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Approved: April 20, 1995

Effective: May 15, 1995
Amended: September 18, 2006
Effective: October 18,2006

To ensure tht Gateway Commons.will always be an attactive and desirable communty
in which
to live, architectul and envionmental stadards must be maintained. These stadads are meant
to benefit all residents of Gateway Commons. Thus, all residents share the responsibilty to
comply with support and contrbute to them

High standads require tht guidelines and restrctions on externl alterations/additions be

adopted and observed. The Architectual and Envionmental Review Commttee CA.E.RC.)
established these guidelies and restrctions based on the Gateway Commons Declartion of
Covenants and Restrctions and on the published gudelines of simiar homeowners

it -
Fròm tie-to-time these gudelines will be updated to clarfy their intet
and address additional
tyes of chages. These rules and reguations are intended to protect homeowners'. investments
. . and to assure that all homeowners can take pride in their community and be comfortble livig in

Updates to.these Guidelines will be published perodically in the çOmmunty newsletter. When

guidelines. .
suffcient changes have been made to warrt

updated and mailed to- each homeowner. Homeowners

reissuing the entie document, the document will be
are expected to comply with the

. Compliance with these stadards requires from each homeowner tht degree of regard for
neighbors which is expected in tu. The potentil benefits include escalating propert values,
and maintenance of an attactively designed and appealing communty that is pleasant aId
enjoyable. The Conittee has endeavored to make the stadards and gudelines easy to meet and
to make the review process simple and prompt.

. The existence, composition, basic duties and powers of
the Architectual Envionmental Review
Commtte (AE.RC.) are established in Arcle V of the Declartion of Gateway Commons
Homeowners Association. To enumerate the powers, fuctions and opertion of the Architectual
and Envionmenta Review Commttee, the followig resolution is adopted by a majority. vote of
the Board of Directors of Gateway Commons Homeowners Association.

WIREAS, Arcle V of the Declaration of Covenants estblished an Architectul and

Envionmental Review Commttee to adopt and publish guidelines for exteror changes,
improvements, and additions to homeowners' propert and to approve any such changes,
. imrovements or additions, and

WIREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to establish an Architectul and Envionmental

Review Commttee which will approve and establish architectual and envionmenta gudelines
in accordace with the Declaration; ..
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED that The Architectul and Envionmental Review
Commttee be established and the followig procedures and gudelines be adopted:

A.. General

1. Any exteror alteration or addition, except as specifically excepted in these

guidelines, must have approval of the AE.RC. before any work has begm.
2.. Exteror modifications which have been approved by the developer Board of
Directors or the homeowner Board of
Directors pror to the adoption of
.. . Guidelines will be considered to have grandfathered approval. Should a question
arse in the futue, the homeowner may be requied to fush proof that the
modification was, in fact, approved.

3. Any exteror addition or alteration to an existg buildig or to the suoundig

homeowner grounds shall be compatible withthe design chaacter of
the origial
building and suroundig grounds. The AE.R.C. shall be responsible for
interpreting whether altetion or addition design chaacterstics abide by
design ëhacter of the Community.

4. Some alterations or additions may be made without wrttn request for approval
if they follow the guidelines stipulated hereinafer under "ALTERATIONS NOT


5. Any other alterations or additions requie wrtten submission and subsequent
A.E.RC. approval before any chages are made to the
proper. These are
specified hereinafer inder "ALTERATIONS REQUIG SUBMISSION

6. Some alterations, additions and changes are specifically prohibited as provided in
the Declaration and sumried here under "PROHIITED ALTERATIONS."
Many of these prohibitions are explained in detail in Arcle VI Section 6.02, of
the Declaration of Covenants.

7. The A.E.R.C. is empowered to regulate chages and improvements to

homeowner's proper only. Any desired chages to common grounds must be
requested of the Board of Directors'.



1. Plants, shrbs, and flowers with the homeowner's propert
only. Plans for
hedges ~r other planted fencing
must be submittd for review by the A.E.R.C.

2. Gaden hose and caddy affed to house extendig no higher ththirt-síx

inches (36") from ground level ortwenty-fourinches (24") from deck level and
behid railing.

3. Vegetable gardens, in rear yards only, andonly on proper

of homeowner. Plant
growt must not exceed height of fencing. In all homes, plant refuse and stakes
l. must be removed at the end of the growg season. ~
. ~

Back-to-Back Homes - Vegetable gardens may be plànted inide privacy

fencing, inconspicuous to public.

Single-Family.Hc)IIÌes - Veg~table gardens may be planted in one row only that

is diectly adj apent to the rear wall of the
home. The row may be no wider than
24 irches.

Townomes - Vegetable gardens maybe planted over

no more than 25% of the
area of the rear lot withi the limts of
the privacy fence.
4. Trees except for the followig: Fruit Bearg trees on townome propert,
Weeping Wilows, female Gingo Biloba, Silver Maple, Tulp Poplar, Amercan
Beech, Elm and Bamboo. .
5. Decorative borders around flowerbeds up to twelve inches (12")high of
followig tyes:

a) natual, red or white brick

b) . railroad ties or landscaping timbers, chemically or pressure treated wood,

natual wood color only.


6. Holiday decorations may be displayed on homeowners' propert for a period of

time appropriate to the holiday (not more than th (30) days before and after
the holiday).


7. Extenor Paint Color Palett: The exteror of
back- to-back homes, single-family
homes. and townomes shall be painted only in colors that maintaiì the autentic
colonial chaacter of the community. The acceptable paint colors are from the
"Statehouse Exteror Collection" .. the "Exteror Color Collection _ Colonial
Colors" offered by McCormck Paints. These same paint colors, or simlar colors .
with slight lighter or daker tits, are available from other paint vendors, as long
as the paint selection is consistent with the colonial chaacter.

8. Extenor Paint Color Selection: Ii selectigextenor pait color consstent with

the "Statehouse Exteor Collection - Colonial Colors," homeowners shall paint
the front door and shutters a dak colonial color and the tr (eaves, bay or box
widows, back door, and garage door) alight colonial color. It is recommended
tht homeowners maintain the ongial pait colors dftheir houses where known,
using the paint vendor of their choice. Also, townome owners shall not
duplicate the paint color of their imediately adjacent townome.

the colomal tye are available from ever vendor. For

NOTE: Not all colors of

examle, McCormck's Farouse Red is

an appropriate color selection;
however, Benjami.Moore's substitute color offie~ngie red is not a sutable ;
colonial Please substtute the McCormck color when a colonial pait color

is not available from the other vendor.

9. . Non-Conformg Exterior Paint: Homeowners who have non-colonial color

schemes at the implementation of
these Guidelines shall repainttheir homes to be
. COnsistent with the "Statehouse Exteror Colleètion - Colonial Collecton"at a
reasonable time such as durg their next paintig. Homeowners are encouraged
to contact the Homeowners Association with any questions.

1 O. Outdoor thermometers ii rear of townome and single famiy homes. or in back-

to-back homes ifnot publicly visible.

11. Deadbolt locks, peep holes, door knobs, door knockers, front
door brass ''kck-
plates" nqt exceedig twelve inches (l2")
in height. Door knockers must be of
conventional design and maintain the origial styling of the house.

12. Birdfeeders - No more than two birdfeeders may be attched to any porton of
the home, includig approved additions. Birdfeeders must not be an eyesore (as
deteed by the A.E.R.C.) and must not be placed such tht seed or shells fall
onto neighborig or common propertes.

