
' Event.
'5th. After setting the connection:
' a. Set the connection objects cursor location.
' In this example, the database will be on a
' client-side location ( a workstation or stand
' alone unit) so we will use adUseClient.
' b. Next, open the connection object.
'6th. Finally, connect with the recordset.
' a. Set the record set to a new ADODB recordset.
' b. Select a cursor type.
' c. Select a cursor location.
' d. Select a lock type (see below for description).
' e. Select a source.
' f. Select a connection object.
' g. Finally open the recordset.
'7th. Create three text boxes. Name one txtFirstName,
' another txtLastName, and the last one txtTitle.
' Also, create lables to identify the text boxes.
' I also created a label to view the connection
' string. It is just for information and not
' necessary.
'8th Create a sub to clear the contents of the
' textboxes.
'9th. Closing the ADO connection is a lot easier.
' a. Close the connection.
' b. Set the connection to false.
' c. Clear the controls.
'10th Next, we will create a sub to load the data from
' the table into the text boxes.
'11th We will actually load data from the database into
' the text boxes. In the 6th step, we opened the
' recordset. This cause the movecomplete event to
' fire. We will use this event to load the first
' record.
' Hopefully, you have been running the program
' periodically to check your results. If you run
' it now, there should be data in the text boxes.
' However, you can not navigate the records.
' That shall be our next task.
'* End of Part I - Part II continues below
'* 1st Step* Setting reference property from menu.
Option Explicit
'* 2nd Step*
Private WithEvents connConnection As ADODB.Connection
'connConnection is the connection with the DB.
'A more descriptive name is usually desired. For example:
'If you are connecting with the Northwind DB, connNWind
'would be better.
'The WithEvents keyword means that you ll be able code
'events for the connection and the record set. Also, you
'will be able to find the declared object in a code
'window s drop-down list and that each object will further
'provide its event procedures in the rightside drop-down
'of the code window.
Private WithEvents rsRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
'rsRecordSet is the recordset that will be used with the
'connection.A more descriptive name is usually desired.
'If you are connecting with the employees table,
'rsEmployees would be better.
Dim mblnAddMode As Boolean
'Used to determine whether data should be displayed
'or added.
'* 3rd Step* Create cmdOpenConnection &
'*********** cmdCloseConnection.
Private Sub cmdOpenConnection_Click()
'Remember, these steps can be in another sub such
'as the Form_Load event.
'* 4th Step*
Dim strConnect As String
'This is your connection string. It will contain
'information about the provider and the path to
'the database.
Dim strProvider As String
'In order to keep from typing long strings, I am
'breaking the connection string into smaller parts.
'It should be easier to read this way.
Dim strDataSource As String
'See note for strProvider.
Dim strDataBaseName As String

strProvider = "Provider= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;"

