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Objectives  Identify signs and symbols in immediate surroundings, make predictions

Teaching Guide
Materials  colored pins, index cards, tape, map of the world ¿Quién cruza por aquí?

30 minutes, Days 1–3

Build Background
Activate Prior Knowledge  Tell children: Hoy vamos a leer sobre las señales. Las
señales son muy importantes porque nos dan información. Vemos muchas señales todos los días
en las calles, en la escuela y en nuestros vecindarios. You may want to show some easily
recognizable signs to the class, such as: STOP, EXIT, PUSH, PULL, etc. Ask
children: ¿Dónde han visto estas señales? (en una esquina, sobre la puerta)

Introduce the Focus Skill: Verbs  Explain to the class that verbs are
action words. They describe what someone is doing. Give children the following
example: Yo le hablo a la clase. La clase me escucha. Then pantomime for the
class. Sit down in your chair and ask children: ¿Qué estoy haciendo? (Sentándose) Then
stand up. ¿Ahora qué estoy haciendo? (Parándose) Ask children to pantomime with
other verbs, such as escribir, leer, caminar, etc.

Acquire New Vocabulary  Tell children that the following verbs appear in the book: treparse, reposar, mugir, pastar,
relinchar, agacharse, descansar, picotear, olfatear, graznar. Write these words on the board. Read each word aloud and use it
in a sentence: Me trepo a los árboles. A los perros les gusta olfatear. Ask children to write all of the animals they can think of that perform
the verbs on separate index cards. For instance, pastar: vacas, llamas, ciervos, etc. Then have each child come up to the board and tape
the index cards with the animal names under the corresponding verb. Some animals may fall under more than one verb (for instance,
patos: picotear y graznar, caballos: relinchar y pastar). Discuss any verb-animal combinations that children might have missed as a

Read and Respond  Display the book. Read the title and author name aloud as you track the print. Tell the class that they are
going to play a guessing game as you read. Point to one of the signs and ask children what animal they think it represents. For example,
after reading p. 10, point to the sign. Ask: ¿Qué animal es? (un ciervo) As you do a picture walk of the book, point to the signs and ask
children to guess what animal is shown on each one. Have children list their guesses. When they are done, have children vote on the
answer for each page. The majority votes will decide the answer. Check answers at the back of the book when reading is complete.
Discuss incorrect answers as a class. Review the verb on each page. For example, return to page 10 and point to the verb explorar.
Ask: ¿Qué significa explorar? (buscar) ¿Qué animal es? (un ciervo) Entonces, ¿qué hacen los ciervos? (Exploran.)

60 minutes, Days 4–5

˛ Curricular Enrichment: Social Studies (Geography)  Explain to children that the animals shown in this
book live in different countries and continents. Tell children: Tal vez veamos algunos de estos animales donde vivimos, pero los demás
animales viven lejos. ¿Han visto una vaca, un caballo o una rana? ¿Han visto panteras, llamas o koalas? ¿En dónde piensan que viven estos
animales? Use a map to familiarize children with countries and continents where some animals live. For example: Los pingüinos
viven en la Antártida. (Point to Antarctica on the map.) La Antártida es un continente. Los koalas viven en Australia. (Point to Australia
on the map.) Australia es un continente y un país. You may want to provide access to a computer for children to conduct additional
research on countries and continents. Then designate a sign from the book to each child. If there are not enough signs to go
around, have classmates work in pairs. Tell them to find out where the animal comes from. If children are having difficulty,
give them a list of countries or continents. Then have children place a colored pin on the map where the animal is found.
Discuss animals and where they live as a class.

Home Connection  (Teacher, you may want to photocopy this NATIONAL STANDARDS
activity for children to complete with a family member.)
Talk with your child about signs in your neighborhood. Language Arts: K-12.1, K-12.3, K-12.4, K-12.5, K-12.6, K-12.7, K-12.8, K-12.11, K-12.12
Mathematics: Numbers PK-2.1, PK-2.2; Algebra PK-2.1, PK-2.4; Geometry PK-2.1—PK-2.4;
Encourage him or her to explain what action each sign tells Measurement PK-2.1; Data & Analysis PK-2.1, PK-2.2; Connections PK-12.3
them to do. For example: SLOW significa manejar más lento. Science: K-4.1, K-4.2, K-4.3, K-4.4, K-4.5, K-4.6
Social Studies/Geography: K-12.1—K-12.6
YIELD significa cederle el paso a otra persona. Make sure your child Technology: K-12.1, K-12.3, K-12.4, K-12.5
understands the relationship between verbs and signs.

For more books and teaching guides •

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