13. Exterior lighting fixtues with motion-activated fixtues if:

Fixtue sensitivity is set to prevent light actution due to motion

outside homeowner's proper.

Duration of light activation must not exceed ten (10) miutes

following cessation of motion. .

Fixtue is pointed downwad so light does not shie directly at.

neighborig proper.

Intensity oflight is suffciently low (as adjudicated by the

A.E.R.C.) so as not to be a nuisance to neighbors.

14. Redwood or other raw wood picnic tables, glass and/or metal patio tables with
umbrellas are pertted in rear yards only, for all homes except back-to-back
townomes. In back-to-backs, these items must be kept with privacy fencing,
out of public view.

15. Flags on removable pole(s), six feet (6') or less in height. (NOTE: No .
permaient, in groind poles are perttd.) Brackets may remain affied

16. .

after sunset. . .
Chldren's toys and recreational equipment must be kept on homeowner propert .
when not in use. All toys and recreational equipment must be stored out of sight

17. . Temporar children's wading pools, twelve inches (12n) deep or less are.
pertted in rear yards and behid privacy fencing only. These pools may not be
left outSide after the Summer.season. All pools must be:supersed by a
responsible person.


18. Firewood may be. stored outside if neatly stacked in rear of

house and on
homeowner propert.


19. Metal storm widows with frames painted the same color as the existig widow

20. StonnScreen Doors

Full and Half View stormscreen doors which are the same color
as the entr
door, house, shutters, or any trm color on the house except widow fames as

stated below. Any other style, color scheme or design must be approved by the
A.E.R.C. prior to installation.

NOTE: Window frames are not considered tr on the front of

Windows will be considered tr in the rear of

Full View doors are defmed as: a) single clear glass panel which ru at least
. thee-four the lengt of the door; or b) double clear glass panels separated by a
narow me~l horizontal strp though the center of
the door.

Half View doors are defmed as those with the top half of the door of clear glass
and the bottom half of solid metal.

All glass must be colorless. Any tited or frosted glass or vercal panel doors
must be in keeping with the style of
the house and be approved by the A.B.R.e.
before inllation.


21. Ground Level Patios

Prior to buildig, any patio constrction whìch exceeds the limtations or

conditions as detailed below must undergo the review process as specified in ths

Single-Family Homes:
Owners of single-famiy homes may install stone, concrete or brick patios without
A.E.R.C. approval subject to the followig conditions:

Patio must be placed in rear yard only, and no closer thn ten feet (10') fram
neighborig or common propertes. . .
Patio must not extend laterally beyond either side of
Height of patio constction (at hìghest elevation from pre-constrction ground
level) must not exceed four inches (4").

Adequate storm water dringe must be presered. The homeowner is

responsible for inurg storm wate DOES NOT interfere with neighborig or
Community propert. Should futue drainage problems occur as a result of
constrction, the homeowner is responsible for mag all repairs necessar at. ,
hìs!her own expense.

Owers of townomes may intall stone, concrete, or brck patios without A.B.R.C.
approval subject to the followig conditions:

Patio must be: (1) completely with the area between the origially-installed
privacy fencing (eight feet (8') from home), or (2) diectly beneath and no larger
th the area of any installed A.E.R.C.-approved deck.

..~ .
6. :.;,....
Height of patio constrction (at highest elevation from pre-eonstrction ground
level) must not exceed four inches (4").

Adequate storm water drainage must be preserved. The homeowner is

resPonsible for ing storm water DOES NOT interfere with neighborig or
Communty propert. Should futue drainage problems occur as a result of .
constrction, the homeowner is responsible for mag all repairs necessar at .
his!her own expense.

Back-to-Back Townomes: " .

Owners to back-to-back townomes may install stone, concrete, or brick patios without
A.E.R.C. approval subject to the followig conditions:

Patio must not extend beyond the front propert line of the home.

Height of patio constrction (at highest elevation from pre-constrction ground

level) must not exceed four inches (4").

homeowner is
Adequate storm water drinage must be preserved. The

for inurg storm water DOES NOT interfere with neighboring or


Communty proper. Should futue drainage problems occur as a result of

constrction, the homeoWIer is responsible for makig all repairs necessar at
his/er own expense.


All alterations not specifically addressed above, or which are not specifically prohibited
(Section D)" fall into t1s category. The submission and approval process descnbed in
Section IT of ths resolution must be complied with fully to enure A.E.R.C. approv~l of
an application. When not cerin whether an alteration meets the guidelines in Section
lB, submit an applioation. Some, but n()t ail of the alterations which require application
.are listedbelow.,Jn general, approvàls will be based
on the proposed project's harony
. . With thecommunty's design concept. . . .



Fences may not extend beyond the front buildig lie of homeowner's dwelling or the
front building lines of the dwellings on.all imediately adjacent lots. Some exceptions to
this rule may be granted on a case by case basis for the single famly homes only.

Fences mustbe constrcted of we atherl pressure-treated, real wood, or synthetic material

that resembles natual wood (e.g., Trex) and may not be painted. Natual wood may be
treated with a clear protectat or semi-tranparent stain that preseres the natul grin
and color of the wood. Examles of semi-transparent stin colors include ceda, clear,
honey, and natul. Fences of board- on-board style must have a capboard.

Fencing must not be erected outside of the homeowner's proper lines.

Fencing on townome lots must be between 6 and 6 Yi feet high. The finished side of
fence shoul~ face out from the propert lines.

Fencing should match the style, height and lengt of

the builder supplied privacy fence

1. All fencing or walls of any kid for tównomes and single fanuly homes
(excluding privacy fence as detaled in Section 1.B.21) requies approvaL. The
followig guidelines constitute the basis on which fencing will be reviewed for
. approvaL.

2. Townome Fences (excluding Back-to-Back Townomes)

All townomes in the community were built with alteate board privacy fencing.
Ths then is the chosen style for the communty. Another style may be chosen by
a row of attched homes when all homeowners in the row agree to erect only that
style if they erect a fence. When electig to use a board-on-board style, the new
fence must match the privacy fence uness this too is replaced by all the
homeowners involved. If the row of homes elects to erect a non-board-on-board
style offence, the existing privacy fencing for ALL homes must be replaced with
the new style of fencing in the altete style.

No fences will be allowed in the front yard.


3. Townome End-Unitærivacy Fences l

. Hom~owners oftownomeend-unts without
privacy fencing at the outer wall of
their home may instal1thàt section to exactly match the style, height and lengt
of the builder-Slpplied privacy fence
section atthe iner walL Fences may not
extend more than g;from rear building line of
proper around side of home.
(NOTE: Owner is still obligated to obsere County buildig pennt requiements
for fence constrction) .

4. Exteor lightig other than tht intalled outside the home by the origil builder
at the tie of delivery. Homeowners may replace (without Application for
Change) existing lightig with motion-activated fies subject to the conditions
and limtation âs specified in Section 1.B.1 1. Installation of new
fitues or
modification of existig fitues which do not meet the conditions and litations
as Specifed in Secton 1.B.ll must
be approved by the A.E.RC.