strDataSource = App.Path
'The data source becomes the directory that the
'program is executing in.
strDataBaseName = "\ADOTutorial.mdb;"
'The name of the database.
strDataSource = "Data Source=" & strDataSource & _
'Append on the name of the database.
strConnect = strProvider & strDataSource
'The connection string is now made.
Set connConnection = New ADODB.Connection
'Preparing the connection object.
'* 5th Step*
connConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'Use a client side cursor because the data you will
'be accessing will be on the client machine instead
'of a server.
connConnection.Open strConnect
'Open the connection object.
lblConnectionString.Caption = strConnect
'Just in case you are interested in seeing the string.
'* 6th Step*
Set rsRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
'Prepare the recordset.
rsRecordSet.CursorType = adOpenStatic
'The only type of curor that you can use with
'a client side cursor location is adOpenStatic.
rsRecordSet.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'This application is using a client side cursor.
rsRecordSet.LockType = adLockPessimistic
'This guarantees that a record that is being edited
'can be saved.
rsRecordSet.Source = "Select * From Employees"
'Source should be a SQL statement indicating where to
'retreive the data from.
rsRecordSet.ActiveConnection = connConnection
'The record set needs to know what connection to use.
'Open the record set. Opening the recordset will
'cause the MoveComplete event for the recordset to fire.
cmdOpenConnection.Enabled = False
'Since the connection is now opened, one should not be
'allowed to try to open it again.
cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True
'Since the connection is open, one should be allowed
'to close it
'Now, the connection should be open and the recordset
'ready to work with.
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
'* 7th Step* Create txtFirstName, txtLastName, txtTitle
'*********** Set the locked property to true for each one.
Private Sub ClearControls()
'* 8th Step*
txtFirstName.Text = ""
txtLastName.Text = ""
txtTitle.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCloseConnection_Click()
'* 9th Step*
Set connConnection = Nothing
cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = False
'The user should not be allowed to close a connection
'that is not open.
cmdOpenConnection.Enabled = True
'Since the connection is closed, it is okay to open
'it again.
Call ClearControls
'Clear the textboxes.
lblConnectionString.Caption = ""
lblBOF.Caption = ""
lblEOF.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub LoadDataInControls()
'*10th Step*
If rsRecordSet.BOF = True Or rsRecordSet.EOF = True Then
Exit Sub
'If the pointer is at the end of the recordset of
'at the before the first record, exit the sub and
'show no data.
End If
'There are several methods of refering to field
'contents. Here are examples of some different ways.
txtFirstName.Text = rsRecordSet.Fields("FirstName").Value & " "
'Notice the " " appended to the end of the field.
'This is necessary in order to prevent errors
'loading if the field is empty. At least a space will
'be loaded into the text box.
txtLastName.Text = rsRecordSet("Last Name").Value & " "
'The fields property is missing here.
txtTitle.Text = rsRecordSet!Title & " "
'This is the bang method. Notice that there are no
'quotes around the field name.
End Sub
'*11th Step*
Private Sub rsRecordSet_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, By
Val pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset A
s ADODB.Recordset)
If mblnAddMode = False Then
'If we are not in the add mode, load data in the
Call LoadDataInControls
'This event was fired by opening the recordset in
'step six.
End If
End Sub
'* Part II * *
'12th Add four command buttons to your form. They
' should be cmdFirst, cmdPrevious, cmdNext, and
' cmdLast
'13th Program the click procedure for each command
' button created in step 12.
'14th Add two command buttons to the form. They should
' be cmdAdd and cmdSave. The cmdSave's enabled
' property should be false.
'15th Write a procedure to disable the navigation buttons so
' that the user does not move to another record during
' an add. Likewise, code a sub to enable the navigation
' buttons
'16th Write the cmdAdd Click event. The add
' command will serve double duty. It will also be
' the cancel command button.
'17th Write a procedure to move the data from the
' controls on the form to the database.
'18th Write the cmdSave's Click event.
'19th Add a command button to the form. It should be
' named cmdDelete.
'20th Write cmdDelete Click event.
'21st Add a command button to the form for editing records.
' Code its click event. The code will be very similar
' to the add button's click procedure. Also, some
' modifications to the save button's click event were made
' here.
'22nd Add cmdExit to the form. Code its click event.
'*12th Step* Create cmdFirst, cmdPrevious, cmdNext,
'*********** & cmdLast.
'*13th Step*
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
If rsRecordSet.BOF = False Then
'Move to the first record in the record set.
ElseIf rsRecordSet.BOF = True _
And rsRecordSet.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "There is no data in the record set!", , "Oops"
End If
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
If rsRecordSet.EOF = False Then
'Move to the last record in the record set.
ElseIf rsRecordSet.BOF = True _
And rsRecordSet.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "There is no data in the record set!", , "Oops"
End If
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
If rsRecordSet.BOF = False Then
'Check to see if you are at the front of the record set.
'If you are not, then you can move forward.
If rsRecordSet.BOF = True Then
'This will prevent the user from moving to
'the BOF marker if he or she is on the first record.
End If
If rsRecordSet.EOF Then
'Check to see if there is any data in the record set.
MsgBox "There is no data in the record set!", , "Oops"
'If the user is at the BOF marker, then move
'to the first record. There are several other
'ways to handle this. For example, you could
'loop the user to the last record by using
'rsRecordset.MoveLast after the else statement.
End If
End If
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
If rsRecordSet.EOF = False Then
If rsRecordSet.EOF Then
'This will prevent the user from moving to
'the EOF Marker if he or she is on the last
End If
If rsRecordSet.BOF Then
'Check to see if there is any data in the recordset.
MsgBox "There is no data in the record set!", , "Oops"
'Move the user to the last record if he or she
'tries to move past the last record. You
'could let the user add a record by moving
'past the EOF marker or you could loop back
'to the first record.
End If
End If
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
'*14th Step* Add cmdAdd and cmdSave to the form.
'*15th Step*
Private Sub DisableNavigation()
cmdFirst.Enabled = False
cmdLast.Enabled = False
cmdNext.Enabled = False
cmdPrevious.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub EnableNavigation()
cmdFirst.Enabled = True
cmdLast.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = True
cmdPrevious.Enabled = True
End Sub
'*16th Step*
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
If cmdAdd.Caption = "&Add" And _
cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'Allow adds when the connection is opened.
cmdAdd.Caption = "&Cancel"
'Change the caption to Cancel and use this button
'to prevent a new record from being saved.
cmdSave.Enabled = True
'Since a new record is being added, the user
'should be allowed to save the data.
Call DisableNavigation
'the user should not be allowed to navigate during an
mblnAddMode = True
'We are now in addmode.
Call ClearControls
'This sub just clears the controls in preparation for
'adding new data.
cmdEdit.Enabled = False
cmdDelete.Enabled = False
'Coded later to add more stability.
txtFirstName.Locked = False
txtLastName.Locked = False
txtTitle.Locked = False
'Allow the user to enter items into the text boxes.
'Go to the first field.
ElseIf cmdAdd.Caption = "&Cancel" Then
cmdAdd.Caption = "&Add"
'If a user cancels, allow another add.
cmdSave.Enabled = False
'There will be no record to save.