5. Solar heatig panels, skylights other than those intalled by the origial builder.

6. Attc and other exhus fan other th those intalled by the origial builder.

(NOTE: Attc fan mus have a low profile and be intalled on the rear slope of
. the roof. Attc fan must not produce noise which is audible: (1) with a
neighbor's home, or (2) at ground level on a neighborig proper.


7. Bug Lights may be approved for installation in rear yards only, or behind privacy
fencing in back-to-backs and must follow Montgomery County noise regulations.

8. Fireplace stacks -' must be placed on roof on back of the house and at the lower
edge such that top of stack is lower th peak of roof (gable elevation). Stack
constrction and location must comply with applicable building codes, and. must
be compatible with others in color and style.


9. Wooden swig sets and lawn gy equipment may be approved in single famly
homes only. Metal swig sets are probibited in the communty.

10. Basketball goals or nets may be approvèd in single family homes only.

11. For all townömes (including back-to-backs), plastic, non-natual wood or

natual wood outdoor children's play equipment, gy sets, climbing apparatu
and play houses require a completed Application for Change.

12. Hot tubs and Jacuzs must be approved before intalation.

13. Any perment strctuesladditions/changes to any home nOIspecifically
allowed in Secton i.E.
,i: t
. 14. Any major exterior landscaping including replacing
a major par of the lawn(s)
with plantigs to elimiate grass, or any alteration which changes the drainage
pattern outside of tht approved in Section IE.. .

... 15. Decks: Mus adhere to all County codes and pert requirèments. Must be
constrcted of real, natual weather/pressure':treated wood, or sYnthetic materal
tht resembles tan natual wood (e.g., Trex) and may not be painted. Natual
wood may be treated with a clear or opaque hadwood color (ceda, clear, honey,
natual).protectat or semi-transparent stain tht preseres the natual grain and
color of the wood. Examples of semi-transparent stain colors include cedar, clear,
honey, and natual. A six-inch (6") set-back from neighborig properties is
requied. Any screen orwall built onto a deckmust be approved in advance by
the A.E.R.C. Homeowners who have used other color stains at the
implementation of these Guidelines shall re-stain their decks to be consistent
with sem-transparent stàin colors such as ceda, clear, honey, and neutral at a
reasonable tie such as durg their next staing. Homeowners are encouraged _
to contact the Homeowners Association with any questions.

16. Awnings, other fabric or wooden SUpertrctues on house, deck or patio

matchig the sidig ôÎ the home. A complete description and pictue of the item
must be submitted along with a plat showig location. Ony rear yard
intallations will be considered for approvaL. .

17. Outdoor fieplacês,' perently intaled barbec\les.

. 18. Extensions, widening or re-routig of existing drveways for single family

19. Window boxes. Approvable installations will be made of weather-resistat, raw

wood which may be painted to match tr on house; or natual, pressure-treated
wood left its natual color. Plastic or metal widow boxes are not approvable.

20. Securty Devices: All securty devices which will be installed outside the home
(except cerin lightig fixtues s specified in Section 1.B.II) must be approved
in advance by the A.E.R.C. (see Windows and Doors, Section 1B for other
gudelines.) Some devices are specifically prohibited (see Section D).

21. Patios. Patios exceedig the conditions and limtations as specified in Section

22. Cable Installations - Only thee inches (3") of cable may be left showing on the
exteror of the house.

23. CanoelKyak Storage - Storage of canoes and kayak on homeowner proper

will be pertted upon A.E.R.C. approvaL. Storage must be such tht the
canoelkyak is substatially concealed from view and not restig upon

Examples. of proper storage may include:

- Hoistig to underside of deck
- Placing beneath ground level deck and behid lattcè i
- Attched toprivacyfencingbehid shrbber :'í',

Homeowners desirg to have storage locations for canoeslkyak approved by

.the A.E.R.C. shall submit a properly
completed Application for Change with
descrptions and pictues of selected storage site. t
24. Ormental wrought iron grllwork on stonnscree doors must be approved by
the A.E.R.C. Wrought iron grls which give the appearance of securty
bars (as
detered by the A.E.R.C.) must be approved in advace by the A.E.R.C.

25. Securty bars are permtted on lower widows located at the rear of
the unit only.
All securty bars must be approved in advance by the A.E.R.C.


The followig are considered potentilly detrmental to prope values, will detrct from
the appearance of the community or encroach upon the privacy of other homeowners. In
addition to the items specifically addressed below, Arcle VI Section 6.02 of
Declaration of Covenants for Gateway Commons lists Prohibited Uses and Nuisances.

i. . The maintenace, keeping, boardig or raising of animals, livestock, or poultr
of any kid, regardless of number, shall be and is hereby prohibited on any Lot or

within any dwelling unt, or other par of
the Proper, except tht ths shall not
prohibit the keeping of dogs, èats or caged birds as domestic pets provided they
are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial puroses and, provided fuer,
that such domestic pets are not a source of annoyance or nuisance to the
neighborhood or other members. Pets shall be attended at all ties and shall be
registered, licened and inoculated as may from time to tie be requied by law.
Pets shall not be pertted upon the Common Area uness accompaned by a
responsible person and uness they are carred or leaShed.

2. External antennae, cable or satellite dishes, lawn or roof mounted.


3. Doghouses may be placed in fenced in rear yards only. The highest par of the
doghouse must be lower thn the height of the fence.


4. Chain lin and other wie fencing is prohibited.

5. Window Ai Conditioners or peranently intaled widow fan.


6. Newspaper boxes on poles.

7. External clothes lines, when not in usè. Arcle VI Section 6.02(t) of

Declaration of Covenants states, "No drg or airg of clothg or bedding shall
be permtted outdoors and withi any Lot other th with rear yards and -";.
Monday though Fnday and
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on

.8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p~m on Satudays (except when any such days shall fall upon -
a hoiiday) and clothes-hangig devices such as lines, reels, poles, fraies, etc.,
shall be stored out of sight other th durg the tie aforementioned."


8. Pennentpools are not pertted.

9. Perent basketball or other nets, gy or swig set

equipment on townome
lots. Metal swig sets or other metal recreational equipment are prohibited on all
. proper.

10. External sign on homeowner lots except for one

sign not exceedig two (2)
square feet in area and not ilumated where a professional office is maintained.
One temporar real estte sign not exceeding six square feet in area may be

placed on the homeowner's proper. Real estate signs must be removed
promptly after the sale or rental of the dwelling is completed.

11. Trash, recycle bin or garbage containers shall not be permtted to remain in
public view except on trash or recycle pick-up days. Trash receptacles and
recycle bins should be placed out for collection after 7:00 p.rn on the day before
collection, and must be retued out of view by 7:00 p.rn on the day of

Recycle bins are to be placed curbside on collection days. Bins shall not be
placed on neighborig propertes. Owners oftovnomes may place recycle bins
on Community or public propert for collection, but must retreve the bin tht
same evening. Placement of recycle bins must not block walkays or sidewalk.

Single famly and townouse owners are requied to utiize rigid containers or .
dark opaque trash bags to prevent birds and other anls from scatterg trash
on Communty, public or homeowner proper. Back-to-backunts are exempted
from this requirement. The use of thck opaque bags iny discourage anals
from scatterng trsh.

Homeowners shall remove and dispose of an trash which has been scattered by
animals. If scattered trash is not removed withi one day followig refue
collection, the homeowner shall be responsible for costs of any clean up
performed by or under the. direction of the Communty's maagement group.

12. Visible outside storage of lumber (other than firewood as specified in Section
1.B. 1 6), buiding materials, wheelbarows, vehicle part,
discarded items, or
other items are considered excessive and inappropriate by the A.E.R.C.. All
. propert must be maintained in a consistent with good propert
maagement. . ,
.13. Buring of trash is not pertted.

14. Homeowners shall not dump, pour or store constrction debris, paints, Chstmas
trees, building materals, vehicle par, lumber, etc. upon Communty or publicly -
owned properties (other than for norml trash collection) or into strm drains.
No accumulation or storage of litter, lumber, scrap metals, refuse, bulk materals,
waste, new or used buildig materials or trash of any other kid shall be
permtted on any Lot or other par of the Proper.


15. Unpainted wooden or metal screen/storm doors.


.16. Any enclosed, covered strctual addition on atownome (e.g. screened patio,
solarum Floridairoom, or solid-walled addition). .

17. The widening of townome drveways is prohibited.

18. Homeowners shall properly maintain their landscaping.

Homeowners are responsible for maintenance of

their landscaping includig
lawn, ornamental shrbbei and trees. Grs (and/or associated weeds) shall not
be allowed to exceed six inches (6") in lengt. Shrbs must be neaty tred.
Trees must be tred so they do not pOSe an obstacle to foot or vehicle traffc.

Dead landscaping must be removed withi a reasonable perod of

tie (as
detered by the A.E.R.C.)

The homeowner is responsible for maintaing adequate lawn cover to prevent

soil erosion and storm water dringe diffculties.

19. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining the strctual integrty

appearance of their homea.

Siding which has fallen or is loose must be replaced or repaied with a

reasonable perod of tie not to exceed 30 days.

Any strctual component which is visibly detenorated(e.g. rotted wood tr),

damaged or missing must be replaced or repaired with a reaonable perod of
time (asdetened by the A.E.RC.)

Reguar maintenance of surace coatigs (paints) is required. Owners must

ensUre their homes are properly painted at all times. Chpped, peeling or faded
paint is cause for Ìmediate paÎIt maintenance.

20. No decorative lawn ornament, no strctue of a temporar charcter, and no
trailer, tent, shack, bar, pen, kenel ru stable, shed or other buildings shall be
erected, used or maintained on any Lot at any tie.


A. Applications For Chge

1. Pnor to AN exteror change or constction which is not specifically defied

above as "NOT REQUIG A.BoRC. SUBMISION," (Section l.B) the unt
owner shall submit a wrtten proposal using the form established and provided by
the A.E.R.C. The proposal must contain complete plan and specifications for
the projeèt, including but not liited to, the height, width, lengt si, shape,
color, intenals, tye of constrction, and location
on the plat of the proposed
change. In addition, the proposal must include detils which addess any other
guideline set fort above under "ALTERATIONS REQUIG A.E.RC.

SUBMISION AN APPROVAL." Photographs or sketches of simlar
completed projects will aid the prompt consideration of
the application. If the
alteration affects the existing drinage pattern, the proposed drainage pattern
change must be included in the application.

Descriptive text includig purose of the addition or alteration should also be

included in the proposal. AN deviation from the guidelines must be .
accompanied by wnttenjustification explaing the basis for the varance.
justifications will be considered dung the A.E.RC. review process, but provide
no assurance of application approvaL.

Blan applications are available from the Gateway Commons Homeowners

Association management company. Ony the most curent form is to be
submitted. For your convenence, a copy of
the Application for Chge form is
attched to these gudelines. Ths form shall be considered curent until such
time as these gudelines are revised.

Writtn proposals should be submittd to the Community's management

company, to the attention of the Arclutectul and Envionmeììtal Review
Commttee. Applications MUST
be routed though the Commtmty's
maagement company. Applications WIL NOT be accepted by A.E.R.C.
representatives until registered though the maagement company. Applications
WIL NOT be accepted at A.E.R.C. meetigs. Please plan ahead to insue
sufficient tie for routig and review .of applications.

2. Prior to submission, the applicant shall give notice otadditions or changes for
wluch.approval is requested to all owners whose lots.shae common proper
lines. Space is provid~ on the application form for
the neighbors to
. acknowledge tht they have been notified. In the event that an applicant shares
proper lmes with only one òther homeowner (e.g., as do many of the townome
end-unts), the applicant mùst obtain one .additional signatue from a homeowner
who wil have a view of the proposed alteration.

Neighbors may comment on the applicant's request in wntig to the A.E.R.C.,

withi ten (10) days after receivig notification. The natue of any objection
. must be specificallydescnbed. Neighbors with objections may also attend the
next scheduled A.E.RC. meetig to lodge protest in person. (NOTE: Ilo
Application for Change will be formlly approved until the 10-day comment
penod has elapsed).

The A.E.RC. will take any objections into consideration when reviewig
applications. The A.E.RC. may, but is not required to, hold a public hearg to
discuss an applicant's request in the case of registered objections. If a hearg is
held, the A.E.RC. will hear all inormtion presented and decide by majority of
vote of the A.E.R.C. members to approve,
disapprove or table acton pendig
fuer investigation of the request

3. Oral requests for changes will not be considered. Homeowner are not entitled to
rely on any oral statement by any A.E.RC.or Board member.

4. il most cases, applicants wil receive a reply withn thi (30) days
of receipt by
the A.E.R.C. The th day period will commence on the date of
the first
regularly scheduled A.E.R.C. monthy meeting held after receipt of the
application by the maagement company.

The wrtten reply will consist of a copy of the application bearg an approval
signatue, request for more inonntion or disapproval signatue. It wil explain
any restrctions on approval or reason for disapproval of project. The applicant
may request reconsideration ifhelshe can supplýnewor additional infonntion
which might clar the request Or demonstrate its acceptability.

5. To expedite processing of some Applications for Change, the A.E.R.è. may grant
conditional approvals. Any conditions for approval so specified by the A.E.R.C.
in wrting on (or attched to) the application shall be considered as incorporated
into the homeowner's application, and must be complied with as a condition for
approval and subsequent constrction/alteration. Any objection by a homeowner

constrction/alteation. .
concering approval conditions must be resolved. BEFORE Commencement of

6. The applicant may appeal any decision of the AE.R.C. to the Board of Directors
followig the procedure descrbed in ths s~tion.

7. If the A.E.R.C.fails to reply to the applicant with sixty (60) days of

receipt of
the application, the applicant shall be deemed in compliance with ths resolution
and the Declaration.
8. Work on the approved project must commence with six (6) month foliPwig the.
approval and must be aompleted with twelve (12) month after approval, or
with whatever other perod specified by. the A.E.R.C. rion approvaL If
project does not begi as specified the approval shall be coridered to have
lapsed and a new application must be subIÎittd for review.

9. The applicant may not deviate from the approved

plan including any imposed
restrctions contained on the approval application without fuer A.E.R.C.

.10. Approval of any plan shall not be constred as approval of the strctual
integrty of the alteration or addition no does it relieve the applicant from
acquirg the requisite permts from State or County agencies.

11. The decisions of the A.E.R.C. are considered fmal, except that nay decision
rendered by the A.E.R.C. may be appealed to the Board of
Diectors, provided
such appeal is registered in wrtig to the Community's management company
with ten (10) days of the notification of the A.E.R.C. decision. The Board of
Directors may reverse; sustain or modify the decision of the A.E.R.C.