Call EnableNavigation
'The user should have freedom to move now.
cmdEdit.Enabled = True
cmdDelete.Enabled = True
'Added later to provide more security.
mblnAddMode = False
'We are no longer in addmode.
txtFirstName.Locked = True
txtLastName.Locked = True
txtTitle.Locked = True
'Allow the user to enter items into the text boxes.
If cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'Make sure that the database connection is
'open before you try to add data back to
'the controls.
Call LoadDataInControls
'reload the data.
End If
End If
End Sub
'*17th Step*
Private Sub WriteDataFromControls()

'Again, there are several ways to manipulate field

'values. Some are shown.
rsRecordSet("FirstName").Value = txtFirstName.Text

rsRecordSet.Fields("Last Name").Value = txtLastName.Text

rsRecordSet!Title = txtTitle.Text
End Sub
'*18th Step*
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
If cmdAdd.Caption = "&Cancel" Then
End If
'This calls the Recordset MoveComplete event.
'Before cmdEdit was added, there was no if-then statement.
Call WriteDataFromControls
'Write the data from the text boxes to the appropriate

'No data is saved until the update method is executed.
mblnAddMode = False
'Saving closes add mode.
cmdSave.Enabled = False
'Save does not need to be enabled after the save is executed.
If cmdAdd.Caption = "&Cancel" Then
cmdAdd.Caption = "&Add"
End If