12. il case of an appeal to the Board of Directors, all persons with a properly
registered objection to the orgial application. will be notified of
the appeal by
the Board.

A Cerficate of Compliance - Upon the completion of any constrction, alteration
or other improvements in accordace with plan, specifications and procedures as
approved by the AE.RC., the Commttee shall, ifrequested in wrtig by the
applicant, issue a cerficate of compliance followig verification tht the
. alteration is in compliance with al applicable gudelines and/or reguations.

B. The A.E.RC. reserves the right to inspect (or have inpected by designted
representatives) properes òfhomeowners for compliance with architectual and
envionmental stadads.


violation of the Declaration of Gateway Commons Homeowners Association or
of the architectual and envionmenta stadads set fort herein and in Aricle
vn of the Declartion of Covenants, the AE.R.C. will
notify the violator to
correct the violation with a tie period as imosed by the AE.RC. (usually
fifteen (15) days). If the homeowner does not respond in wrtig to the A.E.RC.
to request an extension of tie with the allotted time, the Association shall
have the right to enter upon the owner's proper and tae steps to remove the
violation. Any cost incured may be àssessed againt the owner of the proper
and a sttement of the amount shall be rendered to the owner. At ths tie the
assessment is due and payable. Ths assessment becomes a lien on the lot until
removed by payment. '" Any costs for Gateway Commons legal action durg
pursuit of its right to remove or correct violations shall be charged to the affected
homeowner followig resolution of
the acton.
.( ".1:. (
Should an exteriion of tie be grte~ by the A.B:RC. to correct an
. architectual violation, the violation must be corrected with the tie frame
granted. The AE.RC. will revièw and decide on each
request for extenion oli a
case by case basis. -
D.Anyalterations, or additiori cOnlpleted on homeowner proper before the
pubÜcation of the AE.R.C. Stadads and Guidelines and which were approved
by the temporar Architectual Review Board (ARB.) will be considered in
compliance with these guidelines. Any alterations, or additions completed before
publièaton of stadads which do NOT meet the gudelines and WERE NOT
approved by the tempora ARB. will be considered in violation and the owner
will be notified to remove the violation though the procedure specifed above in

A. The Architectual and Envionmental Review Commtte (AE.R.C.) is appointed
by the Board of Directors with a desired proportional representation from each
communty in GateWay Commons. .
B. A majority vote ofa quoru of the members is requied to adopt or

any.rles or reguations and to approve, table for fuer investgation, or

disapprove alterations, chages or additions to Gateway Commons homeowner

propert. A quorum is defied as a miimum a majority of
the members of the
Commttee. The Cointtee may take no action without the presence of a
C. The Commttee shall meet monthy on a regularly scheduled day except durg
December. Contact the management company for meetig dates. These
meetings are open to al interested residents of Gateway Commons.

D. Applications for Architectual Chge which are dened by the AE.R.C. may be
appealed to the Board of Directors. To appeal an AE.R.C. decision, the .
. applicant must request, in wrtig, a hearig before the Board of Directors. A
hearg will be conducted at the next regularly scheduled meetig of the Board.
The decision of the Board.will be fiaL.

E. It is the responsibilty of the AE.R.C. to:

1. Define the Architectul and Envionmental Guidelines based on the

stadads set fort in the Declaration.

2. To notify homeowners of the approved Architectual and Envionmenta

Stadads and Guidelies of Gateway Commons Homeowners

3. To review all applications for homeowner chages and additions for

compatibility with the stadads, and to approve or disapprove requests
.",: ..
4. From tie-to-time, to inect (or have inspected) the resultsof the
applications for compliance to the approved plans and specifications as
well as to stdads.

5. To notify homeowners of any violations and assure that they are

removed or modified to brig them up to stadards. . .)

6. To car out these duties with the tie lines specified in the
Declaration and in ths Resolution and to mae the process of supportg
and upholdig the guidelines as easy and painess as possible for all


All officers and members of the Architectual and Envionmental Review Commttee, while
actig on behalf of the AE.R.C. shall be legally protected from action against them, as set fort
in the legal documents of the Communty and Directors and Offcers inurance policy.


FENCES - Single Famiy Homes

The followig tyes of fences will be considered for single family home lots:

a) Alteratig Board-on-Board
b) Picket

Fences must be constrcted of

we ather I pressue-treated, real wood, or sythetic material tht
resembles riatual wood (e.g., Trex) and may not be painted. Natual wood may be treated with a
clear protectat or semi-transparent stain that preserves the natual grain and color of
the wood.
Examples of semi-transparent stain colors include cedar, clear, honey, and natul. Fences of
board-on-board style must have a capboard on all posts. . .

Fences in the single famly homes must be maum of 4 feet high and the fiished side of the
fence should face out from the proper. Fences may be 6 feet high (ma) on fence lines which
border the outer pereter of the communty boundaes.

Single family homeowners must obtain acknowledgmentfrom their respective neighbors (i.e. all
adjoing residents) and submit the appropriate papeiork for approval pror to any coiitrction.
. .1'
Note: Ackiowledgtent from your neighbors is just notification of proposed work

All single family homes are still required to adhere to the FENCINGIW ALLS General Guidelines
from the approved Architectual Guidelines.. .
. SATELLIT DISHES - Single Famy & Townhomes

Must be approved fist

Must be 1 meter (39") or less in diameter
Townouse installations must be on back of propert, not visible from steet.
Single Family instlation can be set back or side.
Landscape screening may be required.

Approved Date: 3/3/97 Amended: 9/18/06

18 .

FENCES - Single Family Homes

The followig tyes of fences Will be considered for single family home lots:

. a) Alteratig Board-on-Board
b) Picket

Fences must be constrcted of we atherl pressure-treated, real wood, or synthetic material tht
. .. resembles natual wood (e.g., Trex) and may not be painted. Natu wood may be treated with a
clear protectat or semi-transparent stain that preserves the natual gram and color of the wood.
Examples of semi-tranparent stain colors include cedar, clear, honey, and natul. Fences of
board-on-board style must have a capboard on all posts.

In light oftlíe layout of the communty and the consultation ofa professional architect, fencing in
the single famly homes as identified below must be a maum of four feet (4') high and the
finshed side of the fence should face out from the propert. Fences must be six feet (6') high on
properties as identified below.

For puroses of clarification, the followig addresses would be allowed a maimum of four feet
(4') high fences:

305,397,309,311,313,315,317 Swartore Avenue . ;L

. 310,312,314,316,318 Swartore Avenue

100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110j 112, 114, 116 Bates Avenue

520, 522, 524, 526, 528 Skidmore Boulevard

(6') high fences: .

For puroses of clarification, the followig addresses would be allowed to a maxum of six feet

101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119 Bates Avenue

.300-519 Skidmore Avenue

521,523,525,527,529,531,533 Skidmore Boulevad

100-214 Swarore Avenue

100-139 Goucher Terace

Single family homeowners must obtain acknowledgement from their respective neighbors (i.e. all
adjoining residents) and submit appropriate paperwork for approval prior to any consction.

Note: Acknowledgement from your neighbors is just notification of proposed work.

All single family homes are still required to adhere to the FECINGIW ALLS General Guidelines
from the approved Architectual Guidelines.

Approved Date: August 1, 2001

...~: . ~7



SIDING - Single Famly Homes

The style siding to be used in the Gateway Commons communty is 4 )i inch Dutch Lap.

. .. If you are changig the siding on your home, using the 4 ~ inch Dutch Lap and using the .
. .
same color that is curently existing on your house, you do not need to submit an .
Architectual Change Request Form. '. ..

If you are changig your siding using 4 ~ inch Dutch Lap with a different color, an ..
. Architectual Change Request Form must be submitted for approval. . .

../ .
," ,'"

. :.;. Sigr~

. ....

",'. .
:.:.... .... .
. '.
.... '.' ..:.....:. . . . . .~.

. .....:.
. ..
--- . . ~ .
..... "

. ',:,-.'
'. . ~ .

. .', . . "

," : ".


The Board of Directors for the Gateway Commons Homeowners

Association has determined that there Is a need for additional guidelines
concerning satellte dishes and their Installation.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
In the event that It Is necessary for a satellte dish to belnstalleo
at the front of the property due to proper signal reception, the
new guideline wil now require that all dishes be praced on the
roof of the home proper.
No satellte dishes wil be permitted to be Installed .upon the
, garage roof or In any other position that Is lowerthan the
roofline of the home proper.


ADOPTED: 6/15/95
EFFECTI: 8/1/95

WHREAS Arcle vn, Section I of the Bylaws for the Gateway Commons Homeowners
Association empowers the Board of Directrs to adopt and publish rues governg the use of the
Common Areas and improvements thereto, and the persona conduct of the members and their guest
ther~on, and to estblish penalties for the inaction thereof; and, .

WHREAS Arcle VI, Secton 6.02 of the Declartion outes prohibited uses and nuisaces with
the communty,

NOW, THREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THT the Board of Directors hereby declares and adopts
Association. .
the followig procedures for the use and removal of such vehicles from the common areas of the

It is each homeowner's responsibilty to advise their tenats and guest of the .parkig rues and
reguatons and the penaties for inons. With respect to appeals, any homeowner who wihes to
disput a violaton or 'towig mus contat the Magement Agent in wrtlg with five (5) busess
days of the notice of violation or towig to. arge a hearg before the Board of Directors. at the
next reguarly scheduled Homeowners Associ~tion Board of Directors meetig.

i. Each duplex unt wi be assigned two. (2) parki spaces in the common ara parkig bays.
These spaces are for the exclusive us of residents or gust of the unt to whch they have been
assigned. Unauthori vehicles parked in resered parkig space wi be subject to imediate
tow. The Association reserves the right, afer due notice, to reduce. the nùmber Of spaces
the spaces
consstently uted; . .
assigned to each home at any point in the futue~ should it be noted by the Board tht

are not being

II. Except for the parkig with closed.garges, any vehicle on which curent registation plates.
. . are not properlydiplayed, or any juD vehicle, truck, trer, boat boat trer, commercial
.. vehicle, camper, caper truck, house trer, stre vehicle, multiple vehicle or the lie,. any
. vehicle not parked
in parg
spaces which are located on common proper, any .
vehicle parked ona front, rear or side yard of any lot, or any vehicle in violation of any of the
vehicle matece rues sha be stckered by the Board or its agent by postg notication of.
the intent to remove the vehicle on sad vehicle. The notice sha diect the owner or operator
of said vehicle to remove the vehicle with two (2) days of the postg of the noticaton.

NOTE: Vehicles in repeatd violation of these Rules (i.e. havig two or more violatons in any
45 day period) wi be towed without fuer notice of violaton being posted on vehicle.
il. Vehicles not removed with the above specied perod sh be towed from the communty.
Any towig and storage chages or daage incured in the process, if any, sha be the
responsibilty of the owner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is determed to be owned by a tenant

.. Revised 6/15/95
or guest the unt owner and/or the tenat/guest may all be held. responsible for towig and
storage chages incured by the Association.

IV. The followig defitions shal apply:

a. Jun Vehicle - A jun vehicle is any vehicle tht is
incapable of passing curent Marland .
State Motor Vehicle Admstation inection procedures or. does not display cuent
registation plates.
b. . Truck - As defied by the Maland Deparent of Motor Vehicles and/or by

. .
usage and practice.

. . c. Traier - A traier is any vehicle which is drawn by anotler vehicle havig motive power.

d. CommerCial Vehicle - Any vehicle deemed to be a.commercial Motor

Vehicle Administaton for the State of Maland, or any vehiCle with commercial letterig
or signge on the body. . .
e. Camper - A camper is any vehicle drawn by a car or trck and used
as a temporar or
pernanent dwellg.
f. Camper Truck - A camper trck is any self-propelled camper.
g. House Traler - Same as camper.

.h. . Stored Vehicle - Any vehicle which rema sttionar in the common parkig areas
for a
period exceedig foureen (14) days. Such vehicles wi be tagged only upon a wrtten
i. Multiple.Vehicles. Eachtownome unt which is usg more than one (1) parkig space
wi have each of the vehicles identied as being in violaton, and
wi be given 48 hours
to remove al vehicles in excess of one. If excess vehicles are not removed, vehiCles in .

owners or resdents. .
excess of one will be subject to tow. ths policy wi not be applicable to
guest . of unt

V. No repai.or extaordi matenace of autmobiles or other vehicles may be cared out or

peormed on the Common Area or with any Lot except as provided in ths rue and fuer.
elaborated in Arcle VI, Section 6.02 (except for bona fide emergencies). Unless the prior Wrtten
approval of the Board of Directors is received, only.the followig maitenace and repai of vehicles
may be cared out or performed on the. Common Area:

a. Routie washig and wag.

b. Checkig fluid levels and tie ai pressue.
c. Using jumper cables to st a

d. Addig water
vehicle. .
to tle radator of a vehicle; providig, however, addig anti-freeze or any
other tye of coolant other th water is prohibited.
e~ . Adçlg. (but not dr) .oil to a vehicle providig no .0il.Is spiled or leaked onto .
. Common Area. .
Under no circumces may any matenace or repai of any vehicle, includig motorcycles
lie, be cared out on or with any Lot other than the interior of a dwellg.
and the

Revised 6/15/95

. ./

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;v~~:'::. ..' , ..;/. "j~b¡f 171./1 ..:.

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Board Secreta
Date I

Revised 6/15/95

Pursuant to Aricle IV of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrctions for the Gateway
Commons Homeowners Association, the Board of Directors hereby adopts the following
Delinquency Collection Procedure for the collection of Homeowners Association

1. Assessments are due and payable on the first (1 st) day of each month.

2. The Management Agent wil send a late notice for any assessment whièh is not
received by the Management Agent by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month.

3. A late fee of $1 0.00 will be assessed for any assessment which is not received by
the Management Agentwithin 15 days of the due date for that assessment.

4. A Notice of Intent to Create a Lien wil be issued to the unt owner at his àddress
. of record for any assessment which is not received by the Management Agent
withi 45 days after the due date for that assessment.

5, The Association will accelerate all remaig assessments for the fiscal year and
initiate a lien on the propert if payment of all outstanding balances is not
received by the Management Agent with th (30) days of the date of service
Intent to Create a Lien.

:fled.. . . . ..
of the Notice of

6.. A companion personal suit wil also beinitiated at the sare tie that tle lien is

analysis.. .
7. Filing and foreclosure is d(meol1a~ase-by-case basis. The determation to fie
for foreclosure is the above procedure and alsoa market
based upon the results of

8. . Consent of Judgement is not needed.