If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Cancel" Then

cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit"
End If
'Changes captions back to original.
'These three steps prevent the user from adding
'blank data or accidently changing data.
txtFirstName.Locked = True
txtLastName.Locked = True
txtTitle.Locked = True
Call EnableNavigation
'Allow movement again.
cmdEdit.Enabled = True
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
cmdDelete.Enabled = True
'Add later to provide stability and consistency.
'This is not a very elegant solution to a problem I have
'with this database. If I add a new record and then
'immediately delete it, it reappears the next time the
'database is opened. If anyone has a slicker solution
'let me know.
lblEOF = rsRecordSet.EOF
lblBOF = rsRecordSet.BOF
End Sub
'*19th Step* Add cmdDelete to the form.
'*20th Step*
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
If rsRecordSet.EOF = False And _
rsRecordSet.BOF = False And _
cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'Check to see if there is data in the database
'and make sure it is open.
On Error Resume Next
'If there is an error, ignore it.
'Deleting a record is important so the begtrans method
'is used. It makes sure all actions between begtrans
'and committrans are done at the same time.
'Delete the record.
'The actions have been committed.
If rsRecordSet.EOF = True Then
'If the user deletes the record in the last position
'go to the new record in the last position.
If rsRecordSet.BOF = True Then
Call ClearControls
'If the last record is deleted, clear the text
MsgBox "There is no data in the recordset!", , "Oops!"
'Alert the user that there is no more data in
'the database.
End If
End If
ElseIf rsRecordSet.EOF = True And rsRecordSet.BOF = True Then
'Warn the user that he or she is trying to delete data
'from a database with no records.
MsgBox "There is no data in the recordset!", , "Oops!"
End If
lblBOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.BOF
lblEOF.Caption = rsRecordSet.EOF
End Sub
'*21st Step* Add cmdEdit to the form and code its click event.
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
'This sub is very similar to cmdAdd.
'********Some changes were made to cmdSave in order to
'********allow edits to be saved.
If cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit" And _
cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'Allow adds when the connection is opened.
cmdEdit.Caption = "&Cancel"
'Change the caption to Cancel and use this button
'to prevent a new record from being saved.
cmdSave.Enabled = True
'Since a new record is being added, the user
'should be allowed to save the data.
Call DisableNavigation
'No moves during edit.
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
cmdDelete.Enabled = False
'Coded later to add more stability.
txtFirstName.Locked = False
txtLastName.Locked = False
txtTitle.Locked = False
'Allow the user to enter items into the text boxes.
'Go to the first field.
ElseIf cmdEdit.Caption = "&Cancel" Then
cmdEdit.Caption = "&Edit"
'If a user cancels, allow another add.
cmdSave.Enabled = False
'There will be no record to save.
Call EnableNavigation
'Allow movement.
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
cmdDelete.Enabled = True
'Coded later to add more stability.
txtFirstName.Locked = True
txtLastName.Locked = True
txtTitle.Locked = True
'Allow the user to enter items into the text boxes.
If cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'Make sure that the database connection is
'open before you try to add data back to
'the controls.
Call LoadDataInControls
'reload the data.
End If
End If
End Sub
'*22nd Step* Add cmdExit to the form and code its click event.
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
If cmdCloseConnection.Enabled = True Then
'If the connection is opend, close it.
Call cmdCloseConnection_Click
End If
Unload Me
'Remove the form from memory.
'Terminate the project.
End Sub
'I. Check Microsoft ActiveX DataObject 2.0 Library from the
' Project Menu's Reference Menu.
'II. A. Declare your connection variarable.
' B. Declare your recordset variable.
' C. Declare a module level addstate boolean variable.
'III. A. Decide where to locate the code to open the
' connection.
' 1. Declare a connection string
' a. The string must have a provider.
' b. The string must have a path
' c. The string must have a database's name
' 2. Set the connection object equal to a new ADODB
' connection.
' 3. Set the connection object's cursor location.
' 4. Open the connection string with the connection
' object.
' 5. Open the connection object.
' 6. Set the recordset object equal to a new ADODB
' recordset.
' 7. Set the recordset's properties.
' a. Select a cursor type.
' b. Select a curor location.
' c. Select a lock type.
' d. Select a source.
' e. Select a connection object.
' 8. Open the recordset.
' B. Decide where to locate the code to close the
' connection.
' 1. Close the connection object.
' 2. Set the connection object equal to nothing.
'IV. Create controls on the form to view and enter data.
'V. Create subs to load and clear controls holding data.
'VI. Program the MoveComplete event to load data if the
' program is not in add state.
'VII. Provide recordset navigationi.
' A. Add command buttons for MoveFirst, MoveLast,
' Previous, and Next.
' B. Check for BOF and EOF on Previous and Next.
'VIII. Provide the ability to add records.
' A. Add a command button for adding records.
' B. Provide a method to cancel the current add.
' C. Add a command button that allows the user
' to save a new addition.
' D. Code a procedure to move data from the form
' to the database.
'IX. Provide the user the ability to delete records.
' A. Add a command button for deleting records.
' B. Check for records before allowing deletes.
'X. Provide the user the ability to edit records.
' A. Add a command button for editing recors.
' B. Allow the user to cancel the edit.
' C. Allow the user to save the changes.
'****************Extra Procedures for convience only************
Private Sub txtFirstName_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys "{TAB}"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtLastName_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys "{TAB}"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtTitle_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys "{TAB}"
End If
End Sub

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