9. The Association is entitled to, and will pursue, all costs for collection, including
attorney fees and court costs.

10. The Board may, from time to time, approve payment plan for outstading
assessments. Payment plans must be submitted by the delinquent homeoWner, in
. wrtig, to the Management Agent for presentation to the Board of Directors.

Payment plans may be accepted by the Board on a case-by-case basis. The

determation to accept a payment plan is based upon the homeowner's payment
history and reasons for delinquency. Failure to fully comply with the terms of the.
payment plan will result in a lien and personal suit being filed by the Association.
Approved: lsi Scott Miller 8/12/95
Secretar Date

Revised: May 18, 2004

Effective: July I, 2004

Retyped verbatim 3/9/04 so that these procedures could be amended

~. ~. '~' .

¡ .... "#-,' '.

Proper Dog Shelter and ' Monigomery Couniv (Joyiirnmønl Wild anImals Ihat bile people should
Protectfon from the Elements
.~: Departm. ent 0. f. SUMMARY OF bo caplured. or confined, ir possIble, 10
penni, laboratory lasting lor. rabIes.
Chapter 5 of the Montgomery County Coe COUNTY AND STATE ".1. I .:: . ': ,.
.iequlreii Ihal all animals be nroVldOd wllh
. .~.~
~ll Animal Control CONTROL . Penally lor VlolliUon 01 QU818ßI1no
",.. proporiiheller or praiee Ion lrom Ihe
olomonls.". . . ,
Animal Conlrol and
i ii ~ . Humane
LAWS ::,
Procedures: $SOD MinImum.
. The Doparment of
HumsOllTreslmenl has eiilablliihed Ihe '.Treatmenl . V~c~i~~ii~n °ånd Uc~òslng
followingguidelliie8 .Ior proper sheller lor Requlrements' '..... .
dogs, Depending on Ihe ige, alze, end Crue.lly. to Animals '.l ".' . ~ : a ,." ,...". .
genera phYlIloal coml1Uo"s of Ihe animal, of Ahlmal
and weather condllioiis, IiddlUonal
'" .. Summary
It Is unlawlul 10 cause an animal Afl dogs and c.Bls .. monlhs 0' age and
prolocllonmay be ioqu rod. .. . , Control Laws unnecessary pain or sullerlng by over mùsl bo continuously vacclnaled '
aoalnsl rabies and licensed annually.
WSATHERPROOF:" Tho ohellar must bo of . , denyIng il adRqua,ie amounls o' Dogll~re required 10 wear the license
solid cooatltcUon wllhno cracka or oponlngs '. Services Provl~ed nUlrlUous load, necessary veler/nary
Issued by Ihe Departmen~ Cals Ihat
. olher.lhan Ihe enlrence. (Ranjimof . care, adequale waler. air, space and . go outside must ellhor wear Ihe
openings for vanllaUon aID accepiable In , · Pet Ucense sheller or prolectlon rrom lho wealher.
her.) II should be 01 wood IIcens8 or ba taUooed In Ihe mannor
hOI weal
conslrucllon WIIl no moial. iiurlnoes Inside. Procedures
ELEVATÌ!D-lhelloor 0' Bolld
Penally lor Vlolallon: Up 10 $1,000
Fine, Up 1.0 SQ Days In Jail, or Boll,.
". .tl' . \ . .'
prescilbed by the Deparlmenl.

MlnlmumPenl/'y lor Vlolallon:

conslruollon andt'houldbe elevaled ii
· UnvacclnllødDog/Ca' . . . . .. .. $500

lelSt 2 Inchiii off Ihiniround. "
AbandonIng Domestic · Unlicensed Dog/cai ............ $50
pliori;CTD EWnANC.E-The enlraco AnImals · Not Wairlng Uconse '
iihouili bo proiouiod lo.prOVORi,wlndl roln
Nol løllooød ...........:....... 150
and snow lrømblowlnø dlreolly on 110 II is unlawfur ror Ihe owner/cuslodlan
anlmel. This IccoinPJliihed by (a)
placIng a flexible IIap ovar the door. (b) 0' any dømilsllc anri"aiio drop or' Dog~' ~t Large ' ~'''.'' .
construallng an "L"iihapod bafle oulslde leave lhe anlrnalon a slreet. public
Ihe door; or (c) plaolng Ihii 'mni 01 Ihii dog II: Is' uniiiw'ui 'òr any' person 10 allow
house close IQ anolhor building, I.e.. house, nlenl 10
Ciace abandon
or on wllh lhe the'" dog to run allaroe. A dog 011 Ils
owne,'s properly musl be on a leash or
. , ~.11.::
bei, iihed, ela. or òlher. solid windbreak. ,
Pena/'tlor . Vlo/allon: Up fo $~,ØOO i,
BEDDING-Bedding must be dry. Straw, olherwlse under the Immedlale control
leaves,iihrødded paper and ~edarchlpa 0' a responålble person who Is cap.
makøgood beddlnømaieilal. Ruuii, clolh able .0' ."
,0 I' ",reslralnlng Ihedog.
:." . I., .
. and. blanketiul8 ,notnicommendaa. as Ihey AnlmaJs.That" Have Bitten or.
. hold welnes and wil freeze.- ." .. . Penal'y lor Vlo/aUon: $100 MinImum.
SIZE~lhìlhellel'aholild bit largå enougii 10 Scratched a Human . ... , '
allow the Mlmal 10 aland, lum and lie down . Dogs bii~w~d 10 run IOOsoo ire more
All InCldenls I~ which an anlm~i bji~s
comlortably,ønd iimall enough 10 allow Ihe .or scralchas any pe(Sonmusl be IIka'y 10 be axposed 10 iables. losi,
animal 10 warm Ihe Inlerlor wllh 1111 body
. promplly reported to the Deparlmenl slolen~ hit. by a Ctr. iniured or abused.
heal. The door(s) should be Jusi large enough In addllon;thoy may rlghlen or bile
10 illow Ihe animal 10 enlor IÌaiilly. 01 Animal Conlro' and Humane
someone., . . . . " \
SHADE..Ourlng hoI wealher the-anImal
Treatmenl 'norder 10 allow propor ' " :. '. '.. ," .:'
. InvesllgaUon and .quaranUne. ....0 .-
,iiholfid have access 10 a shaded 8t1 al ill CrehUng 'a 'Public' NulsancQ
. ~. .. Itt. .
lIlneslhroughoullhe day. ,~ I: ' Dogs or cåis muiii be quaranllned lor
PENALTY: Failure 10 provide adÌlquølll '10 days. The Deparlmenl wil deler. · No'ahlmal mav be permlliid 10
s6eller and prolecllon 'rom Uie elømiinlL II mIne where Ihii animal Is 10 be ' damage. 101J. delJo or delecaio on
. punlshable.Jy a minImum $500 line. quåranUned. Quaraniino8xpenseii ara propèrW othor thon lhe ownets. Fecai
lhe responsibilty or the animal', shall, be prompllYlimoved. and,
Excepllons '10 .lh1l88 standards' mui, bii
apPlOveid by .nAnlmai Conlrol afleiir or
ownor. Thii Deparlmanl must bii ' dlsPóslid ò, ~y Ihlt anlmnl's owner.
supervisor 00' .lhe Monlgomary (;dniy . noUned Iminedlaiel)l.' the animal · No anlniAI may be permlUed 10
DeparlmlinU' Animal Conlrol and Humane becomes. II or dles,durlng Iha " , causb a dlsiurbanøo,byixclJlslve
rroalmenl. . " quaranllneperlod. .. barking or,olhar noIUe'maklng.

.. , I. .'


~~:' ,1,'.

aulhorlzed by counly law 10 hear aniJ Low.Cost Neutering

. No animal may be permillod 10
molesl. aUack or lnterfere wllh abale public nuIsance. cruellyand How to License Your Pet
persons In Ihe public r1ghl-oI.way. vicious anImal. compliilnts. Area veterÎnarlans perrorm spå~lriii Thè lic~i1slng seellon is open Irom
chase vehlclesor aUack olher and neul!Jrlng at reduced rates lor 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Monday
domesllo anImals. The Soard may order any animal found. counly resldenlii When surgery Is through FrIday. Topurch811e a license
· No one may allow unsanUary.. 10 be a publlo nuisance delivered 10 arranged Ihrough the lowoCst . please mall or
Ihe Animal CO"lrQIOlfc~r unleliSan spaylNQUlor Program. '. ., brIng the following to
. dsngirousorofleniilv8 condillonato' alternate method dl aballng lhlt lhe Animal Shelleri.1.i04S Rothgeb'
exIst due 10 IheslzD or numbarol
. an'mals kelit or due 10 tho Inàdaquacy 'nulsancelslound.ln addition. the
may order Ihe. owner 01 an
Adoptions' ' .. Drive. Rock\llle. '.
o' Ihe laallles... :... .
. Board
Homaless anlmalš are. given a new · A,compleledpei reglslrallon
'anlmallhai causes personal InJury or slarl wllh approved lamJles. ' . , . a~pll~~l1on... i; i'' : ".
.TheAnlmal Mallors HearIng Board Is proriertydamagetopay damages 10,
aulhorlzød 10 hear and abale pUblic . Ihe InJured person as a condllon lor Prospective adopters may reglsler · A current robles vacclnollon
nuIsance complain Is. See "Services koeplng Ihe anImal. Tho amounl of Ihelr ipecllo.requesis on.lhø "Wan
I certllcale: vaåclnallon musl be
Provided" lor addllonel Inlormallon damages awardedmaynoi exceed L1sl." " ~ .. .' '. ..' "
: ' . good for at. least 00 days from dale
about Ihe Board. ... $~O ~er Incldenl.
Wildlie Rescue . you.apply for license.. .,: '

VicIous or Dangerous ," Ponally (or Vlolallon o( An/mal. . . · A check or money order for Ihe
Animals. '. Mailers HearlngBoard Ordor:
MInImum $500 Flnsand/or
Olfce starr con provldo advice on how
10 prevenl or eliminate Ihe 811racllon of
license ree. Please make check or
. money order payable ID:' .
Ananlmal that.posesa.physlcal threat Impoundment of Ille Anlmal(s). ~ nuisance wlldiire. Some humane traps Montgomery County, Maryland.
to humans, IIveslock orother animals
. c. -c,'_ -.' may be avilable lor capturing wild . '" ," . i ..:.,.
bV vlnue 01 trainIng or demonstrated Rabies VaccInation. Clinics animals. For Inlormatlon aboullhls' . LIcense Fees:., . :.'" i"
behavIor must be keptconllned In a servIce. call Ihe Departmenl or Nalural . Unalleied Dogs/Cats D.vor i Yoar Old:
. secura oiiclosurelo prevent dIrect Inlhe spring and lall 01 each year, lhn Resources at 1-80~42~0708. . $1Slórn 3 Year Ucense i .'
conlact wllh humans or olber animals. Department sponilors a serlsso' .
:- . rabIes vacclmllon cllnlcsfor dogs and Animals that can be rehabiltated aro
. '(No 1:VearOptlon) '. .. .. ,.
cals. The cllnlcsl\re st,fledby .. AIIsred Dogs/Cars Over i . Year Old:
licensed veterInarIans. andexparlenêed caredJorby trained volunteers unll
. SERVICES'PROVIDED Ihey eRn be releasBd back Inlo the wild. . $OlQr a 1 VeirUcenso
anImal handlsril.A Jlcensémustbe $lß.for n 3 Vear LIcense
purchaaedat tho . lime o' vaccination.
Investigation of C?o~plalríts . .,-:,' I:úmana Education . All Dogs/Ca.s Under t Year Old:
EtergencyRescue No charge. bulthe.anlmal must
Prog;ams designed 'or every grade have a County license.
AnImal Control Oflcers. respond .to level and lor cIvic groups are offered
and In\'esllgatøpubllc nulsancB, .. Tralnod drlvars Jllck upslcf( nnd by appolnlmonl. Toiirs ollho Anlmol Waivers ollhe hIgher unallored le6,
crtiJllyonil vlnliillu linliriol coinplalnlu. InJuJuiJ Iilray. unliiialu 2" hOlla.,¡ day. ShuJluruJu uloo Qvollublo. wil bu illvoll lor imliiuls cUII//Ui' by "
Ollcer: enforce county aod stale.. velerlnarlan asunab/a 10 be allered
Lost and Found' .
anlmairelaUld lawB. '
Obedience Tralnlng Cenlral Iles. updaled dally, aid In .
reunllng lost pelswllh Ihelr owners.
ForSalvlces Contact
Monigomøry County .
- . I. .
becauslJol age or hsal/h. .'

Yo'u Do Not,Have.To.,..'
Animal Sholler ........... .217.6999
ObedIence traning. C.Î8SS.'.es. io~dogs .
01 all ages am olfeiid. through Ihe Anyone who loses a pet or IInds
14645 Rolhgéb Drlve . Purçhase A.County . .
. Rockile, MD 20
Dep.artmenlof Reoreatlon. In addllon, someone else's pet should call Ihe License If '; ;,...... i. . . ' .,.
"helpeeselons" lo.colTctbehavlor Animal Sheller ImmedIatelY.. Offce Hours..
. problems are also available. Call the 10:00 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday.Frlday våù are a r~šldent of lhe Clly of
.. Deparment.of Røôrøitlon at J10ß.050 To reclaim a lost pellmpoundad allhe Adoption Houra.. Rockvllie or tha Clly of Gallhersburg
. for,addllonallnlormaUon. '. . Animal Shelter,lheowner muril pay an 1:00 p..7:O p.rn Monday.Frlday however. you are required to license
Impoundment and board lee and show 12:00 p.m-5 p.m SalUrday your pet wllh your local Department of
. 'Anllial'MåUers' Hearing prool 01 a cUITent rabies vacolnallon To look lor or Reclaim a ustPeL.. Anlmal:Control. Please call your local
Board .' : . and IIcomle.ln addllon,lhu owner may. 10:0 a.m..l p.m. Monday'Frtday
. 10; am..5:O p.rn Saturay'
agency. ror licensing Infonnallon. .
be subJect'to flneslor nón~ompllance ciiý ór. Rockvlllô ..'iJ.....:.... 309-115
with counly and stale lawe. . 24 Hr. Emergency.SølvlcB .. 279-1694
The Animal Mailers HearlngBoar II
Cll~ ar Galt~8rlburg ........ 25JJ43
'.. ':

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